Hungarian copula constructions in dependency syntax and parsing Katalin Ilona Simko´ Veronika Vincze University of Szeged University of Szeged Institute of Informatics Institute of Informatics Department of General Linguistics MTA-SZTE Hungary Research Group on Artificial Intelligence
[email protected] Hungary
[email protected] Abstract constructions? And if so, how can we deal with cases where the copula is not present in the sur- Copula constructions are problematic in face structure? the syntax of most languages. The paper In this paper, three different answers to these describes three different dependency syn- questions are discussed: the function head analy- tactic methods for handling copula con- sis, where function words, such as the copula, re- structions: function head, content head main the heads of the structures; the content head and complex label analysis. Furthermore, analysis, where the content words, in this case, the we also propose a POS-based approach to nominal part of the predicate, are the heads; and copula detection. We evaluate the impact the complex label analysis, where the copula re- of these approaches in computational pars- mains the head also, but the approach offers a dif- ing, in two parsing experiments for Hun- ferent solution to zero copulas. garian. First, we give a short description of Hungarian copula constructions. Second, the three depen- 1 Introduction dency syntactic frameworks are discussed in more Copula constructions show some special be- detail. Then, we describe two experiments aim- haviour in most human languages. In sentences ing to evaluate these frameworks in computational with copula constructions, the sentence’s predi- linguistics, specifically in dependency parsing for cate is not simply the main verb of the clause, Hungarian, similar to Nivre et al.