Santa Anna is Almost to !

Sun. 21- A cloudburst swelled the Medina River, preventing Santa Anna from crossing. He was only 8 miles from San Antonio. He rests his troops waiting for the water to recede. Jumpstart- Read your first journal entry to your shoulder partner at your table. Listen for historical information, vocabulary words and personal information. Give suggestions for improvement. Be sure and underline the vocabulary words. 13 days of the Alamo 13 Days of the Siege of the Alamo Day 1, Tues., February 23,1836 General Santa Anna arrived in San Antonio that afternoon with the vanguard of his army. A blood red banner was raised atop the bell tower of San Fernando Church, signifying that no prisoners would be taken. Col. Travis ordered a cannon fired in response. The Mexican soldiers fired back and the siege of the Alamo had begun. Day 2, Wed., February 24,1836 Gravely ill, Col. Bowie turned over command of the volunteers to Col. Travis. Travis sent Capt. Martin to Gonzales with a letter addressed “To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World.” Day 3, Thurs., February 25,1836 A messenger reached Col Fannin at Goliad. In San Antonio, Santa Anna moved his batteries closer to the walls. A strong norther blew in that night around 9:00 p.m. Document B – Travis’s Letter

• Who was William Travis? • Who did Colonel Travis hope would read this letter? • What reasons might Travis have had for writing this letter? • What effect might this letter have had on the people in the Alamo once it became known? Notes • Upon entering San Antonio, Santa Anna raised a red flag on the tower of a church, which was visible to those in the Alamo. • Travis wrote in his last letter that Santa Anna had demanded “surrender at discretion,” suggesting that if the Texans did not give up, they would be put to death. He did not promise, however, that they would live if they surrendered. • Captain Albert Martin was entrusted with the letter traveled through out the country and by March 30th had reached New York. Travis' Speech Journal Entry #2

• Date your entry “Evening, February 24, 1836.” It is now four days after your first entry. Clearly, Santa Anna’s army has arrived. Deep down, how do you feel about Travis’s letter to the world? Are you with him all the way? Are you having second thoughts? You can see Santa Anna’s troops beyond the walls! Vocabulary for this entry: