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The BG News December 1, 1989

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The Nation ys Best College Newspaper Weather Friday High 35° Vol.72 Issue 57 Low 20° December 1,1989 Bowling Green, Ohio The BG News Trustcorp BRIEFLY job losses Campus imminent Art displayed: The University s School of Art Gallery will TOLEDO (AP) — Trustcorp Inc. present the 40th annual Faculty announced Thursday that as many as Exhibition Dec. 3 through Dec. 14. 265 employees could lose their jobs The opening reception will take place next year in a merger with Society Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Gallery. Corp. The multi-media exhibition will "The jobs being eliminated are include oils, watercolor, sculpture, primarily in staff support operation, glass, jewelry, photography, drawing not in the customer contact area, and metals. Some of the pieces said John Fuller, a spokesman with displayed will be available for sale. Cleveland-based Society. He declined Gallery hours are weekdays 9 a.m. to elaborate. to 4:30 p.m. and Sundays 2 to 5 p.m. The changes were attributed to con- solidation of some departments and Registration begins: operations as the Toledo operation Students can register for merges with the larger Society organ- 3>ring semester classes at Firelands ization. allege beginning Monday through Jan. 5. Students must register in Fuller said most of the affected em- person in the Office of Enrollment ployees have been notified and that Services in the East Building. Office the layoffs should begin by the end of hours are Monday through Thursday January. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to "They (job changes) will occur as 12 p.m. we go through the year. I can't Holiday sounds: The overemphasize the fact that ... this Collegiate Choir and the A Cappella will be a continuing thing. Some peo- Choir will present a holiday concert at ple will not be dislocated until Sep- 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall. The choirs tember," he said. will perform "Hodie Christus Natus Although Society hopes to minimize Est', "Three Carols" and "Birthday the number of layoffs, the company Carol." Traditional Christmas carols thought it best to give an estimate of will also be performed. the potential layoffs to comply with BG News/Brock Vlsnlch Tickets are $5 for adults and |3 for the federal Worker Adjustment and Homework students and senior citizens. Retraining Act, Fuller said. Santa is coming: The chubby Sophomore Rick Pizem adds a beam to a model house that he has built from pressed particle board as part of a group project elf and his wife will be in the Union The law requires that employees be for his Residential Construction 306 class. "We're supposed to show the stages of construction in a residential house," Pizem lobby Sunday afternoon 1:30 to 4 p.m. notified at least 60 days before their said. He estimated that the model took 25 man-hours to build. thanks to the Classified Staff Council. positions are eliminated. The Clauses will be here to meet children, parents, students and any other community members, said Kay Church Gudehus. chairwoman of CSC House may pass crime bill special events committee. dent was murdered in her Lehigh University residence hall in Small toys will be given to all by Lynn Gagel 1986. chosen as children attending. Photos will be staff writer According to a spokeswoman from Goodling's office, no ac- taken for $3 and will be immediately tion has been taken on the bill, which was introduced to Con- available, she said. Students are Campus crime statistics are reported to the FBI by fewer gress in September. The bill was referred to the House Com- new editor encouraged to have their picture than 4 percent of all colleges and universities receiving fed- mittee on Education and Labor and from there, turned over taken with the jolly do-gooder, she eral financial aid — a figure that includes this University. to the subcommittee on post-secondary education. The Board of Student Publications added. However, House Bill 3344, introduced to the U.S. House of Goodling is now "trying to convince the chairman of the Thursday selected Beth Church as the When asked how CSC managed to Representatives and recently endorsed by the Undergradu- (Education and Labor) committee to schedule hearings on editor of The BG News for the spring have Claus visit the University during ate Student Government, could change that. the bill" when Congress returns to session in January, the 1990 semester. his busiest time of theyear, Gudehus This Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1989 spokeswoman said. The News recently said, "When you say Classified Staff would require all institutions of higher education served by Bowling Green's U.S. Rep. Paul Gilmor has yet to take a was voted the Best Council — he s here." federal monies to not only report their crime statistics to the stand on the bill, said Mark Isakowitz, a spokesman in Gil- Overall College Daily Briton to teach: British FBI, but to current students, employees and applicants for mor's Washington D.C. office. Newspaper for 1989 guitarist Michael Stockdale will give enrollment as well. "(Gilmor) is open to all points of view, but will wait to see by the Society of a masters class Dec. 1 in the Choral If passed, the bill could "prevent the occurrence of such which way it is going to emerge (from committee) before Professional Journa- Rehearsal Room 2:30 to 4 p.m. avoidable tragedies," said senator Jennifer Afrates, who is (he) endorses it, Isakowitz said, explaining that after going lists. Admission to the class is free. sponsoring the supporting bill in USG. through committee, the bill may be amended and change Church, a junior Stockdale is the department Rep. Bill Goodung of Pennsylvania, the ranking minority form. news-editorial major, chairman for guitar at the Center for member of the House Committee on Education and Labor, In addition to requiring colleges and universities to make is currently the news Creative Studies-Institute of Music crime statistics available, the act as it stands now, would editor at The News. In modeled the bill from a Pennsylvania law passed after a stu- past semesters, she Church and Dance in Detroit and teaches at D See Crime, page 5 Wayne State University. In addition, has held positions including copy edi- he is an artist with the Wolf Trap tor, assitant wire editor and city re- Institute for Early Learning Through porter. the Arts and frequently appears USG lobbies for more funding As the new editor, she said she hopes appears with the Detroit-based Lyric to maintain good relations with the CTiamber Ensemble. by Lynn Gagel their first focus and they plan to use their connections in newspaper staff as well as the Univer- Also, he will be a featured guest at staff writer Columbus to help the University secure funding for the sity community. the Bowling Green String Quartet project, Coughlin said. "It is important to encourage posi- Dec. 10. "The University has its priorities straight on what kind of tive interaction among the students, Undergraduate Student Government officers have taken building they want next," he said, adding that a classroom administrators and the city," she said. Celloist to perform: Guest on a new responsibility — lobbying in the Ohio statehouse for building is more practical than the previously suggested Church will succeed senior news- celloist Steven Elisah will give a free additional state funding for the University. convocation center. editorial major Angela Blandina, who concert at 8 p.m. in Bryan Recital When USG President Kevin Coughlin and Vice President "We're going to put everything we have into securing the was editor during the fall 1989 semes- Hall Dec. 2. Pianist Deborah Rambo Colleen McGinty ran for office last spring, their platform in- funding for it, he said. ter. A Perrysburg, Ohio native, she in- will perform with him. cluded a promise to represent University students on cam- The University ranks second lowest in the state in terms of terned last summer at the Springfield pus, in the city — and in the statehouse. classroom space, he said, but is the second best in the state in News-Sun as a general assignment re- Sounds presented: The They are attempting to fulfill that promise through USG's terms of efficiency in using that space — a fact of which the porter. Bowling Green Philharmonia will new effort to "involve ourselves in state policy as far as how Ohio Board of Regents is aware. The daughter of Charles and Marilyn present a free concert at 3 p.m. Dec. 3 much we (the University) are allocated, Coughlin said after "I think we can count on a substantial amount of money Church, of Perrysburg, she plans to in Kobacker Hall. a day-long trip to visit legislators in Columbus Wednesday. from the Ohio Board of Regents (to fund the building)/' graduate in December 1990 and pursue The Philharmonia is under the The construction of a new classroom building on campus is D See Lobbying, page 6. a career in newspapers. direction of Emily Freeman Brown. Music ensembled: The Early Music Ensemble, under the direction of Jean Widaman, will give Students trapped a free concert entitled, "Venecie Mundi Splendor: An Evening of Music from Venice and Vicinity" at 7 p.m. by slamming door Dec. 3 in the Choral Rehearsal Room. by James A. Tinker The imprisoned pupils commun- City staff writer icated with their free classmates via the control room speaker, while Toys needed: The those outside the room wrote mes- Northwestern Ohio and Southeastern Have you ever felt trapped in sages on a chalkboard. Michigan annual Toys for Tots class? Fortunately, building mainte- program will distribute toys at the Well, eight radio-television-film nance supervisor Robert Shamp annual Christmas basket giveaway on students spent more than 30 and locksmith supervisor Bruce Dec. 21 to 23. The new toys can be minutes locked in the control room Rutter came to rescue the stu- dropped off at Southwyck Mall, Food of 213 West Hall Thursday after- dents. Town, Kash and Karry and Phann noon. Apparently a vacuum was stores, Little Caesar's Pizza, Jiffy The students were attempting to created by the swiftly closed door, Mart, One Hour Martinizing produce a radio drama and the the maintenance men said. Cleaners, Toledo Zoo, Avco Finance script called for the sound of a door They agreed this was an unusual Companies, Dr. Photo, Dura slamming. incident, but recalled radio per- Corporation, Major Video, Churchilis So, HoUi Coitein slammed the sonnel having once been locked in Supermarkets, Crown Inn, Quality door. their studio while on the air. Farm and Fleet and J.C. Penney's. "I think I slammed it just a little "I told them to go for realism in BG News/Brock Vlsnlch too hard," Costein said. their sound effects and they went a Even though the doorknob could little too far," said Todd Searcy, a Compiled from local and AP Maintenance supervisor Bob Shamp.left. watches locksmith foreman Bruce Rutter, be turned, the door to the airtight graduate assistant teaching the wire reports disassemble a doorknob In West Hall Thursday to free RTVF 262 students. room would not budge. class.

i V The BG News A Market Square Hero Dennis Robaugh -An Independent Student Voice- - EDITORIAL BOARD One man's mind, another's gutter Angela Blandina Editor Great Ideas — a course which then attacks him just as the explores the ideas which have "... it gave Tipper Gore and the Rev. superego would, and he feels had a great influence on the de- guilty and falls unconscious. Amy Burkett Beth Church velopment of Western civiliza- Donald Wildmon a genital rash. "(Hunter says) 'You're al- Managing Editor News Editor tion. ways alone with yourself.' (And Psychoanalysis — an oppor- Bob replies) 'Yeah but it makes Amy Cole tunity for the paranoid ana in- for interesting sex.' He comes to Barbara A. Weadock secure to drop a bundle while and the Rev. Donald Wildmon wing automatically brings to the the realization and understand- Asst. Managing Editor Editorial Editor talking to a guy who doodles in a genital rashs. surface the repression of our ing that the only way he can little notebook. "The first image we are intro- character's desires. fulfill his desires is by making Bruno Bettleheim — a guy duced to is snow, white and "He wishes to smoke pot and love to himself. Since he is dis- who worships Sigmund Freud pure, the symbol of purity, inno- participate in sexual activity gusted by the snow and feels and takes this crap seriously. cence, ana virginity. He imme- (bulge, like the mountain of di- caged in by his desires, or Bettleheim says fairy tales diately screams and calls work shes, indicating arousal) but he having them relieved by an- Education can are not just childhood stories, because he doesn't want to have feels caged In, trapped into act- other, he can only relieve them they have deep psychoanalytic to deal with it. He then walks ing accordingly ana suppressing through himself.' meanings. I say Bettleheim had past the sink and makes note of these wishes. And they say / need psychoa- nothing better to do with his the mountain of dirty dishes. We "The birds complain of being nalysis. assist smokers time and decided to put his immediately realize that he harrassed by guys with smaller Robaugh, a news-editorial theories in a book instead of hasn't been active in the sexual brains than ours. Since the brain major, is a columnist for The spending his time shaving his arena. is located in one's head, and News. palms. "His disgust of the snow can head is a slang term for the male No one can argue that the ultimate long-term ef- Jennifer Griffin, a junior in Al- either mean he himself is a vir- sexual organ, we can see there fects of smoking are detrimental to one's lan Emery's Great Ideas class, gin and he is embarrased by this was some competition in the size Speak out health. Just how smoking and ailments such as thinks Bettleheim is crap. So she or that his last attempts at gain- department, and even though Letters to the, editor cancer are linked is debated, but the inevitable wrote a little paper which I am ing sex were futile because he his was longer he was unable to should be a maximum of smoker's cough and nicotine-stained hands and glad to share with you. Inciden- has come in contact with only defend his manliness because he 200-300 words in length and tally, she got an "A." innocent girls. The mountains of felt trapped (cage). Had he not teeth are not debatable — they are facts. felt trapped, he would have should be double-spaced, Quitting is often a frustrating feat, and many "Dennis Robaugh's article dishes symobolize his coming of and signed. Address or on- 'You can run, but you can't hide' maturity, he has grown and rea- 'crapped on their heads,' sug- campus mailbox number times smokers find themselves going back to the clearly reflected the ideas pre- ched certain sexual heights. gesting an anal fixation. along with your telephone pack for assorted reasons. sented by Bettleheim," she "This might also symbolize "(The conscience) scolds him number for verification, However, the University has finally shown wrote. Let me say, the article his growing excitement and sti- for criticizing his friends. This refers to a gun totin' bird named mulation which he has been occurs because he has repressed must be included. smokers some compassion by implementing smok- Hunter Thompson and his pal unable to quench (thus, he his desires and they have found Please address all sub- ing cessation classes. The classes are designed to Bob Woodward. hasn't done the dishes.) an outlet in this way. This fact missions to: educate smokers on effective ways to quit the habit, The story is rife with drug ref- "The picture of birds in a supports Freud's belief that re- Editorial Editor pressing needs often have dan- The BG News and most importantly, investigates why people erences and immorality. To put cage, smoking a joint, with a 210 West Hall smoke. it clearly, it gave Tipper Gore 'slight bulge' under (Hunter's) gerous results. The conscience The University can be congratulated in this in- stance for trying to solve the smoking problem through education and understanding. The University has tried to solve the problem of Letters second-hand smoke pollution in the past by simply banning the activity. This action showed no com- passion for tobacco addicts and cured only the People will accept mixed couples only when they accept other cultures symptoms of an illness —substance addiction. By making available to students the American To the Editor, It is important for people of all However, the need for an iden- chooses to wear a Michigan Cancer Society's Fresh Start program, the Univer- A cover story recently fea- races to identify oneself within a tity among mixed cultural re- sweatshirt is automatically sity is showing that it recognizes smoking as an ad- tured several articles dealing given society. Whether it be lationships is not clearly under- transformed into a Wolverine with interracial dating. The ar- celebrating Hanukkah, eating stood by society. In order to fan. diction and recognizes the need to give support to ticle voiced out the angry feel- with chopsticks or rooting for a prove that one is, for example, students who aretrying to quit smoking. ings of frustration felt by cou- team in a football game to vic- as a member of the Chinese cul- I think that society is afraid to Now that the program has been implemented, the ples who must endure society's tory, certain customs and events ture, society requires one to date accept couples who inter- University should consider making it a permanent silent criticism and stated that are valued as important to the and marry another Oriental. racially date not because of part of health services offered to students. With the reason behind interracial development of a person's per- Therefore, certain customs, their color of skin but rather be- differences were simpiy rooted sonal character and morals. In such as a conservative type of cause of the differences of life- support and education, many problems can be sol- in racism. Although staff writer order to maintain this type of lifestyle, the use of chopsticks style; people of different cul- ved — and smoking is no exception. Michelle Banks thoroughly de- identity, society requires a per- and the consumption of authen- tures cannot exist without fear scribes society's reluctance to son to become 100 percent dedi- tic foods, can be maintained. of being discriminated against accept this type of lifestyle, she cated to that particular event or Otherwise, their role within a until they actively learn to ap- forgot to include an important cause. For example, a person culture may become jeopar- fireciate and accept other ciil- factor that is, in my opinion, the from Ohio State would not be dized, may accuse the person of ures without criticism. Billing method real reason why society dis- caught dead donning University being "unethical" or "too Amer- courages mixed dating: the loss of Michigan paraphernalia nor ican in thought and action. It's Gloria Wu of identity. vice versa. as if an Ohio State student who 230 McDonald East is not effective Poor coverage of Faculty Senate resolution irks past presidents Persons living in the city of Bowling Green, es- To the Editor, mittee for Racial Justice also BGSU community informing fully with these issues. The edi- pecially persons living in rental properties, On Nov. 7 the Faculty Senate voted to support the Senate mo- everyone that the vandalism to torial on Nov. 10 made a feeble have received some unpleasant news lately. unanimously voted to "condemn tion. The members of this com- the Women's Studies office and excuse for not dealing with the That news has come in the form of electric bills the acts of violence and intimi- mittee understand that if any the threats to people of non- above issues. We must conclude dation and future similar acts minority group can be heterosexual lifestyles will not that either the editors do not that have jumped from anywhere from 650 to 1,975 which threaten the safety of any threatened at BGSU without be tolerated by the administra- know an important story or they percent. group or individual at BGSU. official objections from the ad- tion. Instead of being covered in are part of the problems that What, pray tell, could make one household in- This resolution was a response ministration, the faculty or the front page in bold print, 77ie exist at BGSU. crease its electric consumption by nearly 2,000 per- to the vandalized Women's Stud- campus newspaper, then no BG News gave it the same Elliott L. Blinn, member of ies office and the threatening minority group is safe on cam- coverage as they would give a the Faculty Senate cent? graffiti found on their door as pus. However, this vote was not letter thanking people for sup- David Newman, past presi- It seems that the city has implemented a new well as the threatening mes- reported in The BG News. On porting the football team. dent of the Faculty Senate method of billing for electricity usage. According to sages written on the pavements Nov. 28, the Senate's resolution The Women's Studies office Ronald Stoner, past president City Utilities Director Daryl Stockman, the estima- of the campus directed at people was finally printed. It was found was vandalized, but this was not of the Faculty Senate tion method is based on consistant usage through- of non-heterosexual lifestyles. hidden on page three in the important enough to be covered Joe Perry, past president of out a long period of time — from one month to one The Faculty Senate motion was middle of an article titled "Har- in The BG News However, the the Faculty Senate meant to be a clear message to assment policy lacking." This is murder investigation of Mr. Fox Editor's Note: All letters year. the University community that a woeful response to a Faculty is covered in detail on the front submitted to the editor are Stockman stated that the method works best for the faculty condemns these acts Senate resolution. page. treated in the same manner, re- permanent residences, but is often inaccurate for of intimidation which have been The president of the Universi- We do not know the The BG gardless of the source. If print- rental properties where electric consumption is occurring at BGSU. The Com- ty wrote a letter to the entire News has refused to deal force- ed, letters appear only on the ed- highly variable. itorial page. While it is admirable that the city is trying to Fatman by John Boissy

shave dollars off the budget with bi-monthly elec- Jjif. <3/» MCTKO CITY /a A- TMC i**smi*ou% D* SA .*•*€* AAwcr (7H£ "Sr>i O* TX ^TWAM" MAfc/C ycAH, ftiftMT'AuTvonmei tric meter readings, the practicality of such a plan wcae X*«**T-UOJ* FOOL* .' a*v i**c wc-s-w OP -r«-*e OA-T- should be analyzed. c** corv* Qotocm AND T»*e FTM+J ••Nemo c/r^i 'taPuuthtr MAN " Alfer C6yC CwCAftAcwA now, before any more off-the-wall billing state- <"Fcr*© erf •*•**£.<. ..r*r»'*s» flv TVAUMO vooH brAf-to-MD fcsr A«-*E> T»*e *-^*a t*jr ififA. aan/i*a R^ccc Ccx*m/4*.o*j«*^MMESL /*!**!**& OoflO^fM Af*t> FWtAW ments embarrass the city and empty renters' pock- |A*S»& VO_-« rt&ao/ A#m. «e<-AT»b. toe /-*©*•* FZJ* etbooks. 7>«*iAJ** «»n-VAVO .. AFvjfiMOrg /S tC*-Ac*1/AJi> 7>*-vr THeV TOOK TWC CO"*Ht*& 0*J e«* A/stf> ACTlO ftowff POLJC*. CJIH- HOT '"INC* The BG News Staff NJEW=J /*T7~f*Kj / M*50£ I * A &*caAi"(cec> KM GAT-MAKIS Pholo Editor John GnWhop Copy Editor Ire HOLY NAME AMI Photo Editor Pet Mino*rti Copy Editor Mr Groger Sports EdHor Oon Heneley Copy Editor Tanya Moore A*JO WE... Asst Sports Editor Mark Hontabnnkef Copy Editor Khaton Kwlathowaki Wire Editor Deoorah Hippie Copy Editor Angela Murphy City Editor Oreg Plaoens Copy Editor Maria Parma L-UJZL r/rs AWSO mwANf' Enlertammenl Editor Christian Thompson Copy Editor Mary Reinkoeater Asst Entertainment Editor Chris Dawson Production Sup'r Mome Near Green Harvest Twp. 'Chief Copy Editor Uaa Schumacher Production Sup'r Lynn Slawem byV.M.C. Chief Copy Editor Brands Young Production Sup'r Ryan Tali HOW> m Thm BG News la published dsey Tuesdsy through Friday during me academic year and "PAP/5 ABOUT To Uh, Ttif&S A TKff ,..fSftc/MCT NM weekly during the summer session Dy the Board of Student Publications of Bowing Green FOR OLD cm State Unweraity Opinions expressed by columnists do nol necesssnty reflect the opinions of The BG News SF FJBERIZED. TEOFLE LIKE The BG News and Bowling Green State University sre equal opportunity employers, and do YOUKSCXr~. not dojcrmnate In hiring practices Tht BG New* w» not accept advertising that is deemed diecnmmalory. degrading, or iri OOOB /of ineumng on the beala or race. a««. or national origin lOU, RAP...

copyright 1»B» al rights reserved ionic* Editorial Office 2t4 Weal Ma» Ph («18> 3722601 210WeetH*l Ph (4191 372-2803

Bowling Green Stale University Bowling Green. Ohio 43403 0278 6.00 a.m. to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday THE BG NEWS MNtwi December l.Wtt S

BG News should give more information on issues "President's Pen" column does not speak for USG To the Editor, nor condoned his comments on Coughlin wants, for a grand affecting minority groups in Bowling Green area There are those of us within either issue. Therefore, though total(coming directly from stu- USG that feel the need to remind the above may indeed come dent pockets via fines and fees) certain individuals, most espe- from "The President's Pen." of $60 million. In addition, the To the editor, leagues would open their eyes by putting it in a memo instead cially The BG News that USG is they are NOT, as you stated in contractors we talked with and be aware of what is happen- of putting it right by the check- made up of three branches: ex- your editorial, the ideas or pro- stated you could add approxi- I am writing in response to the ing around them, they would see out where everyone could see ecutive, legislative and judicial. posals of the Undergraduate mately $10,000 per space for be- article "Racial sign at grocery that racism is present every day it." For God's sake, discretion is Further, our constitution plainly Student Government. low-ground construction in investigated," which appeared on this campus. not the issue! It should be clear states that the role of president Second, after Coughlin threw areas where it is possible, which in the Nov. 8 issue of The BG to the writer, no matter where is solely administrative. Most his temper tantrum at the last it is not on top of bedrock. News. This is just one of the From an article in the Nov. 9 the sign is placed, discrimina- recently your paper rightly at- General Assembly meeting be- Finally, if Coughlin indeed many examples of the insensiti- issue, I learned that this may not tory actions are criminal. Hid- tacked the sophomoric pronoun- cause he wasn't consulted about wants this parking garage so vity and ignorance with which be a racial incident, but one of ing racism solves nothing. cements of the current USG the parking plan, some of us in- badly, why don't we all chip in your newspaper treats racial is- bad credit. This is irrelevant, Racism is a major current is- president, unfortunately you vestigated his suggestions. Ob- and buy him a very large ham- sues. however, as I am not taking is- sue in the United States. In order also made it sound as If his viously, anyone that has been in mer and a sharp chisel and wish sue with the grocery store, but to maintain credibility as a news statements represented a con- Bowling Green more than 20 him luck? In the meantime, let's From the opening line of the with the treatment of the issue source, The BG News should de- sensus within USG on the cur- minutes knows that six inches try and work out the bugs in the article, Michelle Banks displays by The BG News. velop awareness of racial is- rent parking proposal. As with beneath our soil is solid bedrock, proposal and move with the her ignorance of racism: "What sues. In order to maintain re- his last proposal (e.g., letting forcing you to blast if you want mainstream which long ago rec- could possibly be the second oc- The offense of the article is the spect of many of your readers, 18-year-olds into local bars) to plant a rose bush. If this were ognized that mass transporta- currence of racism in Bowling emphasis on the sign and its lo- you must develop sensitivity. Coughlin speaks for himself, not enough to preclude the idea tion (e.g., a campus shuttle) is Green this year." It is alarming cation, as opposed to the racist representing his own interests of a multi-level underground the direction to go. that she could possibly believe practice. A student was quoted and aspirations and not those of parking garage then try this: that this is only the second inci- as saying, "The manager could Kelly Harrington USG. This is because the Gen- the cost would be $20,000 per Craig K. Taliaferro dent this year. If she and her col- have been more discreet about it 103'"ICoi Compton eral Assembly neither voted on space, times the 3,000 spaces USG Senator

Jniversity Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony^. 88.1 FM WBGU presents Falcon Monday & Hockey on Friday and Saturday nights December 4th as Ferris State comes to town. '•'& outside the (Jniversity Union * * at 6:00 P.M. F€flftls ...J^fThe tree will be lit by President Olscamp! JS.-. vs. STfiT€ ^ Come see Santa Claus!! Q. ^ Sing with the carolers!! Join Joel Yashinsky and Todd Goldberg "■Js Free hot chocolate & candy canes! * as they bring you all the action beginning "jt Another quality program sponsored by( at 7:25 p.m. on 88.1 FM WBGU. ********************* *

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Rudolph's Revenge December 2,1989 9- « ^F ^F « 9- ^n ^F ^rT


4 ISNtm Dtctmlwi 1,1989 Campus Life

FRIDAY. SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY 3 Pack T-120 35 Light Set Preview Day promotes BG Video Cassette < 73 * 704 1 - students and 1,800 total people An estimated 200 faculty and Indoor or Outdoor ™ by Jeremy S. Weber To promote the event, the Of- by HI TECH 8 reporter turned out to "see what Bowling students will be volunteering as fice of Admissions has distrib- Green has to offer," Glick said. tour guides, running informa- uted fliers to every high school tion booths, or answering ques- in Ohio and selected schools out- The 1989 Hundreds of prospective stu- Although this attendence was tions, he said. side the state. They have also dents, along with their parents lower thin normal, he said it fiurchased ads at each home Hallmark and families, are expected to was more effective because "These people feel the need to ootball game and been publish- visit the Bowling Green campus more individualized attention promote information about their ed in a composite calendar, Christmas nut MMK Saturday during the second of could be given to the students college," Glick said. "They feel printed by the Ohio Association CHRISTMAS two preview days this fall. participating. it is in their best interest to pro- of College Admissions Counsel- Album WRAP Preview Day is offered to mote their school. In fact we had ors. $ 95 TRADITIONAL. "enable prospective students to While Glick said attendence is to turn some information booths Only 2 CONTEMPORARY OR become acquainted with the usually much lower at the sec- away because there wasn't JUST FOR KIOS campus and receive answers to ond Preview Day, he added that enough room for them.'' Preview Day has been offered with any Hallmark 3a0US*XH*CHfSi»sou*MFin any questions they might have," of those students who attend it, for about 10 years, Glick said. purchase. $ Executive Associate Director of 80 percent apply for admission. Preview Day participants will Admissions Tom Click said. also be given the chance to at- "The cooperation has been Featuring The Mormon outstanding, to say the least," 1.99 Activities begin at 9:30 a.m. "Usually we find that on the tend the men's basketball game Glick said. "Certainly when you Tabernacle Choir - with displays by almost 75 col- second day, the students have against Youngstown State Uni- have this many people involved, Sarah Vaughan — Samuel lege offices, organizations and already decided to apply for versity, which is the first time a it is a major, major campus Ramey. Get yours soon, services set up in the University admission and are us in e the day basketball game has been used event." while supplies last! Union's Lenhart Grand Ball- to make a decision on whether or as an attraction. room, Glick said. not to come here," he said. "On During the last Preview Day the first day, the students are u- 1 fe&. on Nov. 4, about 600 high school sually just shopping around." Find your pot of gold HERIHEYS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS COMPUTER SOFTWARE SALES in The BG News classifieds CANDIES CARD RED & GREEN FOIL KISSES. ASSORTMENTS Rapidly expanding computer software REESE S PtANUT BUTTER | development company seeks self-motivated, MINIATURES OR ASSORTED 20 COUNT $2.49 MINIATURE CANDY BARS technically skilled inside sales representatives on FAMOUS FORTY $Q AQ U COUNT »#■"¥«# a full-time or part-time basis. The qualified ATTENTION GRADUATE STUDENTS I40Z Cl I 3 individual will have knowledge of dBASE and related products as well as the ability to work in a Graduate Student Senate is looking for a PILLS-N-PACKAGES highly telephone intensive environment handling PHARMACY incoming sales orders. We offer an exciting dependable graduate student to fill the 111 Railroad 352-1693 opportunity, competitive salary, bonuses and full executive position of GSS Treasurer benefits. for the spring semester. Interested Qualified individuals should contact Janet Hurtt, EARN YOUR WINGS Personnel Manager at Fox Software, 134 West graduate students should contact the South Boundary, Perrysburg, OH 43551, To qualify for Warrant Officer 419/874-0162 GSS office at 372-2426. Flight Training, you'll need a high school diploma, and pref- erably two years of college. Then you must complete Army Basic Training before going Out DELTA SIGMA PI FALL to flight school. Successfully 1989 DATE PARTY complete flight training, and Amy K. & Trevor Elizabeth & Rich you could have the wings of Laurie H. & Darrell Todd & Kathy an Army aviator. Brian & Dawn Jane & Chris It isn't easy, but it's worth lP%s±snt to Marsha & Greg Heather & Brian every hour you put into it. To Debbie & Mark Lisa S. & Rick find out more about Warrant oul

Here's a tip... a tax tip. If you've got tax questions, you can get the answers by calling the IRS Tele-Tax service, a recorded information service on about 150 topics. The phone Walking in a number is in your tax package and telephone Windsor directory. Wonderland %c *- -AAMkfcrvlnornaMf

Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity's Campus Pollyeyes1 offers WINTER FORMAL!!!!! Stocking Stuffers with Passport II • (her SO been from 12 coualrlts Windsor, Canada • Order M pta plat St recelie December 1, 1989 i passport book • Completion of tbt book entitles (Diplomatic Immunity) rot to I Wirsleioer THE BG NEWS

■QN»wi Dtcimbtr 1,1989

Crime Kissinger foresees D Continued from page 1. the Administration has a prob- also require institutions to pu- lem with it, maybe they should blish: do something about it." Dannual reports of security Several senators backed up a united Germany policies and crime statistics, in- Afrates' reasoning. of the upcoming Bush — Gorba- cluding information on access to "What we would be doing is by Wynne Everett chev summit. residence halls, providing pertinent information staff writer "If the Soviet's pull a surprise, Da statement of University ... about (the students') personal it would be very irresponsible," policy on possession of alcoholic safety," USG senator Chantel TOLEDO — Former Secre- he said. beverages and illegal drugs, Ayers added. "It is not a bad tary of State Henry Kissinger Asked if he believed Mikhail Da statement on University thing to do." called the reunification of Ger- Gorbachev would significantly policy regarding the possession "I don't think it should be many "unavoidable" in a press alter American foreign policy of weapons. looked at as something negative conference before his appear- and survive his own process of USG showed its support for because it is something students ance at a fundraising dinner in change, Kissinger said the So- the act by passing a Dill pro- should know about," USG sena- Toledo Thursday night. viet Premiere had a 50-50 posed by Afrates and the Stu- tor Kevin Turner said. The German-born Kissinger, chance of maintaining his dent Welfare Committee last A copy of the passed USG leg- who later spoke at the Junior •power. Monday. islation will be sent to the Uni- League's "Toledo Afterhours" "That's the $64 question," he Several USG senators ex- versity Board of Trustees and to formal fundraising dinner, said said. "But you cannot base for- pressed concern that the pub- the members of Congress who he believed the reunification of eign policy on one personality." lishing of such statistics may put represent the University. the East and West German the University in a bad light, but Afrates also urged senators and states will come within the next Asked about his views on the Af rates argued that the students students to write their con- ten years. Central American crisis, Kis- have a right to know what goes gressmen In support of the bill. "There are a lot of people with singer said he expects the region on at the University. "We're in tor an uphill great doubts about the unifica- to stabilize within the year. "If Barbara Waddell (public battle," USG President Kevin tion of Germany," Kissinger information officer) doesn't Coughlin said. "I don't find it said. "My question is, who is go- "I think there's a good chance have a problem with it, I don't hard to believe that this Univer- ing to keep them apart? The of getting Central America set- think we, those who represent sity administration is ready for majority of the people want to tled in the next year even though the students, should have a prob- that — even if we are In the best join witn the West." it looks in turmoil now," he said. lem with it," Afrates said. "If (lowest) in the state." Kissinger said he is excited to see this change happen in his lifetime. Enjoy Good Living in '89 with "It's a historical change," he said. "It's one of those moments that comes very rarely when PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO. everything is shifting simulta- 835 High SI - Rental Office neously." Located at Cherrywood Health Spa It is in the United States' best Phone 352-9378 9:00 - 4 30 interest to support the inevitable Monday - Friday reunification, Kissinger said, so 9 & 12 month Leases Available as to play a hand in a reunifica- tion that will be best for the Foaluras United States economy and 2 bedroom • 1 '■ balhs national security. PIEDMONT APTS. Furnished wall lo wall carpeting Regarding the loosening of the Extra large closets Imen closet hard-line communist hold on BIRCHWOOD PLACE G50 SIXTH ST. Gas heat and cooking other European countries, Kis- PARTY ROOM FOR RENT Laundry areas in each building singer said he believes the cur- Patio area ■ grills available rent trend of democratization Sound conditioned interior will continue. "These communist regimes All residents will have membership privileges to Cherrywood Health Spa cannot maintain themselves ex- Complete facilities lor men and women cept with terror," he said. • Hydro - Spa Whirlpool • Indoor Heated Pool Although he believes the re- cent upheaval in Europe will • Metro Sauna • New Weight Equipment cause a fundamental change in • Complete Exercise Equipment • Tanning Booth Available foreign policy, he hopes nothing more significant than a broad philosophical discussion comes % Planning a HOLIDAY PARTY? L *£ Let Food Operations Help/ 3 S . HOLIDAY PARTY TRAYS s HORS DOEUVRES SANTA CAKES CHEESECAKES ASSORTED DESSERT TRAYS 1 Complete Carryout Service Available 1 Available Through December 14 To Place Your Order. Call: jH 7:00 pm 372-2891 jtff Cash. Coupons or Charges Accepted


POWARD'S-M. 210 N. MAIN 419-352-9951 I ' SUNDAY I MONDAY I TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY :;»Y.{V DECEMBER**;'/*3 Viraaitort- ^ MAKftlONe WHO Buck 1940 I9Z0 * • HOURS: MON-SAT: NOON TIL 2:30 AM A& t * ■ \. * .SUNDAY 2:00 PM TIL 2:30 AM' 3653 DAYS A Brothers 1 » « t * » " * * * * fbupiNb. georgia rWeciMoNi georgia peach VM^rC |90| peach ti «. band.

IZ fM\W ffeDrllflflON -plciONSdH Vr'I Mike Katon v J 1690 WlA ha nd S/M | J6N6 MfW60 -vrti e iAMr-& mtep 2b 1V)tMAf griswald s '1571.'..--.«9 VJoCbV^rZj! *4H % * v.* organic? THE BG NEWS * lOKtwi December!, 19S9 Kicks will benefit kids Karate tournament aims to help local needy children nament have an option of paying of the University's karate club, by Scott Scarborough cash or donating new or good said it is important that his or- reporter used toys in order to receive a ganization is aiding the commu- discount. nity. The Christmas wish "Peace At the tournament, an IBM on Earth, Good Will To Men" and an Apple computer, donated "We Just want to help out will not apply to the Bowling by the Data Corp., will be raffled some needy kids and make them Green area s martial art war- off as well. happy," Postich said. "It's im- riors who are using their fists Grant Tansel, crime preven- portant for people to know that and feet in battle to help the tion officer with the police de- (karate's) more than Just kicks needy children of the city. partment, alias "Granta Claus" and punches." during the Christmas season, The fourth annual "Santa said the event has been very Besides helping needy chil- Kicks for Kids Karate Tourna- successful in the past. dren. Postich said he believes ment," sponsored by the Bowl- "Last year, we made $1,500 people will get a basic under- ing Green Police Department and collected five van loads of standing of karate through and the University's karate toys," he said. "(The karate watching the tournament. classes, is scheduled for Dec. 3 classes) put everything together "People can see that (karate from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Ander- and we reap the benefits." is) different from what you see son Arena. The department will deliver in'The Karate Kid,'" he said. This tournament will help toys to over 400 children and this eromote the department's "San- year, the department will team Registration for the program I'S Toy box" program which with the area Jaycees and their will begin 10 a.m. Sunday. The Iirovides new and used toys for ■'Christmas Elves" program in entry fee is $5 dollars and a new ocal needy children. order to expand outside Bowling or good used toy, or $10. Admis- Those wishing to be contes- Green, he said. sion for spectators is $2 or a new tants or observers in the tour- Shawn Postich, vice president or good used toy. Lobbying a Continued from page 1. sembly in the state of Ohio." with University President Paul BG News/John Potter Coughlin said. "(But) we're That is where USG enters the Olscamp and his executive as- Circuit Check going to need to rely on a small picture. sistant Phil Mason plan to begin Visiting scholar Jlnghal Yang experiments with computer chips Thursday evening in the newly renovated portion from the General As- He said he and McGinty, along a "concentrated effort" to bring Physics Electrical Lab in North Overman Hall. Yang, a visiting student from China, was studying the func- legislators to Bowling Green to Uons and abilities of different chips. talk — not to administrators and trustees, but students about what the University needs. Targeted legislators and state officials will speak to students 'PRICI<&VALI ^GUARANTEE on both a formal and informal assures yon qfreceii ing the rety best icthus in jewelry. basis. J^J ► THIRKHAKDPonsxy Lf ftoa GUXASTU > Altw7ATio\FIKWCHVUCW) ► TntVoii*iBiiiw,Pawt* ► THERICHAKDPinvm 100DA,RrnKsPoua HOME FALCON HOOPS HERE'S ONE CREDIT YOU WONT HAVE TO STUDY FOR- IT "THE HOUSE THAT ROMS"

A $200 INSTANT CREDIT being offered exclusively to Bowling Green State University students and faculty by Richard Potasky Jewelers. and And it couldn't be easier to get. In fact, it's already in The Bowling Green Gaming Society your hands. Our gift to you is a 20% discount when you Present bring this ad into our Woodland Mall Shopping center location, 1234 Main Street in Bowling Green, arid fill out GRM€F€ST III a Richard Potasy charge account application With it December 1 st thru 3rd you're entitled to $200 instant credit. at Hidden Realms 126 W. Wooster Roleplaying, Strategy, & Board Games AD & D • Car Wars • Talisman • Warhammer Instant credit approval is subject to the Cyberpunk and many more conditions stated in the credit agreement, credibility and sufficient income. FREE AND OPEN TO ALL GAMEFEST HOURS Friday 6 PM - 12 PM Saturday 11 AM - 12 PM Sunday 11 AM - 6 PM BGGS M€€TS FRIDflVS AT 6 PM IN ROOM 222 OF TH€ €D. BLDG. CONTACT TOM CIC€R€LU RT 669-2344 FOR MOfl€ INFORMATION

OUR COMPUTERIZED BUY WILL Turn your Used Books Into Cash NtMICMi lariftMIke HsaMh ft Dan Ttnafttcott BMMftUrk Karon ft David VALID UNIVERSITY I.D. REQUIRED Angola ft m* white StaMon Hylftleit JodyftSIIJ Oorl ft The Mystery Man Tammy ft Tom Mary Seth ft Adam Maml ft Mr. lubM Jeram* ft His Woman Andrea ft Srion Oat of Control ft Come on TJt. MM* ft Km Juke ft. ft Scott Murphftktom Cam ft Dave ocations Jodie ft icott MntDoogM Chlckea IIM* ft Jbnbo Mindy ft Tlfflffly f

you can even do this: Saue Saue fls... * Matintosh'computers have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety Print... §gP of Apple* Macintosh computers and peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle for an ordinary PC. With The Quit ma Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money

Business College MacFest The Macintosh Sale. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Second Floor BA Lounge Now through January 31. Monday, December 4 Everyone Welcome i HOME FALCON HOCKEY TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT! THE BG NEWS • lONtwi Dtctmbti 1,1989

BG gymnasts set for meet Tactics in NFL the potential of this year's highlight of the semester for the skills we are working on and I by Mike Mominry squad. The meet will give Head see a lot of potential. _ sports writer Coach Charles Simpson a With plenty of good talent The juniors include team cap- chance to evaluate the women's coming back from a year ago, tain Lori Pinegar, Nikki Condon. under scrutiny The Bowline Green gymnas- performance in a simulated sit- this season's squad will look to Kim Crawford, Kirstin Scott and As the Eagles and Cowboys block a decade ago, when Bill tics team will tumble into action uation. finish strong in the Mid- Meg Griffin. Sophomores Julie have been exchanging barbs "This meet gives us a chance American Conference. A solid Zickes, Mary Beth Friel and Walsh took over a 2-14 team .this weekend, as they compete freshman Robin Wall also will about Buddy Ryan's alleged and started it on the road to in an intrasquad scrimmage in to test our new routines and look core of juniors will lead BG this bounties, now comes a new three Super Bowls and now, the annual Brown-Orange meet at where we are at this time of season, as good,talent in the play an integral roll on this controversy — the use by the perhaps, a fourth. Saturday at 11 a.m. in Eppler the year," Simpson said. "We freshman and sophomore class- year's squad. 49ers of below-the-knee "cut es also add support. "At this point there is nobody North Gym. like to compare this year's tal- blocks" by offensive linemen. "It's a legal block and hap- BG will kick off its 1969-90 ent with last year's. We have "We have some good talent that really stands out," Simpson coming back this year," Simp- said. "It's really up in the air Kns all ot the time in foot- season with the traditional been practicing five days a Such blocks are legal, but U," says coach George meet, hoping to gain insight on week, with this meet being the son said. "There are some new who is going to come out and be they're also considered a the leader. Seifert, who took over this questionable and injury- year from Walsh. "It'spart of The good mix of all-around causing tactic by many talent in the three classes should the game and a style of block- AXI] Axn Axn AXO Axn Axn Axn AXQ players and coaches. And ing that we've used for the be a key to the future for the they are used most exten- past 10 years." team's success. Simpson said he sively by San Francisco, sup- believes his team can compete posedly a "finesse team" But other teams deeply re- well this year and will have the rather than an one with an in- sent it, as the Giants did when potential, with its talent, to be timidating reputation, like very successful. Lawrence Taylor was C3 the Eagles or Bears. knocked out of their 34-24 loss % Why? Because they're ef- to the 49ers Monday night X fective. when he was hit below the < It's no coincidence that the knees by rookie tight end 49ers began using the cut Wesley Walls. q x r) < ABQAErHIv?KAMNOnflPETTe»XgZ

I x < WOTH AM AVfrol Introducing the 1990 Panhellenic Council DH£EM&BR Jii 1W •X : Executive Board X KM.-Cm* UMMI WiS MM* < tmlm Stm M4M J-i-J- brMM, HM-PM IMi Knttv-CwiftMhw ifeia m-w President q Ki.-AI l«-D>m KVrur-GrNM Amy Vojta Tm-lt Nmfc-Dmt BMVB x m-w RMrWi Jm-B*. V.P. of Membership Development Andrea Beaudoin < K*,-% Urnmltm CWiti-Mm TM^-KM W4fa Mmn-Trmt V.P. of Rush Ann Brogan iZtmn ■MW mkm-Stm *mit*m •Ib-M sukf-ewt V.P. of Rho Chis Stephanie Headlee X NMMU-DM) Kw-Sffa ukiswr (Mr-PipiM I'll flirt Jml-W. Cabinet Director Jennifer Salvino < Vl»HI-J.«» "n M-fa* tawN Hi MHHI w-w Secretary Julie Thomas JtMM-'O'D VWUa-BriM m-a* tns* Treasurer Ashley Matthews Im-M Mjfc) Hbir-M X Krt,-Ckht JMH£ «M-0M < Stn-M WI»-C«| , hrN-twt Om-T-I Mfc-fm RH-Scmy *■)-!>» Mmm-C'* Tin ' W. TV. Prm\ TV. *WM Dtt.i: a mm hTST HMtdll. KM* Congratulations! X Dim-Dm •M4M It*-ill. a* < AXfi AXfi AXQ AXfi AXO AXIJ AX12 AXJ2 ABaAE»rHIyKAMNOnQP£TTe»XSZ

Sammy Slammer ft Ziebart Bert & Ernie Jeff & Jamie Cookie & Santa Finally a student job to Jim & Susan Sprout ft "Doc" Heidi & Lou Melissa & Jason Lisa & Drew Shelley ftDeag's Angie & Dave (I think) Lisa & Kevin you'll actually put Julie & Paul Megan & Todd Debbie & Shawn Chris & Tom Marsha ft Tom unr ■ Susie ft Johnathon onyour resume. Jill & Tim Buddy Bob Legal & Kelli Dez & Bernie Brown! Jackie & Greg Mind you, we're not putting down such noble, time-honored student Dl ft Boomer Bengali DELTA ZETA Jack & Michelle jtraditions as delivering pizza, cleaning lab rat cages, or tending bar. Kelli D. & Brybee Kim ft Troy Amy & Milke DECEMBER 2,1989 Kristen & Rob But for some students, Apple Computer offers a more rewarding way] Christ! & Todd Chris & Matt to help make ends meet- Pokey ftGumby Mary Beth ft Jeff Robin & Din- Becoming an Apple Student Rep. Beth & Willeke Lisa ft Brian Anna ft Matt Jenifer & Brian Gina ft Eric Lisa & Her Dog If selected, you'll become a paid consultant for the local Apple Higher Mary & The Doctor Julie ft Keith Heather & Todd Education account team. You'll help plan and implement Apple marketing Norina ft Paul Nancy ft The ProutMan Tammy & Todd programs on campus. And you'll be kept current on all the latest news Melissa ft Jim Shannon ft Rick Generic Woman ft Generic Marl about Apple* products. Vicki Moo ft W Melissa ft Don Mlchele & Frank Penny ft the unknown boy! Colleen ft Shawn Kelly ft Kevin Most important, we offer you an experience that'll add a lot to your Regina ft Bob Nicole ft "Johnny Spider" HI Birch ft Big Guy education. And to your resume. Colleen ft Mr. Volleyball Debbie & Mart Mlchele ft Chris So if you share our passion for bringing the power of personal Tracy B. ft Mr. Volleyball's Brad's Sister ft Greg Tarzan ft Jane roommate Caryn ft Dave Krlsty ft The Wild Thing computing to every student and educator—and if you love Macintosh* Angie ft John III Scribes &AJ Melissa ft Tim computers as much as we do—call the number printed below Rude ft Ryan Pam & Doug Barb ft Jason The rats can get by without you. Chev ft Rusty Tracey ft Matt Julie, ft Dave, Holly ft Todd Nellie "Pebbles" & Barn-Bam Nanny ft Pooh We cant Wendy ft Jeff Lisa & Titan*2 Hoover ft Hollywood Ski ft Bob Grams ft "The Kev" Barb ft???? Giselle ft Eric Wendy ft Pat Jules ftLuth Margo ft Scott Susan ft Joe Jules ft Jaybird WILL HAVE Be an Apple Student Representative /W

lONewi Dictmbti 1,1989 9 Lady cagers head west Tide travels to Auburn Domino's Classic beckons 1-0 Falcons (QJ f jjst time ill hiStOIV Bonner. who scored 12 points against the Uni- by Charles Toil versity of Akron in last Saturday's opening game AUBURN, Ala. (AP) — Tick- "This is a historical game, for state to a halt anyway. This year sports writer victory, is only 63 points shy of becoming the sev- ets once cost $18. Now the asking both Alabama and Auburn," it has added attractions. enth player in BG women's basketball history to price is upwards of $300, even said Auburn coach Pat Dye. The Alabama Crimson Tide, led by Gary Hollingsworth at The Bowling Green women's basketball team score more than a 1,000 points in her career. $500 — and maybe throw in a "But we don't need a football puts their 18-game regular season winning streak KSU (2-1), which were a preseason pick to win color television, too. game disrupting the lives of the quarterback and Siran Stacy at on the line tonight against Kansas State in the the Big Eight Conference, opened the season last It'8 the ticket to Saturday's people of this state and creating tailback, is 10-0, ranked No. 2 in opening round of the Domino's Classic at the Uni- weekend with a third-place finish in its own tour- Alabama-Auburn football game, a dangerous situation. I mean, the nation and, with a victory, which will be played in Auburn's that's ridiculous." could go to the Sugar Bowl to versity of Montana in Missoula, Mont. nament. After the opening game loss, the Wildcats The game, played in Bir- Slay No. 3 Miami with a national The Falcons play KSU at 9 p.m. MST (11 p.m. have responded to win two straight — including a home stadium for the first time EST), and depending on the outcome will either 87-«5 win at Wichita State Tuesday night. in the history of the cross-state mingham's Legion Field every tie at stake. rivalry. Sear since the schools resumed play in the championship or consolation game on Head coach Matilda Mossman's team, which le series in 1948 after a 40-year Saturday. The University of Portland meets host had a record of 18-11 last season and finished third "You won't find many people team Montana at 7 p.m. MST in the other first in the Big Eight, are led by two-time all- flying kites," said Todd Keith, a break, invariably brings the round game. conference honorable mention selection forward junior who writes for Auburn's The Falcons (1-0) have not lost a regular-season Diana Miller. Miller averaged 23 points and 7.5 re- student newspaper. All COMPETITOR COUPONS HONORED game since a 67-64 setback at the University of bounds in the tournament. Indeed, all attention in the Cincinnati on Dec. 22,1988. Host team Montana opened its season at home state is turning toward Auburn. Head coach Fran Voll — who in his sixth season last Friday with a 67-58 loss to the University of One television station plans Large 2 Item Pizza at BG and owns a 109-36 record — has coached the Washington. Head coach Robin Selvig's team fin- live coverage of Auburn's Fri- Falcons to two first-place finishes in their last two ished first in the Big Sky Conference last season, day night pep rally. A radio tournaments. Last season they won the University before losing in the second round of the NCAA sports show will broadcast Sat- '5.75 of Illinois Tournament, while in 1987 they took the tournament. urday morning from the 50-yard Washington State University Tournament. The Lady Griz are led by forward Jean McNulty, line. A designer Alabama only at The tentative starting lineup includes point a first team All-Big Sky Conference pick last jacket, replete with a picture of guard Wanda Lyle, guardTecca Thompson, center season. McNulty scored 30 points and had seven Bear Bryant and his hound- Angie Bonner, forward Traci Gorman and forward rebounds in the loss to Washington. stooth hat, is going for $1,475 at a Lori Albers. The University of Portland opened the season at Montgomery fashion store. MARK'S PIZZA Junior forward Heather Finfrock missed the home Tuesday night with a 85-76 loss to the Uni- Behavioral scientists at Ala- Free Delivery 352-3551 first game with a shoulder injury and is questiona- versity of Oregon. The Pilots had a record of 7-21 bama and Auburn are pondering ble for the tournament. However, she dia practice last season and finished sixth in the West Coast the game's echoes of primitive EXPIRES 12-7-89 with the first team Wednesday. Conference. tribal rituals, its uplifting im- Sct on a community, its poten- All COMPETITOR COUPONS HONORED 1 to wound weak egos. Happy Holidays! Greenbriar Inc. We will be leasing the following locations as of November 21st for the Fall of 1990 Join 88.1 FM WBGU For All Your Falcon sports this weekend. • East Merry Avenue Apartments - 516 & 522 E. Merry Avenue Hockey vs. Ferris State 7:25 on • Field Manor Apartments - 519 Leroy Avenue, 542+560 Frazee Avenue Friday and Saturday • Frazee Avenue Apartments - 818 Thurstin, 624, 670, 656 Frazee Avenue • Ridge Manor Apartments • 519 Ridge St. Basketball vs. Youngstownn StateMate Saturday 1:30 p.m. Call or Stop in for a Complete Listing of Sportscene Sunday 8 p.m. Available Apartments & Houses featuring falcon hockey 224 E. Wooster St. Hours: M-F 9 a.m. 5 p.m. players 352-0717 Sat. 9 a.m. 1 p.m. THE TRADITION CONTINUES Gold Tidings

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I Local ion Time Deposic Required Payment Plans Available I ATTENTION B.O CIRCLE K {and anyone] Every Friday si noon. ALL OUADUATE «TI> HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR •»» KeTVT Speraeh Club Abortion. Morning After Treatment CAMPUS A CITY EVENTS Don't forget our annual 12 hour game-a-rhon at DENT* Soup snd Sandwich Lunch. Donation. The yearbooks ara si and can be picked up m La Fieete Grande' Proud to be Pro-Choice tomorrow nlght» That s right. 12 hra of Monopo- UCF CENTER, corner of Thurstin and Ridge 28 Waal Hal wtth your Student 10 Saturday December 2nd 8:00 Center lor Choice! Thia Friday Dr. Dale Smith Physics and Aatron Bring $2.00 Toledo, OH 285-7769 ly, cards. PKtenary. Ufa. Capture the Flag, and Hey. ALPHA PM OMEOA A.M A. anything you cap dream ol. on^w«1dlacuas''tac^ai»dthaAatronomara'' T-shirts ars reedy I Don't forget about the A-Pm-O retreat! Sun Have any oueeoonel For nsllsssttng Saturday Dec 2 1909 8 00 PM Dec 3, 12 4pm. 11th rioor Often Weal Falcon Basketball on M.1FMVHKJU Cal 352-2291 Need a caring response "Whal Thsy Don'I Tssch you I* Sunday Dec 3 8 00 PM That Saturday vs Youngatown State ENERGIZE WITH ALPHA PHI OMEOA to your pregnancy concerna? Hnvd BusMass School Be at Oflanhauar Waal lobby at 8 00 PM Cal BO PREGNANCY CENTER 1 Tip ofl k) at 1 30 PM orvU.1 FM WBOU •y: Hark McConMca Remember Just be there' Thank You Support Falcon Baakatbetl TMSludeMOuarilxaetjii of Leadership at364-HOPE Casual Attira Development (S O L.D I Is looking lor For Into on FREE PREONANCY TESTS ATTENTION EDCI 370 STUDENTS" Japanaee Origami Tusaday, Oac 5 energetic IndMduela to kUn our teem and supportive servtcea Regatered or not regtetered for Spring 1990 World Student Association la 7:90pm 220 MSC Falcon Hockey on U.I FM WBOU Appkcatlona I saerill m 405 Student Services EDCI 370 wil be ottered in the URBAN having a special coffee hours ThJa Friday and Saturday nights Deadline « Dec 1.500pm CENTER Rodgers High School. Toktdo Thurs- va Ferns State Both gamaa begin at 7:26 on Featuring Japeneee Origami Get your application before they're al Typ«g AM A day ONLY 12:30-4 30|Tranaponation pro Friday Dec 1. 19S9 $1 35 par page M.i FM WBOU SOLO, out Christmas Parts video-return to campus by 5.00) INTER- 70O-9:0OPM, 364-0371 Friday Dae 1 ESTED"' Sign up immediately Room 414 Ed inll Lounge 41 1 South Hal Get your Christmas Shopping Dona Early Ek'a Lodoa 1:00-? ucaaon Everyone welcome TRIBUTE TO BOB MARLEY Dinner Dancing. Prtess FIRST 16 PEOPLE ONLY'll OSE.A laaaBng Sat. Fab. 10 9PM NE COMMONS Teacher Baga S8/S10 Ooaallona? Shally 354-7927 Instructors Hunttay2-7346 Rsggea by MAJOR COUP BANDICievelandl Swealshins SI 6 $20 METHODIST STUDENTS- Intereeted In attend- PERSONALS A Caribbean Aaaoc. Event Community Share Kay Chains and Bumper Stickers S1 ing Seminary- ••ONE LOVE" Adv. Oral Intarp Partormanca Friday. Ocf 27. Nov 10. Oac 1 Buy NOW at 410 Education The Dean of Admissions of the Methodist Theo- Monday. Oac 4 9pm-10pm 8 30 -7? UCF CENTERCComer of Thuratm and logical School In Ohio a* be at UCF canter. 121 wostHall Fudge) 313 Thurstin (across from the sororities) that Froa and opan 10 ALL Comedy. Music. Poetry, Diecuaaione. Phitoeo- HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Tuesday Irom 2 4 PM to meet with students1 SLAMMERS HAPPY HOURS Osi 3723836 lor mora into phy. video's. Sedss, Movement Coma and DRY DOCK and the Presidents Round Table SERVICE8 OFFERED BO'S FINEST share whatever you wish or coma 10 be enter- are having a Holiday Party this Saturday to FMDAV 8 SATUROAY 5-9 PM at SLAM NEEDED Campaign for a Discrimination Fraa Unrvaralty tained Sponsors GSS and BHi Thompaon celebrate the end of the semester And the MERS Ushers for CMA events COME MEET YOUR FRIENDS M your organization, dapartmanl. or office has Penguins are back to pkry Hve and help us Criminal Justice Organization Free Admieaion lo Concerts A TO Z DATA CENTER • 362-8042 not baan contacted and you ara interested In celebrate Bring your Inenda and blow ofl some Meeting Monday December 4th Can CMA Box office to sign up Ckimplete Packaging Needs. UPS, Federal Ex- contributing to our ad-to-education (coming steam before exams kick-in The fun at from 7:10 PM, Moeeley Hall RM. 400 372-8171 press. Typing. Resumes. FAX, Copies soon), than please contact Tandi 363-7069 9PM-1AM in the basemen! of Hsrshman No Election e-Elecl tone-Election e-Elecllona cover, NoO ^ra^ifiasraa^ Jenn&Tlm Cindy D. | Cralgger Morale & Broods Chrtssy Si Bob I Heidi & John Krtstl Leuj & Mike the Pike , Karen SI Ken Laura S Bryan JIG Andy Beth Frss Si Joey Pom Si Brian Cathy SiMikeu Lunn&GI Monkey Si Dovtd Suson Si Tim Missy S Todd Wendy 61 Pete Heother 61 Dovtd Jennifer Joy 61 Ted Kate Si Brent Beth B. Si Trevor Beth Z. Si Mike K. Sanford 61 Son Heother St Jomsey Usa & Richard €. Jute UJ. 61 Adorn Honey Si Sweetheort Cruz & (den Stela 61 George Becky Si Mike Joonie Si Chochl Jen 61 Dream Man Corrie S Brett Dona Si Beef Barb Si John Laura & J. Todd MonkoSBrton Vkki Vol 5. Batman Terri&John Trtsho & Kevin Bethomj 61 Steve Cochy&Phl Carolyn 61 Jeffy Suzy & Steve GlnoSiDove Lora Si Chris Kristin 5i Jim Connie Si Carl Heother P. 61 Mike S. Christy Si Tim Rosa Corletti Si HI Detve Tom Sandy Si €ddie Sweetie Pie Si Sunshine BEGINNING IN OCTOBER. THE GRADUATE STUDENT SENATE WILL HOLD Sheila Bombalicke S> Dan Chris Si John ELECTIONS FOR REPRESENT ATlVE-AT-LARGE POSITIONS. THERE ARE Nancy Si Bruce "Simmone" Si Jam Master "G' FOUR POSITIONS TO BE FILLED. WHY SHOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN Kim




WNIWI D«mb.r 1,19S9 11

continued from p. 10 *• 'ACROSS THE ■ ORDER- ■ • •Alpha Deri Sisters" Alpha Phi ja Deiehanfy Phi Be an eariy bird! Plan your Spring Break vaca- CHI OMfQA CLOTHHTO DRIVE WITH A Saturday la almost hare Congraruletlona on getting activities chairper- tion before Dae 15 end recerve a special die- Haitp ctotne others In need PrlTAU Get ready lor some Chrietmes cheer son You'l do great on exec board1 I rove my count' Guaranteed toweet prtcee to the Baha- WINDSOR CANADA DECEMBER 1,1868 We'l "erjht up the hoUdaya" ■TO. mas. Cancun. and morel For more rnlormetton CW OMCQA CLOTHWQ DWVE . * * • DIPLOMATIC lasMUNITY • • • And al have • blast Alphe Phi love 1 mne. Unde cracraact Brands at 372-1892 EXAM SPECIAL help dotfw otfiera m needl Let* a make H the beet $23 85 Mr night Be an RA for 1990-91 School Yeer Since it is our last BMI Western Falcon Mow "•JOHN AND JIMMY"- Alpha Phi-ZBT Applications avalabte at Information Nights La L.Wendy CHI OMCQA CLOTHING D*VE Study S rosur In the privacy We hed e greet time at our dele daah JEFF MERHIOE Monday 1 2 4 Prout 9 30 PM Htrip doff* offtera m needf of your own room Now It's time tor another bash Run as last as you can to get hooked up... ma Tuesday 1215 Ottenheuer 9:30 PM Dae 3-7«Dec 12-14 You'll be dashing through the snow wfrh two •CAMPUS POLLYEYES* flurry ol A Phi Spirit dashing thru BG1 Uve Entertainment, 10PM with CHIOMtf.A Eariy ck m a lata ck -out. greet AXOs Alphe Phi Avalanche wd be outrageoua' Be an RA for 1990 91 School Year Contmantal breakfast > tree coflae TOM GORMAN FRIa SAT We'll be making spirits bright •Andrea "the Phi-Bear" Applications avaaabte at Information Nights Wcxid *• to mow* al of ttw soronty wonvwi (or Reaervatlona 352-4074 ck m And dancing an laughing alt night hoMpkng ua snip (tioti In rwad. W* tpoimcmt -OSEA SERVICE COMMITTEE- Monday 1 2/4 Prout 9 30 PM Studanta muat ahow vaM BQ8U O Your AXO deles your Dm* and tt^dtcaUon (n giving ctotttng to Thank you Uss Ferranto, Ann Kroger, Kim Annraaa. Tuesday 12 5 Ottenheuer 9:30 PM Not valid lor lamjy. frlende or Jenny end Allison thOM ■>«• (ortun«t» ltw> ourtMtvtM SmJeeck, Conl French. Chrlety Baron. Ste- I m looking forward to a great time tonight Hope other non-tlurjanta PA Don't forget the hay Than* ■ Again, phanie Jones, Shelly Writh. Beth Ann Heg- you wH be aa "up" lor this aa I am P.S.S. Just klddlng-brlng s reindeer Big Guy. Fred, and Llencheess Tha Statars o« CN Omaga ■trom. Mary Smith, Llaa Thum. and a special Bondllngly yours: Leftovers eke thanks loDeb Demell lor al of your work on the Jim, Marty, and Chrli * *' Lourrl Lynne Cook*' • community HaSoween party' CM OMCOA ClOTHINQ DWVE ANYTHING BUT A SILENT NIGHT Tonight Is ths baj nlghtl Oaf reedy to rock-n- Love. Mlchele Hato ctoltva othara in na«dt roll Hops hes Diplomatic Immunity alao ANYTHING BUT A SILENT NIGHT One Mile Chi-O ANYTHING BUT A SILENT NIOHT Reefy went down the "Atlanta Highway." those beautiful green eyes will light up Pi in Planar wMomemede ANYTHING BUT A SILENT NIOHT One little Chl-0 Countdown to Monmouth Windsor tonight •OSEA SERVICE COMMITTE- Spaghetti Sauce ind OirUc tread WH walk "IS steps to aay. Pi Phi* and Kappas •"LoseCy"1 Thanks for al of your harp during National Edu- 12 85 everyday at DIBensdetlo'r. "Be ready at half past seven, lor e date made m gatpaychad cation Week' Don't lorget the Sunshine Christ- Attention PHI ETA SKJalA MEMBERS: Eat In or delivery. 352-4883 mas Party this Sun Dec 3rd 1.30-3:00! heaven'" it»« day has arnvad So you hava a data yaf? Happy Hours wfl be held ■"ROBFOISV" Love. Mlchele The laat kttle Chi-O Monmouth Duo 89 FRIDAY DEC. 1 can "ahrmmoy" and move 'cause these 3 Chi- I hope you're excited (or the date'party . no From 5-8pm Tha Ststara ofKappa Datta axtand thaor oon- more scavenger hunts like last year' os have al the grooves' AtSLAMMERS o/atulahona to al the now mambara of Or da* of Love. Keay 1980 Citation HB 4 cyt Bock shift. AC. cruree. Omega Special congrata go to Rhonda Haz- Pest offer 353 2198 after 9PM Free Pizza and Ftrnka Bob Boyle 1 Fergle Bring your I.D. ard. Metafile Abbott, and Amy HutcNns on ADPi ADPi AOPi ADPI ADPi Jump back-Tonights the LOVE SHAOUEI ---SARAH BOWERS " • We've been watching you your recent acceptance into thie honorary' 18 and over Dance Party HAPPY 21STBIRTHDAYI To the U T. men Cralg andSeott, We've chosen you for our dales. ATTENTION SPRING RUSHEES: Even though you have no due Friday S Saturday at Slammere NOW YOU CAN BUY YOUR OWN BEER. THE So come get It we fust can't wail. Be prepared to leel the STING ol the Phi Taus Ihe LOVE SHAQOE is a Mile old piece ThetaChl' AOTT • ThetaCh. Under 21/$3 cover STONES IS ONLY A WEEKEND AWAY' Light up your holidays with an Alpha Den Where we can get together Thanks to our coaches Steve Morganatern. 21 and over always FREE THE DUDE For our little endeavor Domtntc QWdone and Sung KJ Lee Maalir tor an The party to end it al. Attention PHI ETA SIOMA MEMBERS: Love you-Valerie and Beth We got e banana boat that seats about 20 aweaome Job at the voaaybal tournarnent-The - Happy Hours wil be held Its aa big as a whale Platen, of AOTT • * •WALKING IN A WINDSOR " ■ ADPi ADPi ADPi ADPi ADPi FRIDAY DEC. 1 WONDERLAND And it's about to set sail From 5-8 pm % Are you a graduating Senior with a 3.5 and PHI KAPPA TAU FRATERNITY'S So don't be late AGO AGO AGO AGO AGO Al Stammers' Theta Chi Cyrus. Fender, tote-man Tneta CM a member of Alpha Lambda Delia Freehman WINTER FORMAL!" Cauae the banana boat casts off at 8 00 Alpha Gam Pledges your on your wey lo initia- Frse Pizza and Drinks Jingle Bees Jingle Bees Honor Society? If you are considering gradu- WINDSOR. CANADA Tin Roof, Rusted! tion' Beat ol luck Sunday' Bring your ID Theta Chi a are great ate school tor iha lago-fl academic year and DECEMBER 1. 18S9 Love. Your AGO sisters Oh what tun you're going to have with a Chi-O need scholarship ssslstance, plena contact • • • DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY " • 372-2487 tor Information regarding available lor a date Hey' AXO " PHI DELT • AXO Bratheue '^shirts' give away Crv, O Arnssa. Heather. Uaa Cht-0 lellowihtop money. Apply today - applica- Alpha Gamma Delta Steve and Ken "•WenrJyHatrtck*" are bach on Thurs 9 30pm-1am tions duo on January 16,1 #90. New Year's Eve Crush Dete Party Its that festive nme rjl year Congratulations on your recent tavakering to Stg We w« give away BRATHAUS T-ararta Which bnngs everyone so much cheer Thinking about Spring? Want to go aomewheni: EpRussei rows' ever 1 /2 hr. Get your free ticket Sunny and warm, other than Florida such aa the • ALPHA SIOMA PHI • Mistle toe. candy canes. Christmas lights. at the door. Legal jomt S1 25 Love. Your Dee Gee Sisters Alpha Gamma Delta Bahamas. Cancun, er South Padre" Here is where ma road divides Are what's In store (or Saturday night Karnfcazi 75 cents Pitchers Bud & New Years Eve Crush Date Party islands-You can entoy the tun and Sun wtfhout Here Is where we realize So hold on tight ■ dash thru the snow Bud Light Nite Happy Hour 6-g putting a hole in your waaet or clearing your aav* The sculpting ol the Fathers' greet design "ALPHA SIGMA PHI • • -DELTA ZETA" • • To meat up with 2 merry A-Chi-Oa EntoyourCD jukebox & 72" sc TV Through bme you've been a friend to me DR. Dave Drew, Kevin, Jeff Alpha Gamma Delta Love your dales Michelle and Wendy tnga Cal Keren, U.HM 10for more info But time Is now the enemy The brno we've bean waiting lor is tmalfy hare New Years Eve Crush Date Party leave meeeage if not home I wleh we didn't have to aey goodbye We'l bring the noieemakera and holiday cheer Brothers ol Beta Theta P.: AXO ■ PLEDGES • AXO Tim, Saturday is gonna be out of sight. Congratulations to aH those receiving offtcee for But I know the rood He chose for me Alpha Gamma Delta You're doing awesome' Wa can't wait untl Get payched tor Monmouth. we are going to Because It wH be. . next spring Aiao, cortgratufationa to Norm 1 Is not the road he chose for you New Years Eve Crush Dele Party Wednesday have agreatt time So as we chase the dreams we're alter ANYTHING BUT A SILENT NIGHT Marks tor being elected V P. internal Artatra for •Neophyte Night" Loveya, Pray for me and II pray for you Mary. Caryn. Lisa Amy. and Jamie IffJ ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI Love. Your Sisters Beth Pray that we wH keep the common ground DELTA ZETA DELTA ZETA DELTA ZETA Tom. Scott. Kent Brothers ot Beta Theta Pi. I Won't you pray for me A I'l pray for you Good luck during the laat week ol cetnas and And one day tove wet bring us beck again The date party is here so get excited AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO To my lefow Solar Warrior. Jan • Alpha Defl • Lambda Chi • during finale Have a safe and happy hoaday To Alpha Phi Avalanche you've been invited Chuck snd John "It takes two'' to have a blast at the DZ date --(Michael W Smith's Pray For Me| John. Oat psyched lor an awesome date •THE MUSS We'll have lots of prizes and lots of fun rime Is drawing near. Boon you win grab a beer party! Are you so scared? Of course we I be Mr. party-Wendy So be on your toes, we'l keep you on the run •KAI- We'll toast amd cheerbecause The Dragona Teeth our own me work) Yet another adventurel At 831 the tun never ends The Alpha Chia date party is tmaly here! Love you. •CONGRATULTIONS EAST MERRY RED- Cause were with our "hot" detes and forever Get psyched and get reedy to go.. Sue To my England Air Force Man NECKS' friends. ' Dashing thru the snow wrth an A-Chi-O!" BROWNS VS. BENOALS Monmouth Duo ia our plan 1989 Intramural Football Champions Love-Linda. Barb and Mendi SUNDAY DEC 3 P.S Gat reedy to bang on your ? Baby' Chuck Todd C. Cert H. Rick D Rob M. Its one last date party before I give you my 9-0 Undefeated 90 Alpha Phi Alpha Phi Alpha Phi AT BRATHAUS 72' SCREEN TV -What are you mlssm 71 Daehm thru the snow, with an AXO hand: Outscored their opponents 190-42 Luv your AXO datea. Thru BG you'l go. singing HO MO HO And we'l travel together to our foreign land! Matt Lawheed-Joe VoCTodd Yunker'Malt Karin and Meianie I love you Bryan Alpha Phi Bill and Brian Alpha Phi CMOSAEChlOSAE Tomorrow the fun begins VOl AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO Andy ConneHy PS Watch out for flying llatai Jeff Schlade - John Lambert - Chris Gunder Twas the night before date party Don't you wish you knew Oh, what weekend we have In store. Tom Zlchl - Dale Andorka • Dave Kneizel And al through the dorms Just what It la thai Santas afvea have in etore A date party on Friday and Saturday one more for you? SOMEONE ASK THE DELTS WHY THEY Nothing was heard, not even e snore AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO Oat payched lor tomorrow! Love????? WONT PLAY US Our dates were ready to toast holiday cheer 111' JenniferMunn We'l drink and we'l dance Monmouth Duo is going to be greet cause II be Then into the nightwhal did we hear? Get excited for Big/Lit hunt-Your big roves you! And we'l have a good time with David from Kent State. We'l dance and Out ol the mountains, we heard a loud roar AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO TCr*Y»fTSTHENMHT party a! night long When we are together noth- It shook the BG campus and world by storm But to find out where to go ■DOM- IT WILL BE OUT OF SIGHT ing can go wrong i The Alpha PN Avalanche took our dates by sur- You must first solve thJa rhyme: HOI HOI HOI Here we go PI PHIS AND KAPPAS prise Let me know when you're reefy reedy II be WILL DUO IT RIGHT' You'l be dashing through the snow with an 1 The fun wil begin where we had our 1st date AXO' Never had so much tun appeared m their eyes there lor you. You know I wil I love you! Then-as the snowstorm whipped out ol slghl So go there with Paul, and dont make me wait 4MJ*P(XM'WHO* DOORS-STONES-RUSH •"AARON CLARK"* Get excited' I rust can't wart K LovaTT? Classic Rock-Tonight n' every Friday night We heard our dates scream So What's feasible? How's bout tonight? I'm Thrnk ol me tonight when you'r on your other 10 PM-1 2 Midnight on U.1 WBOU "We had the times of our lie'" game il you are1 It'll be a blast! date! Jam Meater Steve Hlggins Love your Alpha PI* dates Bring in the New Yeer with an Alpha Gam CHI OMEOA CLOTHING DRIVE I LOVE YOU- Love ya. "as a Iriend" Request Una #372-2828 Alpha Phi Jody and Andrea Alpha Phi •Crush Date Party* Help dome others In need! Angie Mlchele continued on p. 12

-X*w«w •j'len' V^raa-iBty • ( • —TWJ M|>/ ' I • ' ffoiw.,. I *nbM.n Xi IbeL Light up your Holidays C^AWJA ~^emi- 7-ormcit with an Alpha Deltf! SteptuniMi ft Dean u. RMVM ft Nate Valerie & Bob KrWi&Dwe Jen Y. hopeful Matt S. Big Boofalabot & The Toy Jaj ft Scott Mr-**s Roberta & Mark The Kleptos & Their Belongings Cathy & This Week's Speciman Wendy & John Leann & Scott Jenny & Marty 4 Jo»ftC«lS Stephanie & Mike Cianna & Mark l, Profo & The Lactics Carol & Ken ** 2, Babe & Sweets Irene & Rick Julie & Steve Karen & Rob Lori Lori & Phil Tina & The Big Mary Mary & The Bugin Nancy & Casey Beth & Scott The Fabulous 15 & Valerie & Craig Their Provision Kelly & Mike Donna & Rick „8,v.«* Kathy & John Weeter & Keaith Beetlejuice & Butthead Creatchen & Barry LiMriTony ""id* J.A. & The Homeless W Jane & Scott UM ft Date •Si-* Tifrift DM FJune & Dan King Kong & The Sex Kittens Jennifer ft Stavo Pattie & Pepermint Stacy & Scott Lija&Crtrij Jenny & Jody King W. & His Assistant Bimbo Homeslice & Boog S.YJ.H.T.S.W.T.F. You Know Who & Oh Baby! Door & Bimbo Spiker & Dave C.E. & The One She Brings To Life

ton**"***** The Party to End It All 2bece*nLr 1, 1989 Gamma Sigma 1989

-i>wr *-}{*r

coatiiiued from p. 11 HOW ARE YOU GONNA DO IT? NewaFlaahl SIGMA NU DON BIZZARO SIGMA NU NEEDED: Female Roomman Far aprMfl M Tha Workers Party ol Enslevened Elves haa ANYTHaNO BUT A SILENT NIGHT OWN ROOM - SmakarlNonamekar Ceupto would eke to adopt heeXhy wiiu Went ptnmii FOR RENT •3MPCFAJR revolted agalnal the oppreesh*. centrsUred Your DZ date |uat can't welt li40fmomh phia utmtna. 1I3-W84 We w« mip w*h iw™. CM comet any- Education Bulking Lobby SenU Claue rsglm*. A mlUUnt eptlnter group So you jusl better not be Me Bnn. 419-472-9988 NEEDED: One Men roommate to lake over rent ol On WPEE oaBad the Bone of Apathy hee At 9:00 the Due** ara here. Tuesday 4 Wadneeday Dec 5rh 4 6m tor Spring 90 Close to campus. Greet Uvtng 10-5 ajeaieapiil Bnau Clam In an attempt 10 have Together we'l be ao don't you tear Dashing thru BG- conditions. Furnished Cel Ron, Lomn. Or Dan Weft • den named Sootty H. their demands for a aoclallat elan wHh ear- Above our head* wB ba mntntoe. [354-46401 Anytime Bar happy houra mat. They were net seen to keep us warm from al the cold snow On our way toAvatonche HOW ARE YOU GONNA DO IT? CAMPUS SHUTTLE heeding toward! Bowling Green with SanU We'l take our picture with On Sent Nick One bedroom apt. tor our night to gonna be groat! PVJITII Free to residents of strapped M the root of their Escort. Anyone end than at midnight th* clock wB tk* Sublease Sp I Summer I've got the mntntoe IBM PC FAIR WINTHROP TERRACE seeing them la strongly advised W buy them And el me DZs and detee wB cheer Sam**t*r V*ry doe* to campue Now at we need to anow Education Bulking Lobby Along with a round ol drinks. FBm el eleven. Wel el be there to set In the New Ye«r' and downtown $260.00 Sograbyouoool Tueedey 4 Wadneeday Dae 5th 18th Three great locations DELTA ZETA MELISSA DYER DELTA ZETA oal 363-3572 Fr*» h**t 4 water And com* on tot s go' 10-5 Papers and finale running you down? To trio Alpha PM Dan Party! . How are you donna do It? 24 hour mentenence low your 0an-.Ua R. pan mi THE BROTHERS Of SKJMA ALPHA EPSILON One feman ruomrnaei needed lo ahaf a houee Laundromat IBMPCFAIR WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE STCVC vary caaaeto campue Own room. Rant to I St at IMOrOOTl aaPaWlTrMaVfltS Get peyched lor tha Avalanche Dan Party! Education Bueong Looby PIERCE ON WaVJNBM ALL-CAMPU1 WRES- $125/mo pan uMttee and gee heal Aval kn- 1 4 2 lul baths Dev* D*w.y Love. Sue TUWO CHAMPION at ■». medMely cal or nave a meeeag* al SFPJMO SEMESTER LEASES Conorstuntlons on being accaplad M ride Tuee 4 Wade Dec 5th 4 6th 10-6 382-2744. Aek for Amy 152-1115 arlth PUSH Amerlce "Mil THE NIGHT OF THE ELVES Love, The PI Phis ol Apt. 6 Kappa ' Pate " Kappa ' Pike STARRING -DREW "SANTA" SPEVAK On* or Two roommate* needed to share Houee Malt. Brett. Crass and Fan- Pepera and finale running you down? COSTARRING • THOMAS GILMORE on Rktoe Str**t lor Spring S*m**t*r, and each Tonight s the nlght-the 1 at of December. How ara you gonna do It? STEVE MUSGRAVE with own room a aaafli CHEAP RENT - under 1 bdrm. unfumnhed upataka apt We hope It's a night you'l erwaya remember' PS/2 IT! I -CHRIS COLEMAN $ 130 00 a month Clo** To cempu* end Men G*t raady to hava an aweeome time thie week- You guys ere awesome-we cant wait. Downtown • $2e8/'mo - NO PETS IBMPCFAIR KEN SCHAFER street ■ Plasas Contact Robin at 363-3347 and. Two dan perm* and ma. » rhat more could 1 Cal 362 0000 Ba ready at 5:30 and don't be Mel Education Bunding Lobby you ask tor? JIM COLANERI Paraon 10 sublsns an apartrrnnt for Spring Oat peyched for MONMOUTH DUO Tuee 4 Weds Dae 6th 4 8th DR. SMITH Itovayou 1990. COM to campue. rec. and stadium Love your Kappa Dates. SpacM Guest SCOTT MILLER 1 faman needed to eubtoaea apt tor Spring 10-6 353-6485 ask lor Rodney -K Amy, Jil. Karen. KarW SHOWING TONIGHT AT EVERY BAR NEAR eemeater Not far from campus S182/mo. 1 YOU. Rmt* Needed tor Spring of '90. Own room bedroom, large apt Cal Parti or Bath PERFUME AT WHOLESALEI WHY PAY fjeer Jeff and Tim: Pont to $200/mo. Plus gas. enc. 4 Phone 384-8239 Keppe Sigma Alpha Chi Omega MOREI? (C) 1989 • SHADY LANE PRODUCTIONS You AOAOCUTE PIS 363 3950 To Kappa Slga: PERFUME AT WHOLESALE! WHY PAY Wi ara ao *xctteo causa you're our guya. Chns. Grub. Ralph, Al. a Joan WHEN IS A GRAPE 1 man roommate n**d*d Spnng Semester MOMIT Someone to sublease my fumntnd downtown That wB sacort ua on thla night Dasning through the snow with a little AXO PERFUME AT WHOLESALEI WHY PAY A «tHc. lor 8278mvjn Cal 363-9457 610 second SI Apt B Hope the moon «tut end bright On our bue we go LETHAL WEAPON? MOREI? NegoOabn prtc*! Cal 364-7224 Win raady lo go SubnaasNodap raq OH to Toledo Call today 1114-0135 or Ill-Mil 80 don't ba alow With your dan In hand VINCHAR PRODUCE would Ike to h $240 00 mo Into 372-7698 2 bedroom unfumtofnd Spring S*m**l*r Oat peyched lor me magic under ma MISTLE- Youl about across tha land Cater your Chriatmea Perty TOE" How much you love your den Phi Kappa Tau ' PI Ban Phi Vsnga GrMn Apartmenn 354-3633. Love your AOTT detee. Vegetable Try $34 95 Wanted 1, 2. or 3 peopn to sublease houee tor Thai Alpha Chus fealty great' Eric, aprlng and/or summ*r semeeter Coeeet Jute and Susan Once aeon. Monmoum Duo Is here. Dip $5 00 Oh Ml Mat, irngla bees. M al the wayl houa* to campus Located at Thurstn 4 E 2 large Sngto Roome are avaaabn in a HUGE 5 Lei a rslee up our mugs end stsn to cheer' Fruit Trey $39 95 Oh what fun It ia to be wim an Alpha CM today! Marry Vary knxpanaiva. Cal Jim or Scott B*droom Houee wtlh 2 berhroome and 2 Kitch- Maybe thie time we « actually go. Dip $7.00 DM Zee Phi Pal DM Zee Phi Pal Can t wen H Sat 354-5458 ens! Only 1 block from campue Reasonable And then Duo you'l reaty know Rent Csl US at 353-4754 Brad. Love. Your Alpha CM dates Both treys up to 60 people Wanted: 1 roommelaffemale, non-smoking) Gat axcltad lor "Anything but a Seenl Night So gel excited and don't be lele Beceuee It's tonight end your date can't wart! Order now' 354-1113 To sublease duplex spl. for Spring 1190. me Saturday! Wen hava a great time' KappesendPIPhls 234 1/2 S. Coeag* Avaaabn NOW! 1-2 Colleen Love -Mary Rant only lllOfmo plus gas only. 'Own Monmouth Duo 19(9 WHEN IS A GRAPE room! Call 111-18*7 altar 1 or 18H1119 bedrm apt Vary doee to campus Maximum Daa Zee Phi Pel Dae Zee Phi Pel Tha wsiti ng la over A occupancy 2 peopn Stov* 4 refrigerator pro PI BETA PHI • PI KAPPA PHI LETHAL WEAPON? Wanted Man ol Feman vlded $295.'mon Ph: 287-4886 or To our Duo dates. Dave end Pete to subleaae apt with 1-837-5992 Kappas and PI Phis Oat peyched for tonight and put on your dene- 1 ottnr paraon 2 bedrm. DELTA TAU DELTA ' GAMMA PHI BETA Mon mouth Duo 1919 ngtaet ZBT OREO MCCOY ZBT $460 a month pnase cal 4-paraon apt. 4 rant. S650/person/aame*t*r The waning Is over •"CreigMaturl*" PI Phto and PI Kappa ara a "PEAR" that can't be HAPPY ANNIVERSARYI 363-9458 on 2nd St. For Spring S*rm*t*r. Cal Be prepared lor another wild and crazy night! beat Get peyched for a double dete perty weekend! 362-8971. And If you're lucky, maybe we'l get together Keppes end PI Phis So gat In your car and go VAVOOM" I LOVE YOU. and 00 breakfast CHI OMEQA SWEETS CHI OMEQA WANTED ONE NON SMOKING FEMALE FOR Mon mouth Duo 1989 'Cause the perty wet be starting soon. Love you. SPRING $130/MONTH Cal 354-8321 FOR 8 bdrm houee 3 blocks rfrom BGSU Avaaabn The ws 111 ng !■ over Marsha and Rhno wB compnt* tha "MOTIF" Ma DETAILS Jan 1 $680/month pan unities Phone With our famass together... P S Let's try to mane It thru the holiday INe ZBTSEC 5 ZBTSEC6 ZBTSEC5 353-3855 MONMOUTH will be beyond betel 1 KeM, the Alpha Phi Love. Your Pi PHi Dates. Teresa snd Trudy Is s roty heppy soul ZBTSEC6 SEZ HELP WANTED Acroaa trom Otf*nhau*r: 2 bed: 2 bath: 2-3 With a dan named Doug Andy KutcMa and Greg Sttnaon- Doug Kwlatkowskl, Peopn Cal 353-9553 Who's a Kappa SigShes prepared with 20 points lor hitting th* caOooa* Oat parched because tonight la tha night of toe! Baby Sitler needed Part-ttrn tha great Cht-o Ctne-O. Pi Ben Phi PI Ben PN ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 2nd Sfart 2-3 times/ weak APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Love Always, Motor MUer you're a peycho Wear TANK you for Alpha PM Avalanche must have own transportation Spring and Summer 1990 Your UT ChtO being my big. It's fane for holiday cheer and ba reason Start n January •GrMt location Marilyn Love. Quig PI Ben Pin ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 So don't be Ma Cal 1-878-2393 •Hug*D*ck It's gonna ba GREAT ZBTSECSSEZ: *2 paraon, 2 bedroom MUM And hey Bring your LAVALIERIII MKBPpCN-0 GREGG-GGG-G Pricker's Reetaurant now hxmg at poaltone. 'Lot* of fun Get psyched lor tonight' Jon- DAVIS! DAVIS! DAVIS! Appry at 27390 Helen Drive Exit 193 4 Rl 20 Cal John or Brock Immedntery Oompa Loompa Doopedy Doo. I have a dan KKG Monmoutn Duo '89 KKG Behind SOHkO Perryaburg 363-9889 KetyGray party riddle for you Juat drive your SamuraJ as ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 ZBTSEC5 TEHEE...TEEHE...OIggn...Glggn big as a whan, and BANG BANG loud ao dues Lining up a fob lor next semester? OZDZDZDZDZDZ Your Dan Party Dreeme ara about to come wBunval! Casay's is s better piece to work. Apply 2-4 Apt. For subleaae Spring Sem for 1 or 2 peo- Congratulations to Mary Back and Mic hem Ra ■ true Do you remember whet to do? Ilovayou, I025N Main or can 352-91 13 pn comptotaty furnished Exliemely dose to •or lor your acceptance into the Order ol Juat keep one thing m mind, be kind. Why? CShack WANTED campus Good vnw It ntareated.c al Jim Omega We are vary proud ol you both. Beceuee you'l ba with one net of a guy! NANNY OPPORTUNITIES 353-9170 Love your DZ eaters Get peyched lo wRECk your body' ' San Francisco • 1 ge1-S175/weak* Love. Ricky Roc. PI KAPP TRENT EJZAK • FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED • "Chicago ■ newborn • $176/week* Tonight's tha atari ol our month two Spring 90 NEW COLUMBIA COURTS * Connecticut -twins - 8260/weok * BRAND NEW APARTMENT NEEDS BRAND Every Mon-Fn 8- 10 PM KEN NOVAK So let s celebrate a! Monmouth Duo Fun Guaranteed' 362-1401 • Boston • Infant • S180rwa*k • NEW FEMALE ROOMATE FOR SPRING WB0UM.1 FM Get peyched for Monmouth Duo" It w« be Once again we'l hava a bant •Vlrglnn- 2 chedren - $200/week' SEMESTER 1990* The best «i R1 B. Rep end Donee Mus* GREAT What e combo-a R PN and PI Kapp! Many positions a- teabls LOCATION: FOX RUN APARTMENTS PLEASE n Northwest Or*) Love. Lease Love you dan • MALE ROOMMATE WANTED ' One yeer ccxnrratmont neceeeery CALL 363-7898 LOW RENT. LOW UTIUTIESli POWER M PS Don 1 torget to bring the picklee 1 NONSMOKING MALE NEEDED TO SU- Call 1-800-937 NAN! BLEASE FOR SPRING SEMESTER NEW. 2 PI PHI PHI DELT PI PHI PHI DELT BEDROOM APARTMENT FURNISHED AND Efficiency apt. tor sublease. Walking dis- Falcon Basketball on tt.1 FM WBOU KKG'PIKAPP'KKG Scott. Den. 4 Doug- CLOSE TO CAMPUS GREAT PRICE - $130 OVERSEAS JOBS $900-2000 mo Summer tance from campus $110 par month. AH utIL Th* Saturday vs Youngelown State With you Lance We ara peyched lor Duo Hopa you are too! PER MONTH PLUS UTILITIES HURRYI THIS Yr. Round, Al countm* Al fnktt. Fr** Wo paid. Avail. Immediately. La...*nd* 1-15-10. Tip OK to at 1 30 PM on Ul FM W1QU I would eke to dance Sea you tonight. ONE WONT LAST LONG. FEEL FREE TO Writ* UC, PO BOX 52-OH03 C.ll 111-4174. Support Falcon Basketball So get ready to go Love, Tonya, Andrea. 4 Uaa CALL FOR MORE INFO 353-7888. Corone Del Mar CA 92625 To Monmouth Duo Pi PHI PHI DELT PI PHI PHI DELT Love. Your Kappa Dele Mlchee* 1 Feman needed to subkns* tumntvad apt lor l^oaaaoito avemble for cocknl servers, waiters, Exceeent deal 1 feman needed to subtot for Falcon Hockey on M.t FM WBOU KKG'PIKAPP-KKQ aprlng '90 Rant $180'mo pan anc Pnase waitresses 4 kitchen personnel Apptyat Chi Spring and or Summer Stole St Very doe* to Tha) Friday and Saturday nights PI PHI PI PHI Cal 352 4499 Cta's 1888 S Reynoktt Rd . or cal 893-7017 campus Fum apt-gas heat-all util pd. Except vs Ferris Stele both games begin Hay Tony Cloral between 2-4pm. anc Rent $l80/mo Cell Sarah 354-4638 at 7 25 on M.t FMWBQU KKG/FUI I hop* you re peyched lor Monmouth Duo. We'- 1 feman non-amokng clean roommate, cal Toledo's only Fundrtnkery, Henry J'* to currant- Scott and Ed, re gonna htn a BLASTI Prtecan 352-4590. ty hiring energetic outgoing people who tke to Feman roommate wonted Spring semester Monmoum Duo Is finely here Love, 1 fameto n**d*d to aubnase apt lor Your detee are peyched so don't you fear. have fun whs* they work Now to the good time $167.60/month. Own bedroom, tumnrnd FREE gas. electricity and heat for a non-amok- Your PI Phi Date Spring Close to campus Cal Wel party and dance and neve lots ol fun to make extra S for Christmas. Flexion schsdul- Apt. pleass cal and nave meaeeg* 353-6730. ng male to sublease a house apt onLeroyAve Sue 353-3090 ng and car pooto avaaabn Apply In paraon at Next 10 Fraze* Cal Ksvtn 354-3199 And we won't dare stop tat we aaa the sun! PI PN PI Phi Love, 1 Feman roommate needed to aubnase apt. at Henry J's After B 00pm Wed Sun FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR NEXT Beth and Bob E Merry tor Spnng 90 CAt 353-5819. Toledo's only furtoYlnkary, Henry J'e to currently SEMESTER! CORNER OF 5th 4 HIGH, FRUIT BASKETS by CHARLOTTE POWER 88 raring energetic, outgoing peopn, who kke to $112 00 PER MONTH PLEASE CALL. YOUR ONLY ALTERNATIVE FOR SOUL RAP 1 terrain, non-smoking roommate needed for make an exceeent Chnatmaa gift have fun whin they work. Now to the good turn 353-8139. KKOMARY MCMANAMONKKG AND YOUR FAVORITE DANCE MUSIC Spring semester Please eel Lisa el 353-4587 for anyone to make extra $ for Christmas. Fiexibn schedul- Mary thanks lor being such an AWESOME BIG WBOU 88 1 MON-FRI8-10PM 1 man roommate needed for Spring semester. 1 ing and car pools avaaabn Apply In parson St FumtoWd •ttlctoncy sublease lor Spring Se- ChooaaFrom and putting up with me You're tha greeteet I'm POWER 88 Very dose to campus S130 00 per month For looking forward to Monmouth Duo We're going Henry J's after 8 OOp m Wed Sun mester. One Paraon Cal 354-4558 and nave S" Basket St9 95 more information cal 354-7139 and ask lor to hava ao much fun I a maaaage 10 Basket $24 95 Carl Work 15 hours per weekend Our company to Love. La" Leslie Psycho-Chick Deluxe Basket $39 95 seeking employee* to perform unskilled eight Psychettes 1 or 2 feman aubknas* wanted tor Spring se- production work. Current opennga for a new Help' We need lo subnese 2 bedroom 2 tut Dorkefles mester $150/mo close to campus, n*w car- weekend shlft-7 112 hours on Saturday and 7 bath completely furnished large apartrrnnt for Order el VINCHAR PRODUCE 354-1183 Kllnger man, Miles. Bailer,end "Dan Green" Baby Marsupeaa pel, own bathroom PLEASE CALL 354-4107 1/2 hours on Sunday Plant location to only 2 Spring 90 Need at least 3 people, wil hold 5 Your dene ere excited for the Monmouth Bazooka blocks from BGSU campus. Tha rate of wage la comfortably. Greet neighbors Cat 353-4381 scene. SRC Dan Party 1 or 2 psrsons needed to subnass lor Spring $3.35 par hour. If Interested n thie weekend HELP! We want you to know that our leeangs ara such Friende? Sure! Sttneter Pleass cal 354-6131. Gamma PM Beta ■ Llee Sinatra shifl. or II you c*n work at leaat 16 hours Mon- met we'l drink, dance, and perty loo much Dork HOMELESS?? ASAP-2 non-smoking fomafoe needed lo su- day thru Friday, cal tha otic* at 384-2844 or Pstchee * dead, but bar memory avee on New specious downtown spt aval for Spring Here's four personal that has taken for- blease apt lor spring 90 eeml-lurnlaheo Cal pick up an application at Advanced Specialty So wel drink in her honor tn al the beer ie gone 90 Dehwasher Good for 1 or 2 peopto Cal ever PUMPKIN 363-6729 attar 5 pm Productt. tie. 428 Clougri Street, Bowling IJust want you to know that After hours w* be eure to tosow 384-4488 Anytime But only it you can Bel ewasow I'm so exerted lor torughtn 1 know II have the Attention: 1 I ample. non-enMedng roomaM Gr**n.Ohio You're tha Beet Big ever!! l BEST dale there!! Gel reedy 10 SHACK!! Always remember your III' loves you! It wil be a night you won't lor get n**d*d lo oubneae For spring Semester Fur- House for rent spring semester Very dose to Love your PI Phi Dana, reehed and May tent paid Cal 363-7973. ILOVEYOUIII campus 2-3 peopto SI 30 month 353-8047 ■PUP" Hambone. Sarty. justimiBron mats your Cnantng person needed severel firs, par wk. Amy FOR SALE Houses snd Aprs. Close to campus - for sum- date), and Manr muMraav* transportation Cal 352-7012 mer 1990 and 1990-1991 school year. Cal GAMMA PHI BETA ' LISA SINATRA Feman rmt* to lubliaai own room. Fum. apt 1-287-3341. LH' Holly Johnson SAESAESAESAE8AE 1979 Plymouth Voter*, green, 2 door, 6 cyt 'ot\ my goeh could it be. do** to campus S166/mo. Cal Janet I can't wart to party with you mat weekend! It's $225 00 Beet offer 3520775or 287-3784 Another personal from at' old me? "EXPERTS ONLY" 353-7492 'Mere a to the parties from hell. about tun! 1981 Plymouth Horizon 80,000 mle* Rune Large 2 bdr apt/house for subleaae Up 4 'a. IBM downstairs, hardwood floors Close to cempu* 'That always leevee nice amel Love. Your Bkj FEMALE ROOMMATE. QUIET SR OR GRAD greet $900 or best otter CaB Merc** 4 downtown Sun porch' Very nice Raesone- And our first annual turkey drop. PREFERRED FOR FALL/SP 90' CALL 353 8678 SAESAESAESAESAE 352-4141 bn rent Flees* cat 353-8584 AS A.P. ! That waa defmflely a motor Hop Loft Rental $45 1985 OUe Cutlass Calais Oorgeoue. loarnd, •Oh. an I elmoat forgot about Freddy. Sofaa $45 Refrigerator $30 Futon required. WB pay good price: Doutx* SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE reeatlli warranty. Below book ;"Alright dudee. who's ready?" Cal Space Severe Inc. preferred phom Alan 354-5337 Man Tyson prtotrn/Mxer/turmebto mot*... Large affordable 3 bedroom house to su- ■Always remember your W loves youl 353-5475 baMaafor Spring Semester. This spacious "EXPERTS ONLY" Kelp! Need person to rent nioo room In houee. Ouaatlona? cat John 372-6170 after 9 4 weekends house Includes aery large kitchen. 1 1)1 r2,19M Hav tha run of the house lor 160/mo pknutt- beths, patio, convenient parking. Electric, Grub. Itkn. Cal Brett or Mark 353-6872. Loll Rental $45 water A aawar paid! Located very close to •You've bean phixed-up. kidnapped. 4 taatxert. Soloe $45 Refrigerator $30 SAESAESAESAESAE HELP! We're graduating I 1987 Toppe sen tor sale $27 mint 89 Upper campue on E. Court SL Men* preferred. Cell iTha Dme has coma and I know you can't wait! Cal Space Savers Inc Deck Box-$70. Comics from 1982-63. Bat- h/ou ara going to ANOTHER DATE PARTY! Cnen fumntnd, 2 bdrm. apt. across from cem- 144-2971. 352 5475 pue-needs subleaeea for Spring 1990. Cal man, Swempthlng, Punisher, others, approx. Tree time it's with an Alpha Chi named Daa SAESAESAESAESAE 1 00 cheep Deve 855-3131 leave message [Tel ma Grub, wet thla be your ant date party Loft Rental $45 3539583 Large house, 1 block from osmpua, ctnep rent Sofaa $45 Refrigerators $30 •fang? "EXPERTS ONLY" Man to sublaai I fumMied spsrtment v*ry tor next earn Cat 363-6260 Ca« Space Savers inc December 2.1911 2 beautiful pendanto-"m" with over 50 dn- Who knows whet the future wi bring? doe* to osmpua cal 364-8812. Lg Fum 2 Bdrm Apt on 8th SI Aval for Spring Can't wait til Sat ' 363-5475 monds and md. w/champagne ganaaaldn- mondel and Toast to us" Each appraned at Sem. VERY NICE: New Carpet and Furniture Your Favorite Cheerleader SAE SAE SAC SAC SAE Head 1 female roommate lor spring 1990 $2500 Asking $1200 or offer each Private cat 363-4783 Loh Rental $45 Clo** to campus Greet peopn to tve with owner Vnw at DB Jewlers across lorm B Moving to Totodo-2 barm Maumee apt. At Happy HoNdayel Sofas $45 Retrlgeratora $30 SAESAESAESAESAE Rant $ 143/mo Cal 353-8038 for more mlo IVankan You can design a ring trom •ittver Call Space Severs Inc enc. Great Location • minutes from anywhere in Dry Dock and tha Praaktanta Round TaWa ara Toledo aree $380/mo Cat 888-1274. having a hoaday party thie Saturday to calebran 362-8478 "EXPERTS ONLY" Naad: 1 feman roomman lor Spring 90 earn**- tha end of the eemeeter And the Pangutne are December 2, IMS nr.CI 354-8633 Alpha Romeo Conv*mbn 1973 CnuK. Brltnh Radng back to ptey kve and help ua calebran Bring Nearly new Urge 2 bdrm. 1 1/2 bathe, unfurn Lofl Rental 446 Needed 1 Female non-smoking roomman to Green Open to offers 'your trnnda and blow off some steam betore SAC SAE SAE SAE SAE subnaa* an E Marry Apt. m apg win 2 gin*, apt. Stove, retrtg 6 dnhwssher Included Avail- Sofaa Refrigerator $30 CaB 1-386-8612 exams kick-In Tha fun ia from 9PM-1 Am m tha Cal Spece Severs Inc can move In Exam weak. Pn*** cal between able now starting at $400/month. baeement ol Harshman No cover No ID Cal John Newlove Real Estste 354-2280 362-5476 SAC SAC SAE SAC SAE 2:30-6 Mon-Fn at 2-2930 Aakrork** For sen: Technics SA-TM ReoeNet. 10 watta Help' Female needed lor aprlng to eubknae pk. It autlon tuning, fully rMgttal, looka 4 N*ad*d fern rmt Spring 1990 $137 50 mo sounds great 1 yr. old Paid 1110.00 nan, wMI Only $500 tha eemeeter Cal Kim at "CXPCRTS ONLY" Ntoa 1 bedroom apt 1st months rent $100. Lofl Rental $45 pan uM NEW APT turnnhad 843 Sixth St e*> for 1120. can 2-1719 354 4548 to inqua-e Sofaa $45 Retrtgerator $30 r2,1M* 354 7038 354-8825 Hey Dame Cal Space Savers Inc. Looking for ttntunlque and paraonal sift for Priveto rooms 3 blocks BGSU Share kvng are SAC SAC SAE SAC SAC NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Happy 2tat Birthday 352-8476 th* HOU0AYS?tsaar and ooonr Ughts snd pertly furnished. $135 par/month Avaaabn MALE to eucltssi clean furrvahed Apt. tor signs are p*r1*cttor parenta. albHnga. trnnda •but remember' Spring 90. Close to campue 135 month pan sooru phone 363-3866 as wel as yourself Juat cat and OH Ut wB drop Tha knee nan out at mtoYwjht. but contract aajBp"B»«ai»dM«e"4lgE» uB CIKen Scott, or JO* 364-6419 Lofl Rental $45 off and pickup our final 70 sign holiday portfo- Sana la coming to BG. a aren't over! Sofoe $45 Refrigerator $30 S 4 V RENTALS One 4 Two bedroom apt. Juat kidding-Love Kurt Bringing "Spain" lo dan patty N**ded. 1 feman roommete to share a 1 bad- lio (at your conv«nleno*) to you We want you Ce» Spece Savers Inc roomapt onMamStreet 1 55 00 month and U to ess our talked about atjums f eeturng popu- houeea. a atehla 9412 month lease* Cat 362-8476 ki the elocklnge you wH tlnd 352-7454 The mgradnnn toeeuoerruntime!!!' ■Baa C1354-4762 lar signs from $5 00 and up. Don't worry HEY SORORITY WOMEN! cause there to only one of most sign* sand. Get exceed for Saturday" N**d*d-On* norhamoklng man roomman to SUBLEASE E MERRY APT -2 BDRM, 1 BATH. LortR*n«$45 AXO • • Btacey end Sherl • • AXO Cat 353-8224 now and ass tor Chna NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED CALL NOWI HELP THE NEEDY BY CUANING OUT rani 1/2 in apt lor aprlng eemaeter. Close to RV X-MAS from QIT UT NEON, PLUS Solae$45Refrigeretors$30 campue Cal pat 363-8431 353-8123 ^^^ ■YOUR CLOSETS! CLOTHING DONATIONS Cal Space Savers Inc ARE Tired of peyng a eknUord? Roomman wanted 382-8476 MUST SELL BEING TAKEN NOW AT YOUR CHAPTER'S SagCpOuoDMaK 1/1 thru 8/18 No deposits Own room end reaariad: 1 Feman onari roomman for spring 1M4 Dodo* Cherg*r 50.000 mine. Greet car. deeigrvMed PLACE CALL THE Matt, Kevin, Mark, Bob, Tadd, Chrla, Sptrtty, semester $186/month. Call Becky been 384-1388 Man Margaret to a natural bom psychic She wan, Soon S1JH»« M*l attar. CaB »*»«9tt. CHI OMEQA HOUSE PHONE IF YOU 353-6576 TMD OF YOUR ROOMMATE? HAVE ANY QUESTIONS! wtl lei you your peat, preeent and future She The time Ie coming H's e Impel here One roundtnp alrtne ticket lor sen ANYWHERE Needed: 2 loommene for Spring ssmeenr n Perfect efltenncy apt avaaabn ImmedMety tor am sdviee you on el problems of Ke Cal today SG's beet dele perty In US PRICE NtOOTIABLE Cat 372-1244 newly furnnhad apt. one block from osmpua aunt individual 420 S Man #2 manna paid THANK YOU, tor your sppolntmont 337-2698 Monmouth Duo la neer Or*y St 18 76 par mo. ParvaaorK VCR w/ remon $ 170 Brother word Cal 353 0997 Tha Solera of Cm Omega MISSING Independent Champa ve. Fret Wearaekexclied n ami be eo much fun, CaB Rob or Don al 354-7147 PTOMssor $450 Kodak aide pronctor $80 Champ* Ana) test SaMB SM CP men. 353-6623 Wlnrhrop Terrace Apartments ara now Wong I MIL Happy AnrWvarsery' I've re**y_*vnioyed thai HOWCOME?AekaDe« You're the lucky oneel IHIlim Wa*AlJIROO«a.1ATC "BEVERAGE AIR" Tannltlc's Inc kid's (Sp*c appaoatona for Spring and Fat 90 tosses. 1 4 'oMtreerendah** I hope to have many more Love your Keppe dene, To ervare nouaa wWl 3 gn* four houees from NSF STDMFor storage and/or dnpaty of pr* 2 bedroom apartmenn avaaabn Three great I great Hmee Gat axcltad for ear™ formal to- New hoaday faerxon arriving daty Anna Merle, Ann*. MteheBe, CoMsen, Lerl. campue Fal and Spring Semeeter Contact rnctkag*d or bottnd products only) 363-3346. location* fast Included mentenence. laundry I Irakis* !syM»ul0r*>ier. 1 n Thnge 531 Ridge Street Sarah, Kety. Mary, kVsHnda Lynn or Keaey 353-7407 382-7178, or mseeage 674-7379 ass Cel 352-9136 or come to 400 Neponon Rd.

2 one. Friday Magazine/December 1, 1989

From the Street Do you think technology and life

support systems should be used to keep people alive? From (be Street photos by Greg Horvath

... ••>• £

Steve Cagle. freshman communication Irene Walker, junior sociology major Dianna Ehrenfried, sophomore interior Todd Baer, senior graphic design major major from Perrysburg: "Religiously from Cleveland: "I don't think it's right design major from Toledo: "/ think ev- from Bowling Green: "ft should be a standing it's against religion in general to let people suffer. A decision should be erybody should have to sign a release predetermined decision, it seems so un- to keep someone alive. The percentage made to keep people alive or pull the form stating their feelings about being natural to have a machine substaining that are kept alive from technology are plug if a reasonably peaceful and healthy kept on life saving support systems so life from injuries that would have ended minimal at best.'' existence isn 't possible." that they can make their own choice." a life." Bulletin boards for computer users by Laura Hardy and Thomas Ci- dedicate the time it takes to make sure Netrunner is a handle for the sysop's BBS, for all callers. The BGASA char- cirelli the board is enjoyable, according to real name. He chose to remain anony- ter ensures that boards that join the as- Darren Dubuque, operator of Nova- mous to protect his equipment from sociation will offer something different Bowling Green students, faculty, Comm BBS. "Most boards are reflec- possible theft. to the public than what other member staff and residents who own computers tions of what the sysop thinks is inter- There are also advantages to callers boards are currently offering. with modems and are interested in esting." using BBSs, Netrunner said. One ad- computer games, talking to people Aspects that attract users to bulletin vantage is that callers can ask for help As part of the responsibility of run- worldwide, engaging in stimulating boards include hours of operation, or advice from other callers about their ning a BBS, sysops must constantly pa- conversation and debates, and virtually having a variety of messages and flies computer systems and software. Shut- trol their board's message bases for anything else should consider taking from which callers can choose, depend- ins or people who prefer to communi- inappropriate or offensive messages. advantage of any of the four computer ing on where their interests lie, Dubu- cate with others from their homes also The files posted from callers also have bulletin board systems in the local que said. benefit from using BBSs, he said. to be checked for viruses or copyright area. Netrunner, who operates Cybers- "Since you are talking to words on a infringements. A sysop will call the A bulletin board system can be pace Nexus BBS out of Portage, said screen rather than an actual person, new user at home when he first signs on thought of as an electronic corkboard he began his board three months ago you can say things you might never say to the system to verify the accuracy of or newspaper where people can call via because he wanted to "have interesting if you were talking to someone in per- the identification information. One their computer and modem to leave conversations with people I wouldn't son," he said. problem with running a BBS is when and read messages and transfer pro- otherwise get the chance to talk to abusive or obscene messages appear. If grams to and from each other. Al- about subjects I am interested in." In the Bowling Green area, all three a caller is found to be causing trouble though some computer businesses run These subjects include science fic- public boards' sysops belong to a on any of the three BGASA affiliated private BBSs, most system operators tion, as well as all kinds of games, group called the Bowling Green Area boards, that user is removed perma- (sysops) put up a BBS as a hobby. which include everything from chess Sysop's Association which promotes nently from all BGASA member A BBS is usually set up on a personal and Monopoly to role-playing games improving the quality of connect time, boards. computer owned by someone willing to like Dungeons and Dragons, he said. or the time a caller is logged on to the ■See Computer, page 8. FRIDfiV MflGflZIN€ Editor Christian Thompson Friday Magazine if published every Friday daring the academic Assistant Editor A Chris Dawson *'■' °y '■' Board of Stadeal Publications of Bowling Greta State Staff Reporters Frank Esposito, University. Laura Hardv Robert Wagner Opialons expressed by columnists do aol necessarily reflect the oplaions of Friday Staff Photographer Greg Horvath M^?"*'.« _, , „ „ r. -— — ■ - . _ ,. IT. _.!■ ITT ,..„„. H.„ Friday Magazine and Bowling Green State University are equal opportunity cm- Editorial Office 210 West Hall p|oyCT1 ,„| do ,0t dtacrimtaale In hlriaf pnetkea. (419)372-6967 Copyright 19*9, Tfce BG News ...—...... ■....-,■ WVAiV>'«MflnmsMmmmmmmammmmmmVAV Friday Magazine/December 1, MH aaa 3 Implications of medical technology blueprints of life, are being manip- by Chuck Travis ness must be drawn. Along with these Lineback said. ulated in laboratory animals and this strides in technology, come a myriad of "These limits allow health care type of research carries much signifi- ethical questions of how this technolo- money to be channeled to segments of Advancement in medical technology cance for humans. Deters said. "There gy is to be used. Ethical use of technol- the population such as babies and is often a two-sided scalpel. New life- are about 3000 genetic diseases which ogy usually lags behind the develop- young adults which make up the preserving techniques can enhance the afflict humans... the ability to manip- ment of that technology, Richard majority of those needing medical quality of life as well as impair it. Ethi- ulate the various genes that cause these Lineback, professor of philosophy, care." Lineback said these laws help cal questions regarding the outcomes diseases ... may help control and pre- said. "Historically this has been the prevent the sky-rocketing costs of med- of these advancements usually lag be- vent afflictions such as cystic fibrosis case ... a typical example is 'Grandma ical care due to the disproportionate hind the advancements themselves. In and sickle cell anemia. Moses' being hooked on a ventilator in use of high costing medical technology. many cases technology can pose an un- "No one is really immune from a semi-conscious state with the ques- forseen Financial burden upon society. defective genes ... everyone has them tion being — is the quality of her life Never before has the cradle of life been and so the field of genetics has an im- enough to validate the use of such balanced in such a delicate position. pact upon us all." Genetic screening technology?" Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pat Mallory, an instructor of the Un- will become a reality, Deters said. aiding medical diagnostics iversity's medical technology program, "Analysis of a person's genes to de- Another ethical question concerns said technological advances in medical termine if they are carrying a defective the aformentioned financial burdens by Robert Wagner care have aided in the prevention of strain will allow couples to make de- that technology brings to medical care. diseases. "New technology has allowed cisions concerning mating and having "Cost increases of up to 70 percent for earlier detection of diseases and has offspring." The recent development of today's medical care are due to the use Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a significantly changed the way that Advancements in technology usually of technology in medical treatment," some diseases are being treated." are the result of years of research and technique which provides a Lineback said. "Consequently, bills are clearer, more precise image of Patients are now being treated with development. In this process billions of being passed (as in the state of Oregon) preventative measures for such diseases dollars are spent. The cost of high-tech human tissue, has allowed some setting financial limitations on the use patients to bypass "invasive" as cancer and therefore their quality of medical procedures therefore are on of technology for medical care." life is being improved, Mallory said. the average astronomical. JoAnne procedures that use injections and dyes in favor of a process "The techniques that have been de- Dickinson, heart transplant coor- For example, procedures such as veloped because of the advancements dinator for the Medical College of which requires the patient to only heart transplants which relatively few lie still for 45 minutes to one of technology have aided doctors both Ohio, said such a procedure can cost people undergo, cost a tremendous as diagnostic tools and as treatments." between $57,000 and $120,000. "This hour, said Leann Fisher, route amount of money. These costs are supervisor of the mobile MRI These advancements in medical cost includes the heart transplant itself, passed on to the public by higher technology have been touched by the the aquisition of a donor heart and the unit,. health insurance rates. The bill in Ore- The MRI is used to diagnose field of molecular biology, particularly hospital stay." gon sets limits on the amount of money genetics. Donald Deters, professor of While advancements in medical "soft tissue in the brain, neu- that can be spent on such technologi- ■ S« MRI, page 7. biology, said that genetic research has technology are ultimately for the good cally advanced yet rare operations. revolutionized the field of medical of society, it must be recognized that technology. technology cannot be substituted for Individual genes, which carry the life and that the limits of its effective- What is it? If you can identify this ^ * object, you could win a SI5 gift certificate from Quarter's Cafe. 1414 E, wooster. (Does not Include lax. gratuity. or alcoholk- leverages). Drop your answers in ihe entry box located in the BG News editorial office, 214 West Hall Entries are due each Thursday. 5 p.m. The "The Best in Main-Stream Rock" winning entry will l>e named at lhai lime. If more than one Live Entertainment 7 Nights A Week correct entry' is received, a drawing will be held lo Tuesday Wednesday Thursday determine ihe winner Singles Night College ID Ladies Night Employees of BGSU Student BUD LIGHT Night No Cover tor the Last week's winner was Dan IMblicalions are not eligible. NIGHT free admission Ladies REDUCED with valid ID Wetmore, who correctly PRICES BUSCH BY identified the object as a clock THE BUCKET face. ***T* Friday and Saturday reduced cover before 9:00 p.m For great food and drinks. It's <*fr Sunday Monday perfectly clear that Quarters Cafe 1414 E. Wooster Bowling Green. OH Quarter Beer Monday Mania & is the right choice. 353-8735 Night Football Night no cover free video games 8 pool tables ENTRY FORM Happy Hour Every Night form 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Name Byrnegate Plaza Address 135 S. Byrne (near Hill), Toledo 531-1311 Phone Number. THIS WEEK FEATURING UNDER FIRE NOV. 28th - DEC. 3rd What is it? NEXT WEEK: FEATURING K0DY LEE DEC. 5th - DEC. 10th Kcmrn to lid Xews Ollki: JI4 West 11, ill lidSl I niployccs ol BGSU Student Publications are not eligible. 4 ODD Friday Magazine/December 1, 1989 Universe opened up by planetarium

by Gina Hartman Projector recreates by projecting images of these bodies onto the 40-foot Whether called the heavens, the white dome of the planetarium's in- great unknown, the vast expanse or in- side theater. finity, the universe has been the source But whereas the telescope can only of much curiosity, if not confusion, show us the present Bowling Green sky over the years. It has been the subject and is subject to weather conditions, of songs, stories, poems, essays, arti- the star projector is programmed to cles, scripts and opinions, but still man display the sky from the viewpoint of wonders what/sout there. anywhere in the world, during any For some, this curiosity becomes a season, without interference from pol- career, a way to find out. They build lution or city light. places where they can research and ex- "I wouldn't trade this for any- periment and when they do discover thing," Smith said. "The stars and something, others can go there and their positions of brightness are accu- share in their discoveries. rate and you can see nice points of light Such a place is the Bowling Green on the dome which simulate what you Planetarium, and such a person is its- see in the sky." director. Associate Professor of as- tronomy Dale Smith. The $400,000 star projector sits in The planetarium is the circular red the center of the 118-seat planetarium brick domed structure attached to the theater. It has two main globes, each $7.2 million physical science building. The Star Projector at the Planetarium projects visuals of angels for the upcomiaa Christ- with 16 lenses, that are mounted on a mas show, "Secret Of The Star" which shows December lit through December 17th. Completed in 1984, the facility also movable base which, according to houses the open air observatory and its Smith, pivots to show any angle of the map," Smith said. "It displays the lati- for," Smith said "All we have to do is 20-inch mirrored computer controlled sky. tudes and longitudes needed to get us watch the dials and latitudes and read- telescope. where we want to be." outs to get us to the right place." What the telescope shows us in the There are also three smaller globes All around the perimeter of the Smith said the addition of the plane- observatory — the actual sun, moon, which make up the horizon based qua- theater are speakers and slide projec- tarium to the program made all the dif- planets and stars, the Minolta Star drant system. "This system acts as a tors which enhance the shows with un- ference in the world. "The starting expected pictorials and sounds. These point of astronomy is looking up at the Lunch & Dinner Parties Taken effects and the Minolta Star Projector sky and seeing the phenomenon of mo- are controlled by a complex control tions in the sky, seeing how the planets Good Food For You console in the rear of the theater. Be- move," he said; "that stuff is there all OAK'EN Super Ribs & Seafood cause the projector came pre- the time, and their cycles and patterns programmed from Minolta, the con- are real easy to show in here. Without a BUCKET BBQ Beef Ribs & Chicken sole's main function is to pivot the planetarium, it is terribly difficult. I KING BEEF KABOBS • STEAK ITAUAN machine in order to display the desired mean imagine trying to explain the Super Lunch sky. sun's path across the sky during a par- 11:30-4 P.M. THICK-THICK STEAKS ticular season. In here, I can just turn LOVE AT WHEN YOU EAT HERE "There are read-out dials back there the projector on, turn the sun up and FIRST BITE YOU NEVER LEAVE HUNGRY that tell us what latitude we're set for, say, 'OK, now watch.'" Super Thick Sandwiches & Salads what hour of the day or night we're set The planetarium is a multi- for, and what the date is we're set functional facility used not only for public shows but also serves as a class- room for astronomy and astrophysics students. Although fixed in size, the BILL -MURRAY! planetarium is not fixed in technology. "There are three things we would EVA MARIE like to do," Smith said, "One is to get X he spirits a backup panorama and all-sky system SAINT (Both functions of the slide projectors) will move so that we can cross-fade from one pan THEATER to another, or from one all-sky to an- you in other. These systems are unique to odd and planetariums. The images that sur- round you are the most powerful still $1.50 hysterical visuals. We want to be able to show ways. them in sequence. Admission "We also want to add a video projection system as soon as we can and a CCD (super sensitive camera) system. This camera is about 50 times more sensitive than the eye or than any TSIKl-Dl film." Friday. December 1st "I am facinated with how things work, the great diversity of beautiful Saturday. December 2nd things around us, and that's a theme - we keep hammering away at in the shows," Smith said, "The world around us is a neat place. By coming here a person will learn a little about 8:00. 10:00 that neat world and get a taste of its beauty and wonder. A lot of people Midnight have sciencephobia. They think science is boring and difficult. We are trying to <•**"**-"■ "I'I "mm Friday Mafazine/Deceaber 1, lttf High-tech bathroom surprises users by Melissa Puccelli ary looking rest stop, I was unaware of "flushing" mystery, we turned to the I then had a conversation with the the twilight zone I was about to enter. sink and before I could ask where the vending machine... in a feminine, me- Remember watching the " Jetsons" The people weren't dressed in the on Saturday afternoons in the mid '70s knobs were, the water turned on with- chanical voice she said, "Thank you latest galactic fashions and the gift and thinking how great life would be if out any effort. for your purchase," as she gave me shop seemed pretty normal, but then we had the little cars that ran on air, By this time, I was getting used to change and a shrink wrapped sand- indoor people movers and video again, so did the bathroom ... at first. these conveniences and began thinking, wich. I'm not sure, but I think I recog- It had the standard flourescent lights screens that "beamed up" the person "What will bathroom technology think nized her voice from Kroger's scanning and the standard public bathroom on the other end of the conversation? of next?" as the electronic hand dryer cash register, or maybe it was the bank scent, but not your standard toilets. started humming once I was within machine? Before I had even stood up, the toilet close proximity. By the time I left this "twilight zon- was flushing without any help from me I ran out of the bathroom looking e" reststop, I was humming the words, and I was beginning to fear that 1 was for my other friends (or anyone who "Meet George Jetson; Jane, his not the only one in the stall. had by chance missed this great experi- wife..." and I realized how far we real- Commentary I called to my friend three stalls ence) only to And the other half of the ly have advanced in technology, not over, "Lynn! You're not going to be- group coming from the men's restroom just in monumental ways, but in small, In an episode that stands out in my lieve what happens when you stand with the same news. everyday ways. mind, George Jetson comes home from up." a hard day of work with his finger "Whattaya mean, when I stand up? throbbing from a full day of button ... oh, my gosh, this is so cool!" she pushing. Buttons that made, cleaned, yelled from her cubicle. cooked, thought, talked and did every- We simultaneously backed out of the thing from preparing dinner to helping stall pointing in amazement at the "His boy, Elroy" with his homework. toilets, making quite a spectacle of EVERYBODY'S MOVIN' The "Jetson Age" is upon us. That ourselves. Then we came to the conclu- was all I could think of on my recent sion there must be automatic sensors in EVERYBODY'S GROOVIN' trip to Chicago. Pulling into an ordin- there, somewhere. Upon solving the CHI-O DATE PARTY YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE ANNUAL A COSMIC THING BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY GOSPEL CHOIR FALL FESTIVAL & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1989 DEC. 1, 1989 AT 6:00 PM ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH 425 Thurstin Bowling Green, Ohio 1% $1.00 Admission I* r r * r GET THE EDGE r r The I* WITH I* wild * CUFFS NOTES. funtier Cliffs Noic • s give you a greater I* understanding of the classics. More than 200 titles Learn Over 18 Admitted r more and earn better grades as you study. Located 10 minutes north of I* POtoflOTM lro*t » Bowling Green on rt. 25 I* GET A JUMP ON FINALS. . . Stop in and see our Formerly Buttons I* selection of study aids. Proper ID required 874-2253 r University Bookstore Student Services Building r Mon.-Fri. 8.00 - 5:00 r Sat. 9:00 - 5:00 I* * *.* * .vff"" /gr xtf*" .J3^ «I 4ii TTTTTTfTTTTTl 6 nnci Friday Magazine/DtccaabtT 1, 1989 Albums losing out to compact discs by Frank Esposilo percent and vinyl holding on to 10 per- cent according to Billboard. Vinyl is on The onslaught of technology is per- the ropes and the fact that the all- petually being felt in every aspect of powerful Warner/Elektra/Atlantic £ modern-day life and the field of music conglomerate is ceasing production of is no acception. vinyl 45s when 1990 rolls around may The war being fought on the audio just be the knockout punch. battlefield pits the aged gladiators of Symptoms of this vinyl genocide can vinyl records and turntables against the be seen in the Bowling Green area. CDs ultra-modernistic stormtroopers of hold a three-to-one advantage over compact discs and CD players. The LPs at Finders Records, 128 N. Main battle is a rout. The old school can't St., according to Guy Wilcox, general move quick enough or deliver the manager of Finders. They constitute 40 goods like they used to and the carnage percent of Finders total business, com- is simply awful. The new generation is pared to 5 percent for LPs. Cassettes taking no prisoners. lead the pack with 55 percent. The basic cassette still has a strang- "Cassettes are still our No. 1 confi- lehold on the marketplace on the basis guration," Wilcox said. "They've got of years of superiority over vinyl LPs. the price factor versus CDs and the Vinyl always managed to hold on until convenience factor versus LPs." Wil- the advent of the CD in the early '80s. cox added that approximately 20 of the Then the fighting began. The superior top 100 singles are no longer available sound quality and convenience that on vinyl, being replaced by cassette CDs offered was hard for consumers to singles. "Nobody has phased out vinyl resist. 45s completely, but they're moving The cassette market dealt vinyl a towards it," he said. crushing blow with the introduction of Brian Hanck, manager of Record the cassette single (known as "cassi- Den at Woodland Mall, said CDs held ngle" in trendier-than-thou circles) in a 17 percent to 3 percent edge over the latter part of the decade. Ideal- vinyl while cassettes were still way out istically, the cassette single combined in front with 80 percent. Hanck also the convenience of a cassette with the said Record Den is not planning to or- Photo lllustratioa by Greg Horvath affordability of a 45. The catch was in der any more back issue LPs after Where audio equipment is con- store stocks five different models of the affordability aspect. The 45 sold Christmas. cerned, CDs are also slaughtering CD players — four home models and for just under S2, while the Cassette "That's kind of ironic, isn't it? Re- vinyl. Radio Shack at Woodland Mall one portable model. single booted the price to almost S3. cord Den not stocking records," sells five CD players for every turnta- "The portable model is selling well Industry-wide, cassettes hold a 60 Hanck said. They are also increasing ble they sell, according to Deedee because of its versatility," Wentland percent share, with CDs holding 30 their orders of cassette singles. Wentland, manager of the store. The said. "It can be used at home or with a car stereo or with headphones." The Dava Yataan portable model retails for $219 while _ Stava Victor the others range from $199 to $359. In "at.. . RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR *-3? comparison, the store stocks only three HUoaOaalaa •'4^»*c turntable models, retailing from $89 to ■lie Mi.■ ui.*aa* WITH $149. "Last year, CD players were re- ally hot items," Wentland said. aj\tt Irtc LarfwH A bizarre incident occured earlier 1 Jaaala Makaa iN ALPHA GAMMA DELTA t this year when CBS Records stopped J.ff Firly producing both vinyl 45s and cassette .i*** »»at0" 9-* V singles of Martika's "Toy Soldier" be- *- Vilarla Waaaacatt Laara Arawar cause they were substantially outselling „>X-.«•£;■ *•••• **NS! ""/a. Pa- Nackal *»»• Caaa»-« * ••»aoit»>VA.vj»w_"- :.* Ai.-~uvt K^iii-ot icuuxits: 8 p.m. - Planetarium Show "Secret of the Star " $1 donation requested Monday Open to al. Planetarium. Phyeical Sclencea Friday Sunday December 4 8:30 p.m. - Womsn'a Spirituality December 8 December lO Meeting Free and open to al. 217 W Washing- 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show ton 1,10 a.m. - Church Services Free and open lo all Gallery. Fine Arts 9 ..m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show St. John's Episcopal Church, 1500 E. Wooster 9 p.m - Peace Coalition Free and open to al Gallery. Fine Aria. 2:30-4:30 - Coffee Houra Meeting Open to all United Christian Fellowship 8.10 a.m., Noon - Church Services Informal social discussion on a variety ol topics Center. 313 Thurstin St AtoysrusChurch. 160S Enterprise Free and open to all Sponsored by WSA 411 Noon - Graduate Student Luncheon 8:30,11 a.m. - Church Services South Hal. 9:30 p.m. - Progressive Student Organlxatlon Crmg Hergert of the English department w« drs Meeting Open lo all United Christian Fellowship St Mark'a Lutheran Church, 315 S. Colege cuss "How to Enable Your Students to Read." (Sunday school at 9:45 ami 5-5:30 p.m - Baptist Student Ministries Center, 313 Thurson $1 donation requested for lunch, open to al. Fellowship and Bible study Open to all Prout United Christian Feeowship Center. 313 Thurs- 9 a.m - Church Service Chapel. tin Peace Lutheran Church. 1028 Weat Pearl 6 p.m. - Tree Lighting Ceremony (Sunday school at 10:16 am.). A Christmas tree win be lit by President Ola- Wednesday 3-4:30 p.m. - Economics Colloquium Series camp Free and open to all Sponsored by UAO Dr. Richard Douglas will discuss "A Three Asset 9.11 a.m. - Church Services Outside, southeast corner ol Union December 6 Determination of the Transactions Demand for First United Methodlat Church. 1506 E Wooa- Money." Free and open to al. 4000 Business ter 8 p.m. - International Film Serlei 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show "Everyman lor Himself. God Against AH." Free Free and open to al. Galery. Fine Arts. 9:30 a.m. - Church Service and open to el. Glah Film Theatre. Hanna Grace Brethren Church, 121 S Enterprise. 10-11:30 a.m. - Hearing Impaired Education 6 p.m. - BG Gaming Society 8 p m Basketball Advising for majors 365 Education. Various role-playing games played Free and 9:30 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Services Men's team against Siena College Anderson open to al. 222 Education. First Baptist Church 749 S. Wkvtergarden Arena. Noon-1:15 p.m. -Open Forum President Otscamp win meet with students Free 7 p.m. - Hockey 10a.m.- Church Service • p.m. - Prayer Group and open to al Chart Room. McFal Center BGSU at University of Uanois-Chtcago. University Christian Church, 1040 Choral Open to all St Thomas More. 425 Thurstin Rehearsal Han, Moore Musical Arts Center 1-3:30 p.m. - Hearing Impaired Education Advising for majors. 385 Education. 7 p.m. - Swimming 10a.m.-Church Service Tuesday Men's team against Toledo. Cooper Pool, Stu- Fkat Presbyterian Church. 126 S. Church. 3-4:30 pjn. - French Conversation dent Recreation Center. December 5 Open to al. French House 10,11:30 a jn., 7 p jn. - Church Services 8 p.m. - Planetarium Show St Thomas More Parish. 425 Thurstin 9 i.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show 7 p.m. - Charismatic Prayer See 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 5. hating Free and open to all Gallery. Fine Arts Agape Church of Prayer United Christian Fel- 10 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Services lowship. 313 Thurstjn Dayspring Assembly of God. 17360 N Dixie 11:30 a.m. - Birthday Party 9 p.m. - French Film Highway To celebrate brthdays in November and Decem- 7 p.m. - Church Service Free and open to all French House ber. Free and open to al. Sponsored by the New Horizon Pentecostal Church of God 620 10:30 a.m. - Church Service Commuter Oft-Campus Organization and the Off- Second St. Agape Church of Prayer. United Christian Fel- Campus Student Center Off-Campus Student lowship. 313 Tnuistm (Bible study at 9:30 a.m ) Center, Moseley 7:30 p.m. - Basketball Men's team at Wright State University Dayton Saturday 10:30a.m.-Church Service 8 p.m. - Japanese Club Trinity United Methodist Church, 200 N Summit Meeting Open to all TV Lounge, Moseley 7:30 p.m.-Ski Club December 9 (Sunday school at 9:15 a.m.). Meeting Open to al. 070 Overman.

7:30 p.m. - Study Abroad In England 2 p.m. - Planetarium Show 10:45 a.m. - Church Service Information session Free and open to al. 411 See 8 p.m. Tuesday. Dec 5, listing First Christian Church, 875 Haskins South Hall 4 p.m. - Church Service 10:45 a.m. - Church Service St. Thomas More, 425 Thurstin Deliverance Tabernacle Church ol God, 17202 N Mercer (Sunday school at 9:30 a.m |. 4-5 p.m. - Women's Studies Feminist Forum Nancy Dillon will discuss "Ideological Di- Thursday vergence in the Politics of Feminist Theory." Free and open to all. Sponsored by Women for December 7 Women Faculty Lounge, Union. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show 5:15 p.m.-Basketball Free and open to al. Gallery, Fine Arts. Women's team against University ol Dayton. An 2:30-4:30-Coffee Houra derson Arena. Informal social discussion on a variety of topics. Free and open to all. Sponsored by WSA. 411 7 p.m. - Gymnastics At the Rocky Mountain Open Colorado Springs South Hal. Colo 7 p.m. - Thursday Nile Live Free and open to al Sponsored by BGSU Bible 7:30 p.m. - Basketball Men's team against Findlay College. Anderson Studies President's Lounge, Ice Arena. Arena.

7:30 p.m.-College Life Meeting Open to all Sponsored by Campus Crusade tor Christ. 115 Education.

8 p.m.-Basketball Women's team against Morehead State Colege Anderson Arena 11 a.m. -Church Service 8:30,11 a.m. - Church Services Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congrega- St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 316 S. College tion. Schaller Hall. 1 30 W Indiana. Perrysburg Thursday (Sunday school at 9:45 a.m.). Wednesday (Religious education at 10 a.m.). December 14 9 a.m. - Church Service January lO 11 a.m., 7 p.m. - Church Service! Peace Lutheran Church. 1028 Weal Pearl New Horizon Pentecostal Church of God. 620 • a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show (Sunday school at 10:15 a.m.). 10-11:30 a.m. - Hearing Impaired Education Second St. (Sunday school at 10 a.m.) Free and open to afl. Gallery, Fine Arts. Advising for majors. 365 Education. 9, 11 a.m.-Church Service! 2-5 p.m. - Faculty Art Show Flrat United Methodist Church, 1506 E. Woos- Noon-1:15 p.m. - Open Forum Free and open to al. Gallery. Fine Arts. ter. President Olscamp wil meet with students. Free Friday and open to al. Chart Room, McFal Center. 6 p.m. - Church Service 9:30 a.m. - Church Service Pentecostal Young People's Assoclstton. 620 December IS Grace Brethren Church, 121 S. Enterprise. 1-3:30 p.m. - Hearing Impaired Educattoa Second St. Advising lor majors 385 Education 7:30 p.m. - Hockey 9:30 a.m., 8 p.m. - Church Service! • pun. - Exam Cram BGSU against Ohio State University Ice Arena Fist Baptiat Church. 749 S. Wintergarden 4-6 p.m. - Pre-screenlng tor Aerobics Beginning now until Friday (Dec. 15) at 8 p.m. Activity Center, Student Recreation Center. the Off-Campus Student Center is open to pro- • p.m. - Planetarium Show 10 a.m. - Church Service vide s quiet study environment. Coflee and See 8 p.m. Tuesday. Dec 5, listing. University Christian Church, 1040 Choral 7 p.m. - Church Service munchies are provided Free and open to al. Rehearsal Hal. Moore Musical Arts Center New Horizon Pentecostal Church ol God. 620 Sponsored by the Commuter Off-Campus Or- Second St ganization and the Oft-Campus Student Center. 10 a.m. - Church Service Off-Campus Student Center, Moseley. Saturday First Presbyterian Church. 128 S. Church. 8-8 p.m. - Lesbian Support Qroup December 16 10,11:30 a.m., 7p.m.-Church Service! Thursday Open to at. Sponsored by Women for Women. St. Thomas More Pariah, 425 Thurstln. United Christian Fefowshlp, 313 Thurstln. January 11 8:15 a.m. - Commencement 10 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Service! 7 p.m. - Church 8onrlca Candidates tor graduation are to assemble In the Deysprlng Assembly ol God, 17360 N. Dixie 4-6 p.m. - Pre-screenlng for Aerobics New Horizon Pentecostal Church ol God, 620 Business Administration Building. Candidates Highway. Activity Center, Student Recreation Center. Second St are to assemble by college and degree earned. and signs wiH be posted to direct graduates to 10:30 a.m. - Church Service 7 p.m. - United Christian Fellowship Night 7 p.m. - Church Service the correct areas of the building Agape Church of Prayer. United Christian Fel- Informal prayer and worship session. Free and Active Christiana Today, 612 E. Wooster lowship. 313 Thurshn (Bible study at 9:30a.m ) open to al. United Christian Fellowship Center. 10 a.m. - Commencement 313 Thurstln. 7-* - Phi Upsllon Omlcron Approximately 1,000 graduates will receive di- 10:30 s.m. - Church Service Study break Open to members. 12 Applied plomas. President Paul Olscamp wHI preside: Trinity United Methodist Church, 200 N. Summit 7:30 p.m.-College Life Human Ecology. Sen George McGovem wfl deliver the com- (Sunday school st 9:15 am) Meeting Open to all. Sponsored by Campus mencement address Open to al. Anderson Crusade lor Christ 115 Education 7:30 p.m. - Candlelight Service Arena. Memorial Hal 10:45 a.m. - Church Service First United Methodist Church, 1506 E Woos- First Christian Church, 875 Haskins ter. 2 p.m. - Planetarium Show Green Shoot is published by the See 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5. listing 10:48 a.m. - Church Service Bowling Green Stale University Of- 7:30 pjn. - Planetarium Show Deiverance Tabernacle Church of God, 17202 fice of Public Relations for students, See 8 p.m. Tuesday. Dec. 5, listing. 7:30 p.m. - Hockey N. Mercer (Sunday aclwol at 9:30 a.m.). BGSU st Ohio State University Columbus faculty and staff. 8 p-m. - Candlelight Mass 11 a.m. - Church Service The next issue of Green Sheet will Free and open to al Sponsored by St Thomas Maumee Valley Unitarian Universalist Congrega- be published Jan. 12. It will cover More Pariah Lenhsrt Grand Ballroom, Union. tion Schaller Hal. 130 W Indiana, Perrysburg events occur in g Jan. 12 through Jan. Sunday (Religious education at 10 a.m.). 28. The deadline to submit informa- 8 p.m. - Concert Bowkng Green String Quartet wUI perform. Free December 17 11 a.m., 7 p.m. - Church Services tion for that issue is noon Wednes- and open to all. Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical New Horizon Pentecostal Church ol God. 620 day, Jan. 10. Arts Center. 6,10 a.m. - Church Services Second St. (Sunday school at 10 a.m.) All events must be submitted in St John's Episcopal Church, 1509 E Wooster. writing to the Green Sheer! editor, 8 p.m. - Church Service 8,10a.m.. Noon - Church Services Pentecostal Young People's Association. 620 806 Administration Building. There is St. Aloysius Church, 150 S. Enterprise. Second St no charge to have an item listed. Monday Editor: Jeff Schober 2 p.m. - Planetarium Show Calendar Editor: Melissa Henry December 11 See 8 p.m. Tuesday. Dec. 5, listing. Production: Gene Powell 8 ».m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show Free and open to all Gallery, Fine Arts Monday 9 p.m. - Prayer Group Open to all St. Thomas More. 425 Thurstln January 8 9 p.m. - Prayer Group Tuesday Opentoal St Thomas More. 425Thurshn December 12 Tuesday January 9

0 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show 4-8 p.m. - Pre-screenlng lor Aerobics Free and open to all. Gallery, Fine Arts. Activity Center, Student Recreation Center

8 p.m. - Planetarium Show 7 p.m. - Fellowship Meeting See 8pm Tuesday. Dec 5. listing Active Christians Today Alumni Room. Union.

8:30 p.m. - Women's Spirituality Meeting Free and open to all. 217 W. Washing- ton. Wednesday 9 p.m. - Peace Coalition Meeting. Open to all. United Christian Fellowship December 13 Center. 313 Thurstin

9 t.m.-4:30 p.m. - Faculty Art Show 9:30 p.m. - Progressive Student Organization Free and open to all Gallery, Fine Arts. Meeting. Open to al. United Christian Fellowship Center, 313 Thurstin Sen. George McGovem to deliver address 1,000 receive diplomas One of the largest December com- mencement classes In University his- tory will be awarded degrees begin- ning at 10 a.m. Saturday (Dec. 16) In Anderson Arena. Approximately 1,000 students, in- cluding about 850 candidates for bachelor's degrees, are expected to receive diplomas. Candidates for graduation are to as- semble for the processional at 9:15 a.m. in the Business Administration Building. Students wiH be grouped by college and degree, and signs will be posted in the building to direct stu- dents to their proper groups. The processional will begin at 10 a.m. and commencement is expected to last approximately two hours. Tickets for commencement are not necessary, although because of the large number of graduates, candidates are asked to limit the number of guest among the first congressmen to openly to four. Guest seating will be in the up- oppose American participation in the per sections of Anderson Arena. Vietnam War. Special seating arrangements for McGovern outlines his experiences handicapped guests can be made by during those years in his book "A Time contacting the office of the vice presi- of War/A Time of Peace" and his au- dent for University relations, McFall tobiography "Grassroots." Center. A long-time champion of farmers as President Paul Olscamp will preside well as liberal causes, McGovern ser- over the cermony and Sen. George ved on the Senate agriculture, nutrition McGovern will present the commen- and forestry committees. He is the au- cement address. Carroll W. Cheek, thor of the book, "Agricultural Thought who founded the Great Scot grocery in the 20th Century." store chain, wiH be presented with an Throughout the seventies McGovem honorary doctor of public service de- served on the Senate foreign relations gree. committee and was appointed by both McGovern was the 1972 Democra- Presidents Carter and Ford as a United tic presidential candidate and one of Nations delegate. the leaders of the anti-Vietnam War In 1982, McGovem founded Ameri- movement. cans for Common Sense which has The speaking engagement will mark been described as "an alternative polit- the third time McGovem has appeared ical voice on behalf of minorities, the at Bowling Green. He spoke on cam- poor, and other marginalized Ameri- pus in December 1968 in the "Youth cans." This work by assistant professor Dennis Wojtkiewicz Is one of an expected and New Politics" series after an un- A native of South Dakota, McGovem 10O-plus pieces in the the University's 40th annual Faculty Art Show, which successful bid for the Democratic holds a doctorate from Northwestern opens Sunday (Dec. 3) in the Fine Arts. Building gallery. University. An opening reception for the artists and the public will be held Sunday from presidential nomination. He returned in May 1971 during his successful cam- Cheek, formerly of Bowling Green 2:30-4 p.m. in the gallery. paign for the nomination. During both and now living in Belleair, Fla.. will be "This is a real opportunity for students to see the work of their professors, and honored for his service and commit- for the public to become familiar with some of the fine artists in the community," campaigns his platform was built on a call to end the war in Vietnam. ment to the University and the north- Jacqui Nathan, Fine Arts Gallery director, said. "I expect it once again to be trie A two-term member of the House of west Ohio community as well as his highlight of the season." Representatives and a U.S. Senator efforts to improve higher education. The multi-media exhibition wiK include oils, water color, sculpture,, glass, Jew- for 18 years, McGovem was named He began his career by forming his elry, photography, drawing and metals, Nathan said, adding that some of the own public accounting firm and also pieces displayed wUI be available for purchase. director of the Food for Peace Pro- gram in 1960. The success of the taught In Bowling Green's College of The exhibition wit continue through Thursday (Dec. 14). Regular gallery hours program helped to propel him to the Business Administration. are 9 a.m. to4:30p.m. Monday through Friday and from 2-5 p.m. onSunday. Cheek has long been active in his The display is free and open to the public Senate in 1962. During his initial term In the Senate, McGovem became support of Bowling Green. In the 1960s he was a co-founder and the first member of the Presidents Club, the University's major donor group for Classes end, Volunteers needed for raffle individuals and businesses, and helped form the Falcon Club, which raises Volunteers are needed for the 8th annual Honors Program and Honors Stu- exams begin dent Association Tuition Raffle. Tickets for the raffle go on sale In late February funds for the University's athletic pro- and are available until March 15. gram. He has also been involved in Univer- The semester is rapidly drawing to a Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks. Some duties include selling tick- ets, calling Honors Students and asking them to sell tickets or calling faculty sity alumni programs. He is a former close. For some, this is the last semes- president of the Alumni Association ter, but for many, academic life will and staff and asking them to pledge to buy tickets. continue in the spring. The cost of tickets will be $1 apiece, or 6 for $5. One lucky winner will be a- and played a key role in raising funds warded a full semester's tuition, the amount of $1,322. Three$50 book schol- and developing plans for the Mileti Beginning at 6 p.m. on Sunday (Dec. Alumni Center. In 1974, he received 10) and continuing until 6 p.m. on Fri- arships will also be given away. The drawing for winners occur on March 29, 1990. the Distinguished Alumnus Award, the day (Dec. 15), the Communter Off- Alumni Association's highest honor. Campus Student Center will hold their This year's Tuition Raffle logo incorporates the phrase "Carpe Diem.. Seize annual Exam Cram. During Exam the day by purchasing a tuition raffle ticket." The logo, Inspired by the movie Cheek received a bachelor's degree Cram, the Off-Campus Student "Dead Poets' Society," was designed by University student Debbie Deboer. from Bowling Green in 1947 and a Center, located on the ground level of "The Tuition Raffle is important because it gives HSA a chance to do some- master's degree in business adminis- Moseley, is open continuously for a thing good for the campus. All year we get so much support for our activities tration from the University of Michigan five day period to provide a quiet study that if s nice to give something back," said Doreen Cutway, Tuition Raffle in 1950. place for students. Coffee and mun- chairwoman. He is the founder of CWC Com- chies are available during this time. To volunteer, contact the Honors Office, 231 Administration Building. panies, headquartered in Clearwater, &tfttftto&&i wiAiiiiixumim}. -Ffe- — J Friday Magazine/December 1,1M9 aaa 7 Word processors versus typewriters

by Jennifer L. Stagg prolific because of computers, but that it causes you to make changes that most need the old method of hand cor- shouldn't be made, but to me, type- Technology certainly seems to be rections. "Hand editing is more like writers are prisons of the limitations of everywhere and the realm of creativity painting a picture. The visual page my fingers." ■From MRI, page 3. is certainly no exception. Computers gives a sense of accomplishment." The rological systems and can also and word processors are beginning to computer monitor and the ability to Both O'Connor and McMillen said show if a spinal disk is hyper- replace the longhand and typewriting make corrections on the screen is too they agree that hardcopy is the only extended or show tears in the methods of writing. The question is, clean and leaves too much room for way to edit properly. "Everyone is knees and shoulder area where are they helping or hindering creativi- bad writing, he said. "You can write inundated by paper. Everyone needs previously needles and dyes were ty? Technology has allowed the writer badly and it still looks nice. That hardcopy, computers are just doing the used," Fisher said. much aid in methods of structure, but screen is just too forgiving, too numb- grunt work for you. You never get The MRI "requires a patient to is it also influencing content? ing." away from hardcopy for real editing," lie on a table which slides back McMillen said. into an eight foot tunnel and Philip O'Connor, director of crea- Barbara McMillen, associate profes- whatever body part is being diag- tive writing at the University, said he sor of English, said she has quite a dif- nosed is placed in the center of chooses to continue to write on the ferent view on the aid of computers The the magnet," Fisher said. typewriter. "I'm finding it difficult to when writing. "Every writer finds In order for MRI to form a write on a typewriter that isn't at least something to work for them. It's a sort BG News clear image she said the patient 40 years old. The art of creation is of magic." Writing is also very visual must remain motionless while us- handwritten corrections on typed and word processors allow for no in- ing it and due to the constant mo- paper. I'm just one of those people." terruptions so the writer can type as he is recyclable! tion of abdominal muscles the thinks. technology is not yet equipped to He said some writers work gets more "Some argue that it's too easy and form clear images in that area. In some cases, MRI has re- placed the Computerized Axial %«%R^^^^^»^^^»k»%»»ft»»»»»»^ai Tomography or CAT scan which emits radiation, but Fisher said the CAT scan is better for use in x-raying fractures and some other areas and will probably never be replaced completely by MRI. In addition, traumatized patients are unable to use the MRI because it would interfere with the machines they are hooked up to. "Certain other patients who are either too heavy .or claustrophobic still have to use invasive methods," Fisher said. Since the technology is almost in its infancy. Fisher said she envisioned "more and more ap- plications for the MRI. As soft- ware and computer hardware im- proves, time (required in the MRI) will decrease and motion will be less of a problem." The Wood County Hospital began us- ing the mobile MRI unit on Aug. 16,1989. An average of 10 patients use the technology every Wednesday when the MRI comes to the hospital. The service is shared with four other hospitals in Northwest Ohio.

Wedding Apparel

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107 Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg DECEMBER SALE Mon. Ihru Wed.. . 10:00-5:00 Thurs 12:00-8:00 Fri. and Sal 10:00-5:00 874-0146 8 ODD Friday Magazine/Dtctnbn 1, 1M9 Hazardous wastes in accidents require specialized equipment

by Tempo Blertey

A truck skids on the icy road and runs a red light. Next, a pile-up occurs as on- coming traffic is unable to avoid the runaway vehicle and gasoline from punc- tured fuel tanks wash the pavement. No doubt this is a scenerio you have seen in the movies or on television many times, but have you ever stopped to wonder what takes place after the wreck is dispersed? Once the Emergency Medical Squad has transported the wounded and the tow trucks have hauled the demolished autos away, the fire department performs an equally important job. For years firemen have been using a basic technological tool, the MSA, to save us from spills which can contaminate the atmosphere and whose fumes could possibly endanger people's lives. Captain Joe Burns of the Bowling Green Fire Department said the MSA is a machine used to tell firemen the percentage of petroleum product in the atmosphere. Hazardous waste incidents such as traffic or industrial accidents cause a "release of vapors," Burns said. The MSA, a fairly primitive form of technology by today's standards, plays a large role in the welfare of the community.

Liquid spills expose potential hazards to the air and the MSA "takes an explo- sive limit measurement to give reliable data so firemen know what avenue to pur- sue," he said. For example, on an explosive limit scale of 2-10, two is not enough to cause an explosion while petroleum products with an explosive limit of 10-12 can be very dangerous. Burns said. "That is the major reason why we have monitoring equipment. The more we know, the better we can handle the situation."

In dealing with hazardous incidents the fire department is like a first alert mechanism which identifies possible danger before contaminates get out of con- trol. The firemen are protected by encapsulated suits so they can work closely with spills, however. Burns said, "We are not a hazardous material unit but do what we can to contain a situation because our main objective is to keep these in- cidents from endangering lives."

Their job primarily is to diagnose the problem and then inform the appropriate persons. The people transporting the material are usually responsible and liable for its cleanup, he said.

Burns also said the department soon will be converting one of its old ambulan- ces into a hazardous incident vehicle where the men will keep the encapsulated suits and monitoring equipment ready for use. Bowling Green firefighter Jerry Crawford displays one of I he department's two hazardous Photo Illustration by Greg Horvath Microf ridge aimed at college dorm BOSTON (AP) — A new appliance microwave was on for 45 minutes, the stumbling block. cause we have an extremely high back- that can chill beer, keep ice cream fro- refrigerator and freezer sections gained "I think he's got a difficult sale on a zen and cook pizza has college students only 3 degrees, he said. log, it seems to be worth quite a lot," price basis, because college students he said. clamoring and the inventor, a former The first shipment of 1,700 Micro- can buy a $99 refrigerator and a $99 Lauren Marassa, a freshman at computer salesman, crossing his fing- fridges went out at the end of August. microwave and save a lot of money," ers. The company plans two more ship- Brown University, agreed. "You don't said Ryan. have to worry about this teensy space The Microfridge is a three-piece ap- ments by the end of November. Sales According to Bennett, however, a not big enough to hold ice cubes," she pliance comprised of a compact re- are expected to top SI .9 million this separate freezer makes up for that frigerator, a separate freezer com- year, Bennett said, and "the phones said, referring to the minute freezer price difference. compartment of most compact re- partment and a mini-microwave. It re- are still ringing." "How much is the freezer worth? tails for $429. frigerators. "I mean, this can hold ice Microfridge has three distributors, That's really the question. And be- cream." The founders of Microfridge Inc. of which sell the appliance through col- suburban Sharon did more than stack leges, military bases and a few stores. ■ From Computer, page 2 three appliances on top of one another The device, whose components are and paint them the same color, made in various countries, is assembled BGSU OPUS is operated by the area is Cyberspace Nexus, which is on- however. Their machine, which stands in San Diego by the U.S. arm of Sanyo BGSU IBM PC User's Group and is line 24 hours Monday through Satur- under 4 feet tall, was invented to use no Electric Co. Ltd., the Japanese elec- on-line from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. weekdays day. There are eight different message more power than a compact refrigera- tronics and appliance giant. and 24 hours on weekends. The board and file areas and the board is dedicat- tor. For now, the efforts of Bennett and has six message bases, seven file areas, ed to game-playing. This is the only "Quite simply, when one unit is his co-founders, Peter Soriano, 47, and and supports IBM computers and board in the area on which callers can running, the other one is off," ex- Ed Ward, 37, are focused on promot- clones. use an alias, but they must use their plained co-founder Robert Bennett, ing the appliance for use in schools, real names for the sysop. Cyberspace 33, who said he holds two patents on hotels, office suites and military bases. NovaComm BBS is operated 24 Nexus is located in Portage. the Microfridge's circuitry. Relying too much on the relatively hours every day of the year. The board The most recent addition to the When the microwave is turned on, small college market could ultimately has twenty different file and message BBSs in the area is The Great Escape the freezer and refrigerator shut off sink Microfridge Inc., said Chuck sections and fully supports the which originates in Bowling Green. It temporarily. They go back on when the Ryan, an industry analyst at Merrill Tandy/Radio Shack computer line and is a membership board that has mes- cooking is done, Bennett said. Product Lynch & Co. Ryan also said the retail all of its different operating systems. sage bases and access to many game testing showed that even when the . .Crice.was high maagli«» be a pwt»«M»» "■TtowMM BBS-mtnfBowlnig Preen* ■» ' p«gl»!M;,-''-»*'-*-,-VVJ*A»«.,-V/AV« Friday Magazine/December 1,1M9


»»*»l*lHWl»*»WMhM>1MhHWMW»'lW»'»»*»»W *»#» *»»» »» W »» »WW»'*Hr/tt JIHWHFXWWHWt

DAYTIME MORNIIS G NOVEMBER 3 . 1989 - NOVEMBER 9, 1989 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:0 o USA Today Business News This Morning Sally Jessy Raphael Family Feud Jackpot! TBA o Sign-Off Cont'd FIT Well Now' Mr. Dressup TBA ID Sign-Oil Cont'd CBS News Toledo 11 This Morning Peo Court 3rd Degree Family Feud Wh Fortune TBA 19 Sign-Off Ag-Day News NBC News Today g Donahue Scrabble Concentr TBA S) Sign-Off Cont'd ABC News g Good Morning America g Live - Regis & Kathie Lee Sally Jessy Raphael TBA • 03 Sign-Off Cont'd Business Homestretch Sesame Street g Instructional Programming SD Sign-Off Cont'd Homestretch Zoobilee Sesame Street g Instructional Programming

© Sign-Off Cont'd COPS Ninja Turtles Police Menace Muppets Success n' Life 700 Club Divorce © Happening" News 700 Club Max* Flmlslones Chipmunks Smurfs Little House on the Prame Perry Mason Trial by Jury ESPN Varied Getting Fit Bodies Nation's Business Today SportsCtr Varied Programs Getting Fit

IMC Movie Varied Progra ms | Movie

DAYTIME AFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O TBA News Young and the Restless Bold. Bea. As the World Turns Guiding Light Geraldo Donahue o TBA Midday Country Practice Varied Flying Doctors Wok Talkabout Danger Bay Video Hits Newsday CD TBA Newsg Young and the Restless |Bold. Bea. As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey g Family Ties Cosby Show CD 227 News Generations Days of Our Lives Another World Santa Barbara Gro Pains Facts of Life News Cheersg 63 TBA Strangers Loving g All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Joan Rivers Geraldo © Instructional Varied Instructional Programming Varied Sq.1 TV Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Varied 60 Instructional Instructional Programming Instructional Programming Sesame Street g Mr Rogers

60 The Judge Love Con. Win. Lose Laverne Odd Couple Mork Chipmunks Mario Bros Scooby Doo DuckTales g Chip-Dale Highway to Heaven m 50 Newsline 1 Love Lucy Andy Griffith CHiPs Happy Days Laverne Porky Pig Chip-Dale DuckTales g Fun House Dill Strokes Webster ESW Basic Tr. Bodies Bodyshape Varied Programs Legends Of Wrestling Varied Programs

TMC Movie Movie Movie 1 Varied Movie Varied

BG MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP THE ARRANGEMENT Hair, Skin and Nail Designers 6:00 p.m. - Supper 20% off perms, color, haircuts and sculptured 6:45 p.m. - Worship nails with this ad. Call and meeting at make your appointment Peace Lutheran Church with Tammy or Natalie 1028 W. Pearl Natalie expires Dec. 15 Tammy call 353-2096 352-4101 181 S. Main 352-4143 for more information 10 noo Friday Magazine/Deceaaber 1, 1989

FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 | 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O Newt CBS News USA Today Snoops Dallas [Falcon Crest News Newhart St. Elsewhere o News Mosquito News Special Journal News Between Two Worlds'' Inside Mvs ID News CBS News mtt Fortune Jeopardy! Snoops MM Falcon Crest News Magnum, P.I. IB News NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court Baywatch Hardball Mancuso FBI News Best ol Canon Letterman 9 News ABC News Allan Family Feud Full House Family Strangers Ten ol Us 20/20 News Nightbne ArsenioHall • Streamside Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wash Week Wall SI Doctor Who EaslEnders Spirit ol Place SD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business McLaughlin Wash Week Wall St Friday Tales-Ohio Movie: All About Eve m Boss"* Charles New Beaver Mama Crimewatch Trial by Jury Night Stalker NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Los Angeles Lakers m Boss' Facts ol Lite Boss' Family Ties Movie "The Godfather" News NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Los Angeles Lakers am Tennis Nabisco Masters SportsCtr Tennis. Nabisco Masters 1969 Skate America Yachting Motorweek SportsCtr. Senior PGA Golf

TWC Movie: "Blue City'' Cont'd Movie: "The Couch Trip" Movie: "Die Hard- Movie: "Cocoon: The Return"


SATURDAY AFTERNOON 11:00 1 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Garfeld | Rude Dog Movie: "Scared to Death College Football: Alabama at Auburn Heisman o Star Trek The Prisoner Keepers ol the Light News Special ID Gar'telfl Rude Dog Ragg. Ann Storybreak Kingdom Football College Football: Alabama at Auburn Heisman ID Chipmunks Saved-Bell ALF Kissy Fur Young Univ. Health Dieting PBA Bowling: Tour. Player Champ. SportsWork) 6D Bugs A Tweety Crack-Ups Weekend Quantum College Basketball: Notre Dame at LouisvWe College Basketball: Regional Coverage ffl P. Franey Gourmel Cooking Garden Frugal Gourmet Ok) House Woodwright Hometime Great Moments From Austin City Limits

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ESPN Star Shot College Gameday Tennis: Nabis co Masters Billiards: World Open College Football: Texas at Texas ASM

TttC "Surrender Movie: "Cocoon: The Return" |Firstworks Movie: Bloodsport" Movie: "Against All Odds"

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 e News |cBS News Weekend Power Paradise Tour of Duty Sat. Night/Connie Chung News Movie: "Kiss of the Spider Woman" o Saturday Report Real Fishing Don Cherry NHL Hockey: Toronto Maple Leals at Calgary Flames News Night Music ID News CBS Newt Wh. Fortune Cash Conn. Paradise Tour of Duty Sat Night/Connie Chung News Movie: "The Ambush Murders" ID News NBC News Entertainment This Week 227 Amen Golden Girls Empty Nest Hunter News Saturday Night Live 3) Football ABC News Star Search Belvedere Living Dolls Movie: ": Fatal Flaw" Insport WWA Wrestling ArsenioHall m DeGrassi Video Lawrence Welk Show Great Performances Kenny Rogers in Concert: Holiday Special Latenight America With Dennis Wboley

10 Irving Berlin's America Lawrence Welk Show Kenny Rogers in Concert: Holiday Special Movie:" Kid Galahad" Dennis Wholey

ID Boss? McHale RollerGames Cops Reporters | Tomorrow NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Seattle Supersonics Marble he 3d

SD Happy Days Mad House Star Trek: Next Gener Cops Reporters Tomorrow NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Seattle Supersonics Mom Dear

ESPN College Football Scoreboard College Football: Florida Stale at Florida Scoreboard Heisman SportsCtr Senior PGA Golf

TMC Movie: "Alien Nation" Movie: "The Great Outdoors" | Movie: "Cocoon The Return" Movie Bloodsport"

Doug's Wash & Dry Doug's Wash & Dry B.G. Elks JOIN US FOR LUNCH

a in Our dining room is open to the =r public daily Mon. - Fri. 11 a.m. • 1:30 p.m. Where Doing Your V^ * ^ Laundry Is a Pleasure *^ a open Banquet catering available for Office Parties, Reunions, Award Banquets, 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. • 7 days ,i week I etc. Drop off service is available. Call 352-2149 We will do your laundry for 50*/lb. I■

($3.00 minimum charge) 01 Call between 8-5 for more information 352-9096 . 1045 N. Main Across from Foodtown DECEMBER 3,1989 Friday Magazine/December 1,1M9 CDO 11

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Neighbor. Insport Sponsor NFL Today Secrets ot Success Benson Sports Speed Merchants NFL Football: Redskins at Cardinals O Gardener Best Years Meeting Place Canada Hymn Sing Sunday Arts Entertainment Sportsweekend ID WillSonnett Jay Eck Face Nation NFL Today NFL Football: Regional Coverage NFL Football Will Sonnett Branded Paycheck ID Shut-ins Mass HS Quiz NFL Live NFL Football: Regional Coverage NFL Football: Regional Coverage H) World Tom David Brinkley Close-Up Business Snakmaster Movie: "The Nutcracker: The Motion Picture" PGA Golf: J.C. Penney Classic @9 Tony Brown's Journal Adam Smith Wall St Sinclair Lewis: Main Street Cousteau s Rediscovery Defense Travel Mag. One on One McLaughlin Silent Mouse €0 "The Cat From Outer Space'' Cont'd Best of Wild America: The Babies Movie: "How Green Was My Valley" Movie: "Desk Set m Talk Sports Lassie Movie: "The Private Eyes Movie: "The Kid From Left Field" Charles Out ol World Secret ID. Superboy

@D American Gladiators Star Trek: Next Gener. Movie: "Toral Toral Toral" Fall Guy Rich & Famous

ESPN Reporter NFL Gameday Tennis: Nabisco Masters Pistols Truck and Tractor Pulling Star Shot Yachting

TMC ' Lady in White" Cont'd |MOV»: Good Morning. Vietnam" |Movie: Little Domt Part One: Nobody's Fault Beverly Hills Cop II"

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o NFL Football 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote Movie: "No Place Like Home" News Siskel USA Today o Jewel in the Crown Brian Orser, Skating Free Movie. "Love and Hate" Venture News Sports Zone Movie: "The Dark ID News CBS News 60 Minutes Murder, She Wrote Movie No Place Like Home" News Movie: "For the Love of It" ID NFL Football: Reg. Cov Magical World of Disney Ann Jillian Sister Kate True Blue News Byron Allen Soloflex m Siskel ABC News Live From South Pole Free Spirit Homeroom Movie: "The Shell Seekers" Editors Snakmaster The Doctor Is In a# Xmas On Sesame Street Mancini S Friends Masterpiece Theatre Television Editors & Movie: "Desk Set" Cont'd Father of the Lions Nature Masterpiece Theatre Hollywood Sign-Off

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TMC "Beverly Hills Cop II" Movie Cocoon: The Retur n" Movie: "Good Morning. Vietnam Movie: Broadcast News


MONDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 1 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News USA Today Major Dad TeddyZ Murphy B Design. W. Newhart Doctor News Newhart St. Elsewhere o News Monitor Danger Bay Movie: "Love and Hate" Journal News Movie: "The Blue Knight" ID News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Mapr Dad Teddy Z Murphy B Design. W. Newhart Doctor News Magnum, P.I. ID News NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court ALF Hogans Movie: "Howard Beach: Making the Case lor Murder News Best of Carson Letterman m News ABC News Affair Family Feud MacGyver NFL Football Buflalo Bills at Seattle Seahawks News Nightiine (9 Business Business MacNeH/Lehrer Newshour Travels When We Were Young: On Screen EastEnders Adam Smith Say Brother HD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Cartoons Tex Avery Served Fawlty Towers Video Served Automania Sign-Off £B Boss1 Charles New Beaver Mama 21 Jump Street Alien Nation Star Trek: Next Gener After Hours Movie: "On the Waterfront" @D Boss? Facts of Life Boss? Family Ties 21 Jump Street Alien Nation News Jeffersons Sanford Fall Guy

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TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News USA Today Billy Graham Crusade Movie: "Over the Top" News Newhart St. Elsewhere o News Babar Land & Sea Mm estate Market PI. Man Alive Journal News Movie: ' Manhunter o News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy! Rescue 911 Best TV Commercials Infidelity Workshop News Movie: "Over the Top- Letterman CD News NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court Mattock In the Heat ol the Night Midnight Caller News Tonight Show m News ABC News Affair Family Feud Boss? Wonder Y. Roseanne Coach thirtysomething News Nightlme Arsenio Hall o French Business MacNeil/lehrer Newshour Nova American Experience Kenny Rogers in Concert: Hokday Specie EastEnders SD MacNeil/Lehr w Newshour Business Animals Nova American Experience The Hobos Served Automania Sign-Off

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WEDNESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 6,1989 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS Ne.vs USA Today Billy Graham Crusade Jake and the Fatman Wiseguy News Newhart St. Elsewhere o News Raccoons Bcombers. Nature of Things Professionals Journal News Movie: "MacArthur" ID News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Peaceable Kingdom Jake and the Fatman Wiseguy News Magnum, P.I. CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Nighl Courl Unsolved Mysteries Night Court Two Dads Quantum Leap News Tonight Show Letterman 0D News ABC News Affair Family Feud Gro Pains Head Clss. Doogie H. Anything China Beach News Nightlme Arsenio Hall ffl Business Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Jessye Norman's Christmas Symphony Frugal Gourmet Galway Plays Mancini EastEnders Video 0D MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals John Phillips and The Mamas and the Papas Tribute to Woody Guthrie and Leadbelly Automania Sign-Off CD Boss? Charles New Beaver Mama Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover Crimewatch Trial by Jury After Hours Movie: "The Godfather SD Boss' Fads of Ufa Boss? Family Ties Movie: "The Man in the Santa Claus Suit" News Jeflersons Sanford Fall Guy

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THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 7,1989 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News USA Today 48 Hours Billy Graham Crusade Knots Landing News Newhart St. Elsewhere o News On Road Space Ex. Front Page Family CODCO Kids in the Hal Journal News Movie: "The Last Valley" CD News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy1 48 Hours Top of the Hill Knots Landing News Magnum. P.I. CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Cosby Show Dif World Cheers Dear John LA. Law News Tonight Show Letterman s> News ABC News Affair Family Feud Mission: Impossible Young Riders Koppel Rpt.: Blue X News Nightlme Arsenio Hall m French Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Best ol Wild America: The Babies Try Times Mystery! EastEnders Time Out Sports Rpt €0 MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Movie: "Toral Tora! Toral" Served Automania Sign-Off 69 Boss' Charles New Beaver Mama Crimewatch Trial by Jury Movie: "Cutter's Way" After Hours Movie: "Legend of the Champions" CD Boss' Facts of Life Boss? Family Ties Movie: "Shanghai Surprise" News Jeflersons Sanlord Fall Guy

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