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PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL Land at Felindre Road PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL Land at Felindre Road, Pencoed, Bridgend March 2019 (updated October 2019) Energion Ltd Preliminary Ecological Appraisal March 2019 Felindre Road, Pencoed (updated Oct 2019) Contents 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Results 4. Assessment 5. Recommendations 6. Conclusions 7. References Appendix 1: Species lists complied on site Appendix 2: Habitats Regulations Assessment Stage 1 matrix for SACs Appendix 3: Photographs Summary A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) has been requested to inform a planning application for a reserve gas power generator system. The nine 4.5MW gas generators will be housed in containers with associated switching gear and equipment, all within fenced enclosures. The generators, in a worst-case scenario, are projected to operate for approximately 2,500 hours per annum. The site consists of small areas of two relatively flat fields next to an electricity sub-station. The generators will be enclosed in a compound in the western field and the ancillary equipment in a compound in the eastern field. The existing gateways will be blocked and reinstated as hedgerow using translocated hedge from a new access to the western field. No total length of hedgerow will be lost and connectivity will be retained. There are no notable habitats or species within the proposed development area. Five of the six hedgerows surrounding the site have Bluebell present and qualify for Hedgerows of Importance under the Hedgerow Regulations 1997. No hedges or hedgerow trees will be impacted by the development save for a small length of H3 to create a new access. Dormouse are to be found nearby and timing of works is recommended to avoid impacts on this species. It is considered that the proposed development will have a minimal impact on biodiversity of the area if the recommendations in this report are followed. The results of the survey and assessment work undertaken by Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd are representative at the time of surveying. Every effort has been made to identify the presence of protected species on site, where this falls within the agreed scope of works. The flora and fauna detailed within this report are those noted during the field survey, records obtained from local record centres (where available) and from anecdotal evidence. It should not be viewed as a complete list of flora and fauna species that may frequent or exist on site at other times of the year. Up to date standard methodologies have been used, which are accepted by Natural Resources Wales and other statutory conservation bodies. No responsibility will be accepted where these methodologies fail to identify all species on site. Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd cannot accept responsibility for data collected from third parties. Reference to sections or particular paragraphs of this document taken out of context may lead to misrepresentation. This document remains the property of Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd until full payment has been received. Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd Tel: 01792 371437 07794168624 [email protected] Page 2 of 29 Energion Ltd Preliminary Ecological Appraisal March 2019 Felindre Road, Pencoed (updated Oct 2019) 1. Introduction 1.1 Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd was commissioned by Energion Ltd in March 2019 to undertake a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of land at Felindre Road, Pencoed, Bridgend, to help inform a planning application for a reserve gas power generator system. The proposed development is for nine 4.5MW gas generators housed in containers with associated cabinets and switch gear, all of which will be located within two fenced enclosures on the development site. The generators will only be used if the mains power supply fails, assuming a worst- case scenario of 2500 operational hours. 1.2. The following survey was commissioned: • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, which pays particular attention to: o Species protected through UK law, species and habitats appearing on the section 7 list of species and habitats of principal importance for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in Wales o Proposals for mitigation to any impacts on any of the above. 1.3 This report assesses the ecological features identified during the survey, which was undertaken on 18th March 2019 in suitable weather conditions. 1.4 The proposed development site is situated between the residential area of Pencoed to the west, the Sony factory and M4 to the south, Pencoed college to the north and agricultural fields to the east. 1.5 The proposed development site consists of parts of two relatively flat grass fields which form part of a larger agricultural holding. The western field is directly adjacent to an electricity sub-station and both fields are bounded by Felindre Road to the south and agricultural fields on the northern and eastern boundaries. The fields are enclosed by hedgerows and stock fencing. 1.6 The proposed access track is via the existing gateway on Felindre Road and a track will be constructed across the field to gateways into the site. The site is currently grazed by sheep. 1.7 The site has a central grid reference of SS968814 and lies within the administrative authority area of Bridgend. Figure 1 shows the site in its wider context and Figure 2 the site plan. Figure 1: The area containing the site in its wider context outlined in red (Google Earth Image /Getmapping plc 2017). Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd Tel: 01792 371437 07794168624 [email protected] Page 3 of 29 Energion Ltd Preliminary Ecological Appraisal March 2019 Felindre Road, Pencoed (updated Oct 2019) Figure 2: Site Plan Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd Tel: 01792 371437 07794168624 [email protected] Page 4 of 29 Energion Ltd Preliminary Ecological Appraisal March 2019 Felindre Road, Pencoed (updated Oct 2019) 2. Methodology Aims and Objectives 2.1 The aims and objectives of this survey were: • To identify the habitat, vegetation types and species occurring within the survey site • To assess the potential impact of the proposals on these habitats, vegetation types and species • To identify constraints which might be imposed upon the proposals in order to retain and conserve habitats and species of significance Desk Study 2.2 In order to compile background information on the site and its immediate surroundings, South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre (SEWBReC) supplied information for the site and a 2km surrounding buffer, including • Sites with statutory designations • Sites with local designations • Records of notable and protected species Habitat survey 2.3 The vegetation types present within the site were assessed by Siân Musgrave BSc (Hons) MCIEEM using methodology based on that described in the Handbook for Phase 1 habitat survey – a technique for environmental audit (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 2010). This technique provides an inventory of the basic habitat types present and allows identification of areas of greater potential that might warrant further study. The methodology includes systematically walking over the site and classifying each habitat. Target Notes (TN) identify areas of particular interest. A search for any invasive non-native species (INNS) such as Japanese Knotweed was included. 2.4 The abundance of species within each habitat type was determined using the DAFOR scale where D = Dominant, A = Abundant, F = Frequent, O = Occasional and R = Rare. The prefix L indicates ‘Locally’ e.g. LF = Locally Frequent. 2.5 All hedgerows within the survey area were surveyed with regard to the Hedgerow Regulations 1997, to see if they qualified as Important Hedgerows. Hedgerows that qualify for protection under the Regulations must include core criteria with additional features being added where necessary. It must be noted that if Bluebell is present, due to its partially protected status in Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the hedgerow automatically qualifies as an Important Hedgerow under the Regulations. Hedgerows are also a Section 7 Priority Habitat of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016. 2.6 The survey was carried out in fine weather on 18th March 2019. Some summer flowering species may not be evident at this time of year. Species 2.7 All habitats present on the site were searched for signs of any faunal activity e.g. the presence of badger setts, mammal tracks and holes, herpetofauna basking or under refugia, waterbodies suitable for amphibians etc. Mature trees were visually examined from the ground to identify features with the potential to support birds, roosting bats, deadwood invertebrates, bryophytes, etc. Birds, reptiles and invertebrates were recorded whilst undertaking the habitat survey. Amber Environmental Consultancy Ltd Tel: 01792 371437 07794168624 [email protected] Page 5 of 29 Energion Ltd Preliminary Ecological Appraisal March 2019 Felindre Road, Pencoed (updated Oct 2019) 3. Results Desk Study 3.1 SEWBReC provided the following records for the site and a 2km buffer: • There are two statutory designated sites within 2 km of the site: Brynna A Wern Tarw SSSI and Coed y Mwstwr Woodlands SSSI. • A 2km radius around the site covers the counties of Bridgend, Vale of Glamorgan and Rhondda Cynon Taff. Bridgend County Borough Council has identified 7 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) comprising Brynau Gwynian; Bryngwenith and Ty-Chwith; Coed Iestyn; Ewenny River Fields; Hendir-Uchaf; Hirwaun Common; and Nant Crymlyn. Vale of Glamorgan County Borough
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