H360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 26, 2010 Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, now The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a adversity, values important in a game, that help to is on the way and previous order of the House, the gen- but even more important in life. And that we are doing the best we can to tleman from Nebraska (Mr. parents report something incredible: save lives and to reconstruct lives in FORTENBERRY) is recognized for 5 min- Dinner conversations that include the that torn country, I think this is a utes. whole family. Brothers are amazed at good time to look back and to give (Mr. FORTENBERRY addressed the how much their sisters understand some thought to people’s reaction to House. His remarks will appear here- about first-downs and touchdowns. And what happened in Haiti, to do sort of a after in the Extensions of Remarks.) sisters actually want to hear what post-mortem of the post-mortem. And f their brothers know about Drew Brees particularly I want to revisit one com- and Reggie Bush. ment that was made after that time, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the comment by Pat Robertson. He previous order of the House, the gen- Do the Saints have an impact on edu- claimed that the earthquake in Haiti tleman from California (Mr. DREIER) is cation? Yes, indeed. They give us les- was the result of a pact with the devil recognized for 5 minutes. sons worth teaching and learning. (Mr. DREIER addressed the House. that the people of Haiti had made to The second statement is from Cindy achieve an end to and inde- His remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.) Hilbrink of . Cindy writes, pendence at the beginning of the 1800s. While city accountants calculate the I thought that was an interesting f financial impact of the Saints football comment to make. It turns out that team to New Orleans, citizens know, as there were two devastating earth- NEW ORLEANS SAINTS one writer to the local paper said, that quakes in Haiti before their independ- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a despite failures of Federal, State, and ence, before their so-called pact with previous order of the House, the gen- local governments after Katrina, and the devil, before their end to slavery. tleman from New Orleans (Mr. CAO) is And in the 200 years plus since their so- recognized for 5 minutes. suggestions that we don’t merit help, called pact with the devil, Haiti has ac- Mr. CAO. Mr. Speaker, the New Orle- we are, nevertheless, deserving—de- tually been pretty much earthquake- ans Saints are going to the Super Bowl serving of a winning team, of good free. for first time in franchise history. As schools, the best health care, safe Now you compare that to the neigh- their representative to Congress, I roads, bridges and reliable levees. boring country, the Dominican Repub- want to congratulate them in an offi- When the population was only trick- lic. In 1946, the Dominican Republic cial manner by acknowledging words of ling back into New Orleans that sum- had a devastating earthquake, actu- encouragement from constituents on mer of 2006 after , ally, it’s hard to believe, ten times the House floor. when politicians and pundits urged more powerful than the earthquake Sunday’s thrilling and historic win that the city be abandoned, the sign on that Haiti experienced 2 weeks ago. was an inspiration to the residents of the dominant building in New Orleans, The Dominican Republic had no pact Orleans and Jefferson Parishes, who the Superdome, with its patched roof with the devil, and therefore, if I can continue to struggle to rebuild their and iconic status as the symbol of suf- use the word ‘‘therefore’’ in this con- lives 4 years after Hurricane Katrina. fering, said, ‘Our team, our home.’ text, was laid low. So under Pat Rob- I’m proud to be their Congressman, and Bumper stickers in the Saints’ black ertson’s logic, one would have to con- I look forward to an exciting Super font read, ‘Faith.’ Drew Brees, the new clude that, in fact, Haiti has benefited Bowl in which they will defeat the In- tremendously by what he would depict dianapolis Colts. quarterback who took a chance on the as a pact with the devil. Tonight, I will read several state- team and the city, printed T-shirts to And I wonder, in contrast, how well ments from my district in their honor. benefit children that implored, ‘Be- Pat Robertson’s followers have made The first statement is from Kay lieve, New Orleans!’ A popular Saints out with their own pact with the devil. Higginbotham, a teacher at the Acad- song contends ‘This is the way we live,’ And what I mean is this: Pat Robertson emy of the Sacred Heart in New Orle- meaning we are enabled to survive by ran for President in 1988. He did some- ans. Kay writes, Do the Saints have an clinging to our faith in this team. Our thing in that year that nobody has impact on education? As a school ad- devotion to the New Orleans Saints, done before or since. He brought 3 mil- ministrator, I believe the impact is im- win or lose, keeps our battered spirits lion volunteers to his campaign. He got measurable and far exceeds economics. alive. millions of people involved in the Re- The value lessons are much greater publican Party all across the country. Finally, I want to close tonight with than an awareness of team colors. Stu- In the end, he came in third. But he ac- a prayer for the Saints delivered by tivated the . And all dents certainly enjoy spirit days or Archbishop Philip Hannan at the first those people joined the Republican completing math problems with a Saints and Sinners banquet in 1968. Party with something in mind, a cou- Saints bent, but they also spend time Our heavenly Father, who has in- ple of things in mind. One thing they discussing the job of a professional ath- structed us that the Saints by faith wanted was an end to gay marriage. lete, what it means to stay focused, eat conquered kingdoms and overcame And for years, when the Republican healthy food, get plenty of exercise and lions, grant our Saints an increase of sleep, follow rules, work as a team, and Party was in charge of this country, faith and strength so that they will not be a good sport, win or lose. the House, the Senate, the Supreme only overcome the Lions, but also the Teachers help students understand Court, the Presidency, the Republican Bears, the Rams, the Giants and even the importance of following parent and Party did nothing to accomplish that those awesome people in Green Bay. teacher directives, and when talking for Pat Robertson’s followers. May they continue to tame the Red- about the Saints, they link it to the at- Similarly, these people wanted an skins and fetter the Falcons as well as tention each player must pay to the end to in America. And I’m the Eagles. Give to our owners and coaches’ play-calling. They discuss the not going to say whether that was coaches the continued ability to be as pride one feels in the hard work of a right or wrong, whether they are right wise as serpents and simple as doves, so or wrong, but I will point out to you job well done, the discipline it takes to make a wise choice, both on and off the that no good talent will dodge our that when the Republicans were in draft. Grant to our fans perseverance charge, the Senate, the House, the field, and the consequences that ensue if one doesn’t. in their devotion and unlimited lung White House and the Supreme Court, power, tempered with a sense of char- once again, they did nothing to help Is the job of a student so different ity to all, including the referees. Pat Robertson’s followers accomplish from the job of a New Orleans Saint? what they wanted. When interviewed, Saints players May our beloved Bedlam Bowl be a So tonight I ask those people, the speak about having faith in their team source of good fellowship, and may Christian right: What about your own and giving back to the community. ‘‘The Saints Come Marching In’’ be a pact with the devil? How has that They talk about developing self-con- victory march for all, now and in eter- worked out for you? fidence and leadership and overcoming nity.

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