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Welcome back Cortland. The editors of The Dragon for more than inauguration Chronicle would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and the hopes of successful semester. March for Life draws Two days after you spoke law.” With the start of a new semester and a new year, we those noble words, an estimated We marched because we also have a new president in office. On a much larger scale more than 300,000 300,000 citizens, women and men, believe that women deserve better than a college student, Barack Obama will face new people to D.C. young and old, black and white, than abortion. At the pre-March challenges and people. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take families with children, people in rally on the Washington Mall, a page from his book as someone who has inspired great wheelchairs, came to Washington more than a dozen courageous th things in people all over the country. Tom Lickona for the 36 Annual March for Life. women stood shoulder to shoulder It was the anniversary of the across the speaker’s platform It is important to remember to stay motivated and work Professor Childhood/Early Childhood Supreme Court’s decision to silently holding signs that said, “I to achieve your ultimate goal, all while making yourself into Education legalize abortion through all nine regret my abortion.” a person you can be proud of following graduation. months of pregnancy, a policy At the end of the March, on This is the time in our lives where anything is possible. supported by only 9% of the steps of the Supreme Court, Do not settle for mediocrity. It doesn’t hurt to put your Americans, according to a new 100 persons, mostly women but schoolwork first. Your friends will be there when you’re Along with thousands of Harris poll. also some men who had done. college students from all across the Regrettably, as in previous participated in an abortion, told College is the best four years of our lives, but make country, including Students for years, there was a near-total media their abortion stories. sure you take the time to prepare for what happens after to Life (www.studentsforlife.org), I blackout of this event. They told of the emotional ensure that the good times keep coming. had the privilege last week of We came to ask our pain they suffered, their path to participating in the March for Life government, and especially you, healing and the life-affirming Good luck, Cortland, and enjoy the Spring 2009 in Washington, D.C., just two days our new president, to grant every alternatives they now encourage semester. ! after our new president was child the same opportunity you others to pursue. You can read inaugurated. had, as a baby in your mother’s their accounts on The following is a letter womb, to realize your God-given SilenceNoMoreAwareness.org. subsequently sent to President potential. Among the most memorable Obama: We marched because we words at the pre-March rally were THE Dear President Obama, believe that killing a baby before those of the Rev. Luke Robinson, In your inauguration address birth is wrong, just as infanticide the black pastor of an African- DRAGON CHRONICLE last week, you set forth this is wrong. American church. He pointed out 135 Years of Tradition challenge: “The time has come to We marched because we that abortion is the number one reaffirm and carry forward the God- believe that all Americans, born killer of African-Americans. Editor-in-Chief: given promise that all are equal, and preborn, deserve what is And then, Mr. President, in a Vicky Paz all are free and all deserve a chance promised by the words engraved [email protected] to pursue their full measure of above the columns of the Supreme News Editor: Opinions Editor: happiness.” Court: “Equal justice under the SEE MARCH FOR LIFE ON PAGE 6 Erica Sanderson Kelsey Delmotte [email protected] [email protected] Entertainment Editor: Sports Editor: Katie Rosenbrock Chris Ryan Online privacy: an oxymoron? [email protected] [email protected] Questionable content cell phones have security codes have to worry about your Photo Editor: Copy Editor: built in to keep your information information being passed along to Ben Bolding Samantha Long could affect future private and we are trained to others who you do not want seeing [email protected] [email protected] career plans memorize dozens of passwords to them. Business Manager: Webmaster: keep our online banking accounts This issue would be irrelevant Tara Sawyer Janina Mizhquiri safe. if “private profile” truly meant [email protected] [email protected] Danielle Eckert We get to choose who private. But people who view your Staff Writer accesses our private lives and only profile can take your pictures, edit Staff Writers: have to accept people we know and them, print them and distribute Caitlin Brett, Wonmi Chang, Daniel Curtis, Paul Dagliolo, trust as friends on MySpace and them to dozens of people. Kelsey Delmotte, Eric Dillon, Danielle Eckert, Matthew Fanelli, Facebook. As previously stated, Eric Feuer, Samantha Ficken, Sarah Godden, Rebecca Greenland, The world we live in supplies We are reminded to keep technology can be helpful, but can Daniel Harding Jr., Andrew Harrison, Matthew Ianno, Rebecca Job, us with numerous new technology certain things such as drinking, also be dangerous at the same time. Samantha Long, Kathleen O’Sullivan, Vicky Paz, Daniella Perunna, advances each day, which can be drugs and other questionable With photo edit software, your Emily Ripps, Katie Rosenbrock, Chris Ryan, Gabe Schaub, very effective in making our day- content out of our profiles, latest profile picture could be the Lauren Schutt, Victoria Simoncini to-day tasks easier. especially if people who can view next glamour shot in a fashion GPS systems show us how to these profiles can get you in magazine or it can be altered and Faculty Advisor: get from one destination to the trouble for it. manipulated to give its viewers Scott Rapp next, cell phones allow us to But unfortunately, even ideas that weren’t intended when communicate with people people who you do not give access the picture was taken. The Dragon Chronicle respects individuals’ ideas, interpretations and beliefs and anywhere, anytime, or any place to your profiles can now put your Such things have even we encourage the right to express those views. Letters to the editor should be instantly. career in jeopardy. Is this fair? happened on our campus. Several typed, double spaced and no more than 350 words long. You must submit both Social networking sites such Prospective employers, or Cortland staff members have been a hard copy and one on a disk or submit your piece via email. Please submit the article on a disk in Microsoft Word for PCs. If that is not possible, save in text as Facebook and MySpace help us even your current employers, will fired due to printing and releasing only format. Letters and articles must be brought to our office in 111 Corey to keep in touch with friends, old not hold back from releasing you of private pictures. Union. All submissions must be signed and include a valid telephone number or and new. We can post videos of from your job, or reconsider hiring Technology has helped us to they will not be printed. No personal attacks are permitted. No pen names are things we have experienced, tag you for a new one from information make our lives easier, but is it fair permitted. All submissions become property of the newspaper and we reserve the right to edit. our friends in pictures and write they find on these sites. that others can violate our privacy messages on each other’s walls. Yes, it is crucial to monitor to make life miserable for us? No; Office: (607) 753-2803 The Dragon Chronicle However, not all technology what you post because you are it’s not. Fax: (607) 753-2805 111 Corey Union advances are helpful and now, allowing other people access to see How can private details of a E-mail: [email protected] Cortland, NY 13045 some can even be harmful to you it, but should your future be person’s life be taken into account and your success. and interpreted by those seated Website: http://web.cortland.edu/dragonchronicle dependent on what you did while One important feature with all in college? higher above us? these technologies is privacy. A picture may say a thousand AOL Instant Messsaging Screen Name: dragnchronicle If you make your profile Facebook profiles are private to everyone other than your words, but not every one of those Activities funded by SGA and MAF recommended to be kept private, accepted friends, you should not words is always correct. THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Opinions February 5, 2009 5 What do you have to say? What is your favorite band?

photo by John Passmore photo by John Passmore photo by John Passmore photo by John Passmore photo by John Passmore

“The are “Jimi Hendrix because he was “The Smashing Pumpkins. I “Coldplay is my favorite band. “I am really liking the the best band I have ever listened an innovator and he took the guitar enjoy the variety of music that they I like the soft music and Chris Barenaked Ladies right now to. They have so many different to levels that it had never been make; and how with each album Martin’s voice is very soothing. It because they are really upbeat and sounds and moods. They have an before and everything about him they seem to re-invent is relaxing to listen to them and they crafty. They are fun to listen to and album for whatever mood you are was unorthodox. His style and themselves.” make good melodic sounds.” I am usually in a happy mood after in. Also, I like them because they sound was really unique.” I listen to them.” are in it for the music not the money and they feel the music they make.”

Benjamin Botelho Xena Holzapfel Gerald Grapevine Rachel Schoonover Erica Thigpen Freshman Junior Junior Junior Junior Undeclared New Media Design Political Science Childhood Education Early Childhood Education 6 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Opinions February 5, 2009 Leaving a legacy Greek is Student Legacy Fund books, gas, and extras. friendly campus competition. You Maybe you have heard can work with members of your helps future Cortland friends at private colleges assume sports team, professional club, students and projects that a SUNY school must get all its fraternity, sorority or special funding from state tax dollars, so interest group to see who can in the air there is no need for individuals to contribute the most to the future Kerry Linden give back. Cortland students. Contributing Writer You can tell them that New Our gifts will go directly to a Cortland Greek life Delta Phi Epsilon: Emily York State support now stands at fund for facilities, scholarships, gears up for Spring Kaufman The first classes at the less than 25% of Cortland’s financial aid and grants that have [email protected] Cortland Normal School began in operating budget, and this number helped many of us fund our recruitment March 1869, located in Courthouse is dropping. That’s why private education. Nu Sigma Chi: Michelle Park, with a total enrollment of 135 support, especially from alumni, is This fund also helps support Forman students. important to keep tuition affordable technology, research, cultural arts SandraWohlleber [email protected] Twenty years later, a for every student. programming, athletics and faculty Assistant Director of Campus consulting architect pronounced In 2008, 89% of Cortland development to benefit the entire Activities & Greek Affairs Sigma Delta Tau: Kerry the school’s single building, “the undergraduates received student body. Bolembach worst lighted and worst arranged scholarships, financial aid and Whether you are graduating [email protected] of all the schools of the kind which grants in order to attend this top- in four months or in four years, as he had ever seen.” Yikes. ranked school. future alumni, we all stand to benefit It’s that time of the semester. Delta Chi: Justin Munger The school responded by Cortland boasts the largest professionally and personally from Time for all of our recognized Greek [email protected] requesting a donation of land from teacher education program in the the enhanced offerings and organizations to officially invite the City of Cortland to build Old Northeastern United States. increasingly competitive undergraduates to join their Kappa Sigma: Aaron Nobles Main. This contribution allowed Whatever you major in at Cortland, reputation of our alma mater. chapters. [email protected] Cortland to open the door to you know how important gifts from Cortland’s good name will All of our chapters are eager expansion in 1923. alumni, parents, friends, faculty, continue to strengthen the value to meet you and answer any Pi Kappa Phi: Nick Today, facilities at Cortland are staff, and students are in helping of our hard-earned degrees well questions you might have. Lukenovich among the best in the SUNY to finance your education. into the future. Take the time to check us out [email protected] system. Of those of us who will be As an extra perk for those who and come to an event or two. Look around at all the building receiving a degree from Cortland will be attending commencement Greek life stresses the importance Alpha Phi Omega: Jessica projects underway on campus. You this May, some will be heading to ceremonies this May, donors to the of community service, Cabrera can see the progress being made graduate school and some will be fund will be recognized with a philanthropy and academics. [email protected] that will make our campus safer and entering the work force. special check presentation to It also provides social Matt Meade more modern, while To the tasks ahead, we will all President Erik Bitterbaum. opportunities for everyone. We [email protected] accommodating a growing student bring new skills and qualifications, The fastest and easiest way believe we have a lot to offer and body. gained from an exceptional to make a gift today is to visit we hope you will too. Unfortunately, there are also A new Student Life Center will educational experience. www.cortland.edu/giving and Our recognized sororities are other groups that are either provide more places to work out, Approximately 1,000 students make your contribution to the Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, permanently banned or eat, study, shop, socialize and hold are expected to graduate on May Senior Legacy Gift. Delta Phi Epsilon, Nu Sigma Chi, unrecognized. events down the hill. 16. If we can each make a gift of For questions and ideas about Sigma Delta Tau and Omega Phi Delta Kappa Beta (Kappa) and Did you know students just $20.09 to the Senior Class Gift how to involve your campus Beta, which is Latina-oriented. Beta Phi Epsilon (Beta) have attended Cortland tuition-free until of the Student Legacy Fund, the organization in leaving a legacy, Our recognized fraternities are permanently lost their affiliation 1963, when they had to pay $400 Cortland Class of 2009 can you can call our Student Legacy Delta Chi, Kappa Sigma, and Pi privileges. per year? contribute $20,090 to the Senior advisor, Jonni Campbell at (607) Kappa Phi and Lambda Upsilon College policy states: Today Cortland continues to Legacy Gift this year. 753-5571. Lambda, which is Latino-oriented. “Students found to pledge, be a rank among Kiplinger’s Best Values While each one of us strives By making an investment in And don’t forget about Alpha member of, or live in any residence in Public College in the United independently to balance our our thriving campus, we can Phi Omega, our co-educational of a permanently banned group States, as well as one of America’s personal concerns of family, ensure that students will continue service fraternity! will likely face a lengthy Top 50 Best Buy Public Colleges friends, work, studies, and future to benefit from the exceptional Recruitment/Rush is already suspension or permanent dismissal and Universities. plans, here is a chance for us to educational experience provided underway but there is still time for from the College.” Still, according to Consumer’s come together as a group to give by Cortland. interested people to get involved Omega Delta Phi (Omega) and Digest, we all feel the crunch when back to Cortland. and learn more. Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) are not it comes time to pay for tuition, You can strike up some We encourage you to recognized by the College. They consider joining our growing have no charters or official numbers. Anyone participating in connections with the national Recruitment should do so with an organizations of the same name open mind. and, in fact, those who claim to be Quote of Every organization will reflect associated with these groups are the personalities of its members. members of nothing. March for life the week The final decision on whether or Over the past two years, there not to join a group rests with each have been numerous incidents of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 “Lincoln came to see that our “ potential new member. police involvement at local nation could not endure as a house Choose wisely. Here are a addresses allegedly connected divided over the issue of slavery. couple of interesting tidbits from with the unrecognized and banned ringing, impassioned plea, he And we cannot endure as a house We’re so busy this past Fall. organizations. invoked Martin Luther King’s divided over abortion.” watching out for 1. The All-Sorority GPA was Parties and other events dream and urged you to carry it President Obama, we join higher than the All-Female GPA. reportedly sponsored by these forward: Pastor Luke Robinson and the what’s just ahead 2. The All-Greek GPA was groups and/or their supposed “On Monday, Jan. 19, we hundreds of thousands of other of us that we higher than the All-Undergraduate individual members have celebrated the dreamer. On people who marched down don’t take time to GPA. endangered the physical and Tuesday, Jan. 20, part of the dream Constitution Avenue on Jan. 22 in Want to learn more about the psychological well-being of our came true. We come here today, praying that you will act on the enjoy where we recognized Greek chapters here on students. Jan. 22, because we have words you spoke at your are. campus? Look for posters and/or People have wound up in the unfinished business. inauguration and work to fulfill the e-mails about upcoming events. hospital and/or a local jail cell. “We are calling on the promise of life, liberty, and justice Contact a brother/sister that Make a wise choice. Stay away President of change, President for all Americans, without ” you already know and ask how you from these groups. Do not join. Barack Obama, to be an agent of exception. can learn more and how you can Do not attend their parties. Do not change as it relates to the lives of The economic recovery you -Calvin & Hobbes get involved. endanger your future. These are over one million children who will rightly seek for our country must Contact the Recruitment Chair not legitimate fraternal be slaughtered in this, his first year rest on a moral foundation: a of each chapter for more organizations. as President, by a horrible practice culture of life that respects the information. Questions about Greek life called abortion. dignity and worth of every human and how to get involved can be Every day, Mr. President, being at every stage of Alpha Phi: Britni Sauter addressed to Sandra Wohlleber, people with your ethnic development. [email protected] Assistant Director of Campus background and my ethnic Activities and Greek Affairs. background die in astounding Alpha Sigma Alpha: Dana Sandra can be reached at 607-753- numbers.” Fjermestad 5769 or via e-mail at Pastor Robinson concluded: [email protected] [email protected]. The Dragon ChronicleTHE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment February 5, 2009 Picture Puns: Pg. 8 Codas Part XL: Pg. 9 Entertainment Horoscopes: Pg. 9 Comedian Louis CK performs tonight in Old Main

“Louis C.K.: Hilarious” tour comes to Cortland

Katie Rosenbrock Entertainment Editor

If you’ve had a rough start to your semester or maybe you just feel bombarded with more work than you can handle, perhaps a good laugh could cheer you up. If that’s the case, then today is your lucky day because tonight, Thursday, Feb.5, critically- acclaimed comedian, Louis C.K. will bring his National Tour, “Louis C.K.: Hilarious” right into Cortland’s very own Brown Auditorium. Since the start of his career in stand-up comedy clubs, Louis C.K. has gained much success as a comedian, making his way to larger theaters and landing an hour-long special on Showtime, called “Louis C.K.: Shameless,” in January of provided by Randy Tepper 2007. Louis C.K.’s critically acclaimed hour special, “Louis C.K.: ,” premiered on Showtime in December. His previous tour, “Louis C.K.:Chewed Up,” encompassed the US as well as London and was David Letterman” and “Late Nite In addition he has also wrote, Marsden and Alan Alda. the chance to see one of Louis’ released on CD and DVD in with Conan O’Brien.” produced, and directed multiple He is also currently producing hilarious performances yet, there December 2009. On top of all of this, Louis films such as, “Tomorrow Night” a sitcom for CBS with Pamela is no doubt that you’ll want to Aside from his two successful also created and starred in his own and “Ice Cream,” which both Adlon who played his wife on come down to Brown Auditorium tours, “Chewed Up” and HBO series titled “,” premiered at the Sundance Film “Lucky Louie.” tonight and witness the fearless Shameless” Louis C.K. has been which dealt with the struggles of Festival. It seems that 2009 will be honesty that he brings to the featured on two HBO half-hour his first time parenthood. Recently, he has been seen in another notable year for Louis C.K. stage. specials, “One Night Stand” and a Besides Louis C.K.’s “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” as he will star alongside Jennifer The show starts at 7 p.m. “Comedy Central Presents” background as a comedian, he is with , Mike Epps, Garner and Rob Lowe in the new sharp and it’s sure to fill up fast so special. also well recognized as a filmmaker and , as well Ricky Gervais film, “This Side of make sure you get there early. This You may have also seen him for his spoof of “” as “Diminished Capacity” with the Truth.” is definitely a show you won’t want as a regular on “The Late Show with which he both wrote and directed. Matthew Broderick, Virginia Whether or not you have had to miss. Classical music Guns N’ Roses: Chinese Democracy

The long awaited Rose’s brainchild has been At times the songs feel like performance coming delayed so many times – to point they drag on for too long and the album has been 13 where it has become something of entire album may feel like its years in the making urban legend. traveling at a snail’s pace. to Dowd Theater Rose had a vision that his band However, there are plenty of mates didn’t quite share and gems on this album including Strauss Jr.’s “Arabesques on An decided to recruit other musicians “Shackler’s Revenge”, “Better”, “If Pianist Albert der Schönen Blaune Donau (The Antonio Mancilla into Guns N’ Roses after every Contributing Writer the World”, “Scraped”, “Riad N’ Mühlböck featured in Blue Danube),” Franz Liszt’s member except Dizzy Reed left the the Bedouins” and “This I Love.” classical recital “Serenade,” and other works. group, including the guitar hero, Known more for his outrageous Mühlböck studied at the Slash. and aggressive performances and Bruckner Conservatory in Linz and Rose did, however, recruit fine grinding vocals, Axl Rose never the University of Vienna, as well musicians for this project. EVIEW sold himself as a musical genius. Tom Hischak as with such instructors as Andrei R Buckethead – the mask-wearing, On Chinese Democracy, we see Professor of Performing Arts Jasinsky, Paul Badura Skoda, eccentric, guitar virtuoso with a a boldness to venture outside the Ludwig Hoffman, Luiz Carlos de bucket on his head – replaced realm of traditional rock into a more Moura Castro, and others. Slash as the lead guitarist for Guns avant-garde genre – much like He has performed as soloist It’s finally here. The album 13 N’ Roses, and he delivers a stellar Guns N’ Roses’ Use Your Illusion The Department of Performing with orchestras in Beijing, Taipei, years in the making – one of the performance unheard of in album. Arts will present guest pianist Hanoi, Kyoto, as well as across most hyped, controversial and mainstream rock. Fans of Appetite for Destruction Albert Mühlböck in a recital of Europe. enigmatic projects in the past Okay. Now, to the music. All may not find comfort in Chinese classical pieces on Friday, Feb. 13, Mühlböck has won piano decade: Chinese Democracy. Axl the songs sound complex and Democracy. But fans of Guns N’ at 8 p.m. in the Dowd Fine Arts competitions in France, Italy, Rose’s long-awaited opus has layered. Buckethead does a great Roses can take comfort in seeing Theatre. Austria, and the United States and finally arrived. job of lending a magnificent lead its leader, Axl Rose, continue to kick The Austrian-born artist, has recorded works by Schubert, After many studios, demos, guitar to all but two tracks. butt. currently at the Cincinnati College- Liszt, Mozart, Chopin, band lineup changes, and legal Rose provides solid multi- Conservatory of Music, will Rachmaninoff, and Prokofiev. issues, Chinese Democracy has tracked vocals and piano to nearly perform Franz Schubert’s “Soirées The concert is open to the finally hit stores. Whether you all of his songs. And the band de Vienne,” W. A. Mozart’s “Piano public free of charge and all are want to believe it or not, this album performs well behind Rose and Sonata, K. 570 in B-Flat,” Johann welcome. has certainly been worth the wait. Buckethead. 8 THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment February 5, 2009 Want to get away? II bet y youou didn didn’t’t kno knoww...... Above Ground - Free Live Music & Happy Hour Ten inches of snow melts down to only @ The Haunt Bar & Grill in Ithaca Friday, Feb. 6 - 6:30 p.m. about one inch of liquid rain.

The Action! Live It is believed that there are 5 different types of snowflakes. @ The Bull & Bear Pub in Syracuse Friday, Feb. 6 - 10 p.m. The most snowfall recorded within 24 hours was 63 inches in Colorado in 1913. Capoeria Dance Classes @ Community Folk Art Center in Syracuse The world’s largest snowflake was measured at Friday, Feb. 5 - 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 38 cm wide and 20 cm thick in Montana in 1887. $10 per session PicturePicture punspuns

provided by funnyjunk.com THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Entertainment February 5, 2009 9 Codas Part XL: The Execution Horoscopes Height and renew our world. the holy spirit…” The world’s chaos Thirteen humans chosen by The shriek of a woman pierced continues as the gates the Father have been named as the the ending of the Iscariot’s prayer Libra Guardians of the child as he makes as the dark priest’s own assistant, Aries of the inferno open. his journey. Carmen, rushed to Emanuel and Even if you’re in a sharing mood, You’re filled with a good buzz today Unfortunately, the Guardians embraced him on her knees. you should try to keep all of your and that energy can be used for Andrew Hamilton are scattered and many are half the “Stop.” She sobbed, looking private things private today. So almost anything. Your mental Contributing Writer world away from their protective back pleadingly at the modern-day when you feel a secret start to powers are sharper than ever, so if charge. Judas with his sword prepared to bubble up to your lips, clam up, there’s been a tough puzzle in your Now, if you remember, one of taste divine blood. pipe down, and then put a lid on it. life, now’s the time to solve it. COLUMN the Guardians was a dark priest The Iscariot lowered his blade. with a bandage-covered face who One could imagine that his face just so happened to be a would have shown some emotion Taurus Scorpio descendent of Judas Iscariot, the were it not hidden by the bandages. I know that I apologize to you, prime betrayer of the Son upon his He placed a hand on Carmen’s Being the good friend you are, you Something small but interesting dear reader, for jumping around the first coming. shoulder. “My child, why do you usually give a friend the benefit of catches your eye midday and story so often. Not believing in the mission protect this heathen imposter?” He the doubt if they say something might turn into an obsession by I know I should be more direct ordained to him by the Father, the asked calmly, compassionately. that sounds rude or weird. evening. You might not quite be in the relation of this tale, what with Iscariot betrayed his fellow “He is no imposter” Carmen equipped to figure it out yet, so the fate of the world hanging in the Guardians to their doom. exclaimed, holding the child closer. keep collecting data for now. balance with Dr. Faust and the Having used his assistant, “I believed that he was when other Guardians onboard. Carmen, to eliminate the last of the you first told me, and that is why I Gemini Sagittarius The Flying Dutchman with the Guardians in his path by slaying joined you.” rake, Tony about to cross blades the Author (hence the Author’s She looked into Emanuel’s It is time to get totally flirtatious Today, if you can be more flexible, with the devilish Azrael, and the current presence in Heaven), the eyes. “But that was before I came today. You’ve been making eye you can be more powerful. Author’s current state of Iscariot now stands before to know him for the he is.” contact and smiling wide with that Refusing to budge in your position beastliness brought on by his own Emanuel with his blessed sword at She wept into the child’s shoulder. cutie for a while now, and where or move your schedule around battle with Gebler. the ready. “Forgive me, my lord.” has it gotten you? closes you off to too many things. However, if you will remember This seems like as good a place It was then that the Iscariot I last left off with the child Emanuel, as any to continue… heard another voice, one far more the Second Coming himself, face- The Iscariot stepped ghastly. “It looks as if the boy shall Cancer Capricorn to-face with the murderous Iscariot carelessly over the Author’s body receive a stay of execution after priest. (I will understand if you as it surrendered its final twitches all.” It seemed to come from right Your to-do list might feel a bit out You’ve got to say something today have forgotten though, the of life. below his left ear. of control today, but that just means — even if the time seems totally absence of both of these characters The dark priest held his blade Suddenly the dark priest felt a you need to prioritize and prune it wrong. You’re not in the best of from the story has been long to his face, resting his forehead in sharp pain in his neck, as if a pair back down to a manageable level. moods, but you’ve got a firm grip indeed). the blood-groove near the hilt. of tiny knives was shoved a few on what people need to hear and Allow me to recapitulate on the Holding the sword in one centimeters deep into his flesh. how to get the best response. important points of the story thus hand, he crossed himself with the The Iscariot grunted in shock far. The world is in chaos as the other, muttering: at the pain and grabbed the fresh prophesized will of the Heavenly “Our father, who art in heaven, wound with his hand. He was Father has left humanity to be hallowed be thy name…” indeed bleeding. subjected to a test of worth. The child Emanuel did not stir “That voice…I know it.” The Leo Aquarius The gates of the Inferno have at the approach of his executioner. Iscariot seethed. “It seems I shall You share goals with a It’s not a good day for moving been opened, allowing the dead to The frail dark-skinned boy have to end your damnable life very important person, and you around. Wherever you try to go, arise from their graves and devils stood up, his eyes affixed upon the personally. Cursed vampire should let them know that they can you can expect long lines, bad to wreak havoc on the innocent. bandages that covered the brow Alucard!” count on you today. traffic, and unpleasant conditions. Humanity’s only hope of of the Iscariot as disinterestedly as If you can stay close to home survival lies in the hands of the if he knew he was only imagining To be continued… today, then do it. child Emanuel, the Son reincarnate, the evil priest stepping toward him. who must make a journey to the The Iscariot raised his blade, Get caught up with the past City of Atlantis on the Isle of Thul ready to strike. “…In the name of chapters. E-mail the author at: Pisces to retake his throne in the Celestial the father, and of the son, and of [email protected] Virgo It’s vital that you stick to logical You may feel a little crazed at the reasoning today, no matter how press of obligations that come your cold-hearted it makes you feel way today, but you can get help inside. Emotional thinking only — all you have to do is ask! People WWintinterer W Worordd Sear Searcchh gets you in deeper and right now are surprisingly open to you need to separate yourself a bit. collaboration and delegation.

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The forward’s performance Contributing Writer Brian Zoubek is a 7-footer, but proved to be a career best. he lacks the quickness and skills “Players just don’t have games like Next Wednesday the class of to consistently stop Hansbrough. that,” said Balderotta. “He played the ACC will collide. The Blue Their other two big men are terrific.” Devils of Duke will host bitter rival Lance Thomas 6-8 and David Jarrett Gold and senior Mike North Carolina. These two schools McClure 6-6. Both of these guys Maier each scored a goal and had are separated by just 8 miles on are hustle players who have a lot seven assists between them. what has become known as of heart, and they will need it to Gold collected three assists Tobacco Road. have any chance of stopping UNC. while Maier tacked on four assists photo by Dan Harding North Carolina came into this Duke does have one of his own, matching his career- Peppy Cabrera was impressive in a win against Oswego. season with only one goal, a advantage. Duke can shoot from best. National Championship. The talent four of the five positions on the Cortland freshman goalie Mike Red Dragons prevail Mahoney went on to win his bout on this team is outstanding led by floor. Reilly recorded 31 saves by a score of 9-3 with slick Senior Tyler Hansbrough who will They will try to spread the throughout the night. in home opener technique. almost undoubtedly become the floor with Smith, Henderson, Cortland beat Fredonia 5-2 in Following that were juniors, ACC’s all-time leading scorer by Singler, and Scheyer. Expect them the first game of the season and against Oswego 31-6 Will Brodfuehrer and the end of the season. to drive and kick all game long. then the Blue Devils evened the Mike Ciaburri, whose work ethics The man he will pass is an All four of these guys can score with a victory in mid were evident as they outworked alum of their rival Duke, the shoot the three and they can also November. Dan Harding Jr. their opponents and were Orlando Magic’s J.J. Redick. penetrate off the dribble to draw With Saturday’s win the Red Staff Writer victorious. Heavyweight Joe Hansbrough averages 21 points a the defense and create open shots Dragon’s took the season series Murphy, who has stepped into game, but it is a part of a well for their teammates. between the two teams with two The Red Dragon wrestling a pivotal leadership role this year, balanced scoring attack. Defensively Duke is one of wins to Fredonia’s one. team stepped onto the mat for their led by example as he defeated a Point guard Ty Lawson, the strongest teams in the country; With only five games left in first home match of the season to strong opponent with a score of Guards Wayne Ellington and they only give up 60 points a game the regular season, the Red face their Conference rival, Oswego 6-2. Cortland dominated Oswego Danny Green along with big man on average. Dragons are feeling the importance State. and won with a final Deon Thompson all average Unfortunately for them they of winning each time they step onto The team has faced off against score of 31-6. double figures. are going up against the best the ice. “Right now it doesn’t some of the toughest competition While happy with the win, the UNC has dropped two games offense in the nation. The Tar Heels matter who you play,” said in the nation and although riddled team refused to become in conference play, but remain are averaging 92 points per game Baldarotta. “All that matters is with injuries they were determined complacent and immediately ranked in the top ten nationally, as this season. getting points and wins.” to prove theybelonged at the top. refocused their attention to the for Duke they have only one Most of those games have Cortland will continue its After a long and grueling winter Jamestown Open and their dual conference loss at the hands of been against lesser competition, quest for the post-season with a session of training,the wrestlers against RIT the following Wake Forest. but against Notre Dame they put game at SUNY Morrisville were eager to put their hard work Wednesday. It was that same drive Duke is led by two extremely up 102 and against Michigan St. scheduled for Saturday. on display in front of a home crowd. for perfection and desire to achieve talented scorers in Kyle Singler they scored 98 points. Both of The Red Dragon’s won the Out of the gates, both Peppy their goals that drove the wrestlers and Gerald Henderson. Henderson those teams are in the top 25. first meeting between the teams 6- Cabrera and Dave Colagiovanni to the weight room early the next has been red hot since the start of It will be an interesting game 3 back on Cortaca weekend. showed the talent of seasoned morning. ACC play and he is averaging just to see whether or not Duke’s With three of the final five wrestlers as they defeated their The Red Dragons will under 20 points per game during defense can hang with UNC’s games coming on the road, the Red opponents. compete at home again on that span. offense and whether Duke can Dragon’s will have to keep up the Cortland accepted a forfeit at Wednesday, February 11 at 7:00 pm His productivity has made up make enough outside shots to momentum from this weekend’s 141 pounds and went on to lose a against cross-town rival, Ithaca, for for the lack of production from hang with the Tar Heels. games. close decision at the the much-coveted Conference starting shooting guard Jon Cortland’s next home games 149-pound weight class. Cory title. Scheyer. Scheyer was their most are in two weeks when they are scheduled take on SUNY Potsdam and number one ranked SUNY Plattsburgh, in what may be Mosley defies odds, beats Margarito by KO Cortland’s most daunting task of the season. own pace. He refused to allow an easy feat. would love to take his crown as Retained WBA Margarito the opportunity to Ring commentator, Howard the current number one Welterweight title in throw his regular average amount Lederman, said it best when he welterweight in the sport. Interested in of punches per round, and Mosley exclaimed that Mosley “hit him The most viable prospects at hard fought battle spent the majority of the fight on with everything but the stool and this time are likely Miguel Cotto, becoming a Margarito’s inside, where he the referee.” or possibly Paul Williams, the most couldn’t connect with power Boxing aficionado and long sports writer? Matt Fanelli avoided man in the welterweight punches. time trainer, Emanuel Steward, division by some fans’ claims. Staff Writer Not surprisingly, this fight voiced his thoughts that perhaps As for Margarito, he faces the began in a very similar fashion that “Margarito was attempting to break charges brought against him by the Join The The Staples Center in Los Margarito’s August fight with then Mosley’s right hand with his jaw.” Boxing Commission for allegedly Angeles saw record crowds on reigning welterweight champion, The crowd came out of their wrapping a hard plastic, similar to Dragon January 26 as “Sugar” Shane Miguel Cotto. seats as Mosley dropped plaster of Paris, into his hands Mosley squared off against “The In that fight Cotto was Margarito in the final seconds of before the fight. Chronicle and Tijuana Tornado” Antonio defeated after losing his ability to round eight. The following round This illegal action was caught Margarito. Mosley finally knocked out-maneuver the imposing Mosley continued his domination, by Mosley’s trainer and would get valuable out Margarito early in the 9th round. Margarito. knocking Margarito to the canvas have greatly advantaged Entering the ring Saturday The first six rounds on once more before the referee could Margarito’s already considerable hands-on night, Mosley had 4-1 odds against Saturday mimicked this, as Mosley stop the fight. punching power. experience! him, and Margarito enjoyed a size, landed multiple combinations and At 37 years of age, Mosley, It’s been suggested that height, reach, and age advantage, slipped away before Margarito had who has already secured himself a Margarito could have been using as well as a crowd that favored him the opportunity to answer. place in the Boxing Hall of Fame, these illegal devices the entire time, heavily. The difference on Saturday had the fight of his career and making his former victories, Meetings are However no fear was evident however was that Mosley didn’t accomplished the seemingly especially the one over Cotto, very in Mosley’s face or performance as seem to slow down throughout the impossible by knocking out questionable. If Margarito can at 9:30 p.m. he methodically dismantled his fight. Margarito. defeat these allegations it will still opponent beginning immediately in Moreover, the smaller Mosley Now it’s a simple matter of who be a struggle to regain his crown on Mondays in the first round. was able to back up Margarito on Mosley would like to fight next, as as he vowed to do after the fight. Mosley kept the fight at his multiple occasions, which was not there are multiple fighters who Corey 111. THE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports February 5, 2009 11 The NFL has become a parody Super Bowl more than Salary cap has ended NFL playoffs is all about who gets Francisco 49ers of the 80’s; they hot at the right time. won four Super Bowls in eight just a football game the era of powerful It doesn’t matter how well you years. The Dallas Cowboys of the do in the regular season because 90’s; they captured three Super dynasties in football once you make the playoffs anyone Bowls in four years. party. can beat anyone on any given day. It was extremely impressive to Commercials and With the “Big Three” U.S. This seems to be a staple of automakers (Chevrolet, Dodge, Steven Cuce see the Patriots win like they have music performances NFL over the last ten years. Parody in the modern salary cap era, and Ford) and FedEx passing up Contributing Writer is at a premium. Teams that have despite last year’s Super Bowl XLII enhance big game on advertising, Anheuser-Busch won double-digit games and earn loss to the Giants. and Pepsi picked up the slack. a bye week aren’t as strong as many They collected three Super They each bought multiple ads at COLUMN people thought they were. Bowls in four years. It’s virtually Gabe Schaub discounted rates. The salary cap era of the NFL impossible, as dynasties have Staff Writer We saw such classics come (1994-2009) will do that to you. In become extinct like dinosaurs. back like the Budweiser 2008 the salary cap was 116.7 Many people have grown to This past Sunday night the Clydesdales, the E-trade baby, and Who would have thought million. The 2009 cap is said to be love that about the game. It’s nice Pittsburgh Steelers won their a remake of the “Mean Joe Greene” that out of all the teams that could at 123 million dollars. The to see different teams make the record-breaking sixth Super Bowl Coca-Cola commercial with Troy make the Super Bowl it would be Collective Bargaining Agreement Super Bowl. Championship by beating the Palomalu. the Arizona Cardinals? (CBA) ends after the 2009 season It was nice to see the city of Arizona Cardinals 27-23. The debate for “best” The Cardinals have the and 2010 looks to be uncapped as Arizona actually have its’ team A game that included a go commercial is up to the viewer second longest championship of now. make the big game. ahead touchdown by each team in itself, but according to the USA drought (61 years) next to the It’s very hard to have They deserve it after all these the fourth quarter that, “Topped Today Ad Meter, there is a “best”. Chicago Cubs of the MLB. (100 dynasties in the NFL in the salary decades of failure. It’s good to see last year’s Super Bowl,” according The winner of the best commercial Years) It shouldn’t be a shock. cap era. The NFL rose to all these teams that haven’t to NFL Commissioner Roger was Doritos. Ladies and gentlemen the NFL popularity in the past behind its reached the ultimate stage make it Goodell, is being debated as one To refresh your memory, this has now become a showcase for a unforgettable dynasties. for once. Everyone deserves a of the best in history. commercial was where two co- little thing called parody. I’m talking about the Green chance right? Arizona wide receiver Larry workers looked to a crystal ball for Most people would have Bay Packers of the 60’s; they won To some the salary cap is what Fitzgerald had another great game wishes, and then throw it into a thought that the Cardinals were five NFL titles in seven years, makes for a fair playing ground in in the postseason with 127 Doritos vending machine and then least likely to make the Super Bowl including the first two Super the NFL. It makes everyone feel receiving yards and two into another co-workers groin. heading into what Bill Parcells calls Bowls. jolly about how any given team can touchdowns. The halftime show featured “the tournament.” The Pittsburgh Steelers of the win on any given day. His slant pattern that he took the legendary E Street Band and a They seemed to be limping in. 70’s; they polished off four Super We saw three out of the four 64-yards for a touchdown with knee-sliding (into a camera) Bruce Arizona proved once again that the Bowls in six years. The San top seeds go down three weeks three minutes left seemed to be the Springsteen. They played such ago. These things never occurred game-winner. oldies as “Tenth Avenue Freeze- in the NFL over the last fifty years. If it wasn’t for the play of Out”, “Born to Run”, and “Glory Most tops seeds actually won at Pittsburgh’s Ben Roethlisberger Days”. least one playoff game. Dynasties and the Super Bowl MVP Santonio Now what’s a Super Bowl were at a premium. Holmes, it would’ve been. without a Super Bowl party? A It was a trademark of the NFL. On the final drive “Big Ben” typical party will include an That’s why you have so many fans kept play after play alive by assortment of dips, chips, wings, of teams that aren’t necessarily avoiding the pass rush of Arizona. refreshments, and some harmless around their local markets. These He found Holmes three times for prop bets. people had interests in other sixty yards and the game-winning For example, questions teams, whether they were front- touchdown in the back of the end ranged from how long will the runners or not. zone with thirty-five seconds left. National Anthem last, who will the We need an NFL again where As great as the game was, the MVP thank first, or how many those top seeds are a little stronger Super Bowl is not just about the food items will John Madden again because the bye week is game. The reason why it is an mention during the game? becoming pointless. It’s been a event that people of all ages, The Super Bowl experience is selling point of the game, but it’s genders, and races can enjoy is one that everyone can enjoy. If the not the sport I grew to love. because of the commercials, game happens to be great then that The NFL use to be about halftime show, and Super Bowl is a bonus. teams that did all they could do to win regardless of money. General Mangers built their teams without a cap to make a dynasty. You should be rewarded for Basketball finding the right players to make a run at multiple championships. You should have the right to keep players. victories In this modern NFL once you win a Super Bowl you are punching yourself a ticket to lose some of CONTINUED FROM BACK COVER supporting cast as the rest of the the most important pieces off your team was not shy about shooting roster. You can kiss your chance at unable to hit from beyond the arc the ball. a dynasty goodbye. and really only converting baskets To cement the victory, the Red That shouldn’t be the case directly underneath the hoop. Dragons came out on fire early in either. We’ll see who the next victim They found themselves in an the second half as Neihoff got hot is taken by the vicious wrath of the early hole as Potsdam’s (7-11 hitting back to back three pointers salary cap. overall, 4-5 SUNYAC) Brendan and raising the tempo of the game Graney drove to the hoop at will that Potsdam was not able to and scored his nine points early in match. the game. Four players found Want to Around nine minutes left in the themselves reaching double digits place an ad in first half, Cortland turned things in points. Mike Lewis led the team around with Chris Milke entering with a double-double going 8 of 11 The Dragon the game grabbing back to back from the field scoring 17 points and offensive boards and laying them grabbing 10 rebounds. Chronicle? back in. Potsdam had the height Chris Milke entering the game advantage with a player at 6’10'’ was the quiet turn around point for and one at 6’11'’, but Cortland had the Red Dragons. In just 13 the obvious strength advantage E-mail minutes, he grabbed nine boards keeping the big men out of the DragonChronicle and blocked six shots. paint and imposing their will on the Carson Neihoff who was offensive block. @corland.edu for coming off of his best offensive Cortland looks to stay hot game against Brockport earlier in against New Paltz Tuesday more information! the week was held scoreless in the evening. first half, but was backed up by his The Dragon ChronicleTHE DRAGON CHRONICLE Sports February 5, 2009 Sports

Cortland Red Dragons sweep SUNYAC weekend tilts Athletics Balanced offensive attack helps Red Scores Dragons win twice MEN’S ICE HOCKEY Cortland 6 Paul Dagliolo Fredonia 2 & Andrew Harrison Next: Sat. @ Morrisville Staff Writers

MEN’S BASKETBALL In two highly competitive Cortland 76 SUNYAC battles, Cortland pulled Potsdam 50 away with a convincing 72-64 over Next: Tuesday @ New Paltz the rival Brockport, and steamrolled 76-50 over Potsdam. MEN’S SWIMMING/DIVING The win extends Cortland’s Cortland 116 SUNYAC winning streak to four New Paltz 89 games making them 5-3 within the Next: Wednesday @ SUNYAC conference and 8-9 overall. Championships Male athlete of the week, Carson Niehoff went off by WOMEN’S SWIMMING/DIVING scoring a career high 34 points Cortland 84.5 against Brockport. New Paltz 120.5 Other big contributions came Next: Wednesday @ SUNYAC from big man Paul Oliver’s double- Championships double of 10 points and 11 photo by Paul Dagliolo rebounds, and Nick Sutedjo who WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY drained two three pointers off the Guard Willie Coston takes a free throw in Friday’s SUNYAC victory over Brockport. Cortland 0 bench and totaled a career high that was needed as Cortland took for the Red Dragons that had Oswego 1 eight points. three pointers in the half and a 23-17 lead. contributions from everyone who Next: Saturday vs. Plattsburgh It wasn’t smooth sailing for totaled eight points off the bench. With his team down, the was given an opportunity. the Red Dragons at the start. After Solid defense continued, including Brockport coach made his Starter Mike Lewis shot an WOMEN’S BASKETBALL a few questionable calls, Brockport a ferocious block by Paul Oliver frustration well known. He efficient four for five from the field Cortland 80 took a quick 7-0 lead. and Chris Milke which rocked the quickly amassed two technical and grabbed an additional five Potsdam 63 Two quick buckets by Junior backboard and ignited the crowd. fouls and was immediately ejected boards. Next: Tuesday @ New Paltz Mike Lewis and Carson Niehoff Despite Brockport’s efforts by for the remainder of the ballgame. Other starting guards Willie seemed to weather the storm, but senior Shawn Harris, who led The Red Dragons finished Coston and Juan Miolan combined the ball just didn’t bounce the Red Brockport with 18 points off the up the half with strong defensive for 10 assists giving the Red Athletes Dragons’ way and Brockport bench and senior Mychal Wilkes, play and took a 36-22 lead at the Dragons stability in moving the ball extended their lead to 13-4. who scored 15 points and grabbed half lead by Niehoff’s in the half court. Rather than getting frustrated, eight rebounds, they could never of the outstanding 23 points. A day after their victory over Cortland responded due to the one close the gap that Cortland created The Red Dragons continued Brockport, the Red Dragons came man wrecking c rew that was in the first half. their solid play in the second half. out looking to make a statement as Week Carson Nieoff. This was due to a total team They never surrendered the lead they crushed the Potsdam team 76- Carson smoothly scored 12 defensive effort that included 10 and fought off any attempt by 50. points in the following 10 minutes steals and five rejections by the Brockport to make a run. Cortland started off slow, of play including a few from 3 point Red Dragons. Nick Sutedjo hit a pair of range. That was all the momentum It was a well rounded victory SEE BASKETBALL WINS ON PAGE 11 Hockey has strong showing in SUNYAC play

provided by cortlandreddragons.com Junior Palmisano has minutes of regulation to tie the Patrick Palmisano game up at six goals apiece. Hockey career high four “We were glad we could come back in that game,” said Cortland SUNYAC Ice Hockey goals vs. Fredonia Head Coach Joe Baldarotta. “But Player of the Week our goal is to win each game so we can get a home playoff game for Dan Curtis the first time in a while. We felt that Staff Writer we could have won the, but we missed some opportunities.” Buffalo State sophomore Joel The Cortland men’s hockey Sheppard led the Bengals team improved its record to 7-11-2 offensively, scoring three of the with a Friday night 6-6 tie against team’s six goals. Senior Jason Hill Buffalo State and a 6-2 victory over tacked on four assists and six SUNY Fredonia the following different Red Dragons scored Saturday at the Alumni Arena. goals in the 6-6 tie. Late in the third period of Cortland goalie Dan Jewell Friday’s game, the Red Dragons tightened up his game in overtime, provided by cortlandreddragons.com were down by two scores and on saving all eight of the shots he Katie Double the verge of losing to Buffalo State faced in the extra period. “He was Hockey for the second time this season. very good in overtime,” said Stopped 55 of 57 shots Cortland sophomore Jarrett Baldarotta. “He made some great photo by Ben Bolding Gold and freshman Ryan Durocher plays.” Ryan Markell lines up for a shot against Buffalo State. each had goals within the last four SEE HOCKEY ON PAGE 10