Vincenpaul Canada The Magazine of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul National Council of Canada Volume 40 No. 2 - Summer 2014 LET US PUT OUR FAITH INTO ACTION BL. Frédéric Ozanam Return Address : National Council of Canada 2463 Innes Road Ottawa, ON K1B 3K3 Table of content Message from the President 3 Official publication of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Canada • Dépôt légal Council General International 5 Bibliothèque national ISSNO703 6477 Spirituality 8 Agreement no. 1751697 Systemic Change 10 Made with the collaboration of : Ghislaine DuNord, John Grocholski, Nicole Fortin, Clermont Fortin Twinning 12 Editors : Nicole Schryburt, Ellen Schryburt Canada’s Councils in Action Graphic Design : Nicole Schryburt Printing : Impressions Daigle Inc. Atlantic Regional Council 13 Quebec Regional Council 17 Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Ontario Regional Council 20 National Council of Canada Western Regional Council 26 2463 Innes Road Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 3K3 BC & Yukon Regional Council 28 Tel. : 613-837-4363 - Toll Free: 1-866-997-7787 AGA 2014 29 Fax: 613-837-7375 In Memoriam 32 Email:
[email protected] Canada Revenue Agency Charity Registration No. 132410671RR0001 Subscription Please send this form and a $20 cheque to: New subscription: ☐ SSVP National Council, 2463 Innes Road, Ottawa Ontario K1B 3K3 Renewal: ☐ Name of Conference or Council: Name of President: Name of Subscriber: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Tel: Email: President change Please send this form to: SSVP National Council, 2463 Innes Rd., Ottawa Ontario K1B 3K3 OR send all these information by email to:
[email protected] Name of Conference or Council City: Aggregation Date: Particular Council: Central Council: Name of Past-President: Name of President Elect: Start Date: Address Conference or Council: City: Province: Postal Code: Tel: Email: 2 Vincenpaul Message from the President DEAR VINCENTIANS, Only a few weeks now before our 43rd Annual General Assembly that will take place this year in Edmonton, Alberta.