
Experience the


Experience birdlife at any time of the year. Experiences can be shared with others.

WELCOME TO THE TOP OF DENMARK - the best place to spot - whatever the time of year!

The northern part of Denmark is a magical region in which to watch birds. This region of Denmark contains a great mosaic of land- scapes and habitats, as a result of which there’s a huge number of different species of birds - ranging from the smallest Goldcrests to ’s tallest , the Crane - that can be spotted in the region. You can see a great number of common species of birds at various locations such as the beach, sea, salt marshes, dune heaths, bogs, deciduous and coniferous forests, river valleys and rocky islets. You may also be lucky enough to see extremely rare species. In the Land of Light you can see fantastic birds all year round.

Winter There are often large numbers of birds to be spotted over the sea, including ducks, gulls, auks and guillemots. The fishing ports at Hirtshals, and Strandby are well worth a visit to see the fascinating gulls.

Spring Birds come to breed, and announce their arrival via their different songs. Depending on the location, you can find many breeding birds. Spring migration takes place over Skagen, but large migra- tions can also be seen along the east or west coasts depending on the weather conditions.

Summer Breeding pairs raise their young during the summer. It’s a quiet time, but try heading out into one of the dune plantations on a summer night to listen to the strange churring trill of the .

Autumn The time for birds migrating south. Watching the staging areas of waders on beaches and salt marshes as well as seabirds and web- footed birds over the sea are interesting ways to pass the time. HOW TO SEE THE BIRDS


There are birds everywhere, but once you’ve decided to really WATCH them, then your vision will be sharpened; you notice their shape, colour, flight and silhouette. Your hearing will also be en- hanced as you listen to the bird’s song. But what species is it? Get hold of a pair of binoculars – preferably with a magnification of 8-10x and bring an ornithology book with you. Good guides can be purchased at reasonable prices or borrowed from the library. If you enjoy birdsong, CDs are also available. It’s also a good idea to browse the internet (www.dof.dk) and visit the websites of local ornithological societies. Here you’ll often find news of excursions you can go on.

Good tips for a successful trip Visit, for example, the places we suggest in this folder. If you meet someone with a telescope or an expensive pair of binoculars, then you’ll almost certainly have come across an ornithologist. If you take care of the countryside and don’t make a lot of noise, are friendly and courteous, then you’re likely to strike up a conversa- tion in which you’ll pick up a lot of knowledge and help in finding the right places to spot birds. Who knows, you may even get the chance to look through his or her telescope. Children are extremely curious and love to get out into the coun- tryside, but it’s important to let them know that when out bird- watching we must look and listen, not be noisy and rush about. It’s also a good idea to leave your dog at home.

Remember Warm clothing – even during the summer! Good waterproof shoes or boots, hot coffee or something else to drink and a good packed lunch. Take a small rucksack and something to sit on, so you don’t get cold and wet. Take care of the countryside, both for your own sake and that of the local flora and fauna. Remember that we share the country- side. It’s the only one we’ve got... WHICH BIRDS CAN YOU SEE?

The Corn Bunting: “Tick-tick” crackling sound The Golden Plover’s plaintive “toee” call.

THE CORN BUNTING - North ’s bunting

The Corn Bunting is characteristic of North Jutland, and isn’t -of ten seen elsewhere in Denmark. It’s in the bunting family, which is closely related to the familiar sparrow. The Corn Bunting can be seen in the open landscape, where the male can often be found sitting - at any time of the year - on an observation post, a gate, a post or a road sign singing its simple song which consists of a series of whirring sounds that start slowly and accelerate to a conclusion 2-3 seconds later. The Corn Bunting is a small brown bird with a white belly and a lightly speckled throat and breast. In the winter they often gather in small flocks on the fields and their short sharp tick-tick crackling call can be heard.


The European Golden Plover is an autumn and winter guest in Denmark from Northern Scandinavia, where it breeds. Large flocks gather in Denmark and from field to field, where you can -fre quently see several hundred birds in the company of starlings and lapwings. In its winter plumage, which is what we most often see in Denmark, it has a light golden colour with a lot of light spots. With its round head and short bill, it’s easy to recognise compared to the other waders we see in the landscape. However, if the plover is at the beach, things become a little more difficult, as it can eas- ily be confused with its cousin, the Grey Plover. The Grey Plover is greyer (silvery) than the Golden Plover and has black feathers at the base of its underwing, which can be clearly seen in flight, as op- posed to the Golden Plover’s white feathers. The Golden Plover’s melancholy call, toee, is also easily recognisable compared to the three-part pee-oo-ee of the Grey Plover. WHICH BIRDS CAN YOU SEE?

Red Kite with its striking “’s tail”. The Thrush Nightingale has a beautiful and powerful song.

THE RED KITE - taking the highway

During the last 15-20 years the Red Kite has returned to Denmark to breed, initially in North Jutland, where a pair established them- selves at a plantation in Elling. The Red Kite can now be seen at many locations in the region throughout the year, and, along with the Vejle region in the southeast, North Jutland has become a key area for the Danish population. No other bird of prey resembles the Red Kite, which, with its fantastic hues of red, brown and white, is highly visible in the blue sky. Its striking “swallow’s tail” also makes it easy to recognise. You’ll see the kite gliding on long, slim wings with its tail making continuous corrections in flight along highways or sitting on a mast or a tree on the lookout for carrion. The kite is indeed one of the most important and attractive “waste collectors” in the countryside.

THE THRUSH NIGHTINGALE - a voice in the dark

The Thrush Nightingale is in decline, but remains a fairly common bird in North Jutland, where it can be found in areas with thicket, marsh and lakes. It has a habit of singing at night. It has a beautiful song, which is so powerful that it can be heard up to a kilometre away. The male sings to attract females from the sky when migrat- ing, and when looking for a mate the female over areas in which males build nests. If the female is attracted by the male’s song and flies down to him, he’ll immediately show her the nest he’s built. It’s well hidden in dense thicket, and indeed the Thrush Nightingale itself is often difficult to spot. If she’s attracted to him and likes the nest, then they’ll mate. The Thrush Nightingale sings in North Jutland from its time of arrival at the end of April until Midsummer. So head out on a quiet evening to listen to its song. WHICH BIRDS CAN YOU SEE?

The Black Guillemot lives most of its life at sea. The Crane, Europe’s tallest bird.

THE BLACK GUILLEMOT - with its bright red legs

If you sail to the of Hirsholmene off the coast of Frederiks- havn, you’ll be welcomed by a small black auk with bright red legs. This is the Black Guillemot, which breeds between the rocks on the harbour’s southern breakwater. There are very few breeding colonies in Denmark, with the approximately 700 pairs on Hirsholm being the biggest. The Black Guillemot belongs to the group of auks which live most of their life at sea, where they are fantastic at catch- ing fish and can withstand storms and extreme cold like no other birds. Only during the breeding period - from April until the end of June - do they go ashore. They can dive deep below the waves and shoot up to the surface with a bill full of sand eels and other small fry. When the Black Guillemot flies, it does so at a low height above the water with very rapid beats of its wings, almost like a small rocket above the water. The two large white wing linings on the otherwise black bird are among its distinguishing marks.

THE CRANE - trumpet and potatoes

During recent years the Crane has returned to the Danish country- side. In North Jutland more and more pairs are beginning to breed, for example in the marshes near Råbjerg. Although the Crane is a large bird, it can be difficult to spot during its breeding period, when it keeps a low profile. Otherwise the Crane is visible in the landscape, where it happily moves around in small flocks emitting its echoing trumpet call far and wide. You’ll either see the Crane walking slowly throughout marshland areas or on fields looking for food, which primarily consists of plants, grass, grain and prefer- ably potatoes. It can also eat insects, etc. The Crane is perhaps best known for the large gatherings at Hornboga Sjön in during the early spring, where they dance their characteristic courtship dance, although they do also dance at their breeding grounds in Denmark. Two Cranes standing opposite each other dancing up and down is a truly remarkable sight. WHICH BIRDS CAN YOU SEE?

The European Nightjar is visible The Common Ringed Plover is a convincing actor. and inquisitive at night. THE EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR - the goatsucker

In North Jutland we have some of the country’s best places to expe- rience the very special European Nightjar. Not many people know this strange bird, which disappears completely during the day, but which at night is both visible and inquisitive. The European Nightjar breeds in spruce plantations that have glades in which it can hunt. Its staple diet is made up of nocturnal and it catches them by opening up its beak like a net. The European Nightjar has been the source of many myths, including stories of how it sucked the blood of sheep and goats during the hours of darkness, hence its nickname of “goatsucker”. Its call sounds like the noise made when a piece of cardboard hits the spokes of a revolving bicycle wheel - a sound that’s familiar to most young boys. During the hours of dark- ness the sound can be somewhat eerie if you don’t know what it is. Head out on a quiet night in Aalbæk or the dune plantation near Skagen and listen to this fascinating bird.


The Common Ringed Plover is one of the more common waders that breed in Denmark. On many of our beaches you may meet the Common Ringed Plover at any time of the year energetically searching for food at the water’s edge and in the sand. It breeds on the beach, where it scrapes a small hole in the sand and lays its eggs, which of course look like small stones. This means that it’s often disturbed. You’ll realise that you’re near a nest if it runs around vociferously in front of you with one wing dragging on the sand. But this little bird is trying to deceive you. It’s acting to get your attention and to lead you away from its nest. If you wish to be sure that you don’t tread on its nest, then follow the bird. Once the danger subsides, the plover will fly away and leave you alone once more. Its colouring around its neck resembles that of a white clerical collar. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

Stensnæs Bird Reserve near Lyngså. Oystercatchers at Stensnæs Bird Reserve.

1 STENSNÆS - beach and salt marshes

Stensnæs is a small nodule that sticks out into south of Sæby near the town of Lyngså. The sand accumulates here due to the ocean currents in this area, and there is therefore both a reef (Stensnæs Flak) near the coast and an ongoing extension of the coast to the east. However, the area is a good habitat for birds because the sea is very shallow and actually becomes a tidal flat at low tide. The tidal flats provide a great source of food for wad- ers, small birds, ducks and geese. At the same time, the coastal area behind the beach is one of the increasingly rare salt marshes, which consists of cropped meadows, waterholes, small lakes and saltwater lagoons, thus making up an ideal location for many spe- cies of bird and other wildlife. At Stensnæs you’ll find many waders from September through to May: the Ruddy Turnstone, Common Ringed Plover, several species of calidrids, Eurasian Curlew, Northern Lapwing, Grey Plover and not least the Oystercatcher spend their winters here. The entire population of pale-bellied Brant Geese from Svalbard inhabit the area during autumn and spring. Stensnæs is a reserve that is free of hunting and other disturbances. Hunting is restricted primarily due to the large number of Common Teal that are in the area dur- ing September. The teal is our smallest duck and it’s fascinating to watch these energetic ducks in the saltwater lagoon behind the beach. Stensnæs is also known for its many small birds: the Meadow Pipit, Eurasian Skylark, Common Linnet and White Wagtail all be- long to the common breeding birds. During the winter the area is frequented by small flocks of Snow Bunting, Twite and other small birds that breed at northern latitudes. For those interested in bot- any, Stensnæs also has several unusual plant species.

TIP! You can go birdwatching from the harbour at Voerså, close to Stensnæs. Here there’s also a bird tower, from where there’s a good view of the rich birdlife on the salt marshland and in the shallow waters. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

The stream meanders through the forest. The Eurasian Nuthatch darts up and down the trees.

2 SÆBYGÅRD FOREST - urban jungle

An early morning in May in the forest of Sæbygård is synonymous with a wealth of attractions - not least the verdant beech forest which is now in leaf. Birdlife at this time of year is also at its height. Songbirds twitter away, busily building nests, brooding and searching for food. Jackdaws and Hooded Crows fly merrily over the forest and their easily recognisable calls can be heard through- out. Perhaps you’ll also hear the call of its cousin, the Common Raven, as it glides above the treetops. Down between the trees Eurasian Nuthatches dart up and down the tree trunks whilst its merry cheeky call echoes through the for- est. You can also spot the Coal Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Marsh Tit, all of which are busy in their own way. The Common Blackbird keeps a close eye on what’s going on and the Song Thrush and Tree Pipit sing from their lookouts high up in the tree crowns. If you’re lucky, you may also hear the Wood Warbler’s characteristic call, pit-pit-pitpitpitpt-t-t-ttt, and the Common Chiffchaff’s chiff-chaff- chiff-chaff, which compete in song with the Willow Warbler’s wist- ful tones. However, the most fascinating sound is that of the Stock Dove, which produces a short, deep ooo-uu-ooh, similar to blowing in a bottle. You have to get close. And while you’re listening to them, a small blue dart may come racing along the stream. This is the Com- mon Kingfisher. It also breeds in the quiet of the forest where the stream lazily meanders towards the town and Kattegat. During the winter the White-throated Dipper inhabits the stream along with the Kingfisher.

Stock Dove. Common Kingfisher. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

The salt marshes are a natural paradise Common Redshank with its long red legs. near a built-up area. 3 ELLING SALT MARSHES AND STREAM The stream and the area around its mouth as it runs out into Kat- tegat are wedged between Strandby and Frederikshavn and are home to a fantastic gem of nature. If left undisturbed, the com- bination of a stream which meanders its way towards the sea and the flat meadows behind the dunes makes up a fantastic natural habitat. This is the case for the salt marshes near Elling. The outlet in Kattegat, which is slowly moving south, is home to unique wildlife, of which the birds are the most visible sign. The mix of freshwater from the stream, the briny seawater and the shallow waters of the area around the mouth of the stream create a unique wealth of wildlife which the birds live off. Gulls, geese, ducks and cormorants forage here all year round. Waders gather here when migrating during the spring and autumn, in particular south of the outlet of the stream. A morning walk along the beach from the harbour at Rønner- havnen to the mouth of the stream provides the sight of a great range of birds including the Red Knot, Common Ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher Common Redshank, etc. There are always lots of small birds in the thicket along the beach, and during the summer you can see the Common Rosefinch, which is a rare breeding bird in Denmark. If you cross the stream via the bridge from Kæret, you’ll reach a large area of reeds. The Common Reed Bunting can be found here throughout the year, and during the breeding period the Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler can be heard from the dense area of reeds. During the late summer you can experience the so-called Black Sun, when several hundred star- lings settle in the reeds that provide a safe refuge from nocturnal predators. The salt marshes are also home to many waders and anseri- formes. A few pairs of Greylag Goose, Mallard and Common Shelduck breed here, as do the Common Redshank and Common Ringed Plover. Other birds staging here include teals and other rare ducks which enjoy the small waterholes. These birds can easily be seen from the bird tower located in the middle of the area by the old gravel road. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

The huge dune at Råbjergcan be seen The Whinchat sings from the top of a twig. for miles around. 4 RÅBJERG MILE DUNE AND THE DUNE LAKES

Lace up your walking boots and take a hearty packed lunch as you head out on a fascinating hike which - if you wish - can last all day. The marshland, the dune lakes and the huge dune of Råbjerg Mile itself make up a fantastic area with highly varied flora and fauna. Don’t be afraid of the adder, which you may encounter on your walk. It won’t do anything if you leave it alone. You can always pick up and admire the slow-worm, on the other hand. This legless liz- ard is not at all dangerous and is interesting to observe. As it blos- soms, Cottongrass covers the marshes in a fantastic white blanket and several species of butterfly and flutter between the plants and along the paths. The Crane welcomes you with its loud trumpeting call, and al- though you might not be able to see it at first glance, then take a closer look; it’ll certainly be keeping an eye on you. The Whinchat sings from the top of a mugwort or another shrub in open areas, and if you’re lucky you’ll get a glimpse of its cousin, the European Stonechat, which is very rare in Denmark, but which occasion- ally breeds in the area. You find the Eurasian Curlew at the lakes, where it uses its curved bill to hunt for snails and other food in the deep mud around the lake where the natterjack toad is found. You may also come across the White Wagtail, the Eurasian Skylark, various small birds and the Common Snipe. At the end of your hike, you may be lucky enough to see one or more of the area’s stags keeping a watchful eye on your movements.


The very tip of Denmark at Skagen’s Gren. Migrating birds of prey.


At Grenen at the very top of Denmark the ocean currents of the and Kattegat meet. Grenen is a fantastic - and very pop- ular - vantage point throughout most of the year. Skagen is particularly famous for its spring migration, where the migrating birds of prey in particular are a fantastic sight. From the end of March until the beginning of June large flocks of birds mi- grate north leaving behind the safety of the land and heading out across the sea. Throughout autumn Skagen is also a fascinating lo- cation, where Grenen’s proximity to the sea makes it an excellent place from which to watch seabirds and staging waders, gulls and terns. Seeing the migration of birds of prey in the spring is a spectacular sight. Migration over the land up through Denmark ends in the “frenzy” at the spit of Odde before the birds leave Jutland heading for Northern Scandinavia. This lasts from the middle of March until June, where - depending on the weather - you can ex- perience groups of buzzards, eagles and other birds of prey circling in the sky before heading off over the sea. If you wish to do some birdwatching at Grenen, the easiest place to start is the car park at Grenen Art Museum. From here there’s a 10-minute walk north to the outermost north-easterly dune, from where you have a great view of both seas and can follow the migra- tion over the land at the same time. There’s also a good view from the most easterly dunes north of the large car park, and if you wish to get closer to the seabirds, staging waders and small birds, you can go down onto the beach. The area between Grenen Art Museum and Grenen is a good staging location for small birds, and during spring and autumn Skagen Fuglestation carries out the ringing of small birds caught in nets. If you see a net with birds in it, don’t get too close, as this will frighten the birds. Keep your distance until the ringer turns up on his rounds. Then you’ll be able to watch and learn about this fascinating task. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

The White-tailed Eagle at Skagen. Watching birds at Flagbakken.


Flagbakken is situated south of the main road just before it enters the town of Skagen from the south. The 24-metre high hillock is the highest point in Skagen. The great view from the rise makes it the best and most popular observation point for birds of prey in Skagen, especially when the wind is blowing from between north and east, but also in light, changeable winds. On the best days more than 100 birdwatchers can sit on the hillock and watch the migrating birds. On a good day up to 15 different species of birds of prey can be seen. There’s an information board featuring descrip- tions of the birds.


The good viewpoints over the sea mean that the beach at Nord- strand is well worth a visit whatever the time of year. Nordstrand is a good vantage point during the spring, when you can see the birds migrating over the sea and those migrating over the land. During the autumn it’s a good place to watch seabirds. Another good place to watch the birds is the dune near the car park at the end of Batterivej, where there are views of both the sea and the land. One or two of the bunkers in the area make good vantage points, as does the outermost row of dunes. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

Whooper Swans at Vandplasken. Rubjerg Knude lighthouse at sunset.

8 VANDPLASKEN - a splash from the great sea

Behind the row of dunes at the beach at Kærsgård Strand there’s a protected area of water called Vandplasken. It’s a fantastic area for birds. In the spring many migrating birds can be seen from the tops of the dunes; both those that migrate over the sea and those that choose the safer option of migrating over land. The Merlin, Red Kite and are amongst the birds of prey, but migrations of small birds and waders are also fascinating to watch. Birds such as the Red-necked Grebe, Common Redshank and Grey- lag Goose breed at Vandplasken and Åslyngen, whilst there are nu- merous interesting waders and ducks during the migration period. There’s no access to Vandplasken, but the lake can be seen from the dune tops. If you follow the North Sea Trail to the south or north, you’ll find the birds that frequent the open countryside - the Common Linnet, Common Whitethroat, Meadow Pipit, Whinchat - in addition to which you may be fortunate enough to spot the European Stonechat or a Red-backed Shrike.


The landscape near Rubjerg Knude is quite unique, and surround- ing the plantation at Rubjerg Plantage the 600 ha. of sea- buck thorn thicket is Denmark’s largest. Sea buckthorn has nasty thorns which provide protection for small creatures and birds. A number of birds conceal themselves in the sea buckthorn, which is also the reason why the Rubjerg area has a large population of Linnet, Common Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat, Icterine Warbler and Dunnock. During the summer many birds use the thicket to con- ceal themselves and their nests - and you can find insects which the Red-backed Shrike has impaled on the prickles of the sea buck- thorn. During the winter, when the thicket has lots of attractive yellow-orange berries, you can see large flocks of thrushes eating the berries. Up to 30,000 Fieldfares have been counted in the sea buckthorn thicket, a flock which can quickly devour all the berries. If you wish to see migrating birds of prey, then the best time to see them is when there’s a mild wind blowing from the east and south- east. In the morning there are many finches, starlings and doves, and swifts. Later during the day, as the air begins to get warm, birds of prey will appear. WHERE CAN YOU SEE THE BIRDS?

The Port of Hirtshals is a fishing and ferry port. Hirtshals Lighthouse is located in the outermost row of dunes. 10 HIRTSHALS PORT AND LIGHTHOUSE

The Port of Hirtshals, which is a fishing and ferry port, is situated exactly at the point where the coastline makes a 90-degree turn. The location means that you can see lots of seabirds - both those that migrate along the coast and those that use the harbour as a staging post to shelter from harsh weather conditions. In addition, fishing activities provide an ample source of food for gulls in -par ticular. Among the best places to see birds at the Port of Hirtshals are the harbour office and near the crane at the ice-making facility. When the fish are unloaded, there’s plenty of opportunity to see the many gulls. In fact it’s the location in Denmark that has the greatest number of species of gull - no less than 13! At the Port of Hirtshals you’ll find a pretty big colony of the -at tractive Black-legged Kittiwake, a species of gull which is often seen along with other species, but which is very different. It’s charac- terised by its black wingtips which look as though they’ve been dipped in ink. It’s a genuine Atlantic bird which breeds on the cliffs facing directly onto the heavy seas. At the Port of Hirtshals the tall buildings at the port are reminiscent of such cliffs. At the dry dock Black-legged Kittiwakes can be seen breeding during the season. At the lighthouse, which is situated in the dunes to the south, there’s a good view of the sea. In the water close to the lighthouse is a stone reef which attracts ducks, including the Common Eider and Common Scoter. Hirtshals is a good place to watch migrating birds in the spring. The birds often follow the coastline when mi- grating north, and here at Hirtshals both seabirds and land-based birds can be seen in great numbers. Some birds migrate from Hirts- hals over the water to , whilst the majority migrate towards Skagen and then onwards to Northern Scandinavia. WHERE TO WATCH THE BIRDS

1 STENSNÆS. Nordostvej, Voerså, 9300 Sæby. Follow the gravel track at the Nordostvej/Engvej intersection close to Lyngså. Look for the owl sign.

2 SÆBYGÅRD FOREST. Kildevej 51, 9300 Sæby. From the car park follow the path into the forest towards the stream.

3 ELLING SALT MARSHES AND STREAM. Drive east along Strand- byvej, 9970 Strandby. Turn right after the level crossing. Follow the sign and drive along the gravel track towards the bird tower.

4 RÅBJERG MILE DUNE AND LAKES. Start either from the car park on Kandestedvej in or from the car parks at Råbjerg Church.

5 SKAGEN’S NORTHERNMOST TIP. Park at the car park near Grenen, 9990 Skagen.

6 FLAGBAKKEN. Park at the car park at the end of Flagbakkevej, 9990 Skagen.

7 NORDSTRAND. Park at the car park at the end of Batterivej, 9990 Skagen.

8 VANDPLASKEN. Park at the end of Kærsgård Strandvej north of Skallerup Klit. Vandplasken is situated south of the car park.

9 RUBJERG KNUDE. Fyrvejen 30, 9480 Løkken.

10 PORT OF HIRTSHALS AND LIGHTHOUSE. 7 5 Good parking at the port and at the lighthouse, 9850 Hirtshals. 6




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Published 2013 by: Toppen af Danmark A/S, Skandiatorv 1, 2nd floor, 9900 Frederikshavn. www.toppenafdanmark.dk - [email protected] Photos and text: Hans Henrik Larsen, Knud Pedersen, Jan Skriver, Kurt Rasmussen, Erik Holm Sørensen, Lisbeth Derry, Børge Søndergård.