Chollerton Parish Council
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CHOLLERTON PARISH COUNCIL The next meeting of Chollerton Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 30th November 2016 at 7.30pm in St Christopher’s Church, Gunnerton Linda Pinkham Clerk to the Parish Council AGENDA (updated) 1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence 2. Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise Matters (Questions which require a substantive answer at the meeting need to have been submitted to the Parish Clerk in writing 5 days before the meeting) 3. Declarations of Interest from Members To receive disclosures of personal and/or prejudicial interest from Members on matters to be considered at the meeting. 4a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th September 2016 4b. Matters Arising from the above minutes not addressed elsewhere on the agenda 5. County Councillor Report Update from County Councillor for Humshaugh Ward: Cllr R Gibson 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Items a – f are standing items, there may not need to be discussion on all of the subjects at each meeting. 6a. Playing Fields i) Chishillways – to consider responses to the consultation by the parish council on the possible future provision for Chishillways Play Area. ii) Barrasford iii) Gunnerton iv) Colwell 6b. Transport 6c. Highways i) Concerns raised about speeding traffic in Barrasford ii) Request for traffic calming measures on Beukley Bank, A68 6d. Maintenance i) Litter/Dog Waste Bin at Old Station building, Barrasford 6e. Grasscutting 6f. Website - to review the proposed layout and content for the new website for Chollerton Parish Council. 6g. Broadband 7. Correspondence 7a. Consultations Northumberland County Council Local Plan Core Strategy: Pre-Submission Draft Proposed Further Major Modifications Consultation Northumberland County Council: Consultation on a re-drafted South East Ponteland Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). To consider whether the Parish Council wishes to respond to these two consultations which run until 23rd December 2016. BT Telephone Box Removal: First Notification To note that following the recent consultation which the parish council responded to, the BT phone boxes at Barrasford and Gunnerton have been listed for removal. Chollerton Parish Council meetings are open to all interested individuals and the Press CHOLLERTON PARISH COUNCIL 7b. Items of other correspondence received since 18th September 2016 i) To consider response to enquiry from Jim Bullock re flooding at Gunnerton ii) List of items for consideration to be tabled 8. Financial Matters a. Bank Account: Bank balance: £10,167.57 as at 30th October 2015 (statement 289) b. Requests for Assistance – to consider any requests which have been received c. Accounts to be authorised and paid British Legion Remembrance Day wreath Parish Clerk Expenses: to be tabled d. Precept 2017/18 – provisional determination To consider the projected year end expenditure for 2016/17, identify any anticipated additional expenditure and set a provisional precept for 2017/18. Any amendment which may be required once the tax base is confirmed by NCC at the Cabinet meeting on 6th December 2016 to be confirmed at the January Parish Council meeting and the final precept requirement to be submitted to Northumberland County Council by 27th January 2017. 9. Review of Statutory Documentation (as required for the Parish Council’s annual audit) a) Risk Assessment To approve the Parish Council’s Risk Assessment document b) Internal Control To approve the Parish Council’s Internal Control document 10. Planning a) Applications for consideration: 16/03699/FUL Proposed Granny Annex in the domestic garden – Cross Bank Barrasford NE48 4AF 16/03942/COU Proposed change of use from public house to residential – The Tone Inn 16/04106/CCM Retention of use of flagshed site for outdoor storage of quarry-derived imported materials and unprocessed road planings. Barrasford Quarry, Barrasford, NE48 4AP b) Decisions issued on applications: c) Lead Member for Planning for December/January d) Report of creation of possible new access track near Smallburn 11. Information Items To note meetings attended and information items received since the last meeting. 12. Any Other Business Items raised at this point on the agenda are for discussion only 13. Date and Venue for Next Meeting 25th January 2017 7.30pm Barrasford Village Hall Parish Council meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday in the month in Barrasford Village Hall, Gunnerton Parish Church or Colwell Village Hall. Provisional Dates for 2017: 29th March (Barrasford); 31st May Annual Meeting (Barrasford); th th th 26 July (Colwell); 27 September (Barrasford); 29 November (Gunnerton) Chollerton Parish Council Cllr E Heslop (Chairman); Cllr Mrs Jen Dover (Vice Chairman); Cllr Ms M F Browell; Cllr L Buckingham; Cllr S Campbell; Cllr Mrs F Charlton; Cllr A Gibson; Cllr Mrs M Jupp Parish Clerk: Linda Pinkham East Highford House, Highford Lane, Hexham, NE46 2JL e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 07528 676451 Chollerton Parish Council meetings are open to all interested individuals and the Press .