Masterflow DC2476
MasMasttererffloloww DC2476 DIGITAL MASTERING PROCESSOR COPYRIGHT This manual is copyrighted 8 2001 by Drawmer Electronics, Ltd. With all rights reserved. Under copyright laws, no part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means, mechanical, opti- cal, electronic, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of Drawmer Electronics Ltd ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES, Drawmer Electronics Ltd., warrants the Drawmer DC2476 Dig- WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR ital audio processor to conform substantially to the specifica- STATUTORY. DRAWMER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY tions of this manual for a period of one year from the original EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT date of purchase when used in accordance with the specifica- LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF tions detailed in this manual. In the case of a valid warranty MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- claim, your sole and exclusive remedy and Drawmer’s entire li- POSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. PURCHASER’S SOLE AND ability under any theory of liability will be to, at Drawmer=s discre- EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE tion, repair or replace the product without charge, or, if not possi- REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. ble, to refund the purchase price to you. This warranty is not trans- ferable. It applies only to the original purchaser of the product. IN NO EVENT WILL DRAWMER ELECTRONICS LTD. BE LI- ABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL For warranty service please call your local Drawmer dealer.
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