Some Chemical Experiments Bearing on the Origin of Certain Uranium-Vanadium Ores
SOME CHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS BEARING ON THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN URANIUM- VANADIUM ORES. FRANK B. 1N]'OTESTEIN. Carnotite is found in many geologicalenvironments and is probablyformed in severalways. At Radium Hill, near Olary, Australia,• it is associatedwith minerals which were probably depositedby hot solutions. In thesedeposits it fills cavitiesand coats the walls of crevicesand may have been formed by sec- ondary processesfrom the associatedprimary minerals. In the United States it is found far removed from igneousrocks, and its ores are supposedto have been depositedby cold ground water solutionsor to be alterationproducts, in place,of vanadium and uranium bearing sediments. The secondary character of carnotiteis practicallyundisputed, although the primary minerals from which the American depositsare derived are uncertain. The relative importanceof the two suggestedmodes of origin is still in doubt. This report deals with an investigationof cer- tain natural solventsand precipitantsof vanadium and uranium, which are believedto throw somelight on possibleprocesses in- volved in at least one of the suggestedmodes of origin.2 • Crook, T., and Blake, G. S., "On Carnotites and an Associated Mineral Complex from South Australia." Min. Mag., Vol. I5, p. 27I, I9IO. 2 Some of the more important publications are: Hillebrand, W. F., and Ransome, F. L., "Carnotite and Associated Vana- diferous Minerals in Western Colorado," U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. '262, pp. 9-3I. Boutwell, Jl M., "Vanadium and Uranium in Southeastern Utah," U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 260, pp. 2oo-2m. Gale, H. S., "Carnotite in Rio Blanco County, Colorado," U.S. Geol. Sur- vey Bull. 315, pp. IIO-Xt7. Gale, H. S., "Carnotite and Associated Minerals in Western Routt County, Colorado," U.S.
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