[email protected] 3467 Avocado St., Riverside, CA 92507, USA Cell: (951) 823-3471 RESEARCH INTERESTS Security in Online Social Networks, Web classification, distributed systems EDUCATION University of California, Riverside December, 2013 Ph.D. in Computer Science CGPA earned: 3.92/4.00 University of Oklahoma May, 2009 M.Sc. in Computer Science CGPA earned: 4.00/4.00 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Nov, 2004 B.Sc. in Computer Science CGPA earned: 3.58/4.00 RELEVENT COURSES • Advanced Computer Networks • Data Mining • Advanced Algorithms • Network Routing EXPERIENCES Summer Intern, VMware Inc., Palo Alto, CA June, 2011-September, 2011 • Implemented a scalable web-based framework for software update in VMware hypervisor (ESXi servers) in the cloud infrastructure. The framework enables system admins in data centers to update thousands of hypervisors in parallel using few clicks in web interface of the framework. Research Assistant, University of California, Riverside January, 2011-May, 2011 • Developed a Facebook security application MyPageKeeper which protects Facebook users from malicious links. Devised a real time classification technique for identifying malicious posts spreading over Facebook. Currently 12,000+ users are using this app. Summer Intern, Los Alamos National Lab, NM, USA June, 2010-September, 2010 • Implemented Cyber Command & Control System for command dissemination in a distributed p2p network. The prototype is running in thousands of PlanetLab nodes distributed around the world. Research Assistant, University of Oklahoma, OK, USA June, 2007-May, 2009 • Ported SCTP protocol in RTEMS kernel from FreeBSD kernel to the networking stack of a real time OS, RTEMS and cross-compiled it for i386 architecture.