Catch and Release

n some Oregon state waters catch Photos provided by Ken Morrish, Iand release is required in order Dave Moskowitz and Whitney Gould. to protect valuable resources. In most waters, however, release or harvest is a personal choice. One way Oregon anglers can help maintain and restore native fish populations is to practice voluntary catch and release of all wild fish, particularly where their populations are threatened, and to learn how to do it properly. Anglers should always consult the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations This brochure was created by the before fishing for any harvest Oregon Department of Fish and restrictions. Wildlife in cooperation with the Current regulations can be found at: Native Fish Society. Techniques to reduce

OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE njoying in Oregon’s waters Playing the Fish Ebrings with it some responsibilities. A fish on the To ensure viable fish populations and end of the line is under stress and continued fishing opportunities, all it is important not Oregonians are encouraged to make to play the fish to a personal commitment to the care utter exhaustion. of the state’s fish and their habitats. Severe exhaustion reduces the fish’s odds of surviving. Catch and release (sometimes referred Bringing in the Fish to as live release) helps to preserve Support the fish a valuable resource for other anglers underwater in a Reviving the Fish In moving water, point the fish in to the to enjoy in the future. Catch and release natural position, handling it as little current or in standing water, gently move can also reduce the necessity for future as possible. Give the fish forward until its gills are moving mandatory regulations, and carefully it time to recover. and it maintains its balance on its own. released fish may also be counted on Keep the fish in the Let the fish swim freely from your hands. spawning grounds, ensuring adequate water, it needs all the oxygen it can Proper Gear escapement for conservation and get from the water Use single, barbless hooks so you can management of fish populations. passing over its gills. easily release your catch. Use pliers to pinch down the barb. Use tackle, including line and rod, that are strong enough to bring your fish Removing the Hook in quickly and gently. from the Fish In quiet water, bring Photographing the Fish the fish quickly within reach. Leaving the 1. Have help. Reduce fish in the water and handling time by ad- without squeezing it, justing camera settings remove the hook care- before angling. fully with long-nosed 2. With wet hands, support the fish pliers or thumb and under the forward part of its body and forefinger. If necessary, at the base of its tail, keeping the fish in cut the leader near the water. the hook, which will 3. When ready, cradle the fish at water dissolve over time. level and quickly take picture. 4. Let the revived fish swim away from your hands.