Landscaping and gardening Open ground and topsoil piles can easily wash into Protect our our waterways and harbour, blocking sunlight and smothering aquatic life. waterways Garden dumping can increase nutrients which can degrade and create algal blooms.

 Don’t leave piles of dirt Pollution of our waterways can affect our land, plants, uncovered near the road native animals, sea life and can also impact safe swimming for our community. Don’t dispose of garden  chemicals and fertilisers We all have a role to play to protect our beautiful down the drain environment - Tauranga Moana.

 Cover any exposed ground or stockpiles Remember: Take your garden waste and • Outside drains send water straight to our streams,  unwanted chemicals to the beaches and harbour. Prevent anything other than rain transfer station entering this system. • Many Tauranga homes have roof gutters that flow your garden waste  straight to our stormwater network. at home • Even small quantities of seemingly harmless materials can add up and cause damage to the environment. • If you see something that doesn’t look right, please contact the Council pollution prevention team.

For any advice Help stop harmful around pollution The drains are contaminants entering prevention at home just for rain our stormwater drains call 07 577 7000 Car washing Exterior washing and Dirty water from washing cars can contain chemicals water blasting and other contaminants like oils and heavy metals which pollute our waterways and endanger aquatic . Run-off from exterior cleaning and water blasting is much more harmful than run-off caused by rain. Detergents like Even biodegradable detergents are harmful to wildlife. moss and mould remover contain chemicals that can harm aquatic life if they reach waterways.

Avoid washing your car on your  driveway where the water can Don’t let the water from any run into the stormwater drains  exterior washing or water Don’t drain oil and antifreeze Paint, plaster and blasting flow to the road and  enter the stormwater network where it could reach stormwater concrete wash Wash water from these activities can smother aquatic plants and creatures. Disconnect your down pipes Take your car to a commercial car   prior to cleaning your roof wash where water is contained

Direct wash water onto unsealed Wash your car on the grass so that   ground such as grass, so that it it soaks into the ground  Don’t tip paint or plaster wash down outside drains will soak into the ground

Don’t let concrete wash or cutting  water run into stormwater drains

• The pH of concrete wash is harmful to aquatic life • Last year concrete wash from one driveway killed over 200 eels

Use buckets to wash brushes,  rollers and other equipment. Empty wash water onto soil where it will soak away

Take unwanted paint back to  the store