to the 30th edition of The Web Conference 2021 (WWW2021)


Explore more around Ljubljana, our capital city and the region.

Lipica, the homeland of Lipizzaner horses inspired us to create this scientific conference closer to our culture, nature and different beauties. Learn more about inspiring places around Slovenia.

We designed The Web Conference visual communication based on the influence of our history with the Venetian horse and with the excellence of the design of our famous internationally recognised industrial designer, distinguished artist, member of the academy, professor and researcher Oskar Kogoj.

His love for nature always gives him the creative power and curiosity to design works of art that connect us to our roots. His products inspire interest and respect for nature. These unforgettable forms have found their place not only in the history of local and global design, but also in the souls of the people who meet his creations. With his sensitivity and integration of the human soul with the laws of nature, he is able to connect transcendent ideas with the material world.


THE VENETIC HORSE: unique symbol of power, nobility, wisdom and beauty. The image of the Venetian horse is one of the most distinctive images of the early Iron Age (Hallstatt period). It is impossible to include all the figures that appear on the situlas within a short presentation. It would also be somewhat daring to describe some of them in terms of their symbolic meaning. This does not apply, however, to the Venetian horse, which was regarded by the Venetians as an almost divine being. About a century after it was first depicted on situlas, Greek and Roman authors wrote that the Venetian people were the best horse breeders. The Venetians depicted horses everywhere - not in a realistic manner, as was the case in Greek and Roman art, but in a stylized form. Stylized representations of horses show what nature cannot, namely, the spiritual nature of the horse. One of the elements of this nature is "the horse as man's friend, his companion, his comrade." Oskar Kogoj , the artist said, "I must admit that I was immediately attracted to the stylized depictions of horses on situlas, even if they were in miniature size. So I used them as a template to create an almost life-size figure of the Venetian horse. The result was a statue with a mild expression, a statue of a horse that exudes a kind of divine peace."


The Web Conference (formerly called the WWW Conference) is an annual international conference on the

The conference began in 1994 at CERN and is organized each year by a local team of volunteers in different parts of the world who come together to organize the conference in cooperation with the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2). The goal of the conference is to provide the world with a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of related technologies, and the impact of these technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, policy makers, developers, users, and commercial enterprises - in fact, everyone who is passionate about the Web and its possibilities.

The 30th The Web Conference will be held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, from April 19-23, 2021. With all the circumstances of current health constraints worldwide, the conference will be organized in a hybrid way and fully supported as an extended experience of a virtual one. We wish and hope to see you all very soon!

Welcome to Slovenia, welcome to the heart of Europe.


The Web Conference 2021 will bring several novelties as well as focus to current relevant research and technology related topics, such as:

- COVID-19 - Artificial intelligence - Relationships: technology: research/solutions: users

Special tracks in preparation: - Artificial intelligence day - Future of the Web - Politics of the Web - The Web of Health - BIG - Web for Education (OER) - Privacy, ethics of Web / AI - Wikipedia developments - Project presentation track - Linguist track - Web4All


Conference model of The Web Conference 2021 is in a bit different mode, with major focus on expectations in the new environment and user experience: - additional evening keynotes sessions - pre-conference (3-4 hours event with keynotes and relevant intro to The Web Conference 2021) on March 3,2021 - using advanced tailor-made platform that offers complete working environment with: o easy changing the rooms and sessions o chat, interaction possibilities, dynamic modes o pools and other interactions between participants and moderators o live Q&A sessions (more than 1 per session) o poster voting (5 votes per attendee) o break-out rooms with selected preannounced activities o creating common document on relevant topic o possibilities for participants to be visible, noticed o live workshops and tutorials - moving around different time zones (including in the program) - job fairs, relevant for a particular sponsor - virtual rooms, dedicated to sponsors (we can define content according to their wishes) - virtual exhibition (prerecorded or live sessions: chat, talks, virtual room with engagement of participants) Conference will offer 24 selected workshops and tutorials as pre and post conference events. All registered participant will have better chance to be present at majority of activities offered in the selected time zone as live event or Q&A session organized. There is a team of facilitators from the community working with moderators to enable all activities to go smooth and easy.


The Web Conference is the premier conference focused on understanding the current state and the evolution of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, policy, and many other disciplines. We encourage submissions that describe in-depth studies to improve our understanding of the Web and its impact, introduce technical and socio- technical advances that enhance and expand Web platforms and technologies, and make strides in democratizing access to Web information and knowledge. The specific topics of interest are highlighted in the following 12 research tracks.

1. Crowdsourcing and Human Computation 2. Economics and Monetization 3. Search 4. Security, Privacy, and Trust 5. Semantics and Knowledge 6. Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms 7. Systems and Infrastructure 8. User experience and Accessibility 9. User Modeling and Personalization 10. Web and Society 11. Web Mining and Content Analysis 12. Web of Things, Ubiquitous, and Mobile Computing

We got a record number of submitted papers in the history of The Web Conference and our PC chairs are satisfied with the quality and acceptance rate provided.

Our general, ongoing program, we plan to include paper presentations, posters, demos, panels, doctoral and developers track.

We expect more than 1.500 participants from international environment.

Due to recent health limitations worldwide, The Web Conference 2021 will be fully online.


SPONSOR’S OFFER THE WEB CONFERENCE 2021 PACKAGES: Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Named Content/Amount: 40.000 € 20.000 € 10.000 € 5.000 € 2.500 € email conference attendees 2 1 1 though chairs direct contact to attendees yes via online platform access to VIP lounge yes yes yes special thanks during opening yes yes yes yes and closing ceremonies logo recognition at the yes yes yes yes yes acknowledgement banner projection of logo in the yes yes yes yes yes plenary room before sessions announcements in the 1 inner 1 double 1 inner ½ inner ¼ inner conference program cover and inner page page page page double inner page logo in conference program yes yes yes yes yes logo and link on the top level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level bottom conference website to the level sponsor's page company description on the yes yes yes conference website press release announcing the yes yes yes yes sponsors logo at the conference yes yes yes yes newsletter logo and the link on the post- yes yes yes conference report possibility to contact opted in yes Yes participants free registrations 8 4 1 1 special track invitations yes yes yes yes nominate speakers 2 1 virtual exhibition (video, chat yes yes yes and live online presentations) Job posts yes yes yes Speed job interview yes yes company dedicated job fair yes (scheduled in the program) break-out room with special yes yes program sponsor virtual material, delivered to yes yes yes yes yes all participants special dedicated content to be defined www2021.thewebconf.org

In addition we offer: logo on the virtual badge – main conference, special track 2.000 € evening event sponsor (one) 2.000 € sponsor of the day (one) 2.000 € special track sponsor (more) 2.000 € All amounts are in EUR. VAT is not included.


SPONSORSHIP REGISTRATION - ORDER FORM On behalf of The Web Conference 2021, your support is highly appreciated. Please, return the completed form to the Conference PCO via email

Contact: The Web Conference 2021/ Sponsorship chairs PCO details: Pitea d.o.o, Zeljarska ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact person: Marija Komatar E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +38631326777 Account Number: 040010047932054 Bank details: Nova KBM d.d., Kreigherjeva 4, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia IBAN: SI56040010047932054 SWIFT: KBMASI2X

Genaral confirmation: Company name: Address Country Contact Person Email: Tel:

Sponsorship package: o Platinum 40.000 € o Gold 20.000 € o Silver 10.000 € o Bronze 5.000 € o Named 2.500 €

o Additional offer 2.000 € Selection:

Signature/Stamp Date:
