Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming The Milton H. Erickson Foundation NEWSLETTER Vol. 26, No. 2 SUMMER 2006 SM Inside FEATURE INTERVIEW This Issue December were some of the most A Developmental exciting that I attended! How do you FEATURE INTERVIEW: Neurobiology of do it? Daniel Siegel 1 Couples & Family Dan Siegel: Well, I’m introduc- HISTORICAL TIMES: ing a new way of thinking about how Neuro-Linguistic Programming 4 Therapy: the mind and brain changes in response to psychotherapy. CASE REPORT: Ernest Rossi: A modest endeav- The resistant frog: A Metaphoric An Interview with or, I am sure. Approach to Immobilization 6 Daniel Siegel Dan: It’s a new way of taking the CONTRIBUTOR OF NOTE: different disciplines of science to cre- Robert Dilts 7 By Kathryn Lane Rossi ate a framework for Interpersonal & Ernest Lawrence Rossi FACETS AND REFLECTIONS: Neurobiology. I look at the social When Milton Erickson asked ME Daniel Siegel, MD is Associate exciting Invited speaker at the 2005 nature of the brain and the ways in for Help! 8 Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Evolution of Psychotherapy and will which our evolved brain can respond UCLA School of Medicine, Center for again be a Keynote Speaker at the to the kind of experiences that pro- SPECIAL INTERVIEW: Culture, Brain and Development. mote resilience and well-being in J. Charles Theisen, MA, MBA, JD, upcoming Brief Therapy Lasting Director of the Center for Human families. In my forthcoming presen- MA, PhD 9 Impressions Conference in Anaheim Development and has served as a this December. tations to the Ericksonian couples SPEAKING OF ETHICS: NIMH research Fellow at UCLA. Dr. therapy conference, I will also look at The Emerging Ethics Of Treatment 12 Siegel serves as Founding Editor-in- the kinds of experiences that actually What is the Newest of the New? Chief for the Norton Series on create vulnerability and the chal- INTRODUCING THE INSTITUTES: Does Daniel Siegel have it? The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Interpersonal Neurobiology. His lat- lenges to well-being from a develop- We think so! Cuernavaca, Mexico 13 est book is Parenting from the Inside mental point of view. Out: How a Deeper Self- Kathryn Rossi: Dan, your pre- Kathryn: You’re a psychiatrist Visit Our Website: Understanding Can Help You Raise sentations at the Evolution of with a strong developmental point of Children Who Thrive. He was an Psychotherapy Conference last view? See INTERVIEW on page 25 THE BRIEF THERAPY CONFERENCE: Lasting Impressions Garden Grove (Anaheim), California – December 7-10, 2006 Law & Ethics Pre-Conference Workshop, December 6 Special Registration Offer for Newsletter Readers Inside this Issue! The Milton H. Erickson Foundation is now accepting registrations for the RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE RETURN upcoming Brief Therapy Conference: Lasting Impressions, December 7-10, Permit No. 1932 No. Permit U.S.A. 2006, at the Hyatt Regency Orange County near Disneyland Resort, in Garden Kansas City, MO City, Kansas Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Arizona Phoenix, Grove (Anaheim), California. Sponsored by The Milton H. Erickson U.S.Postage Paid U.S.Postage 3606 N. 24th Street 24th N. 3606 Foundation, with Co-Sponsorship by California State University Fullerton and Non-Profit org. Non-Profit The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Erickson H. Milton The See BRIEF THERAPY on page 2 2 VOL. 26, NO. 2 The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter BRIEF THERAPY continued from page 1 the University of Advancing Technology (UAT), the Conference will include Solicited Short Courses, Invited Workshops, Interactive Events, and Keynote EDITOR’S COMMENTS Addresses. A special Laws & Ethics Pre-Conference Workshop will be held December Therapy Lasting Impressions. It is 6, 2006. Choose the four-hour morning session, or attend the full day for six also to that theme that we have dedi- hours. Visit the Conference web site for more information: www.brieftherapy cated this issue of the Newsletter. We have chosen articles in the newsletter Faculty for this event include: Steve Andreas, Ellyn Bader, Judith Beck, Jon that are in the service of expanding Carlson, Frank Datillio, Betty Alice Erickson, Steve Gilligan, Mary Goulding, the questions as well as providing Ken Hardy, Jeffrey Kottler, Stephen Lankton, Pat Love, Monica McGoldrick, ideas and resources. Implanted in Scott Miller, John Norcross, Christine Padesky, Peggy Papp, Ernest Rossi, each article is a different perspective Matthew Selekman, Frances Vaughan, Michele Weiner-Davis, R.Reid Wilson, that complements the rest in explor- Michael Yapko, and Jeffrey Zeig. Keynote Addresses will be given by Patricia ing elements of growth and change. Arredondo, Cloé Madanes, Erving Polster, and Daniel Siegel. We start this issue of the The full brochure including the complete program is now available. Visit the Newsletter with Kathryn and Ernest Brief Therapy Conference web site for updated Conference information, includ- Rossi’s interview of Daniel Siegel. ing the full brochure, Online registration, hotel and travel information and reser- As one of the keynote speakers at the vations: sixth Brief Therapy Conference, REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR NEWSLETTER READ- Siegel discusses a developmental per- ERS! Use the registration form in this issue to extend the August 7 deadline to spective for therapeutic questions. In September 15, 2006. The current deadline without the registration form in this Historical Times Robert Dilts and issue is September 30, 2006. Reserve your space at the upcoming Conference When I first became a therapist Roxanna Erickson Klein present a and save $50! (radios still used vacuum tubes and I look at the development of NLP’s had hair), brief therapy was defined in model of human behavior, communi- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! the mainstream as any therapy that cation and learning. Norma and Phil took less than a year. The therapist Barreta’s contribution in Case Full time graduate students and interns are needed to assist the faculty and Brief Therapy Conference did not do anything different. He only Reports presents delightful metaphor staff at the upcoming . Volunteers provide assistance did less of it. Erickson stood out at utilization. In Facets and Reflections, with registration, session monitoring, continuing education, and faculty needs. that time with his targeted interven- Volunteers work an average of four hours per day, and requires an $85 deposit Sandy Sylvester shares an experience tions and redefinition of what therapy ($75 is refunded after successful completion of volunteer duties). Those inter- with Erickson that shows his under- was all about. Don Jackson’s group ested in volunteering can acquire the necessary application forms Online at the standings of the appropriate portal of was breaking new ground and the Conference web site: To receive an applica- entry for each person. Each of the therapy world was asking the ques- tion by mail contact American Continuing Education, Inc.: ACEI, P.O. Box excellent reviews in this issue con- tion, "Can brief interventions actually 17980, St. Paul, MN 55117; Tel, 651-487-3001; Fax, 651-489-3387; Email, tributes to these many perspectives of make a lasting difference?" [email protected] change. Tying it all together, in Over the years therapists coming Ethical Directions, Gary Ruelas Apply early! Volunteers are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. from different disciplines attempted describes how our expanding knowl- Deadline for submitting volunteer applications is October 15, 2006. to answer this question. This resulted edge of the different portals of entry in many different models of brief into the nature of change provides therapy. These different models pro- ethical challenges. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation vided more than just a series of inter- Enjoy and I look forward to meet- vention techniques. They led to a ing all of you at the sixth Brief clearer definition of what causes NEWSLETTER Therapy Conference: Brief Therapy change and what gets in the way of Lasting Impressions. natural growth and personal develop- Executive Editor: Richard Landis, Ph.D. ment. In the service of continuing the Managing Editor: Sharon McLaughlin, M.A. journey, this December, the Rick Landis Foundation is presenting the sixth Laguna Niguel, CA Review Editors: C. Alexander Simpkins, Ph.D., Annellen Simpkins, Ph.D. Brief Therapy Conference: Brief Institutes Editor: Marilia Baker, M.S.W. Production Assistant: Karen Haviley Guest Editors: Betty Alice Erickson, M.S., LPC, LMFT, Kathleen Donaghy, Ph.D. The NEW Contributor of Note: Roxanna Erickson Klein, R.N., Ph.D. Historical Times: Eugene Don Foundation Web Site Guest Reviewers: Michael Grusenmeyer, M.D., Deborah Beckman, M.S., LPC, Maria Escalante Cortina, Will Handy, LMSW-ACP is Online! –Board of Directors– The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. 3606 North 24th Street Roxanna Erickson Klein, R.N., Ph.D. Phoenix, Arizona 85016-6500 J. Charles Theisen, M.A., M.B.A., J.D. U.S.A. Camillo Loriedo, M.D. Telephone: (602) 956-6196 Bernhard Trenkle, Dipl.Psych. FAX: (602) 956-0519 4 VOL. 26, NO. 2 The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter HISTORICAL TIMES Neuro-Linguistic which words and behaviors are con- dures started as processes used in They include: NLP’s emphasis on nected with underlying mental pro- conjunction with a formally induced observation and experience; the basic Programming cessing. trance state. It was subsequently dis- assumption of NLP that the map is The seminal studies produced covered that such processes worked not the territory and the notion that By Robert Dilts several works including The effectively whether or not a person our maps of the world are constructed & Roxanna Erickson Klein Structure of Magic Volumes I & II was officially "in trance." from the five senses; and the NLP In the early 1970s, Richard and Changing With Families (co- During the early 80s Bandler and notion that there is a positive inten- Bandler and John Grinder united their authored by Virginia Satir).
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