ICD &8560 MODERN $1.95 RECORDING c, Music

VOL. 6 NO. 111 AUGUST 1981

Mick Fleetwood On Location tudio Notebook #2 LAB REPORTS: Audio Control "Richtar ale"

all i',`11-1 Audio seV, Set 0. REIiVodel E50a-, ower Amplifier. NDS-V REPOYRT:. odel 402 i ssover

u u NEW PRODUCTS RD REVIEWS. NAT.dD0 89 1S OIi1d9 E6T 1N A023,2vl0d 0 EC Sß/£8 661V8E6103W0dV


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If you plan to make it BIG

A performer or recordist who doesn't have visions of to 35 input, 8 tape output, 4 monitor, 2 effects, and progressing musically and creatively is certainly an Left and Right master outputs. Did we say Grow? All exception to the way most musical artists think. The the STUDIOMIXER owner needs to do to effect this constant self improvement realized through hard work expansion is to purchase an additional module(s) of his is normally directed toward more than just the satis- choice when his musical and financial requirements faction of being good. Most music people want to dictate. A blank module is removed from the Main- make it to the BIG TIME. frame and the new module is plugged in. All of this If you fit into this category, we would like to help. requires no soldering and takes about five minutes. Recording is the medium which is going to get you Need we point out the obvious service advantages? there, and we are the most innovative people in the When you see and listen to our console, we think recording business today. We're STUDIOMIXER and you'll agree that STUDIOMIXER has the highest our Totally Modular approach to mixing console performance specifications of any mixer in (and many design is revolutionizing the mixer business, far above) its price class ... and you will be pleasantly Before now, an expandable mixer meant adding surprised by its low cost. input channels on to it. Most of the time, these input Think about the Totally Modular STUDIOMIXER channel expansions were clumsy attempts, resulting in before you contemplate buying anything else. It is a bolt -on input channel sections, bulky external cables, choice which will stay with you for years, growing or even hand wiring. And the consideration of output when you grow. And it will save you money by relie- expansion? Perish the thought. But the STUDIO - ving you from the hassle of trying to dump your no MIXER Totally Modular concept is a milestone in longer adequate old mixer for one with the expanded mixing console design. capabilities and quality already built into STUDIO - STUDIOMIXER allows the user to start out with as MIXER. With STUDIOMIXER we certainly won't stop few input and output channels as are required (even you from making it to the BIG TIME! just one of each) and grow from the beginning ... up

For the name of your closest Studiomixer dealer, or for descriptive literature and specifications on our products, please write to Craig Buffington, National Sales Manager, Amerimex Co., Inc., PO Box 55, Atwood, California, 92601. CIRCLE 83 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com Understanding Subject: Roland Technology Multiple Function Series vs. Single Function Delay Systems

You'll find a lot of digital delays in the same price range as the RE -501. But because a system is digital does not necessarily mean it's better. Most digital systems have a serious drawback. While they can produce different types of delay functions, they can do only one effect at a time. The multi- function RE -501 produces up to four different delay effects - simultaneously. Compare:

Roland RE -501 Single or Digital Delays Single Multiple Effect Effect Output Output Input Input

1 /Echo 2 /Reverb 3/Chorus 4 /Sound On Sound The RE -501's An effect which can make Roland invented the Chorus The RE -501 allows you to layer compander-type noise the echo sound even more effect, so is safe to say we short slap echoes with the reduction circuit provides a natural. The Reverb is know how to do it better than longer (500mS to 1.8Sec) signal -to -noise ratio that rivals activated and intensified by anybody else. echoes produced by the the digitals, while retaining a single control. Sound On Sound mode. the warm sound of the Roland tape echo. RolandCorp US 2401 Saybrook Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040 IRoland

We Want You to Understand the Future

CIRCLE 71 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com AUGUST 1981 /h ERN VOL. 6 NO. 11 COF1WIING Ece ausuc THE FEATURES ;:; THE STAPLES .:44 }ri; f'44 ,. ;,,:: MULTI -TRACK MAGIC: O ís « LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 5 CREATIVE MULTI -TRACK RECORDING, PART III ti {.1.`r . TALKBACK 14 By Craig Anderton 36 The technical Q & A scene. Strategy for the 4 -track recordist! All those clever layering techniques i THE PRODUCT SCENE you learned in Parts I and II will Norman Eisenberg 28 require new attitudes and procedures in The notable and the new, with production. Craig leads the way and a comment on the new wave of loudspeaker sums it all up in this final installment. hype.

MICK FLEETWOOD ON LOCATION MUSICAL NEWSICALS By Jeff Tamarkin By Fred Ridder 32 Deepest, darkest Africa is not the place you New products for the musician. would expect to find one of rock's super - drummers auditioning native musicians. Nor NOTES are the 120° temperatures in Ghana ideally By Brian Roth 56 suited to modern recording equipment. But More on tube -type M.I. amps, plus a word despite physical and political barriers that of warning on a potentially hazardous would discourage others, "Mr. Mick" realiz- ground switch. ed a dream and brought The Visitor back to our jungles! AMBIENT SOUND By Len Feldman 60 STUDIO NOTEBOOK, #2 Equalization has become respectable: By James F. Rupert 52 An examination of the latest tools and Picking up where he left off in the June '81 methods for acoustic testing. issue, Rupe explains the role of capitalism in the small studio biz or, are you in this for love LAB REPORTS or money? By Norman Eisenberg 64 and Len Feldman Audio Control "The Richter Scale" Hall ATS -401 Acoustic Test Set COMING NEXT ISSUE! UREI Model 6500 Power Amplifier A Session With Teddy Pendergrass Profile: Producer Ron Malo HANDS -ON REPORT Construction Project: Mic Cable Tester By Jim Ford and John Murphy 74 Loft Model 402 Electronic Crossover

GROOVE VIEWS 78 Cover Photo: Courtesy of RCA Records Mick Fleetwood Photos: Courtesy of RCA Records Reviews of by , Dave Edmunds, Smokey Robinson, Max Morath, Dave Appollon, Roy Smeck, Johnny Griffin, Charlie Parker and Isaac Stern with Pinchas Modern Recording & Muaic (ISSN 0273 -8511) is published monthly by Cowan Publishing Corp., 14 Vanderventer Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. Zuckerman, ltzhak Perlman and Zubin Mehta. 11050. Design and contents are copyright 1981 by Cowan Publishing Corp., and must not be reproduced in any manndrlexcept by permission of the publisher. Second class postage paid at'Port Washington, New York, and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: $14.00 for 12 issues; $26.00 ADVERTISER'S INDEX 86 for 24 issues. Add $3.00 per year for subscriptions outside of U.S. Subscrip- tions must be paid in American currency. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Modern Recording & Music, Cowan °ublishing Corp., 14 Vanderventer Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. 11050.

www.americanradiohistory.com Wringing wet, you're pummeling your kit Ilke a human different Crash cymbals, you get your best out of all cyclotron. You're into this ntense, high- energy, extended them. No matter how long you've been reaching out rolling thing with multiple crescendos. And maybe 20,000 touch your music or your audience. And that same sharp applauding, screaming people are into how you're put- clarity and super strength are handcrafted into all 120 dif ting out the pulse. Right then, the heavy crash accents are ferent Zildjian models and sizes for every kind of drumm so thick you can reach out and ouch each shockwave. in every kind of music. Shrieking out over the crowd and the amplifiers is your See for yourself how over 200 of the world's most Zildjian Rock Crash, reinforced famous performers touch the sound from their Zildjians. In by explosive high- intensity our new Cymbal Set -Up Book, the most comprehensive chips from your Rock Hi- hats. reference guide for drummers ever published. For your And your Zildjian Swish keeps copy, see your Zildjian dealer or send us $4 to cover post- all that sound spreading out age and handling to Zildjian, P.O. Box 198, Dept. 5A, through the low end of the MA 02018. spectrum. Because we put our nest into each of our more than 29 $9

Avedim Zildjian Company, Cymbal Makers Since 1623, Longwater Drive, Norwell, Mass. 02061 USA The only serious choic

CIRCLE 178 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com leTlt ri t ID0I0G4

BOB MARLEY February 6, 1945 - May 11, 1981

Word from the Castle The following is a letter we received path through the electronics. The FET from Ben Cahill of Castle Instruments switching system requires this, and regarding Craig Anderton's review of the constant low impedance output of- Castle's Phaser III. fers the user the advantages of a "line driver" function or, with the newly Many thanks to Craig Anderton and available Balanced Output Option, of- Modern Recording & Music for writing fers him the economy of a built -in and publishing a very thoughtful and "direct box." indeed flattering article on our pro- Craig is quite correct in analyzing At Gains we manufacture loudspeakers to serve duct, the Phaser III. Craig seems to the Phaser III as "not a particularly the nerds of the pmfessinnal musician Loud- have well garnered our intent of very creative unit." We shy away from the speakers for sound reinforcement. live music, PA. studio monitors and musical instrument high quality at a very attractive cost - "gimmick box" approach because we amplification. effective price. believe the creativity should come Loads ?eakers with 3 reputatior for coshg more In keeping with this attitude, we from the musician, not the box. In- but providing greater cost effectiveness. More have made extensive design changes stead, we try to afford the musician dB's per dollar. Mow efficiency per dollar And more gigs per dollar. over the past few months which with a maximum of control versatility eliminate the very few performance over the basic functions. We believe professionais requin loucspeakers that continue [o put out everything they put it -at any sound reservations Craig expressed. this is ultimately much more satisfy- level, with 6ependable regularity. They bins Specifically, the gain structure of the ing and time/taste flexible for the musi- thnmgh malty helm; they wind up with a Gauss. Sut their loudspeaker bucks stop therm noise reduction circuitry has been com- cian than would be a whole slew of They have spent more to pet cost effective relia- high - "gimmick boxes." pletely revamped to eliminate the bility because their reputa:ionsworth C. frequency response problem for high Craig's comments on some extra level signals. The changes have also control features, such as envelope Isn't yours? brought the noise level way below the follower and sample /hold modulation, already "dead quiet" level which Craig as well as programmability, are well reported, making it quite transparent taken. We are considering future pro- even for low level instruments such as ducts which would incorporate some or a Rhodes piano. all of these features, either as an add - These improvements have encourag- on for use with the Phaser III's Con- °JI to Glcnaak+Blvd. ed us also to retain the effect bypass trol Voltage Input (or any other Cetec Gauss r.iin k A91452


www.americanradiohistory.com /MODERN voltage controlled device), or as an reverb begins, which further en- integrated phase shifting package. hances the spacious feeling it of- RCCOO RDIING Perhaps the readers of Modern fers. It is not very long, but never- Recording & Music would have theless is there. Another bonus for Cr some comments on these ideas, or me: this is the first kit I ever put some new ideas of their own. together which worked the first Either way, or if they would mere- time! ly like further information on the Several readers have asked Phaser III line of Pedal and Rack about a good, economical reverb H. G. La TORRE Mount Phase Shifters, I sincerely chamber; this is it, unless you want Editor /Publisher invite them to write or call me. to get into building your own plate User input always has been, and unit. PAM HIGHTON Managing Editor will continue to be, a mainstay of -Burton E. Hardin GENE SCARAMELLINO the success of Castle Instruments. Charleston, IL Assistant Editor Thank you again. NORMAN EISENBERG -Benjamin M. Cahill III LEONARD FELDMAN Owner, Castle Instruments What Course of Action? JIM FORD Madison, NJ I'm presently as a JOHN MURPHY camera /audio salesperson for a ma- BRIAN ROTH Technical Editors jor department store, but have no Support desire to remain there ad in- CRAIG ANDERTON ROBERT ANGUS I have not yet seen commentary finitum. Several years ago, I took NAT HENTOFF concerning the "Hot Springs" a series of R.I.A.A. courses DAVID MOYSSIADIS reverb kit which Craig Ander- through a local studio. My curiosi- FRED RIDDER ton brought to us on your pages, ty and interest were aroused by PETER WEISS and would like to offer my view Contributing Editors this into the sacred domain of observations. the recording studio and I decided, MIKE DEREVLANY ROBERT HENSCHEN Since I have a capability of as soon as my cash flow allowed, to JOE KLEE panned reverb send on my board, I further my education by enrolling ALLAN KOZINN built two identical units, so that I in the R.I.A.A.'s advanced level STEVE ROW can have the reverb on the same courses at this studio. RUSSELL SHAW side, opposite side, or mono send. Well, JEFF TAMARKIN before you could say "pan Music Reviewers The unit is excellent; far better pot" (wasn't he a Cambodian of- LORI RESSA than any spring reverb I have ever ficial ?), the courses were dropped. Production Supervisor had the opportunity to work with, I didn't pursue the "WHY" of the SUSAN L. KRUPP and that includes some high -priced matter at that time. Now I dis- Production Assistant units. It really sounds a bit more cover that our wonderful state BILL TRAVIS like natural reverb than a plate, legislature (God bless 'em!) has Art Director which I consider desirable. You can passed a law requiring organiza- ELIZABETH BAILE feed it very hot without distortion tions like the R.I.A.A. to be licens- Assistant Art Director with a certain amount of caution. ed as trade schools before they can MARIANNE WELDON Unlike a plate or live chamber, operate! Designer you can't feed the unit very much Consequently, no studio in Tuc- MARIE FARANDA that has tall transients, such as son (reasoning that they would Circulation Manager drum, mallet percussion or the like. lack "authority ") wishes to offer JANICE KERNER You can make it twang if you are any independent courses, and Advertising Assistant that cruel. Also, if your lounge can't offer accredited courses. The refrigerator is on the same line with irony is that the studio I studied in MYLES GROSSMAN Associate Publisher your studio, when the 'fridge comes before now belongs to the state of Advertising Director on or goes off, it can put a little Arizona. (Because the University twang on it. The power supply of Arizona bought out the must be remote from the spring previous owner, ostensibly to use Editorial and Executive Offices Modern Recording & Musip unit or well shielded or you will get the studio as production facilities 14 Vanderventer Ave. Port Washington, N.Y. 11050 hum. It is best if the spring unit for their broadcasting station, 516 -8836200 can be isolated from the blast of KUAT. In reality the place is be- Cowan Publishing Corp., Richard A. Cowan, Chair- control room monitors and shout- ing used by the music school profs man of the Board & President; Cary L. Cowan, Vice President; Jack N. Schneider, Vice President, Mar- ing mixers. The two sides of my to mix jingles.) keting; Amy C. Gilman, Secretary/Treasurer; Sanford R. Cowan, Founder & President Emeritus. unit are so identical that a mono The University of Arizona Editorial contributions should be addressed to The send yields a seemingly mono declines to offer classes at the Editor, Modern Recording & Music, 14 Vanderventer Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. 11050. Unsolicited return, whereas a mono send to a studio, though they could make a manuscripts will be treated with care and must be accompanied by return postage. plate yields a pseudo-stereo return. bundle if they did. The other There is a bonus with this unit, studios don't want people hanging for there is a built -in delay before around (who can blame them ?), so


www.americanradiohistory.com You've just chosen the ideal DC voltage to phantom -power these new ATM electret microphones.

Introducing four "universal' iql phantom -powered electret microphones. Desigted to work from external power internal regulation automatically handles any voltage from 9 to 52 VDC without adapters, sw.tches or rewiring. Just plug it and enjoy. With current drain a mere 3.3 n4 at 9 volts (4 mA at 12 -52V) a 9V battery lasts thousands of hours, not just the 60 o- 70 hours ty?i zal of other mikes. When your power sepply isn't available, or isn' enough, use ours. The new A_ 8501 Dual Battery Supply hdds two 9V batteries. One to use, and one ii reserve. Instant switchover 111.1 test LED eliminates guesswork. And spates are as near as the closest stopping center. Neat! But convenien= anc versatility are just two cf the advantages of the new ATM models. All -new electronics pro-vide pbnty of headroom inside the microphone with no more than 1% TIE even when used _n acoustic ff1cs of 141 dB SPL. Which sets new standards for clean so Ind even close -up to big h ass or inside a powerful ±um kit And the sound lou hear is wide- iar.ge and mesca.. Preser_ze wirhou- peaks. Highs to 20,000 Hz but wi bout a raspy "edge." Yet cesnite their responsiveness, these new ATM micmphcres have the `Road Tough' reliability proved so often on stage and in the stud o. Before you addanotner microphone, compare cur sound, our convenience, our reliability, and our cc st. Witte for lilteratLre and list o' nearby A_ M microphone specialists. Get great sound... right from the start! AUE'IO- TECHNICA U.S., LNC., 1221 Commerce Drive, Str w, Ohio 44224. (216) 686 -26.00.


www.americanradiohistory.com it's an all- around bad show for University of Arizona library if you're in a position to make judgements of interested parties like myself. not too disenchanted, or a public merit. This column really is not a forum My question, therefore, is this: other library for that matter, and looking for that sort of "sale" of schools. So we than reading your fine publication, through catalogues of various univer- recommend scanning the catalogues. how should I go about acquiring sities and colleges to see who offers Go to it! knowledge of studio techniques (esp. what courses. Sometimes books on re- mitts on)? Please, practicality counts, cording techniques or engineering will though any advice would be treated as include listings of schools offering ac- The Young FX a god -send. credited programs. Speaking to people In your October 1980 issue, page 30, Yours and all, already in the field might help, in that there was a reference to FX Labs, Inc. -Scott Barker they may have knowledge of the merits in your Musical Newsicals column. Tucson, AZ of one program over another. We are Could you supply a mailing address for reluctant to print lists of schools them? Thanks. We recommend going to a university ourselves in that we are bound to -Cliff Christian library near you, perhaps even the neglect some, and we are not actually Matrix Audio Productions Middletown, RI

In the Letters to the Editor column of our May 1981 issue we printed a letter from James West, who had the same question you do. We'll print that ad- dress again: FX Labs, Inc., P.O. Box 406, Fort Montgomery, N.Y. 10922. America's Leading Manufacturer of Innovative Electronics for the Their phone number is: (914) 466 -54M. Professional Musician and Recording Studio They have been in existence for about two and a half years. WORLD'S ONLY LOW -COST PRO RIT ANALYZER S,r.,a. Fast, simple, and THE MOST ACCURATE REAL -TIME analyzer ever made. Our revolutionary Differential -Comparator circuitry A provides 0.1dB readout accuracy. Automatic -sweep individual L7 I r-_i No One's in the Kitchen bargraph display variable .1 to 10 second sweep intervals. i Works perfectly with any high quality mic. AS1000.. $499. with Dyna MOST VERSATILE PRO 2- CHANNEL ED I would like to know if Modern Record- Live music demands all of the innovative features, controls, and ..e4. accuracy designed into the new Professional TG2245. Sub-Sonic ing and Music has ever done a review Filter. Hi 8 Lo Shelving, Zero -Gain Balancing controls, Pre- and Post -EA Effects Loops, Balanced In /Out. Dual independent of Van Alstine's or Audio Dimension's channel controls. T02245 $399. Dyna ST-70 and Dyna PAS modifica- WORLD'S MOST ACCURATE ANALYZER-E0 tions. If so, please let me know how I A Real -Time Analyzer -Equalizer with 0.1dB Readout accuracy. Fastest analysis as well as most accurate. In less than five :. can obtain a copy of the review. minutes you can compensate for characteristics of any lounge. hall, auditorium...eliminate mike feedback ...and improve -Mark S. Rauber sound quality to a degree never before possible (0.1dB accu- racy). Includes Frequency- Spectrum -Analyzer Test Record. Bethel, Alaska Computone- Charts. AE242O -R $499.

REVOLUTIONARY NEW 375 W. CLASS H AMPS c$'irrzdorzsarxx , I'm afraid the answer is no, we have no The new 5000A series amps, 375 watts at 4 ohms continuous, 250 watts at 8 ohms. features the new Patent -Pending Vari- reviews of the pieces you mention. Portional /Auto- Buffer system for continuous 2 ohm operation. with NO CURRENT LIMITING. MA5002A has dual 0 -1,000 watt Sorry. Look for reviews of those pieces peak- reading 20 -LED displays, True Clipping LED's, gain con- trols, 2- system speaker switching for either or both systems. in future issues, though. 5000A series priced $749 to $849. /I-. ^ -

THE "ULTIMATE" AMPLIFIERS - 750 W. CLASS H (PCM- Digital-Ready( Left Out Outputs The new RA7500 series amps have all of above. plus 750 watts In 1981 at 8 ohms in bridged mono. and instantaneous peak power up to the July Talkback column there 2,000 watts at 8 ohms. A 100 -LED highly accurate Real -Time appeared Spectrum -energy Graphic Display enables calibration of elec- a letter entitled "Bass-ically tronic cross- overs, setting up weighted curves, comparison Direct Advice, " to which Alphonso of components, etc. by using the Soundcrattsmen special Frequency Analyzer pink noise Test Record included -and Johnson wrote a response. In the fifth recording the graphic curve on Computone Charts provided. RA7500 series priced $849 to $1149. paragraph of his response, second sentence, we left out the word Soundcraftsmen's full line of Professional Equalizers, Analyzers and Power "outputs." The sentence should have Amplifiers EIA Rack -Mount feature standard grained aluminum panels. react, "Both units have an hi- impedance input and two outputs." That was the 011 WHYSSwSUAL10 1 FREE! 16 -page Full -Color Brochure only word that was left out. Includes TEST REPORTS, complete specifications. Class "H" amplifier REPORT, ED COMPARISON CHART, and the "WHYS & HOWS" of equaliza- tion-an easy -to- understand explanation of the relationship of acoustics to The Phantom Question your environment. Also contains many unique IDEAS on "How the Sound - craftsmen Equalizer can measurably enhance your listening pleasures." Strikes Again "How typical room problems can be eliminated by Equalization:' And a 10 -POINT "DO -IT-YOURSELF" ED evaluation checklist so you can FIND OUT I am presently trying to wire a phantom FOR YOURSELF WHAT ELI CAN DO FOR YOU! power supply into my Teac Tascam 5A SEND $10.00 FOR EQUALIZER- EVALUATION KIT: 1-12" LP TEST RECORD,

1 8 mixer. It has been to SET OF COMPUTONE CHARTS, 1 COMPARISON CONNECTOR CABLE, AND channel brought 1 INSTRUCTION FOLDER. SOUNDCRAFTSMEN INC., 2200 So. Ritchey, Santa Ana, CA 92705 CANADA E.S. Gould Marketing, Montreal H4T 1E5


www.americanradiohistory.com Announcing the new Altec Lansing 9813 high- accuracy recording monitor.

Loudspeaker accuracy. It's a There's a brand new network a great monitor should: It sounds highly controversial subject. And design the patent super (accuracy need not be for good reason. The most prized office is already unpleasant), handles power result of a recording session is an looking at, extremely well, mids and highs accurate sonic illustration of what and the adjust through very wide amplitude is going on in the heads of the smooth, ac- ranges, and its great -looking hand - producer, musicians, arrangers, curate highs rubbed oak cabinet and composers. Recording is a are con- is small enough for L_TEC process of fusion, and the monitor trolled by IL.A.N*-.IhÇ' even mobile record- is responsible for an accurate an asym- ing vans (251/2 H x painting of the completed sonic metrical 151/2 W x 131/2 D). picture. Manta - Next time you're Enter our new 9813. We devel- ray® horn. visiting your favorite oped it to play its highly critical part The 9813 handles power like no pro audio dealer, in the fusion process with small monitor you've ever experi- ask to hear the new great accuracy. We did enced. It takes on big amplifiers as 9813. What you'll it by putting nearly though it were addicted to watts. hear will be the ;wtókIENC' half a century of And if you should push it to the honest truth. audio alchemy limit, there's a built -in system we into it. call automatic power control, ALTEC The 9813 has an which lowers the power (never all new high - shuts the speaker completely LANSING° frequency compres- off) and lights a red indicator on A tec Lansing International the front 1515 South Manchester, Anaheim sion driver that uses our famous panel at the same time. California 92803 (714) 774 -2900 Tangerine® radial phase plug. The new 9813 does everything © Altec Corporation


www.americanradiohistory.com my attention that in one of your issues, ed a schematic for the power supply, Enclosure about one year ago, you had an article which might be of some assistance to We received the following letter in covering the above project. Could you you. These letters were sent in response to the Talkback piece, please tell me what issue that was? response to a request by Ed Perrone in "Speaker Design Dilemma, " con- - Robert Sweigard his letter to Talkback which appeared tributed by John Meyer which appeared Grand Prairie, Canada in the June 1980 issue of MR &M. in the October 1980 issue (see pages You also might look at the article en- 22-23). For more on Meyer Sound Labs, The article you may be referring to is a titled, "Building a Power Supply" by we suggest you pick up a copy of the Talkback question which appeared in Peter Weiss, which appeared in the Oc- February 1981 issue of MR&M which the October 1980 issue of MR &M. It tober 1978 issue of MR&M. You'll have featured the Grateful Dead "Live" at was entitled "Phantom Powering a to check individual mic specs, as most Radio City Music Hall on the cover. Fantasy No More." In fact two phantom mics need 48 V. But check the Meyer's technology was instrumental in methods are included, one written by mic specs, and find out, because some creating the phenomenal sound rein- Dan Dugan, and one written by Carl are designed to power op amp-based forcement system that the Dead now Sandler. In the latter's letter is includ- devices, such as pre -amp and line amps. utilizes. -Ed.

John Meyer is essentially correct in stating that "placing two speakers in a box has the same effect as placing one speaker in a box with 1/2 the volume," almost. There are some higher order ef- fects that would cause subtle dif- ferences to manifest themselves. Dif- fraction, coupling, and resonances, etc., would alter the net output of the same driver in the different boxes beyond simply the effects attributable to the small volume. John is in error however, in stating that the smaller volume of the box Incredible sound! Superb raises the resonance of the speaker -in performance! Electro -Voice actual fact, the resonance of the reliability! Set after set, SYSTEM is raised because of the mechanical interaction of show after show, night after the system components (box and driver) and night. That's what has made their This may the PL91A the working en- attendant parameters. seem tertainer's vocal microphone. like nit -picking, but most people I've spoken to seem either confused or mis- informed about loudspeaker system tuning and Thiele-Small parameter use. A vented loudspeaker enclosure should be thought of as a bottle- that's what a Helmholtz Resonator is. A bot- tle that has a larger volume will make a lower note and a bottle with a smaller volume will make a higher note -when you blow into the neck. Further, two bottles of the same internal volume can give two different notes when the dimensions of the bottlenecks are dif- ferent, the longer neck will produce a lower note, and the shorter neck, a higher note. Likewise, two bottles with equal volume and necks of the same length can have two different notes if the necks are a different diameter (area). The neck with the smaller area will pro- duce a lower note, and the neck with the

600 Cecil Street. Buchanan. Michigan 49t07 larger area, a higher note. These are the In Canada. three criteria governing the relation- Electro-Voice. Div. of Gulton Industries (Canada) Lin ships between box size and vent size. 345 Herbert St. . Gananoque. Ontario K7G 2V1 In other words, the box tuning frequency


www.americanradiohistory.com FINALLY THERE'S A COMPACT YOU CAN DRIVE AT 15 ips. Introducing the Tascam 22 -4. (NAB weighted), 0 07% RMS (NAB unweighted). After setting the standard for 1/4 "4-track Frequency Response* Record /Reproduce recording, it's only logical that Tascam wou_d be 0 dB referenced to 1 kHz: 40Hz -22kHz ± 3dB the one to introduce the compact generation. at OVU, 35Hz -25kHz at -10 VU. After all, we developed the format. Signal to Noise Ratio* at a reference of 1 kHz, Which means we knew at 10 dB above OVU, 585 what we were doing w en nWb /m: 61dB A weighted we designed this high -speed (NAB), 56dB unweighted. transport drive for 7" reels. The 22 -4 is a hard- The 22 -4 4 -track working, no- frills machine. multi- channel recorder Which makes it perfect for with sync was built to use the System 20, Tascam's 1800 feet of one mil tape. hard -working, no- frills At 15 ips that gives you 221/2 manual mixer. minutes of recording time. See them both at your And we didn't sacra face Tascam dealer. For the one an inch of quality to gei you nearest you, plus more up to speed. Have a Ioc k. information, just write to us at the address below. Specifications (15 ips) Then you can test drive Wow and Flutter (T?ac our new compact 22 -4. Test TapeYTT- 2004): It's the only way to see 0.07% peak (IEC /ANA how well it performs at weighted), 0.10% peak high speed. (IEC /ANSI unweightec), 0.04% RMS TASCAM SERIES TEAC Production Products

©1981 TEAC Crpo.ation of Ame-ice, 773 Telegraph Road, Montebello, CA 90640 'Teat Test Tape YT7 -8013

CIRCLE 123 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com so if we were to apply double the power I +5 TWO DRIVERS to the system, the net bass output

<4 would come back up to what it was be- OQ ONE DRIVER dB 0 fore (with one driver) because the bass vJ/.' output is somewhat a function of the box, while the midband output would -5 O} m increase by 6 dB! Three for the extra driver, and three for the extra power. FREQUENCY 20 50 100 200 John is also correct in stating that Neville Thiele's work defines loud- Figure 1 speaker operation in vented boxes, but I strongly suggest that readers interest- (fB) depends on the RATIO of box physics don't change and the box will ed in design of loudspeaker systems volume (VB) to vent dimensions (the resonate at whatever frequency it is avoid this level of material unless they vent dimensions define the MASS of air tuned to. have a strong background in calculus in the vent). The vent or port air mass is One thing to keep in mind is that and physics. A better place to start off called Map, after the acoustic mass of when two drivers are placed in the box, might be David B. Weems' book on the the port. the power handling capability doubles, subject published by Tab Books (Tab Placing two drivers in the same box actually REDUCES bass output while increasing midband output- making comparatively much less bass! To get more bass, double the box size for every doubling of n drivers. John is also in error in stating that I___ _1 l__ 60 50 the effect is one of rolling off the low fre- F180 70 40 quencies sooner (at a higher frequency). Hz Hz Hz Hz Though it may seem like this is what Hz happens, it is only a psychoacoustic comparison phenomenon. The laws of Figure 2

THE WEAK LINKS. DITTO. A power amp is only as strong as its mechanical integrity. Here, the power transformer is bolted directly to the chassis. Every time the chassis takes a knock, so does the transformer. Also, there are no detachable cords, no flexibility. Check for handles, too.

PHASE LINEAR TAKES THE You can see the advantages of the new Phase Linear A60 and A30 pro amps. Now listen to them. For the name of your nearest

www.americanradiohistory.com #1064) entitled How to Design, Build and Test Loudspeaker Systems or High MA, CAS RAS UU Performance Loudspeakers by Martin Colloms, a Halsted Press book publish- ed by Wiley. Tab books are available at B Up electronic parts stores and the Colloms book should be available at a technical B2L2 bookstore or college. AB MA, I have included a couple of illustra- (Rk + RE)SZ tions to aid clarity. RAL Five Helmholtz Resonators are seen in the accompanying diagram with I. RAB CA, decreasing tuning fB. NOTE: the ek B L smallest box can be tuned lower using a (R, RE)So long narrow port, but the acoustic out- + RAp put is a function of how much air will be Uo moving so a driver placed in a small box and tuned low will make the port "whistle," indicating losses are reduc- ing the potential efficiency of the driver. Electrical analog circuit of generalized direct-radiator loudspeaker system. Placing the same driver in a bigger box (with a bigger port) will reduce losses, f.o a box is really opening a can of more than enlighten you. Hopefully, if and increase acoustic output up to the worms if one attempts to properly we are all enlightened then manufac- point where the driver becomes under - design the system using Thiele -Small turers will have to be on their toes to im- damped -where the box is too big, and parameter methods rather than ear - prove their products and not just add the air inside will no longer control the balling or the tried and true seat- of -the- bells and whistles. motion of the driver's cone near the pants method, a method that is sure to -Drew Daniels resonance frequency. make noise but... Applications Engineer The diagram suggests that the seem- I hope all this semi -scientific mumbo - TEAC Corporation of America ingly simple act of putting a speaker in- jumbo hasn't served to confuse you Montebello, CA

DITTO. A STRONG ARGUMENT FOR PHASE LINEAR. The new Phase Linear pro amps have a separate structural member designed solely to support and protect the entire assembly from damage. It's a chassis within a chassis. Virtually shockproof. A carefully designed environment for all the electronics your sound depends on. There are also detach- able cords. And die - kde cast handles. The Professional Connection

A60 -225 watts per channel into 8 ohms LID OFF PRO AMPLIFIERS. dealer, contact Phase Linear at (206) 774 -3571, 20121 48th AvenueWest, Lynnwood, WA 98036.

CIRCLE 153 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com \BACK//TALK "Talk back" questions are answered separate shields for each line (as pro- Information and Inspiration by professional engineers, many of vided with Belden multicore cable). I recently purchased a Teac A3440 whose names you have probably seen Some problems minimized by using 4 -track recorder, a 2A mixer and meter listed on the credits of major pop this method are crosstalk between line bridge. Along with this equipment I albums. Their techniques are their own and mic level lines, RF pickup, ground received a manual from Teac that has and might very well differ from anoth- loops and interaction between balanc- proved inadequate in explaining the er's. Thus, an answer in "Talk back" is ed and unbalanced lines. hook -up and mixing procedures for this certainly not necessarily the last word. At Tasco, our favorite multipin con- equipment. Is there any material We welcome all questions on the sub- nector is the ITT Cannon 90 -pin DPD available that explains, in layman's ject of recording, although the large series (the DPD- 90- 33S -2B female line terms, the basic operation of this volume of questions received precludes connector and the DPD- 90- 34P -2B 4 -track setup? our being able to answer them all. If you male chassis connector and the match- Also, I would like some recommen- feel that we are skirting any issues, fire ing shell housing). Most of the informa- dations on possible accessories such as a letter off to the editor right away. tion required to attach the cable to the echo, reverbs, filters, filter units, etc. "Talk back" is the Modern Recording connectors has been printed in the for use with the Teac units. I'm a musi- & Music reader's technical forum. September 1980 issue of MR &M. cian trying to do my own demo tapes However, there are some additional and feel that my final product could be steps to be taken as follows: Do not of less effort and better quality A Permanent with Detachment forget to put the shell housing on the some simple guidelines for home Soon I will be engaged in building a cable! Also slide a two -foot length of recording. Teac has proved unable to snake for the band I mix. In your heavy vinyl tubing on before starting. be of any greater assistance with this September 1980 issue, Steve Griffiths Strip the main sleeve back six inches problem. Any information you might of Tasco, in response to reader Rick and then cut two inches from each provide me with would be gratefully Odea's request, gave a very good cable pair except numbers 4 (black appreciated. description of how to build a snake (see paired with blue), 11 (red paired with -Greg Kessel "Do -It- Yourself Sound," page 18). yellow) and 27 (brown paired with Marion, Ill. However, for convenience and ease in orange). These pairs have to stretch packing up, I would like to use multi - from end to end of the connector and It seems to be a truism that what you pin connectors so the stage box can be the additional length acts as a strain get out of something rarely exceeds disconnected from the cable instead of relief. Now prepare the ends as describ- what you put into it. This is especially being permanently attached as Mr. ed in the previous article. An addi- true with art, and as with any new art Griffiths suggested. tional piece of y8" heat -shrink '/z" long you endeavor to learn, there is a learn- My question is this: Do I need a con- is required to insulate each individual ing curve you will follow to the point of nector with a pin for every conductor solder joint. Having completed the either satisfaction or adequacy. Some including the ground (shield drain wire) assembly, slide the vinyl tubing to the people go beyond that and become or can one pin be used for the ground? edge of the main sleeve, slide the shell creative and are sought out as trend If you can use one pin, can the ground housing over the tubing to the end and setters. Others merely struggle along for the balanced sends use the same screw to the connector. Tighten the grudgingly doing only what is pin? Also, could you recommend a clamp screws, brush some common, necessary to get by. good connector for a 19- or 27 -pair cable garden -variety nail polish over the Just because the equipment you for such a purpose? screws and the job is finished and bought has RCA jacks on it like your -Steven W. Sumners ready to be checked. stereo, don't assume that the process Athens, Tenn. And, as always, if you have any dif- of learning to make good sounding ficulties or further questions about commercial quality recordings will be Building a stage -box using multipin what we've set down here, please do as easy as hooking up your hi -fi. connectors is a good idea in that the not hesitate to call me at Tasco We at Teac feel that the literature finished product is stronger and (804-499 -1966). for the Model 2A mixer and MB -20 quicker to hook up. However, with -Steve Griffiths meter bridge give very clear and solid regard to the question about ground- Chief Technician guidelines for their use and hookup. ing, it is definitely better from both Tasco Sound Ltd. We also offer a booklet on multitrack physical and electrical aspects to use Newbury Park, Ca. and recording techniques for those on a


www.americanradiohistory.com budget, by Dick Rosmini, a veteran of over 200 commercially successful record albums, and a home recordist to ASHLY HAS AN EQUALIZER FOR YOU boot. It's called the Multitrack Primer, and is available by writing or calling Teac directly (213- 726- 0303). Don't be impatient with yourself on SC-63 this new art you are getting into. True, 406 List it serves to complicate life. but the result of the complication can be a lot of valuable studio time saved and the SC-66A money it would have cost, and also the 659 List time to rehearse, record, polish, and really perfect your musical art without the pressure of the clock ticking away those dollars in a commercial studio, We've been building Parametric equalizers for over six years now and our new and without the feeling of strangers SC -63 (mono) and SC -66A (stereo) reflect our experience. Our basic design has listening over your shoulder while you evolved to include the latest technology and a host of new features. You'll find that our clean, logical front panel layout takes the mystery out of Parametric compose your very personal music. I, equalization and you'll have more power to control real world sound problems too, only wanted to play music once, so than you believed possible. Equalize at just the right frequency and bandwidth I understand the special kind of resent- to get precisely the sound you want, not just a close approximation. You'll also ment musicians feel toward all those appreciate our heavy -duty construction and attention to detail which is unique in industry. When you about controls, think Ashly Parametrics, the wires and knobs, but having needed to the think tone world's most powerful equalization tools . .. designed and built by people who know how to get my sound to my au- still care about quality and reliability. dience has brought me so far along For more information see your Ashly dealer or musically, that all the time taken by Call or write: f learning all that technical and ASHLY Ashly Audio Inc. engineering discipline has proved very Customer Service worthwhile, indeed. 100 Fernwood Ave. Rochester, N.Y. 14621 (716) 544.5191 Toll Free (800) 828.6308 (except N. Y.S.) -Drew Daniels

Applications Engineer CIRCLE 84 ON READER SERVICE CARD TEAC /Tascam Professional Products Group Montebello, Ca. HOWNow thatyou' committed to making It in the pro worldre , give yourself some A Finer Finish advantages. Like dbx professional I have a Teac 3440, a Tascam Model 5B TO BE noise reduction. The new dbx Model board, two dbx Model 128's, an Akai 150 gives your tape machine l -track GX -630 with built -in Dolby B, QUIETLY the d namic range of digital. a RV -1 Beyer, Senn - Furman reverb, Perfect punch - heiser and Shure microphones. I'm L monitoring with a Luxman LRS 5M21 SUCCESSF ins and decoded and a pair of Altec- Lansing Model 14's. $350* monitoring without My cassette deck is a Pioneer FOR special switching. In a CTF -7272. I also have the Luxman slim -line, rack mountable 13/4" package, it fits in easily LRS 5C50 stereo preamp, a Denon with other studio equipment. And, it's expandable to DP -1800 turntable and an old Fisher grow as you grow. Professionally. See your dbx Pro 395 receiver that I use as another head- phone amp or, of course, to listen to dealer, or write for complete technical information. jingles on AM /FM. 'Manufacturer's suggested retail price. As of this point in time all my work dbx is on tape, nothing having been 150 pressed onto disc so far. The bands I record want cassette demos or 8-track Model 150 Type I Tape Noise Reduction System cartridges to play at home or on the road from gig to gig. I have been mixing down on the 7% ips Akai and then dubbing off that on- to cassettes. The sound quality is okay, dbx, Incorporated, Professional Products Division, but I know that it could be improved. 71 Chapel St., Newton, Mass. 02195 U.S.A. From the information I have provided, Tel. (617) 964 -3210, Telex: 92 -2522. Distributed in can you tell me which would improve Canada by BSR (Canada) Ltd., Rexdale, Ontario. dbx CIRCLE 92 ON READER SERVICE CARD AUGUST 1981 15

www.americanradiohistory.com the sound of my finished product to a Wired for Sound greater degree, a '/2 -track master I am doing all the wiring in my record- an Auditronics 110A (18 in x 4 out) con- recorder or a better cassette deck? ing studio myself. Instead of using sole to the equipment rack. As you pro- -Steve Ahrendt multi -cable, I plan on using Belden bably know, this console has nylon con- Take One Studios cable #8451. I want to run approx- nectors on the back and on the patch South Sioux City, Neb. imately thirty feet of this cable from bay.

First and foremost, I suggest that you have both your cassette and reel -to -reel New Transformer machines aligned and biased. Try 120 V working with the same brand of tape XFMR XFMR Neutral for all your work so that you won't House have to adjust bias for each project. 120 V After that, let your ear be the judge as to whether both machines are 120 V reproducing a clean playback. If either Neutral has any noticeable noise problems, Store GND 120 V replace that particular unit. I would Studio AC suggest that you invest in a good quali- For Air Conditioning, ty 2 -track master recorder. It will allow Lights, etc. the greatest flexibility for growth and Neutral assure a good quality master tape. Studio Your clients will appreciate a master 120 V Studio AC which can be used for acetate masters 120 V For Audio Equipment or multiple tape copies. Neutral For Details See Fig. 1B -Tom Boylan 120 V Producer Prairie Sun Recording Cotati, Ca. Figure 1A

Four time -delay effects in one THE STATE-OF-THE-NEED rugged, low- noise, affordable package.

Finally, a delay unit .,-- . /Iar..r.r designed by you, to fit 1I_. your needs, and your ,:°.:_ budget. With echo, a= doubling, chorus and -.. flanging at the turn of a switch,the Ibanez AD -202 makes it easy for you to sound great. orooromi C -O MOLD C- O-« -O The Ibanez AD 202 Mutli- MW..W DELAY ADEN Mode Delay Unit - where the state -of-the -art meets the state -of- the -need.

For complete information concerning MULTI-MOD the AD202 and other Ibanez electronic products, send $1.00 to: NALOG DELA Ibanez Dept. M.R. P.O. Box 469, Bensalem, PA 19020 327 Broadway, Idaho Falls, iD 83401 In Canada. 6355 Park Ave., Montreal, P.Q. H2V4H5



Good music never dies. Unfortunately, a lot of cassette tapes do. At Maxell, we've designed our cassettes to be as enduring as your music. Unlike ordinary cassettes, they're made with special anti - jamming ribs that help prevent tape from sticking, stretching and tearing. And our cassette shells are built to standards that are as much as 60% higher than the industry calls for. So if you'd like to preserve your old favorites for the years to come, keep them in a safe place On one of our cassettes.

Mo.ell Corpororion of Arnenca, 60Ozfo.xl Drive, koonochìe, N). 07074 IT'S WORTH IT. CIRCLE 79 ON READER SERVICE CARD

www.americanradiohistory.com Quincy I need to know how I dress -up the and ground it. Am I right with this Jones... ends of the cable at the connectors and procedure? how to harness 30 ft. of cable. Also, I'd like to know if I can put the demands quality I also am a bit confused as to the power supply unit for my board in the grounding of equipment in the rack. equipment rack with the limiters, My idea of grounding is to disconnect EQ's, etc.? the ground wire on the A.C., find a -Louis Tousana, Jr. screw on the chassis, hook up a wire Chicago, Ill.


Photographed at RECORD PLANT, Los Angeles, CA GND "...I mix with AURATONEA 5C Super - Sound -Cubes© the little powerhouse 120 V speakers. They tell me exactly what Fuse 120 V Wall Socket will be in the grooves. You hear it all Neutral with AURATONE ®!" 120 V Fuse 120 V Wall Socket Join "Q" and Ground I Stake > Studio Service Panel other seasoned For Neutral music world pros, top record Note: Above is simplified drawing minus the wall socket third wire ground. company executives, engineers, producers, and art- Figure 1B ists who lay it on the line with AU RATON E®. Durability, flat full -range re- Isolation Transformer sponse, amazing power han- dling, and 120 V Transformer- - Neutral portability House have made 120 V AURATONE®

SC's the Record 120 V Industry's Neutral favorite Store "mixdown monitors, "...for 120 V comparison and final mixes, au- ditioning, remotes, and reference standard speakers. See your Dealer or order Factory Studio Direct (30 -day return privilege, two - year guarantee). $85.00 per pair. 120 V Shipping and handling add: U.S. Neutral Service Panel $5.00 pair, Foreign: $15.00 pair. 120 V Calif. residents add sales tax. 120 V Mail to: AURATONE 120V . Audio AC P.O. Box 698 -R20, Coronado, CA 92118 Neutral - Ship _pair 5 C's. Amount Enclosed $

Isolation Transformer Name (Please print) Date

Shipping Address For Details See Fig. 2B

City State Zip D Please send additional information. Figure 2A CIRCLE 142 ON READER SERVICE CARD


www.americanradiohistory.com /" ice" have "ob U'"rthanY° U T KTwo 1on9 less to rrixin9 You ne or si- 12 /sates need as,00 C and thanyouneeG-121Sen sensends, feed taie y °u tn2 best Pud augers rnon¡tor your raque hne also d or at your hda as rnam output stern. It systemystern T ° or u sweep" 9 e the sy as G" tasse you exp stiN d such dealer. ants the to re¡nfOrcem cone nt Patch the sound C1e features arkto go our enough cad inputs hatevery °isverstrinthestdio hasvldran9eEQer -ba\an reg ulated Ser ¡esTo ar7ad ¡cad ab,e -121 the ° te\y-p' transf 48VpG e capa_ omp;ny G rn data sow bay 12 ha ou theme" Me G- ¡vin9 y owered 's WO. ¡Xin9 con ¡ 1e9 et Heel 12 the Pus,t \ab hantomP mark ,enaee: Sue he stereo of subgroups any on the I eyC4n¡1ty ususing twelve -chatheflt any \nP ¡ty of prrent\y NE. b¡1 mrke anon you outP rouPVal former "balancedto 3B,o,aea W,9eó52 to offer You ,Ca by condenser trans you dour sub m1e , to\ \ed \lows rn¡rng trE For exa outputs to any °f Pfactory Inall ba\anc e b 9 e broad- ma¡n on subgroup,su and th Devon on outt- the 6-1210threc tallati - or the vocals , t 01 i Puttr,9tc ab rcc"°u f the é1 in f¡x exPan aCand expandable. °Z \ level equlP 12 \s a sW lead hm s.ectlor ° ñasubgrsubgroup roductionthe any balances cast, Pod rhyt change aster ,nputs needs grovbeyondSEISerse channel y°your increa nden rot rna out- o aubgX1 dectc _even hie twelve- , 36 ve use ander Modules, 2ß so Expander to 20 on á a ;our 1.\140 feed tsputs 44 channels CIRCLE 77 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com Your console and patch bay are ter- minated in molex type connectors. Most modern consoles have adopted Detail this system as the most cost efficient. An investment you should seriously consider is that of a high quality ($100 or so) molex crimping tool as this would certainly enhance your memories of the installation as well as 240 V For Air Conditioning the maintenance and growth of your studio. Bundling and harnessing these 120 V I Fuse wires is somewhat of an acquired art XFMR 120 V For Lights, Offices, etc. but the general idea is to use lots of tie - Neutral wraps and provide extra strain relief inventively close to the patchbay and console terminations on the bundles. 120 V Another excellent idea is to number Fuse 1- GND Neutral every wire with stick -on labels Service Panel and 120 V For 120 V 4: Audio AC keep a master diagram of the interface. Ground Stake Anticipate future needs and run a few For Neutral Isolation Transformer extra numbered wires. Belden #8451 is acceptable for all these lines. Try to place your power supplies at least three feet removed from any audio Note: Above is simplified drawing minus the equipment. wall socket third wire ground. Louis, your confusion about ground- ing is not unusual. Grounding is one of Figure 2B

Isolated Ground for Audio Conduit

120 V Neutral Wall Office and Ground Socket Lighting AC


Ground Block In Control Room

00 Guage Wire

120 V Fuse Neutral Ground Block XFMR 120 V By Panel Fuse

00 Guage Wire

Ground Stake For Audio 6 Guage s Solid Copper GND Service Panel 0 Conduit Wire

Ground Stake GND GND For Neutral Neutral 1 Neutral Wall Audio Socket 120 V Hot

Steel Conduit

Isolation Transformer

Figure 3



7938 3.522 5EL O

[6370 _-



2487D 3.896 0 V

-1/A i

THE BLACK WIDOW SUPER STRUCTURE TM Our Blec.< Wid loudspeaker program was StrLctureTM magnetic assembly - a totally new initially c 3nceived becaJse we felt there was concept in the optimization of magne- structure substantial room for improvement in the design design. The development of FFGT" (Focusec Field and consiuction of premium grade loudspea. ers. Geometry; allows for the mos- efficient use of Since the oudspeaker is the last aM typically the magnetic energy and increases the already high

weakest I nk n the audio chain, any improvement, efficiency of the Black Widow® by at least 21B, in

no matter how small, wi I significantly upgrade, the a way that totally offsets the cost of the -ouch overall performance of any system larger magnet. We dieve oped mary new design inrovations The Black Widow® /Super StructLreTM s the (i.e., one -piece, coil form /dome asse nblyancfield most technologically advanced cone type 'replaceab e basket assembly) tnathave helped to transducer available. make the Black Widow® the choice of engireers and performers the worlc over. Our ongoin research has -ecently developer a more oph s- icated productfeatsing PEAVEY ELECTRONICS CORP what we consider-t be superlative performance! 711 A Street /Meridian, MS 39301 The Black Widow® owfeatures our unique Super © 1981

CIRCLE 85 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com cure the 10 most common nuisances in PA instantly Note: Chassis, audio shield & AC ground are all common.

fact: These 10 problem solvers in your toolbox are like 10 new tricks up your sleeve. Or 10 hours of saved Audio Chassis time. Or money in the bank. They make molehills out of troubleshooting mountains, without soldering, or Audio splicing, or internal equipment Audio modifications. Balanced In /Out Shield Audio Problem: Solution: Electronics Input A15AS Microphone Overload Attenuator -prevents overload. 120 V Phasing A15PRS Phase GND Reverser for balanced lines. Low- A15HP High Pass Frequency Filter- reduces low - Noise frequency noises and Figure 4 proximity effect. High- A15LP Low Pass Filter - Frequency reduces objectionable Noise high- frequency noises. Lack of A15PA Presence Presence Note: Chassis, audio Adapter -adds intelligi- shield & AC ground bility and brilliance. are all common. Sibilance A15RS Response Shaper - sibilance filter- ing, plus flattened response. Line Level A15LA Line Input to Mic Input Adapter- converts bal- Audio Chassis anced low- impedance mic input to line level input.

Matching/ A15BT Bridging Trans - Audio Bridging/ former - matches bal- Isolating anced or unbalanced Unbalanced In /Out Audio devices of different ` 1 f Electronics impedances. Common & Trouble- A15TG Tone Generator Shield shooting -700 Hz signal helps check levels, connec- 120 V tions, mixer inputs, and GND cables. Microphone A95 and A97 Series Impedance Line Transformers- Matching make it possible to con- nect low- impedance lines to mid- and high - Figure 5 impedance inputs (or vice -versa.) the most commonly heard yet outside technical consultant.) misunderstood words in the audio Proper grounding starts with having field. People have been led to believe a proper AC system (120 V wall Pty_r ---- that anything related to grounding is system, not air conditioning). So go black magic. I feel that most of the outside your building and take a look grounding information available is too at where your AC wires come from. complex for The Sound of the Professionals® studio owners to under- They probably come from a telephone stand. From our own experiences in re- pole with a transformer. You should SHUR cording studio construction, we have first check how many other businesses Send for the brochure, AL280F found that most studios work well and or homes are on the same transformer. Shure Brothers Inc., 222 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, IL 60204. safely if several simple key grounding You just need to look where the wires In Canada: A. C. Simmonds & Sons Limited rules are followed. (Studios following from the transformer are going. If Manufacturers of high fidelity components, microphones, sound systems and these simple guidelines that still have there is a commercial business that related circuitry. a ground problem should bring in an uses machinery or an excessive

CIRCLE 118 ON READER SERVICE CARD 24 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com Fender's new 300 Bass Slimline Amplifier. t Foghat in concer. at LA Forum

1 Jj ;;' - , ' ;, 1!!11 J ari R

TONE :PUTTS EQUALIZATION G7MPRESSOR POWER R lON MD MIO TRETRE ION I I ON 5 E o 0, s 6 OM 7 4 3 1 3 / 2 2 2 : 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 L 2 2 2 3 7

2 ( 6 3 3 3 3 3 I t 3 3 3 3 3 1 I R 33 / 3 j v . 4 4 e 4 . . 4 I v 9 S S 5 S [ S ) 0 60 1001'S .S ,31S 6R0 IR 0 .0 o IO TO CH MAIN 50' 62 SRO 160' 260 2SO SOC á0 too H. 1 3C0 BASS I INPUTS E

The state -of- bass Effects input /output jacks gain con:rol D'ovide fo the -art amp effects looping with Figh or low impedance acces;ori Today's bass planer s making more complex demands The 300 Bass is bi -am D ready with a built-ir electron on his music than ever before He's virtually play rig lead crossover. Adjustable Hi Pass/'Lo Pass bi -amp output lines instead of sir-Fly one and five tonic notes. level cortrols offer easy auxiliary amplifie matc ling But there's never been an a-rplifier to totally march Take it everywhere. Every time. Fender design his music -until now. The Felder' 300 Slimline. an all these tremendous advantages into one very small entirely fresh con. ept in bass amplification. ThE bass package. The 300 Bass Slimline weighs only 33 pound amp for the 80's! Yet its protected ci- cuitry, special cocling capabi itie Incredible new tonal flexibil ity and control. The and rugged constructicn hake it as reliable as it Fender 300 Slimlire offers 30') watts of incredibly is innovative. versatile solid -state power ,n a lightweight, 19" rack - Check the specs, check the sound at your mountable packag=. authorized Fender dealer and major band stand Four bands of conventional equalization and three Because io matter new fa- your playing's :aken ;'ou,


CIRCLE 36 ON READER SERVICE CAR) www.americanradiohistory.com number of homes on your transformer, running at the same time could cause company will not install a new trans- you should talk the power company in- severe voltage variations and noise on former, the next best solution if you do to installing a separate transformer for the AC lines. Before you can evaluate not have severe voltage variations but your studio audio AC feeds. Electrical any grounding scheme, you must start have excessive electrical noise, is to machinery or several air conditioners with a clean AC system. If the power use isolation transformers between your service box and the wall outlets used for audio equipment. Now that you have a clean AC ser- vice, let's talk about the grounds. A single point ground system is the most Audio Chassis common. Start by installing a good ground stake outside your building. Attach a ground strap to the stake and bolt on about a 00 size copper cable. Balanced in Run this cable to a grounding block mounted near the AC service panel be- Audio ing careful not to touch electrical Electronics any conduit or the chassis of the service Unbalanced Out panel. This block shall be your single 120 V main ground point. You now have a clean AC system GND with a solid and safe audio ground. Check with your local electrical codes department to see if this grounding scheme is allowed by local standards. Communicating with these people Figure 6 about the special requirements of audio is usually a big hassle.

Block Diagram for basic starting point of studio grounding once you have a clean AC power system. I Audio Ground Service Panel Stake Ground Block For Audio


Power Supply May Require Large Control Room Th s Additional Ground Guage Ground Block I Wire Iv.

At Least 6 Guage Console Solid Copper Wire Audio Main Ground Point Mic Audio 120 V Shield Console Neutral Power Supply GND Console All Console DC Power Lines

Studio LControl Room

Figure 7


www.americanradiohistory.com All of this work is necessary before you plug in a single piece of audio equipment. A solid grounding scheme Console Outboard Equip. must start at this point. Use special wall boxes that float the Balanced In /Out ground from the wall box. The wall box

Balanced In /Out ground is obtained by the conduit Refer To Fig. 4 X through the wall box. The audio ob- Ï tains its ground through the third pin of the AC outlet. Each wall box should run independent AC and ground wires Console Outboard Equip. back to the panel box. If boxes are spread around the studio, run indepen- Unbalanced In /Out dent #6 ground wires from each outlet back to the ground block. Balanced In /Out Refer To Fig. 5 Most audio equipment has a three - pin AC plug: hot, neutral, and ground. Do not cut the ground pin. Start by plugging all three plugs directly into in Console Outboard Equip the socket. Equipment varies the manner in which the AC ground in- In Unbal. Out teracts with the audio ground. Several common wiring techniques are shown Balanced In /Out Refer To Fig. 6 in the following diagrams. Figure 7 is the basic studio ground- Out Bal. In x ing system. The great difficulty and questions arise in connecting equip- ment to the console via the patch bay. Note: If you have a RF problem, try connecting a Audio equipment is usually wired in- series .01 microfarad capacitor to the shields marked "X." ternally in one of the techniques shown in Figures 4, 5, and 6. The situa- tion gets very complicated because the Console Outboard Equip. console itself has balanced and un- balanced points in and out. The con- Balanced In /Out sole can be connected in the combina- n tions shown in Figure 8. Unbalanced In /Out 0 Refer To Fig. 5 The next problem you will encounter is the mounting of all your outboard equipment into a rack. My first recom- mendation is to build a custom wooden rack and space the equipment a short Console Outboard Equip. distance apart so that the chassis are

Unbalanced In /Out not touching. If you already have a metal rack, you might try using plastic Unbalanced In /Out screws and spacers to float the chassis Refer To Fig. 6 from the rack. Each piece of equipment is getting its AC safety ground through the wall plug and its audio ground from the console or from the AC plug depending on the equipment. Console Outboard Equip. We hope these brief paragraphs will

Unbalanced I Unbal. Out answer all your questions and solve all your problems, but we doubt it. In- AC n Refer To Fig. 7 stalling an air conditioning system, Out wiring installation, recording studio in- Bal. In stallation, and haircuts are some 1J things better left in the hands of professionals. -Allen Rumbaugh George Juodenas Audio Architects, Inc. Nashville, Tenn. Figure 8 4

AUGUST 1981 27

www.americanradiohistory.com SCIÂT

By Norman Eisenberg

LIMITER /COMPRESSOR SHURE PRO SYSTEM From Furman Sound comes word of the new model A new monophonic sound system for professional LC -2 limiter /compressor. Featured are input and sound reinforcement applications is the Pro Master output level controls; plus attack, release and from Shure Brothers. It consists of a model 706 compression -ratio controls. Gain over a 20 -dB range power console and two model 709 speaker systems. is displayed on an LED -style meter, while LEDs The model 706 includes a 200 -watt amplifier; a also show overload and power indication. Front - 10 -band combining -type graphic equalizer; an ex- panel push buttons select between normal compres- clusive Feedback FinderirstI that uses LEDs located sion and de- essing or side -chain modes. Furman ex- over the graphic equalizer to indicate frequencies _ causing feedback; and a Patch BlockkTMI panel that is a combination block diagram of the internal con- sole circuitry together with eight patching jacks plains that the latter options allow for the gain re- located at appropriate points right on the block duction signal to be processed through either an in- diagram. On the front of the console are eight inputs ternal high -pass filter or an external equalizer (or (six high and /or balanced low -Z mic, and two aux- other device), respectively. The side -chain input also iliary). The low -Z inputs are transformer -coupled, may be used to allow a completely unrelated signal and have a built -in 24 -volt simplex power supply for to control the gain as, for instance, in voice -over professional condenser microphones. Outputs are mixing where the level of background material provided for loudspeakers, effects devices, tape needs to be compressed to allow the announcer's monitors and headphones, plus a low -Z balanced voice to "ride over." mic -level output that allows the console to feed a CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD house system for maximum gain without feedback. Also included is a separate, complete monitor mixer for either stage monitoring or separate broadcast TAPE SPLICE KIT feed. The 709 speaker system uses a 15 -inch woofer For editing and repairing cassette tapes and micro- and three piezo -electric horns. System price cassette tapes (including the Philips format), Osawa is $1930. has introduced the Model PC -507 kit which contains everything needed in one self- storing packet. The plastic top section contains cutting jigs for each of the three tape formats, positioning sections and recesses for screws, etc. The lower section holds tools and parts which includes a razor /cutter, mini - scissors, slot and Philips -type screwdrivers, mark- ing pin, tweezers, an assortment of Philips -head screws, pressure pads, splicing tape sheets, a roll of leader tape and one cassette hub. Detailed instruc- tions come with the kit.


28 www.americanradiohistory.com CROWN SPLITS PRO TASCAM MODULAR MIXER AND CONSUMER LINES In a move to offer its products in terms of the dif- ferent uses to which professional and home buyers put them, Crown has divided its equipment offer- WWWW ings into two lines. The pro line now includes a new + . , - - active crossover, the MX -4; two completely new ...... r v r r amps, the PS -200 and PS -400; two restyled amps, API *.k 1.1 the DC -300A Series II and the D -150A Series II. Continuing in the pro line will be the M -600 mono amplifier and its larger twin the M -2000, the pan- System 20, a new modular mixing system recently cake D -75 amps, the VFX -2 crossover, several ver- added to Tascam's Creative Series product line, sions of the PSA -2 amplifier, the RTA -2 Real Time operates with no switches -much like an electric Analyzer, the redesigned BDP -2 Audio Microcom- patchbay. The operator has access to all signals at puter and some accessories. Also available through all relevant points along the signal path. Basic unit in most Crown pro sound dealers will be the PZM the System 20 is the Master Module MM -20 ($395). microphones. Among the pro -aimed features of the It offers six inputs (two transformer isolated mic in- new power amps (PS -200 and PS -400) are back puts), six output busses (stereo line, monitor and cue) panels that provide a full complement of choices for and provisions for four -track monitoring. connecting the amplifiers to sound systems, in- Four channels of parametric-like EQ are provided cluding quick conversion to mono service; front - by the PE -20 module ($350). Additional transformer - panel displays; options for transformer input and isolated inputs are available in groups of four with balanced active input; optional 70 -volt transformers the EX -20 unit ($350), while the meter unit MU -20 mountable on the heat -sinks; fan package capable of ($150) completes the system. cooling three amps when stacked in rack -mount CIRCI F 5 ON READER SERVICE CARD or cabinet.

PORTABLE 8 -TRACK RECORDER Rated for response of 30 Hz to 25 kHz ±1 dB at a speed of 30 ips is the model 811D -103A open -reel eight -track recorder offered by Stephens Elec- tronics Inc. of Burbank, Ca. The deck has the capability of operating from a 24 -volt battery and is packaged in a carrying case. A built -in 60 -Hz resolver aids in video or film sync. Completely transformerless, the new deck runs without the use of capstans or pinch -rollers. Transport controls come in a separate remote unit. Operating speeds are 15, 30 or 60 ips. Each channel can be assigned to automatically mute, switch to source and record. All channels can be set to sync which gives the user playback from the record head. Head R/P headroom of over 40 dB at 1 kHz is claimed to handle the heavy overloads of such applications. The model 103A accepts reels up to 10'/2 inch diameter: the model 104A, up to 14 -inch reels. Total weight is 40 pounds. Prices are $17,580 and $17,830, respectively.


www.americanradiohistory.com SOUND SYSTEM PROTECTOR COMPUTER AIDS POST Described as a power line conditioning PRODUCTION WORK unit is the PS -1 from Linear & Digital Systems, Inc. From Neve Electronics comes word of the NECAM of Centerville, Ohio. The new device, which is II, an updated version of its computer- assisted designed primarily for sound reinforcement system for use in recording, providing facilities for systems, can be utilized to protect sound and other dubbing, sweetening and effects cueing in video or film post production work. Up to 999 mixes and cues for up to 64 sources can be stored, modified and repeated by the computer to individual frame ac- curacy using the standard SMPTE /EBU code. Neve also reminds us of its Series 542 consoles which in- clude units with 8, 12 and 16 -input capability. electronic gear (including laboratory or industrial CIRCLE 9 ON READER SERVICE CARD instrumentation) from power -line high -voltage transients. It also filters radio frequency interference (reducing noise from radio transmitters ULTRA SMALL MICROPHONE such as CBs and reducing buzz from nightclub light Claimed to be the smallest broadcast -quality clip -on dimmers); monitors power -line wiring polarity; and microphone available is the MCE -5 offered by provides circuit -breaking for overloads. It mounts Beyer. It is less than one inch in length and it in a standard 19 -inch rack and supplies six ground- weighs 6.5 grams Response is rated from 20 Hz to ed outlets with an 8 -foot heavy -duty power cord. 20 kHz, with a signal-to -noise ratio of 62 dB. The Price is $129. MCE -5 may be powered either by a 9 -18 volt battery CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD (L3 to 5 ma current) or via a 12 -volt or 48 -volt phan- tom power supply. For outdoor use a detachable mesh windscreen is included. Impedance is 700 EXTENSIVE LINE FROM ohms balanced (minimum of 2500 ohms input is BIAMP SYSTEMS recommended). Sensitivity is -47.5 dBm ( -141 Maximum input level is 116 dB /SPL. Mixing consoles, equalizers, compressor /limiters, dBm EIA). to the MCE -5 is the MCE -5.1, reverberation devices, electronic crossovers, power Generally similar more sensitive and incorporating a 5.6 -volt amplifiers and accessories make up the broad pro- slightly connector. Both mics include a fessional product offering from Biamp Systems, battery in the 1 -meter balanced -line cable. Prices are $160 and Inc. of Portland, Oregon. The mixing consoles com- $189 for the MCE -5 and the MCE -5.1, respectively. prise a variety of sizes and capabilities and include CIRCLE 10 ON READER SERVICE CARD setups for recording, fixed installation, on- the -road P.A., broadcast and production applications. Graphic EQs are available for mono or stereo, and both use gyrator simulated-inductor circuitry in 16-8 MIXING CONSOLE place of conventional coils. There also is a one -third The model MX1606 professional mixing console octave equalizer with 26 bands on standard from Carvin Manufacturing Co. of Escondido, '/a- octave ISO centers. The reverb units come in California is a sixteen -in and eight -out model whose either mono or stereo versions. The "quad limiter" special features include eight fully assignable out- operates on four independent channels. The elec- puts, three send busses, 3 -band active equalization tronic crossovers are available for a mono 2 -way and a separate 8 -track to 2 -track mixdown system setup, or for a stereo 2- way /mono 3 -way setup. with independent level and pan controls for each Power amps include the TC /60 (60 watts mono main output. Also included are large 90 -mm faders, stereo or 200 watts mono); the TC /120 (120 watts phantom power supply, channel solo and mute stereo or 400 watts mono); and the 2500 (250 watts switches and mic -line switching with direct channel stereo or 860 watts mono). outputs for channel patching. Price is $2495.


30 www.americanradiohistory.com NEW PIONEER CASSETTE SERIES Timer -assisted record /play capability, record mute, main thrust of this material -aside from the usual one -touch recording and LED level meters are claims of improved response, definition, clarity and features shared by six new cassette decks in so on -has to do with the enhanced dynamic range Pioneer's new "CT" series. Also found on all these (on the order of 90 dB) of digital master tapes. decks is a switchable Dolby -C option in addition to The implication in this presentation is that the 90 the more familiar Dolby -B. Top of the line is the CT- dB range is maintained all through the record - 9R with three heads, three motors, quartz direct making process, down to the commercial release you drive, automatic reverse in playback and numerous buy and play. With the exception of the dbx- coding other features. Specs indicate S/N ratios as high as process, I know of no method that can hold even 80 dB with both Dolby options switched on. Re- close to 90 dB of dynamic range once the signal is sponse with metal tape is listed as 20 Hz to 22 kHz. taken from the master tape. Further, we must not Prices were not announced at press time. confuse the dynamic range of a signal source with the loudness level perceived by listeners from loudspeakers working into the acoustic conditions of a given room. The sensitivity specification for a loudspeaker, which is apparently the only quan- tifiably tangible item on which a claim for dynamic range can be based, is normally measured at 1 meter from the speaker. Who listens like that? And what about the ambient noise level in even a very quiet room? Whatever it happens to be, you would have to add 90 dB to it in order to be able to say that a par- ticular speaker is indeed reproducing the full dynamic range of the digital master. According to standard engineering data, the ambient noise level of a studio averages 25 dB; of a quiet country home, 30 dB; of an average residence, 40 dB. So we are talking about total playback dynamic ranges of 90 dB plus those figures. To give you an idea of what is involved, for a speaker to be able to furnish 130 dB /SPL in an average residence, it should have a sensitivity of say 97 dB /SPL out for an input of 1 watt, and be capable of handling up to 2000 watts from the driving amplifier. It is obvious that this kind of performance is not what is being claimed by these new "digitally capable" speaker systems. What I make of them, really, is just a renewed emphasis on what many speaker designers have long stated -that efficiency CIRCLE 12 ON READER SERVICE CARD is a very desirable attribute of a speaker system -which is to say, the more clean sound a speaker can produce for a given wattage input, the NEW LOUDSPEAKER HYPE better, all other things being equal. Which explains, A new kind of hype about speaker systems is in the of course, the renewed interest in vented systems making, to judge from some promotional literature and in the larger sealed -box systems, the best of received here. It concerns "newly developed" or which do offer greater efficiency along with the "special" or "breakthrough" technology that other virtues of good sound -and which are not the results in loudspeakers which can at last cope with exclusive achievement of the recent "break- the playback demands of digital recordings. The throughs" in speaker design.

www.americanradiohistory.com MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A new model which represents in which certain soundboard braces are something of a price breakthrough in carved in a scalloped shape to improve The Korg LP -10 Electronic Piano was quality, handmade guitars was an- the balance and resonance of a guitar. recently introduced by Unicord. The nounced recently by Taylor Guitars. Taylor's model 510 is a dreadnaught LP-10 is a compact, five -octave instru- The Taylor model 510 features shape with a solid Sitka spruce top, ment which is said to have one of the scalloped soundboard bracing, a stained mahogany back and sides and most authentic reproductions of an feature usually found in over $1000 a rosewood fingerboard over its thin, acoustic piano sound. Korg has paid par- guitars, in a $700 instrument. V- shaped neck, which' of course has an ticular attention to simulate the com- Scalloped bracing refers to a technique adjustable truss rod. Taylor guitars plex attack and envelope characteristics are handmade in southern California of acoustic pianos in the design of the and carry a limited lifetime warranty. LP -10, including a decay varying rate CIRCLE 14 ON READER SERVICE CARD for high notes in relation to lower notes. For versatility the unit has a variable decay control to vary the envelope's in- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AMPLIFIERS itial fall-off characteristics. The LP -10 has three different voices which may be Legend Musical Instruments has mixed; in addition to the acoustic piano become well-known recently as the voice there is an electric piano voice manufacturer of the Legend Rock 'n' which can also duplicate a vibes sound, Roll 50 amplifier, one of the new and a clay voice for bright, percussive generation of contemporary design voicings. A three- position sustain mode tube amplifiers. The Rock 'n' Roll 50 switch selects sustaining or percussive features a combination of classic characteristics with or without damp- design features such as "English" ing. The unit also features a built -in six- bass /mid /treble /presence equalization, band equalizer with ± 12 dB of control at Celestion speaker and rounded -corner six frequencies from 100 Hz to 3.2 kHz cabinet with cane grille. Also included on octave centers, and a variable speed are contemporary niceties such as chorus effect. Perhaps the most unique preamp level, master volume, foot - feature of the LP -10 is its thirteen posi- switchable gain /color controls, preamp tion transpose switch which accom- out /power amp in patch points and plishes electronically what a capo does detented tone controls. Legend has for a guitarist, namely transposing to now expanded its line with a new any key instantly over a full octave model, the Legend 50 Deluxe, which range. adds even more modern features to the CIRCLE 13 ON READER SERVICE CARD basic sound and performance of the Rock 'n' Roll 50. Besides the familiar bass, mid, treble, presence, preamp volume and master volume, the 50 Deluxe has a Colour /Gain control, and a dual concentric control for lead level and rhythm drive which are switchable via a push switch on the panel or an op- tional foot switch; an LED is located above the control knobs for readout of this switching function. The 50 Deluxe also has a trans -conductance com- pressor circuit built in to an additional preamp stage; the compressor has a


www.americanradiohistory.com dual concentric control to set compres- tonal balance. The Leslie 315 is a solid oak and walnut Eldorado version. sion level and sustain, plus a push similar, two -channel, two -way system The other news from St. Louis music is a switch and LED indicator. A final using somewhat lower powered special promotion on their CR -TT touch is reverb with a dual concentric amplifiers and smaller drivers to yield 60 -watt twin 12 amplifier stack. This control for control of reverb tone as an overall size over one -third smaller package includes a Crate CR -IIRH well as level; the reverb has the same than the 815. The 315 is covered in 60 -watt reverb amp head with gain and push switch/LED arrangement as the Pionex plastic laminate and has carry- master volume controls, active bass and compressor, and both of these func- ing handles as standard equipment and treble EQ and a "parametric" midrange, tions and the rhythm/lead switching casters as an option. The stationary bright boost switch and line level send may be controlled with an optional channel uses a 50 -watt amp to drive a and return for effects device insertion. foot- switch box. The 50 Deluxe is 12 -inch woofer in an aperiodic, ducted For speakers the CR -TI' uses two CR- available in single or twin 12 -inch com- port, bass reflex enclosure for low fre- EX speaker cabinets, each housing a bo versions (Celestion speakers, of quencies and a 30 -watt amp driving a single 12 -inch Magnum Projector course), or as a head only for use with front -aimed 6" x 9" speaker and a pair speaker. satellite speaker cabinets such as of side -aimed 21/2-inch speakers. The CIRCLE 17 ON READER SERVICE CARD Legend's own lineup of 1x12 " or 2x12" rotary channel drives a 6" x 9" open -back or sealed -back cabinets or Rotosonic driver with a 30 -watt amp straight or slanted front 4x12" and uses another 30 watter to drive the SOUND REINFORCEMENT EOUIPMENT cabinets. compression driver /rotary horn. The CIRCLE 15 ON READER SERVICE CARD fourth new model is the 215A which is Electro -Voice sends word of a new a small, unpowered satellite speaker passive crossover /equalizer specifically Four new models were recently add- designed to add rotating sound to designed to match E -V's low- frequency ed to the line of Leslie rotating single or two channel organs with or enclosures and their patented HR and speakers from Electro Music, Ac- without their own Leslie speaker. The RC constant directivity horns for cutronics, Inc. These four new models 215A uses a 6" x 9" Rotosonic speaker uniform frequency response. In more supplement the Leslie 760 which is the which is driven from the organ's own general terms, the new crossover, current, solid- state, portable version of amplifier, and comes complete with a which is designated the XEQ -804, mat- the classic Leslie rotating speaker remote control box for convenient ches a 4 -ohm woofer system, such as system. At the top of the new line -up selection of fast, slow or off for the the E -V LF -215, to any single or dual are the models 815 and HL -722 which rotary speaker. have virtually identical specifications; CIRCLE 16 ON READER SERVICE CARD the 815 is the portable version with plastic laminate finish, carrying St. Louis Music Supply recently made handles and casters, while the HL -722, two announcements concerning their t which was designed specifically for use Crate Line of amplifiers. The first an- XEQ 804 with the Hammond B-3000, has a wood nouncement was the introduction of a CROSSOVER/EOUALRER°-" .; CR -60 IlloweBB N.A. Poem AA finish and lacks handles and casters. new model, the Crate Condor aomormaa Both models are complete two -channel, series. The CR -60 has two complete MID two-way systems with both a sta- channels, each with its own preamp gain LOW tionary and a rotary channel. Each and master volume controls, and special LEVEL channel has its own low- level, active patented Sequential Cascading Gain OUT crossover to divide the audio spectrum (SCG) circuitry for a very wide spectrum and feed the signal to the appropriate of tone colorations. EQ circuitry in- one of the four built -in power amps. cludes active bass and treble controls IN Frequencies below 220 Hz in the sta- plus "parametric" midrange, and there tionary channel (plus frequencies are pull switches integrated with the EY below 100 Hz from the rotary channel) pots for midrange boost (called a "Fat" are fed through a 70 -watt amplifier to a switch), treble boost ( "bright ") and gain 15 -inch woofer in a bass -reflex modification which boost the master enclosure, while frequencies above 220 gain for a louder output without increas- Hz in the stationary channel are ed distortion. The amp uses a high effi- delivered to three 6" x 9" speakers ciency 12 -inch Magnum Projector mounted in the front and two sides of speaker designed by SLM Electronics horn /driver combination requiring an the cabinet by a 65 -watt amplifier. In for loud sound output without breakup. 800 Hz crossover. The unit has front the rotary channel, frequencies from Other features of the CR-60 include a panel patching terminals for proper 100 to 450 Hz are amplified by a Hammond Accutronix spring reverb equalization of E -V's constant direc- 45 -watt amp and fed to a 6" x 9" tank and both low impedance balanced tivity horn systems. Input and output speaker within a newly designed and buffered high impedance line out- connectors on the unit are convenient Rotosonic drum, while frequencies puts on the back panel -very useful for '/, -inch jacks, and the unit may be flush above 450 Hz are fed through a 35 -watt recording use. Cosmetically the Crate mounted in an appropriate recess, or amp to a compression driver and Condor amp is available in midnight surface mounted. Power handling rotary horn. A dual Treble Response black or cork brown tolex coverings rating is 400 watts continuous. Control is provided to set the desired with a distinctive cork finish, or in a CIRCLE 18 ON READER SERVICE CARD

AUGUST 1981 33 www.americanradiohistory.com Pro -Line Products, Inc. has an- pressurized CO, cylinder which can pro- compressor) and the Blue Clipper (á nounced a line of pre- fabricated risers vide up to four hours of operation with a fuzz -tone), and includes a bass and tre- for stage use. The units are very rug- full load of distilled water. When fully ble booster, a sub -octave /ring ged, using exterior plywood, structural loaded, the unit weighs only 10 ounces modulator effect and equalizer aluminum channels, steel legs and and measures only 63/4" long and 1" in modules designed specifically to im- nylon outdoor carpeting or optional diameter. prove the sound of a guitar or an elec- hardwood surfacing. The standard size CIRCLE 21 ON READER SERVICE CARD tric bass. All units are battery -powered unit is 6'x7' (or two 31/2'x6' half - and have low impedance outputs. sections) which may be connected side For the well -heeled and fashion - CIRCLE 23 ON READER SERVICE CARD to side or end to end for larger areas conscious performer, Audio-Technica (other sizes are also available by order). has introduced the Microphone Ward - Artists X-Ponent Engineering, also Standard height is adjustable from 14 robeTM, an array of seven colored known as AXE, recently introduced inches to 2'/2 feet using various inner microphones and matching or com- three new electronic accessories which legs, or by changing leg units the same may be described as "interfaces." The riser will expand upward to 21/2 feet to first of these is the AXE Buffer Pre - 4 feet with 2 inch increments. Ac- Amp which is a plug -in unit giving the cessories include lockable wheels, a advantages of an inboard preamp drummer tie-down kit, dollies and without the hassles of building it into leveling feet. the instrument. Floorbox preamps on- CIRCLE 19 ON READER SERVICE CARD ly do part of a preamp's job because the cable from guitar to preamp is still subject to losses and noise pickup. The MICROPHONES AND ACCESSORIES AXE unit plugs directly into the in- strument to buffer the output at all Crown International, who is the times to remove the possibility of primary licensee for the manufacture of loading problems as well as providing the Pressure Zone Microphone or PZM, variably boosted gain at the flip of a recently announced the introduction of a switch. new PZM version known as the PZM The second new product from AXE 31S. The new model is similar to the plementing colored mic cables in a foam - is the SP -100, a belt -pack headphone company's familiar PZM 30GP model in lined, metal travel case. The mic used in amplifier. This battery- powered unit that both are mounted on 6" X5" plates, the Microphone Wardrobe is Audio - has a very high input impedance and but the new version has a somewhat dif- Technica's most popular vocal model, sufficient gain to allow use with mic or ferent frequency response contour than one of which has actually been gold - line level signals making it useful for the general purpose 30GP model. The plated for inclusion in this assortment. tuning instruments, setting up piano low frequency response of the 31S is In addition to the colorful mics and rather more extended than the 30GP cables, the Wardrobe includes two con- and the high frequency range of the new trasting grill screens for even more model is warmer and smoother than the visual versatility. older 30GP which is often characterized CIRCLE 22 ON READER SERVICE CARD as bright or crisp. Since the 31S uses the same Pressure Recording ProcessTM design principles pioneered by E. M. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ACCESSORIES Long Associates, in which a pressure calibrated mic capsule is mounted very Several years ago, a line of compact, close to a boundary plane defined by the plug -in sound modifiers bearing the mic mounting plate and the surface on Dan Armstrong line appeared on the which it is mounted, the PZM 31S re- American market; but when their tains all the same qualities of clarity, manufacturer went out of the elec- spaciousness and uniform tone quality tronics business, the products disap- throughout its hemispherical pickup peared from the market. The good pattern. news now is that these little boxes are pickups or wireless mics or as part of a CIRCLE 20 ON READER SERVICE CARD available again from Beigel Sound listen -only intercom system. The third Labs. The line comprises six color - product is the Klic -Trac, a metronome A most unusual accessory product is coded boxes which may be used in- designed to be heard through head- the Humid- A-Mike" from Voice -Saver dividually or cascaded for more com- phones for use even in high noise or Products. This new product is a self - plex effects. The units are designed to high volume performance situations. contained, localized humidifier designed plug directly into the guitar or other in- AXE 's Klic-Trac also has an auxiliary to attach to a performer's vocal mic via a strument and have miniature toggle input jack to allow an SP-100 to be foam block and velcro strap to provide switches alongside the output jack for plugged in for simultaneous monitor- an adjustable spray of soothing fingertip control over the effect. The ing of instrument plus clicks through moisture to protect their throat. The boxes have colorful names such as the the same headset. Humid -A -Mike is powered by a Orange Squeezer (a natural- sounding CIRCLE 24 ON READER SERVICE CARD

34 MUUtHN HtI;UHUINU tk MU51L.: www.americanradiohistory.com 11 :., World's most acclaimed reverb is now more versatile than ever ' F,p 1!' .t1 1I -#1 U. /1i.11.1rJ #:I If you a i- dy on a _exicn 224, corg-atulations! 3rd ( gEnerat.cn re.ierb and operat nag Drograrns have recently been in=-cduc.xd that =yen further enhance its audio Ferormar -:e. And, you can update ,T77-1*--- ycur s -s_err for pocket rroney by simply pl egg ng in thes _ new Version -3 pr-_.gra-n3.. If iou hay °rt yet discovered

choice of the wo Id s leadi-g studies, broadcasters ar and mLSical a is_s. Reason: audio performance unnr etched by anything else

s + better comp ete y natu -al sound... multiple reierb progra-ns ... lull fi-ige--iF cont-olof all reverberation parameters ... and retrofit cesign that accepts new capabilities as tiey become avaita .le. L tic Versio1 -3. software. With the new Ve-s or -3 yo J get eier smoother decay..., enhanced ease of opertioi .., p us p-cs..ision for up to 36 user pr -sets you can store and recall at ,vi I . plus a new non -volatile e it P memory option that aermarertly saves your reverb program set- f ups even tr ough power is rem)ved. ,r Put the Lexicon Model 224 too wort, or you. Nothing can toJch it for versatiliti or quality of sounc. And field- updateabilit makes it the Host cast- effectide _hoice..f them all. Write for literature on At' y "Ihe best is bette" ... for you.

Lexicon, Inc. 60 'Erne- 891 -6790' ele 923468 rJeW YO, Y ri 1(1)1.: excn Em5 or Cr,r17arn.

CIRCLE 122 ON READER SEfi'/CE LARD www.americanradiohistory.com MMIII MI MI MI IN IMM 11111 MI MIII ing, refer to Parts 1 and 2 of this series NMI MIO MI MI MI 111111111 MIMI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MIMI11M [May and July 1981 issues, respective- IMOM1 MI MI MI MI MIMI MI MN MW/ w IIMMI MI MI MI MI MI MIMI MI MI MI MIMI ly].) We now have tracks 1 and 2 open, MI MEMO/ =II MI MI MI MI MI MIMI MI IME MI MI MI MI NW I=1MI Mil MI MI MIMIw into which the voice and drums will ME Ill= MI MI MI MI MI sMI MI MI MIMIWM MI MI MI =MOW fit nicely. MI MI MI, W MI MI MIMI MI111111111/ NM =I Note that we've put the rhythm in- struments on closer to the end of the re- ____MI_/1I IMMI cording process w than the beginning MII1 MI MI MI MI MI MI MI - MI MIMI MIMI MI MI MI MI the mirror image of the usual, and wMIMI MIMI =I IMM MI MI Cíeot /e MI MI MIM NM MIMI IMI MI generally preferred, process. However, MI MIMIMI MI MIlMI____MI MI MIIIIMMI MI we've also managed to cram a lot of MI MI WIIIIMI MI IIMIIMI/ MI 1M MIMI 10111 MIIMi MI IIIII tracks on to our four track, so there are vt.- some compensations. Recoid - g (2) PLAN to RECORD THOSE IN- STRUMENTS REQUIRING HIGH- EST FIDELITY LAST: Repeated PART bouncing, whether within one machine or by recording back and forth between two machines, affects the sonic quality of a signal to the point where the build- 3 up in noise and distortion can be quite noticeable. However, as you get towards the end of recording a par- ticular piece you will have fewer and fewer free tracks available, which means that there will be fewer By Craig Anderton possibilities for bouncing. Thus, the last few instruments you record will have no bouncing whatsoever. These in- struments will have the highest fidelity of anything on the tape. o far, in parts I and II we have talk- have found certain procedures to be Which instruments are most impor- ed about four-track layering and true in most cases. Here are some of the tant in terms of fidelity? In my ex- second machine techniques from an most common ones. perience, I would have to say bass, engineering point of view. Now, it's drums and vocals, each for different time to realize that the games we've (1) PUT on SWEETENING FIRST reasons. been playing (layering, hand syncing WHEN BOUNCING WITHIN a With respect to bass, most tape rhythm tracks, etc.) drastically affect MACHINE: I know, this is the reverse recorders have a peak in the bass the production of a piece. of what we've been taught, but there's a region, say a couple of dB or so. This In traditional production, the rhythm very good reason for this. The more isn't too serious by itself, but by the instruments are recorded first, the lead tracks you have available, the easier it time you've done several bounces, those instruments next and the sweetening is to layer parts without destroying the couple of dB add up until you've got a tracks (massed sounds, such as strings, fidelity. For example, let's suppose that significant bass boost on your hands. horns or extra percussion) usually go on you have a piece with a four part horn This tends to give bass instruments a last. But with our extensive layering section, rhythm guitar, keyboard, bass, boomy, less defined quality. techniques, sometimes the exact vocals and drums, and you need to fit all Drums have a wide dynamic range reverse must occur. This means that these on a four track -and to make life and require good high- frequency track strategies need to be carefully laid even more complicated, you happen to response in order to sound life -like and out in advance. be playing all the parts yourself, so you crisp. These are excellent reasons why can't lay down more than one instru- drums should be recorded last when Track Strategy Basics ment at a time. track space is limited. The producer and engineer should sit A suitable strategy would be as Vocals are a special case. Again, they down with the musicians before a ses- follows. Record a click track on track 3, have a wide dynamic range; but perhaps sion to determine just how many parts and three of the horn parts on tracks 1, more importantly, the voice is the part need to go down on the tape, whether 2 and 4. Premix all three horns, plus a that does the communicating with most any pre -mixing will be involved and so "live" part to complete the four part songs. Bouncing voices too many times on. This prevents any embarrassing section, onto track 3. This leaves three lends a fuzzy, indistinct quality that problems that could happen later, such tracks to work with. Next, record guitar can detract from the impact of the song. as needing four tracks to record a bunch on track 1, keyboard on track 2 and On the other hand, there may be times of instruments and having only one premix these (in the sync mode) along when this effect is useful; for example, track available. with bass onto track 4. (If you have any when doubling vocals, a bounce or two While each situation is different, I questions on how to best do this bounc- may blend the vocals together a little

36 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com i

more seamlessly than you would have if bass onto a single track? In a case like premixes residing in these various each vocal was standing naked on a that, you're better off adding reverb as tracks, it becomes more difficult to get separate track. Understand that while you record the drums in the first place, a convincing stereo spread. Why? Say we're not talking about drastic changes and avoid putting any on the bass you have doubled vocals in one track, in sound, these types of differences are drum. The most important point to doubled leads in another, the rhythm noticeable and should, if at all possible, remember is that with a premix, adding track premixed onto the third track be taken into account. one effect to the premixed track affects and the fourth track for string synth- every instrument on the track. So, if esizer and other sweetening. The (3) COMPOSITION VS. IMPROV- any part of the premix needs its own rhythm track is naturally going to be ISATION: Unfortunately, these kinds processing, that should be done as the placed in the center, as are the vocals... of layering techniques really only work part is being recorded. which leaves you with only the leads if you have a definite idea of where the Another production technique I've and string synthesizer to create the song is heading. In other words, the used many times is to add a small stereo effect, and that may sound a bit song has to be composed down to the amount of reverb to each part while re- unusual. However, there are enhance- very last bar. There may be room for im- cording instead of adding reverb dur- ments you can add during mixdown to provisation on an individual track or ing mixdown. By making subtle create a pseudo -stereo spread. two, but overall, the song generally will changes in the reverb sound for each Delay Lines -One way to create ins- not be able to deviate from a very instrument, the overall sound can be tant stereo spread is to take the tape specific structure. much fuller. This type of approach channel output and patch it into both This can cause problems with bands works particularly well with the "Hot channel 1 of your mixer and a delay that write in the studio rather than Springs" reverb (see the October 1980 unit (see Figure 1). Then patch the out- working out their material "live." As a MR &M), since this particular reverb put of the delay line to mixer channel 2. producer, you need to be sympathetic to unit doesn't muddy the sound as much Pan channel 1 left of center, and chan- the needs of the musicians, but still get as some other spring types. nel 2 right of center. Note that if the across the fact that when budgets and delay is very short, cancellation may track space are tight, a song must be (5) EQUALIZATION for BOUNC- occur between the two channels when well -rehearsed. If it is not, premixing ING: The more you bounce, the more the track is played back in mono; and if becomes much more difficult because the sound deteriorates. This is especial- the delay is longer than a few milli- you can't alter the lgvels or equalization ly true if you bounce in the sync mode; seconds, you'll hear a slapback echo ef- of premixed parts, except within very not only will the noise be higher than fect. However, there are places in the narrow limits. when you bounce off the playback 10 to 20 ms. region where there is One solution is to cut a "composing head, but you'll lose a fair amount of negligible cancellation or echo -this is tape," one that does not include ex- treble as well. what gives the best sound. tensive layering or production techni- Therefore, if you're recording tracks Pitch Transposing Devices -The ques. In fact, you don't even have to that will be bounced several times, same technique mentioned above can worry whether the mix sounds good or boost the treble on the way into the work with pitch transposing and har- not. Instead, the idea of a composition tape machine, and use as hot a level as monizing devices as well. For best tape is to test out the arrangement itself possible short of saturation. On results, offset the pitch a very slight on one piece of tape. As soon as the playback, the sync mode treble loss amount from the fundamental pitch of piece is arranged, and you've found out will offset the equalized treble boost, the track being processed. what works and what doesn't work, while the hot level will keep your signal Equalization Changes- Another way stop work on that tape, plan a track above the noise. to create a pseudo- stereo image out of a strategy and start work on the "reel" mono track is with equalization. Split a thing. Incidentally, the composition (6) THE VIRTUES of NOISE RE- signal as shown in Figure 2 so that it tape should not be agonized over; if a DUCTION: Noise reduction really goes through two independent chan- part doesn't work, move along. helps when bouncing tracks, which is a nels of equalization. Notching one statement I'm sure you will have no channel's frequency while boosting the (4) EFFECTS: ADD DURING RE- trouble accepting! But not all noise other channel at the same frequency CORDING, or ADD DURING MIX - reduction is alike, and any errors in- can give some good effects, as can DOWN? In most studios, tracks are troduced by these units will be more drastic equalization changes recorded as dry as possible, with effects magnified when bouncing. Sometimes being added later. While there are some the best kind of noise reduction is the From Line engineers who disagree with this ap- boost -treble -when- recording, cut - Tape -- Delay proach, it seems that they are in the treble- when -playing -back approach. Channel minority. As we've shown, though, four- This has no breathing or pumping ef- track production tends to bend the rules fects, but on the other hand is not a bit -adding effects is no exception. suitable for instruments with great Ch. i Ch. 2 For example, most people don't like amounts of treble (since instruments (Pan Left) (Pan Right) to put reverb on a drum set's bass with lots of treble tend to mask noise Mixer drum. This is fine if you have a 24 -track anyway, so this may not be a problem). machine where the bass drum has its own track, but what if the drums have (7) STEREO EFFECTS with 4 been pre -mixed along with guitar and TRACKS: When you have lots of Figure 1

AUGUST 1981 37 www.americanradiohistory.com A NEW strategies and plannings are necessary, and not just the whim of a concept in nasty producer or engineer. Do your best to explain what's happening; this will lead to one of two possible results. MICROPHONES Either the people you're talking to will understand what you're talking about, I'm Carl Countryman and I'm so excited about in which case you'll impress them with the, EM -101 I must tell you why no other micro- your production savvy, or they won't phone offers you such fantastic performance Ch. 1 Ch. 2 even vaguely understand what you're and why the EM -101 is the most versitile mike (Pan Left) (Pan Right) you can own! talking about, in which case they'll pro- Mixer 125 dB DYNAMIC RANGE bably be intimidated and leave you In terms of raw performance alone, the EM -101 alone. Either way, all that counts is is in a class by itself. The 25 dB noise level of the results. If those results are good, you'll EM -101 is one of the lowest in the industry. With look like a genius and they'll love you the EM -101 you can hear sounds in a quiet room Figure 2 for it. that you can't hear with your own ears, yet it easily handles 150 dB sound levels without (higher frequencies in one channel, distortion pad or switching. That's over 300 lower frequencies in the other). times the threshold of pain! The EM -101 will completely eliminate microphone overload.. Stereo Reverb- Stereo reverb sounds From Reverb LABORATORY FLAT RESPONSE great, and can be easily generated with Output Stereo Chorus The EM -101 is GUARANTEED to have an incred- a stereo chorus unit (such as the DOD

ibly flat frequercy response; within 1 5d of 690 reviewed in a previous "Notes" perfection over the entire audible range from column [December 1980], the MXR A Ou put B Output 20Hz to 15kHz and we back that guarantee by Stereo Chorus and others). Patch the shipping each EM -101 with it's own individual computer verified frequency response curve. reverb to the chorus as shown in Listening tests cannot distinguish the EM -101 Figure 3; panning the chorus stereo Left Reverb Return Right Reverb Return from precision laboratory microphones costing outputs to opposite channels produces TEN times more! a stereo reverb effect. One disad- VERSITILITY vantage of this system is that playing Figure 3 The EM -101 is about the size and shape of a stick the signal back over a mono system cf Dentyne chewing gum and has a non- reflec- You may also encounter another will remove the chorus effect, however, tive, black surface. It is also the most perfectly type of problem with extensive layer- ron directional microphone you can buy for adding slight differences in equaliza- ing, namely that your tapes will start recording or sound reinforcement. That makes it tion between the two channels can help off sounding pretty weird if you record tie ideal choice for stage, TV, motion picture, or to minimize this problem. conference work where variations in quality the sweetening first and the rhythm When recording, it is more difficult caused by motion and position around the mi- section last. All I can say is that it's crophone must be minimized. to produce for on 4 Unlike conven- stereo a -track impossible to really gauge a tape until t onal microphones or "plate mounted" micro- machine (or than on an 8 -track greater) you've laid down all the tracks and phones, the EM -101's unique flat design allows it machine. As a result, it's often a good to De placed as close to the surface as desired to prepared for mixdown. If the first cou- idea to reorient your so take full advantage of this traditional micro- thinking that ple of tracks sound out of place, even if phone you add the stereo effects - placement technique. during mix the parts are technically good, don't FEEDBACK down rather than while recording. AND LEAKAGE REDUCTION worry about it. I've recorded lots of The unique design of the EM -101 makes it almost pieces where nothing really jelled until completely insensitive to conducted vibration Final Comments on so it can be placed directly on or even inside an the very last track was overdubbed, instrument where the sound level is high and 4 -Track Production and then, as if by magic, everything you will obtain remarkably improved rejection The most important aspect of fell into place. of unwanted sound and reduction of feedback. 4 -track production is to plan ahead. Finally, I'd like to emphasize that all Because PA systems feed back response on Premeditate every move -from where of in peaks, the EM -101's ultra flat response allows the techniques mentioned this you to use more gain without feedback and will the tracks are going to be assigned to three -part series are proven techniques reduce or even eliminate the need to notch filter how the reverb is going to work its way that I use in my own recording pro- or equalize a system. into the final mix. This will not only jects. Some of these ideas may sound YOU MUST TRY THE EM -101 make the session go faster (saving time off-the -wall and perhaps even impossi- I want you to have the experience of using a and money, as well), but will also allow ble to accomplish (particularly the microphone with performance that rivals the you to get the most out of your 4 track. hand -syncing techniques described in human ear! I'm convinced that once you hear a truly accurate, uncolored microphone in your If it's time to do a premix and you part II), but have faith -given practice facility, with your kind of program material, for don't know how it's going to fit into and determination, you can produce the affordably low price of $234.50 U.S. you will the rest of the song, you're in trouble... tapes on a 4 -track recorder that might never want to be without one! and if that premix turns out to be even make jaded professional Please call Countryman Associates or your fa- usable in the end, chances are that's engineers turn to you in shock and say, vorite professional sound dealer to arrange a no risk trial of the incredible EM -101 microphone. due more to luck than anything else. "How did you do that ?!" Sometimes it's hard to make a group That wraps up our series on advanc- of musicians who are new to recording ed 4 -track techniques. Now go out 'COUNTRYMAN understand that these elaborate track there and create a masterpiece! ASSOCIATES INC t 417 STANFORD AVE -REDWOOD CITY. CA 94063 (4151364-9988 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC CIRCLE61 ON READER SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com "Scotch" is a ragisterei trademark of 3M. If you've been using Ampex 456, you've been setting yourself up for Scotch 226.

Our new Scotch® 226 is compatible with will find it's just the ticket. And together with Ampex 456. But that's about the only way Scotch 250, it gives you an unbeatable tape the two tapes are equal. Scotch 226 gives combination. you much lower modulation noise and 2 to Most of the major equipment makers 3dB less print- through. Yet there's no have already recommended Scotch 226. comp -omise in headroom, signal -to- noise, But you don't have to take their word for it. biased tape noise, distortion levels or Test it for yourself. It's as simple as changing frequency response. reels. And because Scotch 226 delivers fewer print -through problems, we can offer Scotch 227, a one -mil version for longer playing time. Best of all, you'll find Scotch 226 to be consistent in quality reel after reel, batch after batch. And that may be the most important difference to consider. We developed Scotch 226 because we heard you wanted it. Those of you who like our mastering tape, but don't like to rebias, 3M hears you.

www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com MICK

ftEííw O O D By JEFF TAMARKIN ick Fleetwood does not telieve in taking ordinary vacctions. IIIIWhile most rock musicians might ch9ose to rest on some tropical island Fleetwood decided to head to Ghana, West Africa, to record his first solo . The Visitor is the result of that journey. Fleetwood had long expressed a desire to go to Africa and record its native drum- mers, but the project turned out to be much more involved than he'd ever ticipated. an- For example, recording studios are not exactly an everyday commodity in Ghana. Neither, in fact, is the telepaonej So Fleetwood's crew -including co-pro- ducer Richard Dashut and two musicians, guitarist Todd Sharpe and bassist George Hawkins, to provide the non _9 f-ican backing -joined the Fleetwood drummer Mac cn his safari through the jungles. Eventually, after obstacles encountered not in the making of your average Fleetwood Mac album, African the musicians were recorded, Fleet- wood and his musicians were recorded and the who:e thing became a reality -an RCA product delivered to the Amer:can record buying public in the jungles fom Manhattan to Santa Barbara. In recent conversations (they already are hard at work in Eurcpe on the next Mac LFJ, Fleetwood and Dashut re- counted the unprecedented recording session in A Pica.

www.americanradiohistory.com structure of the songs? MF: I don't even think like that. I'm not a musical snob. I'm not craving to be anything other than a person who loves what he does. MR &M: There have been rumors that the group is disbanding. Is there any truth to that? MF: No, we're not breaking up, not till the end of time. We're actually all living in the same... house! MR &M: Let's talk about your solo album, The Visitor. Why go to Ghana to make a record? MF: It's an idea that goes back Modern Recording & Music: Before ment. The fact that the two of us have about 10 years or so, when I was in we talk about your new solo album, always been in the band has meant Zambia. I was there on my own, not on let's discuss Fleetwood Mac's history that there's never been a lack of a plat- a musical venture but just wandering and current status. What are your form to start off from. For better or for around aimlessly. And I always strongest memories of the early years worse, the new people that have come remembered what a great time I had of the band, when you worked with into Fleetwood Mac have always been and the amount of music that I was people like Peter Green and Jeremy confronted by two people who have able to listen to. Spencer? played together for a donkey's years. When Fleetwood Mac came off the Mick Fleetwood: There are obviously When musicians leave a group, they're road after continually working for five some strong musical memories that often prone to say, "I'm starting a years (including a one year tour), still mean a lot to me. I still have a band," whereas being a drummer and a which, in anyone's language, is hard tremendous amount of respect for a lot bass player, you're always part of a work, I said, well, stuff this, I don't of the early Fleetwood Mac stuff in band. want to sit around and do nothing. So I terms of what it did for me -the school- MR &M: Hasn't the band managed ended up doing something which I had ing and the way I look at music in to keep fresh by adding musicians who wanted to do for many years: going to general. If there's a simple way to do have distinct individual styles? Africa to play with African musicians. something, and you can attain that, MF: Oh yeah, sure. We've never The fact that I went to Ghana came then certainly that's the best way to do looked at a replacement as having to be from doing some fairly detailed it. As far as anything emotionally, a carbon copy of what came before. A research and talking to people who that's a hard question to answer. You lot of bands that I know have paid a lot knew more about African music than I have to remember that (now) is the of attention to trying to save some- ever will or would want to know. They first time we've ever stopped since thing that they've already attained. quite simply said that if I wanted to be Fleetwood Mac began. This is the first The fact that they've all been very dif- involved fundamentally with drum time we've had eight months off ferent as songwriters -Bob Welch's music, which I did, that Ghana was the without having to think about Fleet- writing couldn't be more different than place to go to get a concentrated wood Mac or touring or recording. So Lindsey Buckingham's -has certainly amount of the music. It was not an I've never been in the position to be kept the band together. It's more re- easy task; it took months to organize. that aware of any one particular thing, vitalizing to add new outlooks than to It's not as if you can walk into a studio although I know that to an outsider employ session musicians to recreate in Ghana and press buttons and start there must be hundreds of different what you're already doing. We made recording. We took all of our own facets (of the early Mac) that are in- absolutely sure that that would never equipment down there, which in itself teresting to look at. To me it's all part happen. is an exercise. and parcel of something that I've been MR &M: How did the success of the MR &M: How did you know where to living out. Fleetwood Mac and Rumours albums look for the musicians you wanted to MR &M: How did Fleetwood Mac affect the band. After playing as a use once you got to Africa? manage to stay together and thrive mildly successful cult band you sud- MF: We had an American guy (who's through so many personnel changes? denly began selling millions of albums. a drummer himself) who's down there Most groups would have folded or at What did that do to Fleetwood Mac? studying musicology or something for least become less potent after so many MF: Well, it was a tremendously a professorship. He was a great help in changes and so much pressure. positive thing to realize that you've opening a few doors. At that point we MF: I think that's probably true. I been part of something for so long and got together more socially than any- think a lot of the reason is that, without any huge master plan you've thing else; we went to some of the clubs through coincidence or luck, the band attained something which people and rehearsal rooms they have there. has always had a solid rhythm section definitely appreciated. Basically, these bands would audition [Fleetwood on drums; John McVie on MR &M: Do you think the musician- for us. Some of them were horrific, but bass]. I'm not taking credit for it, but I ship was unappreciated because people that in itself was an experience. All of think that's a pretty obvious assess- were paying more attention to the pop the musicians we used we had seen at


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LF cone continues Ine production of the "live" performance. exponential curve of the of on HF horn keeping the natural sound the Clarity and response the high resonant frequencies instruments. end. The snap of a snare drum, the sound outside the passband With contemporary of an acoustic guitar, string sections, an Phase compensating muhtple throat for rock, a loudspeaker operatic soprano, or the crash of a extended and smooth if HF response should easily handle cymbal, these will tell you the high the accentuated frequency response is providing the Aluminum voice coil bass without distortion. absolute clarity essential for good conductor for low dynamic mass and In Tannoy Loudspeak- treble quality. superb HF response ers, these capabilities Voice sibilant should be clear but are apparent. You not over emphasized, the infinite can separate the flexibility of the female voice is a drummer from the revealing test for any loudspeaker, and bass player and the Tannoy Loudspeakers pass this test Behind the grill of most Tannoy tubas from the cellos. faultlessly. Loudspeakers is not the usual collection Midrange: The "live" factor This is The English know. Some of the best of separate tweeters and bass units. more difficult for comparative evalua- recording studios in the world are in Instead, you'll see what appears to be tion as most loudspeakers offer accept- England, and in the U.K., Tannoy is one one speaker only, but which, in fact able qualities in this tonal range. of the most popular, if not the most is two speakers in one. Choose a solo instrumental record professional loudspeaker. Therein lies the Tannoy Dual Con- and try not to listen to the melody which Call 800- 421 -1274. We'll tell you centric principle. Single point sound. may distract, concentrate on purity of where you can listen to a full line of This unique method of placing a high sound, a closeness to the actual Tannoy studio monitors. And discover frequency compression driver within instrument. what the English have known for over and behind a direct radiator bass unit Close your eyes. Vocals should not fifty years. provides superb natural sound, low coloration and phase coherence for proper stereo imaging and high sensitivity. A bass that's deep but not "thick" Individual bass notes should be deep and rich, but not "thick:' They should Model X05000 Time Compensated Electronic Crossover

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SRM 1013 10" Dual Concentric 109dB SPL (115dB) 90dB 55Hz -20kHz 90 degrees conical 50 Watts 1 2 kHz 20 6 X 13 8 35 Liters

X 104" 1 2CuácFeet

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X 108" 1 6CubicFeet

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M 3000 15" Wide Bandwidth 1 12dB SPL (119dB) 92dB 40Hz -20kHz 90 degrees conical 150 200 Watts 1 kHz 40 5 X 28 4 230 Liters Dual Concentric X 17" 8 Cubic Feet

DREAD. 1 t 5" Special 121dB SPL (126) 96dB 30Hz.20kHz 90 degrees conical 750 Watts 250Hz 35 X 52 4 400 Liters NOUGHT Dual Concentric ±3dB Low Frequency X 23 2. 14 2 (15 Cubic Feet) 2 15" Woofers 500 Watts 2 OkHz 15° Baffle 40 Liters Mid Frequency Slope (1 5 Cubic Feet) 250 Watts High Frequency Sealed Cavity (1) Frequency Response measured in 1/3 octave bands at any power up to Rated Continuous Power with response within ! 4dB BGW DC ARC CALIBRATED LOSS OF BO POWER FEATURES MAGNETIC FULL INTERRUPTOR PRECISION FEEDBACK TRI COLORED TOTAL POWER* OUTPUT MODULAR CIRCUIT COMPLEMEN IAHY SPEAKER FAN STEPPED CLIP LED VU METER MODEL DESCRIPTION OUTPUT EACH CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION BREAKER CIRCUITRY PROTECTION COOLED ATTENUATOR INDICATOR WITH CLIP LIGHT

75 Professional 75 25 Watts Yes No Yes No No No No No Power Amplif er

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www.americanradiohistory.com their homes or at the little club dates real shakeup. I didn't want to take the board, but in my opinion the drum they'd put on. That's how it started chance of bringing all that equipment, sound turned out better than recordings and from there it was word of mouth, which is not cheap. I made the decision we've done in the past. Richard concen- and people would turn up at the studio. to stay in Accra (in Ghana). We found trated on making sure we were covered Not every Ghanaian walking around is an unused film lot. We had some out- in terms of microphones. We recorded a good drummer; some were terrible, door facilities, because I wanted to re- 16 tracks, which is more punchy than just like anywhere. cord some of the drums in the natural 24, and then we transferred it back to 24 MR &M: I understand there were acoustics. with the overdubs. When we mixed bureaucratic hassles getting the pro- MR &M: Was it a problem getting all down, we linked up the 24 and the 16 ject off the ground. Can you talk about of the musicians in one place at one tracks, so we retained the original those? time? dynamics of the drums. A lot of effort MF: Yeah, there were [problems], MF: Yes, it was. A musician would be went into getting down the absolute and that's why this project means told to turn up tomorrow, but in Ghana correct miking. Where the sound was more to me than I could ever explain to time that means three days later is going to come from was not the EQ, but anyone. Several times the whole thing quite fine. We just got used to that. the mit and the source sound itself. was going to fall apart. I spent three After a few weeks, we learned to slow ... months just getting into doing this down, which was wonderful, really. MR &M: What is the ratio of African thing and I was very loath to just say, MR &M: How did they perceive you? music to rock music on the record? You well, we won't go. But on the other Was it a welcomed relief to not be completed the album with Todd Sharp hand, I had seven other people, with a treated as a star? How did they relate to on guitar and George Hawkins on bass. lot of equipment that didn't belong to recording equipment? How much of what we hear will be their me, and a lot of music and how responsibility. You much will be what have to remember "A lot of effort went into getting the was recorded in that at this point no Ghana? one other than me absolute correct miking; where the sound MF: There were [no other rock musi- also other people cian] had ever been was going to come from was not playing on the there before. But I album: [original have to say that all the EQ but the source sound itself." Fleetwood Mac guit- of the problems arist] Peter Green were caused by miscommunications. MF: To them I was just a gangly per- was one of them. George Hawkins did a We got them sorted out, and once we son they called "Mr. Mick." In Ghana, substantial amount of the singing. got there, the atmosphere was nothing music is a big part of the lifestyle: MR &M: Who do you perceive as the but really positive. It is a strange thing "live" music and cassettes. They don't audience for this record? Do you think for people to be confronted with. And have records there, but some people Fleetwood Mac fans will buy it? you have to remember that you can't have cassette players. You go to get a MF: I don't really know. I hope it will phone Ghana or call out of Ghana; it cassette made and you pay for that - appeal to a lot of people, because I was all done with telegrams. I had it's the ultimate nightmare of any didn't go down there to do something decided that if I had to I was going to record company. Some of the bands had too weird and wonderful. If I did, it go down there myself with an 8 track; I recorded in Nigeria, where they have would never get played on the radio and was a desperate man. But once we got multi -track equipment. All of the musi- the whole point of making music is to there, all of the misconceptions cians were amazed. I'm really pleased have people hear it. I wanted this to be disappeared. with what we recorded, and there's a lot heard, so I took some songs I didn't MR &M: Did you have any problems left over that we didn't use on the write, like "Not Fade Away," and with the climate that might have af- album. I don't think that much "Walk A Thin Line," a song by Lindsey fected the recording? Or perhaps the "ethnic" music has been recorded that Buckingham from the Tusk album. I lack of electricity and modern roads well. It's usually a matter of going in took those songs out of personal choice. might have severely hampered your with a Uher tape recorder and doing it The main reason for that is because I efforts. that way. To record a whole drum wanted this to work both ways. I didn't MF: We didn't have any problems. ensemble with vocalists -50 or 60 just want to take stuff out of there. I We were originally going to take what people -and to record them well, was wanted them to be confronted with we had, two 24 -track machines, which amazing. It blew them away when they music that we wanted to play and vice were very portable. The initial idea was heard it back. They couldn't believe it. versa. Before people hear it they think to be very portable. I went to Ghana MR &M: Were there any rehearsals it's gonna be real strange. But I think it for eight days before Christmas (1980), prior to recording or did you just turn works, even though it's a strange com- and I realized the transportation prob- on the machines and let the tapes roll? bination. There are some songs that lems in Ghana are so horrendous that MF: There were never any rehearsals. have very little percussion, and one on it would have been a stupid idea to go MR &M: What was the producer's which I don't think listeners will be out into the villages with a generator, [Richard Dashut] role in this project? aware that there's any percussion at which we could have done. Once you He wasn't really shaping the music per all. We just cut a track there as three get out of the cities, the roads are real- se, so what did he do? musicians, without a lot of Ghanaian ly dangerous, and doing 50 miles is a MF: We didn't have a sophisticated musicians participating on it. Yet there

AUGUST 1981 47

www.americanradiohistory.com are tracks that involve 60 or 70 the site and looked at the stage and I ly. I was living with Stevie [Nicks] and players, plus us. wouldn't have put more than ten people Lindsey [Buckingham] about three MR &M: Why did Warner Brothers on it. I don't know how they did it, but years before they even met Fleetwood [Fleetwood Mac's label] reject the they fixed it up and it was a great suc- Mac. When they met the rest of the album and how did RCA end up with it? cess. There were only 2,000 people band, they did the Fleetwood Mac MF: Without any strange feelings there, but the Vice President of Ghana album -the one before Rumours. Keith over it, I think Warners decided not to was there and it was a very lively Olsen produced that one, and he was take the project because they thought it session. the person I learned from for two or was going to be some drummer's ex- MR &M: Did you bring a regular three years. After that album, when travaganza. I was, admittedly, a bit sur- drum kit with you or did you play the band went on the road they asked prised. They thought it was going to be African drums? me to do their "live" sound. So I did some crazed lunatic person living out MF: I brought my kit; I didn't want that for a year. Then when it was time his fantasies. I failed to tell them that to go down there to turn around my to do Rumours, I guess I was in the that was not what I intended to do. So whole musical career. I wanted to just right place at the right time. I lucked quite simply, after Warners decided not play the way I play. That's the way I out. I co- produced it with Ken Caillat. to take the album, we went to RCA, approached the whole thing with I'd been doing my own sessions as who gave it a huge amount of support. Richard: to put two different things engineer before that, but that was my The fact that I represent something together and confront each other. It first production work. that has had a certain amount of suc- wasn't hard at all. There were hard- MR &M: How would you compare cess is reason for a record company to ships, but they weren't musical. It was working on a Fleetwood Mac album to sign it. more a question of What's more interesting to me is that trying to get people the president of RCA, without having to understand what "I want to take me explain very much, was quick to we were trying to do. didn't just stuff catch on to what I was trying to do. MR &M: How will From that point on, it's been nothing this experience be out of Ghana; I wanted them to but a good relationship. carried back to Fleet- MR &M: What is the relationship be- wood Mac? be confronted with music we tween the record album and the film MF: I think that made while you were in Ghana? Is there everything each one wanted to play & vice- versa." to be a separate soundtrack? of us in Fleetwood MF: We recorded the film soundtrack Mac is doing on his on our multi-tracks and we should have own is bound to affect the next album. working on The Visitor? good sound quality on that. That will all I have no idea what it will be, but I RD: It's a whole different thing, real- be put together in the not too distant think we'll all have more confidence. ly. With Fleetwood Mac, you have the future. Stevie [Nicks] has done an album; five members of the band, and then MR&M: Were there other complex- Christine [McVie] has produced an Ken and myself, and we all make deci- ities involving the filming that added to album; and Lindsey [Buckingham] is sions in a very democratic way. That's the problems you already were ex- going to be doing an album. I'm sure real nice, because you get a well- periencing from making the record? we'll all be more involved in certain rounded point of view and the respon- MF: We tried to keep the filming as ways. I think it will be a healthy sibility is shared with everybody. In separate as possible. The main reason stimulus for us to have done our own Africa, with Mick, we were on our own; for being down there was not to make a little projects. there was nobody to turn to. We had film. We made the film secondary to the MR &M: Do you have a desire to do the responsibility of making it work. recording, and that being the case, it another solo album? Here, RCA was kind enough to give us didn't create any huge problems. There MF: Yeah, I have nothing but good all this money to do it and trusted us. were technical problems, because the memories from this. It was not a night- We had to take the ball and run with it. film crew was Ghanaian, and there were mare at all. We hadn't actually planned out what moments, with things falling out of songs we'd do or whom to use; we didn't cameras, and so on. The film was do any of that until after we signed the academic, just documenting us working deal and went to Africa. We stopped in with African musicians and traveling ichard Dashut, in France Australia for two weeks and we found around. Hopefully, it will capture the during this interview, co- one song there in a bar. Some of the environment of us working there. producer of Mick Fleetwood's songs were written by George MR &M: You also gave a benefit con- album, spoke about his in- Hawkins and Todd Sharpe once we got cert while you were there. Was that also volvement in the project. down there [to Africa] and others were recorded? written by the African musicians. We MF: It was filmed and recorded. MR &M: How did you originally had no idea what they'd be like until That's also in a holding pattern. I just become involved with production, and we got there. thought it would be a shame not to re- how did you come to work with Fleet- MR &M: Backing up a bit, what was cord a "live" concert situation since we wood Mac and now Mick's solo album? your first reaction when Mick suggest- had all that equipment down there. The Richard Dashut: All those parts ed going to Africa to make a record? night before the concert I went down to came together at the same time, actual- RD: After thinking that he was out


www.americanradiohistory.com where they'd do the songs and we'd overdub over theirs. The interesting thing was when we first left we thought that the best and the only thing we could do was make every song a blend between the two. But how it turned out was that some were strictly African and some were Western. We found that by putting all these tracks on the same album, we had a blend. ... MR &M: What were some of the dif- ficulties getting the equipment to where it had to go, and getting the ac- tual studio set up? RD: Getting the equipment there was the most monstrous problem we of his mind, I was excited about it, The main thing was which way to take had. We're talking about a country mostly for Mick. It was something the album. Most people in the U.S. where if you own an icebox, you are on that he had been talking about for thought we were going over there to top of the heap. There're no telephones, years. My first thought was, "How the bring back a bunch of crazy drummers. no place to call for parts, nothing. My hell are we gonna do that? How are we So the biggest problem for me was to first thought was, "What if something gonna bring all the recording equipment find a way to make it both commercial breaks down, what are we going to and organize the thing ?" and cultural. We definitely wanted to do ?" I definitely wanted to record 16 MR &M: How did you prepare for it? expose people to African music, but if track because I think it sounds better It must have been quite an ordeal to set you just put out strict drum rhythms than 24. So we brought two 16 tracks, up recording equipment in that en- and the cultural stuff, nobody's going portables, so that if we needed a part vironment, under those circumstances. to listen to it. So the first problem was we had a whole other machine, rather RD: The basic preparations were how to combine what we consider hit than try to bring parts. Then we made by Mickey Shapiro, our executive music with what the Africans do. brought our own board and mics. producer, who's Mick's attorney. He MR &M: How did you go about that? When Mick and I first conceived the got in touch with the right people. Then How did you instruct a group of African project, we were thinking about a Mick, I and a professor at UCLA who's drummers that they were going to play mobile; I had no idea how to do it. Then from Ghana and specializes in music, a song called "Not Fade Away ?" I met Randy Ezratty, who had just sat down and Mickey told us where he RD: Well, in that case, what we did finished putting together a whole thought we should go. was lay down a basic track with Mick, mobile recording system. He had it all One reason for going to Ghana is that George and Todd. Then we brought in completely portable. So our original it is very rich in music. Nobody ever percussionists and background singers thought was we'd ship all the gear goes there to record. They go to Nigeria and we played the music back through down there, shove it in the back of a or Kenya -the typical places. To my studio speakers real loud, and just got Land Rover, and off we'd go, into the knowledge, nobody had recorded the them to get into it because they'd never bush. But it's not quite the way it music of Ghana, certainly not with a 24 heard it before. After playing it four or worked out. What happened was that track. The only other project done there five times, we turned them loose on it. in Accra, the British had left an old was a thing called Soul To Soul [record- We either liked it or we didn't, and movie studio, a huge, 40 -foot high, ed in 1971 and released on Atlantic if we didn't, we'd bring in another monstrous building. We decided to use Records], and the Ghanaians were very bunch of people -until we got some- it; rather than bringing the equipment bitter about that because these people thing we liked. there, we'd bring the musicians to us. came down there and made a movie and MR &M: Did it ever work the other But it cost about $200,000 just to get a record and, to my knowledge, not one way around, where they'd play some- the gear and personnel to Africa. The dime of it went back to the musicians of thing you liked and then you'd go scary part was that I kept feeling I'd Ghana. We had to overcome that feeling ahead and record something based on forgotten something. that we were a bunch of white people what they'd played? MR &M: Did you encounter problems coming down to take their music. We RD: Absolutely. On "Super Brains" with the heat? set up a deal where we paid the musi- and "Ameele," and "The Visitor;" those RD: At times it was up to 120 ° and cians in advance; we got all the financial tracks were done exactly like that. The the speed started wavering on the stuff straightened out. band, or cultural group, would go out machines. We couldn't figure out why, MR &M: How would you describe and we'd record them, in the strictest and the gentleman who went with us, your role as producer? It obviously sense, just like they'd play it, and then Bill Youdelman, figured out that it wasn't a typical situation. What did you we'd take the tracks later and overdub must've been the heat. So we ended up actually do? it. So we had a two -fold thing; one on finding an air conditioning unit - RD: I was more directly involved in which we'd do the songs and they'd again, very rare there -just for the con- the selection of songs and musicians. overdub over our stuff, and secondly, trol room. Finally, we got it cool

AUGUST 1981 49

www.americanradiohistory.com dies and Gentlemen..

e New d,11


Our Other Board Members Include: The Pro Club + 3, Pro Tour 8/3, Pro 4/3 and Stagemix + 4 Series Boards are products of 150 Florence Avenue CIRCLE 88 ON READER SERVICE CARD , D M I IN.. Hawthorne, NJ 07506 (201) 423 -1300 www.americanradiohistory.com When we mastered it, we used ab- solutely no equalization from the board. The way I did it was to patch straight from the machine to the cutter head and bypass the board, except for the master faders. That definitely gave us a cleaner sound; I can't stress that enough. Peo- ple think that if you go through a board and don't add EQ it's gonna sound the same. But it's not true. It sounds much better if you bypass the electronics altogether. Also, we ended up master- ing it on an Ampex 1/2 -inch 2- track. MR &M: What instruments were used on the recording? RD: Well, the Africans had different sized drums. My personal favorite was a huge square drum which they'd sit on and hold their feet against. By raising and lowering their feet, they could raise the pitch of the drums. Then they'd have various conga drums, from eight feet tall down to a few inches. They used talking drums, with strings. You can put them between your arms and your chest and by squeezing it you could change the pitch. There were a lot of shakers -gourds with beads around them. And there was one African xylophone. As far as the other stuff, it's pretty much the basic Rogers drums, a Fender bass and Todd played an old Gretsch White Falcon. MR &M: How was everything miked? Were there problems? RD: The first thing we realized was that we couldn't close -mic everything. The thing I most wanted to do was to capture the natural sound of the whole thing, to try to really get the ambience of it, rather than getting my interpreta- tion of it by mixing. So, the important drums we'd mic separately. For the background singers we'd put four or five mics about seven feet apart, back enough to run at normal speed. Also, MR &M: Can you run through some about six feet. So we had a blend be- for one of the songs, "The Visitor," we of the equipment you used? tween the drums, which sounded real recorded outside, and we had to run ex- RD: The important thing is that it tight, and the African ambience. As far tra long mic cables and luckily every- was not a mobile truck; it was all as Mick's drums went, I miked those in thing held up. We lost one or two mics. brought over in cases; We ended up us- a normal way. There were no baffles in MR &M: What did you do with all 16 ing four RSL (Rogers Sound Lab) the studio, so it was all completely open. tracks? Wasn't there very little over- speakers.. Our mainstay of mics were It was all tied in -the bass was right dubbing if you recorded the musicians Schoeps-AKG 451s. Also, there were next to the drums, and if there were one "live?" some Neumann mics. We found that or two conga players I'd set them next RD: Actually, there was a lot of over- the Schoeps were the best mics to hold to each other. If there were big back- dubbing. But the 16th track was for up in the heat. Also, we chose three ground vocals or a big rhythm section, my syncing, so that when I continued MK 250s because 250s seemed to do they'd be set apart. overdubbing I could lock a 24 track in. the best with humidity. And we went MR &M: Would you want to go back Our basic track went down on 12 to 14 30 ips non -Dolby. There was no Dolby to Ghana to do this again? of the tracks. When it came time for used in any stage of the operation. RD: Yeah, Mick and I are already mixing, I was able to sync the 16 and Also, a first for me was I ended up mix- talking about the next one. I don't know 24 tracks together so I would get first ing on UREI Time- AlignedTM where it's gonna be, but it'll be some- generation on both. monitors, the 813s, which I love. thing crazy, I can assure you.

AUGUST 1981 51 www.americanradiohistory.com Seda Ita eC4d'e By James F. Rupert


Spanky: Hey gang! Why don't we put on a show! Rocky: Hey guys! What do you say we open up a studio! Alfalfa: Gee Spanky, do you think we could? Louie: Gee Rocky, do you think we could? Spanky: Sure we could! Darla could sing, and we could use Porky's barn and we could get two cents Rocky: Sure we could! Big Fred could be our en- from every kid in the neighborhood who wants to gineer; we could use Ralph's basement and then we come! could get twenty dollars an hour from every band in town! Alfalfa: Gosh,Spanky, do you think we can raise

enough money to get Stymie's goat out of the goat Louie : Wow, Rock, do you think we'll make enough pound? for new gear for the band? Spanky: I'm just sure we will, gang! Rocky : Hey, no sweat, man!

Butch: Aw, you guys don't know nothin' about Harvey: Wait a minute, what do we know about puttin' on no show! running a recording studio?

Spanky: Shucks Butch, if you don't want to be in Rocky: Well, up yours, Harv! Are you gonna be our show you can just leave! in or out?

Sound familiar? It should. Basement recording slice of the pie, regardless of race, creed or color. studios in the 80s have replaced the basement bands You know who I mean. lt's the guy down the block of the 60s as the instant status symbol available for a who wants an exciting side business that he doesn't pitiful few thousand dollars. Home studios have plan on declaring a dime's worth for taxes. lt's the become as common as horsehair in a mattress fac- rock band who thinks every other studio in the area is tory. Some of these domestic empires are lucky ripping people off with their high rates and their enough to make a few bucks profit. Fewer yet eke out refusal to understand the mind of the artiste. lt's the enough screaming eagles to expand and diversify the audio enthusiast who thinks that anybody with half a recording services they offer. A smaller number brain could work a job like that (confusing, of course, establish themselves as premier recording centers recording with politics). for their area. Tinier numbers luck into releasing a Small studios have an expendability rate as high record, jingle or special project that perhaps begins as Ben -Gay in an old folks home. United States Small to bring them into more of a national perspective. Business Administration figures indicate that one of Hack from that a meeker ratio that build themselves the major causes of business failures in this country into a nationally -known studio, with full schedules is that the prospective businessperson didn't really and plenty of business, cash and opportunities. know what he or she was doing when he /she started. But let us slide back down six rungs on that ladder, There was not enough cash preparedness, the gentle reader, and return to those ever-proliferating market was not studied for demand and pricing infor- basement audio dynasties spoken of previously. You mation, the competition was not accurately all know the type. lt's the do -or -die business run by evaluated, permits and licenses were not applied for, enterprising young people by merit of their courage and on and on. The ideas and principles of the people and sticktoitivity. They face each and every obstacle involved may have been sound, perhaps even with a stiff upper lip, supported by their basic belief previously successful in other situations or for other in capitalistic free enterprise and the democracy that people. But the fact remains that the business failed. allows all of us the opportunity to grab for our own It is small compensation to someone who's work has


www.americanradiohistory.com just gone down the Himalayan Hopper to think that heart, campers. The customers that have the longest maybe they almost made it. Or they would have made credit terms seem to be the larger companies who it if only... potentially give you the most work. It doesn't In business, as in life, one of the most useless necessarily always work out like this, but often statements that can be made is the lament, "I should enough to make it worth your while to be patient with have done this," or "I should have done that." The them.) key is working yourself into an ability to say, "I did Perhaps you might also work out special payment this, I did it right and I made it work." The best way to terms regarding length of time before you do the work get into the habit of doing things right is to get into so that there is no misunderstanding afterwards. the habit from the word go. Doing it right frequently Either way, the time to realize the potential problem is involves a lot more initial hassle than taking a short- before you are neck deep in it. cut and worrying about it later. But going into The term "cash" means just what it implies. What business for yourself is no time to simultaneously would happen a month after you open if you found a join the Procrastinators Club of the World. The has- mixdown deck worth $2000 that someone is sacrific- sle today could turn into a lawsuit in three months. ing for $500? It's just what you're looking for and it's Forewarned is forearmed. not being sold out of the trunk of a '55 Chevy, either. So where do you start? Well, let's try beginning Are you going to be able to reach into the studio with honest appraisal. We've talked in the past about emergency fund, fan out five portraits of Benjamin your own personality. ( "Small Studios -The Lighter Franklin and say, `I'll take it!" Or will you be asking if Side of Business," February 1980 MR &M), now let's the seller is interested in taking an autographed pic- talk about your bankbook. ture of Desi Arnaz in trade? The term "cash" denotes We'll go right down the list and see if there is the amount of money that should be set aside for anything you might have overlooked in your money unexpected purchases, losses or special expenses. budgeting (see chart). The chart, you will notice, is Suppose a basement pipe springs a leak, soaks down divided into two separate sections. The first section (A) are expenses you will only have to pay once -at least getting started, anyhow. Down the road you STARTING COSTS to BE PAID ONLY ONCE might incur additional expenses for more remodeling, and additional equipment, but these are Fixtures and Equipment expansion Remodeling things that should be justified and paid for from pro- Installation Fees, Costs fits of operation. An allowance for advertising is in- Starting Inventory cluded in this section, but please note that is only for Utilities Deposits your grand opening. Legal, Professional Fees Licenses, Permits At first examination there are two category Advertising, Promotion headings that might be confusing. If you've already for Grand Opening spotted them, you might be wondering what is meant Receivables by "receivables" and "cash." Receivables is short for Cash owed to Other "accounts receivable," meaning the money total you by your credit customers. If you're dealing with an advertising agency, a school system or any large com- to learn that they work pany, you might be chagrined ESTIMATED MONTHLY EXPENSES under a 30 -, 60- or even 90 -day billing period. That means you do the work for them in a hot flash because Salary of Manager /Owner 2x they need it in a hurry, but they pay their bills at the All Other Salaries/Wages 3x Rent 3x end of 30, 60 or 90 days following the invoice (billing) Advertising 3x date. The first thought leaping into your minds might Delivery Costs 3x be, "What a bite!" but that's just the way it is Supplies 3x sometimes. There's nothing illegal or even unethical Telephone 3x about it. Some companies are so large that it takes Other Utilities 3x Insurance to months to take care of all the paper- them one three Maintenance /Repairs 3x work that goes with paying their debts. Consequently, Legal /Professional Fees 3x when your studio is first starting you might run out of Miscellaneous /Other 3x tape and supplies at the end of a month or two and no Taxes /Social Security 4x 3x one has paid you a cent so you can sprint out and buy Interest more. The Receivables category is your estimate of TOTAL ESTIMATED INITIAL CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS how much money you might need to buy more stock for your inventory so that you are able to stay in business until those credit customers pay up. (Take

AUGUST 1981 53

www.americanradiohistory.com your tape supply and ruins it. Do you have the bread to In upcoming articles we will be looking closely at replace it? A recording studio with no tape is only a specific charts designed to help you determine your very expensively furnished room, and very uncomfor- estimated earnings up to three years in the future. You table furniture at that. might be surprised how your original figures will Don't let "Fixtures and Equipment" fool you, either. change on this form in a few months time. You might You can't just list all the recording gear you'll need want to draw up a master copy of the chart and make and let it slide at that. This category also includes several photocopies of it for future figuring and tape and equipment storage shelves, cabinets, studio reference. Chance has it that you might be revising it furniture (chairs, couch), special lighting, maybe even several times before we're through. It's a dirty job, I an outside sign. If you plan on doing mobile recording know, but somebody's got to do it. work, don't forget about a van or truck in which to haul In filling out the second section of the chart, your potential hernia makers. remember that you need to jot down figures of mon- For "License and Permits," take a hike down to your thly expenses. These numbers should be placed on local city hall and find out what's necessary and /or the lines immediately next to the category headings. mandatory for your locality. Ditto for "Utilities Next month we'll be discussing how to compute the Deposits." figures to go on the second series of lines and what If you are cheating and looking ahead at the entire those strange little numbers right next to the second list, you've probably figured out that some of the infor- column of spaces mean. For now I won't be tricked in- mation you need to fill out the form is known and to telling it, because it's a secret. But here's a hint: some has to be estimated. Especially in the second They're real important! World peace depends on those section of monthly expenses -a category such as guys, and I don't even know if the planet Earth will sur- "Supplies" (inventory) will depend on how much vive until the next issue comes out and the secret is business will be done in that period. Nothing could be told! I mean, I'm talking holocaust here! But I'm truer. Right now fill out the form using a rough almost out of room, so, in the meantime, don't worry estimate for the figures you feel you would be doing about it. monthly in your first year. See you next time.


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Photog Plains. NY Thanks to T. Roth & Ans he- Pretty Face for heir y faces/ aphed al Minot Studios. White

www.americanradiohistory.com More On Tube -Type M.I. Amps By Brian Roth

Before continuing with the troubleshooting procedures we Fortunately, the grounding capacitor doesn't short too began in the June 1981 issue, I am going to take a moment to often; but I have seen several instances where the capacitor stand on my soapbox and talk about a potentially dangerous has developed a low internal resistance (these particular design found in almost all instrument amplifiers. amps were brought to me because they were causing a nasty The "ground" switch appears innocent enough. If a hum "zing" when touched by the musicians). Lucky for them they or buzz is heard from the loudspeaker, a flip of the ground weren't also touching a grounded object -such as the metal switch will often eliminate the noise; this is a useful feature. case of a microphone plugged into a well- grounded P.A. However, the method used to make the ground switch system -when they got jolted by the amp! operate is potentially lethal! The older the capacitor, the more likely it is to fail. Age Refer to Figure 1. You will see the two wires bringing 120 takes its toll with all electronic components, and capacitors volt "house current" into the amplifier's chassis (this would are no exception. be 240 volts for amplifiers used overseas). The voltage is To make matters worse, most amplifiers more than a few used to energize the power transformer and hence the entire years old are fitted with a two-wire (non- grounding) type amp. power cord and plug. Newer models have a three -prong plug Now look how the ground switch is wired to the AC power that hooks a grounded wire to the amp's chassis and pre- line. Depending upon which way the switch is flipped, either vents shocks. [Refer to "Practical Electrical," Part I, March the "hot" or the neutral power line is connected to one end of 1981 issue, for a further discussion of three-wire grounded a capacitor. The other side of this capacitor is wired to the systems]. amplifier's metal chassis. This is done to allow a small "leakage" current to flow into the chassis. Hopefully, this will "buck" any hum induced into the chassis by the power transformer or the AC power Now I can hear gasps of panic coming from studios and wiring. clubs all around the country. "We're too young to die!" I This is great in theory, but what happens if the capacitor hear you saying. "What should we do ?" fails and becomes shorted? In this event, one or the other AC First, don't panic. The odds are that the capacitor in your power wires (depending upon the position of the ground particular amp is not leaky. It's a good idea to eyeball it, switch) is hooked to the amp's chassis! This will make the en- though. On a Fender amp, it is a cylindrical device attached tire chassis one great big "live" wire, and a great danger of directly from a terminal on the ground switch to the chassis. electrocution exists! Its valve should be .047 mfd at 600 volts. If the capacitor


www.americanradiohistory.com shows any visible signs of wear and tear (deformed shape, Power ooze coming out from one of the end caps), it should be Hot OnlOft replaced. Fender uses a UL (Underwriter's Laboratory) type Switch approved capacitor that is safe (we hope!) to use in this type Ground Switch of application. From 120 Volt A Chassis To Power AC Power Newer models of Fender amps are supplied with a three - B Connection Transformer Outlet wire (grounding) power cord which will prevent shocking ex- Capacitor periences, if the third, rounded pin is not snipped off and if the wall outlet is properly grounded. -s A new power cord can be installed on amps that were Neutral Fuse made with only a two-wire power cable. This should be done by a qualified technician since an improperly wired power Fig. 1: Schematic of ground switch commonly found in cord can cause equipment damage, fires and electric shocks. most amplifiers. This month's "Technician's Corner" section will briefly discuss the wiring configuration. cleaning the volume and tone controls also. You will need to I should mention that a grounded power cord can put a fly remove the chassis from the cabinet to gain access to the in the ointment if a DI (direct box) is used in conjunction potentiometers. The cleaner should be squirted into the with the instrument and amp. A ground loop, which causes small slot adjacent to the three electrical terminals on the hum, can be created if the amp and P.A. are connected to rear of the control. Then rock the knob back and forth separate ground points. This can be avoided by using one through its range about ten times to thoroughly scrub the central power and grounding source for all the stage equip- contacts. Incidentally, only a quick shot of cleaner is ment. Transformer coupled DI boxes tend to minimize required. ground loop hum better than "active" type direct boxes. In advanced cases of wear, cleaner will not -help matters. Another trick I have seen is to wire all of the amplifier's Replacement of the scratchy pot is the only solution. This is chassis to the P.A. amp rack with a heavy gauge (#12) wire. also true if the audio signal "cuts out" as the particular con- This method usually works to prevent ground loop hum in trol is adjusted. cases where the amps do not have a third grounding pin. Be sure to make a drawing of which wire goes to which ter- Some sound companies take this a step further and also tie minal before you remove the pot. The volume pots are all the shields (pin 1) of the stage mics to this central ground- typically 1 megohm resistance, and the bass or treble con- ing point. Then all of the shields are disconnected at the con- trols are 250 kilohms on Fender amps. These values can be sole to prevent ground loops. verified by placing the probes of a VOM (volt-ohmmeter) on To sum all of this up, always beware of an amplifier if you the outer two terminals. This test should be done with the feel a tingle while touching it or your instrument. If your pot out of the circuit. When replacing a control, be sure to pinkies detect juice, get that amp to the doctor immediately. specify the resistance and audio taper. This last Also, you might try brushing the loose end of one of your characteristic assures that the tone or volume control will guitar strings against the exposed metal surface of any have the same range of useful operation rather than having microphone you'll be utilizing. If any potential difference ex- the "action" bunched up at one end of its mechanical ists between your amp and the P.A. system, you'll see sparks rotation. and hear crackling through the equipment. A common cause of reverb malfunction can be traced to So much for that. I'll step down from my soap box and faulty or disconnected reverb cables. A pair of these run from continue with more mundane topics. the amp chassis to the reverb tank which is installed onto the bottom of the amp's cabinet. RCA phono plugs are soldered to each end of these cables, and we all know how reliable those are! Substitution of a known good set of phono patch The preamplifier /tone control stages of tube -type amps cords is the best way to determine if the wiring is defunct. To tend to be pretty reliable. The most common maladies in- ensure proper operation, don't interchange the input and out- volve crackling and similar noises, and these almost always put lines; replace them one at a time to avoid confusion. can be traced to faulty preamp tubes. The bogus bottle can A funky reverb footswitch or cable can also kill the effect. often be isolated by finger thumping on the small tubes. Be Fortunately, merely unplugging the footswitch from the rear sure to have the volume controls turned up part way so you of the amp will bring the reverb back to life if the foot - can "hear" the tubes that are prior to the volume pots. switch/cable assembly is at fault. Most Fender dealers stock Because many amps live in smoke -filled clubs, it is corn - replacement footswitches. mon for tar and nicotine to coat the tube pins as well as the socket contacts. This can be spotted by gently rocking the Technician's Corner tubes in their sockets (careful -they do get a bit warm) with As mentioned earlier, I will describe how to replace a two- the amp turned on. If static is heard while the tube is rocked, wire power cord with a three-wire grounding type. then the socket needs a blast of contact cleaner. I use Jif Step One is to remove the chassis from the cabinet. Then made by GC Chemicals (available at many electronic supply you will be able to see the wiring configuration. On most houses), but there are other brands that will work. Just be Fenders, the two wires are soldered to the accessory AC sure that they do not contain anything beside a solvent and outlet. Note the color coding and desolder the AC lines. Next, possibly a silicon lubricant. Avoid brands that leave behind a remove the strain relief (a pair of small automotive type igni- pile of goo. tion pliers works well) and the old power cord. While on the subject of a contact cleaner, Jif is useful for If you can find a new three -wire cable with the same

AUGUST 1981 57

www.americanradiohistory.com Front Front 6L6GC `6L6GC 12AT7 7025 12AT7 7025

o o 12AX7 7025 o o 12AX7 7025

Rear Rear Fender Twin Reverb (mod. AB763) Bandmaster Amp (mod. AB763)

Front Front GZ341 6V6GT GZ341 5AR4 `6L6GC 12AT7 7025 7025 5AR4 12AT7 7025

PI OT RP RO P2 P1 o 12AX7 12AT7 7025 o o 12AX7 7025

Rear Rear Deluxe Reverb Amp (mod. AB763) Pro Amp (mod. AB763)

Front Front 6L6GC 6L6GC 12AT7 7025 12AT7 7025 7025 PI P2 PD P1 seciciso8 7025 ® o o 7025 o o 12AX7 12AT7 7025

Rear Rear Bassman Amp (mod. AA270) Showman Amp Dual Showman Amp (mod. AB763)

Front L6GC+ r 12AT7 7025 7025 PI O RP RO P2 P1 o 12AX7 12AT7 7025

Rear *5AR41GZ34 on Super Reverb model AB763 '5U4GB on Super Reverb model AB568 '5AR41GZ34 on Pro Reverb model AA165 "5AR41GZ34 on Vibrolux Reverb model AA964

diameter as the original cord, your job will be much easier output tube socket is a convenient measuring point to check since you will be able to use the existing strain relief. the bias. Use a high- impedance voltmeter to avoid loading The white and black wires of the new cord connect to the the bias circuitry voltage. accessory outlet, and the green grounding wire should be Some amps do not have a bias adjustment control, so if securely soldered to a chassis terminal. That completes the the voltage needs tweaking, you'll need to change resistor modification. values in the bias supply circuit. The manufacturer's service data is probably required to know which resistor to change. With the outputs warm and the bias set, measure the voltage drop across the 470 -ohm resistor (on Fenders) Before getting into preamp servicing, I will pass on a few soldered from pin 4 to pin 6 of the 6L6 output tubes. The output stage tricks I have picked up over the years. The first positive meter lead goes to the screen grid voltage source of these involves output tube matching. (pin 6, usually) and the negative lead goes to pin 4. The Matched tube sets are available for common power output voltage drop will be several volts, so use a 5- or 10-volt DC applications (6L6, 6CA7 /EL34, 6V6, 6550), but they are range. Be careful not to allow either lead to contact the becoming more difficult to find. Also, some "matched" sets chassis, because these points on the tube sockets are over are only marginal matches at best. 400 volts from the chassis potential (and don't you touch So, here's a little scheme that works pretty well. Install these points either!). two or four new output tubes as required. Fire the amp up, If the tubes are well matched, the voltage drops across and allow about ten minutes for the tubes to stabilize. Ad- each of the 470 -ohm resistors will be matched within 10 to 20 just the output tube bias to the manufacturer's spec. For percent. If this isn't the case, keep trying different tubes un- Fenders with 6L6 output bottles, this should be around 50 til you come up with a set that has about the same drop volts (negative with respect to chassis) although some across each screen grid resistor. Admittedly, this method of technicians set the bias for a slightly lower voltage ( -46 to matching is not the most ideal, but it does seem to work well. -48) which reportedly gives a " balisier" sound. Pin 1 on the It is common to measure about 10 percent or more output


www.americanradiohistory.com power after installing a matched set as compared to a random set. Key to Tube Functions Now on to the preamp section. The best method of track- ing down a missing signal in this part of the amp is to insert PD = Predriver (feeds preamp signals to phase inverter). a 1 kHz sine wave signal into the input (use about 50 mV to REGT = Power supply rectifier. avoid overloading the front end) and start tracing the audio with an oscilloscope. Again, the manufacturer's service data output. OUT = Audio power is an invaluable help. resistors and P1 = Channel one preamplifier. In Fender and Marshall amps, the various capacitors are mounted on an insulated card which is P2 = Channel two preamplifier. mounted to the chassis. It is not unusual to find that some of the connections at the terminals or eyelets have become Pl = Phase inverter /output tube driver. flaky. This will cause intermittent operation of a particular T = Tremolo effect oscillator /driver. function. I ran into this recently on an old Fender Twin that would "lose power." On the bench, the critter worked fine, RO = Reverb spring driver (feeds spring input. but when installed back into its cabinet and cranked up with a guitar input, drastic volume changes were heard. The prob- RP = Reverb preamplifier (receives signal from spring output). lem was a loose connection at one end of a resistor in the phase inverter circuit. A quick blast with the tip of my Weller soldering gun cured the problem. Miscellaneous Notes This month I am including tube layouts for a variety of 1) Most manufacturers of tubes currently sell a Fender amps. Although these charts are usually pasted in- 12AX7A/7025 tube rather than stocking each kind. This side of the cabinets, the paper often ages and falls off. So, try tube can be used in a position for a 12AX7 or a 7025 to match up the model of the amp with the charts, and you'll without problems. be able to determine "which one goes in which hole." If I hear enough requests, I'll try to include layouts for other 2) 5AR4 is the American version of the GZ34. models and brands in future columns. Until next time, keep those cards and letters coming in, folks!

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AUGUST 1981 59

www.americanradiohistory.com BY LEN FELDMAN Suddenly, They're Equalizing I suppose the professional segment of the audio in- The analyzer separates the various frequency bands and dustry deserves the credit, but all of a sudden we seem displays their relative intensities in some form (e.g., on a to be bombarded by a huge variety of devices designed CRT, in banks of LED indicators, etc.). to help us set up our studios, sound rooms, concert halls Spectrum analyzers are generally quite expensive, and even home listening rooms for properly "flat" audio though their cost is directly related to their frequency response. Equalization has become respectable -and if resolution capability. Thus, a spectrum analyzer able to you aren't into using a fancy equalizer you are just not resolve down to one octave will be less expensive than up to date in audio. But, as you can see just by examin- another RTA able to resolve down to '/a- octave. ing two of the equipment reports which appear in this issue of MR&M, there are many ways of setting up an Specific Frequency Band Measurement equalizer and, as you might suspect, the manufacturer The basic elements used in this method of acoustic who espouses one method is quick to criticize all other testing are shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1B. Here, methods. The fact that two instruments dealing with just as before, the signal produced by a variable frequen- equalization and equalization analysis passed through cy signal generator is applied to the audio system, but our lab in one month prompted me to set down a few measurements of sound intensity are made by means of thoughts (and a few basics) regarding this interesting a sound level meter which is placed in the approximate and often controversial subject. listening position. To obtain a complete response plot, the frequency (or frequency bands) of the generator is Two Approaches to Acoustic Testing changed or stepped across the entire audio band in In all acoustic testing and adjustment, the general ap- discrete increments, and readings of the sound level proach is to supply an appropriate test signal to the meter are plotted, either automatically or manually, on a audio system being tested and then to measure sound suitable graph. The sound level meter, in this instance, levels produced. In order to translate the measurements includes a calibrated microphone and if the sound level into a meaningful frequency response plot, two basic meter's calibration curve is known, correction factors methods are generally used. The first involves frequency can be added or subtracted from readings to obtain max- analysis, using a wide -band signal that embraces all of imum accuracy of the final response graph. the frequencies of interest simultaneously, while the se- Regardless of whether you elect the generally more cond involves the generation and measurement of expensive overall frequency analysis (spectrum specific frequencies or narrow bands of frequencies and analysis) method of acoustic testing or the less expen- their analysis or measurement, one at a time. sive (but usually more tedious) specific frequency band method of measurement, it was long ago discovered that sine -wave signals, while suitable for testing the Elements of Overall Frequency electronic portions of an audio system, are highly in- Analysis Testing appropriate as signal sourc, s for use in actual acoustic The basic elements used in the overall frequency measurements in a listening environment. The problem analysis method of acoustic testing and adjustment are inherent in using sine -wave signal sources is that in a shown in Fig. 1A. Usually, a broad -band pink noise room of finite dimensions, at certain audio frequencies, generator provides the signal that is used as an input to the sound wavelength of the test signal just fits a the audio system which is under test. A microphone dimension of the room an integral number of times. A picks up the sound waves produced by the phenomenon known as a standing wave is produced. loudspeaker(s) of the system and converts these sound Standing waves are similar to the vibration of a string waves back into an electrical signal which forms the in- of a musical instrument under tension. Another term put to a spectrum analyzer, or real -time analyzer (RTA). used to describe such effects is "room resonances." In


www.americanradiohistory.com three- dimensional space a large number of resonances amine the output of a pink -noise signal source over a can occur, and each can produce either an increase or a logarithmically plotted frequency response curve (in decrease in the response of an audio system at par- which the horizontal distance from one octave to the ticular frequencies, depending upon the relative loca- next is constant across the spectrum), you would see a tions of the listener and the source. Often, if sine wave 3-dB-per-octave downward slope of the pink -noise out- signals are used and points are plotted at, say every put signal. third of an octave, the resultant curve may appear as Since broad -band pink noise contains all audio fre- though it needs extensive equalization at specific fre- quencies randomly produced, it is an ideal test signal quency bands when, in fact, the "dips" or "peaks" in for use with a spectrum analyzer. The filters within the the response curve may be very narrow in bandwidth analyzer divide up the signal into appropriate octave, and might not even be perceived by a listener in that third- octave or even finer increments and amplitude of particular listening room. Acousticians maintain that each "band" thus divided is displayed on the dips and peaks in response which are considerably nar- analyzer's display format, whether it be a cathode ray rower than one -third of an octave will not be perceived tube, a series of LEDs or whatever. by most listeners as irregularities in the overall fre- When acoustic measurements are to be made with quency response of a given audio system. the aid of a more simple sound level meter /microphone combination, wideband pink noise is obviously inap- Using Random Noise Signals propriate. What is required in this case is a pink noise for Acoustic Testing signal of limited bandwidth. The bandwidth of the The whole point behind using random test signals finite -band pink noise should correspond to that of the such as "white noise," "pink noise" or "finite band- equalizer which will be used in correcting any problems width pink and white noise" in acoustic testing is in the response of the system under test. If the based upon the concept that such random -noise signals equalizer in the system is an octave -by- octave never produce one frequency long enough for a stand- equalizer, then the pink noise generator should deliver ing wave pattern to develop and be maintained. While pink noise test signals which are one octave wide and several types of random noise signals are used in whose center frequencies are at or near the center fre- acoustic testing, certain types lend themselves more quencies of the equalizer's band controls. If a one-third towards spectrum analysis type of testing while other octave equalizer is used, the pink noise bandwidth types work best when testing with the aid of a sound should be one -third of an octave for each test signal. level meter. Specifically, broad band pink noise is a random noise Pitfalls in Acoustic Testing signal that contains all audio frequencies distributed in I recently talked with several of my colleagues who such a way that there is equal energy in a given fre- had been given the opportunity to evaluate an equal- quency band compared with any other band (such as an izer /analyzer that I had previously tested in my own octave, a third -octave, etc.). Thus, if you were to ex- lab. I was curious to find out if they had the same suc-





Fig. 1: Elements used in acoustic testing and equalizer adjustment. (A): Frequency Analyzer Method; (B): Narrow Band Frequency Generator Method.

AUGUST 1981 61

www.americanradiohistory.com cess with the unit that I did. This component, in theory notwithstanding the fact that the computerized at least, "could do no wrong." That is, it adjusted the analyzer has told us otherwise. That's why there is a system into which it was incorporated to produce so -called "house curve" setting in the aforementioned "flat" overall response at the listening location where equalizer/analyzer. the microphone was placed. If, indeed, flat response is As for the seemingly deficient bass that we perceive what equalization is all about, why is it that so many of after a system has been precisely analyzed and ad- my colleagues told me that the "highs" seemed to justed for flat response, that's the old familiar dominate and that the adjusted system lacked (or Fletcher- Munson effect showing up again. Most of us seemed to lack) adequate bass when they turned off the simply don't listen to recordings at home at the same test random pink noise and started to play actual loud level at which they were monitored in the re- music over the "properly adjusted" system? cording studio or performed "live." At lower than real I suspect that there are a couple of problems that levels, our bass sensitivity is diminished and we need need to be addressed here. First of all, when we listen arbitrary bass boosting, despite what the equalizer/ to a musical performance in an enclosed space, what analyzer tells us. All of which gave rise to the familiar reaches our ears is a combination of direct and re- "loudness compensation" control in its many varia- verberant sound. The "direct" component of sound is tions (only a few of which are properly calibrated). reasonably flat in frequency response. The response of What I'm really driving at with all of this is that the reverberant sound field generally is rolled off at the equalizers -both graphic and parametric -are wonder- high end of the spectrum. The net response of a given ful devices that can do much to improve a sound musical performance will depend upon where, in the system. Acoustic test instruments, whether they are listening space, the listener happens to be, but it will expensive spectrum analyzer based systems or sound always be something less than flat. We are, as level meter based techniques, are great for adjusting listeners, accustomed to hearing the high end with equalizers. But when all is said and done, it still takes some roll -off added to it, and the first time we hear tru- an educated ear (a pair for stereo) to refine the response ly flat reproduced response it sounds, and is, unnatural of any sound system so that it pleases most of the and we want to adjust it for a treble roll -off listeners most of the time. 4

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Audio Control "The Richter Scale" M

General Description: The device from Audio Con- bass boost functions remain operative. trol known as "The Richter Scale "TM (apparently it has Also on the panel (from the left) are: a tape no model number as such) is described as a half- octave monitor /source selector; the subsonic filter switch (18 bass equalizer with asymmetrical electronic crossover. dB /octave from 20 Hz); a button to activate or defeat It also contains a bass frequency analyzer, complete equalization; the low- frequency summation button with warble tone generator, a small dB meter and a (also called a rumble reducer); the ultra -low boost but-

supplied measurement microphone. Also incorporated ton ( +15 dB at 34 Hz); the electronic crossover selector in the device are a subsonic filter, a low- frequency sum- (18 dB /octave with selectable frequency of 100 Hz or ming circuit for mono bass mix and a deep bass boost 800 Hz); and the low- frequency output level control circuit. ( -20 to +20 dB with a detent at 0 dB). The panel is Half- octave bass equalization is accomplished by black matte with white lettering. A version that per- five sliders with nominal center frequencies of 31.5, 45, mits rack -mounting is available. 63, 90 and 125 Hz. These controls go through a range Signal connections at the rear, made via hi -fi pin - marked from +12 to -12, with detents at the zero set- jacks, are provided for left and right channel high - tings. The analyzer portion of the panel, to the right, frequency and low- frequency output from the elec- contains the warble -tone level meter, a frequency selec- tronic crossover; left and right channel output of the tor which is continuously variable but which has fre- warble tone generator; single input for the microphone; quency markings that correspond to the five frequen- left and right inputs from, and inputs to, a tape cies of the sliders and the analyzer "on" button. When recorder; left and right inputs from, and inputs to, the this button is left in out position, the equalizer and tape monitor loop of a receiver or amplifier.


www.americanradiohistory.com The stated purpose of the device is tc provide an ef- to have incorporated in this neat little audio accessory. fective means of improving bass response since, in the They do not exaggerate. I suppose you want to know words of the manufacturer, "even the finest speakers what (as we did) the significance is of the instrument's suffer from peaks and dips in the last octave or two." name "The Richter Scale." Well, follow this: Audio The half- octave setup is designed to permit fine -tuning Control is located in Lynnwood, Washington, which is of speaker bass response. The ultra -low bass boost cir- not far from Mount St. Helens. And, of course, the bass cuit is designed to restore 15 dB of low- frequency rumblings of volcanoes and earthquakes are measured signal which is said to be lost during disc processing. using -you guessed it... The subsonic filter is designed to remove the subsonic I like an audio company with a sense of humor, so spurious signal products resulting from a speaker that long as that sense of humor doesn't get in the way of a has been equalized to flatness at 32 Hz. The crossover good product. In the case of The Richter Scale we have permits bi- amplifying (via external amplifiers and sub - a good product that would have won my approval even woofer, of course). without the funny name (or statements on the descrip- tive brochure to the effect that it was "Printed on Test Results: The features and most of the Mars" and that "All specs and Steve Satra's pliers are specifications of the "Richter Scale" were confirmed in subject to change without notice"). our tests. Figure 1 (A, B, C, D and E) shows five in- What Audio Control's model C -101 is to the entire dividual dual frequency plots taken )f the Richter audio spectrum, (we reviewed that innovative piece of Scale using our Sound Technology 15OOA Test Set. equipment in October 1979), The Richter Scale is to the These plots show maximum cut and boost for each of bass region of the spectrum -and then some. The the half- octave controls found on the device. The print- phase- accurate electronic crossover can be used in con- outs show the frequency of the electron_c "cursor" set- junction with the half- octave bass equalizer. The war- ting, and the plus and minus dB level achieved with ble tone is a good type of test signal with which to each slide control. In those instances where the cursor equalize bass in a real-world listening environment if setting does not correspond to the canter frequency you are going to use a meter such as the one built into listed by Audio Control, that is simply because the cur- this multi-purpose unit. The rumble filter and the sor on our test instrument moves in discrete in- mono -mix rumble reducer (operative below 200 Hz, crements and we chose the reading nearest to the where stereo directionality is practically non -existent) nominal center frequency given by Audio are essential elements of this bass -improving compo- Control -e.g., 130 Hz in Fig. 2 (E) instead of 125 Hz. In nent and, in my judgement, the unit would not have any event, boost and cut ranges were, in all cases, close been nearly as useful had these extra features been enough to the plus and minus 12 dB claimed, so there is omitted. no need to quibble. What worries me just a little is the possibility that In Fig. 2 we plotted the response at the high - unsuspecting audio neophytes may try to use The frequency and low- frequency output t3rminals of the Richter Scale as a cure -all for all their bass ills, device's electronic crossover section. As may be seen, regardless of their source. The device can boost bass actual crossover occurs at 175 Hz rather than at 100 frequencies (centered at 125, 90, 63, 45 and 31.5 Hz, or Hz, and at 1450 Hz instead of 800 =Iz for the two combinations thereof) by as much as 12 dB, but if such available crossover settings provided. We suspect that, corrective action is taken for a system in which in our test sample, the filters were not perfectly tuned amplifiers are going to overload and speakers are going (note the slight rise in response for th3 low-frequency to be overdriven when an attempt is made to "flatten" sections in each case, just before roll -3ff), and that if bass response, the end results may be worse than if you they had been optimally tuned, the measured cross- hadn't bothered in the first place. overs would have been closer to the nominal frequen- In my own experiments at bass equalization, I was cies stated in the specifications. It is ?ossible, by the also reminded of another real -world fact. Ambient bass way, to alter the crossover frequencies to suit one's levels in most listening rooms -though subjectively particular speaker system, although that means, of inaudible -are amazingly high in SPL terms (air condi- course, getting inside the unit. tioners, outside traffic, even vibrations from the building itself are all culprits), so unless you do your General Info: Dimensions are 141/2 inches wide; 5'/e bass equalization at high enough listening levels to inches deep; 2'/2 inches high. Weight is 5 pounds. override the ambient noise levels, you will think you Price: $229. want to attenuate the bass controls on The Richter Scale's lowest half- octaves when in fact they may need Individual Comment by L.F.: Six separate bass - boosting. improving innovations are what Audio Control claims What is perhaps most amazing about this instru-

AUGUST 1981 65 www.americanradiohistory.com FR FR

1 ;

1 1

1 1

1 . 1 , .

_ _.

i - ---_ ...... - -_.._.._ _.: .J'.i-. -: ----- _.._ I : 1 : -.------..__-..- -= 1 J'- 1 ._' -- ~"--- -°-"..A-..._ 1 =

1 1 - . - i ' - L.. 1

1 h 1



1@dB/D L+11.1dB R-13.1dB @31Hz 1@dB/D L+11. 9dB R-12. cdB @94Hz

1(A) 1(D)


1 Fig. 1 (A -E): Audio Control "Richter Scale ": Calibrated plots of boost s y and cut range for each of the half - octave controls. In each display, -``-_ _-. -_ _ ; ...___. _.._.__._.._._ -_--- the dotted line cursor has been set - _ ,: as close as possible to nominal frequency of the control being 1 measured. (Actual center frequen- cies are: (A) 31.5 Hz; (B) 45 Hz; (C)

; 63 Hz; (D) 90 Hz; (E) 125 Hz.)

1@dB/D L+10. 9dB R-12. 2dB @45Hz




1 1 1 II

_r: = t------,,. Mill ._._.. ------. -.. _------=



1 Ì


1 ;

1@dBrD L+11.6dB R-12.4dB @65Hz 1@dB/ D L+12. 4dB R-12. @dB 13@Hz 1(C) 1(E):

66 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com nient (and that seems to be true of other Audio Control FR products I have seen so far) is its unbelievably low price. I really don't know how Audio Control can o o deliver such products at the prices they charge and still 1 make money. I hope they are making some money out there in Rainforest country, because I'd hate to lose a i , company with such a great sense of humor (they were 1 offering volcanic ash with their products for a while), and such a great array of feature -laden products. =- ; Individual Comment by N.E.: Apparently what _ Audio Control has done here is to take various tech-

- -N. niques for improving response and combine them bass into one compact device that offers several options ' -- for cleaning up and /or augmenting low- frequency playback response. I find that it is most effective on 10dB/D L-01.0dB R-00.9dB 175Hz bass transients (such as abound in pop and rock music) and less dramatic on classical music except for sudden (A) deep drum beats or sustaining low- string pizzicatos. It also proved good at finding and subduing a resonance FR in my listening room that I have previously noted (using other analyzers) at about 90 Hz.

\ These and other applications of the device raise the question, though, of whether such acoustic im- .'.. .. provements can be, or should be, accomplished by .'.1H_II more specialized devices. That's a tough one to answer. Maybe the question should be not what the device can --- do, but rather who will want to use it. It is primarily a playback accessory, and its "personality" (including = I its signal connectors and its rather small meter) sug- gest it is more fussy home en- ' aimed at the stereo .I. .' thusiast than at the working sound pro. I doubt that a studio technician or a sound -reinforcement man will i L '- desert his full -size graphic and /or parametric equalizer '..I or real -time analyzer for The Richter Scale. This is not 10dB/D L-01.5dB R-01.5dB 1.45kHz ! to deny the versatility of this device or the clever engineering that has gone into it, but rather to suggest (B) that it does have definite limits as an "audio tool." For Fig. 2: Audio Control "Richter Scale ": Response instance, it equalizes both channels at once and by the characteristics of the electronic crossover sections same amounts even needs correction at a given fre- of the unit. (A): 100 Hz crossover; (B) 800 Hz quency. And its very compactness does crowd the crossover. many options available on the panel.



Meter range -20dBto +3dB Confirmed

Distortion 0.015% 0.013% at 1 kHz. 1 V out Frequency response ±1 dB, 3Hzto100kHz Confirmed Input impedance 100 K ohms Confirmed Output impedance 150 ohms Confirmed Subsonic filter 18 dB/octave at 20 Hz Confirmed Low frequency summer 200 Hz, 12 dB/octave Confirmed Electronic crossover 18 dB/octave, 100 or 900 Hz 175 and 1.4 K Hz Warble output 100 mV 120 mV Signal -to -noise 90 dB 95 dB ( "A" wtd)


AUGUST 1981 69 www.americanradiohistory.com Hall ATS -401 Acoustic Test Set

General Description: The ATS -401 Complete Test Set from Hall Engineering consists of the Hall model ATG -301 acoustic test signal generator together with the Hall model SLM -201 calibrated sound level meter. Both devices are available packaged, together with detailed instructions (actually, three separate manuals, one each for the generator and the meter, and a third containing a detailed explanation of acoustic testing of audio systems), in a sturdy Samsonite attache case whose interior is carefully padded and compartmen- talized to safely and conveniently hold the test gear. The generator itself (model ATG -301) can be switch- ed to furnish white noise, pink noise and finite band- width pink noise with variable frequency and band- speaker placement and level control adjustments; width. The noise -selector or "mode" switch is located speaker phasing; testing custom -made speakers; ad- at the top left corner of the front panel. Below it is a justing tone and balance controls. similarly styled switch for selecting the frequency range in steps of low, mid and high. A third switch at Test Results: Since there is not much we could the bottom selects bandwidth in steps of 1 /20, 1/10, 1/5, measure concerning these instruments, which are 1/3, 1/2 or full octave. themselves measuring devices, there is no table of The large dial and knob in the center of the panel "Vital Statistics" with this report. We did, however, selects frequencies from below 20 Hz to beyond 22 put the system through its paces and we did make kHz. The control here is continuously variable so that some interesting photos of its various signal outputs. sweeps are feasible. The dial is divided concentrically A spectrum analysis (20 Hz to 20 kHz, logarithmic into three bands of frequency decades, with overlap at sweep) of the generator's wide -band white noise output the extreme ends of each band's range. Output level is is shown in Fig. 1. Note the uniformity of amplitude of adjusted by the knob at the right; its specified range is the random noise across the entire audio spectrum. A from 0 dBm (relative to 600 ohms) to below -40 dBm. similar analysis of the generator's pink noise output is Above this knob is the device's AC power off/on switch shown in Fig. 2. Here, the requisite slope of 3 dB per oc- and indicator; below it is a pair of output terminals, tave (downward with increasing frequency) is clearly marked for polarity, which accept twin banana plugs with standard spacing. The generator's power cord emerges from the right side and is fitted with a three - prong (grounding plug). The sound -level meter (model SLM -201) is a hand- held unit with the microphone at the end of a tube that extends about nine inches up from the top of the unit. The face of the device contains the range switch, a but- ton to select "A" weighting or flat response, a slow - fast damping switch and the dB /SPL scale. The range switch has positions for off, "batt" (this tests the con- dition of the internal battery which is shown on the meter scale) and then the dB /SPL reference levels of 120, 110, 100, 90, 80 and 70. Since these levels refer to "0" on the meter which itself runs from -10 to +6, the total range handled is from 60 to 126 dB /SPL. The bat-

tery that powers the meter, a 9 -volt cell, fits into a FREQUENC1 ílG1G, small compartment on the underside. Suggested applications of the Hall test set include Fig. 1: Hall ATS -401: White noise spectrum produced equalizing with either graphic or parametric equalizers: by the ATG -301 generator.

70 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com J Fig. 2: Hall ATS401: Pink noise spectrum produced by the ATG -301 signal generator. evident. This amplitude slope results in equal noise energy per octave. Switching over to the generator's fractional- octave pink noise mode, Fig. 3 shows various fractions of an octave, from the extremely narrow 1/20- octave display of Fig. 3A (which almost resembles a single tone in the spectrum analyzer photo), through the medium 1/3- octave mode (Fig. 3B), to the wide one -octave mode (Fig. 3C). All of these displays were centered about a nominal 1 kHz frequency. However, it is important to realize that the same results can be obtained for any of the device's continuously variable center frequencies.

General Info: Generator dimensions are 9 inches wide; 7 inches high; 31/4 inches deep (including knobs feet). Weight is 2.25 lbs. Meter is 6 inches high (plus and (B) 91/2 inches for extended microphone); 21/2 inches wide; 13/4 inches deep. Weight is 11 ounces. Attache case J. dimensions are 191/2 inches wide; 14 inches high; 51/2 in- ches deep. Weight completely packed is 9 lbs. Price: $449; less the attache case, $399. Units individually: generator $299; meter, $169; attache case, $50.

Individual Comment by L.F.: 1 agree with Hall Engineering that the combination of these two in- struments offers a fairly inexpensive means of adjusting system response effectively and intelligently. The generator is an extremely useful device thanks to its flexibility and its variety of output signals which are far more useful and reliable than the 1/3- octave pink noise test records sometimes supplied with graphic equalizers. With the ATG -301 we were able to set center frequen- cies exactly to the center frequencies of the equalizer kK F with which we experimented in our tests (as an aside, we note that often the "nominal" center frequencies of (C) some equalizers are not the actua filter center frequencies). Fig. 3: Hall ATS -401: Fractional octal.e noise output To be sure, working with these two instruments in at- produced by ATG -301. (A) 1/20 octave (B) 1/3 octave: tempting to "voice" a sound reinforcement system, or (C) 1 octave.

AUGUST 1981 71 www.americanradiohistory.com using the set to equalize the play -back system in a such a device, but I find such a generator especially han- recording studio control room, or even in a home audio dy for checking speaker performance in a general way, system, requires more time and patience than would be and in a more specific way -such as going after a par- needed if you used a real -time analyzer. But then, how ticular resonance effect, or studying the response many real -time analyzers are there that can give you behavior at a crossover point, and so on. 1 /20th octave resolution (or 1/9, or 1/3, etc.) and cost less I like the way the ATG -301 handles, and I like the than $400? options it provides for output test signals. Styling also Incidentally, an important advantage when you pur- is on the plus side, with a very legible front panel chase the complete test set, rather than the meter or the and no need to hunt around for the right control when it generator separately, is that Hall Engineering will is needed. calibrate the frequency dial of the generator with the fre- The SLM -201 is obviously an improved version of a quency response correction factors of the individual former sound meter design, and, as far as I can tell, it meter (and its microphone) included in the set. operates accurately. The fact that it has been calibrated with respect to the frequency readout on the generator is Individual Comment by N.E.: There are times also appreciated. when a reliable signal generator, especially one that can All told, the two devices, known as the ATS -401 and sweep through an extended band of frequencies as well packaged in that neat Samsonite case, make one very as hover around a given frequency, can prove invaluable. useful tool for the audio -minded. There is no need to restate the list of possible uses of CIRCLE 26 ON READER SERVICE CARD

UREI Model 6500 Power Amplifier

General Description: The model 6500 from UREI leads). This added cable is designed to counteract the (United Recording Electronics Industries) is a heavy - effects of cable resistance, inductive reactance and duty, professional-grade power amplifier suited for capacitive reactance in the normal speaker leads. This stereo or mono applications. It actually consists of two "conductor compensation," as it is called, is credited mono amplifiers sharing one chassis and one power with dramatically improving damping factor and tran- cord (although each amplifier has its own power sup- sient response regardless of speaker lead lengths. As a ply). The unit features four kinds of protection cir- consequence, however, of this innovation, connections cuitry, including temperature and overload sensing to the speakers must be made with correct polarity if and shutdown, a time -delay after power turn-on and a amplifier stability is to be maintained. DC sensor in the output signal for protecting speakers. In addition, the amplifier contains cooling fans that Test Results: In our tests, the UREI 6500 easily come on automatically if needed. met or exceeded all of its specifications, and generally Each channel has a gain control plus a green LED shaped up as among the best power amplifiers yet en- that indicates normal operation, and a red LED that countered. The data for operation into both 8-ohm and shows clipping level. Two sets of inputs are pro- 4 -ohm loads are listed in our table of "Vital Statistics" vided -there are 1/4-inch phone jacks that may be used and, as may readily be seen, power was higher and balanced or unbalanced, plus XLR sockets (balanced). distortion was lower than the manufacturer claims. In Outputs are 5 -way binding posts. The mono -bridge our tests we deliberately drove the amplifier to the mode is selectable by a switch. point at which the fans had to come on. Even running An unusual feature of the model 6500 is an extra at full speed, the fans proved to be extremely quiet. As cable from a BNC terminal on the rear for connecting for the claim of the high damping factor via that to each speaker (in addition to the normal speaker special cable, we found that it increased by many

72 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com sensitivity here is 10 dB per division. As can be seen, the few IM products shown to the right of the twin tones are extremely attenuated, and calculate out to the 0.057 percent figure listed in the table of "Vital Statistics."

General Info: Dimensions are 19 inches wide, 7 inches high, 15 inches deep. Weight is 90 pounds. Price: $1995.

Joint Comment by L.F. and N.E.: What im- pressed us both about the UREI 6500 was not so much its ruggedness or durability (we would expect that at its price level), but the fact that designing an amplifier for really heavy and continuous duty in pro applications does not preclude also designing in ultra -low distortion, good transient response and smooth, clear sound Fig. 1: UREI 6500:9 kHz and 10 kHz twin tones used to reproduction. measure IHF-IM are plotted in this spectrum analyzer At that, some readers may puzzle over the fact that sweep, which also displays low-amplitude, higher one high -powered amplifier can be lifted and held in one frequency IM components to the right of the desired hand, while another of generally similar output wattage twin tones. requires two men to raise it off the floor. The difference is in the fact that the heavyweight version can deliver times -it became so high, in fact, as compared to the its claimed power for rated distortion day in and day DF without that connection, that our test setup was out, even when some unattentive sound mixer insists on not adequate for measuring it. sending the amp into clipping and overload for much of A point of interest may be studied in the accompany- its duty cycle. Moreover, the heavyweight will usually ing 'scope photo which shows a twin -tone measure- take, more readily, the kind of abuse that electronic ment being analyzed by our spectrum analyzer to ob- equipment is subject to on the road. Finally, it is just tain the IHF -IM figure. In this display, the sweep was about impossible to make the heavy amplifier blow up, linear from 20 Hz to 20 kHz (notwithstanding the fre- unless there's a random failure in an output stage that is quency notations at the top of the 'scope face which are unrelated to the way in which the unit was used. used for log sweeps). The twin tones used (worst case is Of course, for that kind of performance and reliability shown) were at 9 kHz and at 10 kHz, and the vertical you do pay -in terms of muscle power and cash outlay.

UREI 6500 POWER AMPLIFIER: Vital Statistics


Continuous power for rated THD 8 ohms, 1 kHz 275 watts 322 watts

4 ohms, 1 kHz 450 watts 506 watts FTC rated power (20 Hz to 20 kHz) 275 watts 318 watts THD at rated output

1 kHz, 8 ohms 0.017%

1 kHz, 4 ohms 0.037% 20 Hz, 8 ohms 0.030% 20 kHz, 8 ohms 0.130% IM distortion, rated output SMPTE 0.05% 0.025% CCIF NA 0.006% IHF NA 0.057% 42 Frequency response at 1 watt, - 1 dB NA 19 Hz to kHz SIN ratio re: 1 watt, "A" wtd, IHF NA 86 dB SIN ratio re: rated output, "A" wtd NA 102 dB Dynamic headroom, IHF NA 1.58 dB Damping factor at 50 Hz 500 greater than 200 (see text) Input sensitivity, IHF NA 0.060 V re: rated output NA 1V Power consumption, idling; maximum NA; NA 400; 2000 watts


AUGUST 1981 73 www.americanradiohistory.com Loft Model 402 Electronic Crossover

By John Murphy and Jim Ford

The subject of our report this month is the Loft Model 402 Electronic Crossover from Phoenix Audio Laboratory, Inc. This is a two -way, two -channel crossover with a full complement of front panel in- dicators and controls. The active filters used in the Loft crossover are third -order Butterworth (18 dB /octave) types and are therefore capable of providing an accurate frequency (amplitude) response when the hi and low out- puts are recombined. The unit is packaged in a standard rack mounting package (single width) and has an ap- proximate retail price of $495.

General Description: The front panel of the Loft crossover has a black anodize finish with fine white graphics and neatly arranged groups of controls. At the Because the input level control is arranged as an at- far left there is a push- button power on/off switch with a tenuator, unity gain occurs at the maximum level set- red LED pilot light above. The power on/off switch also ting. In the event that additional gain is needed, there is activates an output muting circuit with a delayed turn 9 dB of boost available on each of the high- and low - on/instant off characteristic. This feature is to protect frequency output level controls. These are located to the the associated speakers from normal on/off transients or right of the input level control on either side of the accidental power interruption. The remainder of the crossover frequency controls and are calibrated in dBs front panel is occupied by two identical sets of controls with the 12 o'clock setting corresponding to 0 dB (unity and indicators -one set for each channel. gain). Above each of the output level controls are LED At the left of each control group is a signal headroom peak indicators which illuminate whenever that output indicator consisting of three LEDs arranged vertically signal level is near clipping.

i mm r.m I. XNi l .IleO n a ,. -;..: ;, = w±' MODEL 402 Ni CROSSOVER - n.. 4 " l.Vet. '.erti ,.

which illuminate to indicate 20, 10 and 5 dB of headroom Because the crossover frequency controls are recessed remaining with respect to the unit's nominal maximum in the front panel, access to them is somewhat re- output level of ± 18 dBv. Immediately to the right of the stricted. This is a very good feature of the crossover headroom indicator is the input level control which has since it will tend to prevent any casual [incorrect] adjust- its settings labeled simply from 0 to 10. This control, ment of these critical controls. Like the level controls, like the output level controls, has twenty -one discrete the frequency control is a rotary type with twenty -one positions which make it possible to accurately reproduce discrete settings which are precisely aligned with the control settings. The indications in the panel graphics front panel graphics. A screwdriver is required to adjust for both the input and output level controls align with the frequency control since it consists of a slotted shaft the control settings with unusually good precision. recessed behind the surface of the front panel with a These characteristics lend a genuine feeling of excellence small indicator dot for reading the setting. The graphics to the unit! identify eleven frequency settings from 40 Hz to 800 Hz


www.americanradiohistory.com we review, the best the product can do is to be totally in- audible when it is switched into the listening chain. Even if the program sounds somehow "better" when listening through the unit under test, the fact that any difference was heard is a mark against the transparency of the unit. Indeed, neutrality is a difficult quality to appreciate! In order to verify the sonic transparency of the Loft crossover, we summed the high and low output signals through a precision summing amplifier and interfaced the unit with our reference monitoring system. We were quite careful to set up the crossover for unity gain since even a slight change in signal level on passing through the crossover would mask any subtle sonic problems. On so there is one setting between each of the indicated fre- alternately switching the unit in and out of the listening quencies (twenty -one settings). To allow selection of fre- chain while listening to a high -quality direct -to -disc quencies above 800 Hz, there is a push-button switch album, we observed no audible changes in any next to the frequency control. This switch, when de- characteristic of the music. This is exactly as things pressed, shifts the frequency control range upward by a should be and confirms that the Loft crossover is highly factor of 10 so that the control range then spans from 400 transparent to audio information. Hz to 8000 Hz. When not depressed, the top of this but- On employing the crossover for a couple of weeks in a ton is flush with the front panel so that an implement high performance two-way loudspeaker system (used in such as a screwdriver or pencil is required to actuate it. a home listening room) we observed that all the controls Again, this restricted access to the frequency controls is and features perform as indicated with the possible ex- an especially nice feature of the unit. ception of the output muting feature. When the unit was All signal connections to the Model 402 are made at powered on /off there were slight but none -the -less audi- the rear panel by way of -inch phone plugs. Each input ble "pops" transmitted to the speakers. is an active, balanced type which accepts single-sided in- We also noted that the audio was heard instantly puts as well. Balanced input connections would be by ----- way of three -conductor (ring, tip, sleeve) phone plugs, 11á= ' s`M_ whereas single -sided signals would be input by way of 0 OB ' standard two-conductor phone plugs. The unit's outputs ME are single sided and will drive 600 -ohm loads. The only -, n other item on the rear panel is an AC line fuse. 0111=111imr 11111111!!®iÉiiá Listening Test: Just as a good window pane will EMIM viewed :VI.M1111 allow outside scenery to be without distortions - Si or colorations, so should an audio component be á-=F=s'fcá°.i "transparent" to the audio program. And, as an ideal 1111 : : ihi'-' window pane should appear invisible, an ideal audio i1! .40 E . f!MEE 11-`IIMi component should be inaudible (of course we are not II mZET.r: talking about those components that are intended to :M -50 - M - MEE modify the sound of the program, i.e., equalizers, com- pressors, etc.). Specifically, with the type of AB listen- Fig. 1: Loft 402: High and low output frequency ing comparisons that we routinely perform on products response curves.

AUGUST 1981 75 www.americanradiohistory.com d lingered a bit after turn -off rather than dB hotter than the unit's maximum output level. The e "delayed -on /instant off" feature would maximum output level of about +20 dBv into either r rate, the pops and thumps from the unit high impedance or 600 -ohm loads is more than adequate less severe than similar units without for any likely application of the crossover. At about -86 and are unlikely to cause any problems in dBv, the output noise levels were very low and unlikely is good practice to not turn on the power to ever be bothersome. The total harmonic distortion amplifiers ni a system until all other components are (THD) was extremely low, being below .003% at fre- turned on and stabilized. quencies below 2 kHz and rising slowly with increasing As of the time the crossover was received for review frequency to about .009% at 20 kHz. This very low the owner's manual had not been printed, so we have no distortion at 20 kHz is made possible, no doubt, by the comment on owner's documentation. unit's high slew rate of ± 11 volts per microsecond. Con- sidering that the output clips at about 11.5 volts peak Lab Test: The detailed results of our lab test on the the normalized slew rate limit (slew rate divided by peak Loft crossover are provided in the "Lab Test Summary " voltage swing) is 0.96 volts per microsecond per volt below. which is well in excess of the minimum of 0.5 (Jung Because the differential input stage provides 6 dB of criteria) recommended for freedom from slewing induced signal attenuation, the input will accept signals about 6 distortion.

Comment: An Exciting Crossover Development

In previous reports' we have discussed the filters for most applications. But there's a new relative advantages and disadvantages of the development on the horizon. various types of filters used as loudspeaker At the Audio Engineering Society's 69th con- crossovers. One of the most appealing filter vention held recently in Los Angeles we heard a types that we discussed was the "derived" technical paper' given which holds the promise crossover, where the low pass signal (in this ex- of a significant advance in loudspeaker cross- ample) was derived by electronically subtrac- over technology. In this report the authors ting the high pass signal (18 dB /octave Butter- describe a family of high -slope, phase accurate worth) from the input signal. The unique advan- crossovers where the high -pass signal is deriv- tage of such derived crossovers is the fact that ed from the input signal and the low -pass the high and low output signals will recombine signal through the use of a short time delay. to reproduce the input signal with a very high The high -pass filter which can be derived from degree of precision. There is no summing error an 18 dB /octave Butterworth low -pass filter, for with respect to either the amplitude or phase example, is actually an improvement over the response of the audio signal. The net result is standard 18 dB/octave Butterworth high -pass accurate reproduction of the input waveform; response since there is about one -half octave even square waves can be accurately reproduc- less overlap between the delay derived filters. ed. Conventional crossovers are incapable of This reduced overlap combined with the ac- accurately reproducing waveforms because of curate amplitude and phase response of these the phase response error they introduce. time delay derived crossovers makes them very As attractive as derived type crossovers are, attractive prospects for future crossovers. Until they have one serious drawback: steep cutoff the time that these delay derived crossovers be- slopes cannot be obtained in both filter bands come commercially available, however, the 18 so there is an excessive amount of overlap in dB /octave Butterworth filter pair will remain the.

the frequency response curves of the filter pair. crossover of choice for general purpose use. . This is undesirable since it implies that the loudspeaker drivers that the derived crossover References 1. John Murphy and Jim Ford, "An Overview of is used with must have a correspondingly gen- Crossovers, Parts I and II," Modern Recording & erous degree of overlap in their response range Music, V (August 1980), 68 -72 and V (September for optimum performance. This shortcoming of 1980), 75-77. the derived type crossovers has led us to 2. Stanley P. Lipshitz and John Vanderkooy, "A Family of Linear -Phase Crossover Networks of High ultimately recommend 18 dB /octave Butter- Slope Derived by Time Delay," paper presented at the worth filter pairs with their steep slopes and 69th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Los minimal overlap as the preferred crossover Angeles, May 12-15, 1981. [Preprint No. 1801 (1 -5).]

MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC 76 www.americanradiohistory.com ` !4° = s =r !l lili : : ! Conclusion: The Loft Model 402 electronic crossover Ria! Emv!Ss !Po.l ow ode w mume\iiiii iiiiiii!!! from Phoenix Audio Laboratory, Inc. has been carefully !!E MEMINEM SummW Amot.d. Rwponw evaluated and was found to perform well in our standard laboratory tests, as well as exhibit a high degree of sonic L III ! ! ,p !! transparency in our listening test. The audio muting for s Ill Eriiaiiiii. Iii the "delayed -on /instant off" feature did not seem to Summed Phase Rwponw = i-= IiiI< 1004 work quite like we expected, but the power on /off pops _n_ Mall=iii and thumps are not as severe as some of the other units LEM z,° we've reviewed. By employing 18 dB /octave Butter- lib:i il iuiiiM::!! worth filter pairs, accurate amplitude summing has been IMMI I iiü6!!ig iii - aoa assured for any combination of signal polarities. We ii especially like the restricted access to the front panel ! i ii Crossover crossover controls and the coordination between the ! -980' rotary control detents and the panel graphics. This full Fig. 2: Loft 402: Amplitude and phase response when featured crossover deserves serious consideration for the high and low outputs are summed (no polarity use with any high- quality multiamplified loudspeaker reversal). system. 10 -;=l=mi =:$=is!! )!!! a MILæ!lié!!ii!!!lii, Phew lCp!!!!!!!siiiiiiii i==i i ü. i: -ea 0 dB Summed AmpIRUM Response ffl .illilIllN_ LAB TEST SUMMARY ®C:iiiIiiiIIIiiIii=iiiii 120' (Note: 0 dBv is referenced to .775 Vrms) Input /Output Levels >t!! Maximum input level before !i!!II 1191111iiiiiIIIL ! liiilé!!! -2dO. clipping +27.1 dBv e111,1é ttt Maximum output level before clipping: ,i0Miil®IiiiM, 20 K ohm load: + 20.1 dBv iiisiiii====ii °= 600 ohm load: + 19.8 dBv !!!i!!i!i!!! TOMOVN iìiici Noise Performance Fig. 3: Loft 402: Amplitude and phase when the high (Note: 20 kHz filter, unweighted, output and low outputs are summed (with external polarity level controls set for unity gain) reversal). Noise at "Hi" output (Ch 1): -85.3 dBv Noise at "Low" output (Ch 1): -86.5 dBv The frequency (amplitude) response curves for the in- Noise at "Hi" output (Ch 2): -85.6 dBv dividual high and low outputs of the crossover are Noise at "Low" output (Ch 2): -87.2 dBv shown in Figure 1 for the case of a 1 kHz crossover (per the frequency control setting). When the high and low Distortion Performance output signals are electronically summed, the frequency (+ 10 dBv output level) response (amplitude and phase) is as shown in Figure 2. Frequency THD plus Noise The flat amplitude response and 360° total phase shift 100 Hz .0028 are precisely the results expected for a properly design- 500 Hz .0028 ed 18 dB /octave Butterworth filter pair. Inverting the 2 kHz .0024 polarity of one output signal before the signals are sum- 10 kHz .0055 med results in the frequency response shown in Figure 20 kHz .0089% 3. Again, the results are exactly as expected for this type of filter pair. Note that in either case the summed Small Signal Bandwidth ( -3 dB points): amplitude response is very flat, being within about 4 Hz to 190 kHz ± '/2 dB across the audio spectrum. Because the total Power Bandwidth: 152 kHz phase shift is halved by reversing the polarity of one Slew Rate Limit: ± 11.0 volts output signal, we would recommend configuring the per microsecond crossover and speaker system with the polarity reversal. Normalized Slew Rate Limit: 0.96 volts (The time delay distortion associated with the slope of per microsecond per volt the phase response curve is similarly reduced!) This polarity reversal can be accomplished in the field simply by inverting the polarity of the signal connections to either the high- or low- frequency loudspeaker driver. CIRCLE 28 ON READER SERVICE CARD


U i

day but unquestionably idealistic about distinct presence. tomorrow and a favorite Taylor theme. James Taylor has carefully etched Taylor's tunes are based on a half- out a durable slot for himself as a time rock beat. He performs them as if modern-day crooner which Dad Loves he is straining to break free of the His Work aptly reinforces. With this JAMES TAYLOR: Dad Loves His Work. albatross beat around his neck which he kind of attention paid to his work it [, producer; Val Garay, is forever doomed to pull down the, er, seems unlikely that Daddy James will engineer; recorded at Record One, Los middle of the road. The result is an ever have to worry about finding him- Angeles, Ca.] Columbia TC 37009. underlying tension in the music that is self in the unemployment line. S.S. sometimes mesmerizing. Performance: Over easy Personal manager Peter Asher has no Recording: Well- hidden elbow grease doubt kept a watchful eye over the PRINCE NICO MBARGA & ROCAFIL stability of Taylor's sound through the JAZZ: Sweet Mother. [Rogers All For most of his musical career, James production of seven of Taylor's eleven Stars Nig., Ltd., producer; no engineer Taylor has played the role of the sad - albums. James Taylor and One Man listed; no recording site given.] eyed country bumpkin, a pitchfork in Dog from the late '60s and early '70s Rounder Records 5007. one hand and a guitar in the other. He were both busy and primitive (but never has sung soft and slow about a broken complacent). Dad Loves His Work is Performance: More driving energy heart or an injustice that he didn't quite practically flawless production -wise than a speeding understand, all the while amusing him- with a full, rich recording quality that is locomotive self with a wry sense of humor. James characteristic of Taylor's recent work. Recording: Primitive Taylor may seem to have developed his The nasalness of Taylor's vocals never world -weary style from too many hot become thin in the mix and his acoustic What makes a great dance record? afternoons of working under a tran- guitar, whatever instruments or vocals Imagine if you had to list the ingre- quilizing summer sun. But the truth of it is surrounded by, always maintains a dients of the ultimate record to shake the matter is that Taylor's music is your tail off to? I don't know about slick, smooth and, yes, sophisticated. you, gentle readers, but the best dance Dad Loves His Work offers no new stuff I've ever heard has never been surprises to the Taylor catalogue, but it pressed on vinyl. I can still remember does contain some fine songs. The the sounds I heard as a kid from melodies sound familiar but also com- various street corners in South fortable because of it. "," Philadelphia of various black musi- for example, sounds suspiciously like an cians using nothing but their Eagles outing. Co- writer J.D. Souther unamplified voices and an overturned did after all co-write that band's "New trash barrel for a drum. Talk about in- Kid In Town." But that makes little dif- fectious rhythms, unstoppable swing, ference because the song turns out to be furious funk. Those unknown street a gentle, finely- crafted pop gem. Like- corner singers could wipe the floor with wise, "Sugar Trade," co-written with Bo Diddley, reduce Elvis to a whining , recalls Flag's blue col- simp. Their sound was raw, crude, driv- lar tribute "." "Believe It Or ing and bouncy. I've waited years to Not" would have worked well on Taylor hear dance music with that unpolished works as early as or force on record. At last I've heard it. Mud Slide Slim. It is cynical about to- JAMES TAYLOR: Slick. That it takes the form of a Nigerian

78 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC www.americanradiohistory.com rock band (that insists for unknown The sound on my copy was tinny, reasons on calling itself a "jazz" band) dense, swampy -just the kind of muck shouldn't take me by total surprise. new wave /punksters love to artificially Academic authorities for years have create in studio settings capable of been writing about the African tribal sonic transparence. I would love to see music roots of American rock. No one these guys record their next album in a shows the connection better than decent studio with a sympathetic and Prince Nico and his seven -piece band. knowing producer. Meantime, this The cross fertilization of African and group has eight more albums that have American musics is evident in the in- only been released in Africa. I hope strumentation. Rocafil Jazz consists of that Rounder has the good sense to three electric guitarists (one lead, one issue more (one is entitled Polygamy - rhythm, one bass), a drummer, a con - that should go over big in California garist. Three vocalists weave in and and New York). In the meantime, get out of each other with a thunderous Sweet Mother and dance your troubles energy (if not always perfect pitch). away. N.W. The African identity of the music is maintained by the drummers who create dazzling polyrhythmic DAVE EDMUNDS: Twangin... [Dave tapestries which liberally borrow from Edmunds, producer; Aldo Bocca, old tribal drum works. If you don't engineer; recorded at Eden Studios, start dancing five minutes into the London, except for "Baby Let's Play first song, check your pulse to ascer- House," recorded at Rockfield tain whether you're still alive. The Studio, Wales, in 1968.] Swan Song other charming African quality can be SS 16034. found in the lyrics. When was the last time you heard a rock singer singing an Performance: Energetic, skillful, anthem of praise to his "sweet classy and witty mother ?" Not to mention the trauma Recording: Clean, punchy and full - of buying a wife only to have her stolen traditional Edmunds by the man who sold her to you. Sorry. There's no cosmic imagery, no on- The wonderful thing about Dave Ed- tological quest in these song lyrics. munds is his ability to keep moving Has great ass -shaking music ever ad- while basically staying in the same dressed these issues in lyrics? Not to place. One can't say that Twangin..., the best of my knowledge. Edmunds' fourth album for Swan Sweet Mother consists of four long Song, is the same as the past three, but songs. After repeated listenings, they then again, it's not that much dif- tend to blend into one another. The ferent. With any Edmunds' record a overall impact of the record is one of listener generally knows what to ex- rhythmic energy climaxing numerous pect: great sounding songs, in terms of times within a little more than a half production, execution, and material. hour of recorded time. The fancy guitar Though Edmunds is not a songwriter work -when you can stop tapping your he's got an almost flawless ear for good feet to pay attention to it -is stunning songs and he's able to make them and works brilliantly with the frenzied sound distinctively his. percussion. It's no wonder that this Twangin..., which seems to refer to group sold eight million copies of Edmunds' nasal but expressive voice Sweet Mother in Africa. Yet, in as well as the overall guitar sound, will America, it took a little progressive not offer any surprises to fans, though n z o. company like Rounder to take the com- it's not likely to disappoint. Songs on mercial risk of introducing this group the first side run the gamut of crystal to our shore. Rounder has provided ex- clear pop ( "It's Been So Long "); the cellent liner notes and has even old- fashioned starkness of "(I'm Gon- enclosed a lyric sheet translating na Start) Living Again If It Kills Me," Prince Nico's broken English into good that recalls in Edmunds' sweet har- English. monies the Everly Brothers at their I have only one bitch about this best (although with a modern perverse record and it's related to recording twist in the lyrics); a wonderfully sync- quality. Maybe this was recorded in opated, Squeeze -ish sounding cover of Nigeria's finest studio facility. If it John Hiatt's "Something Happens "; was, I hope that better recording and two no -frill basic rock and rollers: facilities are built in the near future. "Singin' The Blues" and John Foger-


www.americanradiohistory.com ty's "Almost Saturday Night" (which, manages to avoid being just another INSTITUTE OF although there's nothing wrong with Elvis imitator because of his obvious it, sounds uninspired; Edmunds' use of enthusiasm and respect for the AUDIO/VIDEO echo here only serves to make his voice original. sound strained. Fogerty's original is Twangin... is an immediately com- ENGINEERING still the best). fortable album, though it's not as im- OFFERING DIPLOMA PROGRAMS IN Side two doesn't really get off the mediately catchy as his last solo effort, ground until the third song, Mickey Repeat When Necessary. Twangin...'s

RECORDING ENGINEERING ( "Switchboard Susan ") Jupp's "You'll strengths become evident after a few Of Those)," listenings does its basic weakness, VIDEO ENGINEERING Never Get Me Up (In One -as which opens with a punch and keeps which is a lack of risk -taking. Ed- CONCERT SOUND kicking throughout, powered by Terry munds relies on the same techniques REINFORCEMENT AND Williams' smashing drums and Ed- he has perfected over the years and MAINTENANCE munds' growling vocals. Hardly have served him so well in the past. anyone can top Edmunds at getting a But its hard to argue with something pure rock and roll sound, when given that sounds as good, and is as much In a Two In -House State -Of- The -Art the right material. The last three songs fun to listen to as Twangin.... 24 -Track Recording Studios reflect Edmunds' constant and ever- sense, Edmunds is almost above growing love for rockabilly and coun- criticism: either you like his style or Faculty Members Are Leading try music. Both "I'm Only Human" you don't. And even the unspectacular Recording Industry Professionals and "The Race Is On" (the latter re- material on Twangin... (and there's not corded with England's rockabilly raves much of it) sounds great. Edmunds Internship /Placement Assistance the Stray Cats during a break in Ed- could probably produce superlative Professional Working Environment munds' production of their very suc- rock and roll in his sleep. K.S. cessful debut album) have an im- Write or Call for Brochure mediate sound, no filler, featuring Being With You. INSTITUTE OF AUDIO /VIDEO ENGINEERING especially strong, playful vocals and SMOKEY ROBINSON: 1831 Hyperion Ave. guitar work on "I'm Only Human" and [George Tobin, Mike Piccirillo, Smokey Hollywood, California, U.S.A. 90027 (213) 666 -3003 an engagingly corny American accent Robinson and Michael Lizzio, pro- r and country yodel -type vocal break in ducers; Howard Lee Wolen and Mark CIRCLE 150 ON READER SERVICE CARD "The Race Is On." The last song, Wolfson, engineers; recorded and mix- "Baby Let's Play House," is a gem ed at Studio Sound Recorders, N. A SINGER'S DREAM! from Edmunds' vaults. Recorded in Hollywood, Ca. and Motown /Hitsville 1968, when he was a lad of 25 and still U.S.A. Recording Studios, Hollywood, experimenting in the studio (he also Ca.] Tamla T8- 375M1. recorded "My Baby Left Me" at the REMOVES VOCAL FROM MOST STEREO DISCS same time and put that at the end of Performance: Ooh, Smokey, Smokey The Thompson Vocal Eliminator can actually remove most or virtually all of a solo vocalist from a his first classic Swan Song LP Get It), Recording: State of the art soul standard stereo record and yet leave most of the background music untouched! Not an equalizer! We it's an affectionate tribute to Elvis can prove it works over the phone. Write for a Presley, a wonderful cover of the I had a dream last night. I was a brochure and demo record below. COST: $249.00 King's Sun Session's tune. While it teenager again and had been striking YOU SHOULD SEE US features painstaking, and strikingly out on a series of dates. Then Smokey Studio Echo /Reverb similar, recreations of the slap -bass, Robinson agreed to accompany me, sit Tape Noise Reduction guitar solos and the echoed, breathless in the front seat of my car and sing For: Parametric Equalization Electronic Crossovers urgency of Presley's vocals, Edmunds while my girl and I sat in the back. You Comp /Limiters can guess what happened during the rest of my dream. Since the Miracles first hit with "Bad Girl" in 1959 and through a solo career that began in the '70s, Smokey has been the premier romantic soul balladeer of our time. Being With You, while not Smokey's best solo work, is a shining example of the durability of his vocal style, a soft, breathy, yet emotive falsetto. Smokey started the Miracles when he was 13 and he has written over 500 songs. Yet half of the songs on Being We manufacture a full line of high quality audio With You weren't written by Smokey. and recording equipment. You will probably have to pay twice as much elsewhere to obtain Of these, "Who's Sad," written by Gary comparable quality. Only Direct Sales make our prices and quality possible. Send $1 for a 24 page Goetzman and album co- producer Mike record. brochure and 20 minute demonstration DAVE EDMUNDS: Superlative. Piccirillo, most closely evokes the em- Write to: LT Sound, Dept. MR, P.O. Box 338, Stone Mountain, GA 30086 (404) 493 -1258 80 MODERN RECORDING & MUSIC

www.americanradiohistory.com bracing melodies and gentle lyrics of o`G:oaQ classic Robinson songs like "Ooh Baby Baby" and "More Love." "Can't Fight Love," on the other hand, is an uptempo dance tune derived directly from the °¢SS° style of Michael Jackson. "If You Wanna Make Love (Come iteC0161% 'Round Here)," which was written by Q ipment Smokey, is a gospel -based ballad that stImmediate Sh reaches back to the early Miracles hit "You've Really Got A Hold On Me" for sto inspiration. Its claim to the contem- 14" & 1/2" porary scene lies in an introduction that is a take -off on Robert John's "Sad 1981 Pro-Line Guide Audio Eyes." The real centerpiece of the A comprehensive 64 pg. color guide to all album, though, is "Being With You." Carvin Pro-Line equipment including illustra- Tape Interspersed with a ripping sax part tions, technical information and specifica- AMPEX tions with Special Direct Prices. 3M ALL TYPES straight out of Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Carvin's new products for the 80's include; TDK Street," "Being With You" is sung by double neck guitars, modular power amps up with same romantic aban- to 700w RMS. Recording and road mixing Smokey that boards, JBL Pro speakers, bi -channel tube don he displayed on "I Second That guitar amps, Parts, plus much, much more. Emotion." The lover isn't right for him, As we introduce you to the finest Pro Equip- ment available, you'll appreciate Carvin's but he is going to pursue her anyways. policy of selling Direct for exceptional values. Ever since Motown's move from Write:CARVIN Dept. MR80, 155 Industrial Ave., ASK FOR OUR CATALOG Detroit to Los Angeles in 1971, its Escondido,CA 92025. Phone: (714)747-1710 OF PROFESSIONAL music has been less funky and more CARVIN FREE CATALOG RECORDING SUPPLIES homogenized for a pop rather than a Name soul audience. While the quality of the Poly == Address Corp. great Motown 45s of the '60s sounded 1233 Rand Rd. Des Plaines, IL 60016 on a home turntable City 1 overly distorted 312/298 -5300 25 (due largely to a mastering process that State Zip MR90 catered to the needs of the radio sta- CIRCLE 44 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 126 ON READER SERVICE CARD tions over the consumers), its Los Angeles product is clean and polished. Being With You utilizes flair but not PULSAR LABS INTRODUCES THE RTA -150! flash in its recording techniques. Nothing grinds or grates against the ear. Given Smokey Robinson's velvety I . r+ +s. .s± P vocal style, this works in his favor : ; where it might have diluted the boisterous impact of a Four Tops or Junior Walker. Full 3 year transferable warranty Scan function a singer for the ages? Frequency response: 25HZ -16KHZ Variable left to right by Is Smokey Over and under range meter single tap of the scan button or hold Well, years from now, when my children 209 L.E.D. - resolution for continuous scan. 3 DB scale, 1 DB scale on vu meter Frequency being scanned are going out on dates, I have the feel- 4- position decay rate automatically becomes brighter for ing that they, too, will be listening to his Pink noise & white noise output variable easy reading. output levels from 70.110 DB with Frequency being scanned will react songs -and dreaming him into the front automatic return level to In a much faster decay rate to seat of a space shuttle. S.S. 70 DB assure proper peak attenuation. 3 mic & 2 line level inputs with Scanned frequency will also appear continuous attenuation on all inputs on vu meter in peak average to Oscilloscope hook -up in back of unit enable adjustments within 1 DB. S.P.L. meter - digital display with Spectrum analysis can be used in bar adjacent L.E.D. display. Yellow L.E.D.'s graph or dot mode are used for flat response level, digital Analyzer can be adjusted to its or display is variable from 50 -125 DB pink noise to maintain accurate flat Adjustable voltage switch for overseas response use Each frequency can be individually Anvil road case standard calibrated. This allows any mic. to be Accuracy .4 DB from slope center used and yet guarantees accurate response. MAX MORATH: Max Morath and His © Copyright Pulsar Labs 1981 Ragtime Stompers. [Maynard Solomon, producen Tom Lazarus, BUILT FILL OUT AND MAIL TODAY FOR YOUR: LIKE A engineer; recorded at Vanguard TANK! IEl 12PG. RTA150 TECH BULLETIN El 10 E3 A2500E TECH BULLETIN Studios. New York, N.Y.. 1980.]

Vanguard 79440. PULSAR LABORATORIES NAME. 3200 GILCHRIST ROAD MOGADORE, OHIO, 44260 ADDRESS: Performance: A double -barrel of fun (216) 784 -8022 CITY: STATE.


www.americanradiohistory.com NOISE Recording: Generally excellent, but I could've used a few more HÓ STUFF guys on kazoos GATE FROM SESCOM Max Morath has always been one of GT -4 Ragtime's most enjoyable practi-

The remarkably simple PM-100 tioners. Regardless of whether you like optical noise gate that Max's piano playing or his singing or contributes no noise or not, you will have to admit this man distortion to your puts on one whale of a show and he signal. occupies $180.00 does it every time out. This LP -and it only 1 '4" of rack space and costs THREE BAND PARAMETRIC' EQUALIZER must have been one heck of a party in only $395.00 for the studio -teams Max on piano and four channels. Great For Live doubling on hot kazoo with a mostly Performance folky bunch of country players like And Recording bluegrass banjo virtuoso, Bill Keith and Eric Weissberg who can play FEATURES: anything with strings on it, except To get the Instrument Pre-amped Input maybe a tennis racket. Some of the full story and Transformer Balanced other musicians are from backgrounds a list of deal Inputs And Outputs a bit closer to jazz. Ron 'I'raxler has ers call or write 15dB Of Boost And Cut been one of the busiest New York jazz OMN1 CRAFT INC. drummers for years and his father, RT. 4 BOX 40 Variable "Q" Control LOCKPORT. IL. Variable Frequency Gene Traxler, was well known as bass 60441 815 -838 -1285 player with Tommy Dorsey's big Available At swing band of yore. Tubaist Dave Local Music Stores Bargeron has spent a few years in the brass section of a band known as Blood SESCOM, INC. Sweat and Tears. If Ken Kosek on fid- 5E5 MUSICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION COM dle and Don Brooks on harmonica 1 are Las Vegas, NV 89 0 I U.S.A. less well known, they too have been CIRCLE 64 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 116 ON READER SERVICE CARD around backing up this singer or that one for a few years. What is most important about this recording is that it contains some of the marvelous tunes that Max and the Loud and Clear. Stompers have recorded that you don't get to hear very often. Sure, there are well known standards like "I'm Look- ing Over A Four Leaf Clover" and "I C.aet 2 Power Wish I Was In Peoria" but it's not too --Supply will often you get to hear W.H. Krell's handle up to 1 "Mississippi or Clarence Statio Rag" Wiley's $200.00/ "Carbalick Acid." It's that kind of an

The Q -2 is a active syst- specially design' for d ing The mu-icians ste-o are free t. set adphones the level of ea . signal, and pa ea signal in their headsets to meet their íftdividual cue rètquirements. \ $150.00 For $378.90 (one power slípply, station O 2 Cue Mixer 8 O.2 Power Supply & cabli0 you can step J Manufactured in the,U S A by into this high performance cue system and Opand later with additional cue stations. No additional power amplifiers OCTAVE AUDIO A Dvso of are required. Each 0-2/Cue box has a separate stereo amp With 60 watt rms FORD AUDIO & ACOUSTICS, IN équivalent voltage swing. Every 4800 W.I -4 /component is designed for rugged OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73108 MAX MORATH: Good time music! 1 studio use. 405- 946 -9966 800 -654-6744


www.americanradiohistory.com LP -full of charming and fascinating he died). Despite his association with as "Raggin' the Uke" and "Steel discoveries. King Oliver's band in the recording Guitar Hop." My favorite cuts from The sound is certainly good and ser- studio and his presence on a record this album are his guitar solos on viceable but it seems as thcugh they which may or may not be Bix at his "Saint Louis Blues" and "Sorrento." weren't properly able to rust Max's last outing, Roy Smeck never was a Fully extending the scope of the guitar kazoo playing. It sounds almost buried jazz musician. He was, if any category as a solo instrument, I find these inter- at times. Now some would say that can be applied to him, a vaudeville per- pretations a good bit less trendy and buried is how a kazoo should sound, former whose technical forays on the with a lot more meat on their bones but those of us who are loyal to the stringed instruments were intended to than the rest of Smeck's performances comb and tissue paper -or to the gold amaze. He was not a genuine improvis- here. plated number I carry around in my ing jazz musician. His well worked out Dave Apollon was another enter- pocket always in search of a good jam versions of old standards like "Ain't tainer and vaudevillian. I remember session -take great offense to the She Sweet" and "Five Foot Two" are seeing him in the '40s when the late Ed dishonor done our instrument by interspersed with such Smeck originals Wynn brought him to Chicago as a Vanguard's technical staff. It's a noble instrument, guys, don't bury it under We've Put SIZZLE Into Echo and Reverb the tuba and washboard. Let us hear -At an Affordable Price- that kazoo next time! J.K.

DAVE APOLLON: Mandolin Virtuoso. [David Grisman and Nick Perls, pro- ducers; no engineer listed; recorded The main problem with most echo and reverb units is that they don't have the high between 1932 and 1956, var ous loca- frequency response it takes to "cut" through the mix and add the type of clarity and depth that vocals in particular need. Our Echo Control Center provides over twice the frequency tions.] Yazoo 1066. response of units costing almost twice as much as ours. The reverb section is the quietest, crispest, and least boomy portable unit we have seen. Capabilities include: Straight Delay Echo and Reverb Doubling Slapback ROY SMECK: Wizard of the Strings. Chorus and Vibrato Over 95 dB Delay Dynamic Range. Price: 8595.00 [Roy and Perls, Smeck Nick pro- Write for a 24 page brochure on our full product line and a demo record. ducers; no engineer listed; recorded Send 81 to: LT Sound, Dept MRE, PO Box 338, at Blue Goose Studio, New York, N.Y.] Stone Mountain, GA 30086 Phone 404 493 -1258 Blue Goose BG 2027.

Performances: String artistry Recording: Better the more recent it gets

Nick Perls is still putting out fan- SeuitA14 tastic recordings of exciting string ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST DEALERS music, as well as ragtime, blues and vo- do-de-oh-do nostalgia music on his two labels, Yazoo for reissues, Blue Goose for the new stuff. He never lists the PRO AUDIO engineers on the liner notes but, know- BGW JBL YAMAHA CETEC -GAUSS ALTEC ROLAND ing Nick as well as I do, I can charge that up to modesty because Nick Perls TANGENT EMILAR KELSEYTAPCO ELECTRO -VOICE never trusts anyone else to engineer PEAVEYQSC SHURE MXR BIAMP ASHLY KUSTOM his recordings. BOSE ANVIL BEYER SENNHEISER IBANEZ FURMAN Actually, recording for Nick Perls is EDCOR SESCOM WHIRLWIND SUPERMUSICAL ATLAS just about all Smeck and Apollon have AKG ACOUSTICCALZONE LEXICON DOD ASHFORD in common. While Smeck played just DELTALABSADVANCED AUDIO McCAULEY EVENTIDE about all the stringed instruments (he plays uke, banjo, steel guitar and WHY WAIT? CALL US NOW -WE PROBABLY HAVE IT IN STOCK. Spanish guitar on these sides) he is best known for his ukelele playing. FAMOUS SAM ASH HOT LINE This, despite the fact that he played steel guitar on a King Oliver recording PRICES 800- of 645 -3518 "Everybody Does It In Hawaii" in IN NEW YORK STATE CALL 212 -347 -7757 1929 and that he played Spanish guitar with Sonny Clapp's band, Sunshine, SSINCE 1924 when they recorded "Come Easy Go 40t MUSIC STORES Easy Love" in 1931 (rumored not to be 301 PENINSULA BLVD. HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. 11550 just another Bix Beiderbecke item but the last recording Bix ever made before CIRCLE 124 ON READER SERVICE CARD

AUGUST 1981 83


A GOLD LINE Real Time Analyzer is an electronic and acoustic problem -solver. It will allow you to boost the gain By Nat Hentoff without fear of feedback. You will be able to quickly balance any performing area, tune and equalize There are some players who ought a studio, his concentrated intensity both equipment and speakers, and produce clean un- muddied sound to do all their recordings "live" transcending the "cold walls." Two Live or recording, you deserve to be because the warmth of audience such dates make up Swedish heard without acoustic or electronic response keeps building up the im- Schnapps on Verve (now marketed distortion. provisers' own fire. Johnny Griffin is by London/Polygram.). On one, Bird For the solution that works, write GOLD LINE or fill out and mail the one such jazzman, as is exuberantly is joined by Red Rodney, John following coupon. evident in NYC Underground Lewis, Ray Brown, and Kenny (Galaxy), New York's FREE TECHNICAL INFORMATION taped at Clarke while his associates on the Village Vanguard, the oldest conti- second session are Miles Davis, Max Name nuing jazz club in the nation. The Roach, Walter Bishop, Jr., and Address room is small, "live" (but not too Teddy Kotick. "live "); and although the constant Making the set even more il- For a dealer in your area presence of owner Max Gordon luminating are alternate takes on phone (203) 938 -2588 doesn't affect the acoustics, it cer- "Swedish Schnapps," "Back Home Suggested ASA -10 resale .... $239.95 tainly does help shape the room's Blues," "Au Privave," and "She Pink /White Noise Generator .. $59.95 welcoming ambience. That's why Rote." Throughout, Bird has that Box 115-MA jazzmen like to work at the magisterial presence which, starting West Redding Vanguard, and why Johnny Griffin with note one of every chorus, pro- CT 06896 GOLD LINE insisted on recording there. claims the unforced originality to CIRCLE 87 ON READER SERVICE CARD With his big, bursting tone and come -the ideas flowing like a force sizzling beat, the tenor saxophonist of nature. ranges from Frank Lehar's "Yours This set, by the way, heralds the SOUND BOX Is My Heart Alone" to Duke Elling- re-release of many of the original SELLS ONLY THE ton's "Sophisticated Lady" and Verves, long unavailable and now im- Thelonious Monk's "Rhythm -a- ported from Japan on first -class REAL THING ming." His attentively enthusiastic pressings. Fortunately, there has IN colleagues are pianist Ron Mathews, been no attempt to fake the original bassist Ray Drummond, and drum- mono into a semblance of stereo. The PROFESSIONAL mer Idris Muhammad. Both on sound here is clear and spacious. AUDIO GEAR ballads and walloping swingers, Grif- And by contrast with many of the fin is in masterful control of the amateur -made "live" recordings of AT horn- cleanly executing complex Bird, you can hear him fully in these DON'T PANIC streams of ideas and making them studio recordings. Again, what par- sound unerringly uncluttered. ticularly comes through here is the PRICES At one point on the record, Griffin naturalness of Bird's music -the says to his producer, "I hate studios. way it all so totally cohered as it Order Your Free You see cold walls, and you're sup- burst out of his horn. posed to play something inspiring." 1981 Catalog In this place of warmth, Griffin had Call Toll Free For no difficulty finding, and holding on JOHNNY GRIFFIN: NYC Under- Orders and Info to, inspiration. ground. [Orrin Keepnews, producer, The recorded sound is big and Tom Arrison, engineer.] Galaxy 1400 -638 -6050 clear, with the interrelationship of Records GXY -5132. MD RESIDENTS (301) 881-2663 the players crisply defined. Although Charlie Parker too often CHARLIE PARKER: Swedish PHONE ORDERS sounded more fierily relaxed in a Schnapps. [Norman Granz, pro- ACCEPTED "live" setting, Bird could also be at ducer; no information on the efiga9ligi9i4S his most startlingly authoritative in engineer.] Verve UMV 2030. P.O. BOX 2094 ROCKVILLE, MD 20852


www.americanradiohistory.com part of his show "Boys And Girls Tatum shows up here and there, his a lot of wear and tear during Together." He was also an improvising style and forcefulness is of a type in WW2 and may even have been a bit too jazz musician. As technically profound which Tatum indulged only in guarded, close to the bombing. Yet there are as his versions of "Russian Rag," off -the- record, after hours sessions. moments here (particularly "Time On "Czardas" and Sarasate's "Gypsy Most of the tracks on At the Piano My Hands ") which make up for any loss Airs" may be, he was equally adept at are from 1944 recordings for the Armed in Fi. jamming his way through "Who" ig- Forces Radio Service and the fidelity is Less painful are the recordings from noring the wrong changes his band just terrible. Some of this is due to the 1950 (the last three tracks of SS 104 plays. The changes to that tune are lack of fidelity of most 40's recordings. and all of SS 114) which were recorded tough and the bands which backed Some of this is due to the fact that I'm at an open air concert in New York dur- Apollon periodically were longer on sure the military had more important ing the summer of 1950 by the Voice of entertainment value than they were on worries on their mind in '44 than high America. By 1950, tape was in common musical sophistication. Even Apollon fidelity recording. Most of the problem, use and the standard of the industry himself was not that sophisticated a I suspect, is that the recordings from was somewhat elevated from what it player but what he could do with a which this LP were made probably saw had been before the advent of tape. good melody like Hoagy Carmichael's "Star Dust" needs to be heard to be appreciated. So here are two masters of the strings...masters of two different kinds. Both of them virtuosi yet Smeck the dazzling technical wizard and Ap- IS ollon the hot improviser. Fortunately, "THE FUTURE HERE" thanks to Nick Perls' two record labels, it's a both /and situation...not an either /or. J.K.

JOE SULLIVAN: At the Piano. [Bosey White, reissue producer; originally recorded at various locations during 121 1944 and 1950.] Shoestring SS 104.

JOE SULLIVAN: And the AL-Stars. Mr [Bosey White, reissue producer; Es originally recorded in New York, N.Y., Ea 1950.] Shoestring SS 114.

Performances: From the golden days of the traditional jazz revival Recordings: 1944 -the horrors of war- time; 1950 -much better

It is not easy for me to say anything about Joe Sullivan. He was always, and always will be, one of my favorite jazz pianists. His career was continually plagued by ill health and when he died in October of 1971 the general reaction of jazz fans was "I thought he died years ago." Of all the things that have impressed me about Joe Sullivan, paramount is that he never apologized for what he was or what he played. He was an out Fcr the 1980's one recorder will stand out as being the first of a totally and out barrelhouse stride piano new era of multitrack recording. It wont be digital, it won't cost a king's player. He never made any attempt to ransom -it will be the Toscom 85 -16 from ASi. Why' The 85 -16 put; mare disguise the fact. He never tried to technology within the reach of talentec engineers producers one orists thor ever before. As this happens new musical realizations will eme-ge edges. He never smooth out the rough from oreas previously untapped. tried, like his inspiration Fats Waller, The 85 -16 is the beginning of o new ero of accessoble technology. Coll to superimpose comic touches over his us at ASi and become o part of that technology. playing and while a run from Art 00 ö PROFESSIONAL AUCIG SERVICES 512/824 -8781

P.O . Box 6520. S. an Antonio. Texas 78209 68 ON READER SEFVICE CARD AUGUST 1981 CIRCLE 85

www.americanradiohistory.com These recordings show it in their Performance: Muscular, athletic, general sound improvement, yet there exciting are mistakes of the sort that can only be Recording: Digitally excellent, but a charged to poor planning. Soloists start bit too brittle for my taste out playing into dead mics. Volume Advertiser's Index level goes up and down during solos. To begin with, this release is the first Worst of all are the late starts that installment in what Arabesque is call- R.S. # Page # mean the loss of the beginnings of such ing the Bach Tri- Centennial Project. 68....Abadon Sun 85 performances as "Body and Soul," The plan is that by 1985 (the 300th an- 144...AItecLansing 9 "Jazz Me Blues" and most brutal of all, niversary of Bach's birthday) Arab- 84....AshlyAudio 15 "High Society." The All Star band esque will have issued, in digital record- 102... Audio Technica 7 referred to on SS 114 is just that. Wild ings by Joao Carlos Martins and other 142...Auratone 18 Bill Davison (when he was still playing performers, the lion's share of Bach's 44 ....Garvin 81 dixieland jazz) and Bobby Hackett are keyboard music. It's an ambitious pro- 112 ... Cetec Gauss 5 on cornet, Vic Dickenson is on trom- ject. It's a worthwhile project and if this 61 ....Countryman 38 bone, Edmund Hall is on clarinet and first release is any indication, it augures George Wettling is on drums. That's it, well for artistic success. 88.... Dallas Music Industries 50 no bass, no guitar, just a two man There are probably more ways to in- 92....dbx 15 rhythm section. Maybe that's why terpret Bach than any other composer. Wettling feels called on to play four While the adherents of any one par- 82 ....Electro-Voice 10 beats to the bar rather than the ticular style may feel that their way is 56 ....Fender 25 customary dixieland two-beat. There is correct and everyone else is misinter- 47 ....Ford Audio 82 also one cut from another session that preting Bach, that is an over- includes drummer Eddie Phyfe and a simplification of the facts. Bach's music 87 ....Gold Line 84 band that comes in for just a short coda is universal enough to respond to a 150 ...Institute of Audio/ at the end. Otherwise "Honeysuckle romantic treatment, a classic treat- Video Engineering ... 80 Rose" is all Joe Sullivan on piano. Com- ment, a virtuoso treatment, even a syn- pare this with his "Honeysuckle Rose" thesizer treatment as well as the Ba- 122 ...Lexicon 35 from 1944 on SS 104 and if you have his roque traditions under which the music No$.. LT Sound 80 earlier "Honeysuckle Rose" from 1933 was originally heard. The question of No # .. LT Sound 83 on Columbia, UHCA, Parlaphone or on authenticity versus interpretation is a Prestige LP, you more or less have a skirted by Arabesque by including a 79.... Maxell 17 history of Joe Sullivan playing one of quote from Paul Hindemith implying No # .. MXR Cover 4 his favorite tunes. that Bach would have delighted in the 64 ....Omni Craft 82 I hope that when the history of jazz big orchestra and the modern Steinway 156... Otarl Cover 3 is finally written, a chapter is included piano if they had been available to him. on Joe Sullivan. One listen to the music I find the quote rather presumptuous 89 ....Peavey 23 on these two LPs will demonstrate my but the results are agreeable enough if, 153... Phase Linear 12,13 reasons why...but that would be true of perhaps at first, a bit startling. To put 63 ....Phoenix Audio any Joe Sullivan recordings for he was on the first of these LPs is to be con- Laboratory, Inc. 54 there on the very first important fronted immediately by a most foreign 126... Polyline 81 Chicago jazz recordings for Okeh by sound. Genuine players of the muscular, 179... Pulsar Laboratories 81 McKenzie and Condon's Chicagoans in athletic, virtuoso category tend to 1927. From then until he made his last display their fireworks on the piano 71 . . . . RolandCorp US 2 recordings, probably sometime in the music of Liszt or Busoni and yet here is 124 ...Sam Ash 83 sixties, he never played a bad chorus, he a player whose playing is about what 116...Sescom 82 never failed to back a band or a singer to. one might expect from a piano virtuoso 118 ...Shure 24 the hilt and he never let his listeners whose career had to be interrupted by No #.. Sonic Rainbow Labs 79 down. J.K. an injury received in a soccer game 59....Soundbox 84 playing the music of J.S. Bach. It is a 130... Soundcraftsmen 8 sound which is enhanced by the magic

83. ..Studiomixer 1 of the Soundstream Digital process. The sound accentuates the muscularity, 171. .. Tama 16 the aggressiveness, the percussiveness, 77....Tapco 19 of the playing to the point where the 123...Teac 11 piano approaches the brittle sound of No # .. 3M 39 EACH: The Six Partitas. Joao Carlos the harpsichord. It takes a few minutes Martins, piano. [Heiner Stadler, pro- of getting used to, but once your ears 99 ....Yamaha Cover 2 ducer; Mitchell Tanenbaum, engineer; have accommodated the sound and the recorded at the Little Bridges style, go back to the beginning for a Auditorium at Pomona College, Clare- new view of music that you thought you mont, Ca., in the autumn of 1980.] knew. Joao Carlos Martins' Bach is a Arabesque Digital 6501 -3. vibrant, alive Bach. It is neither clinical


www.americanradiohistory.com nor pedantic. It approaches the music born in 1920 in Kriminiesz, Russia. on an emotional basis and brings a vir- What makes it seem as though he's tuoso technique to bear on music which older is that Isaac has been playing in is so often sloughed off in a scholarly public since 1932. In other words, l'. manner which says more about the per- when I heard him play the Beethoven ILAf` former's acquaintance with past prac- Concerto with the Chicago Symphony tices than it does about any present feel- as a teenager, he was little more than a ings the performer may have about the teenager himself. So he's been playing BUY music. this music, or music like it, for the bet- I seriously question the advisability ter part of 50 of his 60 years and as of taking these six partitas out of Schuyler Chapin pointed out during SELL pel order...Martins' begins with No. 4, goes the intermission of this Birthday back to Nos. 1 and 2, skips to No. 5, telecast he had remarked to Chapin goes back and picks up No. 3 and after a performance of the Brahms TRADE ow finishes-as did Bach -with No. 6. I Violin Concerto some years earlier, guess that it is the performer's privilege "another Brahms." Yet instead of the to not perform these works music getting stale as Stern ap- PRODUCTS r chronologically if he so desires and in a proaches his second half- century as a ,L"a concert I'd probably accept it as that performer he seems to have taken on a EQUIPMENT and let it be, but on a recording, more emotional approach as he's got- SERVICES especially one intended as part of a ten older. His playing on September larger project, I think a certain amount 24, 1980 was impassioned, which is a of perspective is lost by not hearing the word that I would never have thought works in sequence. Of course one can, if of applying to Stern's playing some Classified Rates one wishes, dart back and forth between thirty or forty years ago. True he is in 750 per word discs and arrange them for the company of the most emotionally chronological listening but I don't real- charged violinist since the days of ly understand what, if anything, was Fritz Kreisler in Itzhak Perlman but Minimum 10 words. gained by the rearrangement of the balancing things is the highly technical order of this music. and somewhat cool playing of Pinchas Copy must be received What is most important is that here Zukerman who plays both violin and is another interpretation of some impor- viola on this recording. Also present at Modern Recording tant Bach keyboard music and music and accounted for are Zubin Mehta and which has been rather neglected on LP. the New York Philharmonic. There & Music, 14 Vander - When one looks at the many recorded seems to be little agreement on venter Ave., Port editions of the French Suites, for exam- Mehta's highly stylized conducting yet ple, it seems totally inexcusable that certainly he was at his best on this Washington, N.Y. this is only the third complete version of occasion. the Partitas listed in the current I'm not going to try to tell you that 11050 by the 1st day Schwann catalog. J.K. there have been no better recordings of Bach's Concerto for Two Violins, of the 2nd month prior Vivaldi's Concerto for Three Violins or ISAAC STERN, PINCHAS ZUKER Mozart's Sinfonia Concertante for to cover date (for MAN, ITZHAK PERLMAN: From Lin- Violin and Viola. What I will tell you is example, the April coln Center. The New York Phil- that this was an evening to remember, harmonic Orchestra, Zubin Mehta, a meeting of four master musicians in a issue closes February cond. [Andrew Kazdin, producer; Bud program of music for violins and viola Graham and Ray Moore, engineers; with orchestra. It was an evening of 1st]. Payment must recorded Sept. 24, 1980 at Avery music made with love -not just a love Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New for music but a love for one of the great accompany order. York, N.Y.] CBS Mastersound IM musicians, still with us. This is a re- 36692. cording that will bring pleasure and en- Phone numbers count joyment to any music fan. Performance: Emotionally charged The engineering is digital, well as 1 word. Zip codes Recording: Quiet surfaces, wonderful balanced and so well separated that for sound once we have a recording of a "live" are free. concert performance without the It is difficult to think of Isaac Stern annoying intrusion of coughers and DISPLAY as being 60 years old. I would have program rustlers. This points out the thought him to be much older. It seems advantage of increased control over ex- ADVERTISING that he's been around for almost ever traneous noises which can be added to S115.00 per column inch. and a day but looking back into the bio those plusses of digital recording of we find that Isaac Stern was indeed which we were already aware. J.K. J AUGUST 1981 ei

www.americanradiohistory.com CLASSIFIE I) A1)S'

Ecoplate, Master Room XL210, XL305, VOCALISTS -RELIEVE HOARSENESS, cure PROFESSIONAL SYSTEMS EXCHANGE Symetrix, Valley People, Top Dollar on swollen vocal chords, and remove vocal -the monthly equipment publication that trades. Audiohouse 303 -751 -2268. nodules -THE BETTYE GARDNER VOCAL lists what you may need and sells what you TECHNIQUE. $14 prepaid for 90 minute don't - all on consignment. Send your WANTED: 640AA WESTERN ELECTRIC cassette and instructive brochure. equipment sales list or needs and $9.95 for MICROPHONE WITH or WITHOUT SPECIFY VOICE RANGE. American Record your 1 year subscription to: P.S.E., 1281 RA1095 AMPLIFIER. TURNER, BOX 13069, Corporation, 6600 Harwin, Suite 111, Cape St. Claire Rd., Annapolis, Md. 21401. ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76013. Houston, Texas 77036. For further info call 301 -262 -6869.

I'll buy your Tascam, Teac, UREI, FOR SALE NEW: JBL Replacement Neumann, dbx, etc. 303 -751 -2268. Expert repairs, maintenance and speaker diaphragms for 2441 $58 (11 ea), 2482 $62 (9 reconing for professional equipment. ea). Phase 400 w /mod $550 (7 ea), JBL 2405 WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN THE GUITAR $88 (16 ea), JBL E -120 $112 (6 ea), JBL 2402 Reasonable rates and fast turn around from the most respected teachers and per- $91 (12 ea), Shure SM57 $95 (10 ea), SM58 time. PROFESSIONAL SOUND LABS, INC. formers playing today? Folk, Blues, Jazz, $119 (8 ea), EV/Tapco CPX electronic Bluegrass and many other styles are 110 N. Franklin Street, Hempstead, New crossover $215, 2200 equalizer $135. taught on cassette taped lessons. The York 11550. (516) 486 -5813. Barney O'Kelly (614) 268 -5643. teachers include John Renbourn, Stefan Grossman, Duck Baker, Dick Fegy, Eric QUALITY AUDIO COMPONENTS, MULTI- Thompson, Barry Solomon, Ton Van MICROPHONE /MONITOR MUTEBOX. TRACK EQUIPMENT, PROGRAMMABLE Bergeyk, and Larry Coryell. For your free ELIMINATES FEEDBACK IN ONE ROOM CALCULATORS, ACCESSORIES. Com- catalog please write to Stefan Grossman's OR BROADCAST STUDIOS. EASY CON- petitive Pricing! Prompt Delivery! Guitar Workshop, Box 804, Cooper Station, STRUCTION PLANS, $1.50. HOMEBREW Knowledgeable Staff! Service Facility! NY 10003. ELECTRONICS, BOX 55311, IN- Credit Cards Accepted. FREE Catalog. DIANAPOLIS, 46205. SOUND IDEAS, Dept. MR, P.O. Box 340, Cary, NC 27511. Call 919 -467 -8462. SATIN PANTS, ETC. FOR ENTER- Multitrack- Recording & Sound reinforcement TAINERS, ETC. WRITE -CALL FOR FREE Specialists; From individual items to complete turnkey CATALOG. SATIN SALES, DEPT. 7, 7 packages, Studio basements to buildings, Sound Rein- For Sale: MIDAS CONSOLES forcement Systems from club daters to complete tour- SOUTH 5TH STREET, MINNEAPOLIS, 40 x 8 x 2 Pr03 /Pr05 ing systems. 10,000 sq. feet devoted entirely to PRO - MINNESOTA 55402. 612- 333 -5045. 24 x 8 * 2 Pr04 Monitor AUDIO. Authorized dealers for; AB Systems, Audioarts PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE WILL SELL SEPARATELY Engineering, Ampex, Altec, Ashly Audio, AKG Pro, RECORD PRESSING, Fast quality service, 213/391.0952 201/227 -5878 Beyer, Bozack, Braun, Belden, dbx, Deltalabs, Edcor, package prices. King -Pin Record Pres- EVENINGS Eastern Acoustic Works, Electrovoice, HME,'vie, JBL sing, 212 Roswell, Marietta, Ga. 30060. Pro, Klark Teknik, Mic Mix, Otari, Orban, Omnicraft, 404 -428-5336. Pro Co, PAS, Ramsa, Roland Studio Systems, Revox, Shure, Stephens, SAE, Switchcratt, Sound Workshop, WANTED: RECORDING EQUIPMENT OF Tascam (including 85 -16), Technics, Urei, Xedit and Altec 288C Drivers (2) with 311 cast ALL AGES & VARIETIES. Microphones, many more. Complete electronic labs and workshops aluminum horns (2) $600. 513 -351 -4910. outboard gear, consoles, tape decks, etc. and reconing center on premises. Call or write for Dan Alexander, 245 Hyde St., San Fran- prompt quotation. PROFESSIONAL SOUND LABS, INC. FOR SALE: TASCAM MODEL 5A MIXER, cisco, CA 94102. (415) 441 -8912. 110 N. Franklin Street, Hempstead, New York 11550 SHURE SR -101 AUDIO CONSOLE. (516) 486 -5813. 313- 235 -9613. JBL AND GAUSS SPEAKER WARRANTY CENTER. Fast emergency service. Scully 280, 8 track master recorder; Speaker Reconing and Repair. Compres- SOUNDMEN WANTED: National Listing Walker 1680 console and more. For details sion driver diaphragms for immediate Service wants to refer your name and contact: Dan Penney, 603-466-5522. shipment. NEWCOME SOUND, 4684 In- talents to bands seeking soundmen. Send dianola Avenue, Columbus, OH 43214. $5.00 with name, address, phone and ex- WHY PAY MORE! CROWN PRESSURE 614-268.5605. perience to: SOUNDMAN LISTING SER- ZONE MICS $289. ELECTRO VOICE, AKG VICE, 808 Foley St., Kalamazoo, Mi. 49001. and SENNHEISER MICS AT DISCOUNT FLEISHMAN INSTRUMENTS - Hand -built, PRICES. CALL OR WRITE, ISLAND custom designed, electric and acoustic, AGFA MASTERTAPE AND CASSETTES. SALES, P.O. BOX 242, CLARKSBURG, MD. basses and guitars. Write for free Super prices. Example: 1/4" x 2400' bulk = 20734. 301-972-1653. brochure: 525 E. Ohio Ave., Denver, Col- 9.82 and C -60 for 86c (case quantities). orado 80209. (303) 777 -2168. Send for wholesale price list. Solid Sound, RECORDING ENGINEER WANTED for Inc., Box 7611, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105 (313) midwest studio. Experience a must. 662 -0667. Please send demo reel and resume to: Use TRIAXE, 2416 S. Walnut, Springfield, III. WANTED: McINTOSH, MARANTZ, AUDIO 62704. /BOO DER% RESEARCH TUBE EQUIPMENT. MAURY, (2CCOORDIING 713 -728 -4343. WOW! THEY'RE GOING FAST! RUPERT'S COMMANDMENTS OF TAPE RECORD- G AYAUSIIC FOR SALE: Soundcraft Series -2 16x8 ING- SECOND EDITION, AVAILABLE ON $7500; Series -2 16x4 $5,200; Series -1 16x2 CASSETTE TAPE. STRAIGHT POOP Classified Ads - w /case $3,200; Series -1S 20x2 $4,850. UREI FROM THAT BIG STUDIO IN THE SKY! 1176 $375, Bi -amp M2 -V Crossovers $100 (6 SEND $5.95 TO AUDIO CLOSET, 2820 They Get ea), Community MB -60 $250 (4 ea). Barney NORTH 48TH, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, Results ! O'Kelly (614) 268-5643. 68504.

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