392 Part 352—Exotic Animals; Voluntary Inspection
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Pt. 352 9 CFR Ch. III (1±1±98 Edition) is eligible for certification service (d) Applicant means any interested under the regulations in this part. party who requests any inspection service. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0583±0036) (e) Bison means any American bison or catalo or cattalo. [40 FR 58627, Dec. 18, 1975, as amended at 47 (f) Buffalo means any animal belong- FR 746, Jan. 7, 1982] ing to the buffalo family. (g) Catalo or Cattalo means any hy- PART 352ÐEXOTIC ANIMALS; brid animal with American bison ap- VOLUNTARY INSPECTION pearance resulting from direct cross- breeding of American bison and cattle. (h) Condition means any condition, Sec. including, but not limited to, the state 352.1 Definitions. 352.2 Type of service available. of preservation, cleanliness, or sound- 352.3 Application by official exotic animal ness of any product or the processing, establishment for inspection service. handling, or packaging which may af- 352.4 Application for ante-mortem inspec- fect such product. tion service in the field. (i) Condition and wholesomeness means 352.5 Fees and charges. the condition of any product, its 352.6 Denial or withrawal of inspection serv- healthfulness and fitness for human ice. food. 352.7 Marking inspected products. (j) Deer means any member of the 352.8 Time of inspection in the field and in deer family. an official exotic animal establishment. (k) Exotic animal means any reindeer, 352.9 Report of inspection work. 352.10 Ante-mortem inspection. elk, deer, antelope, water buffalo or 352.11 Post-mortem inspection. bison. 352.12 Disposal of diseased or otherwise (l) Elk means any American elk. adulterated carcasses and parts. (m) Exotic animal inspection service 352.13 Handling and disposal of condemned means the personnel who are engaged or other inedible exotic animal products in the administration, application, and at official exotic animal establishments. direction of exotic animal inspection 352.14 Entry into official establishments; re- programs and services pursuant to the inspection and preparation of products. regulations in this part. 352.15 Records, registration and reports. (n) Exotic animal producer means any 352.16 Exports. 352.17 Transportation. interested party that engages in the 352.18 Cooperation of States in Federal pro- raising and/or marketing of an exotic grams. animal for commercial purposes. (o) Field ante-mortem inspection means AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 1622, 1624; 7 CFR 2.17 the ante-mortem inspection of an ex- (g) and (i), 2.55. otic animal away from the official ex- SOURCE: 50 FR 41847, Oct. 16, 1985, unless otic animal establishment's premises. otherwise noted. (p) Field designated area means any designated area on the applicant's § 352.1 Definitions. premises, approved by the Regional Di- The definitions in § 301.2, not other- rector, where field ante-mortem in- wise defined in this part, are incor- spection is to be performed. porated into this part. In addition to (q) Identify means to apply official those definitions, the following defini- identification to products or contain- tions will be applicable to the regula- ers. tions in this part. (r) Inspection means any inspection (a) Act means the applicable provi- by an inspector to determine, in ac- sions of the Agricultural Marketing cordance with regulations in this part, Act of 1946, as amended (60 Stat. 1087, (1) the condition and wholesomeness of as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1621 et seq.). an exotic animal, or (2) the condition (b) Acceptable means suitable for the and wholesomeness of edible product of purpose intended and acceptable to the an exotic animal at any state of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. preparation or packaging in the official (c) Antelope means any animal be- plant where inspected and certified, or longing to the antelope family. (3) the condition and wholesomeness of 392 VerDate 20<JAN>98 08:22 Feb 09, 1998 Jkt 179031 PO 00000 Frm 00388 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179031.TXT 179031-3 Food Safety and Inspection Serv. (Meat, Poultry), USDA § 352.4 any previously inspected and certified and the processing of exotic animal product of an exotic animal if such products. All provisions of this part product has not lost its identity as an shall apply to the slaughter of exotic inspected and certified product. animals, and the preparation, labeling, (s) Interested party means any person and certification of the exotic animal financially interested in a transaction meat and exotic animal products proc- involving any inspection. essed under this exotic animal inspec- (t) Official exotic animal establishment tion service. means any slaughtering, cutting, (b) Only exotic animals which have boning, curing, smoking, salting, pack- had ante±mortem inspection as de- ing, rendering, or similar establish- scribed under this part and which are ment at which inspection is main- processed in official exotic animal es- tained under the regulations in this tablishments in accordance with this part. part may be marked inspected and (u) Official device means a stamping passed. appliance, branding device, stencil (c) Exotic animals, exotic animal printed label, or any other mechani- meat and meat food products shall be cally or manually operated tool that is handled in an official exotic animal es- approved by the Administrator for the tablishment to ensure separation and purpose of applying any official mark identity of the exotic animal or exotic or other identification to any product animal meat and meat food products or packaging material. until they are shipped from the official (v) Official identification means any exotic animal establishment to prevent symbol, stamp, label or seal indicating commingling with other species. that the product has been officially in- spected and/or indicating the condition [54 FR 1330, Jan. 13, 1989] of the product approved and authorized by the Administrator to be affixed to § 352.3 Application by official exotic any product, or affixed to or printed on animal establishment for inspection services. the packaging material of any product. (w) Program means the Voluntary Ex- (a) Any person desiring to process an otic Animal Inspection Program of the exotic animal, exotic animal carcasses, Food Safety and Inspection Service. exotic animal meat and meat food (x) Reindeer means any reindeer com- products in an establishment under ex- monly referred to as caribou. otic animal inspection service must re- (y) Transport vehicle means any vehi- ceive approval of such establishment cle used to transport an exotic animal. and facilities as an official exotic ani- (z) Veterinarian means an authorized mal establishment prior to the ren- veterinarian of the Program employed dition of such service. An application by the Department or any cooperating for inspection service to be rendered in State who is authorized by the Sec- an official exotic animal establishment retary to do any work or perform any shall be approved in accordance with duty in connection with the Program. the provisions contained in §§ 304.1 and (aa) Water buffalo means any Asiatic 304.2 of subchapter A of this chapter. water buffalo, commonly referred to as (b) Initial survey. When an applica- carabao; and the water buffalo of India, tion has been filed for exotic animal in- commonly referred to as the Indian spection service, the Regional Director buffalo. or designee, shall examine the estab- lishment, premises, and facilities. [54 FR 1330, Jan. 13, 1989] [54 FR 1331, Jan. 13, 1989] § 352.2 Type of service available. Upon application, in accordance with § 352.4 Application for ante-mortem in- § 352.3, § 352.4, and § 352.5, the following spection service in the field. type of service may be furnished under Any exotic animal producer desiring the regulations in this part: field ante-mortem exotic animal in- (a) Voluntary Inspection Service. An spection service must receive approval inspection and certification service for of the field ante-mortem designated wholesomeness relating to the slaugh- area from the Regional Director or des- ter and processing of exotic animals ignee prior to the rendition of such 393 VerDate 20<JAN>98 08:22 Feb 09, 1998 Jkt 179031 PO 00000 Frm 00389 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179031.TXT 179031-3.