SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2014 (PAGE-4)

MOVIE- REVIEW HEALTHLINES Murder mystery Cholesterol in our body Taran Adarsh day and starred rival stars. The latter becomes a run- Maneka Sanjay Gandhi away hit, while the former faces its waterloo at the tick- So many people I meet complain about having choles- may have his share of admir- et window. Worse, the lead actress of 'Ujwal Nirmal terol problems. One of the signs is a growth of thick yel- ers and adversaries within and outside the industry, but Sheetal' walks away with the coveted award and dur- low patches on the skin, especially around the eyes. let's face it, the man continues to score big as a musi- ing the party that ensues, she gets murdered... These are deposits of cholesterol. Another symptom is cian and his movies -- as an actor -- are talked-about, Ananth Narayan Mahadevan juxtaposes fantasy leg pain when exercising, which means the arteries are evaluated and scrutinised feverishly [good, bad, what- and reality and depicts the life on and off film sets. Being narrowing. ever!], which, indirectly, hints at his popularity. Like him an integral part of the industry, Ananth makes sure he What is cholesterol? It is a waxy steroid and is found or loathe him, the fact is you can't ignore him. includes episodes that would make the spectator draw in the blood of all animals. It comes from the Greek word parallels with real life, neatly presenting the grime and choles for bile and sterol for stiff, and is a hard, waxy sub- sleaze behind the glam and insecurities behind smiling stance. faces. Cell membranes, which wrap and protect the inner con- Showbiz is a cruel place where fortunes and equa- tents of all cells, must contain cholesterol in order to func- tions change every Friday, depending on how your film tion properly. Cholesterol contributes firmness to mem- fares at the ticket window and Ananth captures this branes and keeps them from falling apart. It is involved aspect rather well. He also makes sure he encompass- in the production of hormones. It aids in the production of es the casting process, the whims and fancies of stars, bile. It converts sunshine to vitamin D and helps in using the scandalous streak in actresses, the manipulative vitamins A, D, E, and K. games people play and of course, the cut-throat com- Cholesterol is carried in the blood by molecules called petition when two biggies clash on the same date. lipoproteins which carry it from the liver, where it is man- People who are fat and people who do not exercise Having said that, the film suffers due to a sketchy ufactured, to the cells. If there is too much it is carried are much more likely to have high cholesterol; also, peo- script intermittently. The relationship between Himesh back to the liver where it is broken up as waste and ple who have diabetes and high blood pressure, high lev- and appears far from convincing. The expelled from the body. There are two types of lipopro- els of triglycerides and under-active thyroid glands. romance between Himesh and Zoya Afroz could've teins “Good” = HDL which collect extra cholesterol from Your risk factors increase if family members have had been more persuasive. Additionally, looking at the star- around the body and carry it back to the liver to be elim- either high cholesterol, coronary heart disease or stroke. dom and popularity of , his role inated from the body if we don’t need it. “Bad” = LDL which What should you do to get your cholesterol and triglyc- could've been more substantial, more so because he carry extra cholesterol made in the liver out to the rest of eride levels back to normal? You can use medicines but has been given equal prominence in the posters of the the cells in the body and deposit it in the arteries. the side effects are headaches, itching, and constipa- film. Ditto for Irrfan, who is a mere sutradhaar, the nar- tion/diarrhoea. rator of this tale. The first thing would be to give up meat, eggs and milk. With Himesh and Yo Yo Honey Singh featuring in a Refined carbohydrates speed up the Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats. Exer- project together, the soundtrack ought to scale dizzy cise and sleep well. heights and the music of THE XPOSE has chartbuster Since every single animal cell contains cholesterol, all written all over it. The three tracks that stand out -- the cholesterol manufacture in the body. animal foods contain cholesterol. All meats (chicken, fish, songs could also give an impetus to the business of the beef, pork, etc.) contain about the same amount of cho- film -- include 'Dard Dilon Ke Kam Ho Jaate', 'Hai Apna When you eat less carbohydrate, your lesterol per serving. Dil To Awara' and of course, 'Ice Cream Khaungi Kash- Certain animal foods—liver, egg yolk, dairy fats, organ mir Jaungi'. The film bears an upscale, glossy look and body decides naturally when it should meats, and brain— are especially high in cholesterol. the DoP [Maneesh Chandra Bhatt] captures the bygone In his new endeavour THE XPOSE, Himesh and Why? Liver is where the body manufactures cholesterol. era exceedingly well on celluloid. Dialogue [Bunty Egg yolks contain concentrated cholesterol because the director Ananth Narayan Mahadevan take you back in Rathore] are aimed at the masses and though a cou- stop making cholesterol. In fact the time. When depended completely on the growing baby chick needs it to build new cells. Milk fat ple of lines may seem ludicrous in the promos, they contains lots of cholesterol because the growing baby calf whims and fancies of its lead stars. When 70mm fan- seem to fit well when viewed in context. The back- chances are that if you have “high cho- needs it to build new cells. Organ meats such as pan- tasies were all that mattered. When movies were the ground score is top notch. creas, kidney, contain more cholesterol because glands only source of entertainment for the common man. In Himesh appears slim and trim [he has lost weight lesterol” you do not have a cholesterol make hormones, and hormones are made from choles- the past, accomplished film-makers like Farah Khan for the part] and carries the character with conviction. terol. Brain contains very high amounts of cholesterol to [OM SHANTI OM] and Zoya Akhtar [LUCK BY Also, the attitude that he flaunts goes well with his on- problem—you have a carbohydrate insulate its electrical circuits. CHANCE] embarked on an enchanting journey into this screen character. Yo Yo Honey Singh has the trappings Plant foods do not contain any cholesterol. world. Now Ananth Narayan Mahadevan draws paral- of a fine actor, but is relegated to the back seat. Irrfan problem. Cholesterol manufacture is also controlled by insulin lels with real life, integrates a murder mystery in the Khan appears in a cameo. The two leading ladies, Zoya levels in the blood. When people eat too many refined plot, garnishes it with a lilting soundtrack and recreates Afroz [as Chandni] and [as Zara], look sugars and starches, blood insulin levels can spike (meat the bygone era in THE XPOSE. High concentrations in the blood promote a disease has sugar in it and all processed meat and junk food has glamorous and enact their parts with confidence. a great deal). When insulin spikes, it tells all the body’s Let's enlighten you about the premise. THE XPOSE Nakul Vaid does a fine job. Ananth Narayan called atherosclerosis. Arteries are blood vessels that car- ry blood to the heart. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of cells to make cholesterol, even if they don’t need any is an ode to the glam world called Bollywood. Set in the Mahadevan is effective. Ashwin Dhir [as Bobby Chad- more. This is probably the most important reason why 60s, the film starts off with the sudden demise of a ris- ha] is first-rate. Adil Hussain is wasted. Rajesh Shar- the arteries in which artery walls thicken as a result of the some people have too much cholesterol in their blood- ing star. She has been murdered, actually. The finger ma is, as always, efficient. Jessy Randhawa, Bharat accumulation of calcium and cholesterol. They stop being stream. Low sugar and low-carbohydrate diets lower the of suspicion points towards several people who were Dabholkar, Dayashankar Pandey, Naresh Suri, Kanika elastic and less blood travels through. This increases cholesterol making activity. associated with her. Who could've committed the ghast- Dang and Kunal Thakkur are perfect. blood pressure and causes inflammation. It is the lead- Refined carbohydrates speed up the cholesterol man- ly act? On the whole, THE XPOSE is a decently-crafted vin- ing cause of heart attacks and stroke. Heart attack occurs ufacture in the body. When you eat less carbohydrate, your body decides naturally when it should stop making Flashback. The seeds of hatred were sown during tage musical-thriller that keeps you guessing about the when the supply of blood and oxygen to an area of heart muscle is blocked. Strokes occur when a blood clot blocks cholesterol. In fact the chances are that if you have “high the making of two ambitious films that were filmed con- identity of the murderer all through. An entertaining out- cholesterol” you do not have a cholesterol problem—you currently ['Ujwal Nirmal Sheetal' and 'Reena Mera ing for fans of atypical Bollywood-style murder mysteries. an artery or vein, interrupting the flow to an area of the have a carbohydrate problem. Naam'], which, incidentally, were released on the same brain. Diets high in refined carbohydrate lower HDL levels The amount of cholesterol in human blood can vary and set the stage for high insulin levels and inflammation from 3.6 mmol/litre to 7.8 mmol/litre. Any reading over 5 throughout the body, including in the coronary arteries. SPORTS mmol/litre is high and will significantly raise the risk of arte- Saturated fats, trans-fatty acids and foods with a high rial disease. This is how your doctor’s reports will look : glycemic index affect cholesterol levels. Food high in sat- urated fat are mainly animal products, such as meat, but- Desirable - Less than 200 mg/dL.(milligrams per decilitre) ter, lard, milk, cream, eggs. Foods that contain trans-fat Bordeline high - 200 to 239 mg/dL. are found in all commercial meats, commercial pastries, High - 240 mg/dL and above. fried foods, cookies, snack foods, shortenings and mar- The foot and the ball In industrialized nations cholesterol levels are high in garines. In fact all junk foods. adults . One in ten children in the United States have got Best is to avoid all food from fast food chains. high levels of cholesterol. is in the high cholesterol The glycemic index gives us an idea of which foods As football bracket. In fact, people from the Indian sub-continent raise our blood glucose fastest and highest. Obviously (Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka) are more sus- white sugar is the highest. Most vegetables have low dominates ceptible to having higher cholesterol levels than other glycemic levels except potatoes. Milk and all dairy have people high ones. What causes high cholesterol? The wrong food, for How much cholesterol do we need to eat? NONE. The this season, one: foods that contain cholesterol, such as eggs, kid- body can make cholesterol out of ANYTHING—fats, car- neys, some seafoods. Foods high in saturated fats: red bohydrates, or proteins. Ranjita Biswas meat, sausages, cheese, lard, cakes, most biscuits, and Eat food. Don’t let it eat you. Become a true veg- etarian. remembers a cream (there are many more). visit to the Keratoconus in eye museum of Dr Sanjay Sachdeva the renowned Keratoconus is a non inflammatory disease of the cornea which can cause a central thinning of the corneal tissues. This usually occurs sometime in the early teenage Real Madrid years. The thinned part of the cornea then starts to bulge forwards. When this happens, the cornea is no longer a club in Spain. regular shape, instead it becomes irregular and cone shaped causing the eye to become myopic and astigmat- Football is in the news with the REAL Madrid Oh, for that Tee! Photo : Ranjita Biswas ic. This then produces blurred and distorted vision. World Cup coming up this summer. How common is Keratoconus? However, as a game it hardly is out of news at any time. Republic by dictator General Franco at the advent of Keratoconus is estimated to occur in 1 out of every After all, football or soccer as American call it, is the most the Second World War meant that this 'Royal' tag was 2000 persons in the general population. There appears popular game the world over no matter what the cricket unwelcome. The club stagnated with no activities going to be no significant preponderance with regards to either -crazy fans of the South Asian countries agree or not. on till the end of the War. Santiago Bernabeu Yeste, men or women. president of the club was the one to revive it and today Talking about football, for its fans a tour of the Real What Causes Keratoconus? the stadium is named after him honouring his contribu- What are the signs and symptoms of Keratoconus? Madrid club's Santiago Bernabeu stadium in the Span- The characteristics of keratoconus have been known tion. The initial symptoms of keratoconus are usually a blur- ish capital is almost like a holy grail- like the La Bom- for at least 200 years, but the specific causes are still unde- The stadium, built in the mid 1940s, can hold 81,000 ring and distortion of vision that may be corrected with bonera stadium of the Boca Junior Club in Buenos termined. Several theories have been proposed: spectacles in the early stages of the condition. Frequent as of now, making it Spain's largest venue behind the * One scientific theory is that keratoconus is genetic in Aires in Argentina where Diego Maradona practised Camp Nou in Barcelona. Since then it has gone changes to the spectacle correction may be required as and played. Now that Real Madrid has effortlessly origin. About 7% of patients have other family members the cornea becomes progressively thinner. through many renovations and its next move reported- with the disease. sailed into their first Champions League final since ly is to increase the capacity to 93,000 making it the What is the usual age of onset of Keratoconus? 2002 defeating Bayern Munich, the holders, by 4-0 third largest stadium in the world with millions of Euros KERATOCONUS IS A NON INFLAMMATORY The onset of keratoconus can be anywhere between goals its reputation and of course, its star striker Cris- funneled in. the ages of 8 and 45. In the majority of cases, it becomes tiano Ronaldo's too, has increased manifold. The Real Madrid Club has won numerous cups DISEASE OF THE CORNEA WHICH CAN apparent between the ages of 16 and 30 years. All this stoked the memory of a tour of the enormous since its inception but more since its revival. The wit- Does Keratoconus affect both eyes? stadium and its extensive museum a couple of years ness is the trophy cabinet with one glittering cup to CAUSE A CENTRAL THINNING OF THE Yes, keratoconus generally affects both eyes. Only in back. The visit is something to cherish indeed, even another. For the record, they comprise 32 Spanish CORNEAL TISSUES. THIS USUALLY a very small percentage of cases (<1%) is there just the for those who may be confused between a 'corner' and league championships, including five-in-a-row involvement of one eye. Even though keratoconus is basi- an 'off-side'. between 1961 and 1965, 19 Spanish Cups, nine Euro- OCCURS SOMETIME IN THE EARLY cally a bilateral condition, the degree of progression for the For one, the museum tells the story of the rise in pean Cups, including the first five, and two UEFACups. two eyes is often unequal; indeed, it is not unusual for the popularity of football in Spain which today boasts some In fact, the 'La Decima' (the tenth), a phrase coined TEENAGE YEARS. THE THINNED keratoconus to be significantly more advanced in one eye. Is Keratoconus associated with any other diseases of the finest football clubs in the world. by President Florentino Perez after the last triumph at the PART OF THE CORNEA THEN Spain actually took to football only after it found in European cup in 2002, it has become a kind of obses- or disorders? late 19th century that a "new sport" called football from sion, a reason why the final this year in Lisbon in end May STARTS TO BULGE FORWARDS. Keratoconus has been associated with conditions such England was gripping the interest of sports lovers in as Real Madrid faces compatriot and rival Atletico Club as hay fever, asthma, eczema, double jointedness, the country. Today, the corridors of the museum with is going to be even more momentous for the both the Down's syndrome, Marfan's syndrome and mitral valve * Another view holds that keratoconus is a degenera- prolapse. rich displays on both sides unfold how it has grown in clubs. To boot, Real's star Ronaldo will be playing on the tive condition perhaps linked to the altered balance stature and popularity holding the football- fans in home grounds; he is a Portuguese after all. Does Keratoconus cause blindness? between enzymes and inhibitors within the cornea Keratoconus does not cause total blindness. However thrall. Inside the museum on the 'photo wall' you will see * Keratoconus may also be secondary to some disease it can lead to significant vision impairment resulting in legal The pages from its history tells that in the late pictures of every player who has ever played for Real processes. blindness. 1890s, academics and scholars in Spain including sev- Madrid. Also on display are shirts, boots of players and * A hypothesis has also been proposed that kerato- eral alumni of Oxford and Cambridge formed a team photos of many of the team's memorable moments. The What is the treatment ? conus may involve the endocrine system (hormones) Most recent the treatment of keratoconus is C3-R to play on Sunday mornings. In 1902, it went by the trophy gallery is indeed a treat with cups in many designs since the condition is often diagnosed in young people at name of Madrid Football Club. By 1905, however, it and some looking as good as artefacts from the jew- (Corneal collagen crosslinking with rifoflavin) puberty or in their late teens. The procedure involves UV radiation along with had already won the first of their many trophies. The ellers'. One of the cups is in the shape of a building! While the exact cause of keratoconus has not yet been club was granted its Royal (Real in Spanish) seal of As you go through the galleries, meticulously main- riboflavin drops. It has been well established that this treat- determined, research into keratoconus continues and new ment arrests the progress of keratoconus. In the most approval by King Alfonso XIII, a football fan, in 1920. tained, it becomes obvious that football is a passion with treatment options are continually under development However, the founding of the Second Spanish this nation, not just a pastime. (TWF) advanced cases the only treatments keratoplasty.