

The Roland Barthes Codes In Charlotte Lamb’s Love is A Frenzy

1Erna Pranata Putri 2Hawasi, S.S., S.Hum., M.A.

Department of English Literature, Faculty of Letters, Gunadarma University

[email protected] [email protected]


Sometimes it is difficult to obtain the full understanding of a text for a text contains codes. The codes contain mystery that has to be solved by the readers. Semiotic is an approach to analyze the codes in a text. This research aims at finding out Roland Barthes codes in the novel Love is A Frenzy and the of the codes portrayed in the novel. The writer analyzed the example of the codes portrayed in the novel and found out the meaning of the codes in the novel. This is a qualitative descriptive research where the data are presented in the form of written words or verbal expressions. The writer localizes the novel into 278 lexias then applies the lexia regarding the codes. The result shows that this novel contains all the five codes of Roland Barthes. The codes are Proairetic codes; Hermeneutic codes; Semic codes; Symbolic codes and Cultural codes. The Hermeneutic codes tell us about money cannot buy everything and hate is the beginning of love, the Proairetic codes tell us about action speaks louder than words, the Semic codes teach us about an effort brings a result meanwhile the symbolic codes tell us about the hope does not always appear to be real, and cultural codes teach us that sometimes you have to live your life breaking the rule.

Key words: semiotic approach, codes, Roland Barthes

INTRODUCTION For readers, this literary work replaces summoned realities, which is fictional. Literary work such as novel is also fictional as what Junus (1989: 91) says that novel imitates “possibility world”. The possibility world is the fictional world. Everything in it is not the real world, but the possibilities which can be approximated v

imaginatively to be real. Thus, literary works are fictional texts delivering ideas using such a beautiful and attractive language. Novel is one of literary works delivering messages from authors to readers. Novel, according to Sumardjo (1986: 29), is a story with the prose form in a long shape. This long shape means the story includes the complex plot, many characters and various settings. Authors deliver messages of the texts through the plot, the characters, and the setting. The message of the novel is one of the significant parts in the novel. Frequently, there is something lying in a novel which we call it “mystery” or the hidden messages of the novel. There are excessively possibilities that the “mystery” is an enigma what Barthes stated in his S/Z, an exhaustive analysis of Balzac's Sarrasine that the process of understanding the text involves in the reader’s interpretation. In order to catch the “mystery” hiding in the text, the text must be able to communicate the meaning of the text. , a science of and signs systems analysis is used to solve the “mystery” and signs in a text. It closely related to the field of which studies the structure and meaning of language mode specifically. Semiotics is used to analyze signs in many fields of study; one of them is in literature study. It is used to analyze literary works such as poems, , drama play, and novel. In a novel, semiotics is used to analyze the meaning of the novel by analyzing the signs presented in the novel. Authors deliver the meaning of the novel using these signs. In a novel of Charlotte Lamb entitled Love is A Frenzy, the writer conveys the meaning of the novel through signs presented in the novel. In order to find the meaning conveyed by the writer in the novel Love is A Frenzy, the researcher would like to analyze it using semiotics approach. It would be too wide to analyze it using semiotics approach presented by all semioticians such as , Charles Sanders Pierce, Roland Barthes and others. Thus, the researcher only uses Roland Barthes Five Codes in analyzing the novel entitled Love is A Frenzy. Barthes divides the story into lexias before analyzing the story. In analyzing a literary work, Roland Barthes has established a theory that uses five codes. The codes are hermeneutic , Proairetic code, Semantic code, Symbolic code, and Cultural code. These codes are representatives to how we view a text rather than a set of rules of how a text should be interpreted (http :// www.arts. uwaterloo.ca/~raha /700_701_web /BarthesLO/codes.html). These codes will be used to investigate the five codes as portrayed in Charlotte Lamb’s Love is a Frenzy.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Lexia Barthes stated in his work S/Z below vi

The lexia will include sometimes a few words, sometime several sentences; it will be a matter of convenience: it will suffice that the lexia be the best possible space in which we can observe meanings; its dimension, empirically determined, estimated, will depend on the density of connotations, variable according to the moments of the text: all we require is that each lexia should have at most three or four meanings to be enumerated. (1990: 13-14)

In his work S/Z Barthes divided Balzac’s Sarrasine into numerous lexias before apply it to the five codes; hermeneutic code, proairetic code, symbolic code, cultural code, Semic Code.

Semiotic of Roland Barthes In his book S / Z (1970), Roland Barthes grouped the text into five codes; the codes are hermeunetik code, proairetic code, symbolic code, code of semes, cultural code. This is his attempt to capture something of how meaning is produced and dispersed in the text. The hermeneutic code (HER) and proairetic code (ACT) have to do with the manner in which the produces itself – they have to do with narrative and chronological logic. The three remaining codes (symbolic code, cultural code, Semic code) take us outside of the text’s narrative sequences and logic (Allen, 2003: 86-87). a. The hermeneutic code (HER) concerns with the response to the question, events that formulate questions or delay its answer, and constitute an enigma and lead to its solution (Barthes, 1990: 17). Here the narrative raises questions, creates suspense and mystery, in it proceeds along its course the questions are solved (Hawkes, 2003: 94). b. The proairetic code (ACT) concerns with actions and their effects: ‘each effect’ having ‘a generic name giving a kind of title to the sequence’ (Barthes, 1990: 18). It determines the result of an action (Hawkes, 2003: 95) c. The symbolic code (SYM) concerns all the symbolic patterns, the patterns of antithesis and opposition, observable in the text in particular (Barthes, 1990: 18). This code is regularly repeated in various modes and by various means in the text (Hawkes, 2003: 95) d. The Semic code (SEM) concerns all the connotations which build up the qualities of characters or actions (Barthes, 1990: 18). It utilizes hints or “flickers of meaning” generated by certain signifiers (Hawkes, 2003: 95) e. The cultural code (REF) or reference code concerns the several codes of knowledge or wisdom to which the text continually refers. Since ‘all codes’ are in a sense ‘cultural’, cultural codes here means ‘afford the discourse a basis in scientific or moral authority’ (Barthes, 1990: 18). Quoting from vii

Hawkes about the meaning of this codes “ this code manifests itself as a “gnomic”, collective, anonymous, and authoritative voice which speaks for and about what it aims to establish as “accepted” knowledge or wisdom” (2003: 96)

RESEARCH METHOD Research Design In this research the researcher uses qualitative methodology as a research procedure. Qualitative methodology is used because the researcher conducting this research in textual analysis where the researcher observes data such as dialogues and narrative found in the Lamb’s Love is A Frenzy as the descriptive data. In conducting this research, the researcher employs semiotics approach particularly using semiotics Roland Barthes’ five codes; hermeneutic code, proairetic code, symbolic code, cultural code, semic code to achieve the objectives of this research. Source of the Data The primary data of this research is a novel entitled Love is A Frenzy written by Charlotte Lamb. It is published by Mills and Boon in 1979.

Data Collection Procedure 1. The researcher read the novel Love is A Frenzy in order to understand the story before deciding the problems to be analyzed. First of all, the researcher read the text using heuristic to get the meaning of the words and terms used in the text. Secondly, the researcher read the text using hermeneutic reading to get the whole understanding of the text. 2. Marked the text that belongs into lexias. The researcher marked the lexias found in the text. 3. The researcher divides the story into lexias. As what Roland Barthes did when analyzing Balzac’s Sarrasine, the researcher divides the text into numerous lexias before apply it to the five codes; hermeneutic code, proairetic code, symbolic code, cultural code, and code of semes. Then the researcher puts the lexias in columns.

Data Analysis Procedure

1. Classifying the text into lexias according to the Roland Barthes five codes. The researcher classifies the lexias according to hermeneutic code, proairetic code, symbolic code, cultural code, and semic code. viii

2. Finding the codes as portrayed in the novel Love is A Frenzy. The researcher analyzes the text then finds the codes as portrayed in Love is A Frenzy. 3. Analyzing the meaning of each code. The researcher analyzes the meaning of each code while comparing to the theories of definition of each code given by semioticians. 4. Drawing a conclusion. After completing three steps above, the researcher draws a conclusion and gives suggestion.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Code Analyzing in Love is A Frenzy In analyzing the story the researcher localized the text into 278 lexias according to Hermeneutic code (57 lexias), Proairetic code (135 lexias), Semic code (127 lexias), Symbolic code (69 lexias), and Cultural code (17 lexias) for it helps the researcher to analyze the text in a deep understanding.

Hermeneutic Code Before analyzing this code, the researcher might make it clear that this code is different from the in the wide range of philosophy. There might be a relation but the Hermeneutic here is not as deep as the Hermeneutics. Hermeneutic code refers to any element that raises question or creates an enigma to the readers. This enigma or question is an element which arouses the readers to not leaving their chair for they keep reading the story to the very end. The readers get aroused for the enigma or question arises in the story. With this element the readers have a desire to finish reading the story as if they are involved in the text. In a text especially novel, this element belongs to a significant aspect which determines whether it belongs to a good text or not. But that does not mean this element is a single element that determines the reader’s interest in a text. The enigma or questions that arise from the readers are a suspended revelation of the truth of his answers that would be obtained by continuing to read the text. The readers begin wondering 'who is the character?' 'What was motive of the character in doing something?' 'Why'? 'How?' 'What will happen next?'. This kind of thinking is what readers are looking to read a text and a tactic by the author in the text for does not provide answers to questions such as explicitly or directly so that the text will not be boring. In spite of it all, the reading of the hermeneutic code must be in an order in order to get the overall theme.

The hermeneutic code is shown in the lexias below:


lexia 2 She recognised him at once. 'An absolute bastard', Nicky had called him, and the description fitted like a glove. Without having spoken to him she knew exactly what she could expect from him, his blue eyes roaming over her in insolent appraisal, the hard mouth cynically sensual. (Love Is A Frenzy, 1979: 5)

lexia 3 As she leaned back on the piano her wry gaze met Derry's and he winked at her, silently mouthing, 'Get 'em, baby!) (LIAF, 1979: 5)

Charlotte Lamb's Love is A Frenzy is a story that uses a third-person perspective as the main actors. The author uses the pronoun or directly says the name of the character. Looking at the lexia 2 in the beginning of the story the author does not directly uses the name of the main character instead of she uses the pronoun 'she '. The pronoun 'she' is then makes the reader wondering who 'she' is and what 'she' looks like. Similarly, the lexia 3.

Proairetic Code

It is the often called as the code of action for it builds interest or suspense on the part of a reader through any actions that imply a further narrative action. This Code is one of the important elements that can make the readers do not lose their interest to a story by giving suspense situations and raise their interest through actions-reactions done by the characters. The actions-reaction appears as normal, but actually they have their own stories. Proairetic code within a text speaks the logic of cause and effect, that is, a given action will have a given effect. For more details understanding this proairetic code, it will be explained in the analysis of Charlotte Lamb's Love is A Frenzy. The initial meeting of Rachel and Mark are very unpleasant in which Mark accuses Rachel as a gold-digger and a cradle snatcher. The first suspense appears in the first chain of action-reaction below.

lexia 14 'Would you mind leaving while I dress?' she asked in a cold, polite voice. He smiled and a chill ran down her spine. Coming into the room, he closed the door. x

Aware of the fact that those insulting blue eyes were taking in every detail of her half-naked body, she furiously dragged down a wrap and thrust her arms into it, tying it tightly around her waist with a jerk. 'I told you to leave!' He smiled again, mockery in his face. 'My son has better taste than I'd suspected.' The deep, drawling voice was infuriatingly pleasant on the ear, but what he was saying was in no way pleasant. (LIAF, 1979: 8)

Rachel is so upset when Mark comes to her dressing room and starts a fierce quarrel with her. She hates how Mark looking at her as if she is a dirty woman who is selling her body for money. It creates suspense through action- reaction of asking question, then answering question and offering money then refusing the offer as what is shown in the lexia below

lexia 59 'You know, I suppose, that he wants to marry you?' Her green eyes were cool. 'So he says.' He nodded, his eyes on her face. 'All right, Miss Austen. How much?' Rachel sipped her coffee, her eyes on the wall. She had a strong temptation raging inside her. She wanted to throw her cup at him. When she had herself under control, she said sweetly, 'I'm afraid I don't follow.' (LIAF, 1979: 29)

Semic Code

Semic deals with connotations which occur in the process of characterization or description. Semes, sequential thoughts, traits and actions constitute character. This code is a medium-relatic-code which is the of the people, places, or objects where their signifiers are the nature, attributes, or predicates of a character. The characters are prominent in Love is a Frenzy are Rachel Austen and Mark Hammond. Rachel Austen is described as a woman who does not think that money is everything. Money does not give her happiness. It is stated in the following lexia lexia 41 xi

I leave jet-setting and wild parties to those who think life is empty without them. The same goes for mink and diamonds.' (LIAF, 1979: 19)

Mark Hammond is the most ruthless man alive in Rachel’s eyes. Mark Hammond is told to be ruthless and narrow-minded. His words are incisive and he behaves rudely. He often uses forces to threaten Rachel for she will leave Nicky alone. He is a narrow-minded man for he thinks that all women easily fall for money and he thinks that all women around his family are just up for money.

lexia 63 He took an audible breath, his face tightening. 'Very well. I'll give you thirty thousand.' 'When Nicky's the heir to millions? Do you take me for a fool, Mr Hammond?' she mocked him. 'Yes, lady,' he retorted tersely. 'Only a greedy little fool would try to blackmail me. I could break you. I haven't even started on you yet. I was trying to arrange it the nice way. I expect Nicky to cost me money from time to time—there are always going to be women for a boy in his position and from experience I know women always cost money. But if you're going to be greedy I shall have to try other avenues.' (LIAF, 1979: 30)

Symbolic Code Differ from Semic code, the symbolic code is a "deeper" structural principle that organizes semantic meanings, usually by antitheses and oppositions. The Symbolic codes appear and related to each other in Love is A Frenzy are boy versus man, hate versus admiration, and hopes versus reality. Rachel and Mark are to be struggled by their own ego and self-esteem. They try to hate each other and never involve in such love relationship. Often they fight within themselves on suppressing the feeling but it seems does not work well for it is reflected in their action.

lexia 98 She refused to be reduced by him to a toy for his idle hours. Yet she was irritably aware of something within herself which was flicked into life whenever she set eyes on Mark Hammond. The man attracted her. xii

She stripped and stepped under the shower, revolving beneath the warm jet, watching the soap wash off her limbs. It was an easy decision to make; she thought. She must avoid Mark Hammond like the plague. Easy to think; another matter in practice. (LIAF, 1979: 51) Cultural Code It is also known as the voices of science for it is related to knowledge. The goal of Cultural code is to help the author communicates to the reader through a common knowledge base on a variety of subjects, to set the scene by reference to the familiar. It almost cooperates in the same ways as Semic code but Cultural code is more of operates in a given culture. Cultural code is also referred to an organized Semic code. For more understanding, Charlotte Lamb’s Love is A Frenzy is analyzed using the cultural code. The cultural code found in this story is the least compared to the other four codes. The first Cultural code is involved with the love of Nicky a seventeen year old boy and the only child of a billionaire and a twenty five year nightclub singer.

lexia 71 'You're so young, Nicky. If you were ten years older…' She broke off, grimacing. 'That wasn't what I meant!' 'Wasn't it?' He cupped her face in his fine-boned hands, kissed her very lightly. 'Does age matter that much?' 'Oh, Nicky, you know it does. Can you imagine how people would look at me? Baby-snatching… that's what they'd call it, and they'd be right. If the position were reversed it would be different. This is a man's world and men make the rules. Women just keep them. If I were seventeen and you were twenty-five, everyone would smile. You see what I mean?' (LIAF, 1979: 34)

The lexia 71 implies that if an older woman gets married to a younger boy is uncommon. In the given culture women usually seek for men to get married with. Women look for men older than them. It is known that men are a level above women for it is seen that men are stronger than women. Men are also supposed to protect women. Women who marry younger men will be seen as weird especially for Asians. She will be judged as a pedophile for getting married to a younger man. Then it xiii

becomes an kept by people. Today, perhaps In a Western culture such point of view is not a big deal anymore.



After conducting a research about analyzing a literary work Love is A Frenzy the researcher concludes that literary works are symbolic. It means that in literary works there are codes indicating the messages created by the author. The messages are conveyed in hidden codes dispersed through the text. The fully understanding of a literary work is obtained by analyzing the codes. In analyzing the codes hidden in a text can be used many approaches using reliant theories. One of the approaches is semiotics approach. The researcher found that semiotics approach is very compatible to analyze the codes dispersed through the text in order to find the messages in a text for semiotics is a science of codes and signs. In semiotics the codes will be analyzed in a deep analysis in order to obtain the fully understanding of a text. Using the semiotics of Roland Barthes five codes Love is A Frenzy is localized in 278 lexias based on the Hermeneutic code (57 lexias), Proairetic code (135 lexias), Semic code (127 lexias), Symbolic code (69 lexias), and Cultural code (17 lexias). It is found that in Hermeneutic codes the readers are aroused to finish reading the text by the suspense arises in the text. A text usually has various mysteries that drives and attracts the readers through to the end of the text. This is the reason why the text has readers. The meaning of the code are 1) Money cannot buy everything 2) Hate is the beginning of love. The researcher believes that the both codes Hermeneutic and Proairetic codes are the most important codes in writing a text. The meaning of the code is action speaks louder than words. The meaning of semic code is an effort brings a result. The meaning of symbolic code is hope does not always appear to be real. The meaning of cultural code is sometimes you have to live your life breaking the rule.

Suggestion This research about analyzing Love is A Frenzy using Semiotic approach brings a result that by using this approach to analyze a literary text, that is, it can be obtained several themes at one time. Though, this research is limited to Semiotic approach by Roland Barthes. The researcher only uses the theory of the five codes of Roland Barthes in analyzing Love is A Frenzy. This research could possibly bring another result if it is analyzed using another theories beside Roland Barthes. Thus, the researcher suggests to the next researchers to analyze Love is A Frenzy or other xiv

romance novels using Semiotic approach obtained by other semioticians such as Charles Sanders Pierce, Ferdinand de Saussure, , Roman Jacobson, or other semiotic figures.


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