Ghastly Affair Presenter's Manual Is Intended to Be Used in Conjunction with the Ghastly Affair Player's Manual
PRESENTER'S MANUAL A THRILLING PASTIME for Ladies and Gentlemen of an IMAGINATIVE DISPOSITION to role-play ma a!re stories of LOVE and DEATH" In l#din$ some information of an O#tra$eo#s and Startlin$ nat#re" %ritten and desi$ned !y Daniel &ames Hanley 'it( editorial ontri!#tions !y %endy Rosals)y Released #nder t(e terms of t(e Open Game Li ense" Intended for Mat#re A#dien es" Optimi*ed for s reen +ie'in$" Special Thanks to: Stan Rosalsky, Faith Bianco, John Gaunya, Jeanette Torres-Hanley, Jason Bianco, Wendy Rosalsky, Tony Clappsy, Jennifer Black-Hanley, and Willia Fischer, for playtestin!, and hours of quality ga in!# Bri!id Burke, for co entary and criticis on the te$t. Ji Kaelin, Stacey Kaelin, and Jennifer Cali, for support and encoura!e ent. '(eryone on the Troll Lord Ga es, R*Gnet, and Dra!onsfoot Forums who ga(e support, co ents, and - ost i portantly) criticis of the material throughout its e(olution% All the blo!!ers and podcasters who noticed and supported the !a e early on% All the co entators on “The 'n!ine of Oracles3 ,ho ga(e feedback and criticis % '(eryone who made the ga e 0etter by pointin! out proble s and errors in the syste and te$t. Anyone I5(e absentmindedly ne!lected to mention% '$tra Special Thanks to: Jeanette, for lo(e and support throu!hout the pro6ect. Ghastly /ffair is dedicated to the e ory of the 1Snakedaddy3, John *atrick Hanley% 't in /rcadia e!o% DISCLAIMER Ghastly Affair is meant to 0e enjoyed 0y adults who kno, the difference 0etween fantasy and reality% The author does not endorse or condone any of the follo,ing 0eha(iors: highway ro00ery, the use of controlled su0stances, e$ploring unsafe a0andoned structures, piracy, 0lack agic, ar ed re0ellion, 0anditry or 0riganda!e in !eneral, a0use of any drug, necro ancy, gra(e ro00ing, the consu ption of ercury, 0leeding to treat any disease, the drinking of hu an 0lood, or any other ille!al or potentially life-threatening acti(ity% +escription of an acti(ity for ga e purposes should not 0e construed as pro otion of that acti(ity in real life.
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