Lee Hall Renamed in Javits9 Honoi*
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1 The Clash Is - Victorious In -ALTERNATIVES L- ___ - ..m Lee Hall Renamed in Javits9 Honoi * Javits Has Harsh Lee Center Is Namnzed -Words For Reagan -SenatorJacob Javits Administration Policy Lecture Center" Highly critical of the Reagan administration's poli- cies in Central America, former U.S. Senator Jacob By Elizabeth WaBerman Javits said in a speech Monday this country must Originally, he gave about 2,000 boxes of notes and 'learn a lesson about living with people and govern- memorabilia to be sorted by archivists in hopes that ments who do not share our views." the material would serve some historical purpose. Javits compared U.S. intervention in Nicaraugua In return, former U.S. Senator Jacob Javits got a and El Salvador to a regional Brezhnev doctrine- a concrete building -sort of. Soviet policy used to justify aid to budding communist The 2,000-seat Lecture Center was dedicated the parties in several nations. "Senator Jacob Javits Lecture Center" in formal ce- remonies Monday, which the 79-year-old statesman In a speech at formal ceremonies dedicating the attended. Feeling "great satisfaction" at this token of Lecture Center to the former New York Republican the university's appreciation, Javits was hopeful that Senator, Javits criticized Reagan administration in- the purpose of his collection would be achieved- tervention in these two 'focal points of conflict in Cen- education. tral America." "I come here today with a feeling of great satisfac- On Nicaragua, Javits said: 'Without guilding the tion, and I'm deeply pleased that the suggestion of lily, we are, in Nicaragua, seeking to overthrow a go- naming the lecture center for me originated from the vernment which should have a chance to show that it is student body," Javits said, pausing representative after each cluster of the people." of words because of his affliction with the degenerative Of El Salvador, he said: "We're supporting a society nerve disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also and a governmental apparatus which is engaged in known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Seeing the progress in suppression in its worst form -defiance of the human the ordering of his material, Javits said "gives great rights to which we subscribe.' promise after I'm gone to advance the concept of edu- The United States was criticized last month in the cation for the purpose of achieving." United Nations and the World Court for the mining of It is Javits' hope that "on this campus, as well as Nicaraguan harbors as a means to aiding rebels at- other State University campuses, men and women will tempting to bring down that government, which has a be raised and educated who will appreciate the lessons Marxist leaning. The United States also sends aid to of people like my self in the past and draw from what the El Sahadoran government to fight insurgents we leave as a record of our lives and efforts." The government has been suspected in the past of Although he made references to "after I'm gone" in promoting right wing death squads. his 20 minute speech, the 24-year Senate veteran also 'We have to learn a lesson about living with people MarburgW and Javits exit the newly-named Jacob K. Javits Lecture Center. said he would be be returning to campus early this (continued on page 7) {continued on page 7) 350 Gather in Support of Student RiIsatSBRal y By Christopher Maryanopolis It was "May Day" yesterday and more than 350 stu- dents gathered in the Fine Arts Plaza to give their support for student rights. The rally consisted of sev- eral political speakers musical acts. Polity President David Gamberg, one of the rally organizers, asked everyone present to sign a huge banner made by Polity which listed rights the students should have. These rights included better bus service. the right to vote on campus, and the right to have dorm cooking. Gamberg said he hoped to "send a message" to the university administration, however one campus offi- cial said the message was not heard . The first speaker, Steven Englebright, the Suffolk County legislator encouraged students' participation in voter registration. and he stressed the fact that students need more representation in government Other guest speakers included Jim Leotta, Long Is- land Regional Coordinator for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and Troy Oeschnern representative of the Student Association of the State University (SASU). Oechner spoke about improving campug bus service, the stop twenty-one drinking age hike campaign, and women's safety campus. SASU and NYPIRG are both working to win the righttovoteon campus. Patrick Heany. a NYPIRG *bot 36 peoaawcntvOn oow *uwent issues w~c they feel hem -oee- e re-tfy, brought about 350 people to Ome Fie Art* Cenftr "mmra (continued on page 5) Compiled From Associated Press Reports -*= zI I -- A I *a * * A *A -News Digest 0 0 Mondale Tops in Tenn; r^' ' F i Predicts Wrap-Up 'fr ?^ I 'I Walter F. Mondale defeated Sen. see and a distant third in the district, Gary Hart in the Tennessee presidential needs an incredible 91 percent of the primary yesterday and said his recent remaining delegates to block Mondale. 20-M lo A s w Io-s m in string of victories may enable him to Jackson, enjoying his best night of the wrap up the Democratic nomination campaign, was winning more than 60 ]nm I percent of the District of Columbia vote ol the aric before the party convention in July. The Rev. Jesse Jackson won his first election in what he described as a victory "for the orie RAefire with an easy victory in the District of boats stuck at the bottom." Columbia He claimed his victory before hundreds of supporters at the conven- at. 9pm-1 lpm ' Mondale's showing- he had 42 percent tion center where he launched his cam- of the Tennessee vote and was runner-up paign last November, declaring, "Our in the District- aided his methodical mission is to expand and heal our party. riTUDE drive for national convention delegates. Our mission is to expand and heal our With a 600-delegate lead, he needs to nation." win half the delegates at stake in the Mondale hopes to amass an insur- J8TMEN1V next five weeks. mountable lead in delegates by the end t In Texas, site of Saturday caucuses of the primary season June 5. A string of that are crucial to Hart's candidacy, victories over the next week- especially 'OURS Mondale said "I'm delighted" by his in hotly contested Texas and Ohio- , Tennessee showing and by the possibil- would make it all but impossible for PPY HOUR ity he can secure the nomination by the Hart to stop him. final primary night of June 5. "The In Tennessee, Mondale led for 31 of lav~~~~-MD- 4nm-in- av -M a -M V-f Itd A JL JL r, v*1I- developments over the last couple of the 65 delegates at stake. Hart led for 20 weeks make that much more possible," and Jackson for 14. In the Distict of he said. Columbia, with afternoon and evening m-llpm- Anxious not to be overconfident, he votes stil to be counted, Jackson led for continued to disclaim the front-runner's 10 delegates and Mondale for five. ?ers For $1 role and said 'This nomination isn't over The former vice president now leads I yet. Other candidates have a right to Hart By more than 600 delegates- pursue their candidacies." 1,239.05 delegates, compared with IITRSDAY Hart, who finished second in Tennes- 668.75 for Hart and 206.2 for Jackson. ler Time" Reagan to Consider Mid- Part!. i B & SPISES, East Embassy Move rS& T4SHIRTS Washingtn-The Reagan adminis- State Department in Washington. tration fearing an embarrassing *Giving Jordon, which controlled election-year showdown with Congress East Jerusalem until 1967, a deadline is considering moving the U.S. embassy for beginning negotiations on the status in Tel Aviv to WestJerusalem, The Wa- of the ancient city. If Jordon did not RtIDAY - - shiwton Poat reported for Monday meet the deadline, the United States editions, would move the embasy to Jerualem. The newspaper quoted unnamed ad- CM E8TAO ministration officials as saying the 01 White House is seeking a 'creative com- Authoritis Fid IDAN promisewwith Mongrels over a popular 0) bill to move - - wAndi the U.S. embassy from Tel In I- I Aviv to Jerusalem. fram Inal chorus ^ 'The me&=ir wkwki- hi Oa en*-2,%.*. » . 5'' . W-"*ff **» yOuppur - The"Wmetro haU«m to V) ofDemocratic presidential candidates co Walter F. Mondale and Sen. Gary Hart, LibyannEbaEy D-CoWo., has 226 co-Sponsors in the I House and 42 in the Senate. lAidCE Sane administration officials are * Lndo-Police said the found pis- fearful that in the election-year compe. tob and a ssuniton in the forma Li- 1l tition for Jewish votes a compromise is byan Embassy in Great Britain neded to defUse the isu before Presi- yesterday along with "'positive proof" ARTS! dent ln is ad with the choie of that the shots that ast off the 11-dy em- I& signing or vetoing such a measure. bony siege cam fo inside the The newpapersaid no decisions have building. 'been made but adminitation officials The asertion came on the second day rie B.i are odering: of what polioe said wa Pan inch-by- *Luovin the abaqto Weft Jerus incth Oearch of the 70-rom embassy. alem, which was under Israeli control "We hae found eVide that totlly ore the1967 Middle East war but Nos _ _J__m w 1.j _ _i_*»0._~ ~ T la_ *t_ -.& a - refutes CoL M oammar Khadays ver- *a -&-noe isiaent union_ iprooU1ng U.