
Science Horizon

Volume 3 Issue 9 September, 2018 President, Odisha Bigyan Academy Editorial Board Prof. Sanghamitra Mohanty Prof. Rama Shankar Rath Chief Editor Er. Mayadhar Swain Prof. Niranjan Barik Prof. G. B. N. Chainy Editor Dr. Trinath Moharana Prof. Tarani Charan Kara Prof. Madhumita Das Managing Editor Prof. Bijay Kumar Parida Dr. Prafulla Kumar Bhanja Secretary, Odisha Bigyan Academy Dr. Shaileswar Nanda CONTENTS Subject Author Page 1. Editorial : Molecular Evolution - An Overview Prof. Tarini Charan Kara 2 2. How Blurred is our belief on a Blood Moon Sri Nikunja Bihari Sahu 4 3. Diamonds in the Night Sky Sri Mohan Kumar Sahu 6 4. Back-of-the-Envelope Calculation : What and How Dr. B. K. Parida 10 Dr. J. K. Mohapatra 5. in Mathematics Er. Mayadhar Swain 14 6. Linus Pauling - The Legend Prof. Suresh Mohapatra 18 7. Environmental Pollution : A Threat To Humanity Dr. Sundara Narayana Patro 21 8. The King of Poisons and the Poison of KingsDr. Choudhury Satyabrata Nanda 28 9. Artificial Intelligence Dr. Dwijesh Kumar Panda 30 10. Rabies - A Fatal Disease Dr. K.K. Sardar 33 Dr. B.C. Das 11. Stem Cell Therapy: a Promise for all Ills ! Dr. Guru Prasad Mohanta 36 12. Aquatic Weeds - Their Control and Uses Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das 38 13. Plant Tissue Culture and its Revolution Dr. Gouranga Charan Swain 42 14. Fish : The Global Super Food Sri Biswaranjan Paital 44 15. Quiz : Arsenic Pollution Sri Titaram Nanda Brahmachari, Prof. Surjenu Kumar Dey 47

The Cover Page depicts : Molecular Evolution Cover Design : Sanatan Rout


In 1958 Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Darwin (1809-1882) and Mendel (1822- Wallace published a new evolutionary theory, 1884) achieved their insights without any help explained in detail in Darwin's book "The Origin from molecular biological tools and techniques of Species By Means of Natural Selection" (1859). available today. The present day biologists are Unlike Lamarck, Darwin proposed common quite familiar with such tools and techniques descent and a branching tree of life, indicating which help them to go into the molecular that two very different species could share a intricacies of the diverse array of life forms living common ancestor. Though Darwin was not aware on Earth. This facilitated a new field of of genes and DNA, and also not sure about the evolutionary study called - Molecular Evolution origin of variations, yet he described a mechanism which deals with evolution of genes, DNA and of evolution - the theory of natural selection - for proteins at the molecular level. The molecular how evolution shapes life on earth. In the analysis of changes in DNA, Proteins and genome structure throw much light on the dynamics introduction of his book 'The Origin of Species' behind evolutionary processes and allow to Darwin pointed out that, selection is not the only reconstruct the chronology of organic changes and evolutionary force at work, other forces do work construct a Universal tree of life. Molecular in evolution. More or less during the same time approaches are more reliable to establish hardly anyone noticed, when the foundation of evolutionary relationships and to understand how modern genetics was laid down by an Austrian life has evolved over time. monk Gregor John Mendel, whose experiments on the Pea plant was published in the Annual Scientists are learning how the forces of proceedings of the Brno Natural Science Society evolution work on DNA, the biochemical in 1865. repository of an organism's entire natural history. DNA records the mutations that helped some Eventhough, Mendel was aware of a animals to survive the adverse conditions and potential link between his "Units of heredity" and adopt the new environment while others may evolution - he had not made any explicit comment perish. Each organism has its own book of life, on the topic. While discussing the transmission in its genome which is constantly undergoing of hereditary information from generation to editing and revision. Each individual has its own generation, he had discovered the basic laws of edition of its species book, shaped by natural inheritance (genetics). The profound significance selection and other forces of evolution, such as of Mendel's work was not recognized until the genetic mutation, recombination, genetic drift turn of the 20th century. With the rediscovery of and isolation. his laws in 1900 by three different scientists, The studies of molecular evolution has Mendelism got back its lost glory and Mendel provided three kinds of information : Estimation was recognized as the father of modern genetics. of genetic structure of population and species, Then it took nearly half a century before James identification of genes and decoding genome of Watson and Francis Crick (1953) deciphered the different organisms, comparing the genetic structure of DNA, the molecule that contains the records from these genomes to find out how life manual for building an organism. evolved on Earth. It has been mentioned that the mechanism On the basis of nucleotide sequence of for evolution of noble genes and proteins are less 16SrRNA a phylogenetic tree, popularly known understood and the problem is a challenge to the as 'Universal tree of life' have been constructed molecular evolutionary biologists. Nevertheless, by molecular taxonomists in 1997. The root of we accept the fascinating idea that the great this tree of life represents a point where all the diversity of genes in modern organisms are forms of life inhabitating on Earth shared a descendants of a very few ancestral sequences - common origin, called as a Universal Common probably less than a few hundred. But that work Ancestor, or Progenote. The Universal Tree of life is yet to give a conclusive answer and many is well supported by molecular sequencing of questions still remain unanswered. One of the other genes coding for some fundamental proteins biggest unanswered question is whether life on and rRNAs; it reveals the evolutionary differences Earth has been destined to evolve the way it has. of prokaryotes at the level of nucleotide sequence Researchers are still debating the details of how and reveals the separate and independent origin the process(es) of natural selection works together of mitochondria and chloroplasts from eubacterial with other evolutionary forces to shape genes and lineages. Thus molecular approaches are more help organisms adapt to their environments, reliable to establish evolutionary relationships of the three domains of life forms existing on Earth. producing the abundance of species available today. It seems each and every process in the body Earlier, establishing a unified time scale for of living organisms is governed and regulated by the early evolution of Earth and the life is a specific network of genes working together in challenging and mired in controversy because of tune with its environment. paucity of fossil evidence, the difficulty of interpreting fossils and dispute over the deepest Initially, biologists divided all life forms branching relationships in the 'tree of life'. into two primary divisions - the plants and Recently Holly et al. (Aug. 2018) in one of their animals. But this simple dichotomy of the living articles published in the Nature Journal - Ecology world became inadequate. Then organisms were & Evolution, have discussed the derivation of a broadly divided into prokaryotes and eukaryotes time scale of life, using molecular clock analysis on the basis of nucleus. Following this framework, (a technique used in molecular evolution). They a five-kingdom classification was proposed by have reported that the last Universal Common Whittaker (1969). With the introduction of ancestor of cellular life which appeared on Earth molecular sequencing as a tool for finding was more than 3.9 billion years ago. The two relationship among organisms, a new grouping primary divisions of life, Eubacteria and of living world has started and that was not Archaebacteria, emerged much later ( 3.4 billion necessarily based on phenotypic relationship. years ago ). The modern eukaryotes do not Molecular Phylogeny has clearly revealed that constitute a primary lineage of life and emerged Cellular life on earth has evolved along three late in Earth's history, probably less than 1.8 major lineages - Eubacteria, Archea and Eukarya. billion years ago. With these recent findings, it is These three are now termed as domains of life - clear that the use of molecular tools and the highest biological taxon. The two domains techniques would help in the advancements in our are essentially Prokaryotes. Domain Eukarya knowledge and understanding about the origin of includes all eukaryotic kingdoms - Protista, life and to findout the relatedness among the life Plantae, Fungi and Animalia. forms existing on Earth. Prof. Tarani Charan Kara e-mail : [email protected] SEPTEMBER, 2018 HOW BLURRED IS OUR BELIEF ON A BLOOD MOON Sri Nikunja Bihari Sahu

The Blood Moons of January 31 and July 27 this year (2018) have aroused much curiosity in the minds of our people. Different people interpreted the events in different ways as our belief on a Blood Moon is generally pass through the atmosphere and get refracted blurred. The imprint of the eclipse is clearly again towards the surface of the fully eclipsed reflected in the altered schedule of our daily Moon illuminating it with a copper red glow. life as it was marked by people indulging in This gives the name Blood Moon. The degree penance, fasting, abstinence from pleasure, of scattered and refracted light depends on the restrictions on the rituals of deities, ban amount of cloud cover and dust particles on embarking distant journeys and many present in the atmosphere. In general, the other such practices during eclipse. dustier the atmosphere, the more likely that However, a Blood Moon is a spectacular the blue wavelengths of light will be celestial event during the totality phase of a eliminated leaving the resulting light a deeper Total Lunar Eclipse when the colour of the red tint. This is the same effect that gives a Moon appears reddish. reddish hue to the sky, during both, the sunrise Science behind Blood Moon and sunset. Unlike a Total Solar Eclipse, the Moon Columbus and the Blood Moon never vanishes completely in a Total Lunar In 1504, the famous Italian explorer Eclipse although it remains completely Christopher Columbus successfully exploited shrouded in the darker part of the Earth's the ignorance of the naive Jamaican natives shadow called the Umbra. Our atmosphere over the crimson appearance of the Moon. acts like a giant lens and the shorter Blue During his fourth and final voyage to the New wavelength components of sunlight, while World, Columbus and his crew were thwarted passing through a long and dense layer of by an epidemic of shipworms. The creatures Earth's atmosphere, gets scattered and filtered had munched their way through the hull of out. The remaining longer wavelengths of his two ships and the crew were forced to Sunlight, predominantly the red colour light, abandon their fleet.

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Although the islanders initially was caused by a wolf eating away the Moon welcomed the crew with food and drink, later making its coloration as blood red. They their hospitality waned. Columbus, armed feared that the wolf, after eating up the Moon with an almanac that predicted an upcoming in the sky would descend to the earth and lunar eclipse accurately, met the local chief, devour all the animals. They tried to drive telling him that God was angry over their away the beast by beating drums or shooting resentment to the crew. He said that a bleeding arrows at the sky. The Chinese have a slightly moon would appear in the sky that night in a different variant of the story with a dragon as clear sign of God's anger. When the eclipse the culprit. actually took place, the islanders were so In our society, it is believed that during terrified that they brought provisions for a Chandra Grahan, the Moon is swallowed Columbus feeling sorry for their deed. Just as up by a hungry demon named Rahu or Ketu. the eclipse ended and the Moon's brightness The appearance of the Blood Moon is foretold restored, Columbus declared that the natives in the Bible. The Blood Moon of July 27, seen were indeed forgiven by God. in conjunction with the red planet Mars in the Beliefs and Myths sky, has been interpreted with doomsday and Many cultures around the world view the apocalypses by some priests of the disappearance of the Moon as a time of Christianity. turmoil and chaos. Marauding demons, Watching a Blood Moon murderous pets, and ravenous jaguars are Unlike a solar eclipse, which can be some of the culprits that have been blamed viewed only from a relatively small area of for the Moon's disappearance during a lunar the Earth, a lunar eclipse, on the other hand, eclipse. The Incas feared that a lunar eclipse can be viewed from anywhere in the world on the night side of Earth. While a total solar eclipse lasts only for a few minutes as viewed from any given place on Earth due to the smaller size of the Moon's shadow, a total lunar eclipse, on the other hand, lasts for a prolonged period of time, even up to few hours. Also, unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safer to be viewed without any eye protection or special precautions as they are dimmer than the full Moon. While a Solar

Science Horizon 5 SEPTEMBER, 2018 eclipse starts progressing from the Western side of the Sun, a Lunar eclipse, on the other DIAMONDS IN THE hand, starts revealing from the eastern part of NIGHT SKY the Moon as the Moon enters the Earth's shadow from that side only. Sri Mohan Kumar Sahu Grand celestial spectacles are not During the daytime, if we stare at the generally welcomed in our dogma dominated sky, we can hardly ever see the moon except society. Be it an eclipse of the Sun or Moon, the Sun. The bright rays of the Sun make us people tend to avoid the occasion in unable to see the distant celestial bodies apprehension of some impending peril. What present in the space. But at night, in absence is really disturbing is the unchanging mindset of the Sun, if we stare at the sky (cloudless), of the people even in the light of the we will be able to see a lot of stars along with convincing scientific evidences put forward the moon which are visible in most of the behind the celestial happenings? It is quite cloudless nights except the new moon days. Sometimes, we also find some other heavenly ridiculous to shut oneself indoors when a bodies, i.e., meteors, comets, etc. Sometimes spectacular natural event is unfolding up in colourful stars are also seen. Some stars move the sky just above our backyard. We can never in groups to form imaginary pictures. These shy away from such celestial challenges, but groups of stars that form apparent images in should be a part of the drama. We should not our mind are called constellations. Staring at only free ourselves from these bizarre beliefs, the stars from a calm and quiet place, many but also develop a sense of curiosity to unravel mysterious imaginations do capture our mind. the celestial mystery with a scientific So let's explore a bit about these stars. perspective. Unlike solar eclipses, observing a total lunar eclipse does not require any What is a star ? special optical aid; we can also enjoy the A star, as we see it, is only a point of celestial drama with naked eye and wonder at light in the night sky. But in reality, stars are the mysteries of nature. hot large gaseous naturally luminous bodies n present in the space. The ranges of magnitudes Education Officer, Dhenkanal Science Centre, Dhenkanal-759001 Mobile No. : 8018708858 of the different properties of stars are as below: 1. Size - The size of stars depend on their diameters which range from approximately 450 times smaller to approximately 1000 times larger than the diameter of the Sun.

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2. Mass - To measure the mass of different Life stages and duration of Stars stars, the mass of sun (solar mass) Nebulae - The Birthplace of Stars: has been taken as unit. 1 solar mass Each and every star in this universe is = 1.989 x 1030kg. The range of the mass produced from a nebula. Nebulae are clouds of the stars is from approximately 1/ to 20 approximately 50 solar masses. of gas and dust inside a galaxy. When a region of high density in a nebula condenses, a huge 3. Brightness - The brightness of stars is globule of gas and dust is formed. This globule measured in two types of magnitudes, contracts under its own gravity and after i.e., apparent magnitude and absolute passing through different stages, finally magnitude. Apparent magnitude is the evolves into a star. brightness seen from the earth. It is regardless of distance. But absolute magnitude is the brightness that would be seen from a distance of 10 parsecs. The value of 1 parsec is 3.26 light years. There is no specific range for the magnitude of brightness of stars. The brightness depends on the nuclear Life of small stars: reactions in the star that produce energy The stars that have a mass between the and cause the stars to shine. As the range of 1/ and 11/ solar mass are called 20 2 brightness of a star increases, its small stars. Their life begins when a dense magnitude decreases, i.e., we can region in a nebula condenses into a huge 1 conclude that magnitude α . brightness globule. This globule, consisting of gas and 4. Temperature - The surface temperature dust, contracts under its own gravity. The of stars range from about 3,0000C to condensing matter of the globule heats up and over 50,0000C. The temperature of a begins to glow. This hot, glowing body is star does not remain constant. It varies called a protostar. The heat goes on increasing with time. and when the central temperature reaches about 8 million 0C, nuclear reactions start and 5. Colour - Stars can have any of the colours of the spectrum depending on fusion of hydrogen into helium takes place. its temperature. The hottest stars are blue Now, it doesn't remain a protostar and is called while the coolest are red in colour. The a main sequence star. The energy produced Sun is neither hottest nor coolest and due to fusion causes the star to shine glows with a bright yellow colour. preventing further contraction.

Science Horizon 7 SEPTEMBER, 2018

It takes a few billion years for all the hydrogen to fuse into helium. When all the hydrogen would have fused into helium, the helium core contracts and nuclear reactions take place in a shell around the core. When the core gets heated enough, the helium starts fusing into carbon. Simultaneously, the outer layers of the star expand and cool. As they expand and cool, the star becomes red in colour and this expanding, cooling star is called a red giant star. Gradually the helium in the core Life of a massive star: runs out and the outer layers of the star blow The stars that have a mass between the away as an expanding gas shell. This expanding ranges of 3 to 50 solar masses are called gas shell is called 'planetary nebula'. The remaining carbon core becomes a white dwarf massive stars. Like a small star, the life of a star. This white dwarf star cools and simultaneously massive star also begins in a nebula when a dims. With time, the star reaches its final stage dense region condenses into a huge globule. where it stops shining at all and this dead star The globule contracts, heats up, begins to is then called a black dwarf star. glow and is called a protostar. When the core gets enough heat, hydrogen starts fusing into helium. Now, it's a main sequence star. It remains a main sequence star for a few million years. Then it expands, cools, and glows red. This is called a red supergiant star. It initially consists of a helium core surrounded by an expanding gas shell. But, in a few million years, a series of nuclear reactions take place in different shells around an iron core. These are as mentioned below: i) Hydrogen, present in the outermost shell, fuses into helium. ii) Helium, present in the next shell, fuses into carbon. iii) Carbon, present in the next shell, fuses into neon.

8 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 iv) Neon, present in the next shell, fuses into oxygen. v) Oxygen, present in the next shell, fuses into silicon. vi) Silicon, present in the innermost shell, fuses into iron forming a central iron core.

From ancient times stars were provided the platform to explore about the universe. For many years scientists have studied our own solar system. But until the last few years, we knew about few other solar systems. The knowledge is not also adequate till now. This The size of the iron core increases with may seem surprising, as the Sun is one of about 100 billion stars (or perhaps more) time but eventually it collapses in a few present in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Many milliseconds. This causes a massive explosion new facts about the stars are being discovered called supernova which shines brighter than till now which makes them a fascinating a galaxy for a short time. The shock waves of object. In future we may be able to explore the supernova blow away the outer layers of new galaxies by the advanced instruments as the star. The outer layers of the star that have we all know that there is no limit for human been blown away form a nebula is called thinking or exploration. 'supernova remnant'. The core of the star may Further Readings or may not survive the supernova explosion. 1. Stars and Planets: The Most Complete Guide to the Stars, If the remaining core has a mass between 11/ Planets, Galaxies, and the Solar System. Author - Wil Tirion 2 2. "The Constellations". Author - Lloyd Motz and Carol and 3 solar masses, it contracts and forms a Nathanson dense 'neutron star' having the diameter of 3. "Explorations: an Introduction to Astronomy".Author - Thomas T. Arny about 10 km. This neutron star is so dense 4. https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/how- that even one teaspoonful of the matter of the do-stars-form-and-evolve 5. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/ neutron star has a weight of about a billion universe/stars/ tonnes. In case, the remaining core has a mass 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM9CQDlQI0A n above 3 solar masses, it contracts and forms a Std. IX, AT - Sivaji Hostel, Modern Public School, black hole. Meghadambaru, Balasore-756056 Mobile No. 8249229167, 8763267472

Science Horizon 9 SEPTEMBER, 2018 BACK-OF-THE-ENVELOPE Stimulated Emission of Radiation) and CALCULATION: WHAT AND HOW LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) for Dr. B. K. Parida* Dr. J. K. Mohapatra** which he was honoured with the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics along with two Introduction Russian scientists (Basov and Prokhorov). 'Back-of-the-envelope' calculation l In 1989, computer engineers were worried literally means a rough estimate that can be about managing the rapidly increasing quickly worked out in the small space available internet traffic. During a lunch break, on the backside of a conventional postal envelope, a couple of engineers, deeply thinking assuming that its front side with addresses etc. about the problem, scribbled a new internet written on it is not available for such work. In protocol on the back of three ketchup- a general sense, it means a calculation that stained napkins picked up from the can be put down on any scrap of paper, or dining table! The protocol became even worked out in the mind. When a person, famous as the Border Gateway Protocol deeply thinking about a problem, unexpectedly or the 'three-napkin protocol' and proved hits upon a solution(s) he would prefer to jot highly successful in the management of it down on any scrap of paper within reach worldwide internet service. using any available writing device. Back-of-the-envelope calculation The history of science abounds in such usually involves intelligent guesses, plausible anecdotes, which have often resulted in path approximations, or rounding-ups and is quite breaking ideas. Here are a few examples: useful for obtaining an approximate answer. l In 1935, A. F. Wilkins, a worker at the Hence it is also called 'guesstimation' (guess British Radio Research Station, did a & estimation) or 'order-of-magnitude' back-of-the-envelope calculation on the estimation. While estimating, one should use of radio waves in warfare that led to know how to retain what is important and the concept and development of throw away what is not, thereby simplifying RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), the work involved. Such estimation may be which has emerged as an extremely recognised as a plausible preliminary result useful and widely used technique. of and may precede a more elaborate l C. H. Townes, an American physicist, calculation using more precise values of the made a few quick calculations on the quantities involved. It may be practised as an back of an envelope pulled from his excellent teaching learning tool in a classroom, pocket while relaxing in a park and the in lesson review exercise, to sharpen the calculations led to the development of thinking skill of students, etc. A highly MASER (Microwave Amplification by regarded teacher and scientist Enrico Fermi

10 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018

(Physics Nobel Laureate of 1938) had a knack Suppose a pole vaulter of mass m reaches of assigning interesting problems (not the vaulting pitch with a horizontal speed v, necessarily from physics) to his students for and he is able to clear the bar set at height h. back-of-the-envelope type solutions. Then, assuming that all his kinetic energy is In view of the usefulness of back-of-the- converted to his gravitational potential envelope calculations for students and energy at the height h through the elastic teachers, the authors published an article in potential energy of the pole and ignoring all Odia in the August 2017 issue of Bigyan possible sources of energy loss such as air Diganta (pages 479-482). Here we propose resistance. Besides this the small kinetic to discuss a few more examples based on the energy, the athlete may still have at the top elementary principles of physics, for the of his ascent, can be neglected, so as to have, benefit of the readers of Science Horizon. mgh = 0.5 mv2 or h = 0.5 mv2/g ... (1) Example 1. Feats of pole vault champions It is thus clear that at a given place on earth (a) Men : (g = constant), the vaulting height is directly The famous pole vaulter Sergey Bubka proportional to the square of the speed v of holds the outdoor world record of 6.14 m (20 the vaulter. Now, how large can v be ? For feet 1.75 inches) which he set in 1994. He this purpose, let us remember that Usain Bolt, was so proficient in the sport that he created the officially recognised fastest man as many as 35 world records in his career. on earth, holds the 100-m world record of Many believed that it might not be possible 9.58s made in 2009. Bolt's speed is thus to cross the 20 feet mark. Bubka tried very 100/9.58 m/s or, 10.44 m/s. With this value hard and eventually crossed the mark though for v and 9.80 m/s2 as the value of g, we get by a slender margin of less than two inches. from Eq. (1) The question then is, could Bubka have h = 5.56 m ... (2) vaulted higher, perhaps with a longer pole or which is less than Bubka's record. But, we a greater speed? need to add the height h´ of the centre of mass Let us ask a general question, "How high (c.m.) of the vaulter above the ground to h to a pole vaulter can go?" and try to find a get the actual height H cleared by the athlete, plausible answer in the form of a simple back- which is measured from the ground and of-the-envelope calculation using the well- recorded. Assuming the height of the centre known principle of conservation of energy. of mass to be half the height of the vaulter, h´ Let us realise that a vaulter runs about 40 m becomes 0.92 m for Bubka whose height is on a track leading to the vaulting pitch while 1.83m and we get the actual height cleared carrying a pole, which of course has no by Bubka with Bolt's speed as standard length, diameter, or weight. H = 6.48 m ... (3)

Science Horizon 11 SEPTEMBER, 2018 which is about 34cm higher than what Bubka which is 0.34 m higher than the Isinbayeva's could actually manage. Fair enough, since we record (this happens to be the same as in case have made many gross assumptions, an of Bubka, as in (a) above). Ascribing the important one of which is that Bubka's take- difference primarily to the take-off speed as off speed is the same as that of the best sprinter we did for men, we can back calculate of the world, Bolt. This seems implausible Isinbayeva's take-off speed based on her when we realise that Bubka had to run with a vaulting height long pole balanced in one hand, in spite of the fact that Bubka himself was a 100 m h = 5.06m - 0.87m = 4.19m sprinter before taking to pole vaulting. This This gives, from Eq. (1) leads to another interesting scenario. Let us v = (2gh)1/2 = 9.06 m/s back calculate Bubka's take-off speed on the which is almost 96% of Flo-Jo's record speed, basis of his vaulting height quite impressive by itself ! h = 6.14 m - 0.92 m = 5.22 m This gives, from Eq. (1) You may note that in the above calculations we have gone for more or less v = (2gh)1/2 = 10.11 m/s exact calculation of numbers avoiding which is almost 97% of Bolt's record speed, approximation or rounding up though the not a small one at all ! calculations are simple. This is primarily (b) Women : because accurate measured values of heights, In the event of pole vault for women, time durations etc. involved in the respective Yelena Isinbayeva holds 17 world records athletic events, are available and we are with the highest jump of 5.06 m (2009). Let interested in comparisons. us assume the take-off speed of Isinbayeva Let us now go for a couple of interesting for the highest jump to be equal to the speed of the world's fastest woman. Flo-Jo holds the calculations in the domain of nuclear science world record of 10.61s for the 100-m dash that would illustrate back-of-the-envelope or (2016), the corresponding speed being order-of-magnitude estimation involving 100/10.61 m/s or, 9.42m/s. Then we get, approximation or rounding up. from Eq. (1) Example 2. Why electrons cannot stay h = 4.53 m ... (4) inside a nucleus Now, noting that height of Isinbayeva is 1.74 You know that atomic nucleus consists m, the height of her c.m. from the ground of protons and neutrons (collectively called becomes h´= 0.87m. Adding this to h, we get nucleons), or that the structure and properties the actual height cleared by Isinbayeva with of atomic nucleus can be understood on this Flo-Jo's speed as assumption. A kind of natural or spontaneous H = 5.40 m ... (5) radioactive emission, called beta decay, takes

12 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 place from certain nuclides. Beta rays were where C= 3 x 108 m s-1 is the velocity of light found to be streams of electrons, like those in vacuum. Relation (10) violates one basic believed to constitute an atom with their postulate of the theory of relativity namely no arrangements in different orbits around and material object can have velocity greater outside the nucleus. This leads to the question than C. This may be interpreted by claiming of whether electrons do stay inside a nucleus. that electron cannot stay inside a nucleus as a The answer is an emphatic NO! There are many constituent like a nucleon (proton or neutron). ways of explaining this. Let us try to do so But, then how about a nucleon ? Let us using a back-of-the-envelope kind of calculation. examine it by noting that the mass of proton For this we shall use the famous (Heisenberg) and mass of neutron are nearly equal and are position-momentum uncertainty principle: nearly 1840 times the electron mass. For an order-of-magnitude estimation let us take ∆∆=xph/2π ... (6) where and are uncertainties in  ... (11) ∆ x ∆ p mpn≈ m 2000m e position and momentum respectively, and h Then, from relations (10) and (11), the is the Planck constant whose value is 6.63 x velocities of proton and neutron inside the 10-34Js so that nucleus become h ≈ 110Jsx −34 ... (7) 2π v≈ v 0.25x 1081 ms− 0.08C ...(12) Actually, the product on the LHS of Eq. (6) is pn which is well within the restriction of greater than or equal to h/2π. For our purpose it is enough to consider the equality. relativity. Thus, for protons and neutrons inside the nucleus there is no problem due to If an electron is there inside a nucleus, its the uncertainty principle. position uncertainty ∆ x becomes the same as the size of the nucleus. Let us take this to Example 3. Mass of nuclear force carrier be 2 fermis (1 fermi = 10-15 m). Thus, The Japanese scientist Hideki Yukawa ∆ x 2x 10−15 m ... (8) conjectured in 1935 that the strong nuclear Then, from Eqs. (6),(7), and (8) we get force that keeps protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus could be due to the ∆ p 0.5x 10−−19 kg ms 1 ... (9) exchange of a class of heavy particles. These Considering this to be the momentum were later discovered and identified as pi of the electron inside the nucleus and the mass ()π mesons or pions and this fetched Yukawa of electron m to be 9.1 x 10-31 kg or, 1 x 10-30 e the Physics Nobel Prize in 1949. Yukawa kg, the velocity of the electron inside the calculated the mass of this particle (m ) to nucleus would be π be about 200 assuming the range of mπ p ∆ 11− 1  nuclear force to be about 2 fermi. ve 0.5x 10 ms 170C ... (10) me

Science Horizon 13 SEPTEMBER, 2018

Let us make an order-of-magnitude estimation of using the position-momentum mπ FIELDS MEDAL IN uncertainty principle for pion as we did for MATHEMATICS electron in Example 2. Once again, assuming the typical nuclear size to be 2 fermi, which Er. Mayadhar Swain is a measure of the position uncertainty ∆ x of The well known prize in science is the the pion inside the nucleus, its momentum Nobel Prize, established by the Swiss inventor uncertainty ∆ p is given as in Eq. (9). Now, and industrialist Alfred Nobel. As per his will, assuming the velocity of the pion to be the same Nobel prize is being awarded to the scientists as C, the velocity of light in vacuum, we get having notable works in the field of physics, ∆ p 0.5x 10−−19 kg ms 1 chemistry and medicine. But he had not m  π c310msx 81− considered mathematics, which is often called as the "Queen of Science", for any award. So 0.17x 10−27 kg 170 m ... (13) e later on, many people tried to establish awards The above result due to a back-of-the- equivalent to Nobel Prize for persons working envelope type calculation is acceptably close in the field of mathematics. One of such to the Yukawa's estimate of 200 m . e awards is the Fields Medal. It is considered Epilogue equal in stature to the Nobel Prize, although In this article we have tried to illustrate its monetary part is much less than that of the the utility of simple, order-of-magnitude or Nobel Prize. back-of-the-envelope calculation with three Fields Medal examples besides citing a few from the history The Fields Medals is awarded every four of science. Simple, well-established principles years on the occasion of the International of physics were used in the calculations. Such Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) to recognize calculations may be used to break down a persons of outstanding mathematical complex problem into simpler parts and for achievements for exiting works and for the sharing ideas with others. Infused with great promise of future achievement. Due to this pedagogic values, such calculations ought to reason, it has an age limit. The recipient must be an essential teaching learning tool at all be under age 40 on 1st January of the year in levels. One may refer to internet and other which the medal is awarded. The medal comes sources for many such estimations which have with a monetary award of 15000 Canadian resulted in wonderful new ideas over the years dollar (Rs.7.8 lakh in Indian currency). The in many different fields. n name of the award is in honour of Canadian *Plot No. 4586, Gadakana, Bhubaneswar - 751022 mathematician John Charles Fields (1863- Mobile No. 9437308424, Email: [email protected] ** Plot No. 21/4, Acharya Vihar, Bhubaneswar - 751013 1932). The medal is made of 14 carat gold.

14 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 History At the 1924 ICM in Toronto, a resolution was adopted that at each ICM, two gold medals would be awarded to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement. Professor J. C. Fields, a Canadian mathematician Fields Medal who was secretary of The picture of the famous Greek the 1924 Congress, mathematician Archimedes (287BC - 212BC) later donated funds is engraved on one side of the medal with a establishing the quote in Latin which means "Rise above medals, which were oneself and grasp the world". On the other named in his honour. side of the medal is a note in Latin which It was agreed in 1966 means "Mathematicians gathered from the that in light of entire world have awarded for outstanding the great expansion John Charles Fields writing". In the background there is a of mathematical representation of Archimedes' tomb with research, up to four medals could be awarded carving illustrating his theorem "On the at each Congress. Sphere and Cylinder", behind a branch. His The medal was first awarded in 1936, theorem is "Given a sphere and a but it could not be awarded thereafter due to circumscribed cylinder of the same height and World War II . Then since 1950, it has been diameter, the ratio between their volumes is awarded every four years. Till 2018, total equal to 2/3". It may be noted that Archimedes number of 60 laureates have been awarded was proud of this discovery and as per his wish the Fields Medal. this had been engraved in his tomb. The rim of the medal bears the name of prize winner. Some Landmarks The list of recipients is finalized by the 1.First recipients of the medal in 1936 Fields Medal Committee, which is chosen by were Finnish mathematician Lars the Executive Committee of the International Ahlfors and American mathematician Mathematical Union (IMU). The medals and . cash prizes are funded by the trust established 2.In 1954, Jean-Pierre Serre of France by J. C. Fields at the University of Toronto. became the youngest winner of the Any shortfall of fund is made up by the University Fields Medal at the age of 27 and he still of Toronto and the Fields Institute, Toronto. retains this distinction.

Science Horizon 15 SEPTEMBER, 2018

3.In 1966, Alexander Grothendieck2018 Fieldsof Medalists Germany boycotted the ICM, held in The ICM held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil Moscow, to protest Soviet military announced on August 1 the names of four actions taking place in Eastern Europe. mathematicians for Fields Medal for 2018. Leon Motchane accepted the medal on They are of the University of his behalf. Cambridge, England; Alessio Figalli of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; 4.Sergei Novikov of Russia was unable of the University of Bonn, to travel to the ICM held in Nice, France Germany and of the to receive his medal because of the Stanford University, USA. restriction placed on him by the Soviet Caucher Birkar Government. Due to same reason of Russia also could Caucher Birkar was not travel to the ICM held in Helsinki , born in 1978 in a very remote place in Kurdistan Finland in 1978. Province of Iran. After 5.In 1990, of studying USA mathematics at became the first physicist to win the the University of Teheran, medal. He was awarded for his work he shifted to the UK in Caucher Birkar on superstring theory. 2000 and started his PhD 6.Russian mathematician Grigoriafter a year when he was granted refugee status. He then became a British citizen. He Perelman, who proved the Poincare was awarded for his work on polynomial Conjecture declined the Fields Medal in equations. It may be noted that there are infinite 2006. In 2003, he had left academia and variety of polynomial equations and these apparently had abandoned mathematics. equations consist of different variables raised He was the first mathematician ever to to various powers. No two equations are decline the Fields Medal. exactly alike, but Birkar has neatly categorized 7.In 2014, the Iranian mathematicianthese into a small number of families. Maryan Mirzakhani working at Stanford One interesting fact is that soon after University, USA became the first woman receiving the gold medal, his briefcase along ever to receive the Fields Medal. She with the medal was stolen in the award function. was awarded for her work on Riemann After alert, the briefcase was eventually found, Surface. She died of cancer in 2017. but the medal was missing there.

16 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 Alessio Figalli Akshay Venkatesh Italian mathematician Alessio Figalli Australian mathematician Akshay was awarded the medal for his work in the Venkatesh won the prize for his contributions field of optimal transport to a broad range of subjects in mathematics and its application in such as number theory, arithmetic partial differential geometry, topology, automorphic forms and equation, metric representation theory. geometry and Venkatesh was born on 21 November probability. In brief, his 1981 in New Delhi in a Tamil Brahmin family. work can be stated as, When he was two Alessio Figalli "given a certain year old, his transportation cost, what is the cheapest way family moved to to transport a distribution of mass from one Perth in place to another ?" Australia. He was This problem has applications not only a child prodigy. in economics, but also in several other areas, He entered for instance, meteorology. University of Peter Scholze Western Australia Akshay Venkatesh Peter Scholze was awarded for his work at the age of 13 as using shapes to solve polynomial equations its youngest ever student. He completed the and has been praised for changing the face of four-year course in three years and at the age arithmetic geometry. His of 16 became the youngest to earn a first class citation refers to him as honors degree in pure mathematics from the a rare talent which only university. He started his PhD at Princeton emerges every few University in 1998 and completed in 2002. decades. When he was in He was then awarded a post doctoral position graduate school, he at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, simplified a complex USA. He then held a Clay Research 288 - page proof to 37 Fellowship from the Clay Mathematics Peter Scholze pages. His theory of so- Institute from 2004 to 2006. He was a faculty called perfectoid spaces has dramatically at school of mathematics at Institute for expanded the spectrum of methods in Advanced Study from 2005 to 2006 and mathematics. became a full professor at Stanford University

Science Horizon 17 SEPTEMBER, 2018 from September 2008. He joined the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, USA in LINUS PAULING - August 2018. THE LEGEND Before receiving Fields Medal, Prof. Suresh Mohapatra Venkatesh has earlier been awarded Salem Prize (2007), SASTRA Ramanujan Prize Linus Pauling, one of the twenty great (2008), Infosys Prize (2018) and Ostrowski scientists of all times, was born on 28 Prize(2017). February, 1901 in Portland, Oregon. He obtained his BS Degree Conclusion from Oregon State College Fields Medal is a prestigious medal for in 1922, PhD from mathematicians. It is matter of regret that no California Institute of Indian mathematician working in India has Technology (CalTech) in been awarded with this medal till date. In 1925. Then he went to 2014, Indian origin Canadian-American Europe for a year for Post- mathematician has been Doctoral studies. His aim awarded this and this year another Indian was to become a chemical engineer but the origin mathematician Venkatesh received this. Lewis Concept of Covalent bond influenced Similarly another prestigious mathematics him to turn to the fundamental aspects of award is the Abel Prize and no Indian has chemistry and explore the nature of chemical received this also. Only in 2006, Indian origin bonds in particular. In 1931, he became American mathematician. S.R.Srinivas Professor of Chemistry in CalTech. Varadhan has received the prize. It is time now He had published about 1200 papers on that young mathematicians in our country chemical bond and authored several books that should be encouraged and assisted for had wide acceptance. He received American research in pure mathematics. Chemical Society (ACS) medal in Pure n Chemistry (1931), Davy Medal (1947), and Director, School of Electrical Engineering KIIT University, Bhubaneswar - 751024 Lenin Peace Prize (1968-69), National Medal Phone: 9438693724 of Science (1979), Priestly award (1984). He was honorary member of 16 scientific societies in 10 different countries which speaks of his international reputation. He was a fellow of Cornel University (1937-38), Oxford University (1946) and President of ACS's (1949). He also

18 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 worked as research professor in the centre of atoms such as (A-B). Here diatomic molecules study for democratic institution, Santa like (A-A) and (B-B) would have 100% Barbara, California. He was the first person covalent bonding with bond energy E&EAA BB to receive individually Nobel Prize twice, once respectively while the bond energy of in 1954 in Chemistry for his research on the molecule (A-B) is . Then the electro EAB nature of chemical bonds and next in 1963 negativity difference between atom A and B for Peace. He died on 19 August 1994. would be as follows : 1 Work on Chemistry 0.102 E E E 2 ∆χ=ΑΒ ()AB − AA ⋅ BB It was his prodigious scientific ability Where 0.102 is the proportionality constant. that enabled him to be the first person in He was the first person to propose the several areas of scientific research focussed concept of "resonance"in order to account for on chemical bond.He was the first chemist to the stability and hence the energy of molecules express the idea that chemical bonds could in their ground states. He supported his idea have both covalent and ionic characters. It is through application of quantum mechanical usually assumed that two similar atoms calculations of energy with suitable wave forming a diatomic molecule would certianly functions for the possible resonating have 100% co-valent bonding. However a structures. For simple hydrogen molecule he diatomic molecule with two dissmilar atoms considered possible electron distribution due would have both covalent and ionic character to delocalisation of the two electrons in time in their bonding. The percentage of ionic frame around the nuclei. character of a covalent bond depends upon He had made extensive study of crystal electro negativity difference of the combining structures of pairs of ionic compounds having atoms. The electro negativity of an atom is same cation and different anion and vice-versa described as the ability of an atom to attract by X-ray diffraction. He determined ionic radii electron to itself in a chemical bond. Pauling’s of various ions and covalent radii from was the first person to define a scale for the electron diffraction of gases. measurement of electro negativity of an atom. He studied the X-ray diffraction data of Pauling’s Scale is not only the first the most crystalline solids, such as ice, boric acid, widely accepted scale if atoms A and B have alcohols that forced him to conclude that a their electro negativity as χ and χ Α Β hydrogen atom could be linked to two most resepectively with χχ> , then their electro ΑΒ electronegative atoms such as fluorine, negativity difference ∆χ=χ−χ(). Now ΑΒ Α Β oxygen, nitrogen and to a lesser extent to chlorine to understand Pauling’s Scale for a measure through a unique type of bonding named as of electro negativity difference ∆χ , let us ΑΒ "hydrogen bonding". Hydrogen with one 1s consider a diatomic molecule of dissimilar

Science Horizon 19 SEPTEMBER, 2018

NH , HF and the differences observed in acidic 3 electron certainly cannot form two covalent and basic properties between ortho and para bonds. Therefore he proposed an electrostatic derivatives of nitro-phenols and hydroxyl- interaction between a covalently linked benzaldehydes. It also explained the association hydrogen atom with partial positive charge on of formic acid as well as acetic acids it and a lone pair of electrons on another alongwith many other properties of chemical electronegative element at a specific distance systems, which could not be accommodated (approx 3A). The interaction is weak but vital by simple Lewis theory of covalency. for the stability of the crystals. It is weak as Work on Biochemistry - Pauling studied the average bond energy of the interaction is the magnetic properties only 5 to 45kJ per mole compared to 347 kJ of haemoglobin and role per mole for C-C bond. In a configuration like of abnormal haemoglobin, (A - H...B) the bond length between (A-H) is which are capable of slightly larger than normal covalent bond and carrying only half of B...H bond length much larger than that for normal oxygen, causing a normal (H-B) bond. For such bonds to be type of anaemia. In 1952, formed the hydrogen, and both the with R.B.Corey, he electronegative elements A and B must lie in proposed models α-helical almost linear manner at right distances. It and β pleated structures explained the high values of melting and of proteins. Hydrogen boiling points, heats of vaporisation of H O, bonds also play vital role 2

20 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION : A THREAT TO HUMANITY Dr. Sundara Narayana Patro Introduction The human beings, under the influence in maintaing the stability and configuration of modern civilization, have been progressively of nucleic acids. The interaction between taste moving towards luxury intensive lifestyle. The bud receptors and stimuli (sweet, sour bitter per person natural resources consumption is and hot) and drugs also involve hydrogen now higher compared to pre-historic days. It bonding. Enzyme catalysed reactions such as is the crux of the problem. Maximizing hydrolysis of polypeptides by carboxyl agricultural production needs input of peptidase A and polysaccharides by lysosomes fertilizers and chemicals and preservation of at specific sites often require participation of food items needs use of preservatives. Such such bonding. chemicals pollute and contaminate the environment. The labour-intensive low- Work for Peace - Pauling was a man of carbon lifestyle is in transition to energy- broad imagination, dramatic personality and intensive high-carbon lifestyle. The modern boundless inspiration. Besides he had a deep lifestyle demands sophisticated equipment sensitivity to the welfare of mankind. He and higher amount of energy consumption, may sought to mobilise scientists all over the world it be transport, communication, cookery, room in the cause of lasting peace ending nuclear comfort, or anything else. The conventional bomb tests and arms race. He wrote a book source of energy is fossil fuel which is a finite entitled 'No More work to awaken the conscience resource and pollution-intensive. of the society'. He engaged himself in public Environmental pollution subscribes to forums and debates to make people realise the degradation of the life support systems-the air, potential dangers of military use of nuclear water and earth. The climate is changing and the globe is becoming warmer causing war. In recognition of these activities, he was frequent weather aberrations and natural awarded Nobel peace prize in 1964. calamities leading to loss of life and property, References biodiversity, and other natural resources. It 1. Nature of the chemical bond, by Linus Pauling, Third poses a threat to the very survival of human kind. Edition, Cornell University Press, 1960. 2. Encyclopaedia Britannica. The anthropogenic pressure on nature and n environment needs to be reversed for survival URMI, 1595/96, Bhoi Nagar, Unit- IX, Bhubaneswar-751022 Mob. No. 8984592003 of humankind.

Science Horizon 21 SEPTEMBER, 2018

Air Pollution are operating the AQI monitoring programme A report released by the Lancet Commission covering 240 cities of the country having more states that each year over 9 million deaths than 342 monitoring stations. According to the occur worldwide due to air and water pollution. new guidelines AQI considers eight pollutants (PM 10, PM 2.5, NO , SO , CO, O , NH , and India remains one of the worst affected 2 2 3 3 countries where 1.9 million premature deaths Pb) for which short-term (up to 24-hourly occur due to deteriorating ambient air quality. averaging period) National Ambient Air However, as per Greenpeace report, as many Quality Standards are prescribed. There are as 12 lakh deaths take place every year due to six AQI categories, namely Good, Satisfactory, air pollution in India. The Supreme Court of Moderately Polluted, Poor, Very Poor, and India observed that 13 out of 20 most polluted Severe. On November 11, 2017 the Central cities of the world are from India. In this Control Room for Air Quality Management regard Delhi is rated as number one followed recorded PM (particulate matter) 2.5 and PM by Cairo (Egypt), Dhaka (Bangladesh), 10 concentrations at 478 and 713 microgram Mumbai, and Beijing (China). The population per cubic metre respectively in Delhi. The of Delhi is 17 million. permissible limit for PM 2.5 is 60 mg per m3 and anything in the 301-500 range is The Central Pollution Control Board 'hazardous'. The PM 2.5 goes straight into the (CPCB) has recorded 'severe' air quality, lungs without any resistance, and it is difficult meaning that the intensity of pollution was to evade. It is most lethal because these lodge extreme, in Delhi. The Health Effects Study deep in the dense but fragile network of of Boston in 2010 on air pollution showed alveoli in lungs, eventually leading to chronic that there were at least 3,000 early deaths in lung disease and breathing distress. The Delhi every year due to air-pollution related pollutants react in the atmosphere to form diseases which means eight deaths per day. particulate matter (PM). PM 2.5 particulate The air quality index was so severe that the matters are the tiny particles of carbon, Indian Medical Association (IMA) had to polycyclic, acetyl, hydrocarbons, water declare a 'public health emergency' in Delhi. vapour, lead, NOX, aerosols and sulphur AQI (Air Quality Index) is measured as good dioxide, most of which are carcinogenic. (0-50), satisfactory (50-100), medium (100- When the fog mixes up with smoke it forms 200), poor (200-300), very poor (300-400), the smog, which is a 'deadly mixture of and severe (400-500). In India the National vehicular pollution, construction and road dust Air Quality Index (AQI) was launched in New and stubble burning, etc.' Delhi on 17 September 2014 under the programme of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The The National Human Rights Commission Central and State Pollution Control Boards observed that the toxic smog in the city had

22 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 become 'an annual health hazard', particularly, Mining and industrial activities, coal- at a time when the winters were about to start, fired thermal power plants, plying of transport and took a serious view of the 'life-threatening' vehicles, burning of trash, putrefaction of pollution in the Delhi-NCR. The other metro household waste and agro-waste, etc. release cities in India are no good. In January 2018, pollutants into the environment. The air quality index in Kolkata remained in conventional source of energy is fossil fuels hazardous zone, exposing citizens to serious like coal, oil, and natural gas; its consumption health risks including asthma, COPD, cardiac is the major cause of greenhouse gases (GHG) ailments and cancer. The PM 2.5 count remained emitted into the environment. Generation of above 400 on a particular day which was 1 Mega Watt of power requires 17 tons of coal higher than the count for Delhi at the same day. to be burnt. It generates 7 tons of fly ash and emits 10 tons of CO per day. CO is the major The Delhi High Court directed the 2 2 government to seriously consider a ban on GHG. It requires 1 acre of land for disposal further construction in the city to the extent of this fly ash over a period of ten years. possible, and issued directions to improve air Therefore, the world's energy systems must quality, including watering of the roads and undergo a tremendous change. There must be cloud seeding to induce rainfall in order to a shift to more sustainable path of low-carbon minimise dust emission. Further, the Court energy, i.e., cleaner and more reliable energy. took on record the steps proposed to be taken The Ministry of Environment, Forests and including increasing the services of Metro and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in December DTC, cleaning of roads, banning brick-kilns 2015 made pollution standards more stringent and stopping of use of fire-wood and coal in for new as well as old power projects. It aims hotels, etc, under the direction of the Delhi at reducing emission of particulate matter, Pollution Control Board. Directions were also sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, which issued by the bench to the Delhi Traffic Police in turn would help improve ambient air quality to ensure that there is no vehicular congestion in and around power plants. However, the on the roads and provide masks to the future energy source inevitably should be personnel on duty. The metro cities in the renewable. The chloro-fluoro-carbon, oxides world are taking various measures to contain of sulphur, methane, ozone, water vapour, and air pollution. For example, the Central Park such other pollutants accumulate in the in New York City has been made car-free from atmosphere more and more. These GHGs trap June 2018 to ensure everyone cleaner air and solar radiation and cause global warming safety in support of the City's sustainability leading to climate change, weather aberrations, and climate change. It is one of the most iconic human health hazards, natural disasters, loss parks visited by millions of people. of biodiversity and damage to crops and food.

Science Horizon 23 SEPTEMBER, 2018

Water Pollution has also given direction to the 'National Equally water pollution is a great Mission for Clean Ganga' to prohibit people problem of health hazard. The mining and from bathing and drinking. Right from its industrial activities pollute the water due to origin in Uttarakhand up to Bangla where the release of waste, over-burden and mine water river merges with Bay of Bengal the 2,500 containing heavy metals. The construction km long river passes through eleven states. wastes and municipal wastes add to the Of these eleven states five states namely problem further. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Bangla are contributing a lot to the river Odisha is one of the mineral rich states water pollution. Almost all the rivers in India in the country. The surface and ground water are polluted badly. The survey report 2017 of samples in the industrial belt of Jajpur, the Odisha State Pollution Control Board Kendujhar, Sundargarh, Jharsuguda show discloses that water samples studied from 11 remarkably high level of chromium, nickel, rivers in the State namely Mahanadi, mercury, lead and other heavy metals. The ash Brahmani, Baitarani, Rushikulya, Nagavali, content of river and stream water in the Angul- Subarnarekha, Burhabalang, Kolab, Bansadhara, Talcher and Ib valley due to thermal power Indravati and Bahuda show pH, dissolved plants is alarming. oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand A 100 meter area on either side of the (BOD), and total coliform do not meet the Ganga river bank between Haridwar and standard. The standards for water quality Unnao (UP) would be a 'no-construction and measurement are-pH between 6.5 to 8.5; DO no-development zone, the National Green above 4 mg/litre; BOD less than 3 mg/ litre; Tribunal (NGT) ruled on 13.07.2017, while and coliform 5,000 MPN (most probable ordering an environmental compensation of number) / 100 ml at the maximum. Therefore Rs 50,000/- on anybody dumping waste in the the water in these rivers is unfit for drinking river. The NGT also directed that no dumping as well as bathing. Of these eleven rivers the or landfill site of any kind could come up Brahmani, Mahanadi, Baitarani rivers are within 500 meters edge of the river or its most polluted due to mining and industrial tributaries in the Haridwar-Unnao stretch. The activities. To cite a local example, poor sewage NGT also directed that while diverting water management leads to heavy pollution in the from Haridwar to the Ganga canal or elsewhere, river Kuakhai, Daya, Gangua and other natural the minimum environmental flow in the main water bodies in the capital city of Bhubaneswar river should not fall below 20% of the average (Odisha, India). The BOD level has been found monthly lean season flow. NGT's direction is to be more than 10 times higher than the the response to environment activist M.C. permissible limit of 3 mg per litre of water. Mehta's petition on Ganga river pollution. It Global shipping consumes about 300 million

24 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 tonnes of dirty fuel oil every year and belches 1930s, with a peak of 72,000 tonnes used 1970. out almost a billion tonnes of CO . In addition, Then its usage declined as the harmful 2 immense quantity of sulphur is also emitted. environmental effects were realized. It was Soil Pollution found worldwide in fish and birds and was even discovered in the snow in the Antarctic. Natural soil is a fertile and rich resource It is only slightly soluble in water but is very for agricultural production as it contains soluble in the bloodstream. Rachel Carson in various essential elements and nutrients as her best-selling book highlighted the issue of well as beneficial micro-organisms. Excess mass scale pollution of land due to DDT and use of fertilisers and chemicals, construction other pesticides and farmers suicide. However, activities, waste dumps, industrial and mining DDT was banned in the UK and the United activities, salinity, burning of agricultural States to stop further buildup of it in the food trash, degrade the soil fertility. Soil pollution chain. However, the manufacturers continued or contamination subscribes to land to sell DDT to developing countries, who could degradation. Technically speaking land not afford to the expensive replacement degradation is caused by the presence of chemicals and who did not have such stringent xenobiotic (human-made) chemicals or other regulations governing the use of pesticides. alteration in the natural soil environment. The Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) is most common chemicals involved are a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop petroleum hydrocarbons, poly-nuclear desiccant. It is used to kill weeds, especially aromatic hydrocarbons (ex: naphthalene and annual broad-leaf weeds and grasses that benzopyrene, etc.), solvents, pesticides, lead, compete with crops. Monsanto, a US and other heavy metals. Company, brought it to market for agricultural The success of green revolution in India use in 1974 under the trade name Roundup. in the sixties was the result of the adoption of It enabled farmers to kill weeds without killing a package of measures, the most important of their crops. In 2007, glyphosate was the most used herbicide in the United State's which was technology in the form of high- agricultural sector and the second-most used yielding varieties of seeds, fertilisers and in home and garden (2,4-D being the most pesticides in a regime of water control and used), government and industry, and management. There are now two main groups commerce. By 2016 there was a 100-fold of synthetic insecticides used in the increase in the frequency of application and agricultural field-(1) Organo-chlorins that volume of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) include DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin and BHC; and applied. The development of glyphosate (2) Organo-phosphates such as parathion, resistance in weed species has been emerging methyl parathion and about 40 other insecticides. as a costly problem. A number of regulatory DDT was used on a massive scale from the and scholarly reviews have evaluated the

Science Horizon 25 SEPTEMBER, 2018 relative toxicity of glyphosate as an herbicide. facilities. Most of the times the waste is burnt, In March 2015 the World Health Organisation's causing further nuisance. Open burning of International Agency for Research on Cancer solid waste-piles of polythene in this case-emit classified glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic dioxin, furan, carbon monoxide and carbon in humans". The herbicide now is found to dioxide-these are harmful gases. The National cause cancer for which the Company has been Green Tribunal has clearly prohibited open fined 289 million dollars by the US government. burning of waste. As per the government Monocrotophos-a highly toxic pesticide estimates, 62 million tonnes of waste is banned in USA in 1991 and in 60 other generated annually in the country out of which countries, but is sold in India. It affects people 5.6 million tonnes is plastic waste. The Centre who are directly involved in spraying these had in 2016 modified the rules after a gap of pesticides. A UN study declares that 16 years and made provisions of timely organophosphate insecticides such as collection and disposal of garbage, including tetrachlorvinphos, parathion, malathion, establishing waste processing facilities by all diazinon and glyphosate are carcinogens. The local bodies in cities having one million or fertilizers use is rampant in order to increase more population within two years. Industrial the crop yield per acre. Over use of fertilizers emissions of GHGs adds to the problem of result in its flow into the nearby water bodies, global warming. and cause eutrophication. Plastic is the new generation product and It is a known fact that fruits and vegetables of late it has because a menace due to generation are pumped with hormones (like oxytoxin) of huge quantity of waste causing environmental and sprayed with pesticides and antibiotics. hazard. India was the global host country for We have bigger shinier, juicier and all the year World Environment Day 2018 celebration. round available fresh produce. It gets even The theme of WED 2018 has been "Beat worse in case of meat and fish. The Supreme Plastic Pollution". The prime objective has Court banned the production and sale of been to urge governments, industry, communities, endosulfan all over the country in 2011. But and individuals to come together and explore the chemical is applied to coat the fruits even sustainable alternatives and urgently reduce now. In India more than 90 chemicals are the production and excessive use of single- sold that are banned or restricted in most of use plastic polluting our oceans, damaging the countries. marine life and threatening human health. The garbage generated from human India is emerging as a leader; given it habitations and agro-waste is also an has one of the highest recycling rates in the important source of GHG generation. The world. It can be instrumental in combating Indian cities do not have the required expertise plastic pollution. According to a press release and foolproof municipal waste management on the occasion of WED 2018 celebration the

26 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018

Plastic Pollution facts are-(a) every year the position two years ago. The top 5 countries world uses 500 billion plastic bags; (b) each are-Switzerland (1st), France (2nd), Denmark year, at least 8 million tonnes of plastic end (3rd), Malta (4th), and Sweden (5th). The up in the oceans, the equivalent of a full bottom 5 countries are Nepal (176th), India garbage truck every minute; (c) in the last (177th), Congo (178th), Bangladesh (179th), decade, we produced more plastic than that and Burundi (180th). of the whole of the last century; (d) 50 percent The concentration of CO , the principal 2 of the plastic we use is single-use or green house gas (GHG), was 280 ppm in 1750 disposable; (e) we buy 1 million plastic bottles (Pre-industrial); 358 ppm in 1994; 400 ppm every minute; and plastic makes up 10% of in 2013; 410 ppm in April 2017; and is all of the total waste we generate. Government projected at 500 by end of 21st century. There of India has banned use of plastic measuring are biological as well as technological less than 50 microgram in thickness. The solutions to deal with the problem of Government of Odisha has also banned it; and accumulation of GHGs. It could be reduced from October 2, 2018 synchronizing with by increasing forest cover that acts as carbon celebration of Gandhi Jayanti it has vowed to dioxide sequestrate; it is the safest biological initially make five cities (Bhubaneswar, solution. The technological solution is "carbon Cuttack, Puri, Berhampur and Sambalpur) capture and storage" (CCS) facilities which plastic free. In Seattle no plastic straw is are now capable of handling just 7.5 % of the allowed to sip the soda in city's 5,000 and odd emissions only, according to a report of the restaurants and bars. Businesses that sell food International Energy Agency (IEA). The or drinks won't be allowed to offer the plastic facility needs to be scaled up. However, the items under a rule that went into effect from biological solution is safe and permanent July 1, 2018. All the restaurants will now have whereas the technological solution is to use reusable or compostable utensils, straws expensive and partial. Environmental and cocktail picks. This ban is a part of 2008 pollution problem has now become a national ordinance that requires food-service businesses concern of every nation in the world. India to find recyclable or compostable alternatives also actively participates and takes proactive to disposable containers, cups, straws, etc. role in international conventions and protocols Conclusion on environment. Many cities across the world The latest Global Environmental suffer from environmental pollution. In Performance Index (EPI) rankings report realising the adverse impacts the local states that poor handling of air pollution governance has been taking corrective abatement and forest protection measures has measures to reduce the impact. Swachh Bharat seen India slip to 177th position in green Mission, a mass movement, is a noble initiative rankings this year (2018) from its 141st taken by India in this regard. Happily, the

Science Horizon 27 SEPTEMBER, 2018

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation is THE KING OF proposing to do experiment integration of POISONS AND THE bicycle with bus inside the city during the proposed Hockey Olympiad. POISON OF KINGS The survival of humankind depends on Dr. Choudhury Satyabrata Nanda how the nations and its people are committed The lethal potency and its indeterminacy towards the common cause of environmental made arsenic as the king of poison and the pollution abatement and ecosystem regeneration. poison of kings surpassing hemlock poison One must understand that man exists because plant which killed Socrates. Soon this chemical 'Nature' exists, and not the reverse. The became famous as a dramatic murder weapon 'Sustainable Development Goals' (target and was known as perfect poison to be used period of 15 years, from 2016-2030), in a murder mystery. It is said that Napoleon otherwise known as 'Transforming Our World' Bonaparte died of arsenic poisoning while has a set of 17 goals with 169 targets. The imprisoned in the islands of Saint Helena. third goal targets at ensuring healthy lives and What is Arsenic ? promote well-being for all at all ages. Sustainable and socially responsible Arsenic is a metalloid element which exists development is the way forward if we have in nature as an inorganic organic compound, or to build a better world for all. The future only as arsenic gas which is the most toxic form will say how far the set targets of the SDGs followed by an inorganic arsenic. It occurs most are fulfilled to ensure a sustainable world for commonly as arsenophyte and as a part of the survival of humanity. other Sulphur minerals. Today, arsenic is still in use in agricultural, metallurgy, semiconductor Reference: and mining industries. It was earlier used for 01. Results of the 26th Annual "Questionnaire on Environmental Problems and Survival of medicinal purposes although it has been Humankind", The Asahi Glass Foundation, Japan, stopped since 1960s. Its high water solubility September 2017. 02. Soil Pollution: Causes, effects and control by makes ground water a major source of R.K.Mishra, N. Mahammad and N. Rorchoudhury, arsenic exposure. Tropical Forest Research Institute, RFRC, Jabalpur (MP), Van Sangram, Vol-3, No.-1, Jan 2016. Arsenic crisis : 03. 'Climate Change, Resource Crunch Biggest Threats to Sustainable Urban Living: Experts', The Times World Health Organization estimated of India (ToI), Kolkata, 26.06.2018. 20,000 arsenic related deaths each year in a 04. 'India Slides to Bottom 5 in Global Green Cover Rankings', ToI, Kolkata, Page-7, 24.01.2018. study conducted in Bangladesh and West 05. "The Global Footprint of Air Pollution", ToI, BBSR, Bengal which draws attention to the deadly Page-6, 13.11. 2017. n crisis. In 1983 it was first identified as the President, Orissa Environmental Society mass poisoning and largest in history, with an Mob. - 09437190420, E-mail - [email protected]

28 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 estimated 35 to 77 million people at risk of Recognition of the symptoms of arsenic consuming contaminated ground water. There exposure: are still people who live in affected areas who Signs and symptoms of arsenic poisoning do not know that they are drinking arsenic occur following an exposure of 2-3 years. The contaminated ground water. It has been nearly classical symptoms are presence of warts on two decades since the presence of arsenic was palms, soles of feet and torso, skin lesions and discovered in the deeper tube wells that supply flushing of skin, metallic taste in mouth, dry drinking water to many of the villages of India and other South Asian countries. Prolonged throat with difficulty in swallowing, hair loss, exposure and the long latency period has made excessive saliva production, muscle and stomach a possibility of more devastating consequences cramps and breath smelling like garlic. The to develop. It is observed that children born other alarming symptom is its carcinogenic during this stage would become “arsenic orphans” activity on skin, liver, bladder and lungs. Oral as their caretakers would succumb to arsenic consumption of arsenic manifest within 30 related disease. They themselves would suffer minutes with the symptoms of drowsiness, impaired lung function, renal function, other diarrhea, confusion and intense headache. The cancers and the cycle would continue. other manifestation is white lines on nails. How arsenic exposure occurs? Hyperpigmentation, keratosis on hands and soles of foot help in diagnosis of arsenic exposure. Arsenic is a component of earth’s crust. The confirmation depends on laboratory tests. It is present in the environment in ground water, mineral ores, volcanoes and as reaction product of geothermal processes. In addition, human exposure to the element occurs as a result of smelting, mining, and related activities. Again the agricultural activities like the use of pesticides may become the routes of arsenic ingestion through the contamination of ground water and natural water sources Fig-1 : Palm in arsenic poisoining which are used for drinking purposes.The maximum permissible limit is 50ppb (WHO) which has exceeded 3400ppb which draws attention and concerns to health care providers. It can enter the body through inhalation and skin absorption in addition to Fig-2: Feet in arsenic Fig-3: Nail in arsenic contaminated sea foods. poisoining poisoining

Science Horizon 29 SEPTEMBER, 2018 Laboratory tests 1.Blood Arsenic Levels; Following exposureARTIFICIAL to arsenic the blood level rises. Levels INTELLIGENCE more than 12ng/ml in a blood sample is Dr. Dwijesh Kumar Panda significant and often by contaminated drinking water water. Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, mimics 2.Complete Blood Count; Peripheral"cognitive" functions such as learning and smear shows microcytic hypochromic problem solving like human brain. According anemia, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John thrombocytopenia or eosinopenia. Mc. Carthy, it is "The science and engineering 3.Urine Test; Urinary excretion of of makingarsenic intelligent machines, especially more than 1000 mcg is an indication of intelligent computer programs". The philosophy of AI "can a machine think and significant exposure. behave like a human does?" It also includes 4.Imaging Tests; detects the radio-opaqueunderstanding of human speech, playing densities. chess, driving autonomous cars, routing in 5.Inductively coupled Plasma Massdelivery network, military simulations and Spectrometry; A highly sophisticated robotics. The nature of mind and creating of artificial beings with human like intelligence test with degree of accuracy. are the issues of myth, fiction and philosophy Management since antiquity. AI may be a danger to Finding the source and eliminating its humanity if it progresses unabatedly. It will presence is an important step. In cases of poisoning create a risk of mass unemployment. with symptomatic toxicity chelating agents are 2015 was a landmark year for artificial given for detoxification. In some cases blood intelligence. Google developed more than transfusion and hemodialysis are needed. 2700 software projects in cloud computing infrastructure to increase research tools and References: data sets. Microsoft developed a Skype system 1. Health Screen; vol.13 August 2017 that can automatically translate from one 2. Smith, A.H., Contamination of drinking waterby arsenic; a public health emergency. Bulletinof the World Health language to another. His Facebook's system Organization, 78(9), 1093-1103. can describe images to blind people. Now one 3. Dooley, E.E (2005) West Bengal and Bangladesh Arsenic Crisis Information Centre. Environmental in five companies has incorporated AI in some Health Perspectives. offerings. The existing AI lacks commonsense n Gopalgaon, Balasore-756001 reasoning compared with humans. Humans Mob: 9040832663, E-mail: [email protected] have powerful reasoning about "naïve

30 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 physics" such as space and time. The lack of In artificial neural networks, activation common knowledge means that AI often of one neuron triggers the successful makes mistakes different from those of human activation of another. Neurons have a beings. The present driver-less autonomous continuous spectrum of activation. Modern cars cannot reason out the location nor the neural nets can learn both continuous intentions of pedestrians in the exact way as functions and, surprisingly, digital logical humans do. These cars are not equipped with operations. Neural networkers' early networks steering wheels or brake pedals. No algorithm can be applied to the problem of intelligent is available to maintain a safe environment control (for robotics) or learning. Deep for the passengers in the vehicle to control learning of artificial intelligence has the speed and driving conditions. The car transformed computer vision, speech would need to decide to save the pedestrians or the passengers. The programming of the recognition and natural language processing. car in these situations is crucial for a In 2015 Google's speech recognition successful driver-less automobile. experienced a dramatic performance jump, which is now available through voice to The artificial neural network system billions of smartphone users. detects claims outside the norm, flagging for human investigation. Banks use artificial intelligence to maintain book keeping, invest in stocks, and manage properties. In August 2001, robots beat humans in a financial trading competition. AI has reduced financial crimes by monitoring behavioral patterns. Military drones are capable of autonomous action. In 2017, Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) stated that "who ever becomes the leader in artificial intelligence will become the ruler of the world". It is projected to increase the global economy by $ 15.6 trillion over the next decade. It will be responsible A neural network is an interconnected for creating close to one million jobs over the group of nodes, akin to the vast networks of next 3 years. It is a big part of our daily lives neurons in the human brain. worldwide. China is aiming to make AI a "tech superpower" by 2025. This will have a huge Microsoft has developed artificial impact on China's economy as well as on the intelligence to help doctors find the right entire world. The gloves are even coming off treatment for cancer. There are more than 800 between the two tech giants Apple and Google. medicines and vaccines to treat cancer and

Science Horizon 31 SEPTEMBER, 2018 many options to choose the right drugs for dangerous or undesirable. The scientists have patients. Surgery with an autonomous robot proposed to continue optimizing functions demonstrated successful operations. while minimizing possible security risks that Microsoft is working on a project to develop come along with new technologies. a machine called "Hanover". Its goal is to Computers can be programmed to carry out memorize all papers necessary to cancer and complex task with great proficiency. Despite help predict which combinations of drugs will computer processing speed and memory be most effective to the patient. capacity, there are as yet no programs that can There are some philosophical questions match human flexibility over wider domains. related to artificial intelligence. Is artificial A common concern about the development general intelligence possible? Can a machine of AI is the potential threat it could pose to solve any problem that a human being can humanity. Many middle class jobs may be solve using intelligence? Are intelligent eliminated and many new jobs will not be machines dangerous? Can machines behave accessible to people with average capability. ethically? Can a machine have a mind, The interesting controversies are creation of consciousness and mental states exactly in the a jobless society where everyone enjoys a life same sense that human beings do? Can a of leisure and machine produced wealth. machine be sentient, and thus deserve certain Every vital activity necessary for rights? Can a machine be intelligent? Can it survival, as well as all emotion- anger, fear, think? Widespread use of artificial intelligence love and happiness- originates inside the could have unintended consequences that are brain. It also receives and interprets a multitude of signals sent to it by other parts of the body and by the environment. There is no substitute of human brain. References: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Journal- Elsevier. Editors in Chief: R. Dechter, P. Doherty, Volume 260, July 2018 pp. 1-74. Acknowledgement: I acknowledge Prof. Trilochan Pradhan's help in writing this article. n Consultant Lymphologist, Pathologist & Microbiologist M5/12, Acharya Vihar, Bhubaneswar Components of Artificial Intelligence Contact; 9438470777

32 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 RABIES - A FATAL DISEASE Dr. K.K. Sardar Dr. B.C. Das Rabies is an infectious viral disease, which affects mainly the central nervous system (CNS) of the victim and is almost the dog bites to their parents for fear of being invariably fatal. The causative agent is rabies scolded. Mostly, children between 5 to 15 virus (RV), a negative stranded RNA virus of years are more susceptible to dog bite and the rhatdovirus family. RV has a broad host rabies because of their playful nature. range and can infect all mammals. The Sometimes children attacked by dogs are not common mode of transmission of the virus aware of the bite and scratch, and parents often occurs from saliva of the infected animals to ignore the attack due to lack of awareness. human by animal bites. It continues as an World Rabies Day is celebrated every important public health problem worldwide year on 28th September across the globe on and causes more than 20,000 human deaths the death anniversary of Louis Pasteur. Louis annually in India. Rabies is widespread Pasteur, a microbiologist, developed the first throughout our country except Andaman and rabies vaccine and laid the foundations of rabies Nicobar, and Lakshadweep Islands. Although prevention in the world. On that day, several always fatal, but it is completely preventable activities are organized in our country to create by timely and appropriate post-bite treatment. awareness about rabies and its prevention. It is reported that around 90% of human deaths which occur in Asian and African countries Transmission of Rabies are due to lack of awareness, among the Rabies is a disease of mammals including common public. dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, cats, bobcats, Dog is the main culprit of rabies and lions, mongooses, bats, monkeys, humans, etc. about 99% of rabies cases in human are caused Dog bites are an important way of by rabid dog bites. The virus is transmitted transmission for rabies in humans and other from rabid animals to humans and other pet animals. Besides, the rabies virus is also animals. Virus from the saliva of rabid animal found in wild and domestic animals. The rabid enters into the human beings through wounds animals through their bite transmit the rabies and scratches caused by dog bite. Symptoms virus to other healthy animals and to humans of rabies normally appear between 1-3 months through their saliva. Moreover, the virus also after dog bite. Children of our country often spreads through the infected saliva during play with dogs without knowing the carrier biting, scratching and licking of the infected status of the dreadful disease of rabies. Most animals to the open wounds or mucosal of the time, it is noticed that children conceal membranes of the victim (WHO, 2017). The

Science Horizon 33 SEPTEMBER, 2018 virus then move from the wound site to the Awareness of simple preventivemeasures, peripheral nervous system where, the clinical such as washing bite wounds with soap and symptoms with destruction of the nervous tissue water can be an important factor in preventing gets manifested. In addition to the nervous rabies deaths in humans and other animals. system, some other tissues such as muscles We can prevent rabies in dogs by vaccinating and the salivary glands also get infected with the dogs. Pre-exposure vaccination is advised virus. Once the salivary gland of the infected to high risk groups like laboratory staff, animal is contaminated, the saliva becomes clinicians, dog owners handling dogs and wild infective to other animals and transmits the animal to protect them from rabies. viruses to humans and other animals. In India, as well as in other countries In recent years, it is reported that the programmes like vaccination of stray dogs are number of cases involving monkey bites has going on to reduce the incidence of rabies been increasing. Monkeys are also susceptible world-wide. However, it has been seen that to rabies, and their bites to humans and vaccination goals do not succeed fully because animals warrants post-bite prophylaxis and of a lack of awareness of the importance of treatment for control of rabies. dog vaccination among dog owners, lack of Symptoms vaccine, as well as the cost of the vaccine for When a dog gets rabies, neurological the dog owners. It is possible to prevent the signs such as aggressiveness, increased risk seriousness of the person who is already of biting people, unprovoked attacks, exposed to the virus by injecting antibodies restlessness and excessive salivation are some which can neutralize the viruses and prevent of the signs of rabies in dogs.Hydrophobia, them invading the nervous tissue. This is headache and some behavioral changes along done through vaccination and/or use of with itching and painful wound are some of immunoglobulins. Therefore, it is always wise the examples of signs of rabies in humans as to take post exposure vaccination in case of a well as other animals (WHO, 2013b). dog bite to prevent rabies. Prevention of Rabies Awareness regarding transmission, After getting bitten by a dog, it is of symptoms and treatment utmost importance to know the basic first aid A large population of stray dogs in a measures to be adopted to minimise the community is always considered to be a risk chances of getting infected with rabies. The of zoonotic diseases such as rabies. first-aid measure is to clean the site of bite/ Sterilization is used to prevent unwanted scratch with soap and water. The bitten animal puppies from being born and by that to or humans should immediately be vaccinated reduce the stray dog population.Ministry of against rabies vaccine available in the nearest Health and Family Welfare, Government of Government hospitals.

34 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018

India has implemented "National Rabies and also to reduce the number of human Control Programme" with an objective to cases of dog bites. prevent the human deaths due to rabies and Education programmes should be to prevent transmission of rabies through dog organized in schools to aware the young bite.According to the programme, public children about the dreadfulness of rabies.They awareness is being created about rabies, its should be trained on behaviour of stray dogs preventive measures and importance of and body language (such as angry, suspicious, seeking medical care immediately after an friendly) to prevent them from getting bitten animal bite. To further create awareness from dogs. among the massess, anti-rabies vaccination Conclusion programme and its importance should be organized by the State Veterinary Association, Since rabies is a highly fatal and dreadful Fisheries and Animal Resources Development disease, in case of bite of any animal especially Department, Government of India and dogs it should be promptly referred to doctors, District Chapter to commemorate the World veterinarians, clinicians for post-bite vaccination Rabies Day. in order to save life. One should not neglect the dog bite by taking advice of non-professional The lack of community awareness about persons. Besides, educational and awareness thedisease is a major hurdle in fighting rabies. programmes should be organized to sensitise So, educating the public and vaccinating the the people about responsible dog keeping and dogs are the two important pillars in dealing with stray dogs and wild animals. elimination of rabies as envisaged by the Hence, Government, NGO Corporate sectors, global authorities like the OIE and WHO and etc should proactively work to minimize the Global Alliance for rabies Control (GARC) which is being implemented. Community incidence of rabies. participation is one of the major components References of any successful public health programme. National Institute of Communicable Diseases. Prophylactic anti-rabies vaccination of dogs National Guidelines for Rabies Prophylaxis and Intra- and cats would be performed at the level of dermal Administration of Cell Culture Rabies Vaccines. 2007;27. Veterinary hospitals.Periodic symposium and Park K. Park's textbook of preventive and social seminars on "Rabies" should be organized at medicine. 23rd edition. Bhanot publication; 2015: different CDVO offices to aware the public 276-278. and dog lovers. Pharmaceutical houses may WHORabies. WHO. World Health Organization; also be involved to promote the cause of 2017. Available at: http://www.who.int/media-centre/ factsheets/fs099/en. Accessed on 4 August, 2017. rabies eradication in the country. Responsible n dog ownership is to be promoted as a key College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha stone to reduce the population of stray dogs E-mail: [email protected]

Science Horizon 35 SEPTEMBER, 2018 STEM CELL THERAPY: and develop a foetus in the womb. Pluripotent A PROMISE FOR ALL ILLS ! stem cells have the ability to give rise to all of the various cell types of the body. Dr. Guru Prasad Mohanta Introduction Somatic Stem Cells are undifferentiated Cells found among differentiated cells in a The Government of India in a recent tissue or organ which can renew themselves draft notification proposed to bring the Stem and can differentiate to yield the major Cells and Cell Based Products under the specialized cell types of that tissue or organ. Drugs and Cosmetics Act. This new rule aims They are virtually present in all organs or to treat these products as drugs and to regulate tissues of the body. They have limited plasticity. them like drugs. The safety and efficacy of these products are to be evaluated using Sources of Stem Cells established protocol as outlined in the law. The Embryonic Stem Cells are obtained This helps to prevent the patients from being from Embryos. The embryos used to generate exploited. In the absence of regulation, the human embryonic stem cells come from risk of exploitation would remain. Even in several sources: Donated embryos left after America, the clinics continue touting in vitro fertilization; in vitro fertilized embryos unapproved stem cell therapies. The stem cells analysed by pre-implantation genetic diagnosis; are naïve/immature/un-specialized cells which eggs that have been parthenogenetically can divide to form similar cells and develop activated; and embryos produced from somatic into different specialized cells which perform or adult cells using donated un-nucleated eggs. different distinct functions. The Somatic Stem Cells are obtained Types of Stem Cells from foetus, umbilical cord, placenta, infant, There are different types of stem cells. child or adults. They vary in their proliferative They came from different places of the body and differentiation capacity. The Somatic and are formed at different times of our lives. Stem Cells in bone marrow, skin and They are classified basically into two types: gastrointestinal tract divide continuously and Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) and Somatic differentiate throughout life. In other organs, Stem Cells (SSCs), based on cell type or origin they remain dormant until required for repair of the tissue. and replacement. The Embryonic Stem Cells exist only at Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) the earlier stages of development (blastula are not found in the body but can be made in stage). They are pluripotent and have the the laboratory from the cells of the body. Their capacity to renew themselves and virtually any properties are similar to those of embryonic cell in the body except those needed to support stem cells.

36 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 Therapeutic Application Concerns Some research studies have indicated the In spite of having limited evidences potential of stem cells therapy helping the available on the clinical application of stem nearly blind to see and even reverse the signs cells, there are large number of private banks of aging. They are also found to have potential in their promotional advertisements offer in creating red blood cells which would be a storage of cord blood with the promise of future boon during blood shortages in emergencies. therapeutic use. However as of today there is In a recent break through research, Japanese no scientific basis for the preservation of cord scientists claim that transplanting "reprogrammed blood for future self-use. Therefore, this raises stem cells into brains" may be a breakthrough social and ethical issues. In spite of this the in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorder private storage of cord blood for human stem like Parkinson's disease. This is the world's cells is advisable for its future uses. first clinical trial of using induced pluripotent Conclusion stem cells. The induced pluripotent stem cells The research has shown tremendous made by removing mature cells from an potential of using stem cells in clinical individual - often from the skin or blood - and practices. But there are lack of solid scientific reprogramming them to behave as embryonic evidences for using them in treating disease stem cells could be the future prospects. states other than the use of hematopoietic stem At present blood stem cells from bone cells for treatment of various haematological, marrow are used in the treatment of blood immunological and metabolic disorders. cancer and different type of blood disorders. Along with the scientific developments in This is also known as haematopoietic stem basic and applied research on stem cells, there cell transplantation. Further, stem cells can be have been reports of rampant unethical used for investigational studies, however that practices going on in the area of banking and require to follow the ethical and legal therapeutic uses of stem cells. As we have guidelines of the country. Guidelines for stem many unmet medical needs, there is every cell research issued by the Indian Council for possibility of the people being exploited Medical Research (ICMR) says "At present subjecting to unapproved therapy. Stern action there is no scientific evidence to substantiate is needed against the unlawful use of stem clinical benefits from the use of stem cells cell therapy as they pose potential safety derived from cord tissue, placenta, tooth issues. Like all other medical interventions, extract, adipose tissue, dental pulp, menstrual there is a need of a fine balance between safety blood and olfactory ensheating cells etc.". But and innovation in stem cell therapy too. n the commercial activities of the procurement Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Annamalai University, P. O. Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu - 608002 and banking of these stem cells continue to rise. E. mail : [email protected]

Science Horizon 37 SEPTEMBER, 2018

AQUATIC WEEDS - Pistia: Commonly called "water lettuce". It is free floating hydrophytes THEIR CONTROL with thick soft leaves that form rosette. AND USES It floats on the water surface. Adventitious Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das roots develop from the stem. Introduction 2. Emergent Weeds : These are the surface In general weeds mean unwanted plants. plants which are rooted in the bottom of Aquatic weeds are the undesirable plants that the pond but their leaves float on the grow in water bodies. They have both harmful water surface as well as beneficial effects on the ecosystem. Ex. Nelumbium (Lotus), Nymphaea (Lily) Excessive growth of aquatic weeds prevents effective utilization of nutrients of the other plant community, present in the same habitat which reduces productivity. Depending on their habits and habitat, weeds are classified into following types. Nelumbium Nymphaea 1. Floating Plants : In these weeds leaves Nymphaea : It is a fixed floating are freely floating on the surface of water hydrophyte. In the bottom of the pond and roots hanging downwards. the rhizome of the plant is found. From Ex. Eicchornia, Pistia, Lemna, Azolla etc. the rhizome adventitious roots develop. Eicchornia : Commonly called "Water Leaf of the plant has long petiole and hyacinth". The plants are dark-green in peltate leaf floats on the water surface. colour and are floating hydrophytes. A The leaf lamina is more or less circular, cluster of roots develops from the nodal having wax coating on the water surface. part of the stem. They don't possess root 3. Submerged Weeds : These plants grow hairs and root cap but root pockets are under the water surface. They may or present. Leaves have swollen petioles. may not be rooted. Rooted plant : Hydrilla, Vallisneria Rootless Plant : Ceratophyllum, Utricularia Hydrilla : The plant body is thin, delicate spongy and slightly yellowish-green in colour. Roots are absent. Small sessile leaves are present in whorled at the nodal Pistia Eicchornia regions.

38 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018

iii) They provide shade and shelter to many of the aquatic fauna and enhance the dissolved oxygen content of the water body. Dis-advantage i) Aquatic weeds are harmful as they Hydrilla Ceratophyllum consume nutrients of the pond. Ceratophyllum : It is a submerged ii) They check free movement of the aquatic hydrophytes. Plant stem is of about 1-3 m fauna and cause oxygen depletion on death. in length. From the nodal region of the iii) Gases like H S and Methane are formed stem, bright green leaves arise which are 2 narrow and branched. Roots are absent. by the weeds which are harmful to the fishes and other aquatic organisms. 4. Marginal Weeds : These plant grow along the shore line of the pond Weed Control : The Aquatic weeds can be controlled by 3 methods Ex. Typha, Colocassia, Sagittaria etc. 1) Mechanical Method 2) Chemical Method 3) Biological Method 1. Mechanical Methods : Mechanical removal of weeds by using human Colocassia Sagittaria labour or by machine is the most Colocassia : Commonly called "Elephant satisfactory method of weed control. ear". Stem is modified into rhizome. Periodical removal of aquatic plants by Leaves are dark green,triangular, ovate hand picking, Up-rooting and cutting is shaped and arise from the rhizome. usually suggested. Several Weeds like Sagittaria : It is an amphibious plant and Eichhornia, Pistia, Salvina, Azolla etc. grows either partially or fully submerged are the most common floating weeds in condition. These plants can withstand ponds and lakes. Complete removal of hard water as well as water with a these weeds by manual labour, drying surplus of organic substances. It grows and burning those weeds is considered tall with green leaves like arrow head. to be the most effective method. Good manure can also be obtained by Advantage composting of weeds in different pits i) They are necessary for the pond ecosystem. constructed for the purpose. ii) They work as the source of natural food 2. Chemical Method : Several chemical for many species of fish and fertilize the weedicides are now available for the pond on getting decayed. control of aquatic weeds. But they have

Science Horizon 39 SEPTEMBER, 2018

to be used carefully to prevent adverse grass carp is reported to consume 40-70% effect on the fishes and other aquatic of its own weight of weeds per day and organisms present in the same water body. 100 fish per ha can totally eradicate weeds. While selecting the weedicide the The common carp Cyprinus carpio is following points are to be noted carefully : also useful in eradicating weeds. Besides i) Cheap and easy availability of the weedicide fishes, other animals like ducks and geese can ii) Non-toxic to fish, Human being and also be employed for weed control. other aquatic flora and fauna. Submerged aquatic weeds can be destroyed to a limited extent by shading the pond using iii) Should not pollute the ecosystem surface cover of plants. Some of the common weedicides are : Thus manual labour appears to be a a) Floating weeds : 2,4-D (2,4- suitable method for marginal and Emergent dichlorophenoxy acetic acid), Taficide- weeds in small bodies of water. A combination 80 (2,4-D sodium salt 80%) Simazine of chemical and manual methods is more (Ethyl amino-S-triazine) 1% sodium appropriate for controlling hardy aquatic arsenite ( 35lb/acre ) weeds in large bodies of water. Biological b) Marginal Weeds : 1-1.5% Taficide-80, control by using herbivorous fish is probably 2,4-D sodium salt (3-4%) with 0.25% surf one of the methods for controlling weeds. Once the weeds are completely eradicated, c) Emergent Weeds : Taficide-80, 2,4-D proper maintenance of the pond to prevent sodium salt , Spraying Copper sulphate further regeneration and growth of weeds is d) Submerged weeds : Copper sulphate in necessary so that the pond or the water body combining with ammonium, Sodium can be best utilized for Pisciculture. arsentite (5-6 ppm), 2,4-D, Simazine Beneficial effects of Weeds: e) Algal Blooms : Sodium Arsentite, 1.Weeds Add Organic Matter and Nutrients Copper sulphate to the Soil. 3. Biological Control : Several types of Many weeds have luxuriant leafy growth weeds can be kept under control with and when buried in the soil as green the help of few species of herbivorous manure add considerable amount of fishes such as Ctenpharyngodon (Grass organic matter and plant nutrients. carp), Cyprinus carpio (Common carp). The Grass carp is an important herbivorous 2.Weeds Check Wind, Water and Soil Erosion. fish which can effectively keep certain Weeds growing on desert lands, waste weeds in check. Submerged weeds like lands and sloppy fields lower wind and Hydrilla, Najas, Ceratophyllum are usually water erosion and also help for consumed by the grass carp. In china the protection of the environment.

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3.Some of the Weeds are used 8.Certainas FodderWeeds have Nematicidal Properties for Animal. (Control of Nematodes) Some weeds have good palatable taste. 9.Weeds can be used for Paper Pulp, Bio- Examples : Tandulaja (Amaranthus gas and Manufacture of Edible Proteins. Polygamus), Math (Amaranthus viridis), 10.Some of the Weeds are used for Religious Kunjru (Digera arvensis), Ghol (Portulaca Purpose (Hariali, Aghada, Maka etc). spp), Pathari (Lactuca runcinata) 4.Some of the Weeds have MedicinalHarmful Value. effect of Weeds: i) Gumma (Leuclas aspera) used in snake 1.Presence of weeds increases the cost of bite. agriculture and hinders the progress of work. ii) Oil of Piwals dhotra useful against skin disease 2.It increases the irrigation requirement. iii) Maka (Eclipta erecta) against cough and 3.They reduce the value of produce or as hair oil. otherwise add to the cost of cleaning. 5.Some of the Weeds have Economic4.Some weeds when eatenCleome ( Importance. viscosa) by milch animals will produce Example: an undesirable odour in the milk. At i) Kans (Saccharum spontaneum) used for times death/disorder/disformity may thatching purpose and breeding sugarcane occur. (Datura stramarium) varieties for including hardiness. 5.The fruits and Xanthiumseeds ofstrumarium ii) Nutgrass/ Nutsedge - For making and Achyranthes aspera entangle with essence sticks (Udbatties) wool which fetch lower prices. 6.Reclamation of Alkali Soils: The application 6.They harbour insect pests, pathogen and of powder of the weed stayanashi parasites. Piwala dhotra ( Argemone mexicana) @ 2.5 tonnes/ha is useful for reclamation 7.They reduce the value of the land. of alkali soils. 8.Presence of weeds will impair the purity 7.Some of the Weeds Serve as Ornamentalof varieties by chance of cross pollination. and Hedge Plants. 9.Weeds cause health hazards to man and Examples: animals. i) Ghaneri (Lantana camara) and Cactus 10.Weeds cause allelopathic effect. - Used as ornamental and hedge plants. n Department of Botany (DESM) ii) Ghol (Portulaca spp) - For beautiful Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Unit-9, Achrayavihar, Bhubaneswar - 751022 flowers. Mobile No. 9437194035, E-mail- [email protected]

Science Horizon 41 SEPTEMBER, 2018 Stages of Micropropagation PLANT TISSUE CULTURE AND ITS Plant tissue culture is an in vitro technology REVOLUTION through which various transformed genotypes (clones ) are obtained under the influence of Dr. Gouranga Charan Swain defined concentrations of growth regulating Our nation has commitment to use substances, organic ad inorganic nutrients, science and technology as key instruments for minerals, particular temperature and pH etc., national development. It has been articulated it has also been emerged as an important tool in the scientific policy resolution act of 1958. for bringing about genetic improvement of In this context, the various excellent technologies any crop plants. This technique has been have to be utilized to a great extent to enhance employed as an adjunct not only for micropropagation but also for producing our country's economy and to compete with commercially important plants Attempts have international quality products. been made by several workers for regeneration Plant tissue culture is a field of many of excellent plants from various genotypes. facets. This technique is capable of extremely However, unprecedented success in callus good multiplication of rare genotypes and of regeneration has yet not been achieved due to plants having low multiplication rate higher accumulation of secondary metabolites Moreover this technique is very useful when and phenolics. For genetic manipulations only limited tissue is available as explants. (transformations) to be successful in varieties During micropropagation, microorganisms of genotypes, a potent protocol of tissue are usually eliminated through the use of culture has to be developed by your good antibiotics and hence it is contamination free. choice in the laboratory. Moreover, regeneration from callus culture is a prerequisite one. Therefore, the plants regenerated through this Generally, micropagation technique involves process are pathogen free, whereas it is not three stages, (1) establishment of culture, possible through conventional technique like (2) regeneration of plants, and 3-transfer of plant breeding method. In this modern plants from test tubes to soil. The first method biotechnology technique, plants of the ensures maintenance of the clones (clonal desired trait can be selectively multiplied. In stability) and the second method results in case of valuable forest trees, suitable genetic variability. Moreover, induction of plantlets can be identified and rapidly cloned somatic embryogenesis is the most important through this technique Micropropagation can mode of micropropagation. This enables us be carried out throughout the year to produce millions of embryos that are independent of seasons. regarded as seeds.

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The Importance of Genotypes in Tissue herbicides, various diseases, and to a variety Culture of stresses like drought, salinity, and extreme The major influence on tissue culture cold and extreme low temperature can be response appears to be genetic, with culture produced. A number of useful and valuable requirements varying between species and pharmaceuticals can be obtained through this cultivars. Model genotypes that responded modern biotechnology process. well to culture in vitro were initially used in Plant Regeneration plant transformation studies. However, most It is very important to look at how whole of the model genotypes used were not elite, plants can be regenerated from these cultures. commercial cultivars. The commercial In broad terms, two methods of plant cultivars tended to respond poorly to culture. regeneration are widely used in plant In vitro. One of the main aims is there to transformation studies i.e. somatic embryogenesis identify the components that make up a widely and organogenesis. applicable, optimal culture regime. Somatic Embryogenesis Many factors have been investigated for their ability to improve the culture response In somatic (asexual) embryogenesis, from elite cultivars, including media embryo-like structures, which can be developed components (such as alternative carbon into whole plants in a way analogous to sources macro-and microelement concentrations zygotic embryos, are formed from somatic and composition), media preparation method tissues. These somatic embryo can be and donor plant condition and growth produced either directly or indirectly. In direct conditions. But loving tissue culture scientists somatic embryogenesis, the embryo is formed have to look for more educated choice to break directly from a cell or small group of cells the limitations in tissue culture. without the production of an intervening Wide Applications of Plant Tissue Culture callus. Direct somatic embryogenesis is generally rare in comparison with indirect In conventional breeding system, the somatic embryogenesis. In indirect somatic plant breeder comes across several difficulties embryogenesis, callus is first formed from the which can be overcome through techniques explants Embryo which can then be produced of tissue culture. The techniques of isolation, from the callus tissue or from a cell suspension culture and fusion of plant protoplast caused produced from that callus. a great success in somatic hydridization and Somatic embryogenesis usually proceeds overcome the difficulties in sexually in two distinct stages. In the initial stage incompatible species. Plant tissue culture (embryo initiation), a high concentration of technique is a very efficient process through which desirable mutant plants resistant to 2, 4-D is used in the second stage (embryo

Science Horizon 43 SEPTEMBER, 2018 production) embryo can be produced. In a FISH: THE GLOBAL medium with no or very low levels of 2,4-D SUPER FOOD (2,4-dichloropheoxyacetic acid). In many Sri Biswaranjan Paital systems it has been found that somatic embryogenesis is improved by supplying a Since time immemorial, fish is associated source of reduced nitrogen, such as specific with human civilisation. The folklore and the amino acids or casein hydrolysate. mythological stories have given them legendary forms of deity, religious symbols, Organogenesis and the fascinating mermaid stories and many Organogenesis relies on the production others. Fish incarnation is the first of ten of organs, either directly from an explants or incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Hindu from a callus culture. In this process, adventitious mythology. Pisces is the twelve sign in the organs arising either from a callus culture or horoscope. Fishes are the good source of directly from an explants is used for whole protein and other nutrients for humans. plant regeneration. Organogenesis relies on Pisciculture and/or business related to fishes the inherent plasticity of plant tissues, and is strengthen livelihoods of many people, regulated by altering the components of the particularly of the native fisherman community. medium. In particular, the auxin to cytokinin Fishes also act as the good indicator of the ratio of the medium that determines which health of the aquatic ecosystem. Biologically, developmental pathway the regenerating fishes are good indicator of the, gill-bearing, tissue will take. aquatic, limbless jawed vertebrates. Fishes evolved around 530 million years ago i.e. in In spite of the various techniques adopted the Cambrian period (aquatic life dominated). to introduce genes into host plants, the proper The streamlined body and the fins help them expression of the transferred genes in host in locomotion. Fishes are found in all most cellular horizon of some genotypes remains all aquatic habitats which span from high obscure. Now it is high time to regenerate abiotic altitude lakes to deep sea bottoms. It is stress tolerance plants in abundance to meet presumed that there are around 40,000 species the challenges of our country such as of fishes present in the present day world. limitations in the field of agriculture, Mostly fishes are cold blooded animals with horticulture and industry. Hence, an evolution few exceptions (e.g., kingfish, tuna and some in the field of tissue culture is the need of the sharks) which are considered to be warm day. Our government has to encourage the blooded. Study on fish is called as ichthyology. young and enthusiastic scientists in this Based on their habitat, fishes can be endeavour to fill the gap for a potential cultivar. divided into fresh water, marine, and estuarine n Asst .Professor of Biotechology, fishes. Rohi, catla, kau, magur are examples B/L-54, V.S.S. Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007 Email : [email protected] of fresh water fishes which are commonly

44 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 found in the market and liked by consumers. Owing to the nutritional importance of Chandi, kala chandi, Dhala magur, Chitra, Ilisi the fish food, it has been recognised as the are some examples of marine fishes. Based "global super food". About 1/6th of world's on the body endoskeleton fishes can also be protein demand is met from fish flesh. The divided into two types : chondrichthyes fish protein is easily digestible. Fish flesh (cartilaginous fishes) and osteichthyes (bony contains 15-20% of proteins, 5-20% fats and fishes). There is also another category of fishes also rich in vitamins A, D and E along with present which are known as lung fishes. Fishes other macronutrients, minerals and trace do exhibit the behaviour of migration which elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, are of 4 types i.e., anadromous (migrating sodium, iodine, phosphorus, selenium and from sea to fresh water) and catadromous zinc. Fish protein contains sulphur containing migration (migrating from fresh water to sea amino acids such as cysteine and methionine water), potamodromous (migrate within fresh and the digestible protein in fish muscle is water) and oceanodromous (migrate within much higher in comparison to chicken, beef, the sea water). Based on their capacity to pork, mutton etc. Therefore, fish diet is survive in saline water they are classified into considered as an affordable and cheap source stenohaline (withstand narrow range of saline of proteins for the poor people to meet their water) and euryhaline (withstand wide range nutrition security. List of individual amino of salinity fluctuation). acid (used as raw material for production of On an average, fish provides about 33 protein) and their role and sources is given in calories per capita per day energy globally, Table 1. thus thriving a major source of human diet. Fish diet also contains some of the May be this is the reason why global per capita fish consumption followed an increasing trend important good fats such as polyunsaturated from ~ 10 kg in 1960s to ~ 15 kg in 1990s, fatty acids, α - linoleic acid, eicosapentaenoic and, recently reached its record value of over acid, docosahexaenoic acid, Omega-3 and 6 20 kg per annum. In India, still the per capita fatty acids. Fish fats have good effects on fish consumption value is estimated to reach many diseases such as hyperactivity disorder at a very low level i.e. ~12 kg per annum in seen in children. Fish supplementation in diet coming years. The estimated value is 5-6 is reported to be beneficial in cardio vascular kg for the entire population and 8-9 kg for disorders, hypertension, dementia, age-related the fish eating population. In India, the fish muscular degeneration, Alzheimer's disease production has reached to 10.16 million and in mood disorder cases. It may be tonne per annum from which, the inland surprising to know that magur fish is very rich sector alone contribute about 6.57 million in protein with high amount of good tonne and the rest amount is contributed by cholesterol. Its flesh contains only 5% fat and the marine sector. rich in sodium, potassium and calcium.

Science Horizon 45 SEPTEMBER, 2018 Table 1: Amino acids present in fish food

Amino acid Importance Common Example Arginine Wound healing, ammonia removal, immunity rainbow trouts induction, recovery from diseases such as sepsis, preeclampsia, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, anxiety etc. Leucine Stimulating the synthesis of muscle protein, rohu, cat fish repairing during burns, trauma and sepsis. Methionine Used to cure liver disorders, wound healing, murrel depression, alcoholism, allergies, asthma, copper poisoning, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease etc. Glutamic Plays a key role in synthesis of molecule like singhi and acid glutathione. Glutathione removes toxic substances climbing perch free radicals from body. Glycine Significant role in metabolic regulation, preventing tissue injury, enhancing antioxidant activity, improving immunity and serves therapeutically for the treatment of metabolic disorders of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. Tryptophan Serves as the precursor molecule for serotonin, putitor mahseer, melatonin, tryptamine, kynurenine which helps in functioning of the neurotransmitters like dopamine and nor-dopamine. It is used in healing pain, depression, bulimia, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and chronic fatigue. Histidine Act as precursor molecule for histamines. It helps Indian mackerel in maintenance of myelin sheath, growth and repair and Anabas. of tissues, removing heavy metals from the body. Lysine It helps in treating the cold sores and limits Channa sp. immuno-deficiency Threonine Used for treating various nervous system disorders Tuna, Snapper, including spinal spasticity, multiple sclerosis, Mackerel, Halibut, familial spastic paraparesis and amyotrophic lateral Wild Salmon, sclerosis. Rainbow Trout, Pollock Isoleucine Used for the treatment of the abnormalities of renal Rainbow Trout, system Rohu Aspartic Serve as the precursor of other amino acids such as Magur, Indian acid and threonine, isoleucine, lysine and glycine, cysteine mackerel serine and tryptophan

46 Science Horizon SEPTEMBER, 2018 QUIZ : ARSENIC POLLUTION Sri Titaram Nanda Brahmachari, Prof. Surjenu Kumar Dey 1.Arsenic (As) is ? a) Toxic element b) Metalloid c) Heavy metal d) All of these 2.Which of the following type is more toxic? a) Arsenic b) Arsenite c) Arsenate d) None of these 3.Arsenic effect on plant: a) It reduces plant transpiration Cod liver oil is one of the best natural b) Reduces leaf number c) Inhibits root multiplication sources of omega 3 fatty acids besides vitamin d) All of these A and D. Therefore, it is prescribed by doctors for natural supplement of vitamin A and D to 4.Which country is severely affected by Arsenic pollution? patients. It is also beneficial in arthritis. In a) China b) India market, it is sold in oil or in capsule form. Recent c) USA d) Bangladesh research has shown that supplementation of 5.According to Buraeu of India Standard fish oil confers protection against heart diseases. (BIS) and World Health Organization Fish oil supplementation inhibits inflammation (WHO) the permissible limit of Arsenic and increases life span in animal model studies. in drinking water is set up to ? a) 0.1 ppm b) 0.2 ppm The nutraceutical values of the fish can c) 1.0 ppm d) 0.01 ppm be helpful in designing cheap and good fish- based diets to combat many disorders in all 6.Arsenic contamination in India was first found in age groups especially for the economically a) Assam and West-Bengal challenged people. This can also prove useful b) Odisha and Chhatisgarh in different government sponsored programs c) Uttar Pradesh and Delhi for children and pregnant mothers to eradicate d) Bihar low birth weight, child asthma, protein-calorie 7.Arsenic effect on animal: malnutrition etc. Therefore, adaptation of a) It reduces body weight scientific aquaculture strategies can provide b) Disturbs nerve impulse a gender equity livelihood for educationally c) Increases respiration rate and heart rate d) All of these backward class people. n 8.Lead arsenate a pesticide used in Assistant Professor, College of Basic Science and Humanities, a) Vegetable b) Fruit Department of Zoology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003, Mobile: +91-9337413232, Email: [email protected] c) Rice d) All of these

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9.Arsenic effect is found on human16.Source organ: of Arsenic compounds contaminated a) Liver b) Lung surface and ground water is c) Kidney d) All of these a) Mining operation 10.What is Arsenicosis? b) Weathering of Arsenic ore a) A skin disease, caused by Cadmium c) Paint industry b) A skin disease, caused by Lead d) All of these c) A skin disease, caused by Mercury 17.Arsenic placed in Group 5 element in d) A skin disease, caused by Arsenic periodic table having atomic number___? 11.Which of the following family of planta) 36 b) 33 c) 32 d) 30 shown in Arsenic contaminated area? a) Pteridaceae b) Apocyanceae 18.Essential step needs to control Arsenic c) Asteraceae d) Brassicaceae pollution a) Public awareness 12.How to treat Arsenicosis? a) Use chelating agent Dimercapto b) Cheap and environmental friendly succinic acid in medicine technology b) Use chelating agent Dimercapto c) Environmental rule propane sulfonate in medicine d) All of these c) Hemodialysis 19.The Sono Arsenic Filter was invented d) All of these by Abul Hussam in 2006. He is from ... 13.Lead arsenate replaced by the use ofa) USA b) Pakistan chemical with c) India d) Bangladesh a) Benzene hexachloride (BHC) b) Monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) 20.The cone of the common form of Arsenic c) Disodium methyl arsenate (DSMA) is Arsenite (trivalent) which is more d) Both 'b' and 'c' toxic because it is a) Insoluble in water 14.Which of the following cheap and simple b) Soluble in lipid method used to remove Arsenic in drinking water? c) Soluble in water a) Bayoxide E33 d) Insoluble in lipid b) Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GFH) ANSWER c) Sono Arsenic Filter (SAF) 01.(d) 02.(b) 03.(d) 04. (d) 05. (d) d) Reverse Osmosis (RO) 06.(a) 07.(d) 08.(b) 09. (d) 10. (d) 11.(a) 12.(d) 13.(d) 14. (c) 15. (d) 15.Arsenic is used as 16.(d) 17.(b) 18.(d) 19. (d) 20. (c) a) Insecticide n b) Wood preservator PG Department of Env. Sc., F. M. University, c) Medicine Nuapadhi, Mitrapur, Balasore-756020, d) Semiconductor E-mail: [email protected]

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