• April 24, 1979 TheI aJ

Vol. 111 No. 184 c 1979 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents Shut B&W 'plants: NRC staff B~ Vnfl.d Pre .. Inlernallonal reactor regulation, said he could change been trained adequately to handle manufacturers, General Electric and Two experts on the Nuclear Regulatory his mind on closing the plants If further emergencies. • WestinghoUle. Commission (N RC) staff Monday study indicates the need to do so. Earlier, Denton said that Babcock and The commissioners were told by staff recommended tha t all nuclear power Nine Babcoc}t and WilcOl planta have Wilcox reactors were more sensitive to members that shutting down the South plants buDt by Babcock and WDCOI, been built; three - the Oconee units In abnormal conditions, which places Carolina planta and keeping two similar South Carolina - are operating. Five greater burdens than normal on the Florida reactors out of service would manufacturers of the Three Mile Island others were closed temporarily for plant, be shut down temporarily. operators. create a "marginal" power supply repairs or for maintenance prior to the An equipment breakdown at Three situation In the Southeast, "degenerating "I believe there exists a considerable Three Mile Island acclden t. The Rancho m1amatch between operator training, Mile Island on March 28, compounded by to 'poor' by the end of the summer." Seco plant In California underwent an operator experience and the B&W design and human errors, severely Meanwhile, an official of the company automatic shutdown Sunday due to an damaged the Unit 2 reactor and that operates the Three Mile IJIand _hlne," said Edson Case at a staff electrical-system failure. briefing for the NRC commiuioners. threatened for a time to lead to a reactor said Monday that the problems Case said he would "feel more com­ disastrous meltdown. that crippled the plant will not be solved But Case's oo,s, Harold Denton, said fortable" if all the Babcock and Wilcox be would rather walt untll more in­ Denton said that, as a rough estimate, by bankrupting the company. reactors were shut down pending a full the chances of a problem requiring the W.G. Kuhns, cbainnan of General ICIIIlation on po88lble defects In the review of their problems. Such a shut­ plants is studied. activation of the emergency cooling Publlc Utilities Corp., told a Senate down could take "a month or so," he system - the Initial cause of the Three nuclear regulation subcommittee that NRC ChalrmBn Joseph Hendrie that said. IIid the commissIon will meet either Mile Island problem - were from one In customers, the utility, Investors and Roger Mattson, director of ~ctor today or Wednesday to decide what do. 10 to one In 100 for Babcock and Wilcox perhaps even the government should to safety, said he leaned toward Case's view plants and about 10 times lower for share the cost incurred in buying power who is director of nuclear Denton, because operators of the plants have not reactors made by the other two reactor elsewbere to make up for the power lost during the Three Mile Island shutdown. Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., said that Kuhns' testimony "confounded" him because It sounded as if Kuhns wanted "a Rhodesia election suspect design problem passed along to con­ sumers." SAUSBURY. Rhodesia (UPI) - One statement and refused to elaborate when campaigning and balloting was free and Ii the three black leaders who reached a contacted at his home. fair. As late as Monday afternoon, he In a development, disaident black ·majorlty-rule accord with the white "After receiving reports from party issued a statement appealing for Western stockholders faUed by a 9-1 margin regime dealt the pact a major blow parliamentary candidates In all the ' recognition of what he called an election Monday to halt nuclear power Monday by charging the just-ended regions. the ZANU Cenl,fal Committee is that was "fair" and "clearly above development by the Detroit Edison Co. election was marred . by "grosa Ir· left in no doubt that the result of these board." Detroit Edison does not currently have regularities." elections will in no way represent the Slthole 's ZANU was expected to any nuclear power plants In operation In Tl\echarge by Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole verdict of the people," the statement emerge second in the balloting behind Michigan. It has one plant, Enrico Fermi reduced the prospects of Rhodesia's first No.2, under construction near Monroe; United p~res;;;s:'in1~=~ said. Bishop Abel Muzo'rewa's United African ,.... , For.lgn MlnI.l. MCIIh. D.,,,, Keep.. IhI .1Il.lInce of • hot .. 'mploy" majority rule elections being accepted by "The reports indica te that there have National Council. Early returns from the two plants are scheduled for completion the International community as a in 1989 and 1991 near Port Huron. II hi ,"Iv" In ZII'Ieh, 8wllz.lll'ld, Mond.~ for. milling of 1... 11 .mbUNdo,.1n been gross Irregularities. southwestern Bulawayo district gave Europe. D.pn, who 11M come under crltlcl_ lor .ugg.. tllIII IfIIIt could iii" genuine expression of black support for 'It ... "The ZANU Central Committee calls Muzorewa 68,113 of the 149,639 votes cast. Detroit Edison was the' operator of up the Oolln H.lgh", MId h. would .....gn In "tllrll mlnut"" II Prime Mlnltttr the accord. for a commission of inquiry to in­ Chief Kayisa Ndiweni's United Enrico Fermi No. I, a liquid metal fast Earlier In the day. vote tallies showed Mente""" BegIn 10 dlllrtd. MunwhU .. Begin yowtel to 1V1nfI' the 1.... 1 deeth. vestigate Immediately these National Federal Party won 43,076, breeder reactor In Monroe, which was In the lIrrorl.t .tllek .t NIh.I,1 Sundly, .nd 1.... 1 lIunboill ••htlitel T"., that more than 100 per cent of the eligible Irregularities. ZANU had 16,158 votes, and Chief shut down permanently in 1972. Fermi Ltblnon, In """11" E.. ..., •• In Ih. Mid ..... S.udl Ar.bll .nd Kuw.1t MY.teI voters in Mashonaland province cast "Unt.il these Irregularities are im­ Jeremiah Chirau's Zimbabwe United No. 1 suffered a potentially disastrous ballots, triggering concern - Im­ dlplomltlc till with Eslypt .. Ar.b equ.bbllnll oy. the EsI,ptlln-l.r•• II pile. plcl partially investigated, ZANU will con­ Peoples' Organization gained 13,453 accident In 1966 , involving a partial contlnlllCl. mediately rejected by officials - that the sider the results of the election as not votes. There were 8,839 spoiled ballots. meltdown of the core. election had been tampered with. being the verdict of the people, but of a Smith said the turnout of 63.9 per cent Sithole, head of the Zimbabwe African particular ministry that has 'stage­ of the estimated 2.9 million voters was National Union (ZANU) and hlmaelf a managed' the elections." proof that the majority of black Rhode­ candidate in the five days of balloting The charges were surprising because sians endorse his "internal" majority that ended April 21, issued a written Sithole has repeatedly asserted that the rule plan. 'Arena will aid recruiting' By CATHY BREITENBUCHER keep in mind looking Into the future so we'd make the best of it. When it comes Staff Writer you won't have an outdated building right down to it, if we didn't have when you get finished." anyplace to practice we'd probably Second oj two The coaches' opinions vary on the practice ollt on the yard." . possible use of the new arena for Blrdsonll said that despite the early The day the new Hawkeye Sporta recreation . Olson is the loudest critic, negative reaction of some coaches, she is Arena is opened, producing a winner while Gable and Birdsong are more open still in favor of a mulU-use facility. "It should become much easler, Iowa to the Idea of a multi-purpose facility. would be silly to have a building sit there wrestling and basketball coacbes said "In five years, I don 't recall a practice from 8 in the morning unt.il 3 in the af­ after hearing the proposed plan. session going by without a Frisbee ternoon and have nobody ever use it. So if Basketball coaches Lute Olaon (men) thrown by going back out over the canvas we can have some use, I would say put It and Lark Birdsong (women ) and or volleyballs out over there or to use," she said. wrestling coach Dan Gable said the 5:1r something else," Olson said. "And to us, "If you can keep your players year-old Field House has hindered their the basketball coaches, the court is our separated from the volleyballs and the recruiting efforts, made practice classroom. And we're no different than noise, that's a suitable arrangement," sessions difficult and caused In­ anyone else in a classroom situation." Birdsong added . "We both (men's and conveniences for both athletes and fans . Olson said the plan to fulfill some women's basketball teams) had good "My feeling is thiS place (the Field recreational needs in the arena is "fine seasons and we put up with being in the House) has ouUived its usefulness," as lonl( as we don't have to Dut ·up with Field House. Sometimes that makes you Olson said. "It's just not a good place to the same kind of situation we've had to concentrate a little harder when you watch basketball. Fifty-two years ago it put up with here with the disad­ have some adversity." was fine, but there's no way you can take vantages. " As the arena's design begins to take this kind of ' facility and put us in a "If it remains Frisbees and volleyballs shape, the coaches have expressed position to compete consistently with the and other things all over again, then I concern over a variety of priorities. All, other teams." . would be extremely disappointed, " he however, are concerned about getting Gable said he is concerned about the added. "It's changed from a single­ enough workout space to allow them to arena plans because "the beat in the purpose facility for basketball and coach in their own style. country should be put In this arena. I feel wrestling to a multi-purpose facility. And "Our priorities have been that we want that we should want to do the things that that's concerned me from the standpoint a good place in which to practice and a are going to help keep us on top." of flashbacks on what our current good place In which to play," Olson said. A successor has ncit yet been named for problems are and whether we're going to "In the manner in which we conduct our Birdsong, who resigned her coaching duplicate those problems when we get practices, It's very important for us to duties at the end of last leason, but the Into a new building." have a minimum of six teaching spaces outgoing coach said the new arena should Gable said students involved in where we can be working on different accommodate the growth in women's recreation don't really affect his practice Tum to petit 3, p...... athletics. Many facilities sbe has seen, aeSBions because the wrestling room (on even those built as recently 18 1I)-IS years the third Door of the Field House) is ago, do not provide sufficient space for closed off from public view. He women's athletics, she said. responded to a recent letter to the editor "The problems really have stemmed In The Daily Iowan that said Gable from the fact that wben they were bullt, "would get the job done If he had to they weren't built to accommodate men practice in the library." and women together," Birdsong said. "We've proved we can get the job "So you've got problems acrOlS the done," Gable said. "Whatever we have, Runnin' on empty Thoull" 01 1IfIItt: dtmonalr.lora, moeli, All ..... cIuhtd dtmonelr.lo,. __ .frllled. Tori poI~n w_lnllI'M tnd two board in office space, locker space, we'll use. The way I look at it, whatever wi'" Londorl poIle. MondtI, willie .lIemptlng to _MIl up • r.II, 01 _. hoepIttNnd; • N.. Z.... nd ICIIooI teacher tied I... 0/ storage space, you name it. When you're we've got, we're going to make the best "It N.llonll Fron' P.rt" • n.o-Nul group. OWlr 250 hHd wouncII IUltlintel In the eIIlfI. going to build a new facllity you have to of it. So If I had to practice In the library, Page 5

taking legal action to prevent the state Qarani resigned his post as head of the dad than an off.. of lifelong ell.\e. ment at a dinner Thursday of using Thai border guards watched helplessly Department of Transportation (DOT) Islamic Revolutionary armed forces Five American dlplomats - the first to Ulster u a "poUtical football" and said It as the massive column pushed into Thal from constructing F-518 along the DOT's after being sharply criticized for his arrive In Uganda stnce 1973 - began bore a heavy responsibility for the territory, fleeing tank-backed advances originally proposed route through south­ hardllne stand in putting down a revolt of talks Monday with the provIsIonal continuing stalemate In the political by an estimated 50,000 Vietnamese Back on the bus western Iowa City. Kurdish tribesmen In Sanandaj In west government of President Yusufu Lule on field. troops in Cambodia. University Heights officials have Iran. supplying some of the $2 billion Uganda His statement was followed by a call Several artillery -rounds from Cam­ agreed to accept an offer made by the Military commander CrItics charged Qarani ordered says it wtll need to recover from Amin'. from Gov. Hugh Carey of New York for bodia smashed Into Thai territory near Iowa CUy CouncUlast week to reinltate belicopter gunships used against the 'eight-year reign of terror. Prealdent Carter to lnitate a peace the column. bus service to that area. gunned in Iran Kurds, a volatile tribe demanding conference on the violence like the one Under the proposal, University Heights autonomy from central Iranian No Irish peace plans that resulted In the Arab-Israeli peace Weather wtU contract bus service from Iowa City TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Aaaasains authority. treaty. One of our oMo-clever readers 0b­ lor an annual cost of $11 ,820. armed with machine guns Monday killed SHANNON, Ireland (UPI) - Rouae viously doesn't know when he's playing The contract to be drawn up will in­ Maj. Gen. Mohammad VaU Qarani who, Amin in Iraq Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill left with fire; otherwise, he wouldn't be clude clauses stating that the $11,820 as Iran's military commander until last Ireland Monday without _tttng up the Cambodians flee sending your weather staff baseball IlIIIIIt be paid In advance, that the level of month, tried to limit the power of the KAMPALA, uganda (UPI) - Deposed framework for a "Camp Davlcktyle" cards of Red Sol players that have been Iervlce to University Heights must be ShiUe Mollem clel'lY in the new Islamic dictator Idi .AmIn, still scheming to conference to try to bring peace to big Viet offensive cut up with some dull Instrument equal to thllt currently received by Iowa Republic. . return to power In Uganda, arrived In the . Northern Ireland. BANGKOK, Thalland (UPI) - An (probably his mind). We of the hard­ Illy residents and that both parties may The government of Ayatollah Ruhollah radical Arab nation of Iraq looking for O'Neill did not recant his blunt anned IOuner Rouge soldier on a working weather staff do follow the Bo­ eancel on ~ days notice. No date hal Khomelnl, which Qaranl aerved 18 ar­ military assistance, diplomatic sources criticism of Britain'. pol1cy on Northern motorbike led teN of thousands of SOl religiOusly In our spare (ha) time; been let for the resumption of bus _r­ med forcea chief of staff after the said Monday. Ireland, which trtggered 8III1'Y reaction CambodIan soldiers and civilians on a we, being good-hearted Irish souls, are YIce. overthrow of Shah Mohammed Reza But with a Tansanlan Invasion force in London and Belfut that lhadowecl the trek through 'lballand Monday to escape not parUcularly vengeful, especially In another matter, the council will Pahlavl, expruaed sorrow at his death. firmly In control of the country and a new Ma888Chu.ttl Democrat tbroughout his a iargHCaie Vtetnamese offensive in­ when the Yanb are wallowing In aecond deCide whether to hire David Elderkin, Qarani wu hit In the left leg, abdomen government already functioning, AmIn'. vialt. side cambodia, witnesses eald. place. So today will not be an unpleuant 11\ attorney from Cedar Rapids, u Its and spleen by machine aun fire as he mialion appeared futile and the self­ An aide, Kurt O'Donnell, told newamen An estimated ~,OOO to 40,000 refugees day: cloudy, only a medium chance of Ipedal Ietal couhlel In charge ~ ItroDed through the· small roae garden proclaimed field marshal and that O'Neill .toad by his previa com­ .tretched out In a ftve-mlle-Io", column showers and highs In the 70s. But a word UIlpUOII on Freeway lil8. behind his home. He died In a hospital "Conquerer of the Britlah Empire" wu menta on Northern Ireland. from the border village of Klo", Wa, 150 to the semi-wile: It'. not nice to fool A majority of the councU supports two houri later. Ukely to receive nothing more In Bagb- O'Neill acCUled the Britllh lovern- miles east of Bangkok. around with you weather staff. Pig. 2-Th. DIW, IOWIII-lowl Cltr, ....- TUIIdI" AprIl 24, 1171 · "ake~~-----,. Court rejects, Bakke-like appeal , WASHINGTON (UPI) - The The Colorado Supreme Court, court, an appeals court refuled of an ordinanci requiring UIIIVElllfV 0' IOWA Commi: National Book upset Supreme CoUrt Monday duhed In a ruling the high court let 10 order bac~ pay and attorne,. charities which lollcit door·to­ the efforta of an Italian· stand, concluded that Dileo, on fees. door to spend 75 per cent of their BY ROGER THUROW mal American to follow In the the other hand, did not meet In still other actions Monday, proceed. directly on the IJ1 ~dltor E at 'Cacciato' selected ",M,n ,nMi27 con footsteps Ii Allan Bakke In normal admissions standards the court : organlllUon'l .tated purpoee. 11 ,» ·),M successfully challenging a unl· for the state's law school. - Agreed to hear arguments - Turned down a LouiI1ana I...... U...... The low. City Human Rights If strongly criticized cor over Cheever, Irving versity special admissions pro- In another discrimination on Nebruka'. appeal from a man'. appeal from his convic. C«DJIlIaIon 1011' City Councilor Carol gram. case, the high court Monday lower·court ruling that Ita tlon on obscenity charges for prot NEW YORK (UPI) - A "darkhone," TIm ;PrOIIe Monciay night for whi The juatices turned down an declined to reinstate sellial procedure for tr8lllferrlng pris- 1I1lIn, National Screw "bllpulnlng the Iowa Civil O'Brien, woo the 1979 National Book Award for appeal by Philip DiLeo, who hiring and promotion quotaa oners to mental hospitals, magazine. He unsuccessfully deP ~ts Commtaalon'a handling that fiction for Going A~r Coccia to, it wu an­ grew up in the slum area of New and back pay awards for wlthout notice and a hearing, challenged the constitutionality ~ the LInda Eaton case." C Orl noupced Monday. York's "Little Italy," from a women workers who ftled a violaleslnmates' constitutional of the state's obscenity law. O'Brien w.. selected In what wu conaldered lower-court decision denying succeasful discrimination sult rights. A1thoush the motion does not prej IIIIIIt A/JlllltlII .... rCer to dePrOlle by name, It mer to be an upset over John Cheever, The Starlet of him aspot In the 1974 University against a Kentucky company. - Agreed to step Into a - Dismissed a Florida man's l ...... clear from the discussion co Jo hn Cheever, and John Irving, author of the of Colorado law school clus. Although female employees dispute between an Illinois challenge to a county ordinance w....y highly regarded The World According to Gorp. jJIIt. to the unanimous adoption dOOI . DILeo claimed he should have of the Mld-Continent Spring Co. village and an envirorunental outlawing topless dancing in c...... a.IIf, Diane Johnson, Lying Low, and David Plante, «the motion that the com­ glv been accepted under a special won their case in the district group over the constitutionality ban. JJiJsion waa referring to Eat The Family, were the other nominees In the admlsslons program for people ~ and statementa ahe be fiction category. from culturally or educationally Three judges chose Goins After Cacciola after deprived backgrounds. Talmadge hearing okayed CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS a brief discussion Ii each Ii the five nominees. The lower courts held DILeo WASHINGTON (UPI) - The request of Talmadge's lawyer, "We had a problem," Mary Lee Settle, was unlike Bakke - who won a Senate ethics committee decld· James Hamllton, who said he INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Gable 'co spokeswoman for the panel of judgel, told a news place in the Unlversity of ed Monday to proceed next needed more time to gather __ rr.n ..... 1. conference following the announcement of the California medical school - week with hearings on Sen. documenta and prepare his Sunday, April 29, lucas-Dodge Rm . IMU awards. because he did not have legal Hennan Talmadge, !).Ga., who case. She said that Cheever's short stories, which at 7:00 pm. !PIgs without interfering with the "standing" to challenge Colora· is accused of financial miscon­ HamIlto" told the committee stations. won the 1979 Pulitzer PrIze for literature earlier do'. program. duct. Monday he had not received all "So what we're talking about are this month, were written over a period of several Bakke had standing because No decision wu made on the records he wants from years while O'Brien's novel w.. only recently he met all other qualifications whether to allow television "0 main baskets and four aide Daniel Minchew, formerly IJ'W like we have now with our published. for entry to the medical school, coverage of the disciplinary Talmadge's top alde and now Going After Caccia to is a novel about an Clinic: lit up," he said. "That kind of and wu barred only by the sessions. his chief accuser. actually a lIUle more room, n,.,.,r.. r"hl American soldier who walks away from the Californis school's reservation The hearings had been The records HamIlton sought Mon., Tues., Vietnam War in an effort to reach Paris, 8,000 Gable ssld he wants plenty of of a specific number of seats for scheduled to start Monday, but focus on Minchew's financial April 23 & 24 space for his wresUers in the arena, miles away. The soldiers in his squad pursue him minorities. were put off one week at the affairs. across rivers, mountains and through cities in an Varsity Court die "little things" that he said Final Judging necessary to compete with the best. ' effort to bring him back. Fieldhouse O'Brien, a native of Worthington, Minn., who April 27 need water available. There's no was educated at Macalester College and Har· at 7:00 pm c10se at aU (to the Field House Courts 6:30 pm !IIOOI on the third floor ). vard, served in Vietnam 81 an infantryman. He' Preliminaries: has also worked 81 a national affairs reporter for U. 1. Fieldhouse restroom flclliUes close to our the Washington Post. An Iowa City man charged robbery charge when the jury pany Inc. have been named 81 Wed., April 25 !IIOOIat aU . They have to go down Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. won the biography· with terrorism changed his plea could not reach a unanimous codefendants in the suit. Clinic: flights of stairs," he expla ined . autobiography award for Robe rt Kennedy and to gulIty Monday in Johnson decision. The sult charges that the two "Our locker rooms are actually Thurs. April 26 distance from where we His Times. Schlesinger, twice a Pulitzer Prtze County District Court. The application for the trial companies were negligent and winner, also received the National Book Award William Johnson, "!l, 422 S. delay states that on April 9 that the farm elevator was Gable added. "These are just concerned abou t, "nn~tnll "t111n in 1966 for A Thousand Day., a book about the Dubuque St., wu accused of Hirsch petitioned the Iowa defective and unreasonably rm presidency of John F. KeMedy. forcing a young woman to go Supreme Court to review his dangerous. The suit also what and where the little things Other winners were: James Merrill, poetry, with him Sept. 3 to City Park case; a decision on whether the charges that the elevator's Inside. It's nothing major, for Mirabel! : Books of Number; Peter Mat· where, according to court case will be reviewed will not be moving sprocket should have necessi Ues." thiessen, contemporary thought, for The Snow records, he physically abused made until April 30 - the day of been covered and a warning AUthr ee coaches said the Field Leopard ; Katherine Paterson, children'S her and Uu;eatened her with Hirsch's trlal. The two at· sign posted on the machlne. has presented problems In .""' •• ,; iii literature, for The Great Gilly Hopkins ; Richard sexual abuse . torneys contend that the According to the suit, Hudson Any question s, call: Myron Hammes (351-7785) particularly if the athlete baa a Beale Davis, history, for Intellectual Life in the Sentencing has been Supreme Court decision suffered a broken arm, a or lisa Van Slyke (337-2158) lime deciding on a school. Colonial South ; Clayton Eshelmen and Jose scheduled for May 16 . overlaps the trial date and crushed index finger and a "If a kid wants to come to Iowa Rubia Barcia, translation, for The Complete necessitates a trial delay . severed left hand. II's totally sold on the program and Posthumous Poetry oj Cesar Vaifejo. Hirsch is free on $15,000 bond. A trial by jury has been lilt close between us or somebody The National Book Awards have been demanded. iben I don't think the Field House presented for 30 years, the past two under the A former UI student rrobie m," Olson said. "If the sponsorship of the Association of American scheduled to stand trial April 30 ibe services of a young man Is Publishers, Inc. on a robbery charge was A $250,000 suit has been filed {ought baUJe and the young man Each of the winners wlll receive $1,000 a t the granted a trial delay Monday in In Johnson County District A man who allegediy slipped Ir three choices that appear to be presentation ceremony Wednesday. Johnson County District Court. Court against a company tha t on icy steps is suing the Mark IV even to him, that costs us." The trial date of Neal Hirsch, manufactures farm elevators Apartments, 2626 Bartelt Rd., Birdsong also said the facility 22 , was changed to July 16 by and a company that sells and for $75,000 . make a difference. " If they llke No nudes is ••• Judge Robert Osmundson after leases farm elevators. In the suit filed in Johnson across the board between us and a joint application for con· Jennifer Hudson, 421 Fifth County ,District Court Monday Slate, they would probably pick LONDON (UPI ) - The London Daffy Mirror, tinuance was filed by Johnson St., an employee of Iowa Robert Filip said he was Slate because they have much like two other British newspapers, prints "waist· County Attorney Jack Dooley Roadbuilders Inc., of Coralville, visiting his son Raymond, a facilities," she said. "Once you've up" pictures of nude women every day. But and Hirsch's attorney, claims that while on the job resident of the Mark IV basics covered, It gets down to Monday the paper said the "girls" had to go until Lawrence Scalise of Des Aug. 10 she was loading sacks of Apartments, when the alleged Iilds of things." after Britain's election. Moines. rubber onto a farm elevator accident occurred. Obon and Gable said they try 10 "Now is the time for all good gb:Ia 10 come to Hirsch Is scheduled to stand when her left hand became The suit says, "Mark IV was ibe recruits an Idea of what the the aid of the parties," the paper said. "Until trial for the robbery of the caught in a moving sprocket on negligent in falling to exercise Hoose looks like when it's filled May 4 the area occutfted by pictures-like these Green Pepper restaurant in the elevator. reasonable care to keep the steps people. Olson said he tries to will be used to present facts about important Coralville on Feb. 6, 1977. He The elevator, manufactured in reasonably safe condition." mts to games if possible. election issues." was originally found guilty of by Kewanee Machinery and The steps leading from the "We also spend a lot of Urne robbery and two counts of Conveyor Company which later apartment building to the rnliminary work with them before assault while masked in a May merged wi th Chromall oy parking lot were covered with lake \hem up there," he said. UI Highlanders winners 1977 trial. American Corporation, a Ice and snow, the suit claims. fihns, show the crowd, game In, a retrial, granted by the Deleware Company, was sold to Filip claims that he sustained !hem every picture we can The Ul Scottish Highlanders garnered 33 Iowa Court of Appeals in Wade and Company Inc. who personal injuries, pain and department that shows the place medals and trophies for individual performances February 1979, Jlirsch was leased it to Iowa Roadbuilders suffering, loss of earnings and witb people. lndlcate to them that and took fourth place in full band competition at acquitted on the two counts of Inc. hospital and medical expenses. you 're going to see now Is not what - the Kansas City Highland Games, April 21·22. assault while masked and a Chromalloy American Cor· A trial by jury has been ~R1g to see the night Ii the game. Jean Vesely won the trophy for outstanding mistrial was declared on the poration and Wade and Com· demanded. "But even then I think it's a shock Novice-dass dancer by capturing three first· !hem when they walk in the place." place medals in four categories. Linda Fritz was Birdsong said the Field House Is judged to be the outstanding Beginner-class lilinite problem In recruiting dancer ; she won a first place and a second. place Police beat in three events. , This is the Highland dancers' first season An anteMa repairman from The anteMa is used for outside the Cambus garage on Downtown under the instruction of World Champion Dancer La Grange, Ill ., fell to his

. . I

The DMIJ Ionn-Icng CItr, Iow.-T...... ,. AprIl 24, 1.78-.... 5 They finally got their man WASHINGTON (UPI) - The eriilg the 1000t treasures. Cleveland FBI Monday gave French Bureau agents recovered the diplomats a stolen Rembrandt Rembrandt through an opera­ masterpiece that sat wrapped tion under which an agent and in plastic in a Buffalo, N.Y., an infonnant ran a fake fencing basement fm- three yean before ring to purchase stolen goods. Orchestra undercover agents bought it Such highly successful opera­ from an art fence fm- $20,000. tions, known as "Stings," are 1be painting, "Le Rabbln," a funded by the Law Enforcement 1656 portrait of a bearded rabbi, Assistance Administration. was stolen in 1971 along with The Buffalo ring, run in an just great. three other paintings from a antique shop by a bureau in­ museum In Bayonne, France. formant and monitored with a It was recovered by the FBI television camera hidden in a By JUDITH GREEN example. left intact the first two years ago through an un­ waU, has led to 31 convictions to Staff Writer movement's deserved dercover fencing operation. date. reputation for murkiness 1be Rembrandt, last ci the The bureau showed reporters It was good to hear that the lalthough many other con­ four to be recovered, is valued the film record of FBI art ex­ ductors have managed to cleveland Orchestra, polished conaervatively at $250,000, but pert Thomas McShane and the to a hi~h professional gloss by discover its hidden potential for the French consider it "a burglar-turned-informa n t clarity). The slow movement, \he 25·y'ear directorship (one is national art treasure," the FBI purchasing the painting from tempted to say "reign") of the however, was so beautlful- the said. John Gandolfo on AprilU, Instrumental balance, the 1m. late George Szell. preserves a FBI Director William We~ After haggling, McShane was large amount of that luster in leisurely unfolding of the formal design, the exquisitely molded ster presented the painting to able to buy the painting fIX' \he hands of Its present con­ French Ambassador Francois $20,000 In laIpayers' money - ductor, Lorin MaazeL phrases - that it was almOllt heartbreaking. de Laboulaye at a small In ,100 and $50 bills, plus a $2,500 The orchestra's three per· ceremony. commission to a contact man. formances this weekend amply Part of Maazel's problem is undoubtedly due to his choice of Webster, noting an interna­ The $20,000 was lost because demonstrated the technical tional wave of art thefts which Gandolfo still is a fugitive, control for which it is famed: repertoire. Three programs netted $50 million in artwork In 'I precise articulation, shiningly devoted entirely to romantic A Frenchman and German music Tchaikovsky, 1978 alone, said the FBI is have been convicted lor the 1971 pure intonation, and the ver­ focusing increasingly on recov- berant sonority that directly Prokofiev (at his most self­ museum burglary. results from these things. The consciously profound and lyrical), Sibelius, Brahms, more Brahms (Saturday'S Lorin M.... conduc:t. the C""..Md OrclMlh .t H.nchef Audllorl ..... encore was the "Academic Festival Overture") and Tchaikovsky's third orchestral Sibelius' 4th symphony, great passacaglia dragged, but Cleveland have played with CLIMB THE LEnERS Music fourfold Richard Strauss - are suite, a loose collection of Saturday's opener, is a strange, the rich bronze sonority of the fuller houses? The warmth of enough to cause the most uneven movements through austere work of poignancy and opening and closing more than the audience was heartening, TO SUCCESS. passionate music-lover to go which the orchestra galloped power. The extreme economy of compensated for them. The but it could not compensate for Success IS a lang WlfIY up ~ o/ltllal.Nlg rht I.. t step, til, socoM on. com .. Cleveland's internal sensitivity into insulin shock. posthaste - an appropriate materials and scoring - encore was augustly cheerful. the expanses of empty seats. ensures that the orchestral More importantly, though, response to the piece's super­ angular lines played In unison An afternoon of Richard The relationship between AIr Fo,co ROTC con ItII9 you chmb tfIolloddof by 11''''''''''11 0 hotP"ll_ au.· -~ collogo "con OfViCh "'"' 000 olso resonance, is never merely har­ =, ..". the plethora of overripe ficiality, but one not very honest - is offset by unexpected Strauss is like a meal of cotton performers and listeners is a "'.::.'::'" some 01 /IIOso Ie 01_ aI tho => pleasant but always serves the monies, brilliant orchestrations to the composer's iritentions. highlights, such as the sequence candy: surgary, Insubstantial, touchy one, and that Indefinable YOU con compett /0( a .... ltv.. ., fou'-ytO' SChoioMP thot pays 1100 0 montll IOJ coIt""o group's collective musical and luscious melodies even­ The sulte's best section was the of common-tone chords played ultimately unsatisfying. All quality, energy, is affected by n_ wn1te d piekJ up rht tob I., ott IuIflon, intelligence. tually works against the darkly colored valse melan· by divisi cellos (later, violins) three tone poems and the first the audience's size and 10.,... 000 ...... me AFROTC P'OG,om lIaS many ext... UlIe Maa7,el himself is an enigma. emotional impact of the music. coliqu4'; the scherzo lacked in the first movement. This waltz suite from Ros4'nl!avalier responsiveness more deeply tho fIIglV InSllllClICIII PrOG.om (RP) wilt•• IOU Death QUOIIfy 10. AIr forco nlghl tJOllllng mr~ 0 He conducted a 11 the concerts, One longs for the relief of coordination; the finale was work featured the finest were brilliantly played ; than many realize. This or­ SCI..... ng po-ocess ond" .ocowe IJIl,OOutlOrt with the exception of the dissonance, By choosing such grandiose, empty. sustained playing of the entire and Transfiguration, however, chestra is far too professional to IIIghl IMlIUCfion You' OISO Ioo.n 000Ul looOerSII1p monagemenl, '"' Fo.ce h4 Out 001 au JO; "ul IJ ~ OYb 118 000 blockbuster. Clearly the best actor In the destruction In the standoff. The JOl OOl "Give Luthor a dimwit Donner and Baird at the top of even thiS is spoiled by having lot, Jack Lemmon is superb as finale is a gripping sequence of Il6A 002 JO~ JU OJ5 JJ2 JOl l1a 001 096 131 000 Thankfully, the filmmakers assistant...," " And a girl, their form, cutting and mat­ Kidder recite an interior ObA 002 006 au 005 J~J ~ 11 1 jJ 00':> 096 lJ9 000 decided not to do it camp - the shift supervisor who knows events, but unfortunately, the 0&4 Olll ~O~ viA VOS o.:>~ 1125 151 000 096 <02 OOl too ... ," "How about an ear­ ching shots for maximum monologue In goopy rhyme. something terrible is bound to movie cops out. JOA OOl a II JU OuS OUS 1111 110 000 096 11,) OOJ Superman is sacred, and to goof thquake? ... " "I see Marlon impact. Ford was never an .lOA JII2 JH Jll t6' 000 OYY 118 001 And the special effects In the happen - exactly what, again, The China Syndrome is his story would be like goofing Brando as the father ... "). We actor with much range, but his every-thing-but-the-ki tch en­ 06A Out 015 JIO OJI 005 032 :l80 001i 101011 001 \he New Testament. However, is not clear - and can't get showing at the Cinema II 010 001 00. uB 152 000 LOl all OOl get all these things, and less. simple and spare performance sink climax are surprisingly corporate greedheads to shut Theater. 1168 11 B Vul JIO uJI V01 OJ~ Ol~ VOO 101 elO 001 it seems that once everyone The elements of Jerry as Clark's adoptive father is weak. When our hero saves a 068 I J2 uOl 010 OJI 090 035 108 000 101 \llO ':>Ol OU 1)1 002 010 OJI 091 Hl 118001 101 100 1101 Siegel's and Joe Schuster's 1938 }Vise and poignant. As we go to little town in California from an J6B 131 UO~ OlD 001 098 .H8 002 000 10J 100 002 comic book creation are Clark in high school (Jeff East), onrushing flood with a rock OOd 1\1 uOI 010 002 011 )4l 141 0114 11) lUI, ova preserved virtually Intact. The the section grows Into a nice slide, it's really a little town - University of Iowa Summer Sa ..lon J6a 141 V02 010 001 004 v42 140 0':>3 III 1160 DOl ObB 161 002 ala JOl 005 J41 19 ~ 1l0J 122 000 OJ2 Movies prologue in Krypton provides an piece of American Gothic. the houses are obvious J03 IYl O~l 010 OJl 006 H1 201 OIlV III 101 001 imaginatively executed mythic Then Clark-Kal-EI must leave miniatures. ~\VER~ITY o~ SUMMER '79 ulO OUl 095 Hl 2JJ 000 III 101 OOl Jl~ IIJO 0011 010 Oul 096 ,)<01 l ~ 1 008 22S l1a 000 decided what not to do, nobody context, austere and eerie. to go about his father's Superman has earned a~ a loJ 136 000 010 OOl 04 I JoE 1 Jl 001 ever decidetl what to do. The Unfortunately, when Brando, as business, and the movie proximately $36 million so far, ~ · ~C.~~ 4> ,·,:~; o COURSE J1" 191 000 010 00" DOl JoE IlS 001 Jor-EI, is interrogating three gradually comes apart. according to last week's J1J I'll OOJ JbE 1l!> 002 result is a mishmash without a o 10J I Yl OOJ all 029 012 Jbt lid OOJ controlling conception, a villains who are pinned In a There is some clever shtick In Variety, and Superman II will o 1U 20D 000 all 029 on JbS VOl 001 pillar of light, it looks most like Metropolis (Clark eyeing an be along eventually, but it's ~J ::!~ · rul( ~CHANGES 01" 201 OO~ VbS 001 002 project that never becomes a .. t-... Early registration Is now In film. the set of an intergalactic quiz open partial phone booth for a difficult to get excited about the ~ ~ >J 1" 20~ 000 all. 061 0~4 04S J15 001 OliN OED 1 S~ progress. Students will o III lilY 000 116S 015 OOl , It's possible to make a quality show, a thought which grows quick change, Lois Lane prospect. 025 lY4 UOI ObS 0J5 O~J register through the Registra­ ~96 154 OO~ more comical as the fiends are (Margot Kidder) and her banter Superman is showing at the 06S ~J5 1)04 film over several years in Ill7 00) 015 hurled Into space imprisoned In in the newsroom, Gene Hack- Englert. tion Center, Room 30 Calvin Hall. A list of closed courses, ~S ~J5 005 leveral different locations with J6~ (10 ~Ol an Jill 011 Il6S illS 006 cancelled courses, and new courses will be posted In this 36B II J 002 leveral different collaborators, plate glass. Sure are tough on 1137 0113 0 I~ ~61 118001 but someone has to be In losers. space each day of early registration, The lists will be J6~ III 000 on 1-,)3 003 on 1120 001 cumulative and In numeric order by course number. 36B 112 OOU JH IJ7 002 08l 020 OOl charge. This adaptation went Brando dispatches his only 36d 114 000 118L 100 001 through three producers, five begotten son to earth soon after, Ha 115 001 JU l82 001 oal 100 0112 just as the planet blows up. These 'llsts should be reviewed and adjustments made JoB 115 OOl ,)42 282 002 096 104 001 screenwriters and at least one 16d 116 000 096 104 OJ. director : After producers They're so advanced on Kryton prior to entering the Registration Center. The lists will also HB 11 I 000 096 104 DOS that they're already into be posted outside the the entrance to the Registration IlYo 104 006 Alexander and lIya Salklnd JOT 101 000 conceived it with Pierre cassettes, so little Kal-El can Center. Registration Information Is printed In the Schedule J6T 105 000 Spengler, Mario Puzo learn as he sleeps on his long of Courses, The general Information number for the developed the story; then David journey. Registrar's Office Is 353-5199 NEW COURSES lIld Leslie Newman did ad­ The Ma and Pa Kent section is lilt 112' 000 IIq s.1ot and st III 1 2,lO _ Ul GlI H the strongest, dramatically, In 021 ~ 20 H8 41>J 000 OU 111 000 .., Chi Gred at Ill' 10;JO Dally 161 PI ditional work with Robert "'ll 12;30 M 161 pa J21 0,)1 )21 068 16) 000 Benton; when Richard Donner the film. One of the riddles of 04a Ut 003 &.1 AlP soc ~k.U Irr ';JO-I0:30 W Jl6 lin CLOSED 021 J22 06E 125 000 OU 001 005 IlIu.. AMI' CUlture 1 7:00-9,30 p ••• TN 207 EPB Superman "01 'as hired as director after his is why Donner and DIPT ell. IIC 021 OJI 023 015 231 000 045 002 006 ll1u" Mer CUlture 3 1,00·'130 p .... M 207 EP8 0,. 261 000 0l'9 Decian ..navlor:l arr arr an IIll88h The Omen, he brought in his editor, Stuart Baird, who 01) 1 )~1 J20 021 001 014 08L 159 aoo 061 :il76 000 Oper "I I. .. au. 3 7100-9130 p ••• H 216 PHBA Jl0 02 1 nl 027 OJ I J25 10) IO~ (lOa 07' 110 000 us let Syat. ,Soc 3 ,,10-9100 p ••• T )02 teN 01' ·'21 022 10~ 161 000 018 15t 000 Ptact Coll.,. Tutor 0 .. ] ':00-,,00 p ••• M 756 P. All you need for a.n ex· 010 ')21 'Z3 CANCELLED 0" 10] 002 .urdng ttl I ),)0-7:00 TWTH ICC 22C 016 00) 0" 10J DOl Nuuing In • 3:10-7eOO ""... arc citing weekend is your 01' 021 OH 008 .. b) 000 llC 100 "0) 0" 111 OOA. Oneology Vuu1h9 1,]0-10:00' an 'IOWA a lJ 11 21 J25 019 01)8 000 lbT "6) 000 ." U7 001 Oncol09Y Mutaing 2,10-':00 W arr gear, the outdoors a.nd Classism & Feminism ,)~o 091 111 002 OncoJ09Y lIuuh'9 7100-1110 TR Irr I 010 Ill1 J55 029 OJ4 ." In , OOA IIa9 c.r. Adult Ala 1;]0-10;20 P Irr Ol~ )31 J58 • Iowa.. You ca.n experience 042 1110 000 0" 1U 101119 CUe Ad~t Ua J 1100-U:00 M arr Tues. April 24 7:30 pm ' 0" 11' OOZ h9 CU. Mult Ala 3 3:00-7100 "an the fun of it a.Il by stay­ NEW COURSES 0" 11' 003 .., Care Adult Ala 3 7tOO-11100 TH an 0" u' OOt .., Cue Adult Ala 3 3100-7tOO 'IH au ing right here. And you at Women's Resource & DII'T CM IIC 0" 1tl OOA IWba Inf G D Cue 1130-10120 P an lS DOe '146 000 S.a 19 Cen A•• r Ll\ arr 1.:)0-3: 00 TTH 3l~ EPa 0" 143 001 IIWtIIl Int G D care 1,00-11100 "arr a 01.2 1T6 001 So~1I1 Work Proe ... 2 1:00-9 : 00 p •• T l~~ IK 0" 1U 001 ... Inf G D CUe IIOO-USCG TR arr ~~ won't have to spen.d a lot O~2 176 002 Soe.hl Wort Proc ... 2 arr arf arT Ot. ltl 003 WWbn tnf G D Care 3 2:00-5:00 ~R arr .....Id Action Center arr arr l1l 201 000 _ Anthropol ,,"oor 1 2,30-5,10 w 110 11ft O~2 192 HOIil 1.0 Soehl Work arr art nc/JI.fl 113 203 000 Ad. IVY.)' Anthro 2-) an an an '1111 of time on the road. 010 291 IDclh hl;ruetioD U" arr .rT arT t 130 N. Madison St. Open to women arr arT 1ll 211 000 .. Anthro Llnp.ht 3 .rr IU Irr 018 091 000 Pre-!4ue Praetieua 1-2 arT 22. 117 000 ...... Iy ACt.orl •• 1 1,05-2.20 TTH III MLII "01 II arr Ilf Sponsored by: WRAC Action Studies Program ' 111 18S DOl Co. btr •• uri hper arT arT ltJ 117 000 IIq Jpn .. arocl St I '11.30 Oony 401 Oll H j!hh'~ 111 185 00- Co. htr •• url lip., U " arr .rr arr 12,lO , lU SH ~trjlOial ,,, liS 002 Cont..., TOpic. tkb arr ur Ill' arr F p... I-TIIe Dally Iowan-Iowa CIIy, Iowa-T..... y. April 24. 1.7. LOST AND FOUND ~;m;:;:~~-:-~:~::::-::::;;:::m:~~:~t::..~~:~m~:::m:~~:;:;:~::::::::::~_:::::@::~:~~:~j:::?~; by Garry Trudeau ::;~:;::::::;::::::::::;::::W-«:::::~~)::s::.~~::::.)!.:~~:::-~!:~8~~~~~-!.~x~...... -x::;:;e;:;:;:o:o: •••••••• • DOONESBURY IIiACaLIT · Gold chain , Emmy La Daily Iowan Conclrt, very ..ntlm.ntll , rtwa Postscripts Hanon., Offlee, 5- Iowa forecast clear, dry "IWAIID - Brown Itlther bllHold • klY' Io,t by Daum. C.II 353·2281. 4. DES MOINES (UPI) - Stale 1M) percent of the time," he said. states. especially Mlsslsslppl. Classified Ads climatologist Paul Waite Is "That's the pattern and I feel "We're coming up to a point M.. tlnge forecasting good weather for pretty confident this summer now when 1011 temperatures are TIll ComputIf IGItnM CaM"""" will mttt It 8:30 a.m, In CHILD CARE Iowa farmers this year, and will follow that." favorable for planting," he said. Room 118 MecLMn Hili, Donald Fitzwltll' 01 the Unlvarllty of CHILDIiIN', Garden MontlllOrl ~ says a swnmer drought Is a Iowans were belted by the "The soil temperatures are In MlnnalOta will apeak on ·11 Oavalopmtnt Procaa lor Llrgl.aclle OpportunltltllO "long shot." third coldest winter on record in the 50s and rising to almost OIl1rlbutad Symml." morning and afternoon openings '" .Klend.d hour. for 'IJI, French • "With the kind of spring and' 1978-79 and Waite said the germination In the northern If"" lnetll"" Ttli JotlnlOn County Council on Aging II 'ponlOf'lng I ..rill 01 "Iluable ,.parItIIct. OrH music, ag .. 2·6, Plel.. cIIi 338 winter we've had, It's usually eastern counties were hardest counties and we've been war· Gardan .... W..... It 1 p,m. on Tu,ld,va at thl Sinior Cen. 9555, 6 Intll'"I... IOdIy followed by a normal to dry hit. ming up fast In the last week. ter, 538 S. Gilbert. Today. program will be I IIld, pr.. ntatlon It 8:30 I,net 7:~, swnmer," Waite said Monday. "We had much the same "A lot of the farmers have on "Pllnnlng and Pllllting your Vagatlbla G.dln," praentad by Rm I ... II1II GOOD THINGS TO "I consider it (a drought) a long pattern last year, coming In been delayed In the east and Mel North, manager 01 Eart May'. Glrdln Centar. shot and my statistics show with lots of moisture, but we many parta of the south with "'11udy wll mHllt 7 p. m. In Ihl Upper Room 01 Old Brick. EAT there's about a IS per cent were able to get the com excessive moisture but they're 0 __ AI....,.... will mttt It 8 p.m. In Room 207 01 SCHOOL chance of one occurring. planting done early enough." stili going on and getting some Willey Hou .., 120 N. Dubuqua Str.. t , NewcomII" Irl urged to WHOLE grain baked gOO;:::~:;;::::::::::::x:~::::m::::::.:::::::::;§::::::::::«~::::::::~:::::~:;:~::::~;~:;:~~;:;:~::~;:::;:::;:~;:;::: Ing It 338·8018 " you can help. :::::::.:.:.:::::::::.;:~:-:mo;-;W:~«:'·:·:~!:!:~:~:~!.~:?:!o:.~~»",::::~:~:,~~~~~~;y;:»:Q~:*:~&es=:~~&~~:~,·:·Xil:::':::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m8ssege lor women , By aD""""1TO Do you Ilk. oheoIr.., ...... ,., brldga ...... 1 We Emma Goldman CliniC have IOmeona who would Ilk. 10 play with you, Callth. United EARN $3,000 337-21 I 1. UI fraternities consider cooperative food buying Way Volunt_ Servtca Bur8llu It 338-7825. thl. aummll' Interview. I' By PHIL ARMSTRONG food wholesaler. With only one would eliminate the need for a Any interested wholesaler will figure by $1,500 annually. Link 3:30 Ind 7:30, Special to The Daily Iowan company dealing wltlJ all the cook." Erwood said that the be presented wltlJ an outline of AltlJough the program has Carole wantt to stlrt I blbvalttlng co-op. Call Unk for moreln­ April 24th. Rm. E·104, 9 fraternlties on campus, the cost main purpose of the program what the houses need, and bids been prepared by tlJe Inter· formation at 353-S.85. ElitH1l1 A proposed new food service of food should decline con­ was not to replace cooks, will then be accepted on the fraternity Council for the program that would provide siderably. however, but to save money on entire program. fraternities on campus, Erwood wholesale food for UI frater· The "cooperative" food. "A menu for a week would be said that tlJere is a posslbilty VENEREAL dll•• a. nities could save them an wholesaler would provide all "this is on a voluntary basis prepared In advance from the that tlJe UI sororities could also women , Emm. Goldman Cflnlc, average of 5 to 15 per cent on food and kitchen supplies ex· only,," said Eddie Peters, list of selected Items." Erwood be included, which might in· 211 t. their food budgets annually. cept bread, milk and fresh student activities consultant said. "The wholesaler would crease the savings even more. PIIEONANCY K/'tMnlng and according to Brent Erwood, meat. and coordinator of greek af­ then deliver all of the food and the lng , Emma Goldman CliniC for member of the Fraternity "It Is also possible that the fairs. "It Is called a co-op but Is supplies for the entire week. " 337·2111 Buyer's Association. cooperative could provide really very informal ,., we are According to the figures the LOTI 01 clothe., hou_ar••• The cooperative, which Is prepared frozen entrees that trying to get tlJe best prices." fraternity group has collected, gr ... mil, Aprll22. 12·5 pm . 924 being organized by the Inter­ would require only heating up Erwood said that all of the fraternities have an average Woodfields has Spring Wllhlnglon fraternity Council, Is designed and serving," Erwood said. fraternities participating in the annual food budget of $14,000. If to bring all UI fraternities "These are complete pre· program will create a uniform all tlJe houses participate in the Feverl under a contract with tlJe same prepared meals, and (they) list of what everyone wants. program, it could reduce this t-4 When It ratns Tonight! W we pour "DOUBLE-UP!" BURGER PALACE Come In! FREE HITCHHIKINQ _11 Call WOO"n. 338-4374, Relax a Whilel ALCOHOLICS Anonymous AN IOWA CITY TRADITION Enjoy our Easy Bar Liquor Wednesday. Wesley Hou.. ; ...... 324 North HaH . 351·9813 Going Stylel RED THE 9:30·10:30 FIELD HOUSE 121 Iowa Ave. STALUON LOUNGE Y2 Price bar liquor, wine 'fnBHHCfD live a new play by debb,e Bible, Book and Gilt Shop Tex's Specials at and Ihe ..perlrncnfal Country Music and draft be.er remainder MAO'OOS 01 Classifieds STUDIO 2 Nightly • of the night. ..,.l~ Jrnl !C'.!i. 214 ~r , m . • NC COVER CHARGE 632 S, Dubuque. Iowa City · Pitchers $2.00 .rr" l""'f,m, Monday thru Thursda~ 351·0383 ·Happy Hour 4:30 - 6:30 M • F are great ."" IN loy b.bf,.. kiopr Now Showing This Week: Pitchers $1.00, Bar Drinks SO¢ "t'~IIIl'" IlmttrJ h\kti ~ SI .'" Winner 5 Oscars KONNI. T a 7:30 pm - 2 am Tues - Sat -Monday 8 ·10 $1.00 Pitchers little workers! MRS, Laura by appointment Best Picture •••T80UND and card r~ . advice on -Tuesday 8 -10 Tequilla Nights, SO¢ Shots DI CLASSIFIEDS 223 East Washington Director-So~nd Pitcher, S1.25 or life. For mort anronmtion -Thursday 8 ·10 Schnapps Night SO¢ Shots 1662, Supporting Actor Monday & TuesdlY Iowa City 529 S. Gilbert Film Editing Double Bubble "6:30 M·F DEPR.,;ssED MAGOOS 206 N. linn _10 Hij,py'-In ea- We Listen· Crisis Center Entrance on ••••••••••••••••••• :15 '()140 (24 hoW'S 1 Prentiss Street 112 ... E, Washlnl\Oll III am·%am l Barbara Stanwyck in ------; $AVE On groceries, Free CROSSWORD PUZZLE Send S.A.S.E. - BIMO, Box LADY OF DI, Cedar Rapids, 'A S2A06 , Edltad by EUGENE T. MALESKA 27 BIJOU ,. Jubilation BURLESQUE ACROSS .. Worked in the 21 "No-Is lIarden goodnews" rr Word with dog (1943) Mon & Tues 7 pm Film Nolr Series 1 Basics I (bandit's or bob 5 Whip's sound Noon William Wellman directed this mystery-comedy DOWN motto) » TYPING 1. Aqueduct 22 One kind of .. Inventor Howe which was adapted from Gypsy Rose Lee's novel TAVERN felture 1 Welsh rabbit relief 4S Lodefind 4th Week! TV"N 0 servICe - Papert. • The G-String Mwderl. Stanwyck plays the stripper 14 ChicaRO area tnaredlent 2S Word with 47 Closefitting Ends Wed . 11 Primitive: 2 H, A or cherry dress Fr.. Environment, Actly~I.' sleuth, bumping and grinding onstage while trying cream or IMU , 353-3888 G G 1 :30-4:00-6:30-9:00 Comb. form I Spiral powder 41 Grar,1pus or to solve a series of murders offstage. Daily 4: 30 - 6 pm 1. Buildlna wlnp 2t Distant cachalot 'I.IRM" TYPing Service. 0 0 17 Asian ruler • Dash Mon. & Tues. 8:45 • Long.leued 27 Painful 41 Be contingent experienced and rellonable, 0 Double Bubble 0 II Annoyed crustacean 21 Cuch founder 51 Shooting 6369 ~ame~me, I. Versifier olthe Little marble D D • Children's • Reheats NIGHTFALL (1957) Mon - Thurs 7 - 9 pm 7 A memorable Entente 52 Scapular EFFICtEll'T, pro! IoN. lime Chase ZI lithuanian's 53 Alaskan cape thtJes. manuscripts, etc, $1.25 Pitchers T GNext~", II Nellative votel close relative 54 Dull and dingy or [8M Memory lautomaUc 5 24 Hts, • Observed THE LINEUP (1958) I • Cotl scuttles ,. Discordant 55 Parrol ,Ive. you Hut time 0 A OrwtrWl PIcture ' T«!We.· otm] 21 Cleraymln I. FOUIht off 51 Oneottlle mimes and coyer telten Open 2 pm to 2 am Mon - Sat ,', .. .,..... ' .' ..., '"'1 ...... ' ...... -tw ZI Ecstasy " RedSox Jacques Tourneur's NIGHTFALL stars Aldo Ray, Brian U M . II In the air sluuer Joints too ,338-I8OO, Keith, Anne Bancroft and Jocelyn Brando In the story of '1 Flylna saucer 12 C.GandF 2S "Andyemay 57 Burglarize E IZ Kind of pass, In an Innocent man hunted by both the police and the real N Now accepting applications IJ Rlvermouth : better-the .. Where this UPERIENCID l~plng - S football Abbr. J'ede": Bums word comes Rapid • • Marlon .tudenll: murderers. Don Siegel's THE LINEUP Is a late "B" thriller D for bartenders & waitresses. J4 Work units COfrecting Selectric 377·9184 noted lor Its violence. Shot on location In San Francisco. ,. Children'. the film stars Eli Wallach as the sadistic villian and lame Robert Keith as one of the policemen out to get him. .1 Manumit a liquid \lied u llOlvent a Bee follower .. Attires .. Hazarded .. Hummlnablrd ..RflY Nyall Typing S..... IC •• IBM motion Or EllIe. Phon. 351-4788. 51 Oriental nune 51 Children's WOOD" Iyplng· IB M lame Seleclrlc, rea,onable, 338-8837, Ings and weekend, 57 Rajah's wife II Navllatlon system .--t 51 Adolescent WHO DOES IT? ICOUl'le .1 Korbut c:: II StradlVlri'. Moye coming up? teacher the II "AncI­ now II time there were topl.nl none" The Very Best in live Rock & Roll .. Hornop/\one for call bin • Violin', Maher Bros. TONIGHT IIICtIlOr &.M~tlower CHUCK HENDERSON

50 CIIUTIYI RESUMES - $1 Pitchers 1I\t crowdl Mittie Llcen .. 11111.-rlO 351·1&72.

""INO · Wedd ing gown. 9 · '12 brld.""ld', dr_. len V.. ,, ' 1*1tnee, 338-0440. No cover ALTUIMO AND MENDING !lIaI m·1"/II SponlOrld by Union Progt'Im Bolrd TIM D.11y low_Iowa CIIy. lowa-TUHCllr. April 24, 1.7...... 7, ~I ------I~------I------~'I------'I------LOST AND FOUND WHO DOES In HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I AUTO SERVICE -~--cl-L-n-'-G-O-~-C-hl-ln-.-E-m-m-y-~-u~· :' I------.------~--~--~. I A-Z ' DI Classifieds 111 Communications Center ~aily Iowan coneer\, very atntlmlnlli. rewlrd, HOT TUB, SAUNA THI! DAILY IOWAN needl IF you ire locittnc lor quallly work and Minollif Ol"ce. 5-17 GAZEBO, GREENHOUSE 'air prt_. clll r-ni Krotz. SoICil ------conllructlon: wOOd 110'11 Inllllllllon; NAIIILlLAD camer... .tr... I.· 10... lor repaln 011 III mod.11 ~ IIIWAIID - Brown leather bll"old and r.modellng. RI"" City Bulldln. 337· c.llenl condition, muat ..lit 1·313- Volbwa.eNt. DItI M4a3Ml, daya or 644. kaylloll by Dlum . Call 353-2281. 4·27 3742. 5-4 1874. Cedar Raplda. 4-2& 111M, even\ncl. ;' H ROOMMATE • APARTMENTS APARTMENTS I MAULL UDXL·CIIO. S40 . ~I12. TOI(, ______=::::::==::::::=:::=:;',1 WALL. c.lllng repalra, light carpentry, K I C k, . SA.C.IIO, $35.110110. WOOdbum Sound ,- FOR RENT FOR RENT CHILD CARE painting. Fr ....tim ..... Evenlngl. e.w WANTED ______1338-7830, 4-27 ServIOl, 400 Highland Court acrotl AUTOS FOREIGN !rom Moody B1u.. 5-3 Oppor1unltitt 10 1------tr ...1 and glln valllebit .aptI\-.. Inl.",I ... _ II 3:30 I\nd 7:~, 11m 1.. 1 II1II

SCHOOL . L­ WHOLE grain biked gOOdI: Breadl, MOOIIIN. quiet, furnlahecl. Cam!)u., S DRIVERS coo"". elk .., mulllnl, crack"l, .Ir, n.ar UniVIralty HotpIt.la, parlling. grenola , candl... Morning Glory 338-6003. 4-24 Part·tlme Work Bakery, Cenler Ellt. 337·3845. 4·24 30 am; 2:45-4:1 5 Pili .UPIII near Flnkblne· TWo-bedroom, .ummer with fall option. Good deal. Ihrough June 5 351·3999, 4-2& tf.ur', license requlrlll we will train Earnings to $300 month plus bonUI applv at IOWA CITY COACH MPANY, INC, H/way 1 West

EARNS3,OOO thl.tum,,* WANTlD: Arta and crell trllill Illd .UMMIR sublet· Efficiency ap.rt. Interview ••t musicians for flltlval, Waterloo, Satur· ment, furnished, air. ga. and Wlter 3:30 .nd 7:30, dsy. May 12. Trtca Regan, 310·232· .UMMIII sublBt. two bedroom, $250 paid. on buS line. alx blockl from Pen, 766t . 4-2& per month. utilities peld. 354·3137 afler tacre.t. 337... 24 . 4·27, 24th, Rm. E.104, 7. 4·25 ell' H8I1 ,us - Nice. one bedroom, heat peld. air. June. 351·B914. Coralville. 5·2

5·22 PREGNANCY ICreenlng and counatl· HELP WANTED FEMALI to share two bedroom apart. TWO bedroom, air. landry. on bu. line: - _____,...... _____ Ing. Emma Goldman CllnlQ tor Women ment In MlnneaPQII. with business heat, weter paid . Cetl 338-9077 atter 5 SUMMIR sublet'· Two bedroom fur; 337·2111. &-t3 1------grad. 338·2587. 4·24 pm . 5·3 nlshed apartment. air, neer c.mpuI; PART·tln,. hou ..keeplng. Hawkey. PROFESSIONAL doC Iroomlnc ' HOUSING WANTED rent negotiable. 351·5928. 4·24 LOTS ot clothe., hoUltWar ... 9110 Lodg • . No phone calli. 5-7 Puppies, kittens. troplcallish, pet IUP- , FALL, one bedroom unfurnished, heat gran mat. Apn122 , 12·5 pm 024 E. plie~ . Brenneman Seed Store. 1500 1st 1------=------and water furnl.hed, $205, two blocks THREE bedroom, summ.r auble_, Spring Wuhlnglon. 4·20 PART·time day waltresS/Wllt.r, apply Avenue South, 338a8501. So7 SUMMIR housing wanted tor May 15 ROOM FOR RENT from Currier. 351·6534. 4-24 PBntacrest Gardens, air and dla- In peraon Sycamore Eating & Drinking ______to August 1 by vlaHlng Canadian faculty hwesher. 338·1088. .·24 HYPNOSIS lor Welchl Reduction. Co .• Mall Shopping Center. 6·18 member wHh tamlly. Call 353--7331 or ------.....,.,....---- SUMMER sublet· Two bedroom un· Smoking, Improved Memory, Stlf Hyp------­ 351.7452. 4-24 FUIINtlHED rooms with kllchenelle' furnished, hold. four. excellent SUMMEII sublel · One bedroom, Ie nosIs. MIchHI Suo ~1..a45 Flulble TWO people whh or without sales ANTIQUES 1------.1 privileges available In aororlty tor sum· kllchen. 353-0614. 5-3 bus route, turnlture available. 351· Hours ~2 1.P4!rlence· $300 guaranteed. Cennot ______HOUSE silting or sublea.. desired by mer session. Phone 337 ·9B69 atler 4 6847. 4·24 min. $500 It amb~loul Ind willing to I b wi h pm . 5·7 LANDLORDS: Let us rent your vacln· STORAGE-S1'ORAGE work Sporta-mlnded. International HAND.strlpplng and reflnl.hlng. visiting summer faculty mem er I cles. Qualified tenants available 1m. CLOSE In, furn ished. air. aViliabla. Minl·warehouse units · All Illel. company offering real aecurfty lor the quality work, refer.nces. Dennis Jones.' tamlly. Leave message tor Kay at 356- ROOMS. close.ln, kitchen privileges, mediately. Jan Haring Rentals, 319- mld.May. 351·3736. No pels. Summer Monthly rates as low II $18 per m(llth. U futur.. Call now tor appolnlment, 336·5511: 337·4325. 4·24 35« or 338·7869. 4·26 turnlshed. ulilities paid, parking , price 351.7632 or Wno answer, 337.5866. 4. rate. 5·22 St«e All, dial 337·3506. 5-3 Aobert Cummings, 338-3208. 4-26 , $110. 337·990t.337·7832aller4. 4·30 24 BLUE Goose Antiques, buy, sell, trade: THIIIE·four bedroom house/duple. 1------SUMMER aublet · Spacloua three Hall Mall. Monday·Saturday. 11·5. 337· wanted close to campus. 353-2718. 5· bedroom apartment. air, dlshwuher. HITCHHtKING west? Call 337·2732 or WANTlD: P.raona 10 walt tablll In SUMMER • Fall option· Furnished, JAN Haring Rentals· Aparlmenta and 4325. 6·12 18 kllchen, neat campus. $100. 338- homes. Inlroductory otter · Register In cl088 In, bus. $355 monthly. 338·2038. 338-4374. 4- t7 local llvern. GOOd pay: flexible houra. I 4.24 Wrn. P.O. Box 615, Iowa CIIy.lowa. 4- 2420. 5·7 April lor IItetime service, 502 5th Street. AlCOHOLICS Anonymoua· t2 noon 2& BEAUTtFUL bedroom sulle· Bed, ------Apt. No . 3, Coralville. Iowa . 319·351· Wednesday. Wesley Houat: Saturday, lady's vanity. chair: lady's chest; ROOMMATE ROOMS for renl tor summer school. 7632 or It no answer. 337.5866. 4.24 SUMMER sublet· One bedroom, ex· 324 North Hall . 351·9813 5-18 NIGHTaudltorfor_kend.couldlllO matching mirrors. Antique r.cord 338.3780. 6.181 ______cellent turnlshings. air , peyelectrlclty be aM time potftlon aa_klnd night cabinet. 206 6th St .. Coralville. Apt. B· WANTED I SUMMER sublet _ Two bedroom. tur. only , W. Benton. St95. 354-7612 or AMAZING variety. Used book.a at THE audftor and balancl II dtak clerk. Call AQU'"IUM Lounge liking apptlca. 1. 5:30·8:30 pm 4-25 1______; '1 IIOOM - Shara kllchen and balh with nlshed. air, off street parking, on bus 351·7781 . 4·25 HAUNTED BOOKSHOP Open Tuea· 888·1175 for appolnlm.nt. Amana Ilona lor summer h.lp. tull and part. MATUIII! persons share four. bedroom two others, $75. Call avenlngs. 337· line, available May 20. $200. 354-2696. M ER bl t I h d I day Ihrough Friday. 4-8 pm and Satur· Holiday Inn.lnlerNI. 80alex1l225. 4- Ume bartenders and cockllil persons. CABIN Fever Sale· Easter Sunday 3998. 4·27 4.30 SU M su at. urn s e , co... day. 12·5 pm, 221 S Johnaon SI. 337· 28 on US 218 acrosl from GM-a. Gar. thru April 30, up to 30% ott on mosl farmhouse with single woman. man. ______balcony, air, two bedroom. Evenings. .,.- , Garden. Quiet. South off Sycamore. 351 1756 4 25 or, wine 2996 5·23 den •. Phone 1·364·9692, Cedar "ems. Colleg. Corner Shoppe. 529 E. Available May. 353.5495. days. 5-7 .MALL furnished room . quiet grad SUM ME R sublel, spacious Iwo . . • DESK clerk wanted. Work evening. Rapldl. 5.1 Colleg • . Walnul, oak .nd pin. fur. preferred, east side, $80. 337·7542. 4· bedroom apartmenl, air, pool. Even· ICHTHYS .nd weekend. 354-4200, Hawkeye 1------:- nlture, hall Iree, dry sinks. spinning MALI! or female. Summer sub lei. tall 25 Ings, 354·2810. 4-25 aUMMER sublet, fall option· Two Bible. Book and Gilt Shop Lodge. 4-23 OVERSEAS loba _ Summer/year wheel, trunks, kftchen cablneta, large optlon.lurnished. Coralville. bu • . 351. -:.:------bBdroom. lurnlshed, close. 337·5022 mainder round. Europe, S, America. Australia, selection at unique p~nts , pictures anq 0936. 5.7 FURNISHED rooms with cookln~ , TWO bedroom furnished epartment. !tJer 5 P"l 4·25 TWo-~EAR*H IS E~TS. t I chi d h' commO~ltY'Ifvirig ellts be.t. 331.370:1. lummer only (May 19·Alf'gOf1 ~5) . $32U ..:,r~-'--,:",·----,:---:-,...... -:-- AAi: HEf!~ ttu.r~t'eed uIlgnment In Alia. Etc. AH Fields. S~ $1,200 rame., g aaswar., na an muc. 1------5.18 monthly. all utilities paid, closa to IRUMMER sublet. Furnlsh.d two ~ Europe. Slarting pay I. $419 per month IT19nthly. Expenses paid, Sightseeing. mu<:h, mor •. Have opaned a new room OWN room in house: share eallng, r ______campus. Call 337·5776. 5·2 I~room, air , dishwasher. close, $285. 632 S. Dubuque. low. City plul benefits and paid vacatIOn. Cell ~re. Into· Writ.: IJC. Box 52·IG, and have It filled· Buy for Molher's good price, good location. grad ItU. TWO roomy su~es with cookIng. anti· Atter 5 pm. 338-5963. 4.25 ARMY, 337·2715. 4.25 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625 4·30 Day. Drawing tor $5.$10 gift car· dent preferred. Available May 1. 338· que turnltur •. 337.3703. 5.18 SUMMER sublet, fali option, two 351 -0383 tltlcetes. Open Sunday thru Thursday, 9314. 4·30 bedroom apartment, free couch. 351. LI.T housing ads Free with Protectlva Hours. Mon·Sa\., 10 am·S pm URN A S3000 BONUS when you join JUNIORS &. Senla". LOOking for a 12·6 pm. TWO furnllhed room I ...lIabl. May 6999. 5-2 "'8ocllllon lor Tenants (PAT). IMU. Open Mon. night until 9 pm the Army II an Armor recruit. $419 part·tlrne job lllowing you to put your 1------SUMMER sublet· Fall option· Three 1· $120 and $125. all utililies peld. 353·3013. 4-30 . "art'ng monthly atlary plus beneflta education to work wilh good Income, OAK rolltop desk, tlbles, cupboards. femalBs. clo .. In , $65 monthly, share Undsay House. College and Summit. .UMMER sublet $2tO - Two MRS. La... by appomlmrllt ooIy· Palm and peld vacatIOn. Cell ARMY . 337. ".xlble hourI and real .x/)erl.nce In buHet with leaded glass. drelsers, Iron large hou .., own room. 337·3462 atter Quiet peraon. 351-6203. bedroom. carpe~ air. bus, laundry, EFF .CIINCY • Furnlahed, carpel.d, Ind ell'll read E WllJhul&ton R_rYe opportun~lel , 337·2715. 4·30 Wellman, Iowa. Three buildings 'UMMIR· Fall option. Own room, ROOMS lor rent, summer and Iall, ulliities paid; 337.9759. 5.1 ONE·bBdroom apartment; sublet wllh IlIlm·2ami WANTlD: Subjects to Interview about full. 4·27 good location, air. $125 plus electricity. cooking privileges. 337.2573. 6.1\ fall option: turnlshed; bus line; utilitle. ------WAtT Rill/Willer wanted, Wednes· childhood .nvlronm.nt In which they 337·4728. 5·3 BUMMEII sublet $130. One bedroom paid; $210 monlhly. Evenings, 338· SAVE on groceries. Free detarla. dlyand Friday night, $3 In hour plus grew up: Must have a par.nt and OAK fable, pressed bilck' chairs. OWN room: .hare kltch.n, balh; apartment. 915 E. Washington. Call 0832. 4·25 Send SA.S.E . . BIMO, Box 2633· goob tip •. Elkl Country Club, 351. brother or alsler 18 or OV.r living In Cottage I ndu~lries, 410 1st MALI!· Summer, ahara luper three ulilities psld: clo.. ; $80. 351·4007.4-26 Karen . 338-5592. 4·24 01, Cedar RapidS, I.. S2~ . 4· 3700. 4·27 Ir.a and .vallable for a comparison In. Avenue, Coralville. 4·26 bedroom duplex wllh two gradl near 1------_____.-- ______SUMMER Gublel· Fall option· Two 27 tervlew. Etrn $10. Contact 353--7375, fleldhouae, $110 per month. 337-7902. NEEDID four roommate. to ahare TOWNHOUSE: Three I.veta, fully cet· bedroom; turnlshed or unfurnished: ______~ 10AilD crew lor lall t.rm, Kappa weekdays. from 8 to 5. 4·2& 4-26 larg. houte, close In. many extras, $82. peted, central air , by bus stop, lummer air; Cambus; close In. 338·9566 aN.r 5. 31 Jubilation Alpha Th.ta sorority, 33B-e240. 5-2 BICYCLES 1------Call after five, a8k for Greg, 338-2060. sublease·fall option. negotiable terma. 4·25 37 Word wilh dog ______1 WANTED · Part time stud.nt FIMALE lorsummerlfall option: Share 5·3 354·4979. 5·1 NOW hiring lull and part·tlma waltera/wsltrea ... tor Stat. Room. two bedroom apartment: $125. uIIllUesl------______-----______or bob ltCond 3t Noon TYPING waller/waltrell'ce and \hlrldTlhltt. noon hours. IMU Food Servic •• 353· MEN'S H)-speed italian bike. hardly Included. 33$01735. 5-3 SUBLET lor the summer with tall Opt CLOSE In. turnllhed, two bedroom 4t Inventor Howe Conttcl Je.. M IeIry. Hawk· r~k 4856. 4-26 used, S90. 338.1519. 4-25 tlon _ V«y large room. no utilities. lummersublet · fall option. $250. 338· MOBI LE HOMES Slop. 354-3335. 4- 5 ONE _ Iwo females .har. twd $t35 per month, on Clinton Street. Call 0954 . 5·1 U Lodetind ------1 1------47 Closetilling TYr.. PINEO nv·lrervlonmC·,n-t. ~·ctperlv.lle' ar·C"!~~.· MOTHER', helper needed to help with bedroom apartmenl wllh one olher, 338·0073. early morning. 4-23 1------lCbt~ Apeche· ""ear campuI, air. sklr· F "" _n_ INSTRUCTION T .UMMER sublet· Fall option. Nice I-~ led th h I N aI dress IMU.353-3888. 5·18 our \hr" Yllr Old and Infant: .ome GARAGE FOR REM own large bedroom, summer sublet FURNISHED room, own refrigerator two bedroom, furnlah.d, air, pool. bUI. vv, pane roug ou . alur g.. .. Grar.1pusor light housework. Spend July and ______-1 1 I talioptlon.Alr.cloa.,bus. 338-5516.5· Ind TV . ahare kllchen. $105 Include. S215, avaliableMeyl .CalI354-7275. 4. '~rnace'lalo~m ~In~o~:, refrlg$~~~' cachalol LaR .... TYPing S.rYieI Piel or Elite. AuguttatourLak.Okobojihome. 354- 8PI!CIAL INTRODUCTORY guitar 1------.;,114 utilities 351·2355. 4.27 24 love, ec. " 0 e ve at , . •• Be con Ii ngent Experienced and " ..onable. Call 828· 3525 al\'" 7 p.m. 4-25 Ieaaon.: $15 Includes four IlIIOne, all NIW . Storage lor fumhu", p«lOnal 1------337·9298. weekday.; 1·646-2992, 5t ShOOting 6369. 5·14 Inltructlon.1 mllerlal. u.. Of gulttr for belongings: automa'tlO o'llrhead door. SUMMIII. tall. two room. In hou .., 'UMMI", large. furnlahed, telephon., .UMMER ,ubl.t. Three bedrooml' _W"_k_en_d_s_. ______4_._30 marble one month. $15 appll •• toward 338-3945. 4·24 cloee In. $110. 337·3584. 4-24 575, no smoking. 538-4070, 7 pm · 8 four beds. furnl.hed Pentlcr." Gar.' ION Air. - 12x60 Llbarly. two E!'FIClE~l' . prolesslonal typln, lor purch.se 01 guitar. Call for appoint. 'IMALI!, nonlmoker. '"9.50 plul pm . &-8 den •• $390 monthly. 351·4210. 4·24 bedroom, stove and refrlgeralor. new 52 Scapular 1 $3 Alaskan cape Iltests, manuscrlpla, etc. IBM Selectric University Box Office men~MullcShop,351·1755. 4-26 ------etectrlcity, own bedroom. After 5:30,' ROOM'alngle and doubles · Neattnd ------'1carpeting In large IIvlng·dlnlng aree or IBM Memory (automatlc typtWrtter) MOTORCYCLES . 354-7522 424 .UMMIII aublet: Two bedroom, air. Ind hatl. $4,800. Immedl.te ~ 54 Dull8nd dingy needs Work Study stu­ IL'IITUDIO d. Gultarr. · CIa ..lcaI . " • clean wllh kltch.na available 1m· I on blocks Irom Denial Building. 353. lion. Call 1·366·7463. 5-4 55 Parrot ,Ives you lint time orl,ln.11 lor "Imenco, lotk Inltructlon. 337·9218, ------1 mediately, summer and lall. nonamok· 0966 4.24 ______5t One of the teslmel and coyer letlen Copy Center, dents to fill cashier posi­ !'IMALE to Ihar. nice two·bedroom Ing grad students pf.ferred. 337·5652 ______117' 14"66 Wlckcratt. -r~ b·~room, 100. 338-8800 4-23 I"'IImeatAg.. 5 • 22 1.75 JAWA CZ 12~, cheap commuter I" I C 13372722 426 .. " '" - "" joints tions. Positions open lor transportation, $300. 354-2699. 5-4 dup ex. MUst... al • .' ______Ift.r 5 pm. 1 'IINY drive? BI~k~ !rom LIIW School washer, dryer. Indian Lookout. 354- 57 Burglarize WIIowwIftcI a- IcIIooI ::ambu•. A reet beauty. One bedroom:' 7968. 5-4 .. Wherelhis UPERIINCID typing - C.dar summer and fall .nrlchment program, 10.' 5 to 12, MALI! 10 ahare Ih .... bedroom apart· TWO single rooml lor rent - Fur· furnished Ilr car .... lummer lubl .. ------Rap ldl, Mar lon lIud.nta: IBM June 11 to Augult 3. For furthlllintor· 1.73 Triumph Trophy Trail 500· ment Ioraummtr. air. low r.nt. 351· nl.hed with TV and refrlg.r.tor IQCII ,...... , 1871 Homette Deluxe t2x60 - Two word comes Cotlector'altem. Run. great. 338· '002. 5.1 ' • only. $220 monthly. 337·9125; 356· CorractlngSeiectrlQ 377·81&4. 5·15 semesters. If Interested. milion. CllII, 33&-6061 . 5-17 5 .. tlon N. Clnton. ahara ladlftl ... Call . 3622 4.25 bedrooml, larga lot, on bUllin •• many apply at the Union Ser­ 1-======.;==-== 2363. ·1 338-3317 or 337·5485. 5·9 ' extras. 338-7467 . 5-4 IBM corre<:lIn, Stlectrlc. El)lerltrleed I------IUMMIII lubl.t·F.mala 10 Ihare, ------'---1------theslt, manlllCrlpla, ...urn ... papers. vices Office, IMU or 3IOCL HONDA· Jutt luned up, I.. modern lurnl.hed. two.b.droom LAROE, furnl.hed .Ingl., IUmmer, tall BUMMIII lublet· F.II opllon. Two 121110 1971 _ Good condition, Bon 331-11162 . , &-1 MISCELLANEOUS than 6,000 mile •. Call 337·3294 .ft.r 5 apartment, $92.50 monthly, cloM In. option, utlNtlet paid, kitchen prlvltegll. bedroom. furnllhed, air, dlahwuher, Alre, $5,900. 354.519••• v.nlnga. phone 353-4950. pm . 4·24 prt'llt. parking. Ilr, laundry. 338- Clinton Sl 338-6138. $125 negotlabl.. close In. 354-3846. 4·24 weekendl. 5-4 THESIS uptrienre · Formtr unlvtraltl A-Z 5685. 4-2. 5·2 .UMMEII aublet,lerge on. bedroom, 1------I4!Creiary. IBM CorneU", 1ecU'1c: II I 1.71 Honda 350, gOOd condition, In· 1------1 furnished, carpet, air, next to campus 14&70 Arteraft. thr.. bedroom, centr.1 33H9ge. W, PIOMnll PL 1170 turntable and apected, 1400 firm. 354·1658. week· TWO.three f.mal. nonsmoking room- 'UIINIIHID. near Hanch.r. $120, on Jefferson. garage available. 351. air, shld. Phon. 354·1918 5 pm. 5-17 Kenwood KA7100 60 Will Integrated days, aft«9 pm. 4-2& mates _ Brand new, dote, faN option, televl.lon. refrig.rator, laundry, utl"ti .. 2904. ..30 ..1liiY Nyali Typing Service • IBM Pin TOD" "'. ARMY amp. S500 or will atll ..paralely , 35-4· reeaonabtl. Call 337.7615 around din. paid . 354·2561 . 4'f4 1.7. 10x5-4 Amerieln. three bedroom. Or Elit • . PhOne 351·4798. &-7 WANTS LEADERSI Training I. S711.10am·4pm. 5·7 1177 BMW 7517, 3,500 mllea, perI8ctt ner. 4-25 $2.700. Plrtlalty lurnlahecl, cantral air, ------Ivallable In many axchlng tr... for 'UMM!R .ublet· Fall option· Two exc.lllnt condillon, cllan. To be I '3~5:,.~37:..:7:.:1.:.. ______.:4-~2: •. 1;;;;;;;;-;;;bjit;F.;;;;;;;;;:;;~;:_ PW,ANT, fumlahed alngl., kitchen.: WOOD" typing. IBM Correcting both min Ind women . Good pay, lIDDING CLUIIANCI· Complet'I' .UMMIII IUblet Femlle Iha,. th_. fl'll bloch out. '115 utlttl •• lncluded. ~ bedroom, furnl.hed, utilitiea JIIIld. 337· moved 'rom Bon Alre. Call ooliec~ 515- Sslectrlc, rlalOnlble. 338-8837. avan. · blnllllt, paid veeilion. Call AAMY. twin bed, S99.95, full lin mallr_ or 1875 SUZUki 185/1gn Suzuki 125. Low bedroom Clark on S. Johnaon. Own 337·3425. 5·11 9391 . 5·1 832.4232. 4-2& Ingllnd _kendl. 4.27 337·2715. 4·25 bo., 159.85, qUeerl wat.rbed. $329.D5. mltHge. Enduro. 644-2216. 5-3 bedroom. Clo ....pace. IIIr condftlon. . , l Goddard'l Furniture, We .. Liberty, lUll lng, Ilundry. parking. \eft minute walk 'UMMI!II· F.II Option. Furnlah.dl .UILITltali option _ Two rooml: 121110 two bid room. partl.lly fur· nlahed, air. apptlln_, 13.500 or oft.r. NIIDID w.lterl/w.II".... , part· lourteen mllea .... 1.1.11. 6·18 downtown. $ 1\5 ptua electrlc:lty. 338- single, near Mercy; $135. 338-3408. 4-l kftch.n; window.: ah.,. b.th. .a.. 354·1685. .·30 WHO DOES IT? time, Copper DOllar. 21 t tow.. 4·24 AUTOS DOMESTIC 3684. 5.2 24 CIQ .. In. Alk/IN'II meaaaga lor Bob. THRIE rooml new furnhure $395. ,------,. 3"3818'...... 27 12110 Park E... te • Two bedroom IIr DII MOfNI. IIlaI.TIII Goddard'i Furn~ura. Wilt L1btrty. 1------IIOOMMATI for aumm., 10 aha,._ 'UIINIIHID IIngIet In quiet envtron· Ippllan_, partly fumlalled. exilelfenl OpenwMknlghtsuntIl8pm:Saturday. ,,"1 Muatlng Mach I CI .....and, 351. bedroom apaI1menl n.. r Flnkblne, menl; private mrlgerator. t.levlalon; .UMMIR aublef - Two bedroom Moy. coming up? n.ed. cetrll" lor tha lollowlng ar.ll: 0-4. Sunday t.4. Wa deliver. 6.18 low ml'" on .nglne. rebuilt tranemia- $137.50 monthly. Fall option. 337.5222. lUmmI!, tall opllon; S85 10 $130;.337. apartment. air. 808 E. Coli •• Apt 4, condition. Bon Air.. 354·1054. Muacatln ..,.t A'll ar.. , SIIl().S150. 'Ion' AM/FM • track, bllet oller. 353- 5.2 8758. 5-8l avallabl. May 22, 5240. 338-SQlI5. 4-27 . Available Augull I. 4-27 now I. the tim. Burlinglon·Dodga a,.a. $t 85. NIWaofl.chalr and 1O'II_t,,'VV.95. 137t 353-138t 427 ______Coratville Ir.a, $150. Downlown eraa, Early Amerieln aofl·chalr and IOVII __•___ ·______·_I ·llOOMIIATI needed lor aummer, own SUMMI!II lublet. apac;loua, furnlilled '174 "'1""fIeId· LOCIIId Bon Alrl. 10 pllnl $180. E. Wllhlngton.Coliage lrea, II". S291.60. Six pile. b.d eel. 1... ChiVY Btl AI,. automatic V.8 _roo_m_,c_lo_.. _._T_om_, 3_53-_230_2. ___ 5-_2_ APARTMENTS apartmenl- Dlahwaaher, lir. depoal~ mey be mo'ltd.BeIt oller 351·5578 II· SIlO. W. Benton Iree. '80. N. Oubuqua $159.95, Sev.n pIece 1I0ppy Jol tet. clean Interior runa Wttl need.' b~ 1 wahlr paid. Renl negollable. 33&-5285. till 5:30 pm. 4-24 CIII l'eI, $1110. Lee SI .. $80. Ntwton Ad ., rag. '9~, now 1599.85. Godderd'a work Red tI~ S400 or oiler 351.0828 MALI to Ihlre Ihr.. b.droom FOR RENT 4·27 "COTTAGIIOUI" 10&40· Full $60. Route. take an hour to Ion hoUri Furniture. Weat Liberty. 6·" It 5'30 ' . 4 28 lown~ .. ",th two othera, '120. c.J1 ------lklWhen, WOOd Interior. new plumbing, dally. Proth • .,elorllour_kperlod a er . . • 337·3829,_nl"ll''' 4-251;...______.UMMIII lublet _ Fill option, two 11.000, 338.7416. 4-24 Maher Bros. Proflta flgur. betwetn $3.75 and 14 In QUliN al •• bed compl.t., box, lrlme, 1.71 Plymouth Satellite, \wOadoor. air. .U..... II aublet· Two bedroom, fur· bedroom townhouat, two bathl. air, hour. Call Jonl, Bill or Dan. 337·2289 . • ~celltnt oond~lon, $250. Cheat, thr .. po_lleerlng. po_ brlk.. , AM/FM OWN fumlahecl room, loll bed, aher. nlehed ••Ir condlUoned , bUllin•. Even· dlahwllher, gel grill, garage, laundry 1.'" ParlI &t.te In Bon Alre· Two &.M~tlower 338-3885. 5-15, dra_l. $25. Bookah.lt, $10. 354· altrlO, InlPtCltd, Ixotlltnt QOncIttton. hou .. with lour othera, cIoN, $75. Call Ingl,354·3841. 5·7 fICltitl .., on but rOUIl. 351.2008. 4.27 bedroom.. oenlral air, washer, dryer, ------,' 18~ . 4·30 354-3023 1ft., 5. 5-1 1 354-5656. ______Icarporl and Iwnlng. Immediate 337-8888 IOAJlD crew memberl wanted lor now D "MOND ri nd \chi eddl I ------CLO"·one bedroom, $170 plu."eo- IUMMIII aubtet - Two bedroom, fur· poeaeatlOn. 353-50483 or 33&-5008. 8·1 .nd lall term It IOrority. Call 338-tt71. ~~ ~ .~ ':k~nWg .J: 1174 Muallng II 2+2, 4 speed, AM 'DIALI Summer only. ttv .. btdrOOlT1 trlelty, tal/.ummer optIOn. 338-4803.4- nlalled. CIIoat. $280 InClud" utllla ... 1111 .len"" or !art RII., 420 ' new ,"""", . radio' good oondhlon mllaage' ,2 t~ lurnlahed apartment. own room. air, 30 Keep trying, 353--0708. 4-27 121110 mobile home, beeuUlullntlrtor, ______._ mullttll. Call 338-1228 after 5:30 pm. 208 8th Str... cor~1vtI1e ...;,.. '8-1' ciOll, utilitlM paid. Sl1o. CII 363- many extral, lin mlnulaa from 4·2& 530-830' ' .. 25' 2281 ONI bedroom. furntalled, .Ir. clmput BUMMIII - Fumlahed two bedroom. campuI, available July 15, 337·4&48. 5- ClilATIVI RESUMES - Be vlalbll In ATTINTlON Skiltral Part-tIme ltud'nl l------I : : pm. • --.------two bioCllI, parking, $t80 InCiludM air, wat.rbed, JIIIrklng, laundry, clot. 1 \he aowdl Artlelle Llatn .. II/ttitphOna atlel r.pr_nlltlve poe/\on ..vallable U.ID vacuum cllanera. r... onebly MONAIICH 1875, good condHlon. sir, SUMMIII aublet - Three bedrooml. ulNItIel, May 1. 338-5557. Chrl .. 5·7 In. 354·7820. 4·27 ------351 ·1972. 4·27 lor 1070· 11180 achool yetr. Job In· prtoed. Brlndy'a Vacuum. 351· 1453. e· AM·FM. $2,800. 31,000. 351, 7025.4·1. need two, air, clOel. 337·&412. 5-4 pm, illave meataQt, 4·30 . MU.T 11ft 12x60 Amerleln· Two ------~vOl_ promoting high qUllity Ikland • . _____...l , ______------I.UMMIII aubl .. - Rent n.~.bt., bedroom. window air. Bon alre. 351· "WING . Wadding gowna and Iun Iripi on oampul for commlallon . liz - -, 1174 Grtn torino, Ilk' ritw, power, air, 'lULl Summer. own room In IIflIt lUlL.... July I, 'III opHon, two two b4tdroom, furnllh,d, Ilr ,con· 11043 1ft" 5,.11 d.y_kendl. 5-1 brtd ..meld 'a dr_, Ian y.. ,, ' .. plua Ire. aiding To qUllity Individual • ~.. TIo!~trID • Tw I".... e ~.!'Nu Ih AM·FM, .xtr.. . Should _ . 351·7078 Ir.erlm.nt, laundry. aIr, pool. fur· bedroom. $185, clo .. to hoepltal, pool. dilloned, campua ,pI""'tnl 827 E. , , cu ... ,.... lme, new ,..... r .... ner. 730 ".787' , - ...... ~Iy ··'7··.. '·7 "1 7"55 • 7 .... 71ft 8 "IMMEDIATE ...... 1 IUdO \I I PlriencI. 338-0«8, &-8 mull be highly motlv.tad and 364-1018,1fIIr8p"I."~ , 4-24 5- : pm. """. I. ..-&9 n .._ . .... mon'" ...... , ...... o· CoItegt. CIII..-457 Ir p.m...... , ....-_011:, jHltI. - Igg".. lvl. Sind rlluma with 3 ______1 aalumhtbed, new Clrpet ~; ALTlIUNCl AND MENDING Wtllled referene.. to Summll Trivet, lno.. ,.71 Vagi Hatchback, lutomlltC, Ina "'ALI lmmtdl.t.1y - Sllere hou.. .UIL ...I Mey 15 10 June 30. I.... TWO bedroom IUmmer IUblll/flll op- color TV. drepea. Mill, abed. Small !lIaI1I'/.'I'1tI! ParlIade Plaza, Suitt II. Cotumbla. SHAll'· 18 win reOlI'llr/c... III. aptGIed, $350. Catl351·8141 momInge will two Oth.. , qultl. garcMn, Qll'1III. _btl· Two btdfoom Townhoutl, lion, furnllhed, I". good 1000tlon. $255 .1.1l.'0III1. Oe bulltne. ttwaIap, 11'/. ... MiMOutl85201. 4-20 dick: almoat - $100. 353-0103. 5-1 or after 7 pm. 4-24 con","Ienl, air. 337.2&53. 5-4 air. on but roult. 364-7538. 7·7 heet InCiluded. 351·8787. 4-27 • . 4-11 -----~ , ' ,... t-The D.11y lowen-I... CIty, 1... -TutIdIJ, Aprl 24, 1171 To .Netters down Iowa State and Enjoy The low. men's tennis team Bob Klawitter 6-1, 6-3. Team· Rustin and Schumacher. They State of The shut out Iowa State 6-0 In I pre­ mate Greg Anderson scored a 6- went In and played really tough. tournament warmup for this 2, 6-2 decision over ISU's Fred Everyone scored good wins and Need Not weekend's three-day Drake Budde, while Greg Hodgman the players look promising for Left to Chance Relays Invitational. Even upended Cyclone Kevin this weekend's meet at Drake. without the doubles com· Shoemaker 6-0, 6-2. Fourth· We're just going to take it easy Vol. 111 No. 185 peUUon, which was pclItponed seeded Hawkeye Matt Smith and hope that Eric Pepping (the untlJ Thursday's Drake meet, also strengthened his record regular No.5) recovers to play Iowa evened its slate at 7·7. with a 6-3, 6-1 win over Scott In the townament. We need "We won outright even Feldman. Winnie had strong some rest, but the team is very without playing the doubles pra ise for subs tttutes Dan confident and we're about Learn the matches. Everyone played very Rustin and Mark Schumacher. where we should be in terms of TranA(~AnI19nt.• 111 Senat well and we're In good shape for RuaUn g.ined a three.et vic· progreu," Winnie said. the weekend," said Coach John tory from Joe Nieman, 6-4, 1~, Winnie. 6-2 while Schumacher beat Tom Pepping sustained a shoulder Tom Holtmann continued his LeMOX 6-4, 6-4 to wrap up the Injury In Friday's game against domlnaUon at the top singles meet. Illinois and didn't compete balan spot by defeaUng the Cyclones' "I was really pleased with against Purdue or Iowa State. Introductory Ltctur.. Monday April 23, 7:30· TM Center WASHINGTON (UPI) - 1M tennis champions crowned Tuesday April 24. 7:30· Pub. library Story Hr. Am. Senat.e Tuesday crushed an Wednesday April 25, 2:30 & 7:30 - Kirkwood Rm.,IMU designed to balance the next year, and United Pr ... InternltlOnel league, the Sultans face the The Chris Everts and Bjorn ThIrd place went to the Marcus proposal to transfer K._ CItJ third blHllllJl GeorgI Brett ChiCIgO CIIIc"- III N.horocln, during till tilth Avengers for a finals berth T.M . Center 132'\ E. Washington. upst.lr. Borgs of the Intramural tennis Grimes-Eva Dahl duo with a 4-2 for defense projects IIfIIIIICte .. he " t..... out .t home by inning of the Ro,.... 4-3 victory. weekend mark followed by along with the Red Army world teamed up this past resolution 10 social nrn,IlI'AlmA.I weekend to compete in the cOoed Gordon Peterson and Mary squaring off against Alpha Chi round robin townament held at KaM (3-3). Sigma for the other spot In the The Senate, by a 67-23 vote, the Stadium Tennis Courts. Saturday's acUon consisted of championship game. Delta amendment by Sen. WlIlJam Royals snap losing streak N. William Hines and Kay five groups comprising 21 Gam,ma wlll battle the BB Bats HERE COMES I).Wls., to slash $28.8 billion Rosenberger captured the teams. The chaIi1plons were for the women's title. The Budget Committee's rec'ommel KANSAS CITY (UP!) - Monday night to throw a three­ walks and Bowa moved to third women's and cOoed contests will $532.4 billion for the fiscal year Frank White's twCH11ll double hit shutout and give the Texas on Greg LuzinsJti's fly to right overall honors with a perfect regrouped In order to face each two-day record of !HI. The other In Sunday's competition. precede the men's clash at 1 Oct. 1. capped a three-run fifth inning Rangers a ~ victory over the before Schmidt lined a single to twosome swept through three Paul Rosengarten and Elissa p.m. and 2:45 p.m., respec­ COLOR outburst to help the Kansas City Toronto Blue Jays. center to give Tug McGraw, the tively. Royals snap a five-game losing AI Oliver, who has had at PhUlies' third pitcher, his first Saturday matches with 21·11, Strom won the number two streak with a 4·3 victory least one hit In each of Texas' 13 victory of the year. 21·9 and 21·9 victories on Sunday team's tiUe with Peter Prest 1M volleyball playoffs begin Muzore Monday night over the Chicago games, singled twice and to claim the cOoed crown. The and Sue Larson teaming up for April 30 with the final showdown White Sol. scored in the Rangers' three­ duo will be eligible to compete the number three crown. slated for May 9. Coors Cards 3, Braves 2 in the Younkers Kadel State With Friday and Saturday Beverage Co. Is sponsoring this • White put Kansas City In run first inning. Alexander, 1~, ATLANTA (UPI) - Jerry Tournament in Des Moines. softball action rained out last year's tourney with T""hIrts front, 1~, In the first inning lasted 7 1-3 Innings, gave up all In Rhod Jim Beavers and Jeanine week, preliminary play will presented to all division when he doubled, took third on a three Toronto hits and was Mumphrey blooped a run· single by John Wathan and helped by a club record·tylng scoring single off Phil Niekro in Halvers grabbed the runner-up conUnue today and Thursday. champions and runners-up. SALISBURV, Rhodesia ( spot with a ~ mark on Sixteen teams remain in the scored on a fielder's choice by flve doubJe.plays. the lOth inning Monday night, The Iowa River will be the Just Muzorewa, a softspoken, Al Cowens. The Royals then put giving the the St. Louis Car· Saturday and a single loss to the running for the men's crown sight of the 1M canoe races May United Methodist minister, the game away with three runs Phillies 4, dinals a come-from-behind 3-2 champions on Sunday com­ which will be determined at 3:30 1-2. Men's dorm, fraternity and landslide victory Tuesday as in the fifth off previously un­ victory over the Atlanta Mred to their two victories. p.m. Saturday. In the cOoed Independent teams will com­ in time firsl black prime minister beaten Richard Wortham, 3-1. 3 pete in preliminary action May to "the boys in the bush" to Dodgers 1 with finals for the men's all­ your guerrilla war. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) Wqrm university title the following Muzorewa's party won 51 Rangers 5, Mike Schmidt singled home Hawks up for Drake day along with cooed and next presentation seats in 8 new parliament In Larry Bowa with one out In the Blue Jays 0 The Iowa men's track team is gearing up for final of the 200 with a 22.30 In second place in his wom~n's finals. Entry deadline Hl'sl black rule elections and 10th inning Monday night, this weekend's Drake Relays with some hard semi, but was held out by Coach Ted Wheeler to is May 1 with further in· Ian Smith as prime minister In ARLINGTON, Texas (UPI) leading the Philadelphia Phil­ work after the Hawkeyes competed in the Illini prevent the possibility of injury. formation in the 1M office simply smashing weeks. The elecUon results - Doyle Alexander, who had lies to a 4..:l victory over the Los Classic over the weekend. William McCalister was also scratched from (Room 111, Field House). Tuesday gave Muzorewa's not lasted more than five Inn· Angeles Dodgers. Randy Elliott recorded a personal best of 14.50 the final of the 200 after running to a 22.20 in third the Rev. Ndabanlngi nings in his first three starts, Bowa and Pete ~ose worked seconds in the nO-meter high hurdles and took place in his heat. McCalister, who won his heat of Xerox 6500 seats. combined with Jim Kern reliever Lance Rautzhan for third place in the open division of the rUini the 400 In 48.IMl, was sixth in the final in 49.00. Sithole charged Classic at Champaign, Ill. Freshman John Boyer added three feet to his Color Copier irregularities" in the balloting Elliott's finish was the best the Iowa team personal record in the discus with a 159-8 toss. dismissed them as "the could muster in the one-day meet which at­ That throw wasn't good enough, however, to get plaints" from losers. Scoreboard tracted some 600 collegiate and club athletes to him into the finals. He also missed the finals in While you wait In a victory news the track which wUl be the site of the NCAA the shot put. Muzorewa , 54, ap NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Championships next month. Senior tri-captain Tom Slack also established a nALIOm.. a By Unft.d Pr~" 1",.",o,IMOI 8y United Pre .. 'nr.rnational Patriotic Front black £o,t Eolt Elliott qualified for the final by running 14.7 to PR as he ran his first-ever 800-meters in 1:55.6 technigraphicI, inc. Jt\'ihua Nkomo and Robert W L Pet. G8 W L Pel. GB place second In his heat. but did not reach the final. Andy Jensen's 50.30 in their guerrilla soldiers :'1 Pltlladtlph1a , 4 .112- BosIDn 9 4 .m - the 400 also missed the final. plaza centre one Montreal • ~ .115 I II ... York 9 6 .600 1 Tom Barclay took sixth in the l00-meters after amnesty and join his ""~IVPI"' r1I 77.~11> Other non-placers were Andy Knoedel (nh) Sl. LouII O' ... olt 6 5.~ % placing second in his heat. He was clocked in 11- 354-5950 people," ChIc'IO I 6.~ II> Baltimore I 1.500 %\0 nat In both races. Barclay also qualified for the and Pete Hlavln (6-n4) in the high jump. II ... York 4 8.333 41> MO...... 7 I .467 3 "What more do they want?" Pltllburgh 4 10 .,. 51> ToronlO 5 10 .:133 5 asked in reference to We.t Cleveland 49 .3015 W L Pel. GD Mugabe , who have HouslOn 12 4.750 - W L Pel . G8 ClncinnaU 97 .5133 CatUomls 12 4 .750 - I · Black Kaleidoscope San Frlncilco I • .51t 3\0 Teus 9 4 .112 1\\ & Only 5 dlysleltlor Iowans San Die80 I 9 .471 41\ Mill/lelOU 95 .6432 Loll Angelos I 10 .444 5 Chico80 7 8 .467 4\0 Atlanta 5 11 .313 7 Kansas CIty 6 8 .429 5 65 and over to ~t SeatU. 5 11 .313 7 Afro-American Graduate Ookland 511 .3137 Duo Monda)!', Rflw't. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Phlladelphls 4. \A)S Ang.l.. 3. 10 ~O"doy ' . Ruuit. Kansas CIty 4. Chiclgo 3. n'«ht innings. night KELL Y St LouIs 3. Atlanta 2. 10 Inninp. nl&bt TUII ~. TOI'OnlO O. n'«ht . Student Association By ROBERTS TUllday', Gom., 65 coverage Staff Writer (All TI .... EST) Conr.-n- Tu ...dp)i'. Gam •• Mlnntsota (Ericbon 0.2) at Cleveland wit no health statemenf. (AU Tim .. EST) (Wile \·2), 12:0$ p.m. present: AUI Hospitals patient San Diego (Shirl.y 0-2) .t Montrul Delrolt (YOII/tI ~) at Mih,"ulI .. "rured " of diabetes In \ Grimaley I~I. 1:35 p.m. (SIaIDn ()'1), 7 p.m. If you've misplaced your coupon, use one of Houston (Ruble 1·2) at Chicago (LImp ChI ..,o (LlGrow 0.1) at K.n ... City to be the first slm.ulta,neous 1.(1). 2:30 p.m. (Leonard J.2). ' :35 p.m. these. Fill out and mail with dues for first three pancreas transplant in Toronto (l.emanctyk ~I It T.... Los Angeles (Rau 0-21 .t PIIlIadeIp/lla months coverage. Each person applying must Slates. (Katt ~). 7:35 p.m. (Comer 1'\1. ':35 p.m. William Demby S!. Louis (Forsell ()'2) .t Atlanta (M. BaIUmore (Pa1mtr 2-1) .t CaIlIornla use separate coupon. Make check out to: "If aU goes weU, tne Ma~I.. 0-11. 7:3$ p.m. \AaM Ul. 10 :30 p.m. UUI""u.q San t"ranciJco (BI .. 4-0] at II ... York New York ,(John ~) at Oakland Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa. Persons essence no longer be (Zachry 2~). 1:0$ p.m. (Johnson 0-21 . 10:30 p.m. Robert Corry, ur orofessor Booton (Renko 0-1 ) at Seattle (0. J ...... Author of currently receiving kidney dialysis treatment Pitt>burg~ ID. Robtn.oon 1·11 .t and director of the lrAlrl!mlAI Clnclnnlti (Seaver 202). ' :05 p.m. 0-1). 10:35 p.m. not eligible to enroll. Corry explained that Beetlecreek Catacombs year-old Leslie Brandt not had insulin IIIJ'o.:uvn" surgery was performed Sportscripts Tuesday April 24 .,~::~~ 01 iowa "He has not required , ,.