• April 24, 1979 TheI aJ Vol. 111 No. 184 c 1979 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents Shut B&W 'plants: NRC staff B~ Vnfl.d Pre .. Inlernallonal reactor regulation, said he could change been trained adequately to handle manufacturers, General Electric and Two experts on the Nuclear Regulatory his mind on closing the plants If further emergencies. • WestinghoUle. Commission (N RC) staff Monday study indicates the need to do so. Earlier, Denton said that Babcock and The commissioners were told by staff recommended tha t all nuclear power Nine Babcoc}t and WilcOl planta have Wilcox reactors were more sensitive to members that shutting down the South plants buDt by Babcock and WDCOI, been built; three - the Oconee units In abnormal conditions, which places Carolina planta and keeping two similar South Carolina - are operating. Five greater burdens than normal on the Florida reactors out of service would manufacturers of the Three Mile Island others were closed temporarily for plant, be shut down temporarily. operators. create a "marginal" power supply repairs or for maintenance prior to the An equipment breakdown at Three situation In the Southeast, "degenerating "I believe there exists a considerable Three Mile Island acclden t. The Rancho m1amatch between operator training, Mile Island on March 28, compounded by to 'poor' by the end of the summer." Seco plant In California underwent an operator experience and the B&W design and human errors, severely Meanwhile, an official of the company automatic shutdown Sunday due to an damaged the Unit 2 reactor and that operates the Three Mile IJIand _hlne," said Edson Case at a staff electrical-system failure. briefing for the NRC commiuioners. threatened for a time to lead to a reactor said Monday that the problems Case said he would "feel more com­ disastrous meltdown. that crippled the plant will not be solved But Case's oo,s, Harold Denton, said fortable" if all the Babcock and Wilcox be would rather walt untll more in­ Denton said that, as a rough estimate, by bankrupting the company. reactors were shut down pending a full the chances of a problem requiring the W.G. Kuhns, cbainnan of General ICIIIlation on po88lble defects In the review of their problems. Such a shut­ plants is studied. activation of the emergency cooling Publlc Utilities Corp., told a Senate down could take "a month or so," he system - the Initial cause of the Three nuclear regulation subcommittee that NRC ChalrmBn Joseph Hendrie that said. IIid the commissIon will meet either Mile Island problem - were from one In customers, the utility, Investors and Roger Mattson, director of ~ctor today or Wednesday to decide what do. 10 to one In 100 for Babcock and Wilcox perhaps even the government should to safety, said he leaned toward Case's view plants and about 10 times lower for share the cost incurred in buying power who is director of nuclear Denton, because operators of the plants have not reactors made by the other two reactor elsewbere to make up for the power lost during the Three Mile Island shutdown. Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., said that Kuhns' testimony "confounded" him because It sounded as if Kuhns wanted "a Rhodesia election suspect design problem passed along to con­ sumers." SAUSBURY. Rhodesia (UPI) - One statement and refused to elaborate when campaigning and balloting was free and Ii the three black leaders who reached a contacted at his home. fair. As late as Monday afternoon, he In a related development, disaident black ·majorlty-rule accord with the white "After receiving reports from party issued a statement appealing for Western stockholders faUed by a 9-1 margin regime dealt the pact a major blow parliamentary candidates In all the ' recognition of what he called an election Monday to halt nuclear power Monday by charging the just-ended regions. the ZANU Cenl,fal Committee is that was "fair" and "clearly above development by the Detroit Edison Co. election was marred . by "grosa Ir· left in no doubt that the result of these board." Detroit Edison does not currently have regularities." elections will in no way represent the Slthole 's ZANU was expected to any nuclear power plants In operation In Tl\echarge by Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole verdict of the people," the statement emerge second in the balloting behind Michigan. It has one plant, Enrico Fermi reduced the prospects of Rhodesia's first No.2, under construction near Monroe; United p~res;;;s:'in1~=~ said. Bishop Abel Muzo'rewa's United African ,.... , For.lgn MlnI.l. MCIIh. D.,,,, Keep.. IhI .1Il.lInce of • hot .. 'mploy" majority rule elections being accepted by "The reports indica te that there have National Council. Early returns from the two plants are scheduled for completion the International community as a in 1989 and 1991 near Port Huron. II hi ,"Iv" In ZII'Ieh, 8wllz.lll'ld, Mond.~ for. milling of 1... 11 .mbUNdo,.1n been gross Irregularities. southwestern Bulawayo district gave Europe. D.pn, who 11M come under crltlcl_ lor .ugg.. tllIII IfIIIt could iii" genuine expression of black support for 'It ... "The ZANU Central Committee calls Muzorewa 68,113 of the 149,639 votes cast. Detroit Edison was the' operator of up the Oolln H.lgh", MId h. would .....gn In "tllrll mlnut"" II Prime Mlnltttr the accord. for a commission of inquiry to in­ Chief Kayisa Ndiweni's United Enrico Fermi No. I, a liquid metal fast Earlier In the day. vote tallies showed Mente""" BegIn 10 dlllrtd. MunwhU .. Begin yowtel to 1V1nfI' the 1.... 1 deeth. vestigate Immediately these National Federal Party won 43,076, breeder reactor In Monroe, which was In the lIrrorl.t .tllek .t NIh.I,1 Sundly, .nd 1.... 1 lIunboill ••htlitel T"., that more than 100 per cent of the eligible Irregularities. ZANU had 16,158 votes, and Chief shut down permanently in 1972. Fermi Ltblnon, In """11" E.. ..., •• In Ih. Mid ..... S.udl Ar.bll .nd Kuw.1t MY.teI voters in Mashonaland province cast "Unt.il these Irregularities are im­ Jeremiah Chirau's Zimbabwe United No. 1 suffered a potentially disastrous ballots, triggering concern - Im­ dlplomltlc till with Eslypt .. Ar.b equ.bbllnll oy. the EsI,ptlln-l.r•• II pile. plcl partially investigated, ZANU will con­ Peoples' Organization gained 13,453 accident In 1966 , involving a partial contlnlllCl. mediately rejected by officials - that the sider the results of the election as not votes. There were 8,839 spoiled ballots. meltdown of the core. election had been tampered with. being the verdict of the people, but of a Smith said the turnout of 63.9 per cent Sithole, head of the Zimbabwe African particular ministry that has 'stage­ of the estimated 2.9 million voters was National Union (ZANU) and hlmaelf a managed' the elections." proof that the majority of black Rhode­ candidate in the five days of balloting The charges were surprising because sians endorse his "internal" majority that ended April 21, issued a written Sithole has repeatedly asserted that the rule plan. 'Arena will aid recruiting' By CATHY BREITENBUCHER keep in mind looking Into the future so we'd make the best of it. When it comes Staff Writer you won't have an outdated building right down to it, if we didn't have when you get finished." anyplace to practice we'd probably Second oj two The coaches' opinions vary on the practice ollt on the yard." . possible use of the new arena for Blrdsonll said that despite the early The day the new Hawkeye Sporta recreation . Olson is the loudest critic, negative reaction of some coaches, she is Arena is opened, producing a winner while Gable and Birdsong are more open still in favor of a mulU-use facility. "It should become much easler, Iowa to the Idea of a multi-purpose facility. would be silly to have a building sit there wrestling and basketball coacbes said "In five years, I don 't recall a practice from 8 in the morning unt.il 3 in the af­ after hearing the proposed plan. session going by without a Frisbee ternoon and have nobody ever use it. So if Basketball coaches Lute Olaon (men) thrown by going back out over the canvas we can have some use, I would say put It and Lark Birdsong (women ) and or volleyballs out over there or to use," she said. wrestling coach Dan Gable said the 5:1r something else," Olson said. "And to us, "If you can keep your players year-old Field House has hindered their the basketball coaches, the court is our separated from the volleyballs and the recruiting efforts, made practice classroom. And we're no different than noise, that's a suitable arrangement," sessions difficult and caused In­ anyone else in a classroom situation." Birdsong added . "We both (men's and conveniences for both athletes and fans . Olson said the plan to fulfill some women's basketball teams) had good "My feeling is thiS place (the Field recreational needs in the arena is "fine seasons and we put up with being in the House) has ouUived its usefulness," as lonl( as we don't have to Dut ·up with Field House. Sometimes that makes you Olson said. "It's just not a good place to the same kind of situation we've had to concentrate a little harder when you watch basketball. Fifty-two years ago it put up with here with the disad­ have some adversity." was fine, but there's no way you can take vantages. " As the arena's design begins to take this kind of ' facility and put us in a "If it remains Frisbees and volleyballs shape, the coaches have expressed position to compete consistently with the and other things all over again, then I concern over a variety of priorities.
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