Press Freedom Issue Weekly the Names of the Donors, Home As Well As in the Hospital." Ing Major Emphasis in Its Current and The.Amourits Contributed
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READ THE CAPITAL NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS SPOTLIGHT FIRST 6 c / i IN YOUR MEMPHIS BY LOUIS LAUTIER : For the NNPA News Service WORLD PER COPY if .anyone doubts that two-thirds dr. three-fourths of the' world’s population Is ,colored, all he needs VOLUME 22, NUMBER 61 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1954 to do is sit in the lobby of. fhe White House and watch the foreign diplomats come and go. FTinstance, the other day R. S. S. Gunewardere, Ceylon Ambassa dor to the. United States, came In to' -present his credentials to Presi dent Eisenhower. The Ceylonese is dark browhskinned. C. A. Scott, publisher of the At lanta Dally World, was my guest at the White .House Correspond ents’ Association Dinner for presi ■ dent- , Eisenhower at the Statler Hotel the other Saturday night. Last year Carl Murphy, publisher of the Afro American newspapers, was there. Next year another pub lisher will be invited. Tlie Four Step Brothers, a tap Investigation dance team, was One of the big Mr. Perkins hits of the show at the dinner, with Milton Berle, ; jaye P. Mor Called AttacW gan,' the McGuire Sisters, Irving Gets Jebs With . •* . Berlin and Sam Jack Kaufman's orchestra. The Step Brothers open cd the 6how. On IIS Kegroes Although President Eisenhower Government was a speaker at the Freedom Ful BY JACK WILLIAMS fillment Conference, sponsored by WASHINGTON, D. C. — Oveta NEW ORLEANS — (INS)..— ] . thè NAACP and held In the De Culp Hobby, Secretary of the U. S. Southern Negro leaders Tuesday i partmental* Auditorium here, none Peparimcnt of Health, Education, struck at a scheduled three-day of his colored, appointees , had been end Welfare announced today that Senate Internal Security sub-com invited until, at the request of a Roswell B. Perkiris has been sworn mittee probe of the Southern Con person who asked that his name in as Assistant Secretary. The ference Educational Fund as “an be not used, I got in touch With was administered by Parke attack upon the Negroes ot this na,* Henry Lee Moon, the NAACP pub Bantu, General Counsel, in tlon." • . licity director, at 4 o'clock the af presence of Secretary Hobby At the samo time, Sell. James O. j ternoon before the conference. official of the Department. Eastland, (D), of Mississippi, -A * As a result, invitations were tele Mr. Perkins will serve as one of member of the committee, denied phoned to Louis B. Toomer. Regis two Assistant Secretaries whose he was guilty of any prejudice or. j ter of the Treasury; Scovel Rich positions were established by the preJudgment of Issues to be exploré I ardson, a member of the. Federal reorganizations plan which created' ed in hearings which get underway Parole Board; Vernon Green, an IN COMMEMORATION of the founding of the Negro press, March the Department out of the former today af New Orleans. ' .'a; Federal Security' Agency on April attorney In-the Post Office De 16, 1827 Dowdal H. Davis, Kansas City Gall and William O, Thirty-one Negro leaders charged partment;. Joseph Ray. race rela 41, 1953. The other position Is held In a letter to Sen. W.lUlam Jenner,' tions adviser in the Housing arid Walker, Cleveland Call-Post, appeared on a nationwide broadcast by Russell R. Larmon, Assistant chairman of the sub-committee, Home Finance Agency. Sunday, March 14, over the National Broadcasting Company Secretary for Federal-State Rela that "it is ridiculous to Impute dis tions . ' . Ardile Alexander, nominee for radio network. The program, sponsored by the National News loyalty to the Southern Conference Mr.. Perkins,-who will be in charge Governor of the Virgin Islands; E. paper Publishers Association, featured news highlights from 1953 Educatjonal Frind.” ' ‘ ' ?•*; Frederic Moow, advise onr- ,Qr of Program* Analysis, >will be re The organization is scheduled .to Frederic Morrow, adviser on busi arid a special message from President Eisenhower. sponsible for continuing analysis get a thorough investigation during ness affairsi, National Production and review of the program operat the three days of hearings. i; Authority, Commerce Department; ed by tile Department and Its five Eastland said: Dorsey Lane, an attorney in the major component agencies - the "I do not want to try anything ,---- Foreign-Operations-Admlnistration, Nego Newspaper Week On MBC Public Health Service, Social Secu- before the actual hearings, I have rlty Administration. Office of Edu prejudged nothing. We only want " the agency Harold Stassen Is run cation, Food and Drug Administra ning. " the facts." .'• ■ ■ tion, and Office of Vocational Re SEGREGATION “REAL ISSUE” '■ Brig. General Benjamin O. Da Sunday March 21, 5 p.m. habilitation. During the 1954 Con vis, a member of the American Fund director James 'A. Dom gressional session he will also be browski had declared earlier ttidt Battle Monuments Commission; Tn observance of Negro News elation which founded Negro assistant in the presentation of Philip Sadler, a race relations ad VISITORS HONORED—A highlight of a visit here Mr. Houston who pose with the Universal's "First Sen. Eastland had prejudged th$ paper week NBC will present .a spe Newpaper week will be on program. the Department legislative program. case. He said that racial segregation!,, viser in the Public Housing Admin cial documentary radio broadcast Mr. Walker will read a message At 27, Mr. Perkins, is one of the. by Mr. Norman Houston, president of the Gol Lady", Mrs. Walker and Mr. Maceo Walker. The istration; Lois Lippman; secretary "Is the real i$sue” of Uie hqarftigS,' Sunday at 5:00 p. m. in Memphis. from President Elsenhower. youngest men named to an appoin den State Mutual Insurance Company in Los An visitors were also honored by Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ho added that he thought lt was.'ri to Charles Willis, assistant to Dowdal H. Davis, general man tive position in the Federal Govern geles and the attractive Mrs. Houston was a ert Lewis, Jr., and Dr. and Mrs. Julian Kelso . "shame" the committee “doesn't Sherman Adams, the Assistant to ager of the Kansas City Call and Negro Newspaper Week com ment in the past 50 years. Born in Sunday night party at the pretty new Flamingo have the nerve" to debate that Issue/ President Eisenhower, and Julia P. chairman of the Negro Newspaper memorates the establishment of the Boston, Massachusetts, he was The couple will go from here to Hot Springs for Cooper, a lawyer In he General first Negro Newspaper Week tn the Club. Seen left to right are—Mrs. Houston and .Two ’ cpqunlttee investigator^ week committee and William .O. graduated cum laude both from a rest . and for the last races. Frank Schroeder and Edwani R« Services Administration. Walker, Publisher of the Cleveland United States 157 years ago. Harvard College, in 1945 (class ol The list of names was given to Duffy, are in New Orleans, but are Call-Post and Secretary of the Na- _ Don’t miss this .program _ on N. B. ’47), and Harvard Law School, in saying nothing about the investlgai. me and' I simply passed them on tional Newspaper Publishers Asso-C. Sunday at 5:15 p. m. 1949. He was an editor of the Har to Moon. tlon. ' vard Law Review. He served in the In addition to Eastland, metriJKrs Binga Dlsmorid, Sag Harbor (New Navy U3 an officer in 1945 and REV. ROY LOVE TO RUN of the sub-committee aré Btói * York) mèdico, wlio was here, for 1946. the NAACP- conference;,.says al Prominent Speakers Slated Walker. JBX-of Idaho and After being admitted to the Mas- land (D),-‘óf Arkansas, ' book, of poetry he has ‘written, “I kachusetts and New York bars’ in Have Often Wondered,” is due off It was believed that today’s );..... 7; 1949, he was associated with the session will be closed to all($ the press in-two months. At Career Conference A & 1 New York law firm of Deberolse, FOR STATE SENATE POST vestigators to screen possible Binga also said the Society of Plimpton and McLean for four and American Friends of Haiti is giv nesses. j. a half years. In 1950 he served as As the probe launching dat¿:ñé»i». ing a-reception for Luque Foche, DR. J. E. WALKER JOINS PRESI Schriering, president of the Curtiss assistant counsel to the Senate Rev. Roy Lovo, president of Police, Haitian Ambassador to . the Unit DENT OF CURTISS CANDY COM Candy. Company.. - ■ . Committee to Investigate Organized Baptist Ministerial Alliance will ed. Louisiana Supt. of state PANY AS MAJOR SPEAKER AT Dr. Walker will speak .at ‘ the Francis C. Grevemberg warned thftt ed Nations, at the home of the Crime lnlnterstate Commerce. .-_..... run for State Senate Post, Daniel Jameses (Ruth Ellington) TENNESSEE A AND I STATE annual banquet of the conference GRANT FOR STUDY IN any Louisiana resident exposed 03 Mr. Perkins joined the Depart This is the 1st time in Mem-' in New York City on Sunday, UNIVERSITY CAREER CONFE on Tuesday evening, March 23, on ment of Health, Education, and a mombor of the Cummurilst party • March 21. RENCE FOR COLLEGE STU the University campus. phis’ history that a Negro has during the hearings would be dUargé, Welfare the past September as a ed as a violator of state law. ’.'Ai®!* Also here, for the NAACP con DENTS The career conference is present consultant to the Secretary on MEDICINE IS MADE presented himself as a candi . Dr J.- E. Walker, president , of ed annually to offer junior and -------------- :----------- ference were Judge William H. legislative matters. He assisted in date for the Tennessee Legisla States the Tri-State Bank of Memphis and senior year college students an op Hastie of the Third United the preparation of the Department’s ture.