Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstracts
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1047 Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World—Online Proceedings for the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.—August 26 to September 1, 2007 Edited by Alan Cooper, Carol Raymond, and the 10th ISAES Editorial Team 2007 Extended Abstracts Extended Abstract 001 Ross Aged Ductile Shearing in the Granitic Rocks of the Wilson Terrane, Deep Freeze Range area, north Victoria Land (Antarctica) by Federico Rossetti, Gianluca Vignaroli, Fabrizio Balsamo, and Thomas Theye Extended Abstract 002 Postcollisional Magmatism of the Ross Orogeny (Victoria Land, Antarctica): a Granite- Lamprophyre Genetic Link S. Rocchi, G. Di Vincenzo, C. Ghezzo, and I. Nardini Extended Abstract 003 Age of Boron- and Phosphorus-Rich Paragneisses and Associated Orthogneisses, Larsemann Hills: New Constraints from SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Geochronology by C. J. Carson, E.S. Grew, S.D. Boger, C.M. Fanning and A.G. Christy Extended Abstract 004 Terrane Correlation between Antarctica, Mozambique and Sri Lanka: Comparisons of Geochronology, Lithology, Structure And Metamorphism G.H. Grantham, P.H. Macey, B.A. Ingram, M.P. Roberts, R.A. Armstrong, T. Hokada, K. by Shiraishi, A. Bisnath, and V. Manhica Extended Abstract 005 New Approaches and Progress in the Use of Polar Marine Diatoms in Reconstructing Sea Ice Distribution by A.
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