Ministry of Science of – HERIC project

1. Family name: PAJOVIĆ 2. First names: IGOR 3. Date of birth: 05th May, 1972 4. Nationality: Montenegro 5. Civil status: married 6. Contact details (address, e-mail, telephone): Bul. Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 13., 81000 , Montenegro, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +382/67/262-268, Fax: +382 20 268 432 7. Education: Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: [ Date from - Date to ] Agriculture faculty Novi Sad, B.Sc., Bachelor, engineer for plant protection University of Novi Sad (1993-1999) Agriculture faculty Novi Sad M.Sc. a.e. University of Novi Sad (2000-2005) Agriculture faculty Novi Sad Ph.D. a.e. University of Novi Sad (2005-2010) 8. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing English 1 2 2 9. Membership of professional bodies: 10. Other skills: diploma from Natural sources and remote sensing (GIS) form Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare, Firenze, Italy. Driving licence. 11. Present position: high scientific researcher 12. Name of institution/firm/organisation: Biotechnical Faculty, University of Montenegro 13. Years within the institution/firm/organisation: 11 14. Key qualifications: PhD from the field of applied zoology with special interest for invasive species and vectors of human and animal diseases. The key areas of research work are nematology and entomology as well as other animal groups that can be considered as pests in agriculture, medicinal and veterinary sector. Control of invasive animals and their ecology. 15. Specific experience in the region: Country Date from - Date to Slovenia 2006-2007 2010-2011 16. Professional experience Date from - Location Organisation Description of responsibilities Position Date to (Country) / Company and activities 2002- Montenegro Extension Adviser Adviser for plant protection in 2004 service of plant production for Biotechnical Podgorica, Faculty Danilovgrad, , Kolašin Researcher at Biotechnical 2004- Montenegro Biotechnical Scientist faculty in all fields of applied Faculty zoology. Main subject: entomology (mosquitoes), plant parasitic nematodes, acarology and control of the quarantine and economically important pests.

17. Other relevant information: - International specializations or training courses conducted in Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare – Firenze, Italy (2001-2002); - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo – , Italy (2002-2003); Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante – Bari, Italy (2006); - Michigan State University – East Lansing, USA as USDA Norman Borlaug Fellow (2007). - Team Leader of national scientific project “Determination of distribution and abundance of invasive species of invertebrates St. albopicta in Montenegro” (2012-2014). 18. Professional qualifications (this section must be completed by Project leader and all key researchers who will be responsible for the main research activities related to CRDS grant): Pajovic, I. The first national report of Montenegro on Climate Change to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). GHG emision in sector of agriculture and forestry, 2010. Pajovic, I., Širca, S., Geric-Stare, B. & Urek, G. (2007): The Incidence of Root-Knot Nematodes Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica on vegetables and weeds in Montenegro. Plant Disease, Vol. 91, no 11, 1514 pg. Pajovic, I. Stegomyia albopicta Skuse, 1894 (Diptera: Culicidae) on Luštica , Petrić D., Bellini R., Dragićević S. and Pajović Lj. (2013): 2 Guidelines for applicants for CRDS grants – Annex 3a (Application Form) peninsula 2011-2012 (Montenegro). Archives of biological science, . Vol. 65 (3). I. Pajović (2011): Seasonal dynamics of most detrimental pest insects species on cabbage plants in Montenegro. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 51. (05) (1-4): 25-42. I. Pajović (2012): Seasonal abundance and host preference by Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing (1917) (Acari: TrombidiidaeŠundić M. and) larvae on aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) of Montenegro, with notes on rate of parasitism and new metric data. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 56. (10) (1-4): 85-94. I. Pajović and L nematology in Montenegro until 2012. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 58. (4): 129-143. j. Pajović (2012): Owerview of reports on plant I. Pajović sing the oviposition traps for invasive mosquitoes surveillance - case of Stegomyia, albopicta Petrić D., Skuse, Pajović 1894 Lj. and (Diptera: Dragićević Culicidae) S. (2012):. Agriculture U & Forestry, Vol 59. (1): 19-28. I. Pajović (2012): Phenetic affinities among the Erythraeus and Abrolophus species from Montenegro. Agriculture & Forestry,Šundić M. Vol. and 59.(3): 47-57. Pajović I. - Comparison of Entomofauna on Cabbage Plants in Montenegro. 2. International Symposium, Ignjatović- Plant ProtectionĆupina, and A., Plant Petrić, Health D. in (2007): Europe - Best Practice in Diesease, Pest and Weed Management, Humboldt University - Berlin. Abstracts, p.104-105.

Schaffner F. and Pajović I. (2012). Invasive mosquito species in EuropePetrić D., and Zgomba Serbia, M.,1979 Ignjatović - 2011. ĆupinaInternational A., Marinković Symposium D., on Bellini Curent R., Trends in Plant Protection, Belgrade, Serbia. Abstracts Volume, p. 496- 505. Pajovic I., Merdic E., Boca I. Klobucar A. and Landeka N. (2006): Invasion of the Stegomyia albopictaPetric D., Zgombato a part M., of Ignjatovic Europe. 15thCupina Europ A., ean SOVE Meeting, Serres, Greece. Program and Abstract Book, S 7, p.58. Invited lecture Pajovic I., Merdic E., Aedes albopictusPetric D., Zgombato Eastern M., Mediterrane Ignjatovic an Cupina Area. A.,International Symposium onKlobucar the Asian A., ZitkoTiger T.Mosquito and Landeka Aedes N.albopictus (2009): and Invasion its Distribution of the in relation to Bionomy and Climatic factors. German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Spayer. Invited lecture, p.38-39

Pajović I. (2011): Status of Stegomyia albopicta (Aedes albopictus) in Federal29. Petrić Republic D., Zgomba of Yugoslavia M., Ignjatović (FRY), Ćupina State A.,Union Dušan of Marinković,Serbia and Montenegro (SCG), Republic of Montenegro (ME) and Republic of Serbia (RS). World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, WHO/EMCA conference on vector-related risk of introduction of Chikungunya and Dengue fever and spread of Ae. albopictus and Ae. japonicus within Europe, Spayer. Invited lecture

3 Guidelines for applicants for CRDS grants – Annex 3a (Application Form) Petr Pajović I. (2012): Invasiv mosquito species, the transmited illnes and protectionic D., . Zgomba M., Ignjatovic Cupina A., Schaffner F., Bellini R., Invited lecture, p. 29-31. XIV International Symposium of Plant Protection, Zlatibor. Entomofauna of cabbage plants in Montenegro (2005). Pajovic,Phytoparasitic I., researcher nematodes on internationalin protected areas project in ZetaSEEDNet, plain (2010).WG member (2004-2011) Pajović I. researcher on Bilateral cooperation Slovenia-Montenegro on project "RBDV virus on raspberry, neop viruses on grape vine and their transmission by nematodes", 2006-2007. Pajović I. researcher on Bilateral cooperation Slovenia-Montenegro on project "Viruses, viroids and nematodes of potato and vegetable plants", 2010-2011 Co-editor and techical editor of Journar „Agriculture and Forestry“, publisher Biotechnical Faculty of teh University of Montenegro. Beginning of the engagement: Volume 57/Issue 4 for 2011. Bark beetles (Scolytidae, Coleoptera) of beech (Fagus moesiaca Domin, Maly/Czeczott.) in Mt. Komovi area – Montenegro.Authors: Dragan Agriculture Roganović. & Forestry, Title: Vol. 57. (11) Issue 4: 35-42, 2012. Contribution to knowledge of Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) entomofauna in Montenegro. AgricultureAuthors: Dragan & Forestry, Roganović. Vol. 58. Title: Issue 1: 41-52, 2012. Significance of the absence of seed dormancy in white bark pine gene pool conservation. AAuthors:griculture Ocokoljić & Forestry. M., Vilotić D., Stojičić Đ. Title:

Bozovic. Title: Impact of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) on pollination andAuthors: yield Vucetaof cultivated Jacimovic, plum Marijavarieties Radovic,. Agriculture Miodrag & Forestry, Bogavac, Vol. Đina 58. Issue 2: 151-157, 2012.

Title: The application of geothermal energy in Agriculture. AAuthors:griculture Lazar & Forestry Ružičić, Vol. Ljiljana 59. Issue Kostadinović, 2: 91-104, Kosta2013. Gligorijević, Mićo Authors:Oljača. Doriana Bode, Fetah Elezi, Belul Gixhari, Destemona Shehu, Valbona Hobdari. Title: Evaluation of some morphological characteristics in maize (Zea mays L.). Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 58. Issue 2: 65-73, 2012.

4 Guidelines for applicants for CRDS grants – Annex 3a (Application Form)