Annual Report 2019

Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE.

NORTHERN ROCKIES Mission Statement “To compassionately serve and strengthen individuals by empowering them to build healthy and happy lives.”

Our faith-based organization is guided by professional staff and committed volunteers who create strong families and thriving communities through progressive holistic programs by lending a hand up, not a hand out.

Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential (est. 1896). Volunteers of America Northern Rockies was established in Sheridan, Wyoming in 1985.

Our programs help people move from instability to living full and productive lives. Our outcomes continually demonstrate the amazing potential in all people.

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10,408 Individuals served last year 2 of thousands of 5th and 6th- A Letter from our CEO grade children.

- Chief Executive Officer For the last two years, we have Jeff Holsinger engaged in bringing forward Last year Volunteers of America Northern Rockies served 10,408 people in need of food, shelter, support and a greater understanding spiritual care. We are a catalyst for transformational change through our exceptional residential and outreach of Servant Leadership programs. throughout our affiliate. With the help of Pastor Serve, a Our Christ-centered ministry serves all people regardless of faith or background and works tirelessly to national ministry focused on connect them to their community for ongoing support. For some, the “hand up” we offer is the beginning of elevating thought leaders, we renewed trust, dignity and hope. Our staff and volunteers forge special relationships with our clients to assist embarked on a path to bring them in the heavy lifting required for lasting change. This higher learning forward on report highlights many of last year’s successes, including how we can become Servant an astonishing 80% successful completion rate in our Leaders for each other and adult residential treatment programs. That number jumps those we serve. It is part of up even higher, to 93%, for those individuals who choose an ongoing effort to enhance A client is baptized during a service at the Bill Baniels Chapel in Sheridan to engage in the Christian Enhancement Program (CEP), our organizational culture. one of three spiritual options for people in treatment. Four years ago we began our journey to create an intentional organizational culture through a bottom-up approach where we identified, defined and integrated five core values: Excellence, Compassion, Integrity, Communication, and Respect. 80% Volunteers of America is grateful to be in the LOVE business of serving the least of our brothers and sisters In Treatment Successfully Graduate along with a deep desire to be accountable for their success. The outcomes identified in this report represent an organization willing to be accountable for serving the most challenging populations. You will find these results to be some of the best both regionally as well as nationally. I want to close by thanking each of you for your This report shares an amazing success story involving generosity, support and commitment to our mission. We are honored to have you on the VOA team. Camp POSTCARD. You will read about Madison, a 5th- grade camper who returned several years later as a junior God Bless You, mentor, and again in 2019 as a counselor. This story is one of many that demonstrates how Camp has impacted vulnerable youth in our region beyond our wildest dreams. Camp POSTCARD is entering its seventeenth year, taking place in Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, and is completely donor-funded. I want to thank Counselor Madison consoles a camper, who was sad to every individual, business, and foundation who makes be leaving camp, a feeling Madison remembers having nine years before when she was a camper. Camp possible. Your support has helped change the lives 14,480 Hours volunteered last year 4 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. A Message from our Board

Barb Skelton - Chair of the Board These pieces are crucial but hold little value without you, the people who allow us to do good work. On behalf of the Board of Directors I thank you, and we pray for your support going forward. Your generosity paves the It is with a full heart that I said goodbye to being Chair of the Board of Volunteers of America Northern way for the physical, emotional and spiritual transformation of those in need. You champion those we serve Rockies (VOA) at the end of fiscal year 2019. To say it has been an honor to serve this great organization is an with your time, your talent and your resources. understatement. You all know from my tenure as Board Chair that my core value, inherited from living in the West, is neighbor The privilege of working with the fabulous volunteers and staff at VOA is heartfelt. They consistently give helping neighbor. VOA continues to serve with this attitude, and it’s been a great year. unconditionally of their time, talent and dedication to restore hope and dignity to those we serve. Whether Your neighbor, volunteering at one of our programs, attending community events, or donating resources, the impact they make on the lives of others is invaluable. Volunteers of America served 3,075 Veterans in need of stable housing and employment. As a board, we 3,075 complete annual audits of our programs to ensure this same level of care exists across all of our services, from Veterans served throughout our homeless youth to low-income senior citizens. programs Not only is our staff generous with their time, but they go above and beyond to give financially. 108 staff Barb Skelton - Billings, MT Myles Kennedy - Spearfish, SD members contributed $31,548.98 to the mission of Volunteers of America Board Chair Gabe Lapito - Billings, MT this year. This is no small feat and Del Acker - Sheridan, WY Erin MacLean - Helena, MT inspires the Board of Directors to match their passion by continuing Vice Chair Jim Nelson - Big Horn, WY to uphold 100% board giving. It is a John Muecke - Sheridan, WY Sue Osborn - Sheridan, WY unified commitment to the efforts of VOA to help others. Treasurer Ric Paul - Spearfish, SD Last year represented a milestone in Bill Sousa - Big Horn, WY Margaret Prahl - Custer, SD our service delivery, as well as our Barb Skelton speaks to Veterans and guests at our annual Secretary Cliff Root - Sheridan, WY Veterans Day Celebration at Independence Hall in Billings, MT growth. The board and staff worked together to close out our previous Jeffrey Holsinger - Sheridan, WY Karl Rude - Billings, MT strategic plan and begin the creation of a new strategic plan for the next three years. This plan is focused on Mary Underriner - Billings, MT serving even more of our neighbors in need. Leading with integrity, both inside and outside the organization is Chief Executive Officer integral to its success. In fiscal year 2019 we welcomed the addition of a Chief Development Officer who will Helen Warpness - Riverton, WY allow the organization to broaden its impact across the region by diversifying our funding sources. Charles Whiton - Big Horn, WY 6 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Dance the Red Road “Something clicked, they met me with good hands, and suddenly I wasn’t thinking about that broken way of life, I started to think Ten years ago, Nick fell into addiction and despite his best efforts he could not make his way back to the about today and the future.” “Chanku Luta” or “Red Road.” Then he found out his tribe was going to support his stay at The Life House. He had seen the brochure for Volunteers of America’s men’s residential treatment program. What caught his eye was the Native American Cultural Enhancement Program (NACEP) that, with nature and wildlife surrounding the facility, would make it feel “just like home.” We didn’t create the Native American Cultural Enhancement Program by chance. Only with considerable investment has Volunteers of America been able to develop and maintain the program. NACEP is White Bison Certified at both The Life House (men’s) and The Gathering Place (women’s) residential treatment centers. Individuals, like Nick, who choose to commit to the program, participate in up to 15 hours per week of Native American cultural enhancement focused groups and activities, including a therapeutic Sweat Lodge, morning and evening prayer, spiritual reflection, and smudging all designed to help find a balanced sober life on the Red Road. Nick explained that the Red Road is, “what we are doing here, sobriety, the road leads you to recovery, a better life, a future without alcohol or drugs.” “I hadn’t been to a sweat in years, and I longed to get back to my traditional ways, but it’s really hard to do those things when you are drinking or on drugs,” Nick shared, “this place brought me back to my Native ways.” Nick began singing at daily prayers and smudgings. Soon his passion for teaching and sharing led him to invite others to join the smudging and prayers or “Wóčhekiya.” “Come smudge with us” he would say, “it doesn’t matter if you are Native, white, or black. Come join us, we are all praying, it heals your spirit and your loved ones, we pray for everyone.” When it came time to share his life story, he knew it needed to include a dance. “I have been dancing my entire life, since I was two,” but in his 10-year addiction he lost his way and with that his connection to the traditional ways. But, “The Life House brought my spirit back, it helped me onto the Red Road and brought me the skills to stay on the path.” This dance is a celebration of his life story, “because dancing has always been a part of me and now it is again,” Nick shared the day before he successfully graduated from the program. “This place will save your life, it brings your spirituality back and when you leave this place you will be teaching others about life on the Red Road.”

8 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Full Circle

In 2010, Madison was finishing up fifth grade in Natrona County, when Michael Scott, her DARE officer, presented her the opportunity to attend Camp POSTCARD. To the 11 year-old Madison, Camp seemed like a cool way to start her summer, but it proved to be a transformational moment in her life. Madison came to camp with a small group of kids from her school. “We struggled, but we got along, and in the end we came away with a few third place ribbons and great memories,” Madison reminisced. Even today “I’m friends with a few of the kids from camp,” she added. She loved the leadership aspect of Camp POSTCARD (Peace Officers Striving To Create And Reinforce Dreams) and the sense of team, but something unexpected happened. “Camp completely changed my work ethic,” Madison shared. “I wouldn’t have had the opportunities I’ve had in life without Camp. It changed how I work on a team, taught me to speak up for myself, and it helped me learn how to communicate with people.” In 2013, Madison was a freshman in High School, doing well and respected as a leader in her class. That is when she was asked to come back to Camp POSTCARD as a junior mentor. The experience was a bit scary for her initially as there was only a three-year age gap between her and the campers. Madison took a while to find the footing between being too friendly with the new campers and supporting the efforts of officers. Madison came back as a junior mentor twice more and continued to learn what it meant to lead others. She established a confidence with the officers that she could help the campers in a meaningful way by sharing her experiences and encouraging them with their efforts. After graduating college in 2019, Madison contacted officer Michael Scott, her former camp counselor, to catch up. She was surprised to learn that her mentor needed a female counselor and asked her if she would be interested. A flood of memories from the past nine years filled her mind, and before she could even think about it, she said “yes.” Madison’s love for children and her rich camp experiences served her well as a counselor. She is the first youth out of the thousands who have attended Camp over the years to return as a counselor. “I absolutely loved my time as a counselor, but being a counselor was completely different than being a junior mentor,” Madison explained. “It is emotionally exhausting, much more than I thought it would be.” As a counselor, Madison learned to let the campers figure things out with soft encouragement from her. “It was so great to see them grow, and I was able to see it so differently than I ever had as a junior mentor,” Madison shared. Camp POSTCARD offers youth unique life experiences in the hands of loving, caring and strong adult mentors. Madison described Camp as “an incredible way to connect kids and cops, and to teach the campers that there is always somebody out there to help you and protect you, no matter what.” 10 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Faith Coaches

“All I do is show up and offer the love of Christ, with plenty of grace,” is how Volunteers of America Commissioned Minister Louann Weber explained her role in the Faith Coach Program. Director of Ministry & Outreach Nick Angeloff explained that the Faith Coach Program has 13 coaches with four in training. Patients enrolled in Christian Enhancement Program (CEP) receive four weeks of spiritual support and mentorship to assist them in their spiritual renewal and transformation within the “12 Step” program. Coaches use their faith, personal experience and a willingness to listen when working to provide those battling addiction Biblical guidance. Our holistically and spiritually integrated programs allow individuals and families opportunities to live fully in a life of sobriety. Our residential treatment programs have a successful program completion rate of 80%, which is the highest in the region and one of the highest in the country. Clients who choose to participate in the CEP experience a 93% successful program completion rate. Only through God’s love and grace can such success be achieved, especially when you consider the national average for treatment completion hovers around 50%. Dr. Anita Schamber, a faith coach and Volunteers of America Ordained Minister who has decades of experience working with spiritually broken individuals, shared, “The best thing I can do is listen, without judgment, and reflect the love of God into their lives … I’m reminded of Isaiah 61:1 (MSG) ‘The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me … He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. God sent me to announce the year of his grace,’ that grace is what I try to share with the clients I mentor.” Faith coach volunteers have served this last year as a catalyst for changing lives, a source of encouragement to the broken and an inspiration of hope to many. The book of Solomon describes relational impact of two people as “iron sharpens iron, just as one man sharpens another”.

“Being a part of the new walk in Christ for Participated in the Christian those we serve during Baptism is one of my 84 Enhancement Program favorite parts of the ministry.” Louann, Commissioned Minister 12 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Financial Review Reenues 17,664,346 100% of our costs - Board Treasurer John Muecke out 1% Ault Reentr ere support our mission The 2019 fiscal year continued to focus upon stability and excellence within our programs. 2% ter 1% 16% ntr 6% utrea Revenue for the year of approximately $20 million includes $1.8 million from four low income senior housing ount naneent programs that are contained within our National office’s portfolio. The affiliate provided approximately $18 million in services across three states and was entrusted with $1.44 million in cash and in-kind contributions. Contracts and grants totaling $14 million and program service fees of $2.1 million ensure that we have maximum impact across our chartered territory. Personnel expenses for our 202 dedicated employees represent 57% of the total expenses for the year and continues to align perfectly with trends of comparable human service organizations. All expenses are closely oele monitored to ensure good stewardship over the funds entrusted to us. eteran ere 33% ealt are ere Eighty-eight cents of every dollar go directly into programming and client care for the 10,408 clients served enses 17,491,316 this year. 40% rora pene ter Our annual independent audit is conducted by Plante & Moran, PLLC. A copy of the annual audit is posted 4% on our website. 16% On behalf of the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors, please accept our gratitude for your continued et ataton support of the work we do with those in need. We can’t imagine doing anything else. 1% Sincerely, ret lent pene 202 18% Employees upan nurane eronnel pene 5% 57% $1.44 Million in Cash & In-kind Donations 10,408 Individuals served 14 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Protectors $1,000 - $4,999 Financial Contributors Evan Abla & Julia Roat-Abla Jeff & Beth Holsinger Kim Price Del & Peggy Acker Jerry & Penny Iekel Rapid City Cosmopolitan Club Cumulative cash donations received between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 ACT-Advanced Communications Tech. James & Eloise Elmen Foundation Rapid City Regional Health Stanford M. & Lynda Adelstein Jane C. & Steven Jennings Kent & Jeanne Rasmussen Volunteers of America Northern Rockies has endeavored to account for and acknowledge every financial gift. Berkshire Hathaway - Floberg Real Estate Joe F and Roberta H Napier Foundation David Redmond We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. Jennifer Bishop Myles & Jeanette Kennedy SageWest Health Care Black Hills Community Bank Gary & Nancy Kopsa Robert D. & Kimera J. Saunders Black Hills Energy John & Connie Krezelok Anita L. & Karel Schamber Champions $50,000 + Black Hills Insurance Heidi Linngren Seven Up Ranch Daniels Fund Seven Pillars Foundation Peter K. & Sarah Burgess Robert & Molly Mazgaj Sheridan Media Galen & Jill Chase MBT Tire Marketing Group, Joy & Dave Shumway Aaron & Tara Cruz Riverton Tire and Oil David & Sandra Solberg Robert & Barbara DeFries Mary McConnell Bill & Beth Sousa Emmanuel Episcopal Church of MDU Resources Foundation Spearfish Community Foundation of the Pacesetter $15,000 - $49,999 Rapid City Merit Energy South Dakota Community Foundation Janet Kahler Roberts Family Foundation May and Stanley Smith Charitable Exchange Club Midcontinent Foundation St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation Jim Nelson Clifford D. & Marisa Root Trust Farm Services of America Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial Heath A. & Jennifer Steel First Christian Church - Sheridan Torrey & Karen Moody TKRS Properties LLC Ruth Pruitt Phillips Foundation John & Pamela Standish First Interstate Bank Employees Gary & Susan Miller Town Pump Charitable Foundation First Interstate Bank - Riverton Robert & Theresa Miller PJ & Ellen Treide First Interstate Bank - Sheridan Moyle Petroleum Co. Trinity Lutheran Church - Sheridan First Western Federal Network for Good United Way of Yellowstone County Benefactors $5,000 - $14,999 George & Pauli Fletcher David & Erin Nickerson Valley Motor Honda Bailey Enterprises Inc. Great Western Bank Powder River Energy Foundation Hill Septic Service - Kelly & Fred Folsom Casey & Susan Osborn VFW Sturgis Black Hills Area Community Doug & Melinda Greenough Kathryn J. & Joseph Rude Lynn & Dennis Green Win & Pam Phillips David & Elisabeth Walker Foundation The Gwendolyn L. Stearns Foundation Barb Skelton & Paul Gatzemeier Harry and Thelma Surrena Memorial Fund Pilot Travel Centers LLC - Pilot Flying J Walmart Foundation BNSF Railway Foundation Independent Insurance Agents Seidler Foundation Herbert G. and Dorothy Zullig Pioneer Bank & Trust Walmart #1604 Foundation Louise Plank City of Whitewood Jason C. Braden of Rapid City, Inc. Sibanye-Stillwater Mining Company Shauna & Cruz Hernandez Julie Porter Women of St. Peter’s Concept Z Home and Property IXL Ranch - Tom & Joan Scott Bill & Mary Underriner, Hi Mountain Seasonings, Inc. Margaret Prahl & Tom Patterson Wyoming Community Foundation Dan and Jeanne Scott Family John P. Ellbogen Foundation Underriner Motors Prairie Harvest Yellowstone County Treasurer Foundation Kennon Products Inc. The Vernon S. and Rowena W. Griffith First Baptist Church - Sheridan Marna M. Kuehne Foundation Foundation First Interstate Bank - Billings The McMurry Foundation Helen & Ron Warpness First Interstate BancSystem John & Michele Muecke Richard E. & Louann Weber Foundation Newell B Sargent Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Forrest E. Mars, Jr., Sheridan Casey D. & Tesha Osborn Wind River Hotel & Casino Kids Attended Camp POSTCARD Charitable Foundation Perkins Foundation 271

16 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Disabled American Veterans Aux. Carmen & Gary D. Hansen Kuehne Family Trust Unit 11 Northern Hills Harker Mellinger CPAs, LLC Bruce & Donna Kuehne Financial Contributors DJL Homes, Inc. William & Dorothy Hartford Dallas & Amber Kunz Bill & Carol Doughty Health Management Services, LLC Lage Construction, Inc. $100 - $999 Richard Dukart Stuart & Norleen Healy Gabe & Brandi Lapito, Guardians Arvel Eastman Kent Hemphill Strategic Retirement Plans A&B Business Inc Rosie M. & Robert Berger Michael Casey William & Kathleen Eaton Cristoval Hernandez Kristina Laramore Benjamin Abrams Bert Milton Realty, Inc. Elisabeth Cassiday Anna & Gordon Edwards Highmark Federal Credit Union Michael Lash Opal Adams Jeanie Bettcher Ceramic Designs Midwest Lester Engelter H.I.I.T 30 Inc. Josh & Danielle Law Affordable Autos Susan Bietz Carrie & Jeffrey Churchill Evironmental Building Systems Hilary & Ralph Goodwin Foundation Rebekah & Jonny Law Al Cornella Refrigeration Service Bighorn Pediatric Dentistry CBH Cooperative Christopher Evans Gerald Hill Scott Lee David Alden Billings Clinic Central Wyoming College Evening Star Lion’s Club Sherry M. Hill Mary Lerdal & Patrick Badiuk AlphaGraphics Billings Community Foundation Henry Chapman David J. & Beth Ferries Hills Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. Let’Er Buck Car Wash Altrusa Club of Rapid City Billings Police Protective Association Ryan & Nicole Christensen First Church of Christ Scientist Sam & Robin Hoffmann Lewis & Clark Veterans Council American Legion Unit 92 Janice E. Bird Traci & Tony Christensen First Federal Bank & Trust Billy Holder Agusta Lind Zachary J. & Caitlyn Anderson Black Hills Ammunition Inc. Paul Christopherson First Presbyterian Church - Rapid City Sharon Holsinger Kim & Mary Kay Love Thomas J. & Sandra D. Andreadakis Black Hills Auto Grooming Amy Clearwater First Presbyterian Church Donna & Mike Hoover James A. & Ann Lowe Nicholas Angeloff Black Hills Badges for Hope Alison Clement First United Methodist Church - Sheridan Jona & Duane Horner Luminous Brewery API Group, Inc. Black Hills Sleep Center & Spas Cloud Peak Energy Resources LLC First Wesleyan Church Michael & Horner Debby & Pat Lynch Arete Design Group Black Hills Outdoor LLC Complete Chiropractics LLC Craig & Juli Fisgus Hospital Pharmacy Erin & Nathan MacLean Rex & Nickie Arney Frank & Georgia Boley Construction Industry Center Mildred E. Fisher David & Melissa Hubert Terri Massie Bailey Inc DBA Eric & Amy Bouley Core Physical Therapy LLC Paul Fleming Huether Associates Inc. Nickolas Mather Joel & Anna Bailey Boyle Electric Inc Cornerstone Community Church Christopher F. & Alice M. Flynn Alan & Allison Hunn Von Maul Kevin & Elizabeth Bailey Bradeen Skid Steer Services, LLC Ministry Development Flood Marketing, LLC Vicki James Candace McCue Shannon Ballard Chris Brady Cornerstone Community Church FMB Enterprises LLC Michael Jangula Darrell & Melanie Meineke Bangs, McCullen, Butler Foyce & Bramble Motel - Riverton Anthony & DeAnn Forman Java Moon Meyer’s Gambles Simmons, L.L.P. - Rapid City Carol A. & Glenn M. Bredin Cornerstone Community Church Gerald Frame JKT Stock Trust Mickey and Kathy McNickle The Bank of Sheridan Scott D. Brooke - Sheridan John S. Gardipee Jodi Enderson Angency Inc Charitable Fund Bank of the West David P. & Jeanne K. Bruni Chad Cowan Eric Gardner Richard & Kim R. Johnson Jeffrey A. Milton BankWest Annette & Joe Bryl Crossroads Wesleyan Church - Rapid City GiveGab Nonprofit Giving Platform Kevin & Christine Jones Ron & Renetta Mischke Bar-Sto Precision Machine Kelly Buckingham Claudine Cruse Luke Goddard Rodney D. & Lynette Jost Modern Woodmen of America Angela Barrows Jessica Buckley Custer Hospitality Mark & Jennie Gordon Walt Kawulok Chapter 17381 Travis Bartlett Buck’s Electric, Inc. Dacotah Bank - Aberdeen Brittany & Kirby Goodvin Karlson Mobile Home Transport Mary L. Moore Jill Bates John & Lorre Buhler Dale’s Tire & Retreading, Inc. Douglas & Marcy Goodwin Devin Kelley Jana Morey John Bayudan-Stegen Richard Burton Dave Schmidt Insurance Agency, Inc. Grace United Methodist Church Ketel Thorstenson, LLP Morris B. & Connie L. Zempel Kimberly Bell Canyon Lake United Methodist Women The Davis Funeral Home, Inc - Piedmont June A. Kibben Carl & Ruth Morton BEM Int’l, LLC Carroll’s Furniture Karrie Davis Steven Gray Kilowatt Electric Mount Olive Lutheran Church Jodie L. Benson Blaine Case Dayton Deals, LLC Jill Greenfield Mark & Tibbie Kinner Lynn Moyers Gregs Welding Scott & Christy Kirschner Mark & Tempe Murphy Sierra Gross Knecht, LLC Charles & Suzanne Nissen Hollis & Jeanne Hackman Wendy Knipple Joseph & Amanda Niverson Low-income Seniors had a Home Bruce Haddenhorst Kosma Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. North Western Warehouse Co. 233 Jill Hamilton Stephen Elaine Kozisek Northern Hills FOP Hampton Inn & Suites - Riverton Bradley & Patricia Kremensek Northwestern Engineering 18 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Financial Contributors Outstanding Community Partner Guardians $100 - $999 Two years ago, Zack Cummins, owner of Concept Z Home and Realty, read the Bob Burg and John David Mann book, The Go-Giver, about expanding business dreams by focusing on giving, not getting. Zack became Marlin Norling Traci Ruskowsky Carra L. Thompson Alexandra Oakes St. Alban’s Born Again Clothing, ETC. Krista Thumma a Go-Giver and now, with each real estate sale, a portion of the sale goes into a giving fund. When the amount Michael O’Brien St. Margaret’s Catholic Church Tires, Tires, Tires reaches a certain level, the funds are given to a charity in the name of one of the agents at Concept Z. Oklahoma City Community Foundation St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Ruth & John Tollakson Steven & Cathleen Orr St. Stephens Indian Mission Inc Top Of The Hill Auto Repair Zack and his team at Concept Z, transformed their business model thereby transforming the lives of many Kathy Owen Daffney Sandoval Susan Torres people around the world. For this reason, VOA chose Zack and his team as our Outstanding Community Party Time Liquor, INC. Sanford Health Sharon Tracy Partner of the year. Ric & Rexann Paul Kris & Chele Schamber Shirlee & Thomas Tynan Brandilee Pauley Rita Schreibeis United Methodist Church Zack and Concept Z have made a huge impact in the world. And this Pavillion Community United Schreiner Enterprises, Inc. Marshals Posse year, they made an enormous impact on the people we serve at VOA. Methodist Church Fred & Karen Schubert United Way of The Black Hills Thank you Zack and Concept Z, your generosity changes lives. Patricia S. Peel Paul & Charlene Schuerman Vacutech Gerald & Delores Pelesky Lee A. & Mary Schulz Emily Van Hoosier coNCEPT Z Aaron & Nicole Perez Sheridan Community Federal Credit Mark & Barbara Vargo HOME PROPERTY PitchEngine Union Verax Inc. Cassandra N. Plooster Sheridan Eyecare Center Donald & Anita Verner Taylor Rak Sheridan KidsLife Veterans of Foreign Wars Rapid City Drove NO 33 BPO Does Courtney Shields Thomas M. Vlieger Rapid City Lodge 2 Fraternal Order of Ellis Shoop Rachel Waddell Police David Smith Christina Ward Rapid Fire Protection, Inc. Erik C. & Caitlin A. Smith Washington University in St. Louis Jody Ray Kristopher Smith & Samantha Lynn Weber-Loe RCS Construction Satchell-Smith Charles & Penny Whiton Mary Sue Redle South Canyon Lutheran Church Tina Wiese Mitch Reed Southwest Middle School William F. & Lorene W. Welch Dan & Shelley Reinke Sreyas Foundation Foundation Todd & Heidi Richins State Farm Insurance - Ann Gardner Adelaide Wilson Brett & Hanna Riley State Farm Insurance - Jon Oman Kelly Wilson Katie Roat Nancy Steel Jonathan & April Willson Robbins Dermatology Street Image Truck & Auto Accessories Inc. Patricia M. Wolfe Mark Robertson Kayla Stevens Erica Wood The Rock Church James J. Stewart Ronald Woodward Rock Trim, LLC Story Community Church Waylon Wuitschick Rocky Mountain Discount Sports Sunlight Federal Credit Union Wyoming School Resource Officers Stacey L. Rosdahl Super Saver Inn YourCause Rolling Stock, Inc. Martha Swatt-Robison Paula Zavitz William & Charlene Runner Ken & Doris Thoma Zonta Club of Black Hills Jennifer Thomas

20 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Herbert G. and Dorothy Zullig Tim & Debby McKenna Barb Skelton & Paul Gatzemeier Lifetime Donors Foundation Midcontinent Communications Smith’s Grocery Store Hilary & Ralph Goodwin Robert & Theresa Miller Bill & Beth Sousa Leadership Circle $500,000 + Foundation Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. South Dakota Community Daniels Fund Forrest Mars Joe & Arlene Watt Foundation Holiday Inn Torrey & Karen Moody Foundation Holy Name Catholic Church John & Michele Muecke Standish Family Fund Home Depot Newell B Sargent Foundation John & Pamela Standish Maud Booth Leadership Circle $100,000 - $499,999 Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Once Upon A Child Heath A. & Jennifer Steel City of Riverton Mark Gordon Jim Nelson Foundation Peter & Cathy Pelissier Summit Realty Group First Interstate BancSystem John T. Vucurevich Foundation Roberts Family Foundation Judith & Jock Hutton Perkins Foundation Tom Balding Bits & Spurs Independent Insurance Agents Jim & Mona Phillips Trinity Lutheran Church Foundation Marna M. Kuehne Foundation Ruth Pruitt Phillips Foundation of Rapid City, Inc. Win & Pam Phillips The Tucker Foundation Frank M & Norma L May and Stanley Smith Ruth R. Ellbogen Foundation IXL Ranch - Tom & Joan Scott Phillips 66 Victor Tucker Washburn Trusts Charitable Trust Seven Pillars Foundation Jeff & Beth Holsinger Raymond Plank Bill & Mary Underriner, Google Inc. The McMurry Foundation S.K. Johnston Family Fund Joseph & Sarah Holsinger Julie Porter Underriner Motors Crawford Gordon Microsoft Donation Program John P. Ellbogen Foundation Prime Rate Motors The Vernon S. and Rowena W. Janet Kahler Robert Gould Foundation Griffith Foundation Myles & Jeanette Kennedy Clifford D. & Marisa Root Helen & Ron Warpness Community Leadership Circle $15,000 - $99,999 Kennon Products Inc. Julie Scott Rose Richard E. & Louann Weber Gary & Nancy Kopsa Sara Lee Bread Wells Fargo Foundation Stanford M. & Lynda Adelstein Galen & Jill Chase First Baptist Church - Sheridan Bruce & Donna Kuehne Scholastic Inc Charles & Penny Whiton Bridgette & Troy Baker Jack & Gini Chase First Federal Bank & Trust Robert & LaDonna Leibrich Dan Scott Wind River Hotel & Casino Black Hills Area Community City of Sheridan First Interstate Bank - Billings Kim & Mary Kay Love Second Chance Ministries Women of St. Peter’s Foundation Cloud Peak Energy First Interstate Bank - Sheridan Main Street Bagel Seidler Foundation Rick & Kathy Woods Black Hills Energy Complete Video Productions Fletcher Development LLC Martin Family Foundation Sheridan Media Yellowstone County Treasurer BNSF Railway Foundation Conoco Phillips George & Pauli Fletcher Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. Rita Shimmin Wallace & Christie Yovetich Eric & Amy Bouley Cornerstone Community Food Services of America Carol Mavrakis & Sam Paul Sibanye-Stillwater Mining Lifetime Donors includes cash Boyle Family Donor Advised Church - Sheridan Forrest E. Mars, Jr., Sheridan Mary McConnell Company and/or in-kind contributions Endowment Fund Dan and Jeanne Scott Charitable Foundation through June 30, 2019 Breakfast Exchange Club of Billings Family Foundation Frontier Asset Management LLC Brittain World Travel Paul Del Rossi & Marie Lowe Doug & Melinda Greenough Dennis & Phyllis Washington The Gwendolyn L. Stearns 499 Foundation Foundation Department of Public Safety Harry and Thelma Surrena In residence Families Helped at Mommy’s Closet - Office ofighway H Safety Memorial Fund 2,711 each night Duhamel Broadcasting Mark & Tammy Heid

22 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE. Annual Report 2019 Feed. Shelter. Support. CARE.

Volunteers of America Northern Rockies 1876 South Sheridan Avenue, Sheridan, WY 82801 307.672.0475 | Like us at