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3-16-1967 Kabul Times (March 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 293) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 293)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1437.

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',' • .z':"r,·.t,.I;~L~.J·\i:tl".lf'tij;,1 l '.. I .,:, ','" •. ,1·1'1'\' \' ','1 "",",'!.~l,j." 'J ~I, I ,//" "1' ~l' --...... \-: ,/"-,,.~.... :.L'7-::-":--:-:-'~~:::.l"':"'o-" ~ : .. ' ~,' ... , ,' I' I,' ~fl'l '; ,'., \:' , j" ',T ~ , 'J ' f ", \ ,J, , I' , \ , l' \ . 't,., .1 I,', I 1 ;: ~. , ~I/"~~f;';~ "I:'~\~.~,:t.. t':~ ',~' "THE">tt.....D".rr·,~· ,; h "T' ...... ' MARCHft18 ft"l98'l ... I 'I' PAOE\'Idv, I" '" I:\' , '"I" f, t ! ' .. '. """ ..... I' ',", \ ". " \ I. 1 >I. '\', I" I I .... ,. 1 '. '.!' ;0'.. I' • • " '1,. I' ~ • I' , ",- ;0:' J '~, I ,J , ~&L~~' 'j" '1 I.',.... '. 'I. ". '. .~~,l;.:'~.~.,~: .~ ,o.;;.~,;;.o--~~ ''"'"+~~~~ • '~I t ) , Iii. ~)., ,. ~·I.., ... I .. I' 'to.,I'~~ ,", • f >'I,·r·~'·~t " , \,'~. "$F~,~I ,~!t'~I(l-Ar '"""~"""""""'p'j\"',,;U:'...... ,.-"""''""".,:.,."...... ;:"'''''...."'''''.... n~s~. ca... ' ., -'1-; I' I, •" I If; ,;;".' " ![,'J / ;.' l,f.'I) ", ?,IJj't. ••C "t''..: \J-,'''J E J , "': .... ,. ,,__ ..5_)oor - '"I'.j...... --:; .-: .,' 'I' , ;:: 1( f.: I '114 ;; , \ I, /. "'l ('Il'? "\)'1\ " ,- ,;'··:\t1..11" /, ~lt"I'I(l~,' "l"'J.,. \', .... \1 V. ':b'lf "~!'." , • l~.\: I'~' ,'Ii', ""', li~' l, ~I'" 1/' to ", ~'IJ ,1~, l' "" • ';/1'" • i ~ ~. " "I 'I~'tG~·'\,.tA1''t;{QR~~'{,/l~f~mwl,\l/. i~'f;lUDt,l'~Ii;·,rl 1--; .I ....i.· ." -.... • • itl' ••,', ... ' .. , , \ ~ . r :::~.' ~~~""::',:Jit', '~. 1~(, ~ ~'fr'!l ~ ~ IJI~ 'T~~'~U , •• ', ,.,•• ".-,_, .. t" ,n •" l' , 't! . \ I "? ' \ , . n t' " .• .... oJfHM,'V.\ i=_ ' in_, . ,000"of. mpSt 1i~~aDd ~ ~dies lor 'one"a.... ,·'>F··ce.~~"~~.... I I~·." > .~. " Of ," :. ;~! "':,r' I\dr~~ ~~ . t:M. ~ :J':'~f!'l ·v,..", ':.1 I-I) ·UMU}~~.., ,~'..:;,~~.~ ~l' &:. ..• research , ',' . .I!\n FRO :iDltfttilloDl iD;:ihe I; cSfte- .. '~_!l\ On.l\lt 'aVerap/- abOlltza,OOO. ,'4~~~~~:' 'll:' ~ Ii ' ..'. . I I. ,,: ~I, t' 1/ ~, ~" ;\¥,' "'1 .:;.', .. " 10pmeDt. of IDtemailonaleduealiODalscllolarshipSlare;awardedforaDaea.thelr\uJii.veralllied.ll.atJDII!.1IIl 1·¥fi'·...0'-:' •. i~' .. I jl' :;.·~Il!~"f;''';H, ': ".", and cultUral cODla~ts is !lieIOermaD ' Ideni'': year, each one ample to cover ellga8f.d;;t·~\lI£b'WU~~l~~':r''';'''' I ~ 'f'" t':. , .,-r.., f'~"" ~ ,.- l t·.J~''''JG!~i 1+¥ ~;\t~ ~·bJ ... i..~'~ .:UI·NI1J¥~~:e~'fj~~~H\· J ~ , ...... ;~ c " e~_il ~ ::;~OfttjVl" I};~' ,~~ ,'~ ~ 'I~:'j ',~ ~,lr"~~Ji~!'~~~ ~;~\:I~ "l'~~~b-~tjl '~ ~.:.;~~ edllUJ~, ,',A'eademl'c Bleb_rille,' Service a IItuc;lettt's expenses during his stay Since' ;.. '.' :,' • '",' ; ,r';: ': j}. .' ,rJ;,\ .. ',., \...... II life had a s: w~th;aD ':Ki" \' .' Eld t~iwlm1bll1ja::a:--l;'i';I'~VV"~ , '. ~I ';' "~~~~o£4thli~~~PUDilc:ot'(Mi'rnany:..~r.ftG):'il1t (~~~y .ml?~ ~ rS~ ~" ~vbii.lIIzig~ibiil.'···'~ ,alid the world: 1117 .from North America. Tho de· porlumlY for I z.: .\ ••, I,.' '. : Th .' C ..". L :. " .... •' >.... nahle is Heinrlch'L'Ilebke· He " BXtClldlDg iDvitations to foreign vel"piDg. couDtrie~ c'!Dt\Due Ito pro, dUrlna, the summer .va~tio'p)"l.o,:a...n·j,;· .• en ~~\&VCUe q;e:JIll\ •• I• ISIiUIllll'!'LY-z') 51 IA,.·, , d'hi .~, ,',;Irf..... :· ;,f' ffi ial . 1 ..h' . 'F . " . h ,I f',J.Ii9hM every .ay exce" Frifiious _". AI,,,.,. , ..... -John Clare • ~~Ia~;:~~nt!s~ ~~:bro~ciDi~ ~~~:e c~~:t ~~:cl~o~a~;:~o~i~:, ~~~~~~I Ind~trlal, ex¢ne~ce '0 ~:~u~~=~e:e~;t::':r::;~::r':'~~~':~:I' ' '~:':Btd;~n~~~~~lft~" .,.0co~tI:jV::, t, ~re., ~I: Is,t e •. lie h.litl.ys lIy the K ••ul Times f'u./~lrinr A.rency :', ;;; ODe o{;_~nctloDl' of the UNESCO classlficatioD. this Last summer. 4.0&k. 10re'.~1· SaturtlflyJDOrDJq~fon~the:~~t~~1;iftn~ear.",·,,,' ,/'. ' ,~ti.lah"!MIlI:lrt;allrUil., .~b:lt~.",.. I 3. How lIlany"years has Luebke ,,,lllfll l lllll,.III'IlU'}'II'llllllll'IIIUIIIUII'lllllltlluliUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUtlllllllllllll"ll~tJn"IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlUIIIIlI1II11111111lllllllllllllllllllllllll1l1l111111111J11l1l111llllIIlliiUlIIIIIIMIIIIIIlI""1 DAAIl'; .lil.~i:lnlla'nco •.a... CQID- also iDcludes ""rtain EuropeaD states. trainees ~ere,pl~~m: ~(). blJlto, ,T~t1l'e~,to,.IiIAie.< ,j~,thel~~"1'd;~ ..J:II!ill~{.}lIeen"Presldentof the. FRG? prebellll.ill'l>.IIJIIF1UIlPlc' is~. Pl!'~ like Greece, Turli:ty, Yugoslavia aDd," Dess aDd IDdUII~al,en.terpl'jlO8,< andl'. peopldtiiiiicw....auIstaD'•.sehoollt -...... ,. ~ttie..BSlidliDt. ~~·bU...~arb~~·o-'iD.~...... ~"·, wlahes Portugal I His FRO 1rllUJee8 went abroad: S 1"'-'''.~.N.(.bUIrJed'"• ,..~H8·,abOut:~---"'b"J....@\Li l" ',' "·-,,11 c 0,,-"' ilrmany:r ID(, .~..-j;, tountrymen, dlpJomatic relll· t I ", .1-';" • pee uvx . He Mil' f Iso ' the: . tI '" J-" " Succ~ful aDd c~iJl1llBDled,·:widl'IlJl.G", The awards are.made strictly OD a Between '1959 .and 11965 .mDre·" ...... , I '-0: ...~:. ~. " ~-~~., '~ f' . ,,, .....'. ~ 'i ~., .. 'PI'°I,..-i:< ons., r;lH' =,ed. . , Rhodesian Sanctions .Proving. cDlfea8Jl'llt,. iI.llt'llddilillD.':UAAD.,'D)lOo baSIS of,merit, aDd ,presupp,ose hiah' 27.000 trainees came to the'"Fedcral, lell. f~I.~hOIl·am~,'llV~0 -:- ~R~It'WJia.t hiI,lcoUDtn'men, are.heJplrill, 1A:t&~".; ,5~ WhlIt Is the dlfferenCe between' The cynicism surrounding success of U,nIted rates a""~I' exoblU1go,' pro- aeademic staildlng,. CaDdidates are Republic, and cWoe ID 16.000. youna,: we. W_~,tolTeCel:ve.1rctm· ~ou.~Ati'I"',f.nesltalle'itOllIeIId' lstan,~to, CIl1T3., out.:. ' ,! I ,,8j head of state" and a "head 01 Nations sanctions against RhOdesia now ap­ trlctlons oil goocJs, It Is certain that Smlth'~ re­ gramlllel.liiw.llU~Ol',9iJl'the .basis.of, reconunended by ,the FRO, diploma· Germatls,tralnl:a in: other cOUDtdei.. ID :yoa'~~I.Mlibtles"oh\llllllQll>, ev~.1;,have, 1iIi8tak:es. Ht,,·r country , hellle'Mbu1ld\,iiiit.~· IovernmeDt." pears to have been groundless. SurprlsiDgly gime is gradually but steadlly feellng the plDch formall.lBill.l"llJlIPlI;, with .15Jcoun· tic orucODllIlar rep~sentatives In. The 1A&I:E'~eme. Provideidu!urO\' Rem~;l!r,el'~lIlLlilarJll-tirom,01IJ"\'i' y'" " Mu.:.%P:;6":~.p\ant.'Y'~chl'Y'aa" 'Vocabulary: enough. ~arge number of members of the of the economic sanctions by, the world com· tries. r.aati:~l1lI,7;;mofll thiln half the country, cODcemed, WhD CDOpe; , key per!oDnel WIth a :Yaluable. .~.. L==,~we::1Il/P!l '~i!J!&ye-'~d'1ltory, on open .' "lncre__,~"!m:,..." 1l to Visit world org n1satlon have complied with'the UN mUDlty. . of thelll'tifrlplllr;)lfil4!l!li ,speD'l. aD av&- rate iD the selectioD with locai' om~' tD' gef- acquaiDted .with fDreiiD' _. , cumre. ~ lI<>C1'OI8,W_'Ijji.UleI.~enee..colunmI1 some ount· ,at eleetr!oIty·: for·,Kial>trIl, Eli~ q{jll1midaa'''l"att18~FRG'''uaiver. adiniJiistrativ",~, iI!Jl!!'leften".and1!loCal1.llelll!loL',n~l1Weel(l.Abo,w~ al resolution on mandatory sanctions. He was warned by the' leaders of the lead· rage cial bodies' aDd educatloDal 'lDd cui· dustrhil. pll8iness aDd "pen pena:,trotn:!th.e Fi!iItl'rt4c1r gJ:lllllmarrllllllil'V_ti~- shows that towards the end of Febnlfl'Y 90 woul~ respective sioD i. ma4e. by a ·selectioD com- The exchaDae prqi{amme,'sPQ1l"- g\llartilillUona,'OIl"EngJlsh ex 8blles:. Df unilateral indeJJl'!ndenCll that he regret fields., mittee of DAAD, wbich includes spred by· DAAD coveL ifouPS, "c. .,.' ,_ ',' .!II - ,.~', , They,also work at,Radio AfghaJils· I nations took practical steps to ban export and the. step. P,resIdent Lyndon Johnson of the The;"""trlIliltMli;;of,;'DAAD•. hDw- members of the variDus academic weU as iiidividuala. Laat. year; ,17.2,/ ." hoP:!l,.. ''''1,ha~e a. b_r.- •• , .dt. ,Itollf, nn, tan and the pollee aca~lT\Y. Many import to and from Smith's Rhodesia. UDlted States of America was one of' the ever. iSl\tll'~: aD. "aCl\l!cm;c dlscjpliDes. such student ifOUPS ·frl1m· 29.. COllJl.- Times,.' • .sure.. to, tel,Ji;hJJlli~9u.r 14e.~0II8 tGn:.:t1Ie1. aredn,iIle 'l>tovIn~'.otl!hkth!a"lI,,-~~-.~.projects Portugal has not reported compliance with world leaders wholurged Smith not to take the excba~~b;;lI8WIIlIiml:1soholanhipa Close tD ODc,tIilrd (32 per CeDt) of tries spent ODe 'week' or,"e,.in,the, Student 'Plge It can t"'1ll! 'good "Wlthont-yonr Ii~.p. Ing ways to protect tlie forests al· the sanctiolltL But just yestenlay Britain took step. He did this,1n a personal message sent to to folllill!nal\c1\~istUdeDta. aDd the foreign guests pursuo studies ID Federal', Republic. vilillni',bUlIit_,I.. Thank you very much. ready growing there and 10 grow action to block the possible sale of the strategic Smith October 291 1965. Smith declared .lnde. young!:'lRlIdllatlilll,J~ study" abroad. the humanities, 21 per cent study m.&lJ.tl1e ..assassJtla-, Hlu\vl!Y. 06wald. acting wone, V1d Lewis. ~ at a time. He can be re-elected once; 13. forest graduates 5 healthy HOME of,~dent Luebke was elected P.tesldent in, PRESS AT A GLANCE lion '.Klenne.dY witlJj flredl1;hrji,."shot&.aUhe President, Immedil\teb( aiter the assas· 11. mistake' 4. tD taste David, F~•. atld' Le.e-!'" lal, mo!o.n:ade in. Dallas. Texas. sinatlOn. Martin told tbe (lutbo­ 1959. He was r.-elected in,J984. ShInkai is the A team captain.and and more vehIcles are crowdmg the 4Al1~ ""~J. ~ says she loves basketball. She has Ams yesterday devoted a special Oswall.1, inl~bel' 1003 In Fe.-,- Nlnr.embel' 22, 1963. Two of tbem rltles Ferne knew Oswald, The capttal of the FaG Is, Bonn. 6 exercise and consolidation of tiCS between roads. ThIS IS gomg to create tra- ""d -' a city on' the Rhine Rt""" iust as, 14. to Improve been playing SlDce tbe sel/enth page to mtroducmg the Federal Re­ our tWO countncs. , ffic Jams and parkmg problems. rie's /IRlU1IneDtI\ stnJck tbe, President. fatally had tramed him In tbil ua." of 12 to remember 5. deSlre Kabul is located on a Some..· grade She thinks basketball is yer:! publIc of Germany An article en­ Tbe edltonal also mentIoned the In order to overcome thIS. the Ru$llO, Wl:K!IIt,_e dQell not,. wDWldingl him. Th\!. CommiSSion a rifle wlt4 telescopic sighls. A of the. other t~nn"'-r.cWlIs ar8J.' titled "Know the Fedcral Republic economIc and ~ssJstance edItOrIal suggested, that tbe Kabul appear in,~!pf the Warr~" resw:rted(;tbat, iti,!OUtld no evlden- rifle With telesco.pic si8~ "I,II!! ~, hea1\hy eXercIse. She also. plays vol· 7 smce v:c.rI.... Berlin, Cologne,- ...F~,-. H_. lll. meth0 d leyball, tenniS and badminton of Germany" gave mformatJoD given by the Federal RepublIc of fiver be covered between the two Ct>mm~ ..OBcJhe., _asaination, ce,th~,any,one(asa!sted Oswald in USj!/1. to shoot President Ken.q~. 6.- hold (meanlll8 aaree) bUrtlt- and MunichJ, In.r:. Bbim'T aD.d~,. a bout the geography and the SOCial Germany to AfghanIstan, aDd ex- malO bridges JD the crowded part of of P.rtii$Ien~t ~1ldRo is, a~, Pllmnltlg :;:01":<:~ out the as- In later testimony to secret w- . 13. backgfOUDa. Alsha- Durant' defeated tbe AISK and poliltcal structure of the Fede­ r~nt~.. "~fJ.d",tial inf~ sa:JUh!U.lliYersUJ:" 8. to defeat ral Republic of Germany. VISit of the Federal President and there. This would also make it lm· mantl!·~ftQ' ten·. dent and members of hiS sUite were wo~d be a happy and memorable fiver water. ,aearchIPt~«:a.lIl11lm\!tlt.G=-, Sllaw..- was. auested March 1 tlon, D.\Id, said he actually i\meWI I study. nleX.: Me.~two,.joV IQc.~ also given. There was a photo show­ onc. The traffiQ department can obtam rison aail1ilbe; T On the front page the paper car· prol>lem and Ihe lack of proper pheries could also be used for thIS Shaww~!,J:' aIlIMlll~'~ ~~,PresiileDt>. Kennedy's life.... ODlllD;IJssion's files, -Martin'I." , " l; steel< In''WU!em' Eumpe.· It'·.·, ...,..... ~y. ratses many klnds of.,fOod.• It>ts:.. 18, handlcraJts The Spidel's ned a banner beadhne about re­ p:arkmg facihtlcs m Kabul More purpose, the editorial saId. Th~5'$~"m*i'. aQllOr.d!na" G~. al,I.t&e" tbat Shaw: had every appearance of being KnowJedge of~.,lnnW'lW>klB*oJ1; 9. hate rouhng the plane carrymg HIS Excel. to hIlA<> consllu-"d,ln,September 1963, with an alcoholic. 16 ocoasionall famous l.or its grapes:.and wine;-..At.. One day a spIder noticed how -::~ lency PreSIdent Hemrlch Luebke .. revetdlid'l,nl\th1Qll· that'·WllS not'! (}j;wald\~ and,David Fertie to kill In Septemher 1963 according , ghanlstan exports cotton, wool, and , But Ibe box. was heavy, aud the tbe,~dem" ~eetlDg~ other anImals were beglDhlDB to use nnd hiS Wife to Kandahar from knowD"t.:' ~ New, Coroner, deDltal informaD!," and others Gar. two countries dUfer. hed ID his hOuse. But he was sllll "Father, why' donCt you, 08"'" the Jesfles t state VISit to the Federal Re­ crliled the 50th aODlVersary of . the meetlDg. . . a~v~~hu0Jll.ijl\l1',D~l GbdIa;. is box over your shoulder? Jt will pa~r as "one of the most semi-offiCIal Algiers daJly Et ral NidIoJu" ru1ln&' ow' rison said Clay Bertrand an J~ 21 lnstead of warned. Someone might steal the 10 1963. Izvestia 1be CIJldI~ said~ way,~' public of Germany accu~ evide*,y..a btsm·haemmormlli'!, (US SOURCES) the country where Dobody could find. "You are right, son," he answer­ name of the edItonal which appear­ the SOViet press and 10 the history ad l:ompany Eni and the Amerlcan- of the public hfe of our country," owned Esso of sabotaglDg AlgenaD Hold a pencil about 12 inches L face It Tb~ next morning he took tlJe ed "But your words show' me that ed In yesterday's Anis Today Kan­ from your face so that it is. betweeD 22 speCIal It 18 better for other people to have dahar CItizens received the dlstmg­ Prtme MInister Alexei KOSYgJD pjaos for marketlDg Saharan natu- box and he aDd his son left for tbe 20 sectIOn you and someone across the, room., country. ' , knowledge. for alone I would not uished guests of Theu MaJesties. Pre51deot NIkolai Podgorny and ral gas In Europe, and of driving a Look at the peDcil and the persOD <..SJJ Soon they came to a taU tree. The have th9ughl of that" And so he With the start of President and oth,r leaders were among the 6.000 wellge hetween Algena and LIbya. ~"~~' ~i;eaD ~upplement •. Nations at the same lime. WhIch. loilli:s 2. between 23. representative, spider thought ,that if he "Iud the opened the box aDd scaltered the Mrs Luebkc's state ViSIt to this peoplc who gathered to celebrate the The paper, In a on the Tenn~"IlQleIIIWf ~:N.thuarSbamU)'arlra ~OD? inuindl!l!I"h. Il!'amme of actIon and policY. 21 grammar. longer, the pencil 'or the tbe knowledge for all to gathet. country, the people of AfgbaQlstan anlllv,ersary Itauan company, blamed for d~nt aadllj~(,ov'=l):lIalfe .~w box full ofl kJlowledge at. tDp of A:fiita>:, The attemp.t to eschew party 'fhe aonles do not have this. I WhIch is lODger? How do you the tree It would be safe. So be (This story is based on a lolk role and the Federal Repubhc of Ger· ']1he audience burst mto applause breakJOg off negotiations for the total'~.nowJiv.jllJl' know? . the politieaLdivisi011ll and,general dis' They hal1e no Ideology or posl,. 3 across 24 located b~aD to carry the box up the tree from Togo/and, a country in west many Will find the opportunity 10 wh,n PreSIdent Podgorny fasteDed salo of Algerian naturat gas In Italy; der militlUY·ru!e.. Alriea) tne Order of LemD. the higbesl last January and for choosmg LIb- unity haa been. the mam. justifh tive purpose which Can WItI mass. You know the persoh IS longer trunk. renew their bands of frIendshIp Slart­ The PrpS~1.fQrJ1 1llll;T.'.1,"" tb•., 22. vocabulary than Ihe pencil, but the peocil looks award In fhe SovJet UOlon. to the yan natural gas mstead. cation,for tbe trend tDwards the. Sl.\Pport, and attract other clitll ...,l:- )1 ed ID 1926 WIth the SIgning of Ibe rise of. _ milltarlr< reel.m.,.., one,.~"State. groups. looger. What is the reason? Your 25 producer V_b~ Afghan-German Fnendsblp Treaty. baoner of Ihe paper. He stressed It saId the 1964 agreemeDt bel. and the entrenchment of eXlStlni But one·party Governments The. notably exceptIOn IS the eyes do not make gond meaauring 4. person . Prcsldent Luebke IS one of the tbat the paper has been expressIng ween &1 and Bsso for the sale of ones LI~an /Ire as much under attack from UDlted Arab Repubhc which i!J 23, editor dewices. 1. SPider dlstmguished personahtles In the Fe­ "the WIll of Ibe Soviets, the Ibough.. nalural gas 10 Italy W8ll "an The question to be asked IS why theIr armies as the multi·party led by Army Officers motivated . One conclusiOn: To determlDe 15 to carry deral Repubhc of Germany. the ed" and aspiratIOns of the work1Og peo· essentially pohticol operatloD . army officers are deciding to ones And the armies do no bet· by an ideology, as well as a desire "length" you._ us.e s_etbiDs 5. reason 26 Industnallsed pIe united hy the SOvle.... for the The London Daily Telegraph saId = tonal WCnt on. That he spent two Relze Ilolltlcal p,wer? Hllve, they. er. Often. Wlth'" a few years tha to modernISe Egyptian society. ?ther thaD Ijust your, CyC8lto measure 2. to notice years 10 pnson for OppOSIng N8Z.I entire 50 years of Its eXIstence Bntlsh relations with the UAR and achieved theIr objectives?' I~ their army Itself becomes unpopular, Second.l:i. anny officers just do ,t. ....:. 16, tree trunk pollclcs shows his deep scn!)e of res­ A Time magazlDe report that Pre- the present ioteOfilfYlDg wove of ter. . overall PJ:,r!ormance better than thereby creatlll8 a gulf between not' know the art of politics, 6. to measure 27 famaua pect for freedom of expression and sident Lyndon Johnson and Senator rOClsm In Aden may be two separate the cIVlIil\ll rell!J!\etl they hav.e Itself and the populace. Their tralnmg and dISCIpline IS belIef In the democratic way of gov· Rot>ert Kennedy severely clashed on matters DS Bntish Premier Harold replacod? ft can be argued th/lt the ban· towa~ds Ordermg. not dlrectlDll fill'JIlI ' 3. animal " ( J~ 17. heavy ernment February 6 was demed by the WIlson had saId Nevertheless thoy Two main reasons given after ned parties (and their fo'iowers) publlc opmlOn. The abolishing of FIRST Dr Luebke occUpIes a lofly pOSI· Wqlle House. were hnked. most coups are' crippling dIs-' achIeve /I negattve unity m that the FederatIOn of NigerIa at the 26 to export tlOn among those politiCians. and A spokesman for KeDnedy. too, unity in the pOl1ulaiion accom­ they fmd themselves aU opposit· slroke o! General Ironsi's pen 4. to begIn sCientIsts who have persevered to dCQied several quotatloos that ap­ The terrori8lS were "aided. suppli­ panied by lawlessDess 'O'Rused by ThIs Is a crossword puqJ&yOll,ClaD'....Wl,W.pM 11I;'bJ:6WI'ttl', IS, to try ion to the anny. Is ODe case of this simpUclty ot q~ place Ihe Federal Republic of Ger· pe&red In the report. ed and iDcited. to murder" by the political party rivalry. and, se­ In the Sudan. aU parties and mind. . Ing words, one letter In eacIil:boE;.Icm.,tlie.blankt,01' oIft The magaZlQc said Johnson told 1ttie.I·werda.{CO'Alith"'t~("""""It-Ir."-­ many on a sound footing after the UAR. II said. CODdly, corrupt politicians. university students combiDed m The .deal of a one Nigeria Is each number. Notice that 5 knowledge tlevastatlons of World War II. HIS tho Senator that hiS political career "In tbat state (the UAR) FLOSY ; The hatred for politics /lnd po­ publlc protest and' noting to widely supported. but to trY In tally) or down (vert1callY)I'.l!Jilme*hne..:_~\wWliblJtll8lllll Ill. climb role has also been effective lD the de­ would be ended wnhin SIX months (the nont for the Llberahon of Oc- • IIUciaDs was planted in the brIng down the mllit/lry rellime achieve it by an arbitrary dec. for two words, for examplll;nNo.,ll,'1'fIII('M!JP1"cWlllt.zDade,llIlVeral!! velopment and expansIon of tIes bet. If he dId not slop dem/lnd1Og a halt cupled South YemeD) and SAL (the minds of many army officers In 1964. ree aroused regional felU'll Il,tron. years /lgo by Zashlr Ahmadl!lltt:Jla)d1dill. .ua-t, Viet~ 6. to collect ween the Federal RepublIc of Ger­ of the bomb attacks on North South Arabi.D League) fit iDto one during their period Df service in However. the return to CIVilian /ler th/lll before the coup .1 pUzzle loU. snoulder many and other nations nam desIgn-the defeat and dIScredit of United Nations forces ;n the rule there has reVived Pllfty poh· Foreign pohcy generaIiy. ' and 1.IA),~rJWOl"ka..f.nfa~:--­ SpeaklDg of relatlODs between Af· Accordmg to the maS8.zme, Keo­ BntalO. and the Nasser plan for r.ongo, tical and racial dIvisions that partIcularly the Afro-ASIan R\llioy 3J.\A.\;.b!el,mouse." havTll"""~- 7, to keep ghanlstan and the Federal Republic nedy rephed that he dId nol have to hegemony 10 the MIddle>. Easl,' the There,they saw the evils.of·blc. have shaken tbe 4JundaUona ot of nOD.allgnmeDt. IS beyo/ld 2 letter 5;',Wyou,lU'e poor. you 21. to answer of Germany, the editOrial saId Lue­ Slt, back hstening to Johnson's accu­ paper sard. •Jierln&, among polititian. \ of tbe the state. Recently. the HIgh Ih. .grasp of maDY t\1'my rnonex,. bke's InVitation to Their MpJcstIes sations He was also reported to Pravda said that Dext 10 the So­ \ ~ongo, and, in some cases, thos..e Court rejected a Government Bill executIves, Many prefer straight. &l;SIlIti!D,plua- t"", Is&---­ and the consequeRt personal con­ have called Ihe PresIdent Dames. vlel UnIon the UAIl, will be ~ linn Clf tlteir, natIonalities /It thel1 b~nning the Communist Party. forward iI1ignment. like the one &nJUo.nellattve anSMlr. 8 to put Ken~dy's 3 box 22 to show tacts established betweeD leaders of spokesman caUed the country whe", 5oo,ooo-voltl power wont, Furtber. the GovernmeDt hll1! who sent a progresq report of. his ' 9"'-":tlmeo.!s l' ,il Afghanistan snd the FRG have report almost completely inaccurate WIll. be Iransmilted over long dls~ ColoDel 4frifa. one of the lea­ sham.efu1ly suppressed the report state to President Lyndpq. Jobn­ taU!· y-.OU 1 brx i,n Y'JUcr" contnbuted much to the expansion and a White Hpuse spokesman Iler lances. tiers of th~ Ghana couP. remarks of the COmmission of Enquiry In· son. stUdies, you will do well. 9 to hWe 'in his. recent l book (Th~ Ghana 4 blank 23. alone Illljl'~lllllllllllllllllJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII11l111I1111I111I1111l11111I1l11111II1111l11111I111111~11111111111111111111l11 111ll111111l1l11111111I1ll\lIIIllUIIlIIIllIU11l1I11I1I1I1J111I11J1J1111"IIUlllIUIflIU!~ ~oup--published by Fran,k Cass) to the. abortive coup of 1966. A Whep pres:;ed tOI exP1tI!n, • his. Down: secPDd return to Army rule soon action he remat;kec;l;,VIn dopJestil:. 1. March, 21st Is the ftl;llt day of' ~ ADVERTISING BATES ~ S KHALIL, EtIiI.r·m-Chiel ~ that when he land~ at Accra ~ is certain. politics. I give. orders; In foreign what season? 10. worried § § . Airport'· In, 1962' from tbe Congo. The Sudan. like. many Latin politics I ~ilke ·*hllin-.:-YQu ,imder­ 5. horiz.ontal 24, to open (rmmmum &even linea per f'Juertion) TolcpbooCl 24047 at the. head. of Ibr~ companies of Am~ncan ~ 2. 1t':II,·'\\IBrm 11> .the..r.>om, WW t' states. is now'caliBht iD stand.... ,The:sUi!llQrf ot:'.America you plea~ tbe window? DISplay: Column inch. ,AI. 100 '• 'llOldien. the thought of seiziDg so~',Army,.GQV'> .~ ..,:.y::.., ':;~.Y, ,j,)<"J J'I... the VicIOUS Circle of sporadic ·Ar· and BritiiiJl. by. 3.'~ you. Use-I to:: CaI'fYI Cla"f.fied:per line. bold type AI, 211 SIIAFIE RAHEL. EdilOr Accra 'crossed' his miDli. - mYrclvlllan admiDistratiolllk This emmentsb>g~'vn~.- 12. to decide·" 25 to scatter SVBSQlnl'TJON BATES Political parties· divldea tbe pa- ,patterD ",is likely to be repeated~ menil to .thJlI'I'; povernmeiitS: .. pulace" tragically; iD some cases 4. Most' peop!e ID AfghanIstan H~:Y 1~ .. .,.' At• 1011060(l! For other Dumbers Orst dlal swltchbollfd famtlies are'spllt, 10 .nJ8,1Iy African states in tlie., FinaJJy,I'.IU1nY,' ~ t2; Someth1D. pn \he. s1de,\of~ 28~ g Y_ly...... •...... $

• '" ,.~ ".t ,.. . , ' . ':"l J .. I • t,,, ". ' , ". , .. ' :\. ,. \ ," I ' ' .. . .\ . . ", ... ' . '_ ,~""",,:" ...,.-,-,-:.:.~ --;-::- , ;...... ----...... -.. " - '" ' '", '.' ,1 "' ,I. .'.':, :.,' ',' I , ," ' ,. '" j' " .. , .. ... " "'-' fiAGE 4 ll i' •. '.,. , .\ .'I •· • ~ ~t:~:7 ;.1,~ ~.' " ',; , , : t'" , . \. , '. .' ..... ," .. , ,f,' " " , . d;-''''''''~ltiO·'· ~. LOClJ8T-1:Q. '. I...• ~ 'T·.'·:,"1"':. 'I .' ., ,KMiqt. .if,Jar"hi ·l\le;{­ '''~ . (kJ'i,. ~'~';'".:, :::'::Aihllel\~lIji' ~..l~.,s.I~. ,..:lB ••',." .'':.,1 } ',... ' , ,,' ':. J.' ",Of,it/!e' ~r • ~. , SoutH Asia~ComtWssioli.""\·tor': th,e I ;, .. .;1" j \'''' ~ ,I " .~' ('. \ !,":, . ,,;,,,"'~t"';·"dlie"it. !- '" .',.u, ,;.n ;, a!SB~~ I'd;~ locus'·' ,'" ,\. ", ~hout· 001lI1~. camVa'"6 ,.' '. 1" l' Skies the " " ", i: I• ~ , it WaS. decided."'tnat(memoor:n.a,-' " f ,',': will . be predominantly cloudy ioost·--', snould ,'mue joJ.jl.t' ef{ol'ti! '.' ", ..... !.- '.~ • J. III'-il'~.~iI:·.''ii'••••!IlI~ with hea"y Rins In the northern, W i.lght locusts in any threat~n~ \,~e- the Kingdom of Afghanistim . it hospital was deela'red, the puty Prime Minister and Minis- is. a partieular pleasure' for me Minister of Public Heal~h, Miss ter of Foreign Affairs; All Me- to. give the following assuranee to Kobra Noorzai. Thursday' lifter- hllt!lJllad. Minister of Court; Ab- the people' and tbe government of SHAW FORMALLY . noon. . dullah ·Yaftali. Minister Without ,Afghanistan: , Powerhouse and open air power distribution of the hydr­ In a speech the Minister ex- . Portfolio; Dr. Mohammad Osman "Tne government cf Il,c Federal pressed hope that present activi­ Anwari, Minister of Education; Republic elf Germany is prepared CHARGED WITH oelectric power plantMahipar, which was financed by German ties of the, government for the ba­ Dr. Abdul Hakim' Ziayee, Minis· to supply. at its own cost. to , -' lanced development of preven­ ter of Planning. Kbost, the capital of Pakthia, a tive and curative medicine would The following were present on water supply system consisting of CONSPIRACY continue, credit aid granted in the scope of AfghaniGerman coopera- the German side: Hans Jurgen reservoir, pumps, pipelines and NEW ORLEANS, Louisiaoa, The Minister thanked a num­ Wis~hnewskit Minister for .Ecbno- lap connection to help ensure March 18. (APl,-A special thrce­ ber ~f officials for helping estab. mic Cooperation; Prof. Herman that the city is provided with tion. Iish the clinic. judge criminal district court for­ Mayer Lindenberg, Chief of Di- good drinking water. mally charged Clay L. Shaw Friday During the past 30 years tho­ vision 1 of ,the Foreign Ministry; "f hope that f am hereby mak­ with conspiring to murder President Delivery and mounting of the electrotechnical parts by racic treatment has made such Dr. Lewit Wertz. chief of the cul- ing a contribution towards im­ John F. Kennedy. headway in other ""untries, the tural division in tht Foreign Mi- provinil public health in the pro­ Minister said. District Attorney Jim Garrison SIEMENS AG, Germany, repre~nted by SIEMENS AFGH- ' nistry; Dr. Hanz Schwartzmann, vincial capital and towards stren-' said he will file a bill of information This dlnic will have a capaci­ chief of the protocol department gthening still more the friendly against the wealthy retired executive, ty of 40 patients. The clinic is in the Foreign Ministry. and Dr. relations tha.t have alwavs exist­ equipped with modem equip­ bypassing the grand jury. and mak­ NISTAN LTD, Kabul. Hermann Zehrberg, chief private cd between our two peoples," ing Shaw the first man ever sent to ment. Dr. Robert Shaw, who waS secretary to the. President's Office. On Thursday evening Prcs:dent trial in the historic slaying, also thanked by the Minister The ambassador of Afghanistan· and Mrs. Luebke a!leoccd, oan- Saturday~ Garrison didn't say when the bill will see patients on in Bonn and the FRG ambassador ql]et held in their honour by Their will be filed, Mondays and Wednesda:rs. in Kabul were also present.· Majesties the Kiog and Queen, Tbcy The coun's decision wa~ a victory called on Their' Majesties in Gul­ for Garrisson. who expressed confi­ khana palace returning the visit dence from !he 'itarl Garrison has paid by their Majesties 10 Chilse­ said he will make further arrests and Special UN Mission Due In toon palace where the dis,jnrui'ihed obtain convictions. guests are staying. The three judges ruled unani­ Among those attending the ban­ mously that the district attorney had We say -Lufthansa -"eadlng in servlce-. Aden On First Of April quet were Prime Minister Moham­ presented sufficienl evidence in the By this we mean the service you receive when entering ~ur offlc&: mad Hashim Maiwandwal and his four-day preliminary hearing to war­ Information about d9stinatlon, .pas, festival., faIrs and exhibition•. wife, members of the cabinet and rani holding Shaw for further pro. UNITED NATIONS, March 18. (DPA).­ ceedings. We men" our stewardesses, pilots, engineers, and of course our plane•• The, .fiPCClal UN mlsslou for Aden will leave here Monday for their wives and high ranking civil 'His Majesty the King and President Heinrich Luebke and military otm:ials. at the banquet'held at Delkusha palace Thursday evening. Their finding meant that Garri~ Actually we have 01 mind everything that strikes you as pleasant when Aden,. ,via 'London a spokesman for the United Nations announced. [n banquet speeches bolh His Ma­ son's accusation against Shaw be­ you fly' with us, talk to us, or make your first contact with U8. ' The ;"three-member mission is to fairness, justice and freedom of ex- jesty and President Luebke empha­ came a formal charge. The maxi­ Therefore call first, when planning your next trip. make an OD site lnspecUon of the pression on which the UN was. pre- on lufthansa sised the close ties which have long Maiwandwals Give Reception mum penalty would be 20 years in Departure from Tehran situation in Aden and then report dieted. . b.ound their countries together. prison. to the UN colorital conunlttee. Jamil BaroodY, the chlef delegate Tuesday .. Wedneadat- Friday- Sunday at 06: 20' Earlier in. the day, President ,.and ~-- Friday, another witness testified The commission consists at of Saudi Arabia, got around this Mrs. Luebke, accompanied by Mi­ In Honour Oi The Luebkes at Ihe Kennedy assassinalion "plot" Manuel Perez Guerrero of Venezu. p.:oblem by demanding that the hearing that he saw Lee Harvey Os- . .', nister of Education Dr. Mohammad KABUL. March 18. (Bakhtar).­ ela. Abdul Sator Sballzl of Atgha- president of tbe Security Council, wald and logelber in Lufthansa Osman Anwari, laid a wreath at the Prime MinIster Mohammad J;lashlm Malwandwal and his wife e nistan arid Ambassador MOUSB8 Leo Milko Tar~banov of Bulgaria, pub- mausoleum of His M gjesty the late New Orleans, held a reception in the Foreign Ministry last night In honour of Please contact your lATA Trayel Agent or Kelts 'at Mali. lish the charges on council paper. King Mohammad Nadir Shah. Cecnon Bundy, 29, the witness. Luflhansa. Share-e-~au, K~bul. Phone: 22501 The representative from Vane- In his covering ~etter, B~ro.ody Pre;;ldent and Mrs,· Luebke. cert was held by the artists of the was the second man 10 Jink' Shaw The Minister 'ot Court~- Ali Mob- c:lltural affairs department of the zuela is serving ~s chairman of the said the situation In the south- Thursday nOon, Prinfe Minister and Oswald. commission. \vestern ~art of the Arabian penin- Maiwandwal paid a courtesy caU on ammad, the p'residents of the two Ministry of Information and Cul- Shaw was arrested on March 1 by the President at Cbilsetoon palace. Houses of Parliament, membecs at tUl'e. U Tbant's special personal repre- sUl~ was very te~se a~d might Disl'rict Attorney Jim Garrison and Noor Ahamad Etemadi. Dr. Anwari lhe Cabinet and high-ronking civil Yeslerday afternoon, the FRG Prc- charged with taking part in the cons­ sentative will be Mangalam Chaco eaSIly lead to a confUct WhICh could and the ambassadors of the two the director of the United NatJon~ threaten international peace ,and and mnitary officials attended the sideht laid the foundation stone f9r piracy to assassinate President Ken­ countries were present. party, the new embassy building in Ansari Trusteeship Council. He wIll serve security. nedy. He is free on $10,000 bail. (See also pagc :n At thp e""rl of lhe rere-ption R' CO"· Wat. Noor Ahmad Etemadi, First .Shaw has denied any knowledge' as poUtical secretary at the com· ------D£;pu ty Prime Minister and Minister mission. Two other UN omclals anci of the plot and said he did not know ;'or Foreign Affairs; Dr. Mohammad Oswald. two interpeters will accompany the .' Somali Referendum 05 na:l Anwari, Minister of Educa­ commission. Bundy testified at the preliminary )0:1; D:-. Mohammad Yousuf, M­ hearing of charges against Shaw [hat HOCH·T.IEF The commission is scheduled to Pol-i~ ghan ambassador in Bonn; Prot. be saw ,Shaw and Oswald together' 100 Kilowatt mediumwave. broadcast transmitter . , Set For Tomorrow meet with British government om· Mohammad Asghar, Mayor of Kabul, at Lake Pontchartrain' in New Or~ Tjar~hi. cJais in London. PARIS. March 18, (Reuler),- _:ld ESnlatullah Enayat Serai, pre­ leans duri.og the summer of 1963. The transmitterwas. financed by German credit aid Arrival in Aden is sebeduled for France will give prompt effe~t to sjrle:ll of construction in the Kabul Bundy, who appeared as a sur­ April first. . ' the referendum vote to be held in .11u::idpality, were present. prise witness for the prosecution, The commission will have stops French Somaliland on Sunday­ Dr. Luebke. in laying the first was arrc=sted On a narcorics charge granted'in the scope of Afghan IGerman cooperation. in' Cairo and Jeddah. whether the majority choose national " '. stone for the building, hoped that on March 4 and is being held at the (INCORJ>ORATED IN WEST GE{!RMANY) In London, the British govern- independence or alJtonomy in con­ the new (,.. hancery would become the Orleans Parish (county) prison. ment said that its Qbllgations to de­ tinued association with France-a OJ>ERATING IN AFGHANISTAN SINCE 1952 Delivery of the transmitter equipment by SIEMENS AG, centre for still greater cooperation He was escorted by police officers tend the non-federated states ot the government spokesm~o said here between Afghanistan and Germany. to the courthousc from the prison Aden prote~torate lNould end with yesterday. Every Gednan who is employed ncxt door. IMAIN PROJECTS, CARRIED OUT Germany, represented by SIEMENS AFGHANISTAN LTD. their independence. "Our concern 'is to see that the Bundy admitted in his testimony at the embassy. President Luebke George Thomson, deputy toreign vole takes place under fair condi­ said, has the responsibility to !hat' he was a narcotics addict and minister, told the House ot Com­ t;~ns and' in public order, and that Kabul. strengthen further the friendly ties said he was using drugs at the lime GULBAHAR TEXTILE FACTORY . mons this in reply tg a question by lhe w:shes of the majority find due between the two countries. For the he claims 10 have seen Shaw and Duncan Sandys, former conservative expression," the spokesman said. Oswald. past 40 yCHrs they have had friend· Commonwealth secretary. Pr-:::s:dent ce Gaulle warned lhe He idenllfied Shaw in cOurl by ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS FOR peop:e of French Somali1and ~3J1:t ly relatio;ls based ·on mutual res' def~ndanl Meanwhile, the Secretary-General pec\. "Our relations, parti~ularly in walking over to where the NEW V'OLKSWAGENS October that Fr;tnce would wl~h was sealed and placing his hand ot the United National Party of he field of cJucatiou and culture. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS draw all aid and fo=,ces if the}' voted over the lOp of Shaw's head. Aden, Hussein Ali Bayoomi. accus­ ~ove .cnde:ed positive and fruitful for independence. It was the sCl:ond dramatic idenli­ ed the United Arab Republic at results," he said. French Somahland includes the !ka!kln of Shaw in the four days of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ARRIVED! plotting the "enslavement" ot South­ r Jiboutj~vitBI Earlier Dr. Gerhard Mollmann, P 1 Sea port of to the hearing. He was first identified ern ,Ar~b'a in a petition to the UN neighbouring land-locked Eth'iopia. ,'RG Ambassador, brieny recalled by Perry Russo as a man secn with disttibuted 'last night as a Security which has a well-equipped armed A_a_ _, , h _U _~~..- - "' .. -- ••• _ .. the history. of friendly relations bet­ MINISTRY OF INFORMATION & CULTURE lorce camped wJth!n 50 miles of and President Heinrich Luebke at the banquet held at the Osw3ld tlnd ex-pilot . Council document. ween the two countries nnd then District AUorncy Jim Garrison, petiUon~s Mlnls~ry The sub·committee of the port, Foreign Built: :ng Friday night. reques~ed ..President Luebke to lay conducting his OWn investigation of l' ~pecial committe~ a sm HEALTH INSTITUTE the on coloni 4 ' ----'------,------=------the foundation stone. Ihe Kennedy assassination, has previously had declined to make President Luebke and his wife charged that Oswuh..l. Shaw and Fer_ pubHe Bayoomi's charges on the THANTCONFIRMS NEW PEACE EFFORT also attended a reception held In ric conspired to kill !he President. KABUL UNIVERSITY PROJECT ground that they were directed at the Kabul Hotel In their honour by In gl'ound fighting, United States UNITED NATIONS. March 18, {\:ld Q helicopter were 'brought (1.,wn, Germans residing In Afghanistan. (Reuler).-s.cretary General U in North and South Vietnam Murines lost 20 men dead and 62 HABIBIA SCHOOL wounded in three sepornte battles. Yesterday morning President Ttiant yesterday confirmed that he Of1icial spokesmen said nine ,·Iet­ Luebke, Mrs. Luebke, and members ~tvU1ans killed j •• A't least 60 Viet Cong were killed. Home News In Brief has begun 8 new bid for peace in r:.1:1:1Cse· were the ot their entourage visited the Mahi­ mo:-ta~ One big troop'l'orrying U.S. helicop­ WAZIRAKBAR KHAN 'HOSPITAL c, \' Congress Party attacks, 38 U,S. soldiers '.!erc par power pI:oject. Nour Ahmad Vietnam. But he declioed to disc ter was shot down. KABUL: March IR. (!3akhtar) wc·.mded and there were "hI J,VY Etemadi, Dr. Mohammad Osman I close any details at this juncture, I-Ieavy B·52 bombers struck three -Prime Minister Mohammad IPASHTANY TEJARTY,BANK Me~ber Reoorters had asked him about a casuaUfes" in isolated outpost:- Anwari, nnd Eng. Ahmndullah, Min­ Hashim Maiwandwal has sent a \ Shot Dead According to Reuter, slx net timps (n South Vietnam, statement In ManIla by PhilippIne The Stratofortresses Oew in from ister o! Public Works, accompanied telegram to Mrs, Indira Gandhi Cong cannOn shells cra~hep, in 10 on the distinguished guests, congra~ NEW DELHI, March 18. (Reuter). Forehzn Minister Narclso Ramos Guam to pound installations nee Served· by any public an­ dropped 6S,OOO - tons of bombs on . Engineers explained the details The people' ot Gulran wolesi have :S6fu~Jie nouncement .at·this .juncture." Thaila'nd severed toads alld bl: ited ot the project to President Luebke. donated At 200,000 for the eons­ , bad puI1ed' the alarm, cbain, bridge approaches 90 miles we ~ of targets in North and South Viet­ PROD~Cn~,G, ,, oursales()~.ce Tbe' contest ,betwe.en the Congress 11; western dllllo!I!at Said ear­ nam last month, or four Umes the With' its two turbines now operat­ truetion of a fundamental school FACTO,RIES , '..:::" '. "'.....; '(4-op:;in at Qrcall w~k , HanoL Other ~pllots rep9rted 'ut­ and '(i;e. opjJo,sltlou parties In Uttar liAr 'this that' "thlnga are sUr­ ing, the power station provides it) the capital of' the woleswali Hog' a' road ip, two places and h;s· tonnage of an average J!lonth of. the been ~ing" 'i,n Uie 'quest for 'pea"" in Viet 44.000 kw. of electrkity ·to Kabul Karabagh. ' ":,.:'}"';.;~' PradeSh /1as. close.. with th,e troying' B bridge near the L~·"· i:m Korean w~r. TER~ZZO, PREFA;BRI~~Jl~P: lI:$.'.:.,:i;, . .., -.. .<;!cnstess emetging as. the lar~l nam, 'but he 'il!s1> refused to dlscl9Be city. With the commissioning of a ,MARBLE, border 66 mi.1es .east ot Die::! .Jien 'p&rty but witho~t overall, maponty. 'what ne.... approaeb U, Tbant'- -was The officials also said commalV­ third turbine, 66.000 kw.· will be KABUL, Mareh 18. (Bakhtar) '/'.:: ''6 ilKfASCIYf.Kabul Automobile-Service Co. maklng~ I • ~ .Phu\ ~ ~:.:: l-:"'."=-=~'r!"':'::';' ~ A ~ CODireQI government· .walt, ders in Vietnam . were complaining provided. The project is financed by -The Kuwait economic del"l1a­ ·O~.!&, ,r '\ '. ':. .. 1. j,' - ;' .: '. • '. '."'. :. " In the southe.rn coB~t~i rE.:ion "CONCRETE PARTS, FYRNITU'RE; ..;vorn io' at Lueknow on Tuesday'. An AI> report from Saigon 8l!11! bomb~ credit from the FRG and the af· tion which came to Kabul a week· Viet COng mortar·.-attackS raked supersopic Phanto.l1"1s hit a hea', ily they had too many, in their 'Ja.;,BiJp~;lfCutschfH8, Tel.·, 20J'~;:· 209~5 after 17 lndepen~ents ba~ declared stocks, and the supply from the ghani eX~p'enditure is met frpOl a1-" ago left for ':;',me Thuisday after se"en Alnerican Mid Vietnamese 'defcnd~d section of Ii road and a holding talks with officials of 'WIND,OWS~ &B~!2~~:.i~ :o:".'~r '. ""I .. . number of their supporters to 215 United States would be slowed locations in the national budget. positions Wednesda:r night ap~ storage area' 26 miles northwest of Page~) the Commeree Ministry, CHIPBOA'RDS .. ,~, ._~ ~ - (See also r_"tr:" _ ",' ....-. r" ":'\, ...... si!pport for the patty, swelling the down. .: ; " , ·..ri·"'···· - the port city of Doag Hal...... --, In the hou~ of 425 members.. ThllrsdllY: whIle three U.S. plaf\es .- '/, , , .

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