University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-16-1967 Kabul Times (March 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 293) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 293)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1437. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1437 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,. " , S.H;) . " J I ,J -. ~,.. .1 •• !t:.. '<i'i'·.~,' ·,'d.··'. : . , f ~ '. I, .' '; • ,: . ·!Iq.¢~~n~_~:~~~n bKlge Tc>'Quit'So~th~VietnQin; .~'t~~?tfi:tr: :';'J~Air Agreement Gkes<OY~r :~ ~" dunker 'Envoy Post .::;: " ,'. '., ( T ~I: -,; ImtUilled . '. WASHINGTON, March 16: (DPA).- ,~;' ~ . U·S, President Lynilon Johnson announced Wednesday t'ut Ame­ !~: r.· .KABUL, March 16,. (Bakhtar).-· rica's ambas.s.ador,ln Saigon, Henry Cabot Lodge wl/1 leave his '~Y' r:~AP{.~ir ~ransport' a~~~epJ. b~t\ye_en . post s!!on and l1e repll\~,d by~ ~swoyt~ Bunker;' . ,., ., .. :.:;~ ~Af~hanIStal! .and NprwllY was Ini­ Bt1Jlker, a nyear.olef dIplomat, North Vietnam' ha.d 'caused serious tt ~tUlll,ed here Wednesday. has held the post of ambasSlldbr In disruption in Hanoi's war effort and .;(1 ~;,A!.~~er'··the ,agreement',A~ghan and Argentina, .Italy, India, '1nd ,with the that it would be stopped only if ~fl~ ~(:f'fo~~gian airlines can.fly cargo, Organisation of American States. Hanoi undertook a reciprocal roiJi., ..f.l, ! \ I~a~~ 1and plCssengers· be~ween their He playcd an important role in tary reduction. it:, I . 'co~trles. and enjoy ,overfll4'ht rights. the Dutcb-Indonesian eooRict over In a speech· prepared for deli- ,'".. ;., 4,fgbanlstan earlier inltl9.11e<l such West Irian (west New Guinea) wbich very to a joint session 'of the Ten- t,; ! i', greements ...with Sweden and Den­ he helped settle in 1962.as Ul'I Sec- ness"" legislature, Johnson said Aine. ~:~~ ~mafk."Scand.iJ?avian ~ir.llne,!l, which rctary-General U ThB;nt's mediat.or. ri<:nn policy in Vietnam was baSed." ~l!: is ~wl)ed jointly by the ~ CQun­ . He also was the Uolted States On the preml~ of clocking .Iilfillra- ,,~ , tries,' will now be able to Ry to and cbief representative In the efforts to tlon from Ihc North aM .the hom- I" ," .' pacify the Dominican Republic and ing was entirely consisteitt that· !i.;;. ! ·ft:om Afghanistan. wii!r' ttl .t'. The.'agreement was lriiUalh!"d on was later appointed ambassador-at- policy. :';. ~ behalf of Afgbanlstan by Sardar large. Johnson said: "The strength of 'I. ·;Saltan Mahmoud Chazl, presldO)lt Jobnson's announcement crame in communist maJn force units in the ./" ,..of the Afghan Air Autborlty, and by a speech he made to tbe -Tennessee South Is clearly based' on infiltration ":No~weglan stale legislature in Nasbville. from north". :::: Ambassador TdurUf I Am~rJc8n :;~.ll' tpa~s. Johnson said th'at bombiDg of '1ft Is sImply unfair to and Vietnamese soldiers to ask: "them ~ ,-. ----------,------ to, face increased 'cnemy personnel and fire~powcr without making an .; Star Witness Tells Court He effort to halt that infiltration ... "[ can onJy report tbe firm belief of the Secretary of Defence the '1 Overheard Assassins Plotting joint chiefs of slaff, the Centra', In­ telligence Agency and aU the sources '. NEW ORLEANS, Lotilslana, March 16, (AP)­ of information and advice at my ?omma~d .i . District Attorney Jim Garrison's star wltoess in his assassl­ that the bombing is caus­ ';nation eonsplracy case against Clay L, Shaw, testified Wednes­ JOg senous disruption and added 'day that Lee 'Harvey Oswald and David W, Ferrie were room­ expense to the North Vietnamese in­ - Theit MiJestiesinct"J:>residimt:liitii MrS. Luebke filtration effort:' the guard of hO)lour. inates at the time he heard them plotting with Shaw to kUl John F. Kennedy: " '.. 25~year­ . Perry Raymond RussoJ a leans. Kabul CitiZens "..old Baton Rouge, Louisiana. sales- In earlier testimony Russo iden­ HOME BRIEFS mali, said he board Oswald'- Sbaw tified pictures of Lee Harvey Os­ KABUL, March 16 (Bakhtar) and FClTie conspiring in Ferrie's wald as those of the man he knew -Kabul University nectar Tour­ Give Rousing apartment in mid September 1963 as Leon Oswald. hlai Etemadi returned to Kabul :about bow to kiU the Presidenl and Russo said be saw Oswaid at the Wednesday after two weeks in make an escape. apartment three or four times. France. During his stay he held WelcQ1ne Under close cross-examination by Asked the last time he saw him discussions with ,officials of the KABUL. March 16. (Bakbtar).­ F. Irving DYmond, one of Sbaw's there. Russo said, "in the middle of Ministries of Education and For­ Dr. Hlenrich Luebke, President of attorneys, Russo said he could not October or late September." eign' Affairs. the Federal Republic of Germany, remember the exact date tbe alleged "Are you aware it is a document­ and lliS wife arrived from Kandabar plotting took place. ed fact that Oswald left New Orleans KABUL. March 16, (BakhtaT) here this morning. The Pr.esiden­ Dymond· asked if a man named September 25, 1963 and in fact never -Mohammad Ebrahim a memb-r tial plane landed .t Kabul intema­ Leyton I)iartens was Ferrie's room­ returned?" Dymond said. of the editorial staff of the Ka­ ·tiotlal airport at 10: 00. ',l ',mat' at the time. Assistant district attorney. Charles bul Times, has received a letter A 21-go'n salute was fired: Near ": '\~. "No," sir." Russo answered. Ward shouted: "That has never af appreciation from" the Minis­ 1lie plane;' President Luebke and his ~: ~'~L".Q,u~tion; "What was the name of been proved in tbis court, Your try. of Information and Culture wife Were' greeted by Their Majesties ~I ~~e lroommate?U ' Honour." commending his devoted services the King llI\d Queen; ·HRH Marsbal " Ill> Apswer: 'The ro0!W"ate at the The detence lawyers tried to show and hard work. Shah' Willi 'KJ;an Ghazi; Prim6 'Mi" -' ~uiSil!!l"".a"",ue,,",Pafkway' apart- Jim Garrison's KCnnedy 8S!il8SSina· Ehrahim has .been working for nister Mohammad Hashim Mai­ ment was Leon Oswald. tion conspiracy case against Clay the paper for the last five years wandwal and his wife; ·Dr. Abdul Oswald's widow said in Dallas Shaw was founded on fantasy or and will soon receive a promo­ Zahir, Presidel;lt of the Vt'olesi Jir­ I. Wedn~sday she had never beard of lies. tion. gah; Senator Abdul Hadi Dawi, . Ferrie while she lived in New Or- In questioning aimed at shaking President of the Meshrano Jirgah; Russo's credibility as a witn~, the KABUL, March 16. (Bakhtar) Noor Ahmad Etemadi, First Deputy defence established that Russo once -,Dr. Mohammad Ebrahim and Prime Minister and Minister of was under psychiatric treatment. Dr. Balmakandas, faculty mem­ Foreign Affairs: the Minister of Na­ Saudi, Arabi~ Backs Probing carefully. Edmond, drew bers of the College of Medicine, tional Oefence Khan Mobammad . from. Russo testimony that be bad Kabul University. returned from and M·inister of lnterior ~mad­ consulted a psychiatrist for about France Wednesday after a ullah. the Governor 'of Kabul', the Jordan Attack two years, Starting in 1959 when month's observation tour in Franc£ mayor of Kaoul and the president he was Ig years old. they visited va~lous health insti­ of tbe Afghan Air Authority. It was Russo, produced Tuesday tutions and medical .schools. After exchanging greetings Dr. On Shukairy . as Garrison's "confidential infor­ Luebke presented the members of AMMAN, March 16 .(Reuter) mant." wbo lestified that be heard KABUL. Macch 16, (Bakhtar) his entourage to Their Majesti~. Shaw. Lee Harvey Oswald and Fer­ ~Last year the Public Heqlth In­ Dr. Luebke and His Majesty ae' -Jordan. and Saudi kabia last night attacked strongly the head rie 'plot to assassinate Presi~eDt stitute inspected over 2,00 road­ , cepted, the salute of a guard of of the Palestine Liberation Orga­ John F. Kennedy. side restaurants and closed 129 honour, nisation (PLO) lawyer-politician Russo's testimony did not state of them which were found unsan­ A group of chiJdren wearing tra­ Ahmed Shukairy. when or, where, the alleged assassina­ itary. ditional dress presented' bouquets Jordan said its delegation to tion attempt would take place. The The Institute1s laboratories to President Luebke and his "wife ,on the Arab League Council meeting Warren commission ,noted that a test foodstuffs and water. If it is behalf of the citizens of Kabul. Cairo was withdrawn because Dallas newspaper announce:d on found to be contaminated the food ge~ Heads of diplomatic missions. Shukairy was attending the meet- .September 13. 1963. that Kennedy is destroyed and the offender is nerals of the Royal Army, higb­ mgs, . planned to visit four Texas cities, fined. Total fines last year ex­ ranking civil 'officials, members 'of Saudi Arabla,in a statement including -Oallas. on Npvember ·'21­ cceded Af. 700,000. the two Houses of Parliament. and issued in Amman said it consi­ 22. Germans res'iding in Afghanistan dered Shukairy' as no longer Russo is the main state ~ witness HEo/T. March 16, (Bak!lfar) were,8111ong the big crowd that gave worthy to be the leader of PLO. called thus far i~ the preliminary -Thlil,.automatic .telephone ex­ 8 rousing welcome to President and The statelnent said Saudi Ara­ hearing before a three·judge crimi­ change building here' has been Mrs.
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