Symphony Hall, Boston Huntington and Massachusetts Avenues
SYMPHONY HALL, BOSTON HUNTINGTON AND MASSACHUSETTS AVENUES Telephones Ticket Office j [ Back Bay* 1492 Branch Lxchange ( Administration Orhces \ O INCORPORATED THIRTY-EIGHTH SEASON, 1918-1919 HENRI RABAUD, Conductor iteinnioon aec WITH HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES BY PHILIP HALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 14 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15 AT 8.00 O'CLOCK COPYRIGHT, 1919, BY BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, INCORPORATED W. H. BRENNAN, Manager G. E. JUDD, Assistant Manager 729 "The world needs music more when it's in trouble than at any other time. And soldiers, and the mothers and wives and sweethearts and children of soldiers get more of the breath of life from music than the man on the street has any notion of."—JOHN McCORMACK MUSIC is an essential of every well-regulated home. It is a factor of vital importance in the education of the children, an unending source of inspiration and recreation for the growing gener- ation, a refining, cultivating influence touching every member of the family. It is the common speech that is understood by all, that appeals to everybody, that enlists the sympathies of man, woman and child, of high and low, of young and old, in every walk of life. The PIANO is the universal musical instrument of the home, the instrument that should be in every household. And the greatest among pianos is the STEINWAY, prized and cherished throughout the wide world by all lovers of good music. Or, in the^words of a well-known American writer: "Wherever human hearts are sad or glad, and songs are sung, and strings vibrate, and keys respond to love's caress, there is known, respected, revered—loved—the name and fame of STEINWAY." Catalogue and prices on application Sold on convenient payments Old pianos taken in exchange Inspection invited 107-109 EAST 14th STREET, NEW YORK CITY Subway Express Stations at the Door Represented by the Foremost Dealers Everywhere 730 ' Thirty -eighth Season, 1918-1919 HENRI RABAUD, Conductor SONMI Violins.
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