UNSEEN UNIVERSITY HIGH ENERGY FACILITY: Take the Bellows, Magnet and Test Tube.

ANKH- MORPORK PLAZA: Talk to Dibbler (Sarcasm) – he gives you a Brochure. Talk to him again (Corn) to get the Corn. FOOL’S GUILD: Pick up the Brick. Talk to the Fool (Question) and then show him the Brick – he enters the Brick and you now have a Haunted Brick. The grate on which the Milkmaid (at the PLAZA) is standing is accessible from the FOOL’S GUILD UNDERGROUND. FOOL’S GUILD UNDERGROUND: Use the Bellows to blow air through the grate (up the Milkmaid’s dress) and get the Glitter Dust. MORTUARY: Take the Knife. Examine the Witch to ‘trigger’ the topic with Casanunda. BAR: Talk to Casanunda (Question, Ladder and Witch) – he will give you the Ladder and then leave. Talk to the Troll who gives you a Tankard. Take the Matches. GIMLETS: Sit at the table. Take the Chilli. Talk to Gimlet (Greeting, Mouseburger) and get Mousie. MRS. CAKE’S HOME: Take the Petticoat. SHOP: Take the Flamingo, Stuffed Fish and Incense. Examine the Candles on the shelf to ‘trigger’ the topic with the Old Woman. Talk to the Old Woman (Candles) to get the ingredients, i.e. Beeswax, needed to make Dribbly Candles. DOCKS: Cut the net with the Knife to free the Hammerhead Shark – take the Shark. Give the Stuffed Fish to the Wading Bird – it dives into the water and stuns itself, enabling you to take it.

UNSEEN UNIVERSITY GARDEN: Talk to the Beekeeper (Question). Return and give him the Brochure to make him leave. Put the Chilli on the flowers. Put the Petticoat on for face protection. Light the Incense with the Matches, then put the Incense in the hives. Remove the Dribbly Beeswax. Give the Shark to the Bursar, the Flamingo to the Dean and the Wading Bird to the Librarian. You get a Mallet from each of them, i.e. 3 Sticks. Soak the Corn in the Tankard, then give it to the Rooster to make it drunk. Pick up the Rooster. Use the Magnet to get the Boots from the Imp. HIGH ENERGY FACILITY: Put the Haunted Brick into the Accelerator to transform it into Ectoplasm.

ANKH- MORPORK SHOP: Give the Dribbly Beeswax to the Old Woman – she gives you the Dribbly Candles. MRS. CAKE’S HOME: Examine the Genie Bottle to activate the topic with Mrs. Cake, then talk to her in the following order: Sarcasm, Question, Muse. Talk to her again (Greeting, Genie Bottle). Give the Ectoplasm to her – she gives you the Genie Bottle. Put the Boots into the Genie Bottle.

1 ANKH- MORPORK (continued) THE 3 MEN: Use the Genie Bottle (containing the Boots) to capture the Vile Smell. Pour the contents of the can down the throat of the Rooster to sober it up. BAR: Use the Rooster on the Vampire – he goes to his coffin in the CEMETERY. CEMETERY: Put the Ladder up against the coffin. Climb up the Ladder to get to the Teeth. Use the Teeth on the Mousie to get some Blood on them. Put the Teeth in the Test Tube to get the Mouse Blood.

UNSEEN UNIVERSITY DINING HALL: Return to the Archchancellor and give him the Glitter Dust, the 3 Sticks, the Dribbly Candles, the Vile Smell and the Mouse Blood.


ANKH-MORPORK CEMETERY: Take the Pick. FOOL’S GUILD: Take the Hooter. Up the one ladder (underground) is the Pork Warehouse. Use the Pick to get some Ice. THE 3 MEN: Get the Saw and the Pot. MRS. CAKE’S HOME: Take the Scissors. Open the closet and take the Ironing Board. Use the Saw on the Dummy to get a Wooden Arm. DEAD COLLECTOR: Talk to the Dead Collector (Question) – he tells you to get a Certificate, this ‘triggers’ the topic with the Mortician in the MORTUARY. MORTUARY: Talk to the Mortician (Death Certificate) – he tells you how to get one. Pick up the Mirror and then put it on the Bunsen Burner to heat it. Replace the Mirror on the bench. Lie down on the slab and put the Wooden Arm and Ice on Rincewind. Talk to the Mortician again – he will test you and give you a Death Certificate. DEAD COLLECTOR: Give the Death Certificate to the Dead Collector and get transported to HOLYWOOD.

BEACH Talk to Point-Me-Own-Bone Dibbjla – he gives you a Stick. Examine the Baskets to ‘trigger’ the topic. Talk to Point-Me-Own-Bone Dibbjla (Baskets) – he sells you a Picnic Basket.

DJELIBEYBI OUTSIDE THE SHOP: The women you see ‘trigger’ the topic of Women with Casanunda. STONING AREA: Take the Stake. CAMEL LOT: Talk to the Salesman (Greeting, Camel) to get him to sell you a Camel.

PYRAMID Take the Glue. Get the Bandages by cutting them with the Scissors.

OASIS Put the Bandages on the Wooden Arm to make a Bandaged Wooden Arm. Swap the Bandaged Wooden Arm with the Rotten Arm.

HOLYWOOD CASTLE: Examine the Horse Suit to ‘trigger’ the topic. Talk to the Dwarf (Horse Suit) – she asks you for a piece of costume jewellery. Examine the Rotten Arm and notice the Ring. Remove the Ring and give it to the Dwarf in exchange for the Horse Suit. STREET CORNER: Take the Weight. Take the Sticker (on the Mailbox) and stick it on the Weight to make a Ten Ton Weight. IMP SET: Take the Camera to ‘trigger’ the topic of an Imp with the Trainer. Talk to the Trainer (Imp) – one of the Imps runs off and hides in the set. Use the paint on the Stick to make a Boomerang. Throw the Boomerang at the Imp in the set to capture it. Get the Camera to work by putting the Imp inside. MAKE-UP ROOM: The make-up girl tells you to get a picture of the Elven Queen – ‘triggers’ the topic of the Elves with the Witch.

UNSEEN UNIVERSITY DINING HALL: Fill the Picnic Basket with the Food. Talk to the Librarian (Horse Suit) – he joins you. GARDEN: Put the Stake in the Compost Heap – the Suffrajester ties herself to it enabling you to capture her. Pick up the Hoops. Put the Petticoat on Rincewind for face protection, light the Incense with the Matches and put the Incense in the hives. Use the Pot on the hives to get a Honey Pot.

3 ANKH-MORPORK MORTUARY: Tell Casanunda about the women in DJELIBEYBI – he leaves. Talk to the Witch (Elves) to ‘trigger’ the FOREST. DOCKS: Attach the Ten Ton Weight to the hook. Push the Ten Ton Weight against the wall to knock it down. Pick up the Snow Storms.

DJELIBEYBI CENTRE: Examine the Candy Rock to ‘trigger’ the topic with the Rock Seller. Try to buy the Candy Rock by talking to the Rock Seller (Candy Rock) – the women buy it first. STONING AREA: Put the Suffrajester into the hole where the Stake was. After the stoning you are left with the Candy Rock. Pick up the Rope. CENTRE: Talk to Uri Djeller (Jingle) to ‘trigger’ the CARTWHEEL. Give the Hoops to Uri Djeller – he will bend them to make Wire. SHOP: Take the Poster off the wall – it‘s a set of Plans. Use the Plans on the Wire to make a Pyramid.

CARTWHEEL Talk to S.T. Ungulant (Jingle) – he will write one for you, but tells you to find the answer to the question [WHY?] before he gives it to you.

FOREST THE STONES: Put Glue on the Hooter. Stick the Hooter onto the Horse Suit to make a Unicorn Suit. Put the Librarian into the Unicorn Suit. Move the Money Pouch from Rincewind’s Inventory to the Luggage. Move the Camera and the Unicorn Suit into Rincewind’s Inventory – then pass through the Stones. On the other side of the Stones put Rincewind in the Unicorn Suit to avoid being thrown out. QUEEN’S ROOM: Use the Camera to get a Film (of the Queen).

BEACH Use the Picnic Basket to get the ants from the Ant Hill. Cut the legs off the Ironing Board with the Saw and make a Surfboard. Put Glue on the Surfboard. Now use the Surfboard on the Surf to get to the cave. Take pictures of the cave paintings (in the Cave) with the Camera – you get a Film (of the Sheep).

UNSEEN UNIVERSITY HIGH ENERGY FACILITY: Try to put the ants (from the Picnic Basket) into HEX. Put the Honey Pot on HEX to attract the ants – this also to ‘triggers’ the topic of [WHY?] with Skazz. Place the Pyramid on HEX. Talk to Skazz (Why) to get the Answer.

CARTWHEEL Give the Answer to S.T. Ungulant and get the Jingle.

THE HILL Talk to Bone Idle (Jingle) – ‘triggers’ being able to release all the skeletons. Cut the ropes (on Bone Idle) with the Knife to free all the skeletons and get a Band.

HOLYWOOD MAKE-UP ROOM: Give the Film (of the Queen) to the make-up girl to get Death to the FILM SET. TRAILER: Try opening the door to the trailer – ‘triggers’ the topic of the Key with the Troll. Talk to the Troll (Key) to get him to give you the Key. Use the Key to unlock the door. Give the Candy Rock to the Troll – he eats it and gets a toothache. Tie the Rope to the Troll to extract the Tooth. Enter the trailer and talk to the Milkmaid. Give the Tooth to the Milkmaid – she becomes a Babe. FILM SET: Give the Snow Storms, Jingle, Band and Babe to Dibbler.

4 ANKH MORPORK SHADES: Show the Death Certificate at the door (extreme left of the SHADES). MEETING: Open the closet to reveal the Black Sheep. Talk to the Black Sheep (about Stand-in) – then give the Film (of the Sheep) to him to get him to the FILM SET.

PROJECTION ROOM Take the Reel and put it in the Device. Put the Film (leftovers of the Queen) in the Device to insert subliminal clips. Load the Reel into the projector to show the ‘new’ film.


OUTSIDE THE HOUSE Lift the mat to get a Key. Knock on the door to open it.

INSIDE THE HOUSE HALLWAY: Take the Scythe (from the Umbrella Stand) and the Curtain (far left). KITCHEN: When you enter Albert tells you what you need. Show the Scythe to Albert – he tells you to learn how to use it by ‘reaping the field’. SUSAN’S BEDROOM: Take the String and Bunny (Rabbit). Open the Bunny (in Luggage) to get Pyjamas. STUDY: Take the Ink Well. Pull the Cord to summon Albert and get him to leave the KITCHEN. KITCHEN: Take the Sugar (Bowl) and the (Oily) Rag. Open the Pot Belly Stove to enable Albert to hear you when you talk to him through the Chimney.

STABLE Take the Rope. Give the Sugar to Binky – he will let you put the Saddle on and mount him. Put Glue on the Saddle and then put the Saddle on Binky. Mount Binky – you are can now prove to Albert that you can Ride a Horse.

GARDEN Put the Pyjamas on Rincewind for face protection. Light the Rag with the Matches, then put the Burning Rag into the Bee Hive. Remove the Beeswax from the Bee Hive. Use the Sugar Pot to get a Honey Pot from the Bee Hive. Pour the Ink into the Pond to blacken the water. Dip the Curtain in the Pond to get the Robe.

OUTSIDE THE HOUSE Attach the Rope to the Stick to make a Boomerang. Throw the Boomerang at the Chimney. Climb up to the top of the Chimney and talk to Albert (through the Chimney) to prove to him that you have the Voice.

INSIDE THE HOUSE LIBRARY: Take the Book (Your Autobiography). Use the Beeswax and String to make a Candle. Light the Candle with the Matches. Unlock the door to the ALCOVE with the Key. Carry the Lit Candle when entering the ALCOVE. ALCOVE: Use the Lit Candle to light up the ALCOVE. Take the Tablet.

GARDEN Examine the Toy Cart to ‘trigger’ the topic with Susan. Talk to Susan (Toy Cart) – she will ask for the Book. Give the Book to her. When she asks for an older book, give her the Tablet – you get the Toy Cart. Attach the Scythe to the Toy Cart to make a Reaper.

CORNFIELD Use the Reaper on the Corn – you learn how to use the Scythe.

INSIDE THE HOUSE KITCHEN: Show the Robe to Albert. Albert tells you that you need to practice – you must collect 100 Dead Souls.

GARDEN Take the Fishing Rod. Attach the Honey Pot to the Fishing Rod. Use the Fishing Rod (with the Honey Pot attached) to get the Dots from the Pit – you get the Ant Souls.

6 INSIDE THE HOUSE KITCHEN: Give the Ant Souls to Albert.


BONESTOCK Take the Cork (from the hat). DJELIBEYBI Wait at the entrance until the Prospector arrives and goes to the CAMEL LOT. Examine the Saddle Bags on the Prospector’s camel – you get a Canteen. Put the Rotten Arm in the Saddle Bags – the vultures will follow the Prospector when he leaves and this ‘triggers’ the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Put the Cork in the Fountain to stop the water flow – leaving only Sand in the Fountain. Fill the Hour-glass (its in your Luggage) with Sand to Revive Death.


BASE OF THE TOWER Talk to Dibbler (Question, Bladder) – he gives you Bladders. Fill the Bladders with water from the Canteen. Put the Bladders (Full of Water) into Rincewind’s Inventory. Examine the raven to ‘trigger’ the topic with the Witch. Talk to the Witch (Raven) – she will swap minds with the raven and drop her Broom. Pick up the Broom and use it on Rincewind to Rescue The Librarian!