Report on Streamline, Light-Weight, High-Speed Passenger Trains
T F 570 .c. 7 I ~38 t!of • 3 REPORT ON STREAMLINE, LIGHT-WEIGHT, HIGH-SPEED PASSENGER TRAINS June 30, 1938 • DEC COVE RDALE & COL PITTS CONSULTING ENGINEERS 120 WALL STREE:T, N ltW YORK REPORT ON STREAMLINE, LIGHT-WEIGHT HIGH-SPEED PASSENGER TRAINS June 30. 1938 COVERDALE & COLPITTS " CONSUL..TING ENGINEERS 1a0 WALL STREET, NEW YORK INDEX PAOES J NTRODUC'r!ON • s-s PR£FATORY R£MARKS 9 uNION PAC! FIC . to-IJ Gen<ral statement City of Salina >ioRTH WESTERN-UNION PAcln c City of Portland City of Los Angd<S Cit)' of Denve'r NoRTH W£sTERN-l.:~<IOS P \ l"IIIC-Sm 1HrR" PACirJc . '9"'~1 Cit)' of San Francisco Forty Niner SouTHERN PAclnC. Sunbeam Darlight CHICAco, BuR~lNGTON & QuiN<'' General statement Origin:tl Zephyr Sam Houston Ourk State Mark Twain Twin Citi<S Zephyn Den\'tr Zephyrs CHICACO, ~ULWACK.EE, ST. l'AUL AND PACit' lt• Hiawatha CHICAOO AND NoRTH \Yss·rr;J<s . ,; -tOO" .•hCHISON, T orEKJ\ AND SAN'rA FE General statement Super Chief 1:.1 Capitan Son Diegon Chicagoan and Kansas Cityon Golden Gate 3 lJID£X- COIIIinutd PACES CmCAco, RocK IsLAND AND PACIFIC 46-50 General statement Chicago-Peoria Rocket Chicago-Des Moines Rocket Kansas City-Minneapolis Rocket Kansas City-Oklahoma City Rocket Fort Worth-Dallas-Houston Rocket lLuNOJS CENTRAL • Green Diamond GULF, MOBlL£ AI<D NORTHERN 53-55 Rebels New YoRK Cesr&AI•. Mercury Twentieth Century Limited, Commodore Vanderbilt PENNSYLVANiA . 57 Broadway Lirruted, Liberty Limited, General, Spirit of St. Louis BALTIMORE AND 0HJO • ss Royal Blue BALTIMORE AND OHIO-ALTO!\ • Abraham Lincoln Ann Rutledge READ!KC Crusader New YoRK, NEw HAvEN A~'l> HARTFORD Comet BosToN AND MAINE-MAt"£ CeNTRAL Flying Yankee CONCLUSION 68 REPORT ON STREA M LINE, LIGHT-WEIGHT, HIGH-SPEED PASSENGER TRA INS As of June 30, 1938 BY CovERDALE & COLPITTS INTRODUCTION N January 15, 1935, we made a the inauguration ofservice by the Zephyr O report on the performance of and a statement comparing the cost of the first Zephyr type, streamline, operation of the Zephyr with that of the stainless steel, light-weight, high-speed, trains it replaced.
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