Welcome Sunday 13 September 2015

A Week in the Life of The ’s Administration Officer

Recently I’ve had people asking me ‘just what does a Dean’s Administration Officer do?’. Now, some of my colleagues may cheekily answer ‘not very much!’, however that’s not quite true. I thought you may like a small glimpse into a (not so) typical working week for me.

Monday: answering lots of emails which arrived over the weekend (which included questions about the Going Public Art Exhibition, The Crossroads Mission, and why we ring the bells before a service); Ordering a new cassock for a member of our choir; answering the constantly ringing office phone.

Tuesday: ordering toner for our printers; fixing the printer in the Robinson Room after it decided to eat lots of paper; helping Emma source tables, chairs, marquees and generators for the Heritage Open day; helping Keith with tasks relating to the Crossroads Mission and getting ready to welcome the Archbishop of York; sending out invitations to the launch event of the Going Public Art Exhibition; answering the constantly ringing office phone.

Wednesday: partaking in the very enjoyable weekly Staff Breakfast; helping various contractors - Going Public installers, electricians and decorators - with anything they needed (coffee and keys mostly!); lots of printing of visitor literature and designing of tickets for the Heritage Open Day; answering the constantly ringing office phone.

Thursday: printing the order of service for the Service of Welcome and Commissioning; helping the vergers move pews; sweeping the Nave; going to The Deanery to meet a contractor to service the heating system (The Dean was speaking at the CAFA Conference in Dublin so was unable to be there himself); answering the constantly ringing office phone.

Friday: printing the orders of service for the weekend; making some small signs for the Shop; updating the media screens in the Welcome Foyer; completing various IT tasks, answering the constantly ringing office phone.

If you’d like to hear about A Week in the Life of another member of the Cathedral Team, a Verger or a Canon for example, do let me know.

Nicola Burgin

P.S. I don’t really mind answering the phone - I get to speak to some wonderfully interesting people!

Please remember in your prayers:  The Episcopal Church of South Dakota  The Area Deanery of Ecclesfield  The new academic year  Going Public: International Art Collectors in


In Residence from Monday 14 to Sunday 20 August is The Dean. The Cathedral clergy are always very happy to make arrangements for individual conversations with people, or to hear Confessions. Please ring the main Cathedral switchboard (0114 275 3434) or the Canon in Residence mobile (07534 653 333) and we will ensure that one of the clergy rings you back within 24 hours.

Peace and joy to our beloved former , the Reverend who has recently been appointed an acting archdeacon in the Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, and has now been named an Honorary Canon of , one of the most ancient places of worship in Northern Europe. Congratulations, Simon: in the words of one of your favourite hymns, "Hills of the North, rejoice!".

Going Public. From 16 September to 12 December Sheffield Cathedral will be part of the project Going Public: International Art Collectors in Sheffield. The project will comprise of five exhibitions at the Cathedral, Millennium Gallery, Graves Gallery, Site Gallery and Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery, and is designed to begin a debate about "the role public galleries and private collections play in bringing great art to everyone".

The Cathedral is hosting installations by Jake and Dinos Chapman and Maurizio Cattelan, among other leading contemporary artists drawn from the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection.

The exhibition opens on Wednesday 16 September and entry is free at all venues.

Sheffield Cathedral is in the process of installing the art works to be exhibited and housed at the Cathedral. You will find artists such as brothers Jake and Dinos Chapman and their “Cyber Iconic Man”, a sculpture that will hang in the Cathedral`s Chapel of the Holy Spirit. In the lower level of the Crypt you can hear Micol Assael`s sound installation “Your Hidden Sound”, and in the south aisle you can enjoy a tapestry named “Still, Untitled” by Pae White. Other works include “Saint Sebastian”, a video installation by Fiona Tan and “Christmas `95”, a light installation by Maurizio Cattelan.

The Friends of Sheffield Cathedral are looking for a new Hon. Secretary to join the Friends Council. Working with the Chair, Mrs Diane Leek, and six other elected members of the Friends Council. The post holder will provide administrative support to the charity, maintain contact with members of the Friends as Membership Secretary and liaise with the Cathedral clergy, staff and congregation. It is a voluntary post with expenses paid. Details of this post are available from the Volunteer Coordinator, Christine Carrington on 0114 263 6060 or [email protected].

Friends of Sheffield Cathedral AGM. The Friends will be holding their 18th AGM in the Nave on Sunday 20 September 2015 at 17.15 after Choral Evensong at 16.00. Anyone interested is invited to attend though only members are eligible to vote. Application forms to join the Friends will be available at the meeting or can be downloaded from the Cathedral web site. New members are very welcome. Please send any queries to the Hon. Secretary via the Cathedral Office or by e-mail: [email protected]

Lady Arbella Stuart – the Queen that Never Was, Friday 25 September at 19.15. Join us for an evening of history, drama and music at Sheffield Cathedral to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the death of Lady Arbella Stuart, granddaughter of Bess of Hardwick, and regarded by some as the true heir to Queen Elizabeth I. The evening includes a talk by historian David Templeman on the Life of Lady Arbella Stuart, a dramatic interpretation of her life, featuring the characters of Lady Arbella, Bess of Hardwick and Mary, Queen of Scots, and live period music from the Doncaster Waites, all in the unique setting of the Cathedral Nave and the Shrewsbury Chapel. Sheffield Cathedral (then Sheffield Church) would have been very familiar to Arbella Stuart, who visited regularly as a child and later as an adult. Her uncle, Gilbert (7th Earl of Shrewsbury) and her aunt, the Countess Mary, are buried in the Shrewsbury Chapel vault, as is Arbella's mother, Elizabeth, Countess of Lennox.

Sheffield Cathedral, in partnership with , is proud to present this event to honour Arbella's memory on the date of the 400th anniversary of her death.

Tickets £12/£10 concessions (60+) are available online from www.sheffieldcathedral.org or in person from the cathedral shop. For further information phone 0114 275 3434 or pick up a flyer from the Welcome Desk.

Sheffield Cathedral Seniors’ Action Team Afternoon Tea events, 14.00 in the Town Trust Room. The first event will be on Thursday 8 October with a talk by Canon Keith Farrow, ‘Maundy Thursday: The Inside Story’. These events are relaxed, informative and fun. All seniors are very welcome to join us. For catering purposes please ensure you let us know you will be coming by contacting the Cathedral Office on 0114 275 3434 or send an email to [email protected].

London Concertante Concert ‘Vivaldi and Bach Violin Concertos by Candlelight’ on Friday 16 October at 19.30. To book your ticket please call 0333 666 3366 or visit www.concerts.ticketsource.co.uk

Do you love singing? Would you like the chance to sing in the wonderful surroundings of Sheffield Cathedral? Well here’s your chance!

In partnership with the Friends of Cathedral Music, we’re holding a special event on Saturday 17 October and inviting local singers to come and join us for a day of workshops and singing practise culminating in the unique opportunity to sing at Choral Evensong along with the choirs of Sheffield Cathedral and St John’s Ranmoor!

During the day you’ll be working and rehearsing with BBC TV’s Simon Lole and the

Cathedral’s own Director of Music Neil Taylor, so there’ll be plenty of chance to hone your singing skills and learn a little about what makes the tradition of English choral music so special.

The day starts at 11.00 and finishes with the combined choirs singing Evensong together at 16.00, to which all your friends and family are warmly invited to see and hear you sing this ancient traditional service of worship in the glorious surroundings of Sheffield Cathedral, the oldest building in Sheffield still in daily use. No experience necessary, just an enjoyment of singing!

The cost for the day is just £15 (£3 for students). For singers aged 16+. Make sure you book today as places are limited. Application forms are available from the Cathedral’s website (www.sheffieldcathedral.org/whats-on/2015/10/17/choral-singing-workshop-and- evensong/) or by calling the Cathedral Office on 0114 2753434. The closing date for participants is Saturday 12 September.

The night of the Snow Dragon approaches… Billy has everything a young goat could need – and more besides. On New Year’s Eve, Billy’s parents tell him about the legendary Snow Dragon, who will bring him even more goodies during the night.

But when Billy bumps into some wolves in the woods, New Year’s Day seems a long way off. Find out how Billy escapes – and whether the Snow Dragon will bring him a present. Has Billy been naughty or nice?

Story-telling, comedy and songs create a magical, mysterious world for everyone aged 3 and up, from the company that brought you The Gruffalo and Room on the Broom. Sheffield Cathedral is very happy to welcome back Tall Stories theatre company on Tuesday 10 November, with performances at 10.30 and 13.00. Tickets will be on sale soon online at www.sheffieldcathedral.org and in person from the Cathedral shop. Tickets are priced £8 / £6 concessions. School groups – get FREE adult places, contact Janet Ridler on [email protected] or 0114 263 6951.

Collections. If you are a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your gift to the Cathedral by up to 25% at no extra cost to yourself. Placing your gift in a Gift Aid envelope will enable us to reclaim this amount, but only if you complete all the details on the envelope every time you use one. Please take time to enter your title and full name on the envelope, then seal your donation in the envelope and place it in the collection.

Date Amount Sunday 23 August £420.34 Sunday 30 August £704.72 Sunday 6 September £545.77 ______

The Friends of Sheffield Cathedral

The Friends of Sheffield Cathedral support the ministry and mission of the Cathedral, helping to preserve and enhance the building and its arts, and raise awareness of the Cathedral in Sheffield, and beyond. The annual income the Friends of Sheffield Cathedral receive from membership subscriptions and events allows the Friends to make modest grants to the Cathedral on a regular basis.

In recent years the Friends have been able to make substantial contributions to: the Sheffield Nativity created by Brian Fell; Cathedral Choirs tour to Prague; new music commissions for the Cathedral Choirs; locally designed and made silverware for use in the Eucharist, and a new set of gold vestments used for the first time at the centenary service at Pentecost 2014. Every pound donated to the Friends is guaranteed to contribute towards specific projects to the benefit of the Cathedral, its congregations, visitors and outreach for many years to come.

Further information and membership forms can be obtained from: Ken Bowler, Angela Rees, Nigel Russell or Paul Sewell.


What’s on?

Sunday 13 September The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 08.00 Holy Communion 09.30 Morning Prayer 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Preacher: The Rt Revd Libby Lane 10.30 Godly Play (Hilton Room) 16.00 Evensong [Boys, Choral Scholars and Songmen] Psalm: 22. 1 - 8 Responses: Smith Canticles: Wood in D Anthem: Crux fidelis - King John of Portugal

Monday 14 September Holy Cross Day 08.45 Morning Prayer 12.30 Eucharist 13.00 Guided Meditation 13.30 Funeral of Alan Cottam 16.30 Evening Prayer

Tuesday 15 September 08.45 Morning Prayer 12.30 Eucharist 17.45 Choral Evening Prayer [Choral Scholars] Psalm: 33 Canticles: Tallis - Magnificat from the Short Service Anthem: If ye love me - Tallis

Wednesday 16 September 08.45 Morning Prayer 10.30 Holy Communion, BCP 17.45 Evensong [Girls and Songmen] Psalm: 119. 33 - 40 Responses: Moore Canticles: Sumsion in G Anthem: Save us, O Lord - Bairstow

Thursday 17 September 08.45 Morning Prayer 10.00 Cathedral Toddler Group (Nave) 10.30 Cathedral Volunteer Meeting (Chapter House) 11.45 Archer Project Weekly Prayers (Crypt Chapel of All Saints) 12.30 Eucharist 13.15 Lunchtime Recital: Bill Skipworth [piano] 14.30 History and Heritage Talk: The Story of Sheffield Cathedral - 900 years of Sheffield History in One Building 17.45 Evensong [Choral Scholars and Songmen] Psalm: 40 Responses: Rose Canticles: Wills in G minor Anthem: Hear the voice and Prayer - Tallis

Friday 18 September 08.45 Morning Prayer 12.30 Eucharist 17.45 Evensong [Boys, Choral Scholars and Songmen] Psalm: 35. 1 - 10 Responses: Clucas Canticles: Harwood in A flat Anthem: Let all mortal flesh keep silence - Bairstow

Saturday 19 September 10.00 Morning Prayer 10.30 Eucharist 15.00 Evensong with the Prebendal Singers Psalm: 46 Introit: Oculi Omnium Responses: Rose Canticles: Moore - First Service Anthem: O Praise God in His Holiness - Millington

Sunday 20 September The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity 08.00 Holy Communion 09.30 Morning Prayer 10.30 The Cathedral Eucharist Preacher: The Dean Readings: James 3. 13 - 4.3, 7 - 8a; Mark 9. 30 - 37 10.30 Godly Play (Hilton Room) 13.00 Battle of Britain Service 16.00 Evensong with the Friends of Sheffield Cathedral [Boys, Choral Scholars and Songmen] Psalm: 35. 1 - 10 Responses: Clucas Canticles: Harwood in A flat Anthem: Evening hymn - Balfour Gardiner Voluntary: Orb and Sceptre - Walton Preacher: The Dean Readings: Exodus 19. 10 – end; Matthew 8. 23 - end 17.15 The Friends of Sheffield Cathedral AGM (Nave)


Sheffield Cathedral Church Street Sheffield S1 1HA

T: 0114 275 3434 E: [email protected] W: www.sheffieldcathedral.org