Booking Form Labour Tom Johnson Summer School 2007

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Booking Form Labour Tom Johnson Summer School 2007 Booking Form Labour Tom Johnson Summer School 2007 Name: ________________ Email: ________________ Phone: ________________ Speakers include: Please tick one of the following: Willie Penrose, Jan O’Sullivan, Pat (all rates include the Saturday night meal) Rabbitte, Michael D Higgins, Joanna Tuffy, Eamon Gilmore, David Begg, Meal Only €35 ______ Jeremy Corbyn MP and many more Youth Hostel Rate €65 ______ Dinner with Pat Rabbitte TD: B&B Rate (sharing) €195 ______ On Saturday night the party leader will give the annual Jim Kemmy address and present the Jim Kemmy Award. The dinner is included in the price of the weekend. Tom Johnson Summer Venue and Accomodation: Cheques and Postal Orders Should be School 2007 made payable to Labour Youth This year’s event takes place at the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway City. Accomodation will be in the Eyre Square area of the city, within easy WWherheree NexNext?t? Please return booking forms with full walking distance of the venue. payment by Friday June 22nd to: Further Information: LabourLabour AfAfterter thethe EElectilectionon For further information contact Andrew Payne at [email protected] or 0863431462 Galway City Tom Johnson Summer School Labour Party BOOK EARLY! 13-15 July 8-11 Lower Baggot Street Places are limited and will be allocated Dublin 2 on a first come, first served basis - so book early to avoid disappointment! Programme Friday Saturday Sunday 7.30pm Opening 11am-11pm Class, the Celtic Tiger 11am-11pm Migration and the Left Willie Penrose TD and the Labour Party Ciaran Lynch TD Cllr Dominic Hannigan David Begg, ICTU General Secretaty 8-110pm After the Election: Where Steve Loyal, UCD Sociology Department Joanna Tuffy TD Benedicta Attoh, Louth African Women’s does Labour go from here? Kieran Allen, Author of ‘The Corporate Group Jan O’Sullivan TD Takeover of Ireland’ Cllr Eric Byrne Paul O’Shea, Community Worker in Chair: Annie Hanlon, Co-Chair Labour LGBT Patrick Nulty, Labour Youth Chair Moy Ross 2-44pm 21st Century Socialism: Chair: James Heffernan, Labour Party What does it look like and how PLUS election candidate in Limerick West can we get it? Saturday 2.30pm: Address 3.30-55pm Which way forward for Jeremy Corbyn MP Eamon Gilmore TD by Michael D. Higgins TD, the Left in the North of Ireland? Party President Sadie Kelly, Labour Women Tommy Broughan TD Paul Dillon, Student Activist Saturday 7.30pm: 10th Anniversary Jim Mark Langhammer, Northern Ireland Chair: Sean Butler Kemmy Memorial Lecture and presentation Labour Forum of Jim Kemmy Award at dinner with Sean Mitchell, People Before Profit Menlo Park Hotel Pat Rabbitte TD, Party Leader candidate in West Belfast Galway City Chair: Christina McSorley.
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