1640s Today Famine Or Holocaust? Fianna Fail Renaissance? John Minahane Jack Lane Labour Comment

page 14 page 16 back page IRISH POLITICAL REVIEW October 2010 Vol.25, No.10 ISSN 0790-7672 and Northern Star incorporating Workers' Weekly Vol.24 No.10 ISSN 954-5891

What's Constitutional? Béal an Lenihan Junior Minister Mansergh Speaks So Brian Lenihan made the journey Fianna Fail Junior Minister Martin Mansergh has been putting himself about. from Cambridge University to Beal na Speaking at the McCluskey Summer School he said that Fianna Fail could not contest mBlath. It was a short trip. Now, if he had elections in the North because it was a party in government in the Republic and to do so gone to Kilcrumper! . would create a conflict of interest and damage the peace process. He hailed his appearance at the place Senior Fianna Fail Ministers, and Eamon Cuiv, have been encouraging where Michael Collins,master of the the setting up of Party organisations in the North. The measure is generally supported Treaty state, was killed in an absurd gesture by Cumainn around the South. The question of contesting elections in the North has not of bravado, as a "public act of historical arisen as a practical proposition because party organisation is still in a rudimentary stage. reconciliation". But Mansergh has jumped in to pre-empt it, supported by the new leader of the SDLP, This historical reconciliation was made Margaret Ritchie. The Irish News wrote: over sixty years ago, when those whom "Martin Mansergh's comments will come as a blow to party members lobbying for the Collins had left in the lurch made a final Republic's senior governing party to contest assembly elections next year. The minister repudiation of the Treaty by shaking the of state and former special adviser to the on also said he had dust of the British Commonwealth from doubts about whether there was any political advantage to being an all-Ireland party. their feet and contributed a joint account "Sinn Fein are the only party to contest elections throughout Ireland… “The political of the War of Independence with those advantage of being an all-Ireland party is debatable, given the difference in conditions and roles north and south of the border”, he said. “There has often been felt to be space north who had refused to subscribe to the Treaty of the border for an unapologetic constitutional republicanism. While Fianna Fail has in the first place. (See The Anglo-Irish acknowledged formally in a number of ways the existence of significant political support War by Sean MacEoin, Tom Barry, Oscar for it north of the border, it is difficult for a government co-sponsor of an only recently Traynor etc.) bedded-down peace process to enter itself into electoral competition without creating a Lenihan launched Eoin Neeson's book conflict of interest. Opposition parties of course are under no such constraints“." on Myths From 1916 in in 2007. But, in a democracy, Opposition Parties are Parties which aspire to form the The way he blanched when Manus Government. And, in the Republic at present, all three Opposition Parties are in with a O'Riordan concluded the meeting by good chance of becoming Government Parties within a couple of years. Supposing they singing The Foggy Dew spoke volumes. organised in the North now, would they have to dis-organise if they won the election? He found the Somme much more And, if Fianna Fail loses, will Mansergh agree that it is free to organise in the North until congenial. it wins an election? Pre-empting the issues, and imagining problematic situations in advance of actual What Lenihan needs to be reconciled practical developments which might give rise to them, is the way not to do things in the with is historic Fianna Fail, shaped from North. The only sensible way there is to feel your way and see what can be done. the heritage of Liam Lynch, who was television interviewers did their best over many years to stultify Sinn Fein by binding it systematically hunted down by Collins's into imaginary 'scenarios' about the future. And they did the same with the SDLP before acolytes after he left them leaderless. What that. (But UTV/BBC interviewers were models of well-informed good sense by need is there for him to reconcile with comparison with RTE interviewers whose only interview technique for Sinn Fein was Treatyite ? (Does it exist? Did a hectoring, condemnatory, tone of voice.) any trace of it survive the 1948 repudiation The future is not a suitable subject for political analysis as a means of throwing light of the British |Commonwealth by Fine on what should be done in the present. It doesn't exist until it emerges from what is done Gael in alliance with a recently retired in the present, and therefore it cannot be a guide to the present. It cannot be grasped by Chief of Staff of the IRA?) calculus in advance of the event. And, if it could be known in advance, that knowledge The historic accommodation over the operating in the present would probably prevent the known future from happening. Treaty happened long ago. It happened Human nature, as Dostoevsky observed, is perverse in that regard. The variability of by Fine Gael giving up on the Treaty after human conduct is infinite, therefore, as Goethe put it, the grey calculus of human affairs Fianna Fail had broken it, and becoming cannot stop the sprouting of "the green tree of life". Or, as Kant put it, nothing straight a party in the Anti-Treaty democracy can be made out of the crooked wood of humanity. established by Fianna Fail. Between post- The logic of Mansergh's position is that Northern Ireland should be sealed up in its 1948 Fine Gael and Fianna Fail a continued on page 2 continued on page 7 slowly than the SDLP was. There is C O N T E N T S already significant discontent with it, What's Constitutional. Junior Minister Mansergh Speaks. Editorial 1 despite the calibre of its leaders and the Béal an Lenihan. Editorial 1 awareness, on the part of some of them at Readers' Letters: In Defence Of Peter Hart. Jeffrey Dudgeon 3 least, of what Northern Ireland is. New Unionist Leader. Conor Lynch 5 Editorial Digest. (Violence; Electric; Orange Order; Iris Robinson; Omagh; The political culture of Sinn Fein lies in City Of Culture; Consultants; British Army; The Pope; Eames/Bradley; the personal understanding of its leaders Legal Bills; New Taxes; GAA, Up In Down; Wee Ulster; Settlers & Natives) 7 worked out through experience. There is Corrupt Ireland? John Martin reviews 's The Bankers 8 no sign in Sinn Fein publications of the Sean Lester: Gageby Gagged By Madam. Manus O'Riordan (report) 10 quality of understanding that enabled it to Shorts from the Long Fellow (Bond Market; Irrevocable Guarantee; A Sovereign do what it has done in the North. Its Default; Economic Recovery? Irish.economy.ie; Brian Lenihan In Beal na mBlath) 11 publications are empty. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi. Wilston John Haire (poem) 12 It was our view in the mid-1970s that A No-Go Area For Fianna Fail? Jack Lane 13 the Provos were effective in the North Mr. Blair Clarifies The Issue That Defines Him—The War In Iraq. JL 13 insofar as they were the specific product A Discussion On The 1640s. John Minahane reports on the launch of of 'the Northern Ireland state'. They An Argument Defending The Right Of The Kingdom Of Ireland (1645) became part of the traditional Republican by Conor O'Mahony 14 movement of the country because that Famine Or Holocast? How Many Died? Report of talk given by Jack Lane was what was to hand when the 1969 at Féile Duthalla 2010 16 pogrom threw the Catholic community Es Ahora. Julianne Herlihy (Rolling Stone Magazine; Shell & Ireland; The Times; into flux. At a certain point the Northern Battle Of Britain; 'Wartime' Britain; Private Eye) 18 element separated itself from that general Meeting Pat Murphy. Brendan Clifford reviews Pat Murphy, Republicanism and went its own way so Social Republican 20 successfully that it is now the biggest After The Single Currency. why not a Euro Bond? (Report of letter by party in the 6 Counties and unapologetic David McInerney) 21 IRA men are are senior Ministers. It is the Jack Jones Vindicated. Manus O'Riordan (Part 3) 22 fact of IRA men in political office that Naval Warfare. Pat Walsh (Part 3) 25 offers the best hope of the 'Peace Process' Remembrance Day. Wilston John Haire (poem) 28 being sustainable and remaining a process, Does It Stack Up? Michael Stack (Coillte Teoranta; Oil Industry; Education; rather than falling into a routine—as Revenue Commissioners; NAMA; Norway And Its Oil) 28 Mansergh desires. But the Provos lost something as well Labour Comment, edited by Pat Maloney: as gaining something by separating from Fianna Fail Renaissance? by Philip O'Connor traditional Republicanism. (back page) Some years ago Mansergh, to our astonishment, published in the form of a Limbo, and that people should try to be state. Its bedding down owes little or review, in the Times Literary Supplement, nicer to one another in it. That was also his nothing to Fianna Fail's "co-sponsorship" a long condemnation of Rory O'Brady's father's position. He appears to be closely of it, and nothing at all to the SDLP's biography of General Maguire. His object guided by the views of his father, who was Hibernian carping. It is working because was to stamp on traditional Republicanism a British spy-master in the 2nd World War Paisley came back to tell his successors in as a means of consolidating the Good and a Professor/Administrator after the the DUP leadership to toe the line, and Friday Agreement. But Republican War in the interface between the British because the Provos are making it as easy discontent with the GFA was not going to Foreign Office and academia called as possible for them to toe the line. be snuffed out by condemnation in a Chatham House. But the father at least Martin McGuinness tactfully declined London literary magazine by somebody had the grace to compare Northern Ireland an invitation to meet the Pope when he like Mansergh, who never showed any to the Sargassa Sea, where snakes bred. was visiting the State—which is still sign of understanding what life the The Peace Process, that Mansergh is very much the State despite the "co- Sargasso Sea of Northern Ireland is like. concerned about upsetting if Fianna Fail sponsorship"—because he knew that Peter Rory O'Brady's view of things was not has more than token Party organisation in Robinson could not go for reasons to do rendered obsolete by the GFA, or by the the North, happened a long time ago. We with the Day of Judgment. spurious "all-Ireland election" held as a never saw that Fianna Fail had much to do propaganda exercise in support of it. And with "bedding it down", beyond black- There are elements in the Provo leader- the more Fianna Fail levitates free of its guarding Sinn Fein to conciliate Trimble— ship that would settle for the routine foundation in the 1918 Election, the more to Save Dave from the Paisleyites so that operation of what has been established, as relevant O'Brady's view of things becomes. he might play his part in the Process. It the SDLP did when Mallon, and then was our judgment from the start that Durkan, succeeded Hume. That was the Traditional Republicanism did not Trimble's object was to sabotage the undoing of the SDLP. Northern Ireland survive over the decades on merely senti- Process from within. The process did not was not designed for the routine operation mental grounds. It remained current begin to work until Trimbleism was set of democracy. If Sinn Fein treats it as because of the way Britain chose to govern aside by Paisleyism. It has now bedded such—as Junior Minister Mansergh its 6 County region after dividing the down as an authentic apartheid system intends that it should—then it is likely that country. It deliberately governed the North detached form the political system of the it too will be eroded, though perhaps more outside the political system of the State in 2 a mode that the British statesmen of the time—and they actually were statesmen LETTERS TO THE EDITOR · LETTERS TO THE EDITOR· LETTERS TO THE EDITOR· in those days—could not conceivably have thought was conducive to good govern- ment, peace and order. They did not try to In Defence Of Peter Hart draw the Northern minority into the seductive party politics of the State. And, At the risk of providing an excuse for more abuse on the late Peter Hart, and of being when the minority, with support in the seen to be under-knowledged about events such as the Kilmichael ambush, I feel your majority community, elected Jack Beattie latest attacks on him are inappropriate and disappointing (Victim of Academic Ideology?, to Westminster on a policy of becoming Irish Political Review, September 2010). party of British party-political life, he was Whatever about the interview with the 'dead' Kilmichael witness, and Hart describes rebuffed at Westminster. that person as a scout not an armed and fighting participant, his work is substantive, thorough and well written. That source may be anonymous but no more accessible than The Catholic community could not take Meda Ryan's reliance on lists of supposed Dunmanway Protestant informers for which part in Northern Ireland political life "there is not an exact copy" (Tom Barry p. 448) let alone a reference as to their present because there was none. It was not open location. to it to take part in British political life. If Without Peter Hart's books, I would not be aware of the level of the violence inflicted British politics had been open to it, and it on southern Protestants in the 1916-23 period, for whatever reasons, and the fact, let had participated, does anybody think that alone the details, outlined in The IRA at War of the killing of thirteen such in the Republican nostalgia could have started a Dunmanway area of after the truce. war and sustained it for a quarter of a Hart's chapter in The IRA and its Enemies, entitled 'The Protestant Experience of century. Revolution in Southern Ireland' was especially illuminating. Northern Unionists, being seriously unhistorical, have little or no remembrance of this period and southern Mansergh thinks that, while all-Ireland Protestants don't wish to know. party organisation is not practical for viable As to the "determined silence of the academic faculties", tribute to Hart has been paid political parties, there is "a space north of by a number of his colleagues including Roy Foster and Feargal McGarry, not to mention the border for an unapologetic constitu- his media defenders like that you note. Hart was not "punished" or tional republicanism". Does this mean marginalised by his mentors and colleagues, even if he was not entirely supported on the that he does not consider Sinn Fein to be tone or angling of his two IRA books. They display the understandable and antagonistic Republican? Or is it that he does not think view of violence of the emotionally uninvolved, non-participant, in his case a Canadian's it constitutional? Or is it that a party that view. operates in two different Constitutions, Look at the left and 's response to American military actions in Iraq and makes a practical functional adaptation and NATO's in Afghanistan to see something much more extreme, yet similar. to each of them, is unconstitutional because Expecting full fact-checking before a book's publication is absurd. It would double only a party which is bound into a particular the costs. Facts in a book per page are numerous, and countless over a whole volume. I Constitution can be described as know in the case of mine on Roger Casement there are many corrections that need now constitutional? If that is the case, would made (as well as the addition of new details). However none after eight years affect the he regard the Provos as constitutional thrust of the book or the vast majority of the assessments made within it and that would Republicans if they dissolved their 26 be the case if Hart's 'scout' was mistaken. County region? I have spotted numerous misspellings and mistaken omissions due both to simple Or must they sit in Westminster to be mistakes and errors and the misreading of handwriting. Two new facts that have since constitutional? But, if there is a 'Northern come my way were that Edward Carpenter discussed Casement's homosexuality in 1915, Ireland state'—and we are told on all sides before his diaries were discovered, and that Casement's Belfast companion, Millar that there is—why should it be necessary Gordon signed the Ulster Covenant. A significant misinterpretation was made of what for elected politicians in the North to go I took wrongly as a dispute between Joseph Conrad and Casement on the question of and sit in the Parliament of another State whether there was an indigenous custom in the Congo of cutting off hands. There wasn't. in order to be properly Constitutional? Jeffrey Dudgeon Re 'the Northern Ireland state', the Provos have given it a semblance of reality within Fianna Fail. It would be useful to "Coming to live in Northern Ireland in which it never had in the past, and have know what kind of republicanism Fianna 1960 was for me a culture shock. My first even cast an aura of democracy around it. Fail would approve of in the North. A experience of democracy Northern Ire- land style was when I went to vote. The In the past it could never have been futile, consolatory, nostalgic kind? choice was between abstentionist mistaken for a democratic state or any The McCluskey Summer School, at republican, labour and Ulster Unionist. other form of state. It was a subordinate which Mansergh ruled all-Ireland politics Seeing abstentionism as a wasted vote I regime of communal (or sectarian) had decided to vote labour. On presenting off the agenda, was launched a couple of dominance set up for its own purposes by my voting card I was informed that I had years ago to mark the fortieth anniversary the Mother of Parliaments and always already voted… I was given a pink ballot of the setting up of a Civil Rights, as subject to the maternal will. paper. This would count in the event of distinct from an Anti-Partition, agitation, a tie, I was told… In a state of frustration, It would be useful if Mansergh spelled to concentrate on discrimination against anger and helplessness I voted for the out the kind of sub-provincial constitu- Catholics in housing, jobs, and Local republican!" tional Republicanism he would approve Government voting. The first session was That was the dreadful "personation" of. He is, after all, a Fianna Fail Minister, addressed by Brid Rodgers, who described that one heard so much about at one time. and a voluble though a junior one. He the shock of moving the short distance Personation was a reasonable way of must be in tune with some strain of thought from Donegal: conducting "democracy Northern Ireland 3 style". The crucial political organisations violence in 1969-70—but is doing so only who refuse to settle for that? For a level were the Catholic and Protestant Electoral as an expression of resentment against the playing field of structured communal anta- Registration Societies, which saw to it Provos. gonism undergoing a process of Catholics and Protestants went on the demographic change. If Fianna Fail electoral register as they came of age, and Brid Rodgers commented on Stormont's boycotts the North—except for the futile were then turned out to vote. And person- "policies of apartheid" in the 1960s. We "co-sponsorship"—what will happen ation was an appropriate way of ensuring have not moved away from apartheid. when the demographics change a bit more? full voting. The effective choice was The SDLP sought equality for the Catholic * between Catholic and Protestant and, so community through equitable apartheid. Mansergh also protested during the long as cross-community personation was That is what was provided for by the GFA, month against the Dublin demonstrations prevented by Catholic and Protestant and established by the Provos and against Tony Blair which deterred him supervision, there was really nothing to Paisleyites. from promoting his book generally. Blair complain about. Party politics as under- The British Government "shirked its "should be received as a friend" because stood in the state had no place in its sovereign responsibility" fifty years ago, he "did more for peace in Ireland as prime Northern Ireland system. Brid Rodgers and continues to do so. "British rights for minister than any of his predecessors" (IT brought irrelevant political assumptions British citizens" exist no more now than 8 Sept.) with her from Donegal. The surprise is they did then. They were not pursued by There it is again. The Irish needed that Northern Ireland was not understood the Civil Rights Movement in a way that Britain to make peace amongst them! even in Donegal. made them achievable. They were pursued Didn't we have a referendum twelve She gave some examples of discrimin- outside the British political system, which years ago that made the Six Counties part ation and then observed: was their condition of existence. of the UK State de jure as well as de facto? "Let me stress that all this was The people of the North have equitable If so, was it not in part of his own State that happening at a time when the Unionist apartheid outside the citizenship of the Blair made peace? And why should Ireland party was in full control in Stormont and state. They are not British citizens—the the British Government continued to shirk be grateful to him for pacifying a turbulent primary business of citizenship being the part of Britain? its sovereign responsibility for the business of governing the state. And the situation in Northern Ireland, maintaining Michael McDowell, reviewing Blair's it could not interfere in the affairs of the adviser to Taoiseachs says it is out of the book (IT 9th September) says "at the Stormont government. question for them to become citizens of outset that Ireland owes Tony Blair a "50 years of republican rhetoric, with the Irish State. huge debt of gratitude for… the settlement intermittent bouts of IRA violence, had And, at this year's Summer School, of ". It is a debt that "we changed nothing for the nationalist Britain, which Brid Rodgers thought had community in Northern Ireland. collectively owe". How fortunate Britain "sovereign responsibility" which it was is to be able to misgovern a section of "Again the McCluskys realised that shirking, is excused of responsibility with something had to be done. Since Northern itself deliberately and have a neighbour a reference to 'the Northern Ireland state'. Ireland was part of the UK they would willingly take the blame for it, and then seek the ordinary rights of British citizens feel indebted to it for stopping the trouble If you stir up an agitation on some which were denied them. This of course caused by its misgovernment! subsequently became the mantra of the complaint, you must be under obligation But MacDowells gratitude to Blair, Civil Rights Movement." to direct the agitation towards a realistic unlike Mansergh's, does not blind him to means of remedying the matter, especially That was in the mid 1960s, almost half the damage Blair did in other parts of the if you make a Pharisaical song and dance a century ago. The Civil Rights Movement world. He sees him as having been about being Constitutional. To do that became the SDLP plus the Alliance Party. emotionally unbalanced by the attack on you must at least know which State you're Two generations on the Alliance runs the the World Trade Centre, and as a con- in. The Oh-so-Constitutional Civil police and is a spent political force. The sequence making possible "the wrong Righters did not know that, and their SDLP has run the natural course of the legally and politically" invasion of Iraq, movement soon went off the rails. political life it chose to live. There is which Bush could not have undertaken If "British rights for British citizens" intermittent Republican violence on a scale without him. And then his efforts to get was the mantra forty years ago, it soon far greater than there was between 1923 something done about Israel were "belated, gave way to a mantra that condemned the and the appearance of the Civil Rights weak and wholly inadequate". Movement as a mass agitational force in blaming of Britain as a blinkered, small- minded, sectarian view of the situation. 1968—the bad old days. The possibility Mansergh's view is: And if, when one stopped to think about it, of holding it in check lies with the "The Iraq war may have been a serious constitutional force of Provo Sinn Fein. one had to admit that Britain was to blame, mistake, and some of its justifications then it was best not to think about it. Not Fianna Fail, having inflamed the situ- flawed, though international law in this thinking became the Constitutional area is not as clear-cut as is often made ation with an irresponsible speech by Nationalist frame of mind. Mindless out, but it undoubtedly removed Saddam Taoiseach Jack Lynch in August 1969, is Constitutionalism became incapable of Hussein, who by any standards was a washing its hands of responsibility for the constituting anything. The word came to longstanding domestic tyrant and war mess it helped to create—if the views of mean Pacifist. The actual power of con- criminal, and still some danger to the the Party intellectual and former adviser neighbourhood. If any consistent logic stituting passed to the "men of violence", were applied by the… protest groups of Taoiseachs are the views of the present who dealt in realities. What they have Taoiseach, and there are reasons to suppose [against Blair], to what class of crimin- constituted is a reasonably equitable ality would they consider such “heroes” that they are. system of apartheid. And Mansergh says as Lenin and Trotsky belong?' And the Civil Rights Summer School is that is how Northern Ireland must remain. discussing the unknowable—how things If Iraq was a tyranny, it was a functional would have gone if there had not been Is it surprising that there are people tyranny. Sunni, Shia, Kurds and Christians 4 were all drawn into the running of the Early in the selection campaign Elliott For the record, military attacks so far in state, which was conducted on liberal and announced that he would never attend a 2010 include:—the shooting of secular lines. The "tyranny" was the mode Gay Pride march or a GAA match—the Constable Heffron in Randalstown on of development that was enabling the connection between the two being lost on January 25th; the bombing of Newry various peoples thrown together for most people! (McCrea has attended both Courthouse on February 22nd; Kieran Doherty killed by RIRA on February Britain's own ulterior motives to gell as a and is certainly no Orangeman.) Later, 24th; the bombing of MI5 HQ at Holy- national unit. It was a progressive tyranny, under pressure, Elliott said that he might, wood on April 12th; the attempted and that was nothing new in the history of sometime in the future, attend a GAA bombing of Newtownhamilton police Progress. It was only through the evolution match, It is unlikely that the Fermanagh barracks on April 13th; the shooting up of the "tyranny" that liberal,secular, County Board is holding its collective of Crossmaglen police barracks on July bourgeois Iraq was ever likely to become breath. 2nd; a bomb explosion near Cullyhanna democratic. In such developments Last minute efforts were made by the in South Armagh on July 10th; a bomb democratisation usually comes last. UUP establishment to arrange a fix and attack on Woodburn police barracks, The invasion which broke up the avoid an election at the Waterfront Hall Belfast on July 22nd; the shooting of a tyranny trashed the social development but these came to nothing. There were drug dealer in Derry on July 24th; a that had been accomplished by it. The seats at the count reserved for 1,200 bomb attack on Strand Road barracks in Derry on August 3rd; a bomb attack on different social elements which it had delegates—938 attended. A quarter of a soldier in Bangor on August 4th; a drawn together in a tolerant accom- these were bussed in from Elliott's strong- bomb attack on a policeman in Kilkeel modation of each other were deliberately hold in Fermanagh—one of the few areas on August 8th; and a bomb attack on a incited against each other by the in the North which still has a strong UUP policeman in Cookstown on August propaganda and actions of the invasion base. (Officially 2,100 UUP members 10th. force from the moment it crossed the were entitled to vote, but the Party has Rioting, which was widespread, ceased border; and the 'fundamentalism', which nowhere near that membership.) in July. had been declining as elements of the In the end Tom Elliott won with 643 ELECTRIC As was mentioned here, and various religious communities were drawn votes to Basil McCrea's 294 votes (69% to almost everywhere else, some time ago, into the functioning of the regime, was 31%). To say the least, Elliott has a hill to it was proposed that the South's state- reinvigorated deliberately. And the climb. Since 's time the owned electricity generator, the ESB, resulting chaos was called "freedom", and UUP has lost about 100,000 votes. Now was to take over Northern Ireland even "democracy". a leading McCrea supporter, Trevor Electricity (NIE). Apart from a few arguments about whether the connectors And the killing rate, which had been Ringland, the UUP's Westminster candi- should be above or below ground, the declining steeply under the "tyranny", even date in East Belfast and former rugby proposal seemed to be welcomed by by Amnesty International figures, shot up international, has threatened to leave the everyone. Here is what the relevant to unprecedented quantities in random Party unless Elliott changes his stance on Stormont Minister, the DUP's Arlene destructive activity with no overall purpose. the GAA. Also threatening to leave is Foster, had to say about the matter at the Alan Craig from Portstewart. time: We cannot recall when it was that Lenin Neither of the candidates favoured the "This is the transfer of ownership of the and Trotsky invaded another state and, recent link-up with the British Conserv- NIE electricity network business from an overseas investment bank to an experienced with wanton destructiveness, trashed it. ative Party which probably means that utility company. That in itself is an Maybe Minister of State Mansergh will that idea is dead. Elliott says that his first important point to highlight. The ESB has remind us. aim is to get the British to go back on the a proven track record in both the ownership St. Andrews Agreement and so prevent and management of key electricity Martin McGuinness becoming the First infrastructure; it also has a good investment track record, including accessing the Minister if Sinn Fein becomes the largest eurobond market. I welcome ESB New Unionist Leader party in Stormont after next May's management's commitment to both fund Assembly election—as seems likely to The election for a successor to Reg and construct this important infrastructure happen. in Northern Ireland." Empey as leader of the almost defunct Conor Lynch There was much more in this vein and has hardly set the it seemed only a matter of getting the Province on fire. The front-runner has almost inevitable go-ahead from the always been Fermanagh/South Tyrone British Office of Fair Trading for the MLA, Tom Elliott, and the challenger was whole matter to be sorted out. Lagan Valley MLA, Basil McCrea. Elliott Editorial Digest Then in mid-July the TUV's Jim was the favourite of the UUP establish- Allister, elected by nobody, started to ment—old guard. He is a staunch Orange- VIOLENCE IN THE NORTH Military kick up about the Free State taking over man—a former Grand Master in his area— and civil violence by "dissident" groups the North's electricity—which doesn't belong to the North at all! Suddenly and a member of the the now defunct seems to have virtually ceased since the Peter Robinson and Reg Empey, both of Ulster Defence Regiment. The UDR was Orange marches in mid- to late July. Almost nothing happened during the whom have an irrational fear of Allister, particularly notorious in the border areas jumped on the bandwagon and have where, as often as not, it was the UVF or Black Institution marches in August beyond token peaceful protests. This started also making noises about the the LVF in British army uniforms. It was would appear to be the result of Free State taking over. Even Arlene involved in the massacre of the Miami satisfactory discussions between Foster is beginning to back pedal. Watch Showband and the later bombings of representatives of RIRA and the British this space! Dublin and Monaghan. (The earlier Government—possibly brokered by ORANGE ORDER The Orange Order in bombings were carried out directly by the Sinn Fein—which solved the protests the North is carrying out a County by British Army.) by political prisoners in the the jails. County series of commemorations to 5 honour its members killed in the recent are the roles played by the electronic Humanist Association said: "he and the war. The total was 335 members. Last spying organisation, GCHQ, and by use their powers to make year Down and Armagh were toured RUC and British Intelligence agents both people's lives worse". (As opposed to and the most recent event was at Killy- in the Real IRA and in Omagh itself on who—the secular British State?) man Orange Hall near Dungannon, Co. the day of the bombing. Not something In the context of all this the Ulster Tyrone. Those attending, as well as they are likely to achieve. Humanists called for protests against Orangemen, included representatives CITY OF CULTURE Derry is now, after the Pope which, so far as one can see, from the South's Department of Foreign much cross-community lobbying, the didn't happen. Meanwhile its leader, Affairs, the Chinese Welfare Associ- UK City of Culture. This came as a bit Brian McClinton, continued a letter- ation, the Equality Commission, the of a surprise to most people who thought writing campaign to link Martin Mc Phoenix Project (a body supporting that the town was in line, and quite Guinness and a long-dead Catholic priest young people with attention deficit rightly, for the prestigious accolade of with the Claudy bombings of forty years problems), and the . European City of Culture, as won by ago. The Grand Lodge Director, David Glasgow, Liverpool and Cork. Unfor- One of the Pope's leading advisors, Hume, made a most interesting state- tunately it was only the makey-upy UK Cardinal Kasper, refused to accompany ment: "At the start of the Troubles, the City of Culture. Derry had to beat him on the visit on the grounds that Orange Order encouraged members to Birmingham and, to be fair, Norwich. Britain was "a third world land". It play their part in protecting the wider should be so lucky! Though what exactly community by serving in the security CONSULTANTS and Quangos are seldom the Cardinal really meant is difficult to services. Unfortunately many paid the employed to provide genuine expertise. say. Their role is to distance decisions, and ultimate sacrifice." Sure enough, the THE EAMES/BRADLEY recommend- commemorative plaque displayed in the any consequent blame, from politicians and civil servants. (And of course to ations as to how to come to terms with Belfast News Letter showed most of the the past got precisely nowhere. Not names followed by UDR or RUCR. provide jobs for the boys and girls!) In the North the following, and very partial, least because almost no one was list may show how bad things have got. interested in dealing with the pompous IRIS Robinson is back in Belfast. Apart and establishment former Archbishop. from the usual prurient comments the (There is also the so-called Voluntary Sector which, far from having anything In his contribution to the quite interesting papers still add her "financial irregular- News Letter series "Unionism 2021", ities" to their stories. This is a never- to do with volunteering or self-help, is dominated by well-paid, and sometimes Eames had nothing to say that is worth ending source of mystery. She borrowed commenting on. He is a master of the money from two friends to help set up a very well-paid, officials.) So, to the Northern Ireland Consultant Industry:— pious and meaningless platitude. cafe for her boyfriend. One can imagine Denis Bradley, by contrast, has been her husband being hopping mad, though DARD red meat strategy 250,000 attempting to engage in politics. Acknow- he doesn't seem to have been, but what DoE strategy 1,075,243 ledging that Sinn Fein and any future has it got to do with anyone else? People DFP IT advice 4,800,000 Fianna Fail MPs will continue to boycott borrow money, they spend it, and, with First Minister design 1,029,000 Westminster, and that the DUP and the DFP management 6,400.000 luck, they pay it back. Where were the Alliance Party have no real interest in "irregularities"? DETI legal 1,013,557 DEL management 1,024,000 the place, while the UUP is virtually When Peter Robinson followed the unelectable, he has proposed that elected lead of Ian Paisley and decided to make DETI broadband 222,329 First Minister legal 220,000 Westminster MPs from the North should a go of Stormont with Sinn Fein, he be entitled to Dáil seats. became a hate figure among the 'moder- DEL legal 188,000 DSD procurement 189,425 He also proposes that residents in the ates' of the UUP, the SDLP and the DHSS management 734,000 North should be able to vote for the Irish UVF. Iris's dallying, and unsubstantiated DHSS organisation 776,000 Presidency. (He points out that a great allegations against Peter, were spread And so it goes. Cuts, what cuts? many Northerners, and not just Catho- throughout East Belfast by that 'nice' lics, carry Irish passports. And that it Alliance lady, Naomi Long and her UVF BRITISH ARMY All British Army would be inconceivable that the holders backers, among others. So Peter garrisons remaining in the North are of say American or German passports Robinson lost his Westminster seat to now exclusively involved in training for should not be allowed to vote in their Naomi Long. The Alliance Party got war in Afghanistan and for potential respective Presidential elections.) nowhere in other constituencies. wars in Pakistan or or . So it is interesting to note that the Afghan LEGAL BILLS A member of the OMAGH The British Government has Stormont Health Committee, Sam again turned down the demand for a Resistance has finally forced a British Gardiner, UUP MLA for Upper Bann, public inquiry into the Omagh Bombing. withdrawal from Sangin, the capital of Helmand Province. Mullah Omar's has called for a "no fault" system of At a meeting attended by representatives arbitration in medical negligence cases. of Sinn Fein, the UUP and the Alliance recent prediction that victory can be no He states that last year five hospital Party, the spokesman for the relatives, more than two of three years off is looking quite accurate. trusts "settled" a total of 14.6m with Michael Gallagher, said: "We feel that legal costs adding a further 5m. There is the problem with Omagh over the years THE POPE's visit to Britain seems to undoubtedly a medical legal industry in have gone off without a hitch and with was that they looked at small individual the Province and Mr. Gardiner is far full houses at all venues, contrary to the areas. We need an over arching inquiry from being alone in calling for an end to which would look at all the issues that hopes and expectations of his detractors. it. In the case of arbitration failing, God's self-professed main enemy, need to be addressed." people would still have recourse to law. The Omagh relatives had been sup- Richard Dawkins, described the Pope ported by a BBC Panorama investigation on Northern Ireland TV as "a leering old NEW TAXES The Irish News has and by the Northern Ireland Affairs villain in a frock". "discovered" a money raising agenda by Committee at Westminster. But they Professional counsellor to the masses, Stormont to counter cuts by the West- were over-ridden following objections Claire Rayner, said: "I have never felt minster government. These include:— by Intelligence supremo, Sir Peter such animus against any individual as I 20 pounds to see a GP, 100 for a visit to Gibson. What they really want exposed do against this creature." The British A&E, water charges for 2013-14, a levy 6 on rates for local policing (not that there County's Gaelic team "ends as soon as integrate with the Free State. So for the is any local policing in the eyes of many), possible". Not all unionists were so moment we are all left with making the bringing back prescription charges, miserable. John McAllister MLA said: best we can in wee Ulster, in this part of ending free home help and subsidised "I had hoped to get to the match, but I what is definitely Ireland. nursing home care, a congestion charge have family commitments. The atmos- In recent times, indeed very recent for Belfast, increased parking charges phere around the county has been very times, another problem, hopefully not a and parking charges for civil servants. positive ahead of this match, and I am widespread one, is arising. The 2-nations Whether any of this is real is open to sure there are many like myself who are analysis placed great emphasis on how speculation. The Irish News has become wishing the team every success on people perceived themselves. There has more and more a down market and Sunday." been an increasing habit among unionist sensationalist newspaper. One has only WEE ULSTER There seems to be an politicians of referring to nationalists as got to remember its prurient and almost increasing feeling around the North that Irish, and to nationalist aspirations and endless "reporting" of the charges against the place should become a distinct entity, beliefs as being Irish in a derogatory Liam Adams and its vicious reporting of subsuming desires for either a British or manner. Which begs the question of so-called connections between Martin an Irish identity. It is still a minority how they see themselves. Having said McGuinness and the the Claudy bomb- feeling but is being fed by a variety of that, there can be little question that ing. Then there is the almost endless factors. There is the growing Hibernian most Protestants see themselves as Irish stream of articles about priestly sex- trend in the more self-confident Catholic and are seen by nationalists as Irish— abuse which almost seem purposely community. There is an almost hostile not the "wrong sort of Irish", just another written to entertain readers who like that attitude to England among Protestants, sort of Irish. Certainly not English. This sort of thing. and this was, if anything, increased by Column would put Stephen Richards But the proposals, if proposals they Reg Empey's flirtation with the British into that category, the category of the are, relating to motoring and car parking Conservatives. Then there is a growing majority. Perhaps the original "note" should be welcome whatever the belief that Scotland will separate sooner was stated rather crudely. If so, the economic climate. Belfast is one big rather than later. But flesh was put on Column apologises. traffic jam most of the time. (The rest of the idea by Anna Lo, Alliance MLA for the time it is a nightmare of high speeds South Belfast, in the News Letter's and sometimes even a disregard for "Union 2021" series: Béal an Lenihan traffic signals.) It is a sight to behold as "I do not think that Northern Ireland's continued an endless stream of traffic exits the M1 relationship with Great Britain is as and the Westlink, knowing that, apart important as fostering a common Northern "reconciliation" would be altogether out from the North West, the M1 Corridor Irish identity for all our citizens. With of place. They are rivals in an adversarial has an excellent train service, as has people seeing themselves as Northern Irish democracy, and party conflict is of the first and foremost rather than identifying most of the commuter area to Belfast essence of what is called democracy these (the Portadowne, Larne, and Bangor with the tribal and divisive tags of British or days. lines). And these services are about to Irish, unionist or nationalist. Under this get better still with lots of new trains on identity we can form a truly shared culture, Lenihan's speech at Beal na Blath, if it heritage and future with the potential to order. Yet one can stand on a platform was not a mere personal eccentricity, was recognise, promote and celebrate the about the Anglicising of Fianna Fail in at Great Victoria Street in the morning differences within it whilst everyone is able and see almost empty trains arriving to identify with the overarching theme of preparation for a visit from our Queen, in from Portadown or Bangor. being 'Northern Irish'" return for the state visit of our Pope to The problem is that there is every SETTLERS AND NATIVES In the Britain—but really in exchange of Queen incentive for people to arrive individually August issue of Irish Political Review for Pope. in their tin boxes. Car parks have been Stephen Richards protested about an a major growth industry. They are a item in a previous Editorial Digest which The gist of the speech was a repudi- license to print money as so many people he took to be a denial of the right of ation of De Valera. Dev felt challenged by work in the public sector and most of Protestant people to describe themselves "the ghost of Collins"—or, "it may be that these have their parking fees paid by as Irish. The complained-of item was an their employers. he did". And he stayed on too long as attempt to explain why there is such party leader. THE GAA IN DOWN The excitement support in unionist Ulster for the state of Lenihan's grandfather was Treatyite in of Down reaching the All-Ireland foot- Israel, especially at a time when the 1922. As he told the Dail in 1969: ball final was palpable in the County, actions of that state against the Palestin- and indeed in many other places around ian people are almost universally con- "Collins called for Volunteers to invade the North. “I remember putting my name Ulster. And it has hardly abated even demned. The similar origins (or their though Down lost by a point to Cork. to it”, he told the House. “It was rather perception of their origins) of the Ulster stupid when one thinks of it. These were Even the cows in the fields were dyed Protestants and the Israeli Jews was the things done in those days but 1969 is red and black! But there is always one offered as a possible explanation, along a different day… I appeal to younger miserable spoilsport on these occasions with the instinct among unionists to men to keep sane about these things, to —in this case it was Jim Wells, DUP oppose whatever Republicans support. catch themselves on”…" MLA for South Down. Mr. Wells That was as far as it went. decided to take great exception to Ulster The Irish Political Review and its Paddy Lenihan became a Treatyite civil Bank employees serving customers in predecessor journals pioneered the idea servant and then switched to Fianna Fail, Castlewellan wearing Down football that there were two distinct IRISH "attracted in particular by Sean Lemass shirts—never mind the the bank was a nations on this island—a view now who shared many of the same qualities he co-sponsor of the county team. almost universally accepted in practice, had admired in Michael Collins: the "The GAA is not a purely sporting if not in theory. We still stand by that talent for organisation, great energy and organisation", he said, "It has yet to analysis. Problems arose when it was a modernising tendency". divest itself of the baggage of politics put to unionists that they might like to and overt republicanism." He went on integrate with Britain and indeed there The big-time Fianna Fail talent in these to hope that the fever surrounding the are also problems with any attempts to things was Haughey. Lemass was small- 7 time by comparison. Collins got himself patriotism and self-sacrifice terrible deeds Lenihan means the Constitutional Govern- killed before he ever had to decide whether were done on all sides during the War of ment, set up by the democratic election in to balance a budget or not. But one thing Independent and the Civil War". We must accordance with the New Order of the Lemass shared with Collins was mis- confess to terrible things in order to be world proclaimed by Britain for the raising chievous interference in the North. healed. And Hart must be forgiven the of cannonfodder, and instantly repudiated (Haughey knew the North and did not historical fraud in which he engaged by it de facto when it won the Great War. tamper.) Joe Keenan has shown in a series because it was a pious fraud designed to of articles in this publication that Collins' help us to feel guilty? But it is natural for a Cambridge grad- Northern policy was either self- uate to understand that being Constitu- contradictory or deceptive. Lemass's War might be a terrible thing, but it is tional means doing what Britain wants Northern policy was blundering and was also the most common thing in human you to do and that doing what it does not a detonator for catastrophe. history. The setting aside of an election, want you to do is revolutionary—no matter which is what led to Our War, is also a how democratic and orderly it might be. Fine Gael's great Anti-Partition drive terrible thing—more terrible than war that accompanied its final repudiation of because of when it was done and who did [Béal an means 'mouth of'. the Treaty led to the invasion of the North it. It was done by the Mother of Parliaments Lenihan's speech can be read in full on eight years later, in 1956. It took only four two months after it had caused ten million the Dept. of Finance website.] years from Lemass's brow-beating of the people to die in the Great War to establish Nationalist Party into role-playing the part democracy and the rights of small nations The Anglo-Irish War by General Sean of Loyal Opposition in Captain O'Neill's as part of the new order of the world. The MacEoin, Tom Barry, et al. Extracts from The Red Path Of Glory, With The IRA In The Fight make-believe democracy for the North to world was waiting to see what Britain's For Freedom, 1919 to the Truce. go up in flames. New World Order would look like. It saw Introduction, Brendan Clifford. 196pp. it in Ireland. €12, £9.99 "Had Collins lived" would he have Myths From Easter 1916, done this, or would it have been that, Collins is praised for his part in "the by Eoin Neeson. Lenihan asked. A futile question. But work of the revolutionary government". €20, £15. Lenihan thinks that "the full magnitude of Collins's achievements" has come to be Review: The Bankers by Shane Ross appreciated in recent times. If would he might have done if he had not thrown himself away at a critical moment is Corrupt Ireland? excluded from consideration, what are his achievements? This book gives a quick review of among the political establishment that at That he made good use of the Irish recent events in the Irish banking system. least the money was remaining in the Republican Brotherhood in the remaking While the book is not without interest country. But Shane Ross only sees of Sinn Fein in 1917-18. there is no sense of historical perspective corruption. That he played a part in the setting up of or any attempt to place this country's Other examples of 'corruption' were Dail Ministries, despite British military problems in an international context. Like the exorbitant salaries that the likes of the rule in 1919-21. many journalists he starts from the proposi- Farrell family extracted from Irish Perman- That he overcame the long-standing tion that this country is irredeemably ent. This was not untypical of such institu- scruple in nationalist Ireland against a corrupt and then proceeds to gather the tions. Since there was no ownership, and policy of systematic assassination. evidence for the prosecution. therefore no remuneration through the He begins his story in the 1970s. The ownership of shares, the only means by And that from December 1921 to reader gathers that there was wrong doing which senior executives could extract August 1922 he did——what? in the financial system even then. Ross money was through high salaries. (Read- That he saved the country from a British gives the example of Ken Bates—later ers, who have read my book on The Irish reconquest by means of unrestrained terror famous for selling Chelsea Football Club Times will remember that the absence of by submitting to the British ultimatum of to a Russian oligarch—setting up a bank share ownership in that institution meant 5th December 1921 and intimidated his which later went bust. Then there was the that the dominant person—the MI5 operat- colleagues in London into doing likewise, case of Joe Moore and the PMPA; not ive, Major McDowell—could only extract and by submitting to a series of follow-up forgetting Patrick Gallagher. These are money through an exorbitant salary and ultimatums in 1922, until he found himself very different cases but the author tries to routing personal expenses through the making war with British armaments on tie them together to advance his theme of company). the Republican Army which had obliged Irish corruption and weak regulation. But again Ross sees the wealth of the the Empire to concede Dominion status? In the early part of the book he talks Farrell family as more evidence of the If the matter of what Collins did in the about Irish building societies. corruption in Irish Life. last nine months of his life was set out put their money into Building Societies realistically, in its actual historical context, because, unlike the banks, they guaranteed In the 1980s the Government introduced it could be thought about. But a Cambridge confidentiality and were therefore a means the Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT). graduate is not the man to do that. Britain of evading tax. This reviewer suspects This taxed all interest at the standard rate would find it too offensive. that this phenomenon is typical of a small and obliged financial institutions (includ- Lenihan commended the part played in country with limited investment opportun- ing the Building Societies) to collect tax "the healing process on our island… by ities. In the past the surplus value extracted on behalf of the Government. the work of modern historians… like Peter by the Anglo-Irish Ascendancy was invest- This reduced the competitive advantage Hart" by showing that "alongside great ed abroad. There must have been a feeling of the building societies and some of them 8 such as Irish Permanent and First Active Anglo certainly ruffled feathers and bankrupt. The phrase 'fair weather went public (i.e. floated on the Stock upset the two major banks. Surely this was manager' comes to mind. Taking risks Exchange). Since nobody owned a build- something that Ross could applaud, but during times of prosperity can result in ing society the bonanza in the form of the author was never a fan of Fitzpatrick's greater profits than one's rivals, but the shares went to the deposit holders and bank. The bank won market share by same strategy during a recession can result borrowers. targeting medium-sized businesses with in catastrophic losses. Ross's great friend, capital requirements. Its turnaround time the soccer pundit , might The deposits were brought into the tax for loans was often within 24 hours while say that they were "sunshine boys" in regime. However, when they were brought its competitors took weeks. As a con- contrast to the "great" footballer who within the banking system, the banks sequence it was able to charge its customers knows that there is a time to take risks just thought of a new scam. This was to register higher interest rates, which compensated as there is time to "put the foot on the ball" them as offshore deposits which exempted for the greater risk taken on. It had a lower and take the sting out of the opposition them from DIRT. As soon as one door was cost base than its competitors because it when the game is going against him. closed, a window was opened. did not have a branch network. Another But again this scam was exposed and selling point was that it was open for The conventional wisdom—propagated the banks had to pay the tax. One could business at lunchtime. by Ross among others—is that Anglo was look at this as progress, but to Ross it is In short, up until the beginning of this a rogue bank; its recklessness forced its only more grist to his corruption mill. century it was a dynamic and reputable competitors to follow it into the mire, to bank largely servicing businesses and avoid losing market share. This is certainly Ross accuses Fianna Fáil of dragging individuals of high net worth. It certainly true, but in my view is not the full story. its feet on withdrawing property reliefs, was not a "developers' bank". The author There is at least as strong a case for the which is interesting because this reviewer mentions that its treasury function proposition that it was the entry of the does not remember the Sunday Independ- represented 25% of its business in 2004. British Banks which drove the banking ent being opposed to such reliefs. The Ross suggests all this changed following system in Ireland towards the abyss. author is coy about that newspaper's the appointment of David Drumm, who Ross describes the entry of Bank of campaign to abolish Stamp Duty before succeeded Sean FitzPatrick as Chief Scotland into the Irish market. It introduced the 2007 General Election. He was and Executive. Of course, if it changed into a lower mortgage rates and 100% mort- remains its Business Editor. disreputable bank with this appointment, gages. While the established banks could what the bank was before must have been tolerate the likes of Anglo nibbling at their In all of this, is portrayed less than disreputable. bums, the entry of one of the largest banks as the villain of the piece, but Ross admits in the UK with its deep pockets was a grudgingly that most of the reliefs were Ross gives his impressions of what threat that could not be ignored. withdrawn by Cowen in 2006, a year happened. There is not much evidence to Without any sense of self-reflection before the following year's General support his contentions, but this does not the author recalls that his newspaper, the Election. mean that they are wrong. The author Sunday Independent, had given this bank thinks that the problem with Drumm was the accolade of Business of the Year. Ross Cowen's predecessor as Minister for not so much Drumm himself but the effect mentions in passing that the bankrupt Finance, Charlie McCreevy, gets a clean his appointment had on Senior Manage- property developer, Liam Carroll, owed bill of health. There is no mention of the ment. Most of the candidates, including the banks 1.2 billion euro. The largest latter's role in prolonging such property Drumm were in their late thirties/early creditor was AIB with a loan of 489 reliefs. Ross thinks he was shafted because forties. When Drumm was appointed his million, followed by Bank of Scotland of his policy of cutting public expenditure. rivals could not see any prospects for with a loan of 321 million. The amount Well that's one way of looking at it. promotion in the organisation since the owed to Anglo was a trifling 38 million. Another is that McCreevy was a Fianna new CEO had over twenty years to go for Elsewhere he says that Bank of Scotland Failer more in tune with the Progressive retirement. tied up a "1 billion securitisation agree- Democrats and that Fianna Fáil wished to ment with Liam Carroll on the Cherrywood Drumm was a surprise appointment. move towards a more social orientation. site on the south side of Dublin". This With the departure of his rivals, the senior appears to mean that, if the debt was not Ross indicts Fianna Fáil, the Irish Banks, management team had been weakened. repaid, Bank of Scotland would take and Estate Agents before he has gathered As a result Drumm, became dependent on ownership of Carroll's business. But, since the evidence, but in fairness to him he his predecessor Sean FitzPatrick, who had Carroll, as we have seen, is bankrupt the presents enough evidence for the reader to retained the position of Chairman. So Fitz bulk (if not all) of this loan will probably make up his own mind. Very understand- Patrick's retirement as CEO increased need to be written off. ably, Anglo Irish Bank comes in for special rather than diminished his influence over treatment. But if the reader was expecting the bank. And there was nobody in the The trials and tribulations of Bank of a long litany of crimes and misdemeanours bank with the strength of character to Scotland's operation in Ireland do not end he will be disappointed. About the only resist FitzPatrick's growing penchant for there. Ross says that the "bank funded incidence of "corruption" in Anglo's early lending to developers. much of the ¤288 million Burlington Hotel period was a former English owner of It is an interesting theory. But one deal with Bernard McNamara". 20% of the company who was convicted wonders whether the rivals would have McNamara, of course, is another developer of Insider Trading in the UK. Ross records made a better fist of the bank. For example, who is bankrupt. gleefully the embarrassment this caused the heir apparent to FitzPatrick, Tiarnan but admits that the Anglo management O'Mahony, set up a boutique bank which Bank of Scotland was a new entrant to was quick to buy out this person's share- managed to lose an Irish corporate record the market and therefore the bulk of its holding and remove his directorship. in 2007 of 850 million euro before going loans were lent at the height of the market. 9 Ross also gives this interesting piece of Government". If there was a change of Britism brought on thundering wrath." information: Government they would have been happy But Madam treats her predecessor editor "Bank of Scotland's property lending to lobby Fine Gael or Labour. with contempt in more ways than one. An Irish now {i.e. end of 2007—JM} stood at Times profile on 27th August of Gageby's over 16 billion euro, nearly eleven times In conclusion, this book is certainly father-in-law, Seán Lester, portrayed him as its exposure in 2001. More than half of having had only one role to play in Irish worth reading, despite coming from a this was lent to developers". history, that of an anti-Republican Civil War particular political and cultural per- partisan: "As a 'Free Stater' he was invited to Ross goes on to say that, since it came spective. The book's merit is that Ross join the Department of External Affairs in late to the game, it had lent at the top of the provides enough information to enable 1922." I immediately emailed a protest that property market. He then says without the reader to make up his own mind. same day, drawing on Gageby's own portrayal any comment that it lost 250 million euro. of Lester. It is not so much me, therefore, as Gageby himself whom Madam wishes to Now it is extremely doubtful that this Irish Times: Past And Present, a record of silence in denying publication to the following represents the true figure since many of the journal since 1859, letter: the loans of the British banks were con- by John Martin. solidated in their parent companies' books €20, £15. Seán Lester and Irish Independence to take advantage of that country's bail out Madam: To choose “a Free Stater” as of the banks. the only political label to attach to the last Report If it is considered that Bank of Scotland's Secretary-General of the League of Sean Lester: Nations, Seán Lester, is to render him a property loan book of 16 billion was just distinct disservice. He was as committed under a quarter of Anglo's total loan book, Gageby Gagged By Madam an Irish Republican as he was a professing it would seem reasonable to assume that Protestant. A Sinn Féiner and Irish On 31st July, under the heading of "The Volunteer, Lester was also, even more Bank of Scotland's losses were also at Fighting Irish", the Weekend Irish Times significantly, a sworn member of the least about one quarter of Anglo's losses— published what in effect was an extensive which amounted to 13 billion in 2009 and recruiting feature for the British Army, Irish Republican Brotherhood. He no another 8 billion for the first six months of introduced as follows: more viewed the Free State as an end in itself than did his IRB President, Michael "With little 'excitement' on offer in the 2010. Collins, but rather as a 'Stepping Stone' to Irish Army, young Irishmen are queuing This reviewer reckons that the real a fully independent Republic. up to join British regiments. Next month, extent of Bank of Scotland's losses was "In of 8th May 1985, hundreds of them will go to war in closer to 5 billion over the last couple of under the heading of 'A Question of Irish Afghanistan. London Editor Mark Hen- Independence', your then editor, Douglas years. nessy meets the Irish soldiers who have Gageby, published a memo written by enlisted in the British Army." But how does Ross explain the poor Lester, his own father-in-law, on March Hennessy proceeded to quote one of them as 16, 1944. Lester gave the following performance of the Sunday Independent's contemptuously pronouncing: "Guys in the reason why Dev had no other option but business of the year? Apparently, the bank Irish Army are getting bored and fat and lazy". to reject the 'American Note' demanding had "gone native". Unfortunately, he has On 3rd August a protest from the former closure of the German and Japanese lega- to admit that its parent company in the UK Moscow correspondent of that paper read: tions, a rejection that would have been was also a reckless property lender. Could "Madam: The provision of a platform impossible had not Dev previously gone it also have "gone native" before entering for a British squaddie to denigrate the on to break free from the shackles of the the Irish market?! Defence Forces as 'fat' and 'lazy' suggests Treaty: that a significant part of The Irish Times's “It was not a question of a German recent heritage may have been mislaid in Legation but of Irish independence... Her In my opinion Ross gives a very super- the move to Tara Street. To paraphrase independence had been won by much ficial treatment of the night the bank Yeats: The ghost of Gageby is beating on sacrifice and suffering after a struggle lasting guarantee was decided upon in September the door. Seamus Martin." longer than that of Poland... It was only 20 2008. It is taken as read that this was an Former Irish Times editor Douglas Gageby years ago ... that the Black and Tans were example of politicians capitulating to the had served in Irish Army Intelligence during let loose to ravage the country... One remem- interests of bankers. There is no concept World War Two, and Martin was drawing on bers the shooting or hanging of hostages, Yeats's poem on Casement to summon up his of there being a national interest involved: the burnings... There were many cases (of ghost. Mary Maher's contribution to Bright, which I personally saw some evidence) of the prevention of a collapse of the banking Brilliant Days—Andrew Whittaker's book on torture and flogging. But the 'maquis' in system in Ireland. Neither does Ross Gageby—tells us how such a ghost might have Ireland and the leaders of the 'résistence consider any alternative response to the responded to Madam's Weekend: movement' were blandly described in the crisis. "There was the [senior staff] conference … at which someone suggested we should British Parliament by the British Prime He tries to tie in banking and property Minister as 'a murder gang' to justify the interests with Fianna Fail, but is less than expose the inadequacies of the Garda training system, with the comment that measures of repression against an ancient convincing. Apparently, the banks, if all they learned was how to shine their nation struggling for its freedom.” anything were more sympathetic to Fine buttons… On this particular day, someone "In your issue of 23rd September 1999, Gael. None of the banks were big piped up to remark that when he was in the then former editor gave as one of the contributors to any of the political parties. the RAF, the squaddies had special main reasons for going on to write a Ross then resorts to claiming that they buttons that didn't need to be shined. biography of his father-in-law: “He also wants to stress the political blurring exerted their political influence through Douglas Gageby peered up over his between pro and anti-Treaty sides which IBEC and the Irish Banking Federation. glasses and said in his drawling ironic tone: 'Is that so … when you were in the is central to Irish politics and is so often RAF you didn't have to shine your buttons. overlooked.” Douglas Gageby, no less As regards the property developers, Wasn't it well for you—you fucking than Seán Lester himself, is worthy of Ross adduces very little evidence of a traitor.' Tolerating fools, even moment- profound respect in that regard. Manus close relationship with Fianna Fail. Most ary fools, was not his strong point, quite O'Riordan " of them appear to have been "pro apart from the fact that any whiff of West Manus O'Riordan 10 and bank deposits amounting to over 56 unimportant. As Marx noted in Das billion euros, far more than the 25 billion Kapital, in the final analysis politics that the State has already committed. precedes economics. The most significant Shorts part of Lucey's article was the final IRREVOCABLE GUARANTEE paragraph in which he concluded: from Of course, the fact that Anglo is 100% "It is time to seek to place ourselves in the Long Fellow State owned has implications beyond the the hands of people who can run the State bank itself. Any default by Anglo can be effectively—and in the long-term interpreted as a sovereign default. Also, interests of the citizens. Political or indeed THE BOND MARKET since most of the liabilities are covered by national pride should not stand in the way The Long Fellow likes to think that his of this." an irrevocable Guarantee from the State, 'word is his bond'. But whatever about his such a default would in fact be a sovereign The real political division in this country word, it appears that a bond is not what it default. is between those who believe that the used to be. In an article in The Irish Times (2.9.10) political system is capable of dealing with David McWilliams, Brian Lucey and TCD economist Brian Lucey advocated a our economic crisis in a competent fashion Fintan O'Toole think that a bond is a very default by Anglo of its debts to bond and those who don't. insubstantial thing. Apparently, the type holders. These amount to "only" about 17 Professor Lucey's position is basically of person who invests in bonds could just billion (2.5 billion subordinate debt and that the State has failed and is incapable of as easily have put all his money on a horse 14.5 billion senior debt). This is a much solving its economic problems. His at the 3.30 in Leopardstown. As such, if it smaller amount than the deposits (56 position is ideological or prior to the facts. was explained to him that he was not billion) but Lucey does not, for reasons Lucey can take a rather cavalier attitude to going to be repaid, he would shrug his known only to himself, advocate reneging reneging on the Bank Guarantee—in effect shoulders, light up his cigar, take a stiff on this debt. a sovereign default—because he believes brandy and 'move on'. The difficulty with Lucey's proposal is that the sovereign or State is worthless in But nothing could be further from the that all but about 4.5 billion of the bond any case. truth. Bond holders are not much different holders' debt is covered by an irrevocable to deposit holders. They are risk averse. Guarantee. Incredibly, Lucey claimed that ECONOMIC RECOVERY? The bonds that Anglo Irish Bank and the The Long Fellow remains confident the Guarantee could be revoked by State issue have a fixed coupon (interest that the State is capable of resolving the legislation. In a subsequent discussion on rate), maturity date and principal. It is true economic crisis. There are signs of the irisheconomy.ie website he admitted that once a bond is issued it is traded in the economic recovery this year. Manufactur- that this was not in fact the case. Un- market place just like shares. This aspect ing output has increased by 9.4% in 2010. fortunately, like his "deposit selling of capitalism is sometimes called "casino moment" in the (see The current budget deficit is likely to capitalism". However, no less an econom- August Irish Political Review) no come in on target and the balance of ist than John Maynard Keynes believed correction is likely to appear in The Irish payments looks like it will return to a that investors would not be persuaded to Times. surplus this year. The unemployment rate part with their capital unless they had the at just below 14% is too high but at least possibility of redeeming it for cash in the A SOVEREIGN DEFAULT it has stabilised. There will be modest short term. A sovereign default would close off growth in GDP (about 1%) this year The Bond market and the Stock Market borrowing on the international market for followed by about 2.5% growth in 2011. provide liquidity for long term investments. years. This would be a sudden dramatic There are even grounds for optimism The price of bonds moves in inverse shock to this economy. In the case of on the banks. Allied Irish Banks sold its proportion to the interest rate. However, Argentina, she only returned to the inter- share in its Polish subsidiaries for 3.1 another factor that has become significant national bond markets 8 years after her billion. The Irish Times's headline on this for both Anglo bonds, and indeed for default and then she could only borrow at story was: "Forced sale of Polish bank those of the Irish State, has been the risk of very high interest rates. However, Argen- boosts AIB cash by 2.5 billion". This gives default. Bond holders are demanding a tina's debt situation was far worse than the false impression that it was sold for premium or greater interest rate to com- that of this country. Before her default she that amount at a fire sale price. Nowhere pensate them for this risk. had actually a small "primary current is it mentioned in this report by Simon The relationship that bond traders have budget surplus" (i.e. the State's current Carswell that AIB actually made a profit with each other is one thing, but the debt before interest payments). Her current of 1.7billion on the transaction. relationship that they have with the issuer debt consisted purely of interest payments of bonds (e.g. Anglo or the Irish State) is which continued to be heaped on her IRISHECONOMY.IE AND THE BANKS quite another. The bond holder is legally accumulated national debt while impover- It is almost a waste of time reading Irish entitled to the principal and interest due ishing the economy. In such circumstances Times business reports, especially since on maturity. If the issuer of the bonds a default loosened the noose around the the excellent irisheconomy.ie website is cannot pay, that is a very serious matter. In economy's neck and actually provided a available. The Long Fellow is critical of the case of a company like Anglo Irish stimulus to the economy. some of the academic contributors to this bank, the bond holder would be entitled to Ireland is very far from this situation. site, who he considers to be negative. But put the company into liquidation. Last Interest payments as a percentage of GNP at least it is a reliable forum which brings month this column explained the con- are 3.4% of GNP this year. This figure is together people of varying expertise to sequences of that; the most serious being set to rise to 4.9% by 2014, which is still correct many of the misconceptions per- the immediate crystallization of liabilities. well below the corresponding figure for petuated in the mainstream media. In other words there would have been an 1990 which was 8.4% and 1997 (5.3%). Thanks to one commentator on the site, immediate requirement to pay customer But perhaps the technical details are viewers were given an early insight into 11 the restructuring of Anglo Irish Bank. strong speech warmly welcoming Lenihan to all the Irish people. The new scheme is a wind down without and complimenting the latter for his Helen Collins, a grand niece of Michael the disadvantages. The bank will be patriotism in overcoming personal circum- Collins, gave a speech warmly welcoming divided into two entities: an Asset Recov- stances to continue serving the country. Lenihan. It appears that it was on her ery Bank (ARB) and a Funding Bank Lenihan's speech was quite interesting. initiative that the Minister for Finance (FB). The post-NAMA loans (i.e. the He compared the challenges that Collins was invited. bank's assets or loans remaining after the had as Minister for Finance with his own, Lenihan showed no sign of his recent NAMA transfer) will be kept in the ARB. but suggested that they were completely health scare. More than an hour after the This structure will enable the bank to different in kind. He said that Collins ceremony he was still pressing the flesh realise the loan assets without the necessity devised an accounting system for the and posing for photographs. It appeared of a fire sale (which would be the case if a various department of State while on the that he was drawing strength from this creditor put the bank in to liquidation). run from the British. He then said that he public engagement. A woman remarked The scheme also avoids another dis- was very glad he did and it was a great that a Fine Gael speaker would have left advantage of a wind-down: namely the help to his successors. This brought a immediately after the speech. She was crystallisation of liabilities. chuckle from the audience. He also said also impressed by Fianna Fail's ability to The old bank's liabilities will be split. that his office had a portrait of all the muster its troops. The customer deposits will go into the FB Ministers for Finance since the beginning On the evidence of this event it is far and all other liabilities will be in the ARB. of the State. He noted that Collins was not too soon to write off Fianna Fail. It may be significant that the depositors the first Minister for Finance. That honour and bond holders are in separate entities. belonged to Eoin McNeill who served The depositors are covered by NAMA under the first Dail. He added that although Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al-Megrahi bonds which have a determined value. Collins might not have been the first he The bond holders, by contrast, are in an was by some distance the best looking! Someone shouts: That’s him! Someone whispers: Go with them entity which has assets (the post-NAMA Lenihan tried to compare Collins with or they’ll bomb our kith and kin. loan book) of uncertain value. It looks like other Irish historical figures such as O' the Government intends to pay the deposit- Green flags flutter, Connell, Parnell and de Valera, but admit- ors in full but the bond holders' position is the aircraft warms up, ted that this was a difficult task because less secure. Anglo's subordinated debt is one small bag, and a shudder. Collins's life was cut short. At 31 a man's trading at a massive discount of more than The door shuts. public personality has not been fully 70%. The senior debt is trading at a dis- formed. Nevertheless Collins made a great To that flat country count of 10%. The Government may buy contribution to the War of Independence that creates back this debt in the market place. It mountains of justice and the building of the State. already made a profit of 1.6 billion on for the victors. He went on to speculate on what contrib- buy-backs of subordinate debt last year. ution Collins would have made. He In the embrace of the boa-constrictor. More buybacks will bring significant suggested that a party he might have led Swallowed, out of sight, savings without the financial consequen- could have pre-empted the Fianna Fáil the law a mere burp-bicker. ces of a sovereign default. party. He then wondered what his relation- In conclusion, the new structure is an Freed with the key ship would have been with de Valera. ingenious initiative which will minimize to death’s door. Praising and honouring Collins does not losses and hopefully end the uncertainty Three months scot-free. imply denigration of de Valera. Both men surrounding Anglo Irish Bank. had contributed in different ways with Someone shouts: Die! their very different personalities. The Civil BRIAN LENIHAN IN BÉAL NA MBLATH Die, you have no clout. The Béal na mBlath Committee to War divisions were more fluid than many Put it in the lock, commemorate the death of Michael Collins people realised. His grandfather Paddy step into the dark, showed imagination and courage this year Lenihan, a Fianna Fail TD, fought on the you can’t cheat the clock. by inviting Brian Lenihan to be the keynote pro-Treaty side and was prepared to follow Die! speaker. Collins with his plans of invasion of the Is death not your trademark. Lenihan arrived about 20 minutes North. His grandfather discouraged the But he lives, before the appointed time. At around the same course of action in 1969. The Long this sacrificial victim, same time a bus arrived with the Dublin Fellow winced when Brian Lenihan talked lives, despite the discursive. West branch of the Fianna Fail Party. This about reconciliation and the wrongs that was an impressive show of force on a day were committed on both sides as described Someone warns: when there was the considerable dis- by historians such as Peter Hart and T. Don’t celebrate his living, traction of the Cork-Dublin football match Ryle Dwyer. his year overdrawn. in Croke Park. The middle of the speech talked of The world against him violent. At about fifty yards from the podium current concerns and was a defence of the Those who know better, Lenihan posed for photographs with Government's record; its policy on the silent, members of the Collins family. He then banks; and the economy in general. It tightening the fetters. took his place behind a pipe band and assured his audience that exports were And what then when he expires. walked slowly to the podium where he increasing and the economy was recover- Will the great lie also be buried, was applauded by the audience. ing. The Irish people had shown their with a stake in its heart as a vampire. The ceremonies began with decade of resilience. the rosary and a laying of a wreath. Dermot It concluded by praising Collins's Wilson John Haire Collins (a Fine Gael councillor) made a patriotism and affirming that he belonged 27th August, 2010 12 when wars and conflicts emerged that show no sign whatever of ending. Instead of ending, History got a whole new A No-Go Area For Fianna Fail? beginning!

What Northern Ireland always needed down peace process to enter into electoral The Northern Ireland set-up is an experi- was normal politics, i.e., the people of the competition without creating a conflict ment in containing communal conflict. area participating in the government of of interest. Opposition parties are under There are several conflicts now raging in no such constraints." (Irish News, 30 their lives, being able to vote for and the world that were contained for decades, August 2010). against their Governments via their polit- even generations. Some had very attractive ical parties. That was denied them by the Maybe I misunderstood all that that has and normal-seeming political arrangements. British Government since 1920 and they been claimed in recent years but I thought Yet.... were left to stew in their own communal "the differences in conditions" were Mr. Mansergh evidently believes the N juices with one communal group allowed lessening rather than increasing between Ireland bedding down would be harmed to lord it over the other. It was a recipe for north and south, and all sorts of reconciliat- by the establishing of one of the oldest and trouble. Now, after the war, the communal ion and peace processes were facilitating most experienced constitutional political conflict has been declared a draw and a this reduction in differences. And Mr Man- parties in . This would indicate we political concoction created that equalises sergh has often lectured us about the virtues have a very delicate flower indeed. The them as communal groupings. But the of constitutional politics as opposed to communal strife is frozen at the moment people still don't and can't participate in any other. Otherwise, what is the point of but it is still there, like two glaciers grinding deciding on their Government. There has the peace process and all that? And, as the away. Will one melt or will one be ground been a pathetic opportunist effort by both constitutional conditions are getting better down? Nobody knows but one thing is the British Tory Party and the Ulster and more conducive to normality, as we certain—if there is no political outlet for Unionist Party to hitch themselves together are told, why is the prospect for a new both into normal politics they will remain and thankfully the concoction eliminated form of constitutional politics getting more frozen but, as with glaciers, they will also itself from Westminster at the last Election. problematic? I am baffled. keep on moving relentlessly and the There is no prospect of any UK governing Mr. Mansergh is the proclaimed expert direction cannot be predicted for sure. But party breaking free of the communal divide on the North and one would therefore one thing is certain, Mr Mansergh is help- and standing in its own right. expect him to relish more engagement ing perpetuate the glaciers without giving As the Government of the Republic is there to facilitate more reconciliation, more them any purposeful direction. That is a party to the current arrangements in the constitutional politics, harmony etc. In callous and irresponsible position despite North, and in effect co-working with the fact he should be the leading advocate of all the soothing words that emanate regu- Government there—the British Government Fianna Fail in the North—if one was to larly from him at regular intervals. — it would seem logical and natural that believe all that's said by him and about Jack Lane it would have an interest in promoting him. normal politics there via its political party, His argument that there is some conflict Mr. Blair clarifies the issue that Fianna Fail. It has everything going for it, of interest is patently absurd as the other defines him—the war in Iraq Another smooth talker was interviewed having large support there, being totally "government co-sponsor" showed no during his book promotion in Ireland. constitutional and doing all in its power, evidence of seeing such a conflict when Tony Blair was asked whether: "his to the point of self-abasement, to make engaging as fully as it could in Northern argument that Saddam posed a threat to the itself congenial to Unionists. Whatever Ireland in the last election. It never world and to his own people a thin one?" He else can be said about FF it is a political occurred to Mr. Cameron that there was responded: "The only point I make is if we left Saddam there, there would have been party of government for better or worse, such a conflict and Mr. Mansergh should consequences, particularly in the light of what for richer for poorer, in sickness and in really spell out where it is written that we know now" . health till death doth part it from its such is the case. His Northern members The argument continued: electorate. It would be an ideal instrument would be particularly interested in such "What consequences?" to help bring normal politics to the North. an explanation. "There are two arguments about Saddam. In fact, it's a pity it's not an exportable One argument I would share is that he would have ended up as a renewed threat commodity overseas but it is surely Mr. Mansergh has one certain guide in and a competitor to Iran. The other view is exportable across the border. politics, to be his Master's Voice, whoever that he would have slipped into obscure old he/she is and he is as attentive to it as the age. I doubt, with his two sons, that that How then can one explain Junior dog in the well known advert. And this is would have happened" (The Irish Times, Minister Martin Mansergh's statements at his role as regards the North. Cowen's September 4, 2010). the McCluskey Civil Rights Summer body language alone speaks volumes on School when he said: Blair's secret weapon is that he knows the "The political advantage of being an the subject and Mansergh's job is to dream future. His book will be a best seller with all-Ireland party is debatable, given the up any old rubbishy argument to steer people who like to share such knowledge. clear of it and wash their hands of it as Saddam would have been a threat in the future differences in conditions and roles north and a competitor with Iran! They were enemies and south of the border… There has often much as possible. who fought a protracted war with each other, been felt to be a space north of the border He has developed a version of Fuku- with Saddam on the side of the West. Were the for an unapologetic constitutional repub- yama's 'end of history' attitude to Northern two countries going to change course complete- licanism. While FF has acknowledged Ireland. It's all over and we can now sit ly and go into competition in threatening the formally in a number of ways the existence West? Saddam never did so and he would have of political support for it north of the back and forget it. But look what happened been on the West's side again if Iran threatened. border, it is difficult for a government, to Fukuyama. He had to revise his theory But most likely he and Iran as 'competitors' co-sponsor of an only recently bedded within a couple of years of enunciating it, would have had another war between them and 13 both would be very much weaker as a result. So Blair would be putting them forward as a Their unity broke down in 1646, where would the threat be then? It is sheer future threat that needed dealing with. This because the Confederation's Supreme fantasy whatever way one looks at it. fantasy world need never end. By this logic, surely Osama's children and many siblings Council signed a peace which only took Blair also 'knows' that, despite all this, could be as potential a threat as he is to the serious account of the second of those Saddam's sons would have continued his non- West? Why are they not hunted down to make aims. This peace was signed with the existent policies of threatening the West and us all sleep safer in our beds? Marquis of Ormond, King Charles's Vice- they would be allowed to do so by Iranians! It's JL roy in Ireland and leader of the Irish just as well Saddam had no grandsons or Mr. Protestant Royalists. So far as Catholic rights were concern- ed, what this peace amounted to was "live Report of Launch of An Argument Defending The Right Of The Kingdom Of horse, and you might get grass!" It was Ireland (1645) by Conor O'Mahony in Kanturk, 27 August 2010 acknowledged that King Charles was not then in a position to decide such matters A Discussion On The 1640s freely. If in the future, acting freely, the King decided to make concessions to the The 1640s came to life in Kanturk on kings of Ireland prior to the English Catholics, the Marquis of Ormond pledged August 27th last. In the pleasant atmos- conquest. that he would not obstruct them. If.....! phere of Féile Dúthalla I introduced my He then presents the four main argu- translation of the Argument Defending ments used to justify the conquest: There was a serious case for saying that The Right Of The Kingdom Of Ireland the people who signed this peace were in (1) King Henry II occupied Ireland in a (1645) by the Lisbon-based Jesuit Conor just war. breach of the Confederate Oath, as Pád- O'Mahony, and a lively discussion follow- (2) Pope Adrian IV donated Ireland to the raigín Haicéad maintained in his poem ed, with some fascinating issues raised. king of England. Músgail do mhisneach, a Bhanbha To begin with, I gave reasons why I thought (3) The Irish lords, clergy and people ("Rouse up your courage, Ireland!"). And O'Mahony's book should be interesting accepted the conquest. one could hardly say that there was no (apart from the fact that he was almost a (4) The English conquest was a thoroughly- alternative, since at that time the Confeder- established fact, having existed for many local man: he came from the adjoining ate Armies were controlling a great part of centuries, and must therefore be accepted region of Muskerry, probably from one of —this is what is called "the right of Ireland and in very shortly before they had those parishes a few miles south of Macroom prescription". scored important military successes, —Moviddy, Kilmichael, Kilmurry). especially Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill's victory For a start, this was the first book written O'Mahony takes these arguments one at the battle of Benburb. in favour of Irish independence. It is true by one and gives his reasons why they are that many poets had called for expulsion not valid. He then says that, even if all four Papal Nuncio Rinuccini came forward of the English (old and new), and at differ- of those arguments were valid, the Irish to lead opposition to the peace treaty. I ent times serious plans had been made for would still be justified in rejecting English said that, if Rinuccini hadn't been there, I transferring the sovereignty of Ireland to sovereignty now that the Kings of England was sure that the movement would have princes of Scotland or kings of Spain. But had become heretics and were attempting split over this peace anyway, and maybe this was the first time anyone had published to promote heresy in Ireland. even more damagingly—the Bishop of a systematically-reasoned case in favour The book ends with a Call to Action, Clogher or somebody else would have of Ireland having its own national mon- where the author urges the Catholic Irish come forward to lead the opposition; archy on the same basis as England, to choose one of their own leaders as king. somebody would have had to. At first Scotland, France, Spain and Portugal. For He recommends as examples the Catalans Rinuccini seemed to have defeated the all who are interested in the history of and the Portuguese, who in the course of peace party very conclusively and estab- Ireland, the arguments given are bound to the last decade had shaken off the rule of lished himself as the undisputed leader of be worth looking at. the Kings of Spain and restored their own Catholic Ireland, but it wasn't as simple as Secondly, O'Mahony's book gives a national monarchies. that. Rinuccini proved unable to reestablish focal point in the politics of that period. It a political and military momentum. With is one possible way of access to the 1640s, Finally, I said something about the polit- his failure (and especially his inability to the most fascinating decade in Irish history. ical context in 1646-7, when O'Mahony's prevent Dublin being ultimately handed At that time seven or eight armies were Argument appeared in Ireland. Following over to the Parliamentarians by the active on the island in a dizzyingly complex the rebellion that was launched in Ulster Marquis of Ormond), the pro-Ormond political situation that was argued about in in late 1641, which spread through the Catholic party made a recovery. three languages (until eventually the whole island during the following months, Cromwellians managed to impose their an all-Ireland Catholic political movement It was in this context that Conor O' simplification). was set up in Kilkenny in May 1642. This Mahony's book made its appearance in was the Kilkenny Confederation, which I Ireland, with its drastic proposal to get rid I then outlined the structure of O' thought was an amazing, almost incredible, of English sovereignty entirely. The book Mahony's book. First he gives a sketch of achievement. All members of the Con- no doubt found supporters, and people Irish history to the coming of the Normans: federation were committed by oath to like Pádraigín Haicéad (who was accused he claims that the details will not be fight for three aims: of being an agent of Eoghan Ruadh, disputed between the English and Irish working to make Eoghan Ruadh the (1) freedom of the Catholic religion, (which is fair enough, since he has taken (2) the legitimate rights of King Charles, sovereign of Ireland) may have been his account from the leading Norman and inspired by it for a time. But mainly we writer on Irish affairs). The important (3) the liberties (or immunities) of the hear about the book from its enemies, point is that there were about 190 native Irish nation. from people in the pro-Ormond faction. 14 They used it as propaganda against Eoghan However, Latin was the main literary hopeless, he was finished. So he explored Ruadh, saying that he was the King of language of Europe at that time, and the possibility that the monarchy's succes- Ireland whom O'Mahony had in mind and anyone who had some education would sors, calculating the balance of advantage the book was his manifesto. And indeed have known some, e.g. the lawyers, many as political realists, might be prepared to Eoghan Ruadh was the King of Ireland of the merchants and nobles, etc. And it make a settlement in Ireland, or at least in whom O'Mahony was thinking of! That's wasn't necessary to read the whole book, Ulster, on the basis of general freedom of clear enough from the book. But there because people were making short religion. Maybe he was too impressed by wasn't any evidence, so far as I knew, that summaries, putting together selections of the Treaty of Westphalia, and how Europe Eoghan Ruadh considered himself serious- key quotations which came just to two or was stepping back from fanaticism— ly in that role. I thought he must have been three pages. I'd seen one of those sum- maybe he didn't realize how different the as well aware as Hugh O'Neill before him maries, which is in Latin; no doubt there mood was in England. that he wouldn't find sufficient acceptance were translated summaries too. in that role. O'Mahony had hoped to launch Brendan Clifford suggested that, if all a real bid for kingship, so to that extent his Pat Muldowney asked whether the of the Catholics had come in behind book fell a long way short of his ambitions formula arrived at for Europe in the Treaty Ormond, they could have held Ireland for when writing it, although certainly no one of Westphalia in 1648, 'Cuius regio, eius King Charles: he would have been forced could say it was ignored. religio' ('whose region, his religion', i.e. in effect to be King of Ireland, since he the prince's religion will be official in his was losing out everywhere else, and they In the discussion questions were raised territory) could have been a formula for could have got their demands in the end. about what right the Pope thought he had Ireland too, i.e. that a Catholic king of An argument like this is presented by the to donate the sovereignty of Ireland. I Ireland, with its large Catholic majority, very able writer John Callaghan in his mentioned that the Popes considered them- might have won general legitimacy. I didn't Vindication Of The Catholics Of Ireland, selves the owners of all islands in the understand the question very well at the published in Paris in 1650. (Essentially it Christian part of the world; this claim is time, but I think this was among the is a defence of the political actions of stated plainly in Pope Adrian's bull Lauda- arguments Irish envoys could have used Donough MacCarthy, Viscount Muskerry, biliter, which O'Mahony quotes in his in order to gain official recognition, if an the key man behind the signing of the book. Doubts were expressed by some Irish national monarchy had been estab- 1646 peace and also the architect of the members of the audience about the lished. However, actually establishing it later pro-Ormond alliance which brought authenticity of this bull: apparently there was another matter. in Inchiquin.) However, Callaghan argues is no copy in the Vatican archives. There that it wasn't enough to hold Ireland, it were different opinions on the matter. There was some discussion of Eoghan was necessary to tip the political/military However, it is clear that O'Mahony Ruadh, whom Brendan Clifford thought balance in England, or otherwise Puritan- accepted the bull as authentic without was basically a Spaniard pursuing Spanish ruled England would attack Catholic question. interests. I thought he was basically an Ireland and destroy it. Callaghan thought O'Neill, because he had returned to Ireland it would have been possible for strong Richard Behal suggested that no one in when he would have been more useful to Irish Catholic auxiliary forces to have Ireland had ever expressed a desire to the Spanish as a General in Europe, and tipped the balance at the time of the Siege make the Pope the political arbiter of they weren't very happy about him leaving. of Chester (1645). As for the Catholic Ireland. But it was pointed out that Geof- However, the Spanish certainly had their demands, he said that King Charles had frey Keating has a story about Donnchadh fingers in the pie in Ireland; they were long ago told Muskerry (in Oxford in the O'Brien, Brian Boru's grandson, taking trying to manipulate the situation to their Spring of 1644) that he was ready to grant the sovereignty of Ireland to , bec- best advantage; and Eoghan Ruadh was Catholic rights and he wanted to, but in his ause there was such hopeless dissension the closest to them of all the Catholic present political situation in England he among the Irish nobility. A couple of the commanders— how much that meant it's couldn't. annals also have this story, and even in hard to say. O'Neill territory in the north it is mentioned Personally I didn't think that such (by one of the Ó Gnímh poets, who says The issue was raised of Eoghan Ruadh's military adventures in England would have that Donnchadh O'Brien had no right to do political dealings and alliances with the come to a good end. It was necessary to try any such thing). Cromwellians in 1648-9. My view was to hold Ireland. And, for holding Ireland, that to some extent these had been forced I thought the important thing was to main- There was some discussion about how on him: he was very isolated and he was tain North-South Catholic unity at all costs. important the Papal donation was, when coming under attack from the royalist This unity was an extraordinary achieve- weighed against other factors. As regards mainstream. Inchiquin, when he joined ment, and everyone involved should have the right of prescription, Nora Hickey the royalist coalition under Ormond in the seen it as precious and no one should have raised a serious objection which was first Summer of 1648, put a lot of effort into taken it for granted. But in fact, Donough stated by Philip O'Sullivan Beare and harassing Eoghan Ruadh. Bits of Eoghan MacCarthy and his supporters on the Con- which O'Mahony reaffirms in his book: Ruadh's Army were falling away, and he federation Supreme Council signed the there had never been anything like a had a serious problem of supplies, so he 1646 peace over the Ulstermen's heads (as thoroughgoing conquest of Ireland until made an alliance of convenience. But he Ó Mealláin says in his war diary). They the time of King James. also tried to make a more long-term politi- thought they could take Eoghan Ruadh cal settlement. Around the time that Inchi- etc. for granted. And they thought Rinuc- The question was raised: who would quin finally took fright at what the Parlia- cini too could be presented with a fait have read O'Mahony's book? I said that ment was doing and came over to the accompli, and he wouldn't be able to do O'Mahony was addressing himself first King's side, Eoghan Ruadh seems to have anything. They miscalculated badly, and and foremost to the Catholic clergy. concluded that the King's position was it was this which split the Catholic forces 15 down the middle. And it wasn't only the Ulstermen who Famine or Holocaust—how many died? were disaffected. In the South also there Report of a talk given by Jack Lane were many people who didn't feel that the at Féile Duthalla 2010, on 27 August in Kanturk Catholics should make a settlement like this, with three Catholic Armies (poten- It may seem perverse and provocative, authority and large sections of the popula- tially four, because the Confederate Army or even blasphemous and some sort of tion was bound to be fraught with problems of Connacht had a kind of half-existence) invention to use the term holocaust in and thus suspect as to accuracy. relation to the Famine of 1847-9, but the —with three Catholic Armies controlling 1821 CENSUS speaker thought it appropriate in this such a large part of Ireland, that a settlement This was, officially, the first proper situation. A holocaust was traditionally a should not be made which made no firm Census. But it could not be accepted as a sacrifice by destruction of an animal, reliable census by any standard. The concession of Catholic rights, not to men- person, or a large number of people for a tion guarantees of the holdings etc. of enumerators were drawn from the Ascend- purpose, usually divine. The country at ancy and the lumpen Ascendancy in most of those involved in the rebellion. the time was full of food but people starved. Pierce Ferriter put it memorably in one of particular. They were also predominantly An American commentator has said that tax-collectors. It did not take much imagin- his poems: he said it was like the mountain claiming the Irish starved because of lack that brought forth a mouse after seven ation to realise that these types were not of food would be like saying the Jews died likely to be very successful in eliciting years of labour pains. of lack of oxygen in WWII. information from the mass of a population, Richard Behal then suggested that this Describing the Great Hunger as a who rejected the moral basis of the Ascen- holocaust was nothing new. It was first was an excellent description of the North- dancy itself and were literally at war with described as such at the time by the Cork ern Peace Process and the Good Friday its members over land, political and social Examiner: "Each day—each hour Agreement: "the mountain that brought rights, taxes, and the most infamous tax of produces its own victims—Holocausts all—the tithes for the Established Church. forth a mouse". Here we were getting very offered at the shrine of political economy" close to the bone! From the point of view In any society at any time tax collectors (The Cork Examiner, 22.1.1847). This should not do this type of work—human of orthodox , there's was a perfectly accurate description of no doubt that the description fits well. nature being what it is. what was happening. The accuracy of the Census, or rather However, I thought that the Good Friday Michael Davitt in The Fall Of Feudal- Agreement had merits and justification in its inaccuracy, might be gauged from one ism said that "responsibility… for the pertinent fact—the returns of the enumerat- its context. It correctly identified nation- holocaust of humanity… must be shared ors accounted for less then a third of the ality as the basis of the problem in the between the political and spiritual gover- land area. north of Ireland. While leaving the present nors of the Irish people in those years of Yet that geographically incomplete constitutional status unchanged (in line measureless national shame". Census recorded nearly 7 million people— with the will of the current majority) it left And even the doyen of revisionists, 26 years before the potato blight. open the possibility of change in the future. Roy Foster, in the first edition of his An annual rate of growth of at least In the meantime, anything like a re- Modern Ireland repeatedly described what 1.6% per annum was generally accepted emergence of the old Stormont was ruled happened as a holocaust. by statisticians as applying to the Ireland out and the political representatives of Malthusian views were dominant at the of that period. If that figure was accepted, each nationality were obliged to work time. Economic progress depended on that would give a total population of 12 with those of the other nationality, if they getting rid of surplus populations. million by 1846. This figure was credible were to have any share in whatever power Trevelyan, the Irish Secretary, describ- as there were no disasters in those years was locally available. Sinn Fein (or ed the event perfectly as a holocaust when that would counter that trend. whoever represents Irish nationality) ends he said it was an act of Providence that was an "effectual remedy" for the problems 1841 CENSUS up with official respect and standing and of Ireland. This was the most important Census of various opportunities—and this coming the period. It was always quoted as gospel. out of a very difficult military and political The issue Jack Lane concentrated on Everyone knew of the official figure for situation a few years ago. was the actual population before the Holo- the 1841 Census of a total population of caust and how many died. This meant first 8,173,124. I think the Irish Catholic position in of all trying to estimate the population What was not often noted was that this 1646 was very much stronger, and that it's figure for Ireland in 1846. This had never figure was not even credible to the Census much more difficult to justify the peace been established conclusively—or even Commissioners themselves. They revised which was signed then. But no doubt come under consideration. it upwards in the official report, submitted about it, Pierce Ferriter's verse when The number of victims was usually to the Lord Lieutenant in 1843. They applied to the present has an ominous presented as 2 million: I million starved added on an extra 572,464 people and ring! It's the challenge for Sinn Fein, to and I million emigrated. This was done by gave a new population figure of 8,747,588 show that "the mountain that brought simply taking the 1851 Census figure from which was rarely quoted. When they had put their figures together forth a mouse" is not what it all amounts the 1841 figure. But this assumed the for the 1841 Census returns, they noted to in the end. Census figures to be accurate. something very, very odd. These figures John Minahane But it was not always easy to count meant that the population increase during populations accurately. In the UK Census- the ten years of the 1830s was 5.25 %, but An Argument Defending The Right Of The taking was to be abandoned after 2011 the increase during the previous decade of Kingdom Of Ireland (1645) by Conor because of its unreliability. How reliable the 1820s was 14.5%. Why did the rate O'Mahony . First translation from Latin. was Census-taking in Ireland in the early decrease so dramatically during the 1830s, Introduction, John Miinahane: Conor 19th century? In fact, any Census-taking even though no factors were known that O'Mahony, the 1641 Rebellion and the at any time in situations where there was Independence of Ireland. €25, £20. might have brought about the decline? No widespread alienation between the state satisfactory explanation was given. 16 WHY THE 1841 CENSUS WAS WRONG papers which are very complete as to a constant figure for the paper during the So why was the 1841 census unreliable? information, the use I don't exactly know, whole period. It was not contradicted and the poor people here are all terrified that In their report on 1841 the Commissioners was used regularly to embarrass the Irish they were to have been kidnapped or Parliamentary Party into being grateful for unwittingly did give a very good reason as pressed or murdered on the night of the to why the rate and the figures looked so the assistance being given and challenging 6th. Half of them were not to go to bed & them to deny it and come up with an odd and so wrong. They were at great had barricaded their doors" (The Irish alternative. They could not as they were also pains to explain that their Census was Journals of Elizabeth Smith 1840-1850, 1980). committed to Free-Trade and Liberalism. carried out for the first time by "a highly This figure of 4 million was logical, as disciplined body of men", i.e., the Royal THE POPULATION REALITY IN 1846 at least 5 million people were directly Irish Constabulary. This body of men was When the blight first appeared and relief dependent on the potato and this was not no doubt accepted as the 'perfect machin- efforts were made, it soon became apparent disputed. Obviously some more millions ery' for the task by the Commissioners. As to those on the ground that the accepted were indirectly dependent on the potato as well as the "very efficient exertions of the population figures were totally misleading it was used as animal feed. And of course constabulary", they also claimed the RIC and were therefore a positive hindrance to there was the massive amount of deaths to have the "general goodwill of the providing real help. Cecil Woodham- from a variety of diseases that accompan- people". This was wishful thinking. Smith has noted: ied the starvation caused by the blight. "How many people died in the famine The Commissioners believed the What happened to those four million will never precisely be known. It is almost involvement of the RIC was a plus, in fact who were starving in March 1847? How the key to its accuracy. But anyone who certain that, owing to geographical difficulties and the unwillingness of the many lost the battle with death? knew anything of the real attitude of the Was it not most likely that the majority vast majority of the population towards people to be registered, the census of 1841 gave a total smaller than the popul- and probably all of these 4 million died as, the RIC would appreciate that their ation in fact was. Officers engaged in in the middle of 1847, the main official involvement meant a distinct disadvantage relief work put the population as much as "Famine" relief of the outgoing Conserv- to any such accuracy. 25 per cent higher; landlords distributing ative Government was ended. The new There were of course many other factors relief were horrified when providing, as policy was for events to take their course, that made the figures questionable—apart they imagined, for 60 persons, to find and the new Liberal Free Trade Govern- from the RIC involvement. more than 400 'start from the ground.'" ment was quite prepared for the consequen- Levels of literacy and language differ- This latter phrase rang very true. In the ces. Even workhouses were allowed go ences were crucial, as the return had to be 1840s in West Clare there was a very bankrupt when local rates could not completed by household heads for the conscientious Inspecting Officer called support them. This policy was continued, first time. The language difference was a Captain. E. Wynne who sent regular and even though the blight returned for at least glass ceiling and not mentioned at all as an detailed reports to Dublin castle. On the two more years in various degrees. issue, though the majority of heads of 5th September 1846 he reported as follows With the clear ideological conviction households would not be literate in to Thomas Lorcam: of the new Liberal Government, this was "The census of 1841 being pronounced English. No provision was made for now a golden opportunity to solve the translations. universally to be no fair criterion of the present population and consequent Irish 'problem' once and for all. The There was also the fact that the Census starving and dying consequently increased. was held on a Sunday, which was the day destitution, I tested the matter in the parish of Clondagad, Barony of Islands, for visiting (rambling or scoraiochting), EMIGRATION? where I found the present population travelling and being anywhere but in your Also, the starving did not necessarily more than a third greater than that of emigrate. This was usually overlooked. own home. This betrayed the severe 1841. This I believe to be the case in all Protestant view of the Sabbath held by the The well-known sculpture in Dublin docks the districts along the coast" (Irish was misleading. Only relatively healthy Commissioners, as opposed to the weekly National Archives, CSORP.1846.1391). diversion of a festival for sport and enter- and well-off people, who had the strength Wynne's estimate therefore, again, gave tainment as it was regarded by Catholics. and money to get to a port and purchase a figure of up to 12 million in 1846. How- Form-filling for the RIC would have been ship passage, were likely to survive by ever, that assumed the 1841 Census figures emigration. That would have been a small a very low priority for them on that day of were correct, as Wynne did, a very big assump- percentage. Steerage fare to Liverpool for all days. tion given what was described above. one person was ten shillings, two week's There were other assumptions that or a month's wages—equivalent to, say, militated against accuracy. The census HOW MANY MILLION VICTIMS? one month's subsistence for one person. was based on the family—but what was a The Times newspaper took a close Survival by this means was not to be family in the Irish circumstances of the interest in the country and being totally expected of starving people who hadn't time? Irish family life was very robust and confident in its prejudices could deal with the resources for a day's subsistence. Fares was so because it was flexible and ambi- the situation quite bluntly. It could never to the US were ten times that amount. In guous as regards definitions. The census be accused of exaggerating the tragedy of other words—starving people did not forms were based on the nuclear family. the situation. Editorially it wrote: emigrate because they could not, finan- But typically the Irish family was more "The workhouses are full and only cially or physically. like a mini-clan than a family. hold 100,000 while 4,000,000 are So what happened to those of The Times' The Freeman's Journal carried reports starving. The workhouses are mere starving four million, as estimated in about the large number of people 'taking charnel-houses. In one there is an average March 1847, and to those added after to the hills' while the Census was being mortality of a death an hour, day and March '47 who could not emigrate as held, for fear of it being used to question night" (15 March 1847, p. 4. col.3). conditions deteriorated further, plus those or even arrest them. Ordinary people who died of disease? It also put it more euphemistically in its Lane thought the answer was obvious. everywhere were frightened by the very editorial of 3rd January 1848 when it said He thought the figure of those who perished idea of a Census. A Dublin middle class that 4 million people had been 'battling in the Holocaust amounted to 4 million at lady, Elizabeth Smith recorded in her diary: with death' in 1847. the very least. "June 7, Busy filling in the Census The figure of 4 million starving remained IPR Reporter 17 amount that would rival some of the largest When the Taoiseach spoke in the Dail on oil fields in the Middle East. "BP is a November 19th in terms of Ireland repeat felon subject to record fines for its becoming an exporter of gas, perhaps he es ahora * wilful safety violations" and Shell, forgets that we would stand to gain hardly anything as things currently stand, from "the eighth-largest corporation in the any such exports. GATHERING NO MOSS! world, has a disturbing record when it "The West Coast of Ireland contains The way the journalists on Rolling Stone comes to the environment: Its operations the Atlantic Margin; an area that the oil in Nigeria spilled at least 100,000 barrels industry feels has massive potential. Magazine investigate matters of huge of crude alone into the formerly beautiful social/political/military concern is some- When the Corrib North was discovered Niger Delta causing massive damage in 1996, Irish rig workers aboard the rig thing to behold. It was only with their environmentally and the total destruction incredible coverage that the extent of the confirmed the find was massive. This, of of the people's living habitat with death course, was denied by the oil companies. ongoing BP oil disaster in the Gulf of and disease everywhere". Wood Mackenzie, the international oil Mexico became apparent; then there was Shell has yet to pay a penny for its consultants, said in 1998 that Corrib North their huge scoop with General Stanley blackguarding and even still contests that could have up to seven tcf (trillion cubic McChrystal, President Obama's top they are even responsible. feet) of gas. At current prices one tcf is commander in Afghanistan, who hit out at worth around €3billion." whom he considered "the real enemy: the SHELL AND IRELAND (And that was in 1998 before all the conflicts wimps in the White House". For his courag- If the Irish media did a fraction of in oil areas got under way with USUK). eous and outright views he was brought investigation into what is going on in the Campbell went on to lament that this home and pensioned off, giving more Corrib Gas Field that they lavished on State has no independent verification pro- leverage to the viewpoint that Obama's poor Ivor Callery or Sean Fitzpatrick then cedures and have to depend on the oil Presidency has become as lame as that of we wouldn't be facing a probable Gulf of companies to tell us what they have found. his predecessor and that took some doing! Mexico type of scenario. (By the way, to Is it still possible that our Government, Such was the shocked reaction to see how Sean was treated by the Irish after the Gulf of Mexico disaster, seeks no Rolling Stone's coverage on the BP oil Times during his hey-day read the Business assurances other than from the likes of spill that Tim Dickinson's story, The Spill, Section of that paper on January 23rd Shell who have been given and continue The Scandal And The President, 2004 so unlike the vindictiveness of these to be given very generous terms and effectively shifted the national debate away days!) subsidies? from BP and focused attention on the In the Irish Times, 25th August 2010, And just compare Norway with us and "Obama administration's disastrous on page 2, there was a photo of a huge gas see how their wealth from oil/gas extract- oversight of the oil industry". The story refinery building site at Ballinaboy in ion was kept for their nation and how they sparked discussion on almost every major North Co. Mayo. The story by Lorna got in the experts who did all the extracting news outlet from NBC Nightly News to Siggins was about 'Objections heard at under their stewardship. If only we had a Al Jazeera. On CNN, James Carville told resumed hearing on Corrib gas project'. Government who thought likewise—we Anderson Cooper; "Everybody has got to But what was much more interesting for would have no problem with our National read this!" Tina Brown hailed it as "the me was that at the end of the article there Debt now and indeed would have the most definitive piece yet". The Huffington was a boxed appendix called "Corrib Gas lovely luxury of managing our wealth via Post called the story "devastating" and Consent Timeline" and starting in 1996 up our minerals/gas/oil. It still can be done— urged Obama to fire Ken Salazar. And to 31st May 2010 there was an account of we can reclaim our heritage because the NPR noted that "anyone who believes that the timeline but with one very interesting politicians who sold us down the drain are the so-called liberal media is in thrall to detail missing—there was no account of now discredited and labelled corrupt. the Obama administration should read who in Government was overseeing the Instead of all those rubbishy Tribunals we the Rolling Stone piece". whole thing or even what Government need an inquiry with international experts And if anyone is really concerned about was in power. So I had to trawl the back who would—for a fee—instruct us on the environment and what big oil business editions of the papers and finally I got how to proceed with safe extraction and is still intent on doing to it with the what information I needed, not in the Irish ensure that the profits would belong only complicity of our Governments, then they Times but in the of 21st to the Irish people. should read Rolling Stone's double November 2003. There was a very good Those licences should be legally Summer Issue 1108-1109 and just look at editorial for that date titled 'Exporting of revoked and proper leases worked out in the awful photo on page 64 titled Isle of gas reserves a sell-out' but there was a an Irish Constitutional framework. Camp- Doom which shows a pristine Arctic with much more informative article by a Padraig bell stated that the subsidies came in terms an awful looking huge "land-based" rig Campbell who was named as a spokesman of tax breaks, and worse still the building belonging to BP in the wilds of Alaska. for SIPTU's National Offshore Committee. of distribution infrastructure such as the And again it is Tim Dickinson who titles We were informed that in 1987, Ballinaboy to Craughwell pipeline and his article BP's Next Disaster, stating that "the then Energy Minister Ray Burke the two interconnectors from Scotland, the oil giant plans to start drilling in the did away with royalties; introduced tax which the State was tricked into building Arctic this Fall—and the Obama administ- write-offs and ended Ireland's automatic on the basis that "Kinsale gas was running ration is doing nothing to stop it. right in any oil/gas discovery. In 1992, out". One of the interconnectors can be Joining BP is Shell, which has licences the then Finance Minister, reverse flowed, and when the Corrib field to drill "a total of 11 exploratory wells in reduced the oil tax to 25% the lowest in is hooked into the Bord Gais ring main at the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas above the world. Frontier Licences, which the Craughwell in , it is effectively Alaska—waters far more hostile and oil companies could sit on for up to 20 being exported at this point as the Bord years, were also introduced that year. remote that the Gulf". The region's Gais ring main becomes part of a European The oil companies snapped up the best untapped waters are believed to hold as prospects on our West, North, South and ring main. much as 27 billion barrels of oil—an East coasts. When one considers Ireland's Shell has been supported along the way waters are 10 times that of the land area, completely by the Government even It Is Time it is an awful lot of potential to give away. against their own people. The authorities 18 have seen to it that the Courts have jailed garden, poultry, and then memoirs of her cuted that year alone in London." those local activists who have fought husband and herself. It seems that the What really grabbed my attention in bravely against the odds for their rights. aristos are back with a vengeance. Hennessy's article was that the data he And, by God, the media have insulted Outdoor stalls with touristy tat are a reproduced was taken almost verbatim them with innuendo and outright lies, thus given for any large city but I have never from a brilliant book 'Wartime' Britain protecting interests again not our own. seen so much of the Union Jack tacked on 1939-1945 by Juliet Gardiner which was The reason the Irish Examiner pub- to virtually everything. Bags, caps, every published by Headline London in 2004. lished such a negative editorial on 21st type of clothes, really in a way that was And he does not credit the author by November 2003 was because of the un- slightly reminiscent of the USA though saying he used her as a source. nerving "recent landslide in North Mayo", the latter does not usually allow any vulgar By a terrible coincidence the article where the peat just did what the local displays of their flag—or at least not the under the Hennessy piece reads in brilliant people had said it would do. And what last time I was in New York. What does it bold: "French novelist rejects claims of further enraged the Editor of that time was all presage? Is the over-supply a secret plagiarism". And there is no doubt that, if the Government's offered allocation of indication that the break-up of the British what is reproduced is accurate, then the just €300,000 when the year before the Union has been grasped by the people author in question, Michel Houellebecq Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's Dublin constitu- whose response is to stick their flag on certainly quoted from the website Wiki- ency was given €13.5 million bail-out, to everything by way of consolation? Even pedia, as slate.fr annotates, on at least compensate victims of local flooding. the top fashion houses use the Union Jack three things: "on the town of Beauvais, the Having seen the hell BP unleashed on on their couture clothes. If this was done housefly and a hunting activist". Houel- the American southern states, surely we in Paris, Berlin or Dublin—we would lebecq, a former Dublin Impact award have no option but to act to save ourselves have ructions from the people—it is just winner and a controversialist who has also and the great natural beauty of our bounti- unthinkable. attracted criticism before for "racism, ful seas. This Government has to be held So what gives in Britain? And we have misogyny and obscenity", and for making to account and it is up to all of us to see that not even hit November yet, which is their anti-Islam remarks which seems par for it is done. In the Rolling Stone article orgy of poppyism, although mind you we the course for any western intellectual about BP, the Mineral Management ourselves as a nation are getting more these days. Service (MMS) was shown to be utterly attuned to that new spirit these days in The Irish Times latterly has been racking and irredeemably corrupt and incapable Dublin and Cork and of course the Aras up a very pronounced trend in anti-Catholic of monitoring big oil. So, when our Depart- itself. prejudice and bitter dismay at how our ment of Environment is "satisfied" with country is being misgoverned, but it should Shell, as shown in 28th August 2010 of THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN show some caution about making one too the Irish Times on the word of one "senior The Irish Times, 9th September 2010 many enemies. Capiche? engineer who travelled to meet Shell was certainly not going to let the 70th management following a complaint lodged anniversary of the Blitz pass unnoticed. 'WARTIME' BRITAIN 1939-45 by the community group Pobal Chill Under their 'World News' column, Mark It is a pity that Juliet Gardiner's book Chomain", we need to find out more about Hennessy wrote an article that took a very didn't get the kind of sales and publicity how a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) unusual critical take on the Blitz itself. that other books of much lesser merit did. came to end up with 80 drill holes and the While noting that on Tuesday 7th Septem- Clair Wills' That Neutral Island: A Cultur- blessing of said official. It simply makes ber 2010 the event was marked by 2,500 al History of Ireland During the Second no sense at all. survivors of that time who gathered in St. World War, published in 2007 by Faber, Paul's Cathedral for a "memorial service could have done with the kind of insights THE TIMES that ended with the sound most closely that govern Gardiner's scholarship so Though it is owned by Rupert Murdoch, associated with the time: the air-raid naturally. On one matter alone there has the Times is still something that conveys siren", Hennessy went on to give a very been much sneering by the academics like the British sense of things. On 20th Sept- negative view of the way some Londoners Roy Foster, Wills, et al and that has been ember 2010, there was a picture of Prime responded to the crises by admitting that: about the way the Irish Government Minister David Cameron and Prince Wil- censored reports about the weather. R.M. liam in uniform watching a fly-past with "There is, however, another less glorious side to the Blitz: the murder, Smyllie, the pro-British Editor of The other braided gentlemen during the 70th rape and looting committed under the Irish Times and his staff of then and today, anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Over- cover of darkness offered by the blackout, lamented our "wartime small-mindedness head the headline proclaimed "Still turning and increasingly sophisticated attempts and isolationism". But in Britain itself the heads; the glorious roar of 1940". Such is to exploit war-time bureaucracy to make reports about the weather were considered the saturation of military anniversaries fraudulent claims". so necessary to war-aims that they were now in the UK, that it is hard to make any completely censored. And with both planes observation as an outsider to the society. Hennessy went on to detail the awful murder of a wife by her husband—one and ships being essential tools of war, it I was very briefly in London last week wouldn't take an eejit to know this. and had a look at Hatchards—that book- Harry Dobkin who was hung in 1942, one year after the Blitz had ended. He notes As Gardiner stated: "VE Day dawned, shop of the Establishment which even has and for the first time in almost six years a royal warrant from the Queen, her hus- looters— "using air-raid wardens' armbands as the weather forecast could be published band Prince Philip and their son Prince cover to break into houses and often in the newspapers". And while the Irish Charles of Wales. The number of books calling on the help of innocent bystanders Times/The Bell lot in Ireland lamented an on Hitler was just astonishing. Take him to load their ill-gotten gains on to trucks. inward-looking Ireland, with whingers like out and their History department would In the first two months nearly 400 cases Sean O'Faolain, Hubert Butler etc, they be considerably smaller. They also had a were reported and many more were not didn't exactly cover themselves in glory whole shelf display about the Mitford because the victims had died in the raids. for all their talk. Girls. And the Dowager Duchess of In November 1940, 20 people were tried Devonshire, one of the Mitfords, had in the Old Bailey, including 10 auxiliary And so too with the likes of Louis several books on various subjects like her firemen. In all, 4,500 looters were prose- MacNeice, who first tried to get a job in 19 Dublin and then tried the US, and finally came back to London where he got a fine arm-chair job in the BBC. Gardiner coined Review: Pat Murphy: Social Republican. 1937-2009. Edited by Philip O'Connor a great name for his likes—the Fitzrovia set—these were the members of a rather Meeting Pat Murphy loose society who got cushy numbers in various London War Departments. They There is some inaccuracy in the booklet and established Right as a defensive usually lived— about Pat Murphy published by the Howth measure of power. Rev. Cordell was quite "between Soho and Bloomsbury, which Press and distributed by Athol Books. It upset, but he was not able to show me was a location and a magnet, and became was not actually the case that he joined from British history that I had got it wrong. a way of life… Here such louche and "the ICO, the leading voice of which was Then I did the piano with the daughter of talented literary figures as Julian Maclaren Ross and Reyner Heppenstall (whose Brendan Clifford". He had more to do a famous song-writer. And then Etching medical report described him as 'a social, with setting up the ICO than I had. with a very aesthetic Fascist who com- disgruntled type, of first-class intelligence We met in the Working Men's College mitted suicide when the dullness of and ability' who had failed to adjust to the in Camden Town about 1960. I went to it England became intolerable to him. Army) fetched up. They were surrounded because I passed it every day in a bus I by younger hopefuls such as the poet conducted and the name made me curious. The great drawback to the WMC was Dylan Thomas who was making films He went to it to get some education. He the gentry who ran it with a view to for the Ministry of Information rather than give his 'one and only body' to the had missed elementary schooling because improving the lower classes and making war, yet already knew that London was of a long treatment for TB as a child, them harmless. The Christian Socialists 'his capital punishment' where he drank which left him with one leg shorter than were Church of England gentry, both and grew repetitive and did little work. the other, and a strong determination not clerical and lay. Their time had passed but Young men who had not yet been called to be disabled either by his leg or his they carried on regardless. The Principal up (the 'Slithy Toves' as they were collect- missed education. was the grandson of the founder, F.D. ively called since they so closely resem- He was literate and numerate, and had Maurice, and the son of General Maurice bled Tenniel's drawings for Alice in Wonderland ) were regulars, along with an original power of observing the world who cut a bit of a dash in the Great War. At the ageing artist Augustus John (whose directly. He didn't need education and a certain point he had to engage in corres- girlfriend, the beautiful chorus girl and didn't take much of it as I recall. But he pondence with me and his letters were model Caitlin Macnamara, Thomas had struck up an acquaintance with the English written on the notepaper of The Athen- stolen, and would marry as soon as he lecturer, Levine, whose first name I forget. aeum, a club in Pall Mall near Buckingham could hang on to sufficient money for the And Levine, who was a member of the Palace. licence). Others who frequented the pubs Communist Party of Great Britain, trained The authentic gentry had been severely of Fitzrovia might include George Orwell, Louis MacNeice and Roy Campbell the him about doing an interview for a job, in thinned out by then. They were supple- poet and producer... on a break from the the civil service as far as I recall. He got mented at the WMC by City financiers BBC just down the road. And these literati the job, and then didn't bother with who were overcome by an urge to find a and reprobates would be joined by education any more. means of expressing their philanthropic deserters in search of a drink, a bed (or a inclinations. And there was a genuine floor) for the night, for forged ration What was interesting about the Working industrial capitalist (Mr. Saklatvala), who books or ID cards, pickpockets anxious Men's College was what it was, rather was Dean of Studies, and tried to write to unload their takings, Conscientious Objectors who found it hard to find a job than what it did in the way of education; poetry, and who belonged to the Tata and felt adrift in wartime Britain, and and the incidental amenities it provided. family. petty criminals who wanted to mingle It was set up by the English Protestant into anonymity. They all washed up in Christian Socialists (Anglicans), after the 1960 was not long after the 2nd World Fitzrovia, to sit out the war in the pubs fright the English upper classes got from War. Most of the philanthropists had been and coffee bars, and, in the case of many, the Chartists, with the object of diverting officers of one kind or another in the War. to fail to make much sense of the peace." working class militants into 'the And they seemed to have brought their Perhaps much the same could be said of Humanities' in an ersatz University that batmen with them to the WMC to be the some of the inhabitants of Dublin's Palace Bar? opened in the evening. It had a good, working class. cheap canteen (called by some other It was absurd. But it was useful having PRIVATE EYE name), a Common Room, a Library with been there. It helped me to know England. This is another investigative magazine that an open fire run by an Army Major, and The rooms were called after Anglican is true to its remit, unlike the ever-weakening many other facilities that it was pleasant Christian Socialists and Liberal Imperial- Dublin-based Phoenix. In the edition of Private Eye, No 1263, 28th May-10th June 2010, there enough to pass the time in. But, in order ists of the generation that launched the was a wicked little piece on the failures of the to avail of these amenities, one had to sign Great War, and of Liberal Imperialists great Guardian newspaper. Its Guide section up for a course of study and make some like Haldane, who helped to mould the recommended a programme called 'Dunkirk: pretence of improving oneself. for office after these Liberals The Forgotten Heroes' on 22nd May 2010 I signed up for Russian to begin with in had wrecked their own Party. And the with these words: "In June 1940 a third of a million British and American soldiers were order to get the pronunciation. Then I Rev. Charles Kingsley, the "muscular rescued at Dunkirk ….." went for Divinity, as a subject in which Christian" who provoked Newman's "Forgotten Heroes is about right" stated the one ran no danger of being improved. It Apologia, was so actively remembered Eye , was conducted by the local Vicar, the that one almost felt he was there. "especially given that there were tens of Rev. Cordell, whose Vicarage was almost thousands of French soldiers present, and that the US didn't enter the war until next door to the WMC. At the end of the But all good things must come to an December 1941 …" year I was set to write an essay on Might end. And the end of the WMC—or at least Julianne Herlihy © and Right. I wrote that Might came first of its pretensions—came through hubris. 20 The gentry and bankers decided to move Very shortly before the expulsions Liam mind—listening and asking an occasional with the times. An elective element was Daltun, a Republican who had done question. introduced into the College Council, something in the 1956 Campaign and had I listened because he had a very original hitherto selected by itself. Pat said we since become a Trotskyist, turned up at mind, and he was a Dubliner who knew should contest the Election. I wrote the WMC, struck up an acquaintance with rural Ireland and could explain Dublin to election propaganda and he lobbied. Pat, and asked him to go along to a meeting a countryman. I was strongly prejudiced Himself and me got elected and a couple at which doing something in Irish politics against cities on the strength of a brief of other Camden Town Irish came close. would be discussed. And Pat asked me to acquaintance with Limerick and Cork Pat was put on the Finance Committee go along with him. And out of that meeting before I was in my teens. I barely knew and I was put on the Executive Committee. eventually came the ICO. London as a city, having mixed with the Pat suggested that we should ask for fund- But for Pat, I doubt that I would ever free enclaves of West Indians and Irish ing for a Student Magazine. The gentry have got involved in a political group. when I went there. It was from Pat that I decided to give it in order to bring home to At the WMC I struck up an acquaintance got some understanding of the life of us the fact that we had nothing to say. with a Belfast Communist called John Dublin, and indeed of Irish Party politics. We produced the magazine and made Clarke. (It is curious how famous names I suppose my listening to him caused him its title a Chinese character meaning Words from history turned up on the English to think in a way he would not otherwise and pronounced Hua—on the ground that Left. Jack Straw for example. John Clarke have done. And, when you come to think it would have the biggest recognition factor was the name of the last dictator of England of it, is not listening to somebody reacting in the world. (I have forgotten how to in retirement, Richard Cromwell.) to his mind if you ask a question? write the character, and it could not be Clarke was in dispute with Desmond Brendan Clifford reproduced if I could remember.) And, Greaves of the , after that eccentricity, we produced several which was a front of the Communist Party. PS The purge of the WMC by the issues of a magazine that people wanted to Clarke, as a straightforward Party member, philanthropic gentry did not pre-empt a read—unlike the official magazine prod- was irritated by the spin Greaves put on coup against them. There was no coup in uced by the bankers. And then we were things for the CA paper, the Irish Demo- prospect. The life that blossomed in expelled—Pat and myself and a dozen crat, and he protested in letters to the connection with the Magazine was other Camden Town Irish. Democrat. His letters were loosely drafted anarchist in spirit. It could not have been There were trumped-up charges. Pat, and this enabled Greaves to publish replies organised for a coup. It was unacceptable as a member of the Finance Committee, which exploited the looseness. I took to only because it was life that the philan- had had dealings with the local Council tightening up Clarke's letters so that they thropists had not fostered. They were about a subsidy to the College. He made were strictly to the point. And then, of confused by it and drove it out into the the gentry and bankers reinstate him as a course, Greaves stopped publishing them. world. The College had been waiting member, or else submit the charges against almost a century for some energetic lower him to scrutiny by the Council. My function in the group founded by class life to come along for it to absorb and Before being expelled I was removed Liam Daltun and Pat was much the same. render harmless. When it came along, all from the Executive Committee at a meeting I tried to focus the sense in which was the gentry could do with it was drive it out called half an hour early by Saklatvala wanted to be said. I was never a founder into the world. I thought it was a very without informing me. Then I was told I of things—well, hardly ever. Pat was. I satisfactory and encouraging result—a was expelled from College membership was a Scaramouche. little victory from which something and might not again enter the College Tony Monks says that Pat told him followed. premises. I forced my way into the next "Clifford would react to your mind, which Pat Murphy: Social Republican. meeting of the Council and reminded it of was what I needed". The last thing Pat 1937-2009. A tribute to his life and work. its Constitution, and told it that the Exec- said to me was that I listened. That must Edited by Philip O'Connor. utive did not have the authority to deter- have been what he meant by relating to his Howth Free Press. €6, £5. mine membership of the Legislature, of which I was an elected member, and Report suggested that it debate the matter. The Principal, Maurice, suspended the meeting and called the police. I explained the After The Single Currency, legality of the situation to the police. They said that was all nonsense and that Principal why not a Euro bond? Maurice had absolute authority. The rate of return that investors are seeking on Irish government bonds keeps getting That being made clear, and not being higher and higher, especially when compared to that sought for German bonds. disputed by the members of the Council 0Why can’t our Government simply buy the German bonds and sell them on at an present, I allowed myself to be removed 0.5% more return to investors. That way the investor gets the security of the German forcibly but with no more than passive bond but at a higher return and the Irish Government gets the money it needs at a more resistance through the pandemonium of a reasonable rate. But why do we have German bonds and Irish bonds to begin with? Why jeering crowd of students in the corridor is there not simply a European bond? After all, are we not all in the single currency and lobby. through which we either sink or swim together? And that was the end of the Working Dave McInerney Men's College, effectively abolished by Co Cork the grandson of the Founder. (It then (Irish Examiner, become something else under the same 23rd September 2010) name.) 21 pendent judgment in assessing the Liver- pool Labour leadership of the Braddocks— noting that both the CP and LP were Jack Jones Vindicated hostile and suspicious, for their own Part Three separate organisational reasons: "In August 1936 Ernest Bevin praised In a programme entitled "The 20th must have been influenced by the 'the heroic struggle being carried on by Century Remembered", which was broad- speeches made by Ernie Bevin which put the workers of Spain to save their demo- cratic regime'... In some churches Franco cast by the BBC on 7th January 1984, forward a strong case for work or maintenance for the unemployed" (p40). was proclaimed as the defender of veteran Labour correspondent Geoffrey Christianity against atheistic materialism, Goodman interviewed his good friend and Jones described what happened when church burning, outrages against nuns the even more veteran and retired British and other things too horrible to relate. A the hunger march reached London and union leader, Jack Jones, about his life few Catholic Labour City Councillors sought to have a deputation received at and times—although there was still ano- swallowed the propaganda and declared Westminster: ther quarter of a century of that life yet to their support for Franco, but they were the exceptions. The Catholic leader of run. Jack spoke of how he had left school "Only a few hundred of the two thousand managed to gain admission... I the Party, Luke Hogan, supported the in 1927, aged 14, and joined the TGWU in was amongst them, and led a group of the Loyalist Government from the start and 1929, aged 16, and the Labour Party at the Liverpool men in seeking to make contact encouraged me in my endeavours... While same time, becoming Secretary of his with Liverpool Members of Parliament. I was in his office he urged me to continue local ward organisation. We now know One of those who met us was David to try to gain a seat on the City Council. from his answers to a 1938 Spanish Com- Logan, Labour member for the Scotland 'We need young men from the Unions munist Party questionnaire—brought to division of Liverpool. He wasn't the like you', he said. 'I'm not afraid of a left- wing view, I expect some young men to light by International Brigade historian brightest of men and he offered little by way of action, but he showed his sympathy be on the left'. He was scathing in his Richard Baxell—that Jack was recruited by handing me a ten shilling note which criticism of the loyalty of Jack and Bessie into the CPGB by Liverpool communist he asked me to share 'amongst the lads'. Braddock. I queried this attack for I was leader Leo McGree in 1930, but kept his The Central Lobby was packed but in the friendly with the Braddocks and I had a membership secret and became a Labour middle of the throng I saw a distinguished youthful wish for unity in the movement, Party member of Liverpool City Council looking man, who, I was told, was Dingle but a doubt remained with me after that in 1937. Foot, then a Liberal MP. I took my group interview. The Braddocks were contro- over and we surrounded him, urging our versial figures. Together with Bessie's In his 2009 book Defence of the Realm, point of view. He was visibly shaken by mother, Mrs. Mary Bamber, they had M15's Professor Christopher Andrew, the examples we cited of hardship caused been founders and leaders of the Com- by the means test and the poverty munist Party in Liverpool but had then speaking as His Master's Voice, regurgi- represented by the low rates of unemploy- left it. Although they continued to tates the pronouncement that "Jones had ment benefits... He agreed to do all he advocate left-wing policies, they were been an open CPGB member from 1932 to could to press our case and to urge the attacked as traitors by the communists 1941 and the Service believed, did not leader of the Liberal Party, Sir Herbert yet were looked upon with a suspicious leave the party until 1949" (p535). Yet we Samuel, to do the same. He created a eye by all of the Labour Councillors" now know for a fact that Jones joined the better impression than some of the Labour (pp57-8). CPGB in 1930, but had NEVER been an MPs, but Clem Attlee, the leader of the Labour Party came up trumps. He led the open member. The question remains, The constant tension between Bevin fight in the House for a deputation to be however, how long did he remain such a the Union boss and Jack's drive for greater received by the Prime Minister Ramsay Union democracy, far from leading to any secret member? Jack's own autobiography, MacDonald, and the Cabinet. I was Union Man (first edition 1986, second pleased with Attlee's efforts and the way victimisation of him, only served to edition 2008), reveals a personality and he had met us. I said to my mates: 'He is enhance Bevin's appreciation of Jack's intellect that formed his own independent a small man and he doesn't look very own leadership qualities. In August 1939 judgment throughout his dual party strong but you must admit he's got guts!' he appointed Jones to the position of He strengthened my faith in the Labour membership of the 1930s: Coventry District Organiser, on the eve of Party at a time when circumstances were World War Two. And Jack's response to "Within the union and the local Labour inclining me to move further towards the that War was Bevinite rather than CP. Party I was continually pressing for action left" (pp42-3). against unemployment... When early in "My respect for Ernie Bevin increased 1934 a national 'hunger' march was being each time he denounced Fascism and I The outbreak of War evoked a variety organised I offered to join the Liverpool began to appreciate the thinking behind of responses from left-wing anti-Fascists. contingent to march to London. My union the formation of the TGWU … It was, I remember in 1970 asking Sam Rosen, branch endorsed the idea and I had the and is, a great conception, but my my Professor of Economics in the US sympathy and support of fellow Labour experience in the docks underlined for University of New Hampshire, whether Party members, although the main me that any trade union had also to be a or not he and his wife, Mary Berman, had organisers of the march were members of living, democratic reality at the place of the Communist Party. The Independent work" (p47). any qualms of conscience, as Jewish Labour Party (ILP) was also active in Communists, in championing the CP getting recruits for the march. In my As Jones told Goodman in 1984, it USA's anti-war stance during the 1939-41 youthful enthusiasm I could never could not be "just a union of Bevin— period of Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression understand why the different socialist Pact. Certainly not! Their conviction in its groups could not work together, and here although Bevin was a great man—but a correctness remained as firm as ever in was evidence of that ambition being, in members' union, a live union to challenge part at least, fulfilled... I felt that some employers." their recall, notwithstanding the fact that means must be found to provide work for Sam had later served in Europe with the the unemployed of Liverpool. In this I Jack Jones also used his own inde- US Army during the period when it had 22 become an actual anti-Fascist War, while becoming Minister for Labour in March past, he at least was capable of making in 1978 Mary's sister-in-law, Isabella 1940. It was no accident that Jones entitled this pragmatic adjustment. Bevin Leitner, would author one of the most a Bevin centenary lecture he delivered on however clearly realised that office alone was no guarantee of his wider aims. After searing autobiographies penned by a 5th March 1981 as "Ernest Bevin— six months in office he defined the survivor of the Auschwitz Holocaust, Revolutionary by Consent". And their problem in the following way: 'They (the Fragments Of Isabella. shared revolutionary perspective ruled out trade unions) are tolerated so long as In a Guardian obituary for her own any wartime truce in the class war until the they keep their place and limit their father, Leslie, on 18th March 2008, the achievement by Bevin of working class activities to industrial disputes, industrial late Nina Fishman (1946-2009) also executive powers for the rest of that war relations and similar matters, and are recalled that "Les had joined the CPUSA confirmed that change in character. As willing to bury all their memories and feelings and assist the nation or industry on news of the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Jones argued in his lecture: when in difficulties and go back to their Pact". Similarly, other Jewish anti- "He always had his feet on the ground. place when the war is done. But there will Fascists in the USA, most notably those It was this quality which carried him have to be a great recasting of values. who had actually fought against Fascism through the war years and made him such The concept that those who produce or in Spain, like Moe Fishman (no relation to a great Minister of Labour... Bevin's manipulate are inferior and must accept Nina), were to the fore in the opposition of wartime achievement were centred on a lower status than the speculator, must two main themes, firstly the maximum the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln go.' His years as Minister of Labour were mobilisation of manpower, secondly the to see him carry through these objectives Brigade to any US involvement in World recasting of social values and the perman- to a remarkable extent." War Two prior to the invasion of the ent alteration of the status of working "No, Bevin was not perfect. He was not . people. These two themes fitted together, always right—no one is. Yet few would This was not the position of Jack Jones. as being the only way to win the war. As or could deny that he was an outstanding But neither was his the somersault record far as Bevin was concerned, it could not trade union leader and a truly great of the CPGB. The Party General Secretary be won by totalitarian methods. Britain Minister of Labour. His contribution to had to stick to government by consent in Harry Pollitt had initially supported the winning the war against fascism was order to secure the willingness of people second only to that of Churchill if not War in September 1939. But the Comintern to make sacrifices greater than those that equal to it. We should remember the forced his temporary removal and it was could be obtained from them by considerable amount of good that he did R. Palme Dutt and Andrew Rothstein who compulsion. And this consent was closely in his life as we commemorate his birth a articulated the revised anti-War line of the tied up with consultation and respect for hundred years ago. Surveying that CPGB until the invasion of the USSR the dignity of the worker. This philosophy momentous period as a trade unionist allowed for Pollitt's return as General did not exclude coercion, but confined its and as Minister of Labour one can say use to those occasions when the time was Secretary in order to lead the CPGB in its that he served the cause of labour right and it was generally acceptable to splendidly." now-pro-war-again stance. those at whom it might be directed... But Jack Jones participated in none of this this was not handed to him on a plate. Jack Jones had the greatest of respect jumping back and forth. If, following his During the early part of the war, the for the CPGB shop-stewards who worked return from Spain in 1938, he had resumed attitude of the Chamberlain Government with him in wartime Coventry. But the being a secret CPGB member in Liverpool, was thoroughly reactionary towards CPGB had very definitely ceased to be the there is nothing to suggest that he remained labour and totally incapable of under- standing the mood of working people Party for him. And his memoirs make one when he moved to Coventry in August and their willingness to fight fascism, clear that he felt that Harry Pollitt's talents 1939, and everything to suggest the and the opportunities this presented. might have been better deployed: contrary. From start to finish, Jack Jones Bevin was not willing to lead the trade functioned as a left-wing Bevinite through- unions into cooperation with such a "In October 1942 the District Com- mittee joined forces with the Coventry out the course of the War. Jack Jones government. In October 1939 he stated: 'It must be recognised that in their heart Trades Council in organising a mass described his own position on the War in meeting in the Opera House to discuss a manner that was decidedly indifferent to of hearts the powers-that-be are anti- trade union... We represent probably the the need for a second front. The meeting the CPGB's own internal difficulties: most vital factor in the state: without our was packed to overflowing, with Harry "I was for the war from the very people the war cannot be won, nor can Pollitt, the Communist leader, as the main beginning. For me it was a continuation the life of the country be carried on. The speaker. I spoke for the Confederation of the war in Spain, the war against assumption that the only brains in the and although I got a good reception it was Fascism. Support for the war in Coventry country are in the heads of the Federation nothing to the enthusiasm which greeted was virtually universal and any doubts of British Industry and big business has Pollitt. He made an outstandingly brilliant were removed by the bombing (the yet to be corrected.' " speech and as I listened I thought to November 1940 blitz). The decision by "Bevin was not willing to place the myself: 'If only Harry had gone into the the Communist Party to oppose the war support of the unions unconditionally in Labour Party, what a marvellous impact in its early stages had no impact in the hands of the government in the cause he would have had on the nation.' I always Coventry" (p99). of patriotism. Indeed in February 1940 found Pollitt to be a sincere and able man, he stated: 'If the Government is going to a fine trade unionist, and certainly a credit This is evidence of a very definite break take the occasion of this war to invade the to the Communist Party which he led for with any constraints of CPGB discipline. liberties of my people, I will lead the so many years" (p117). Jones, nonetheless was far from being movement to resist this Government—or Arthur Deakin, the TGWU's second amenable to any "There'll always be an any other Government.' This stand created a position of strength in that, as Churchill General Secretary, was no Ernie Bevin. England" all-class patriotism. Like Bevin, Quite the contrary, Jack Jones recalled the Jones had come to believe in a domestic- recognised, the strengths of the unions could only be tapped for the war effort if 1949 reaction that enveloped the Union: ally-honed British Road to . For he was prepared to bargain with them and "Generally what happened in London Jones, the decisive change in the character bring them into the Government, as he had little impact on the Coventry district. of the War came, not with the Nazi invasion did in the person of Bevin. Despite We had built a substantial membership of the USSR in June 1941, but with Bevin Churchill's viciously anti-trade union and day-to-day activates in the plants, 23 where trade unionism is properly judged, have watched the experiments with keen SIPTU's guest in 2003, I know how were going well. National events passed interest" (p138). reluctant Jack was on every single occasion most people by. Nevertheless the decision to accept being treated to meals as befitted of the union's national conference in 1949 It was in 1964 that Jack visited the our guest. to ban communists holding office in the Soviet Union for the very first time: TGWU caused a commotion in the ranks of the active members. I shared their "In November 1964 I led a TGWU The other visit to the Soviet Union view that the decision smelled of Mc delegation to the USSR. I hadn't been to recorded in Jack's memoirs occurred in Carthyism. Since a number of shop Russia before and was pleased that the 1973 when Jack led a TUC delegation: opportunity had fallen to me. Those stewards in my district were communists "The visit was a short one... The I felt that the union could only be harmed accompanying me were all rank-and-file members of the union's Executive... We industrial part was covered during a visit by the decision. Some members did, in to Minsk; we looked over a new heavy fact, leave the TGWU and join the ETU. were a good team and conscientious in our efforts to find out as much as possible vehicles plant and had discussions with Determined to be no party to victim- management, trade union and party isation, I managed to protect the shop about that most interesting country and its people. We were the guests of the representatives.. I was not happy that the stewards and they continued to function working conditions and lay-out of the in my district" (p134). Motor Transport Union, which enabled us to visit many factories in Moscow, plant were as good as they might have Leningrad, Odessa and Kiev. Our practi- been, but at least I felt satisfied that a Jack valued the commitment of his CP cal experience meant that we could trade union system, not unlike our own, GB shop stewards and protected them appreciate what was good and what was was operating at a plant level. The political from Deakin's purges. But he had no desire bad. Despite the language barrier we felt influence, however, was to alien to our to share in their Party life. His own concept a sense of camaraderie; that sort of British traditions, and we began to realise of a British Road to Socialism saw no immediate understanding cannot be dis- the difference between the political and guised. Of course we saw the sights and industrial systems of our two countries... advantage for that project in taking any On our return to Moscow we resumed stand, on one side or the other, in the met many important political and trade union leaders, but our overwhelming talks with the leaders of the all-Union dispute between the USSR and Yugo- impression was of a people struggling Central Council of Trade Unions in their slavia. He had seen what had happened to against a difficult past, painfully but substantial headquarters. In the course of Alfred Sherman, a fellow member of the successfully. From then on I thought it our lengthy meetings I raised the question International Brigade's British Battalion. would be a good thing for working people of Jews wishing to emigrate from the In 1948 Sherman headed up the CPGB from both countries to get to know each Soviet Union, explaining that there was other by two-way exchanges. Barriers much interest in the subject in Britain. branch formed by students at the London Their president had obviously been fully School of Economics. He had been due to could be broken down in a way diplomats were unlikely to achieve" (p172). briefed and provided a lot of information. deliver a paper on politics in Yugoslavia, He said that 97 percent of applications following his visit to that country, when from Jewish people to emigrate had been It was this visit which led to M15's Moscow announced Stalin's break with granted, but there were reservations over Professor Andrew regurgitating double Tito. Asked to amend his paper, Sherman people in possession of secret information agent Gordievsky's claim that the KGB refused, and was expelled from the CPGB or with high scientific or academic reported on Jones as being a contact from qualifications. He went to great pains to on charges of "Titoist deviationism". 1964 to 1968. If such reports exist, it was assure us that they were not anti-Semitic, From 1948 to 1953, until after the death obviously a case of self-promotion on the and that many Jewish people occupied of Stalin, the CPGB maintained that, not part of KGB operators, posing under other important positions. There was some alone was Tito's Yugoslavia not a Socialist sharp questioning... There was still a hats and inflating the significance of state, it was actually ruled by a Fascist deep division, on this issue, which normal exchanges of views. But what of clique. In 1952 Jack Jones had no intention remained a sharp cause for concern for a the supposed KGB claim that "Jones of turning down the opportunity to see for long period. The British Ambassador told accepted, without visible enthusiasm, me that he had been delighted with our himself: modest contributions towards holiday visit and felt sure that it would help to "There came an opportunity to visit expenses"? (p536). improve relations. A number of high- Yugoslavia. The Coventry District ranking Soviet trade unionists accepted The distortion of reality is also quite his invitation to attend a party in the Committee of the Confederation of apparent to me in this regard. In 1965, Engineering and Shipbuilding Unions had Embassy, including a member of the when I was aged 16, and a year after Jack's been invited to send a delegate to the Politburo. The Ambassador was all Yugoslav Metal Workers' Congress at visit, I myself visited the Soviet Union for smiles, because it had not previously Zagreb, who would then tour the engineer- the only time in my life, accompanying been possible to talk informally with ing industry in that country. I was selected my father. There was a great desire on the such influential people" (pp270-1). to make the trip. In 1952 Yugoslavia was part of the Soviet hosts that their guests In Tribune on 10th December 2009, still 'a far-away country' and I was would not feel the need to exchange Geoffrey Goodman recalled: intrigued by the chance to explore this currency and come into contact with the new world... Yugoslavia was very much "Jack Jones a traitor? Don't make me black market, of which they were rather on its own and industrially backward. It laugh. Allegations that Jack Jones was a was not unusual to come across a heap of ashamed. "Modest contributions towards Soviet agent taking cash from the KGB horse manure in the centre of a machine holiday expenses" were precisely that— are laughable. If the cremated remains of stop or witness some other evidence of some pocket money in roubles that would James Larkin Jones have not already the close link between industry and cover the purchase of souvenirs. They turned to dust they may, I suspect, be agriculture. Horses and carts were used would have paled into insignificance jumping around with great mirth in their to transport materials to and from the compared with expenses regimes on all casket. I feel quite certain it is laughter factories. Former peasants were being rather than anger that is their response to fronts in the western world. Yet I can well trained slowly and painfully to acquire the extraordinary campaign which has engineering skills. I was impressed by believe that Jack accepted even these small been launched to discredit their owner. the early attempts at workers' self- amounts with reluctance. Having driven Indeed, I vividly recall when, some 35 management, and from that time onwards Jack around Dublin and Galway as years ago, I was reporting a TUC 24 delegation to Moscow led by Jones as little of Jones' record in fighting for what Navy prevent her going on with the chairman of the TUC's international is finest in British democratic tradition process? How can it prevent her? Let us committee he took the lead in attacking that this was a man whose personal consider it from the other point of view. Soviet policies in face to face meetings modesty never changed as he rose in We don't like this process by which with Soviet leaders. I wonder if that is trade union power and influence; a man Germany is walking off with our trade, so recorded in the secret archives of the for whom financial or any other form of we will fight her and 'extinguish' her, and security systems in Moscow or, for that corruption, political bribery, or even the 'every Englishman in the world' will be matter, here? Of course he was resented odd expensive lunch was anathema. In richer for the extinction. It sounds by those on the right who, during his short, the anti-Jones clatter is about a glorious. But I want to know what it lifetime, spent considerable time, money man of principle and sheer integrity that means…" (The Great Illusion—Now, and powerful influence seeking to was unshakeable by spies or newspaper p170). undermine him and his trade union proprietors." activities. Some of his opponents were Angell noted that a peacetime blockade even from his own side of the political It has been shown that Jack Jones's of Germany to destroy her trade would be divide—well known members of the relationship with Soviet officialdom was Labour Party at that time. None of his impossible. And he also maintained that a critics demurred at supporting dubious such as to render unbelievable any sug- policy of extermination of the whole Ger- elements to combat Jones, especially gestion that he was a Soviet agent. And man people was also unlikely to be when he was general secretary of the yet, over the course of 1969-70, M15 completed successfully. Transport and General Workers Union, sought to justify wire-tapping Jones on So what was to be done about it? Angell then the strongest trade union in Britain the basis that his contacts with CPGB warned that even war would not arrest the and, indeed, across the non-communist Industrial Organiser Bert Ramelson process—but war was tried nonetheless. world. Do I detect similar influences at rendered him a Soviet stooge, and now play today in this campaign to discredit But before the war there was a threat- his reputation as one of Britain's greatest MI5's Cambridge Professor again seeks to ened development in German commercial trade union leaders and a fighter for social justify it all retrospectively. That the actual activity that the British Navy could not justice? Do I detect this posthumous bid relationship between Jones and Ramelson prevent—the Berlin to Baghdad Railway. to humiliate his record as the usual was, in the main, one of fundamental coward's way of speaking ill of the dead strategic conflict, will now be explored. In 1898 an Agreement was reached who cannot answer for themselves? between the German Kaiser and the Otto- Perhaps. Then let me again remind a (to be continued) man Sultan for German construction of younger generation who probably know Manus O'Riordan this Railway. It was begun in 1900 and followed one of the oldest, richest, trade routes in the world from India to Europe. It was due for completion in 1915 and Naval Warfare would have linked up the Ottoman Empire Part Three with central Europe and provided an alternative land route to India. In an earlier part of this series the present good for the British Empire itself. It failed What England was concerned about writer noted that, along with the 'threat' of and he republished it in 1938 when the was the fact that this economic develop- German naval construction, the other same illusions began to resurface—but to ment would take place outside of the reach factor that most determined the British no avail again. But the book is interesting of the Royal Navy. Britain had pains- State to make war on Germany was the in revealing the climate of opinion that takingly established and controlled the building of the Berlin to Baghdad Railway. prevailed in England in relation to Ger- world market and commerce over centuries These two factors were linked by the many just before the Great War. by its control of the seas. The creation of fear in England that she was destined to Angell quotes a whole range of British a powerful land-based market, free from lose her commercial primacy to Germany. Statesmen, political writers and news- British interference, threatened the British That fear was based on the calculation papermen on the perceived German threat military dominance of commerce (and that, as it had been for England so it was and then disputes that British naval warfare undermined the effective use of the for Germany—England had obtained her could make real any difference to it: Balance of Power Policy being applied to supremacy in the world through the "All these authors… say or imply that continental Europe in future). destruction of those who had gone before Germany is preparing to fight us in order That is the way it was seen in Britain, in her—Spain and Holland. So it was accept- to capture our trade. But for ten years or any case. ed as natural that Germany would have to so now, our Press has been full of the way do the same. And from this line of in which Germans have been capturing Percy Evans Lewin of the Royal Colon- our trade over the world… everywhere, reasoning came the belief that something ial Institute wrote The German Road To relatively, German trade has been The East in 1916 and it described how had to be done to prevent this before it growing and ours relatively declining. happened and from this emerged the notion But note that it is not Germany's Navy German economic expansion was forced of a preventative war on Germany waged that has accomplished this result; and towards the East by Britain's dominating by the Royal Navy. that ours has not been able to prevent it. position on the sea to the West. Lewin Germany has no need to conquer us to argued that the whole of Germany's sea Norman Angell was a well-known achieve this result: to the ranchers of the commerce came out of a small triangle of writer in the first three decades of the last Argentine, to the coffee grower of Brazil, which Heligoland formed the centre. From she offers cutlery and machinery which there it passed through the narrow waters century, although he is largely forgotten is cheaper or more attractive than ours now. He wrote a very famous book in and gets the order. Why does she need to between Denmark and Norway, which 1908 called The Great Illusion which sink our Navy in order to continue the could be easily blocked by the British warned that war on Germany would neither process? What has our Navy to do with it fleet. Ninety-five per cent of it went stop its commercial progress nor be any one way or the other? How does our through the English Channel, and the only 25 alternative route around the Orkneys also virtually socialist state. touched the nerve-centre of England. And took it through an area controlled by the In a chapter entitled Menace to the no other activity is as responsive to Royal Navy. And, even if German merch- British Empire from the 1919 book, The economic change as is banking and finance… This, too, was threatened by a ant ships successfully managed to negoti- Only Possible Peace, Howe put himself in land route from Hamburg to the Orient. ate these routes they would run into British the position of Britain in imagining the The dislocation of shipping from water sea power again at Gibraltar. threat of the Berlin-Baghdad Railway and to rail, the bringing of the trade of the why it had to be stopped. It is worth Orient to Germany, the possibility of Railways, despite being pioneered in reproducing the following substantial developing Constantinople as a great port, England, threatened to overcome the passage because it explains thoroughly meant that Berlin might become a great British Empire's maritime advantages by why the whole infrastructure of British financial clearing-house; and Hamburg and Constantinople, working in that close making land transit speedier and more Imperialism felt itself under threat from scientific relationship that characterizes reliable. The Berlin-Baghdad Railway the Baghdad railway—from industry and German economic operations, might promised not only to meet the economic finance to commerce and the banking supplant London as a financial centre. If needs of Germany but would have also system: carried far enough, England's financial opened a much shorter and safer route for "Great Britain controls a great part of power might pass to Germany, just as in its trade than that through the Baltic and the carrying trade of the world… Fifty earlier centuries it passed from northern North Sea, through the English Channel, years ago England feared French control Italy to south Germany, thence to the of the Suez Canal. That was one reason Hanseatic cities and the Netherlands… the Straits of Gibraltar and the Suez for its purchase… British shipping And the bankers and the financiers of Canal—all controlled by the guns of the interests and the profits of the carrying Great Britain form part of the ruling Royal Navy. trade were also menaced by the trade classes… In short, what the Berlin to Baghdad route overland to the East. The Bagdad "British industry was also threatened Railway threatened to do was to provide Railway was to be an integral part of the marvellously organized German railway by the Bagdad Railway. A land route to Germany with the opportunity to expand the East was an industrial peril. During its commercial interests and established system from the centre of Europe to the Persian Gulf. It would connect with the years which preceded the war German markets in places that Britain would not Hamburg, Berlin, Essen, and the lower foreign trade was advancing by leaps and be able to limit through military power Rhine region; it would pass through bounds. In 1914 it had almost reached the From the point of view of Britain, the Austria-Hungary, the Balkan states, total of British trade… 'Made in Germany' Berlin-Baghdad Railway had revolution- Turkey, Minor, and Mesopotamia. had be-come a British nightmare. It had alarmed the manufacturers just as the ary consequences for the commerce of the It would place western Asia and Persia in direct railway connection with German increase in German tonnage had disturbed world and threatened a fundamental the shipping interests. realignment in the economic axis in favour industry. It would enable German merch- ants to place their wares in Africa and the of continental Europe and away from "The Bagdad Railway and its advant- Far East in much less time than England ages to German industry was a further maritime England. And it was estimated could transport them by water. The menace to the industrial structure of Great that it would increase Germany's commer- Bagdad Railway would do to shipping Britain… The Bagdad Railway would cial opportunities ten-fold through the what the trans-Pacific railways did to bring the products of Germany to the shipping lines that would emanate from water transportation around Cape Horn. 110,000,000 people about the its proposed terminus in the Persian Gulf It would shorten it by many days. It Mediterranean, as well as the hundreds to African, Asian and Australasian ports. would substitute carriage by rail for of other millions of the Far East, in far carriage by water. Thus the Bagdad Whether the Baghdad Railway would less time than the output of the mills of Railway threatened billions of British Manchester, Leeds, and Sheffield could have had such an effect on the economic investments in shipping… reach them. It was an express service. It life of Eurasia is a matter for conjecture "London is the financial centre of the would enable German business men with and a question which will never be world. England acquired financial the most skilful agents in the world at answered—since the project was supremacy from the Netherland states their command to place their products in destroyed by the Great War on Turkey. So during the Napoleonic wars. Her financial the Far East—in India, China, East Africa, the important issue in relation to it is what power was increased by her shipping and and the Pacific islands much more quickly the British State imagined it might overseas trade. And she has guarded this than they could be brought by sea. potentially become and why it was worth supremacy most zealously. Free trade "In addition the British colonial service, a world war to stop it. increased her economic power, for free which offers opportunities for the younger trade made England the natural clearing- sons of the aristocracy in Egypt, India, There are many examples of this fear of house for the shipping of every country, Africa, and elsewhere, was in jeopardy, the Berlin-Baghdad Railway expressed in and the marketplace to which the wealth as were the tens of thousands of young of every clime could be brought for men who annually leave the mother publications, speeches and lectures by exchange. In her harbors goods are various individuals connected to the British country to enter the Foreign Service. The warehoused or trans-shipped to other economic life of the British Empire is State in the decade before the Great War. countries without the payment of tariffs. involved in the protection of the But perhaps the most complete illustration The financial supremacy of Great Britain supremacy which has been built up in of it was produced by an Anglophile is closely related to and dependent upon shipping, in industry, in overseas trade, American who later served with President the control of commerce and shipping. in finance, and in the handling of the British exports and imports passing Wilson at the peace negotiations at wealth of the outside world. And… the through the Mediterranean in 1916 same interests in Great Britain were Versailles. amounted to $1,650,000,000. This was Frederic Howe was an Anglophile menaced or thought they were menaced carried almost exclusively in British ships. by the German drive to the East. That is American who later became disillusioned It was cleared through British banks. It why the Bagdad Railway was so with the object of his affection. Readers was handled almost wholly by British portentous. That is why the control of the may be familiar with his Socialised merchants. It was produced almost wholly Mediterranean forms the keystone of one Germany book, which Connolly drew by British labor. empire and the imperialistic dream of attention to in describing Germany as a "Here again the Bagdad Railway another" (pp146-153). 26 After the Great War—in which the kind of wrestling with the situation ing and conquering Palestine and Meso- British put paid to the threat of the Berlin Britain's "Siege of Europe" had created potamia were much to do with preventing to Baghdad Railway—Alfred Zimmern, a and a plea to those in power to understand the functioning of the Berlin to Baghdad thoughtful geopolitical thinker in the and deal with it. Railway by throwing a buffer zone across Round Table/Chatham House group it. And as Leyland states in his Achievement described the War as fundamentally a During the War itself other writers Of The British Navy In The World War, showdown between the maritime power expressed similar understandings of the naval warfare was very much employed in of England and the developing potential conflict. John Leyland, who wrote many the same object as the advance into the land-power of Continental Europe in books about naval matters, wrote the Middle East and its conquest: "We cannot which the Royal Navy was the decisive following passage in his 1917 book, 'The separate the advance in Mesopotamia from element: Achievement Of The British Navy In The the Mediterranean operations because the "The economic history of Europe World War: same object inspired both—viz., that of during the century between the close of "German professors have sometimes arresting the threatened development of the Napoleonic wars and the British said that the land would sooner or later German commercial and military power, Declaration of war against Germany in beat the sea—that 'Moltke' would become through Asiatic Turkey to the Persian 1914 is a record of continuous advance. the victor over 'Mahan.' That is the Gulf, and through Persia to the borders of Europe became threaded with railways, convinced opinion of the Pan-Germans, telegraphs, and telephones… the who say that the railway will yet prove India" (p36). continent became linked together by all the more rapid and the more secure means the international contrivances of 19th of transport than the steamship. The lines British Naval operations in the Great century commercialism and enterprise… from Antwerp by Cologne to Vienna, War had a much wider geopolitical purpose banks and excepting houses… By 1914 and from Hamburg to Berlin, and thence than simply defeating the German Navy Europe as a whole was opened up to the through the very heart of Europe to and starving the German populace into influences of modern industrialism… and Vienna, and on by Belgrade and Sofia to submission. This strategic objective was had become the most important and Constantinople, and from the opposite central member of an economic system shore of the Bosphorus to Baghdad and to disrupt the emerging continental worldwide in its organization and down to the Gulf, and by a branch through economy to ensure that the British connections. Able to draw on the raw Persia to the confines of India, were to maritime economy of globalized world materials of the overseas world for her give commercial and, perchance, military trade remains predominant and pre- manufacturers, she was steadily command of two continents. Enterprise eminence in the world. increasing both in prosperity and by the branch railway through Aleppo population… and Damascus against Egypt, with a view And it was the Royal Navy that largely to further developments in Africa, was "Such was the system under which made the Great War possible, since men earned their bread in Europe when related to this conception of land-power. the leading sea-power declared war The measures adopted by the Allies for practically all the expansions of the War against the leading land-power, and cut the reconstitution of Serbia, the expedi- from Europe occurred through the ability the greater part of Europe off from the tions to the Dardanelles and Salonika, the of the British State to bring naval power to world. The results, after four and a half strong action taken in Greece, the naval bear on neutrals and designated enemies years of imprisonment and isolation, was movements on the coast of Syria, the alike—something which the Germans, operations in the Sinai peninsula and an economic transformation even more Austrians and Turks were not able to do. Palestine, and the expedition from the drastic and far-reaching than the political Pat Walsh changes by which it was accompanied. If Persian Gulf to Baghdad were the answer the strategic history of the war is ever to these gigantesque projects of the written under its true name it will be enemy" (pp32-3). entitled 'The Siege of Europe.' The blockade was indeed the decisive The references to Moltke and Mahon On-line sales of books, instrument of allied power, and it has relate respectively to the German Field altered the economic life of Europe Marshall and the American naval geo- pamphlets and magazines: beyond recognition..." (Europe In political writer who became immensely Convalescence, pp. 13-15.) popular in England prior to the war. https://www.atholbooks-sales.org Leyland's point seems to be that the great Zimmern expressed in print the view strategist of sea power had been shown to that the War was fundamentally a British Subscribers to this magazine triumph over the strategist of land battles. drive to head off the development of a are entitled to a 20% discount. European trading market that was going Just put "Subscriber" in the But perhaps Leyland should have to grow under the hegemony of Germany Comment box when ordering. referred to Mackinder and Mahon, since —a Customs Union or kind of early that was the geopolitical debate that European Community. And he felt that dominated Imperial affairs—between the that possibility had probably been seen off land power and sea power—before the forever by the triumph of British arms. War. Zimmern, however, was a thoughtful Tell us about observer of the situation and he wondered This passage demonstrates the cata- whether the destruction of this system, strophic effect of British strategic thinking upcoming events which he saw as having many favourable in relation to the fighting of the Great War aspects, was really for the good of Europe. and the way it was expanded across the The Athol Books site now features a And he wondered whether what might world. It maintains that the British interest Notice Board to which readers are invited emerge out of the destruction might be in supporting Serbian terrorism, in to feature forthcoming events. Go to: much worse. And his book, Europe In assaulting the Ottoman Empire, in Convalescence, written around 1919 is a overthrowing Greek neutrality and invad- http://www.atholbooks.org/notice.php 27 around the countryside miles from any- Does where and right next to major fire-hazards, It which forests are as we see every Summer REMEMBRANCE DAY Stack when fires 'break out'. Such homes should Up be a big 'No No' to County Council plan- ? ning officers, but has that stopped anyone Blood boiling, a memory of wars past, in the past few years? When we do have to media runts septic with propaganda, go into a 'Golden Meadows' nursing facil- COILLTE TEORANTA the post-mortem poppy their agenda, Coillte Teo, the State owned forestry ity, let it be situated near social amenities like shops and pubs and within walking at losses by Afghan I.E.D. aghast company, is planning to get into the Homes distance for visitors—who within the next but no mention of those whom they have for the Elderly business. The ownership and management of nursing homes is a decade may not have fuel for cars or that killed, business almost as recession-proof as the matter may not even own cars. millions murdered and not sub-judice, funeral business. However, it does not little England’s permanent odyssey, stack up for Coillte to be using its woods OIL INDUSTRY The oil industry is now 'scraping the remembering their dead, two minutes and forests to get into competition with companies which are already in the nursing bottom of the barrel' for oil. They are stilled. going deeper and farther for it. As the BP Heard the other day that computer games home business or which are at present building nursing homes. affair has shown, the technology is not are violent and murderous in the home, Coillte has over one million acres under able to keep up and countries such as the with joystick you soon become Al Capone. forestry management and much of this USA simply will not offend the gas- guzzling voters by restricting oil use to the Still have legs and arms, with no guilt or forest is planted on mountainsides and on other types of marginal land which Coillte more essential uses of it. There is a very shame. good case to be made for each state to Will you find the army a bigger thrill acquired at low average prices and using tax-payers' money. Coillte should stick to nationalise the oil reserves on each of when imperial wars wills you to kill. its own business and not be entering into their own territories and to restrict the a business which requires a totally different extraction of the oil by charging a sort of set of management skills. "gold price" for each litre extracted. Oil is Wilson John Haire priceless, they are not making any more of 11th November, 2009 Ireland is very far yet from self- sufficiency in timber. The volume of it (for the next few million years anyway) imported timber is enormous in all sorts of and at present we are wasting it and it is wood from softwoods right across the running out. Oil production may start declining as range to hardwoods. Ireland is very short soon as 2015 some experts say. The major on long-growing deciduous trees. Coillte oil companies are in agreement that would have us believe that the market is production will peak, but will not publicly deciding what amount and types of tree say when. BP's reports say 40 years but are grown and what is imported but, to get can we believe BP? And anyway even 40 out of the present deep depression, Ireland years is very soon. We know now that, just has no option but to import less and export Irish Foreign Affairs as the Banking Industry corrupted the more in goods and services. It really is as political regulators and rating agencies basically simple at that. So Coillte has a into believing in 'securitised derivatives' huge function in growing more trees and which has ruined millions of people's lives, increasing manufacturing and processing the Oil Industry also corrupted its own The Irish Foreign Affairs using wood as a raw material. Coillte are regulators. We cannot believe what they magazine web page is experts at this and let them stick to it. say and any firm ground is very difficult to In any event let Coillte be kept well online at find. When oil starts to run out it will hit away form the nursing home business the oil-dependent nations very badly— because housing of any sort does not go like a famine. Not only will we be quite http:// well with forestry. Coillte are saying that suddenly short of oil but our Governments www.atholbooks.org/ "developing nursing homes on Coillte will be short of the enormous tax revenues properties could allow designs with larger magazines/foreign_affairs/ which Governments generate from oil buildings, maximising light and space consumption through taxation on consum- inside, all with pleasant natural ers. That will be a double whammy and it Subscriptions available: surroundings of forest environment" and will be a triple whammy because Govern- "Coillte could realise value from receiving ments will be in the middle of taxing us to planning (permission) for a nursing home 4 issues: €28 by post fund the Banking Crises and the recession. development on some of its properties". €20 electronic So it does not stack up to ignore the Apart from the corrupting possibilities of coming oil crises. It is coming down the using Coillte muscle to get planning tracks at us whether we like it or not. Let Enquire to: permission on land it may then sell on to us be prepared. [email protected] companies involving spouses or other family members of the Directors and Managers of Coillte, there is also the EDUCATION awful vista of nursing homes scattered The Irish Business & Employer's 28 Confederation (IBEC) recently stated that delivered). All of which shows the employers who give already of their own "graduates are failing to make the grade". universities are dishonest as well as time to work as unpaid tax collectors for This is not a recent problem but perhaps incompetent. Then their well-paid Presi- the State. How low can they get? Their the recession's more rigorous demands for dents have the nerve to complain about conduct towards their 'customers' does cost-effectiveness is showing up defects their lack of funding! Well here's the deal, not stack up. which the roller-coaster those universities which perform consist- Minister Brian Lenihan, TD—just a allowed to be covered up. ently well should be publicly congratulated further note. In talking last year about his For many years, secondary school by the Government and they soon would 2009 Budget, Minister Lenihan told us all teachers had had a problem with students get students flocking to their campuses "…. we have turned the corner …" So this who come all through the primary school and quietly let the others fail and close years Budget will be easier? We suppose? and still had not learned to write and spell down. We have way too many universities properly. Some of these students managed for our size of population. Berlin has a NAMA somehow, rather miraculously, to pass population of roughly the size of our whole NAMA is doing what it was set up to their Leaving Certificate and get into third- island—4 million and education-wise we do. It is in the course of being forgotten by level education. When I was an examiner, are not at the races with them so to speak! the taxpayers. Burials of debts are taking I asked a university professor how did he place nice and quietly somewhere off- deal with the problem of effectively il- stage. Members of the Golden Circle— THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERS literate students—who may have been developers, investors in developments Arrogance also is a feature of the geniuses otherwise but could not show it such as politicians, some journalists, Revenue Commissioners. Several years on an exam paper—and he said in his individual bankers who borrowed il- ago they ceased to publish a paper copy of department, illiterate papers were awarded legitimately from their banks, senior public their Annual Report. So it is not available eleven marks which was code for 'un- servants, senior planning officers who to the huge number of tax-payers who readable' and this was quite a bit ago when personally borrowed millions—all are have no computer or no computer skills, the problem wasn't that big a problem. letting off sighs of relief. It's working. and there is still a huge number of such Today's pupils are very much worse and Instead of each of them being hauled into people out there. No archive copies either somehow they have been badly let down court by the banks from whom they for back-references in the future. by a system that is simply not working for borrowed the millions of euros, the Also the Revenue has closed their them. taxpayer has been compelled to "rescue counters where, for the past few hundred In my opinion, the biggest problem the banks" by having billions of taxpayers years, taxpayers could attend in person with graduates, particularly university money shovelled into the Banks through and meet a person to pay stamp duty on graduates, is their arrogance—they think NAMA and Anglo-Irish Bank and in other deeds, contracts etc. There is no longer a they know it all. The system seems to ways. face to face interaction possible. It is all e- weed out and fail those who can think for The Golden Circle is alive and well, stamping now. There are many situations themselves. The banking world is bulging keeping their heads down but clinging which are not straightforward and when with MBAs but did they foresee the together to see through the biggest fraud consultation and advice was necessary, it recession? Did they what? They actually since the South Sea Bubble. And it is a was very helpful. Now that's all gone. caused it! They just seem not to have any much, much bigger fraud that any ever Well, they do have a person available on commonsense. I have had considerable before. The Great Property Bubble. The the telephone, but how do you show a experience of Bachelors of Commerce. people who go bankrupt and broke are the document over the telephone? No every- They were all unemployable unless they small people and some bigger people, one needing to stamp a document has had several years' practical experience in those people who are not part of the Golden access to a computer. Not everyone has a the private sector. On one occasion, I had Circle. We know it doesn't stack up. It is credit card to pay electronically. This a problem with a twelve-volt car battery. intended that it won't stack up! Recently, conduct by the Revenue is just more taking I was in the company of two newly according to the papers, we were agog to of freedom away from the citizens. graduated Bachelors of Electrical Engin- hear that one of the top property develop- The latest effort is the Revenue will no eering so I was happy—with the right man ers, Cork's Michael O'Flynn, claimed that longer issue Forms P60 to employers. and woman in the right place, or so I the naysayers had got it all wrong. He They say employers must use their own thought. No so! They refused to help and built Ireland's tallest building 'The Elysian' stationary to issue a P60. This seems to be said they knew nothing about 12 volt and he hit out at those who have said (with asking for trouble. The P60 has always, systems! If I had their professor there I felt the evidence of their own eyes) that it is a since the system was introduced in 1959, I might strangle him! And then there was 'ghost building'. As he was one of the first been a basic official document. Now Peter Hart, RIP, who was awarded a tier of developers to be taken into NAMA anybody could forge a P60 without much doctoral degree in History under the aegis according to the papers, he now informs trouble under the new system. To add of Professor David Fitzpatrick of TCD for us that by the end of next year the whole insult to injury, so to speak, the Revenue a thesis of which a cornerstone was Hart's building will be full. All seventeen stories Commissioners have issued a statement interviews with persons who were dead at of it! Could it be the local water—do you by surface mail to all employers to tell the time he interviewed them! think? them that a template of Form P60 is What an awful waste of tax-payers' available on the Revenue website. It is money some of those professors are! not. Try following their printed instruct- NORWAY AND ITS OIL Recently, the Auditor General has caught ions and see if you manage to get hold of In the international edition of The New the Universities awarding themselves their forms. When we consider that the York Times, Le Monde, 23rd May, 2009, increases in salaries and pensions of 50% vast majority of employers in Ireland have Landon Thomas Jr. had an article about over what they should be (which was each less than five employees, this P60 how Norway successfully navigated the already excessive for the lack of value stuff is petty and an insult to all those global meltdown. 29 "When capitalism seemed on the verge of collapse last fall, Kristin Halvorsen, FIANNA FAIL concluded was 10.5 per 1,000 in 2008 compared Norway's Socialist finance minister and with an EU 27 average of only 1.2. Life a long-time free market sceptic, did more expectancy at birth in Ireland is 76.8 than celebrate. As investors the world A country of net emigration in the 1980s years for men and 81.6 years for women, over sold in a panic, she authorised had seen its population grow by one million figures described as “reasonably close to Norway's $300billion sovereign wealth in twenty years—representing a level of the EU average”. The State also had the fund to increase its stock buying prog- highest proportion of young people in the growth—nearly 25%—unparalleled in EU and the lowest proportion of old ramme by $60billion—or about 23% of Europe. Immigration—unknown in recent Norway's economic output. “The timing people. was not that bad”, she said, smiling with Irish history—contributed a third of the "Ireland has the lowest divorce rate satisfaction over the broad worldwide growth, with the largest single group by and the highest fertility rate in the EU. market rally that began in early March." far coming from Poland. Unemployment An average of €3,299 per person was among non-national communities is twice spent on non-capital public expenditure But Norway too had not been immune as high as among Irish nationals, reflecting on healthcare in Ireland in 2008, an increase of nearly 62 per cent on the 1999 to the global financial crises that brought both the collapse of the construction low the economies of just about every level" (Ireland "Second Richest In EU", industry and also the losses being suffered The Irish Times, 16th September 2010). country in the world (though if you read in retail and other vulnerable employment the Irish Times or listened to RTE you areas. There has been some evidence of would not get that broader prospect as WELFARE STATE migrant workers returning to their coun- One of the main successes of the Celtic they only concentrate on Dublin matters!). tries of origin, although this accounts for Norway like all others fell into recession Tiger years was the creation, under the no more than 10% of the recently immig- supervision and monitoring of Social for the first time since early 1993. But here rant population. is the rub. While the rest of the world Partnership, of a substantial welfare state. splurged, Norway with its own oil revenues At a recent ICTU public debate, Garrett Spending on public health doubled in less "saved its money" and sought again unlike FitzGerald, speaking from the floor, said than ten years. A range of additional other countries not "to limit the role of that public commentary in Ireland was benefits were established for pensioners government and strengthened its welfare presenting a travesty of the country's and, at a base rate of €209, the state non- state". Its ledger therefore is entirely free current difficulties. When we joined the contributory pension—increased by over of debt. Norway has a population the size EU in 1973, average income in Ireland 100% in less than ten years—has meant a of Ireland—4.6 million and because it was around 65% of the EU average, while 65% decrease in the number of old people kept its oil it is a major oil exporter. at the height of the boom it reached 125% living in poverty. Similar reductions in of the average of the core EU 15 member child poverty were also measured over the Norway also passed legislation States. He also pointed out that the cost of period. "ensuring the oil revenue went straight servicing the national debt was still far into its sovereign wealth fund, used to Although the abolition of pay-related below that in the mid-1980s. What would make investments around the world. Now, benefit in the early period of unemploy- happen in the current "adjustment" would at $300billion, the fund is close to being ment is a major instigator of poverty, this be that average income would would come the largest in the world". is offset by the highest redundancy pay- down to about 100% of the EU average. ments in Europe. In addition, the rates of Contrast that with Britain which spent FitzGerald is of course right. Despite Unemployment Benefit and Unemploy- much of its North Sea oil revenue during the catastrophist reports in the press which, ment Assistance (€196 per week) are the boom years. The British Government it is slowly being recognised, form a major among the highest in Europe. During the spending rose to 47% of gross domestic factor in the cost of Irish borrowing, a Tiger years, massive investment also product, from 42% in 2003. While in recent report puts some perspective on occurred in social infrastructure—schools, Norway public spending fell to 40% from matters: community facilities, local services centres 48% of gross domestic product. Unlike in combining welfare, employment and other Ireland and elsewhere, there is "very tight "While Ireland's unemployment rate was the sixth highest in the European services, etc. Despite various various public oversight of the lending practices Union last year, its population remains registration and other charges, education of the banks which has kept them from the second richest of the 27 member at all levels is still substantially free. taking on the risk that brought down other states, according to a new report. The countries banks and Norway's banking Measuring Ireland's Progress 2009 Housing Benefit means that those on economists and politicians have made sure report, published by the Central Statistics welfare have their rent covered and those that their banks represent just 2% of the Office on 21st September, says the on mortgages who become unemployed economy". productivity of Irish workers is about one have the interest element of their mortgage third higher than the EU average, measur- —by far the largest element of the payment Amazingly, Anders Aslund, an expert ed by Gross Domestic Product per person —covered in full. After a year of high on Scandinavia at the Peterson Institute employed… Government debt increased unemployment, there are already stories for International Economics in Washing- to nearly two-thirds of GDP, having been of people returning from the US—where ton, used moral terminology when only a quarter two years before, according they had headed for work—appalled at describing the USUK, countries which, to the report. Despite this, Ireland still had the second highest GDP per capita in the low wages and living conditions on he said, "have no sense of guilt" but "in the 27 member countries of the EU at 31 offer. We are 'trapped' in a welfare island Norway there is instead a sense of virtue". per cent above the EU average. with few parallels elsewhere—which The virtue was the kind that Eamon de "The report also reveals Ireland's explains why there has been such an Valera knew about before he went out of population increased at the fastest rate in animus against those Fianna Fail leaders fashion at the behest of Irish academia, the EU between 2000 and 2009. It rose by held responsible for encouraging such Government, and our social commentators 17.7 per cent to 4.46 million in the period unreasonable expectations. in the media. 2000 to 2009, the highest rate of increase in the EU. The rate of natural increase Philip O'Connor Michael Stack © 30 The selected participants organised as the issue is raised, as if they accept the FIANNA FAIL continued an "audience of the unemployed" were basic argument. Most recently several blog incoherent and inchoate in the rants in responses to the piece in the Irish Times the people spreading this defeatism are which Kenny encouraged them. The tactic by ICTU leader David Beggs on job charlatan elements. These are quoted as was to use impossibilist opposition to sharing alarmingly reflected this trend. authorities in the Wall Street Journal and undermine the rearguard action of the Financial Times, contributing to a rise in Government in defence of the social gains A problem has been responses to the interest rates the country must pay for its so far achieved. In addition, economist crisis by the Unions themselves. They sovereign debt. The spoofers include and showman David McWilliams was have joined in the chorus of national David McWilliams, whose policy amounts allowed ample scope to set out his 'theor- masochism about how awful Irish "crony to an effective return to the Sterling hinter- ies' of effective Bond default by the State. capitalism" had been—as though it was land, along with Irish Times luminaries Conor Lenihan shut him up by stating the different in kind from capitalism elsewhere Brian ‘deposit moment' Lucey and Quentin fact that the whole edifice of McWilliams' or some 'ideal' capitalism! It was good ‘radio notes' Fottrell. Yet it has emerged position was based on a fundamental therefore to see SIPTU's Jack O'Connor that Lucey does not know the difference premise that Ireland should leave the Euro recently tentatively suggesting the need between Bank liabilities and assets (see and default on its sovereign debts. for a new Partnership Agreement. But this Irish Political Review August 2010), ), proposal will have no chance as long as while Fottrell is known only for his review When Kenny asked Fine Gael frontman the corrosive argument blaming the Trade of radio gossip in the Irish Times. Com- what Fine Gael would do Unions and Social Partnership for the mentators have felt the need to defend the differently, he effectively responded that crisis are not decisively countered. Old Lady against the charge that the paper they would implement the McCarthy 'cuts' is contributing to the problem. Report in full and also sell off semi-state This must be done by a robust argument companies. Great—was Labour leader which avoids holier than though relativist But, while knocking Fianna Fail as listening? The McCarthy arguments which suggest that Social much as it dares, a certain reality prevails Report presented a savage programme of Partnership was good but dealing with a in Irish Times circles. After all, certain cutting every feature of state spending rotten system. The Celtic Tiger must be journalists did well out of the Celtic Tiger directed at maintaining the distinctive defended from a Trade Union perspective and have their own investments to con- identity of Ireland. Is this what the vaunted if the Unions are to be able to capture high sider. And the paper too looks for better alternative to Fianna Fail is going to ground again. times to solve its own severe financial amount to? And is Labour going to accept crisis (mainly caused by stupid investment it? TWO STEPS FORWARD? decisions by its Executives). Thus the The mood of panic in media com- Two business heads, who were brought prevailing view in the Irish Times is that mentary on the economic crisis has un- on to present employment strategies Fianna Fail must stay in office until the fortunately limited the range of more allegedly ignored by the Government, worst of the crisis has been weathered, measured and objective responses. While made fools of themselves. One idea they only then will it be safe to have an election leading media commentators have been came up with was for a "skills database" and let the Opposition into power. Within publishing best-selling books with titles so employers could find the right skill sets that scenario, its preference was for a such as The Island of Fools and Where's they allegedly couldn't source. The pro- Lenihan-led Fianna Fail. Now that it has the Money?, economists from the National moter of this idea was a top Executive of been made clear that this is not an option, Economic and Social Council (NESC) a large recruitment agency! From the it can be expected to end its vendetta have been pointing to the fact that the Irish audience a son of Neal Blaney demolished against Cowen. boom was not a reckless adventure ending him by saying all employers had to do to in disaster. Between 1992 and 2007 Irish get the skill sets they needed was advertise Fianna Fail TDs too have taken heart. GDP grew by over 130% and, while the in the newspaper! Though many expect to lose their seats at fall of the last two years has been hard, it the election, they are sanguine about this, Labour is also coming under increased still leaves the economy in substantial and are already thinking about their attack in the media for its refusal to say positive growth over the decade. In subsequent comeback strategy. anything it would do differently. addition, the economic growth of the 1990s was "real economy" growth, with the Whatever you think of it, there is no RABBLE-ROUSING property bubble only a feature of its last doubt that the Government is back in A good indicator of the mood change four years (2003-07). business, not least due to the decisive was on Kenny's bear-pit programme, patriotic intervention by Green leader John While the rise in unemployment is Frontline, on RTE television on 20th Gormley. correctly seen as a crisis, it is occurring September. Junior Minister Conor Leni- against a growth in employment of over han, who at the weekend had made noises PARTNERSHIP TO BLAME? 100% over the previous decade. The work- that there was a problem with the leader- There is a crescendo of voices blaming force in 1990 was a little over 900,000, ship, rebounded with solid party discipline the Trade Unions and Partnership for being and this had grown to a peak of 2.3m by and stated there would be no change of part of the crisis and part of the root cause 2008. The crisis—which has increased Taoiseach this side of an election and the of the collapse. This is paralysing the unemployment from 200,000 to only reason Cowen would not lead them responses of the Unions in the present 450,000—has reduced this to just 1.9m, into the next election would be if he himself crisis. There is a distinct defensiveness by i.e. still 200% of the employment figure of so chose. ICTU and other people at seminars where 1990. continued on page 30

31 VOLUME 28 No. 10 CORK ISSN 0790-1712

Fianna Fail Renaissance?

CAMPAIGN AGAINST COWEN the play of market forces of various THE MOOD HAS CHANGED A recent Opinion Poll found that the kinds. And, in an attempt to save the A joint press conference of 20th qualities most prized in politicians are Social Partnership model, he went further September was held by the two Brians, honesty, integrity and transparency and it than the international capitalist world Lenihan and Cowen, and it has halted the has to be said that these personal traits would have tolerated. Given the open Government/Fianna Fail meltdown. The predominate in the present Cabinet—even nature of the Irish economy, and the Fianna Fail party has rallied to the to the satisfaction of Garret FitzGerald! exposure of the Irish economy to outside Government and its internal opposition However, that has not prevented a media creditors, international monetary confid- has been sidelined. When Tom Kitt vendetta against the Taoiseach, which has ence had to be sustained. For the Irish (backed by Michael Kennedy of Fingal) seized on any and every opportunity to financial system to survive, the financiers emerged as the voice of the pro-heave denigrate the man. But, even though the had to be satisfied—and what they wanted element, that was a sign that all was over. negative coverage has been persistent, it was to see Trade Union blood on the floor. Kitt was a poor Junior Minister represent- has been difficult to pin-point the actual Finance Minister Brian Lenihan appreci- ing leafy south Dublin. He had been point of complaint. In mid-September the ated this and asserted the realities in dropped from the sub-cabinet by Cowen big issue seemed to be Brian Cowen's Cabinet. In the circumstances, Social two years ago, so he has a chip on his hoarseness in a radio interview. And it Partnership went into abeyance. And shoulder, and is not taken seriously by appeared as though a bloodless coup was Lenihan became something of a media Fianna Fail. about to be effected, with Cowen to be darling. A critical intervention in stabilising the replaced by Finance Minister Brian Shortly before the last Cabinet reshuffle, Government was, surprisingly, by the Lenihan. media pundits forecast that O Cuiv was to Green leader, John Gormley. He came out be dropped. Instead he was promoted. in public at the weekend to say that a While nothing has been spelt out too The complaint then was that Cowen had change of Taoiseach would not be openly, there has been reason enough for not been imaginative enough. And the acceptable to the Greens and they would this insidious campaign. Brian Cowen drip drip of negative publicity against him see it as a deal-breaking moment. This was chosen as his successor by Bertie continued, until it was brought to a sudden was wonderful, and very mysterious! The Ahern, the same man who promoted Social halt on Monday, 20th September. Greens have combined achieving aspects Partnership to the utmost. Cowen, working of their own programme with a resolute closely with Eamon O Cuiv and Batt patriotism as regards defending the State O'Keeffe, has maintained Fianna Fail's Subscribers to the magazine are regularly and seeing through some kind of recovery offered special rates on other publications social agenda as far as possible in the programme, whatever the political cost to present economic climate. It is not fashion- Irish Political Review is published by themselves. Despite the sniping from the able to say so, but welfare recipients in the IPR Group: write to— strange elements in Tara St. and elsewhere, Ireland, even now, are far better off than 1 Sutton Villas, Lower Dargle Road they have stood firm. those in the UK, and many social services Bray, Co. Wicklow or There is a new perceptible mood in —including provision for the elderly— PO Box 339, Belfast BT12 4GQ or Ireland that the Government has stabilised, are much superior. The Celtic Tiger lashed PO Box 6589, London, N7 6SG, or is fighting back, and will survive to the out the cash when it had it—and not all to Labour Comment, election. developers! C/O Shandon St. P.O., Cork City. TEL: 021-4676029 PRICE OF EMPTY TALK When the big cuts were being negotiated Subscription by Post: It is dawning on many people that the with the Unions last year, Cowen went as 12 issues: £20, UK; spreading internationally of catastrophist far as he could in making concessions in € 30, Ireland; € 35, Europe. "theories" about Ireland by a hostile media the hope of negotiating a deal with the Electronic Subscription: is contributing to Ireland's problems, Social Partners. He wanted the working € 15 / £12 for 12 issues especially and immediately its cost of class to accept a drop in living standards, (or € 1.30 / £1.10 per issue) borrowing. There is now a growing an unheard of thing in modern times where You can also order from: suspicion—see e.g. irisheconomy.ie—that these things have been done indirectly by https://www.atholbooks-sales.org continued on page 31