Pro Vinci Museum
PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARIMENf OF f DUCAliO~ PROVINCI MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY and ANTHROPOLOGY Report for the Year 1959 c ~-~ ~ ~ @ - PRINTFD BY 5---=--~-- --=- '\ - -- ' At..:THORITY OF THF li:.GlSLATIVF ASSFMBl Y '~ :.. ..., ' "--"~~ A" ::" ~ -- .,. '1. ~~- ~ ...- ~" - - To His Honour FRANK MAcKENZIE Ross, C.M.G ., M.C., LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The undersigned respectfully submits herewith the Annual Report of the Pro- vincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology for the year 1959. L. R . PETERSON, Minister of Education. Office of the Minister of Education, January, 1960. PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY, VICTORIA, B.C., January 22nd, 1960. The Honourable L. R. Peterson, Minister of Education, Victoria, B.C. SIR,-The undersigned respectfully submits herewith a report covering the activities of the Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology for the calendar year 1959. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, G. CLIFFORD CARL, Director. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Honourable LESLIE RAYMOND PETERSON, LL.B., Minister J. F. K. ENGLISH, M.A., Ed.D., Deputy Minister and Superintendent. PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Staff G. CLIFFORD CARL, Ph.D., Director. CHARLES J. GvrGUET, M.A., Curator of Birds and Mammals. WILSON DuFF, M.A., Curator of Anthropology. ADAM F. SzcZAWINSKI, Ph.D., Curator of Botany. J. E. MICHAEL KEW, B.A., Assistant in Anthropology (to September 30th). DIANE MAcEACHERN, B.A., Assistant in Anthropology (from October 1st.) FRANK L. BEEBE, Illustrator and Museum Technician. MARGARET CRUMMY, B.A., Clerk-Stenographer. BETTY C. NEWTON, Museum Technician.
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