Apollon Musagète: a Classical Theme in Tee [Sic] Twentieth Century
AFOILDN MUSAGh”I’z A CLASSICAL THEME IN TEE T;rlENTIETH CENTURP A Thesis Presenbd h Part- Fulfrtlnt of the Requirements for the Degree Kaster of Arts The Ohio State University 1975 Approved by Adviser Mvision of the History of Art For confidential use only Not for circulation, distribution, or publication All rights in this work are the property of Susan 8. G. Au 5ii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations, iv, - Introduction, 1, I. Stravinsky'9 Conception and Creation of the Ballet, 11, II, Significant Productions of Apollon Musa+ts, 37. IIf, The Iconopaphy of Apollon Musadte, 108 . IV. APoUon Musagate and the Tk-ntieth Century, 157. Selected Bibliography, 163. Appendix: Published Photographs and Designs of ApoUon Musahete, 1928-1951., 166, Illustrations. UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Adolph Bolm in Apsllon Musa&te, 1928. (Maurice Goldberg) 3. Martin, The Dance, New York, 1946, 100. -- 2, Andre/Bauchant, Champs-Eldes. Oil on canvas, 39-1/8 x 4).1/2 (sight), Signed, lower right in oil: A, Bauchant/ 1927. Hartford, Vadsworth Atheneum 1933.395. Bo Taper, Balanchine, revised and updated ed, , Collier edition, New * York, 19'74, 102. Data from Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum, The Serm Lifar Collection of Set and Costume Des.ims, comp. M,C, Palmer and S.J. Wagstaff, Hartford, 1965, 18, * 3. And& Bauchant, ApoUon Apparaissant aux Bermrs, 195. G, DetdUe and G. MLLys, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, 1911- 19% Paris, 19% 135. 4, Andd Bauchant, Apo'llon Apparaissant aux Bergers, 1928. M, Lederman,,(ed, ) , Stravinsks in the Theatre , New York, 194.9, 157. 5. Andre) Bauchant, Le Char d'AwUon.
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