1 THE STATE SENATE 2 Thursday, March 26, 2009


4 House Bill No. 1865

5 ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1865 - By: Hickman, Sullivan, Terrill, 6 Murphey, Sherrer, McMullen, Luttrell and Sears of the House and 7 Anderson, Paddack and Sykes of the Senate.

8 An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 9 2001, Section 1288, which relates to the purchase of 10 by Oklahoma residents from contiguous states; EHB 1865 11 deleting requirement that certain purchases be made in a 12 state contiguous to Oklahoma; providing statutory 13 references; and declaring an emergency.


15 SECTION 1. AMENDATORY 21 O.S. 2001, Section 1288, is

16 amended to read as follows:

17 Section 1288. (a) A. Residents of the State of Oklahoma may

18 purchase , , , and

19 components and equipment from a dealer licensed in a

20 state contiguous to the State of other than Oklahoma, provided that

21 such residents conform to the applicable. This authorization is

22 enacted in conformance with the provisions of the Federal

23 Control Act of 1968, and regulations thereunder, as administered by

24 the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Section 922(b)(3) of

25 Title 18 of the United States Code and provided further that such

26 residents conform to the provisions of law applicable to such

HB1865 SFLR 1 State Senate

(Bold face denotes Committee Amendments) 1 purchase in the State of Oklahoma and in the contiguous state in

2 which the purchase is made.

3 (b) B. Residents of a state contiguous to the State of other

4 than Oklahoma may purchase rifles, shotguns, ammunition, cartridge

5 and handloading components and equipment from a dealer

6 licensed in the State of Oklahoma, provided that such residents

7 conform to the applicable. This authorization is enacted in

8 conformance with the provisions of the Act of 1968, and

9 regulations thereunder, as administered by the United States

10 Secretary of the Treasury Section 922(b)(3) of Title 18 of the

11 United States Code and provided further that such residents conform

12 to the provisions of law applicable to such purchase in the State of

13 Oklahoma and in the state in which such persons reside.

14 SECTION 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation

15 of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby

16 declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and

17 be in full force from and after its passage and approval.

18 COMMITTEE REPORT BY: COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY, dated 3-24-09 – DO 19 PASS, As Coauthored.

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(Bold face denotes Committee Amendments)