1C bus time schedule & line map

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The 1C bus line (Drumchapel - Glasgow via Garscadden) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Drumchapel: 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM (2) Glasgow: 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 1C bus station near you and nd out when is the next 1C bus arriving.

Direction: Drumchapel 1C bus Time Schedule 33 stops Drumchapel Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:18 AM - 11:26 PM

Monday 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow Tuesday 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM

St Enoch Shopping Centre, Glasgow Wednesday 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM 165 Howard Street, Glasgow Thursday 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM St Enoch Subway, Glasgow Friday 7:25 AM - 11:26 PM 20-22 Dixon Street, Glasgow Saturday 7:48 AM - 11:26 PM Argyle Street, Glasgow

James Watt Street, Glasgow 377 Argyle Street, Glasgow 1C bus Info Marriott Hotel, Glasgow Direction: Drumchapel Argyle Street, Glasgow Stops: 33 Trip Duration: 36 min Hydepark Street, Glasgow Line Summary: Osborne Street, Glasgow, St Enoch Clydeside Expressway, Glasgow Shopping Centre, Glasgow, St Enoch Subway, Glasgow, Argyle Street, Glasgow, James Watt Street, Lime Street, Glasgow, Marriott Hotel, Glasgow, Hydepark Street, A814, Glasgow Glasgow, Lime Street, Whiteinch, Harland Street, , Earl Place, Scotstoun, Duchall Street, Harland Street, Scotstoun Scotstoun, Larcheld Place, Scotstoun, Kingsway Gleneagles Lane South, Glasgow Flats, Scotstoun, Crescent, Scotstoun, Eriska Avenue, Scotstoun, Caldwell Avenue, Earl Place, Scotstoun Scotstoun, Dykebar Avenue, , Killoch Earl Place, Glasgow Drive, Knightswood, Kirkton Avenue, Knightswood, Dyke Road, Knightswood, Kelso Street, Knightswood, Duchall Street, Scotstoun Mill Road, Yoker, Hartree Avenue, Yoker, Great Lounsdale Place, Glasgow Western Road, , Duntreath Drive, Blairdardie, Dalsetter Avenue, Drumchapel, Shopping Larcheld Place, Scotstoun Centre, Drumchapel, Howgate Avenue, Drumchapel, Redgate Place, Glasgow Halbeath Avenue, Drumchapel, Lochgoin Avenue, Drumchapel, Katewell Avenue, Drumchapel, Kingsway Flats, Scotstoun Monymusk Place, Drumchapel, Lillyburn Place, Riversdale Lane, Glasgow Drumchapel

Anniesland Crescent, Scotstoun Eriska Avenue, Scotstoun Anniesland Road, Glasgow

Caldwell Avenue, Scotstoun Kirkton Avenue, Glasgow

Dykebar Avenue, Knightswood

Killoch Drive, Knightswood

Kirkton Avenue, Knightswood Alderman Road, Glasgow

Dyke Road, Knightswood

Kelso Street, Knightswood Alderman Road, Glasgow

Yoker Mill Road, Yoker Alderman Road, Glasgow

Hartree Avenue, Yoker Riddon Place, Glasgow

Great Western Road, Blairdardie

Duntreath Drive, Blairdardie Duntreath Avenue, Glasgow

Dalsetter Avenue, Drumchapel

Shopping Centre, Drumchapel

Howgate Avenue, Drumchapel

Halbeath Avenue, Drumchapel

Lochgoin Avenue, Drumchapel Lochgoin Gardens, Glasgow

Katewell Avenue, Drumchapel Achamore Road, Glasgow

Monymusk Place, Drumchapel Fasque Place, Glasgow

Lillyburn Place, Drumchapel Monymusk Place, Glasgow Direction: Glasgow 1C bus Time Schedule 32 stops Glasgow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:43 AM - 10:56 PM

Monday 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM Lillyburn Place, Drumchapel Monymusk Place, Glasgow Tuesday 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM

Fasque Place, Drumchapel Wednesday 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM Achamore Road, Glasgow Thursday 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM Lochgoin Avenue, Drumchapel Friday 5:37 AM - 10:56 PM

Dunkenny Place, Drumchapel Saturday 7:08 AM - 10:56 PM 215 Kinfauns Drive, Glasgow

Howgate Avenue, Drumchapel

The West Centre, Drumchapel 1C bus Info Direction: Glasgow Dalsetter Avenue, Drumchapel Stops: 32 Duntreath Avenue, Glasgow Trip Duration: 41 min Line Summary: Lillyburn Place, Drumchapel, Fasque Duntreath Drive, Blairdardie Place, Drumchapel, Lochgoin Avenue, Drumchapel, Duntreath Drive, Glasgow Dunkenny Place, Drumchapel, Howgate Avenue, Drumchapel, The West Centre, Drumchapel, Dalsetter Wyvis Avenue, Yoker Avenue, Drumchapel, Duntreath Drive, Blairdardie, Duntreath Avenue, Glasgow Wyvis Avenue, Yoker, Yoker Mill Road, Yoker, Kelso Street, Knightswood, Southbar Avenue, Yoker Mill Road, Yoker Knightswood, Glanderston Drive, Knightswood, Alderman Road, Glasgow Housel Avenue, Knightswood, Dykebar Avenue, Knightswood, Caldwell Avenue, Scotstoun, Kelso Street, Knightswood Anniesland Road, Scotstoun, Lesmuir Drive, Alderman Road, Glasgow Scotstoun, Kingsway Flats, Scotstoun, Stronvar Lane, Scotstoun, Raploch Avenue, Scotstoun, Earl Southbar Avenue, Knightswood Place, Scotstoun, Duncan Avenue, Scotstoun, Fossil Southbar Avenue, Glasgow House, Whiteinch, Marriott Hotel, Glasgow, James Watt Street, Glasgow, Hielenman's Umbrella, Glanderston Drive, Knightswood Glasgow, Buchanan Street, Glasgow, Gallery Of Alderman Road, Glasgow Modern Art, Glasgow, Garth Street, Glasgow, Trongate, Glasgow, Osborne Street, Glasgow Housel Avenue, Knightswood Alderman Road, Glasgow

Dykebar Avenue, Knightswood

Caldwell Avenue, Scotstoun Polnoon Avenue, Glasgow

Anniesland Road, Scotstoun Cairntoul Place, Glasgow

Lesmuir Drive, Scotstoun

Kingsway Flats, Scotstoun Kingsway Court, Glasgow

Stronvar Lane, Scotstoun Raploch Avenue, Scotstoun Linnhead Place, Glasgow

Earl Place, Scotstoun Earl Place, Glasgow

Duncan Avenue, Scotstoun Gleneagles Lane North, Glasgow

Fossil House, Whiteinch A814, Glasgow

Marriott Hotel, Glasgow Oak Street, Glasgow

James Watt Street, Glasgow 344 Argyle Street, Glasgow

Hielenman's Umbrella, Glasgow Steps & Lift between road & platform levels, Glasgow

Buchanan Street, Glasgow St. Enoch Place, Glasgow

Gallery Of Modern Art, Glasgow 227 Ingram Street, Glasgow

Garth Street, Glasgow 62 Glassford Street, Glasgow

Trongate, Glasgow 31 Stockwell Street, Glasgow

Osborne Street, Glasgow Osborne Street, Glasgow 1C bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved