BASE BALL, BICYCLING and I on Us Against My Most Emphatic Ob- for Earle's Birmingham Team in the GENERAL SPORTS and Eetions
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THE SPORTINGCOPYHIOHT. 18M, BY THB SFOBTINO LIFE PUB. CO. EWTBBED AT PHILA. P. O. AS 8BCO1TD CLASS MATTER. LIFE VOLUME 22, NO. 16. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JANUARY 13, 1894. PRICE, TEN CE NTS leveland, aud me aud Bill MeKnight, seemed never to be able to realize that Irnest Koesch and Eleck Hardie went he should get as much credit as any THE SPORTING LIFE. p to see him. After putting him on KERR ON ROBISON. NEEDLESS WORRY. other player, simply because he was LATE NEWS BY WIRE. A WEEKLY JOURNAL le road to recovery we thought it no a local man. Expert judges, who know arm to take in a little of a certain what a ball player is, declare he is a Devoted to ure against sickness ourselves. While PITTSBORG VIEW OF THE PECULIAR THE PESSIMIST BEGINS coining man. oing so a tailor named Hubbard broke HIS CROAKING Pitcher Frank Southard, who twirled 'HE ILLINOIS-IOWA LEAGUE REOR BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND i on us against my most emphatic ob- for Earle's Birmingham team in the GENERAL SPORTS AND eetions. After giving him four bottles CLEVELAND SITUATION. IN PORKOPOLIS. Southern League, is as yet undecided. GANIZED WITH EIGHT CLUBS. f beer we adjourned to another place Frank did good work last season up to PASTIMES. or the express purpose of getting rid of the time of his sickness. im. He followed us in a few minutes, Irector Kerr Defines the League's A Premature Fear That the Financial It is not yet known where Jack Fee >atcber Bennett's Career Ended by a Published by ml we were prepared to ignore him, will pitch this season very likely for rhen the place filled up with policemen. Position Toward President Robi- Stringency Will Have a Damaging Allentown. THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. Tiey took charge of the four of us, Hugh Jennings will wear a Buffalo Horrible Accident-Both ol the ustling us into the band wagon. Among uniform this season, and with Wilkes Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. le policemen I recognized George son, and Predicts That Cleveland EHect on Base Ball Three Months barre in the Eastern League his friends Luckless Man's Legs Cut OII-A 5treif, the old second baseman. and will then have a better chance to see sked him what we were arrested for. Retain Her Club. the young short stop. FRANCIS C. RICHTER Editors. New Captain For Troy, Etc. FRANK A. EGAN le told me Hubbard had charged us It is not known where George Staltz vith relieving him of a $250 diamond will play, as he is considering several nd a $125 gold watch. Pittsbnrg, Jan. 9. In speaking of the Cincinnati, Jan. 9. President Brush offers. CONTENTS: HONORABLY DISCHARGED. eneral base ball situation to-day Di- does not think that next season will be "Buck" Freman will be found in the A NEW_I.-I.;LEAGUE. B»«e Ball Xews....................... ector Kerr Pages 1 to 6 "Well, they put us in a cell with dealt plainly with the Cleve- so successful financially as the past, Eastern League. An Eight-Club Organization in the Bicycling News ...................... Pages 9 to 13 wenty-seven other people that ought to and muddle, .and made the League's Tjecause of the hard times. Indeed, he Billiards, Kennel, Foot losition in the matter fears a regular frost. Evidently he has Eield. Ball, e put in the hands of a relief commit- clear. Said he: THE HOOSIER TEAM. Cricket.................................. Page 0 ee. There we remained until 10 o'clock "Everything Is all right as far as I communicated his pessimistic sentiment peclal to "Sporting Life." Chicago, Athletic, Trigger, Aquatic, the morning, doing our utmost to keep mow, and as far as the Cleveland Club to the Cincinnati reporters, as the "Com Manager Sharsig AVer-king Jan. 12. A meeting of the s concerned it is my opinlou that Mr. Kob- mercial Gazette" shares Mr. Brush's Out His ew Inter-State League was held here Dramatic.............................. Page 7 lear of the seedy gang and a peculiar son will run Pet Young Blood Theory. King. Turf, Chess aud Gene reed of insects that infest the Cleveland next season as usuaJ. Of ftars and wails long aud loud as follows: Tuesday; delegates from Lincoln and ourse, I don't mean to say that he never Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 8. A meeting Omaha, Nebraska; Desmoints, Iowa; ral Sports............................. Page 8 x-k-up. These pests did not come from vauted to sell it or that he does not want "The season of 1804 may prove a Juclid avenue nor yet from the lake o sell it now. He wanted to part with It financial success, and every honest lover will be held here this week to elect juiucy and Jacksonville, 111., attended. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rout, but looked like fugitives from the lure enough, but the premature publication of the same sincerely hopes that it will. officers of the Indianapolis Base Ball eoria, Kock Island, Moliue and St. jf the proposed deal spoiled his chances. When magnates make money, the game Association. It is generally agreed that Toe sent proxies. One Year.............................................. 94.00 holera scare. At 10 o'clock us four and seems to have more life and ginger in it. The League was formed of the above Six Months....................... boy almost the The League decided that the club should W. F. C. Golt will be the president, ..................... 2.25 size of my Jirnniie, enialu in Cleveland, and that if Mr. Hobi- Last year the revival of Interest was in while John T. Brush will be on the tamed-cities. Dave Rowe, of Omaha, Three Mouths....................................... 1.85 vho was charged with stealing a goose, *m sold the franchise and the contracts tense, and the season bade fair to rival vas elected president, and W. W. Kent, Single Copy............................................ vere trotted out for trial. The boy said the best of the past years, but the sudden directory^ 10c. >f the players they would have to remain Manager William Sharsig1 writes that )f Jacksonville, treasurer. After ap- PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. e was guilty, aud I am sorry that in n Cleveland. The premature publication anlc seriously affected the attendance dur- lointing the schedule committee, and lie blamed trouble which we were in it that did lots of harm. R:ig the second half of the season, and he is making good progress in the sign Foreign Postage, 91.04 Extra per Annum. "Oh, no! the League clubs have not many a game was played to empty seats ing of players, aud expects to put the ixing a salary limit of $800 per month urselveH we forgot to pay his fine, and he meeting adjourned to meet at th* vhich was $5. McKnight, Koesch and i>een asked to buy and run the Cleveland holders of annual passes. Yet just team at work here early in March. His. ^gj-Tliose readers of THE SPORTING LIFE 'lub. There has been no circular sent to as ninny people loved the game, but their policy, in which he is fully sustained by all of the president some time i* lardie were told to stand in a; lump and eague clubs on the matter. Mr. Robiusou half-dollars went for bread instead of klareh. who have not facilities for reaching wus put out in the men who will own the club here, the middle of the floor, nay be trying to make a deal with East- base ball. will be to get promising It was understood that George Brach" newsdealers, or do not care to he depend ust as I was preparing to play" the game >rn people, but I don't know whether he "The present outlook, to be candid, is not young players, tt would get the franchise for Peorit» ent upon delivery by carriers or news f my life in the way of a speech, the s or not. All that I do know Is that the encouraging. There seems to be no less rather than "back numbers," discarded vhich is no doubt true, and this iitf udge wheeled round and said: 'Do you lub will remain in Cleveland." interest, but there Is less money in the for dissipation or wortklessness, by the ures agents, should by all means subscribe, pockets of the cranks. A man who has National League. Mr. Sharsig has been a good club for Peoria. There is thus assuring ee that door,' We siiki we did. 'Well, Mr. Kerr had no opinion to express 10 one that can be named who would themselves regular and hen,' says he, ibout the disposal of the Cleveland faced starvation In the winter will hardly managing clubs in the East for two prompt delivery by mail direct from 'that is the way out.' spend what little he earns for base ball seasons and will secure most of his men le able to handle a club there better toosoh did not exactly understand the .layers, but it is safe to say that the in the summer. In the manufacturing cit ban Brackett, as he is well-known, and this office. ituation aud asked me for an explana- -it-ague clubs are still not inclined to ies, like Cleveland and I'ittsburg, where from the Eastern leagues, as he is famil as a record to bo proud of, aud can ion. I told him that we were sent up my the releases of the good men of iron mills predominate, th?re are hundreds iar with their capabilities. ;et all the backing needed. Advertising Rate Upon Application.