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•y.'/ VW///J-iw <f>-_^^?-"- W^S^^^^^S^^^i-^. A JOURNAL OF CY©L-lk9 LITERATURE TRADE i&gWS. b VOL. V. MILWAUKEE, Wis., APRIL, 1894. >v'if8%'v v NO. 1. YcYevs ©cordis AVc invito iiispi-'ution of our lino. Catalogues fpno al lluniblor Agimdes. GORMULLY & JEFFERY MFG. CO. (..'MICA (JO. BOSTON. WASHINGTON. NKW YfMK. COVKNTUY, KNllLANI). JOHN MEUNIER GUN CO., AGENTS FOR MILWAUKEE, 272 WEST WATER STREET. MENTION THE "PNSUS." THE PNEUMATIC. H. L. KASTEN & CO. STEARNS 517 GRAND AVE. MILWAUKEE E Don't Take A. Our Word s R For It N Come S and See E ..*••' the Wheel H. L. KASTEN & CO. 517 GRAND AVE. M MILWAUKEE STEARNS MENTION THE PNEUS" IN CONNECTION WITH OUR Reitzner - WicKs Gucie Go. =TYPEWRITER=BUSINESS Successors to REITZNER-PRICHARD CYCLE CO. WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE WELL-KNOWN AND ... MANUFACTURERS OF... MERCURY ....CELEBRATED.... FOWLER FLIERS WHEELS AND AGENTS FOR-, The Celebrated HARRY JAMES CYCLES. A COMPLETE LINE OF THESE MACHINES CAN BE SEEN The CLEVELAND and SMALLEY Wheels. AT OUR STORE 414 Broadway = Milwaukee, LOOK TO YOUR WHEELS WHEELS FITTED WITH MORGAN & WRIGHT, PALMER AND Q..&, J, TIRES. WOOD OR STEEL RIMS, Our Facilities for REPAIRING BICYCLES are Unequalled IN CONNECTION WE HAVE A FIRST-CLASS CYCLE in the City. REPAIR SHOP. 444 National Ave., Milwaukee. Badoer Typewriter * Stationery Go. MENTION THE "PNEUS. MENTION THE "pNEUS.' E. D. HAVEN, Manager. THE PNEUMATIC. -Photographic-Supplies- FOR SALE FOR AMATEURS. A BARGAIN JOHN B. BANGS & 60. 375 MILWAUKEE STREET Brand new ARROW Safety Aoaiomy of Mooio Bulldlnjj, KODAKS REFILLED, Bicycle, same as was sold all last DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. ORDER* BY MAIL WILL RKOKIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. MILWAUKEE. year for $150. Scorcher pattern, and weighs 28 lbs., with best Morgan & Wright tires. WM. POLLITT Unsurpassed for strength, lightness, finish and easy run G ning.. A bargain for somebody. !rlBicycle Repairing Price, if taken at once, $95, cash. Call at or address Room 8, first 728 CHESTNUT STREET, floor, Old Insurance Building, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Milwaukee. ...Metal Pattern and Small Machinery Repair Shop ... WHEELS MADE TO ORDER. All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Passing. His. Pacemaker EdQLE BICYCLES Are TESTED IN A NOT HALL Tlieu Are Tried and True Send tor Book of over 200 TuBtimonials Jrom Ridei'H In nil parts of tlio United States. '•Don't worry about those Aluminum Ktma. They are all right. Manufacturers onanot make them fust enoUKli—that's all." AT THE LOGS LOOK IN THIS TRACK FRIESE BO/IT *E CYCLE C2. 410 Milwaukee St„ MILWAUKEE AGENTS FOR WISCONSIN* MBNTION THH VNBUO." THE PNEUMATIC. We hold that every link in our chain of evidence is perfect and will stand the strongest test. We will not even place THE ANDRAE in the comparative category of "second to none." Our New Catalogue will tell you all about them. THE ANDRAE LIGHT ROADSTER THE ANDRAE ROAD RACER THE COflPLETE LINE THE LADY ANDRAE THE ANDRAE PATH RACER THE ANDRAE LIGHT ROADSTER No. 6 JULIUS ANDRAE, MILWAUKEE, U.S.fl. General Western Agents CRAWFORD Line fledium Grade Wheels. Prices from $25 to $85, Dealers should get our prices. MENTION THE "PNBU9.' SUNDRIES OF ALL KINDS AT CORRECT PRICES. THE PNEUMATIC. /~* YCLISTS who have the sport at heart and are desirous ^-> of doing their share toward securinggoodroads, should seek membership in the League of American Wheelmen with out further delay. The advantages to be enjoyed are many. Application blanks may be had by calling at our office. ]\|OW that the smoke of the contest on the negro question JOURNAL OF CYCLING LITERATURE AND TRADE NEWS. * ^ has rolled away and the Massachusetts legislature has had time to immortalize itself by a jingo resolution con FIFTY CENTS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. demning the league for its action, it has been ascertained All copy for advertisements, changes lor same, news and correspondence for publication must he sent in before the 7th, to insure Insertion the same that there are but twenty-three "colahed gen'men" in the month. Contributions returned if not published, entire state who belong to the L. A.W.! ENTERED IN THE P. O AT MILWAUKEE A3 SECOND 0LAS8 MATTER. PRESIDENT LUSCOMB,in a speech at a New York meet- ADVBKTISING. THE PNEUMATIC is tie only cycling paper thoroughly covering the terri * ing, made a home hit when he said: " What would you tory in "Wisconsin, Minnesota and Northern Michigan. It reaches the homes think of a man who would go out with friends and allow of individual riders as well as the daalers, and is recognized as a paper which concisely covers all the doings In cycledorn. Advertising rates on them to treat him continually, without reciprocating ? He application. is like the wheelman who lets his neighbors pay money into M. C. ROTIER, Editor and Publisher, the League of American Wheelmen's treasury, to fight for 505 East Water Street, - - - Milwaukee, Wis. better roads, wheelmen's rights and privileges obtained, and then says: 'Why should I join? All this good work will go on without my money.' " IF YOU do not take THE PNEUMATIC, this is a sample copy. What do you think of it? O FAR, the cash prize league has evinced no visible signs At the low price of 50 cents a year, can you af S of revival. It has, we believe, as was predicted in a ford to be without it? previous issue, met its fate by the adoption of class B by the L. A.W. The N. C. A. had anticipated all along, since it was first organized, a general cleaning out of the speckled What the New York "Sun" is to metropolitan journalism, is THE amateurs, thus giving it an opportunity to gather in the PNEUHATIC to cycling literature.—Chief Consul A. C. Morrison, Milwaukee. stray ones. But the anticipation was short-lived by the Entering the Third Year. provision in the amateur rule for makers' amateurs. The sad feature of the whole thing is that the ex-cash riders Fairly and well has the cycling public dealt witli THE are now totally left, not being able to get back into the fold. PNEUMATIC during its course over the troublous sea of jour nalism and with this issue we pen our third anniversary greeting with a feeling of security that it has passed the '"THE formation of the Associated Cycling Clubs in Mil- critical period of its existence, bidding well toward an * waukee has caused a good deal of comment among the advancing career. wheel riders, and to many it looks as though a great deal of Progress is the order of the universe and it has been our trouble is brewing because of the Milwaukee Wheelmen not policy to keep in line with it and, perhaps, occasionally, we being in the association. So far, all things are running very have gone a step or two in advance. And our progress has harmoniously and the association is doing nothing which not been a spasmodic one. We have not spurted and fallen may conflict with the annual programme of the club which by the wayside. Prom a wee infant in swaddling clothes the is not in the association. This shows the wisdom displayed paper grown to a shouting, healthy boy in respectable dress. by its officers and so long as deliberate consideration is used We have been, are and always will be conservative, but by such level-headed men as control both organizations never tard}'. there will be no trouble forthcoming, Twice within the past two years we have made an advancing move. The first was when we secured our own OXEY, with his band of nearly 5,000 men, is nearing plant, thus giving us an opportunity of producing the finest C Washington, with a view to persuading congress that sheet, in point of mechanical arrangement and typography, the best interests of the country will be served by the ex of any of the cycling papers published. The other was the penditure of $500,000,000 for road improvements. His "clothing of the infant" in a handsome cover, besides ex plan is not only to establish a net-work of good highways pending more money in illustrative wort. in the United States but to give the thousands of unem Editorially, we have always endeavored to render each ployed men in the countrysomethingto do. It is clear that succeeding issue more complete and more worthy of the the move is an extremely radical one and that it will not indulgent reception with which the paper has been favored. result in attaining what is wanted, yet the two principles THE PNEUMATIC. are commendable and we must pat Coxey on the back and Roads Library. To many who have felt that Potter give him credit for being the promulgator of an advance was unjustly treated by the executive committee of the ment, the fundamental ideas of which are correct, and thank L. A.W., this news will be welcomely received, while a few, him for the wide advertising he has given the road improve there is no doubt, are gulping it down and redoubling their ment cause by setting the tongues of thenewspaper press to efforts to their own prescribed work. wagging. Good, bad or indifferent, anything about our Readers, generally, will be glad to know that they can roads helps us in our work. now continue to enjoy the bright writings from the pen 0f Mr. Potter, and feel glad to know that the excellent work HE Agricultural Department has issued n circular letter begun by him some years ago will now receive renewed and T to be sent to all railroad presidents in the United States, increased attention.