
YEAR:27 NUMBER:201 OCTOBER:2020Ocakları www.ulkuocaklari.org.tr Montly Educational and Cultural Journal



LEADER DEVLET BAHCELI Ülkü Ocakları Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı Ülkü Ocakları Monthly Education and Culture Journal Concessionaire Ahmet Yiğit YILDIRIM [email protected] Editor in Chief İsmail Burak TATLI [email protected] Responsible Editor İlhan DURAK [email protected] Broadcast Management Consultants Hüseyin Erol ŞİMŞEK Alparslan DOĞAN Muhammet ÜRGEN Place of Administration Nasuh Akar Mah. 1401. Sok. No:17 Balgat / 0312 285 44 44 ISSN: 2687-2862 Cover, Typesetting and Layout Ömer YILDIZ [email protected] Printing Place Vega Printing Services Korkutreis Mahallesi Lale Cad. 21/A Çankaya / Ankara 0312230 07 23

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PreciousOur readers, Nationalist Hearths, we have prepared the October issue of the magazine for you. In this month's issue of 's friendly and brotherly country files "We have identified Azerbaijan as". Founder of Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's "Azerbaijan's sorrow is our sorrow, joy is our joy." statement unquestionably reveals its share of truth not only at the beginning of the twentieth century, but also today. In the last week of September, as a result of Armenia's attack on Azerbaijan, hot clashes brought a serious war with them, and the world turned its eyes to Karabakh. Turkey's At this point, the friendly and bro- therly countries have the unconditional support given by both the military and political fields in Azerbaijan and the Turkish World Wise Leader, Mr. Devlet Bahçeli gentleman: "Nagorno-Karabakh is Turkish, Azerbaijani Turks essence residence, is an indispensable right. Meeting this right with the right owner should be ensured even at the cost of life. Armenia, whose sole aim is hostility to Turks, and its hired armed elements are unlikely to hold on to the Turkish nation. We stand by Azerbaijan with our blood, our lives and our existence. " His statement has been a great source of morale for the Azerbaijani Govern- ment and our kinsmen. Azerbaijan, with effective attacks that have made thanks to politi- cal support and military technology has received from Turkey, 30 years -water occupied by the Armenian gangs main until- 36 settlements who received back and Nagorno-Ka- rabakh all ads will continue to fight until the invasion was saved has. The attempts of the world public opinion, especially and the USA, to force Azerbaijan to negotiate are futile. It is time for Armenia, whose sole aim is hostility to Turks, to be completely erased from the stage of history by being crushed like a cylinder. I believe and trust that will be stuck with the soon to be dismantled land connection between Turkey and the Turkish World rusty dagger and this was the first step leading to the great ideals of Turan. With these feelings and thoughts, he wishes mercy from God Almighty to our martyrs who died for the sake of Karabakh and urgent healing to our veterans; I would like to reiterate that we stand by Azerbaijan with our blood, our lives and all our existence. On the occasion of this issue, I congratulate the Independence Day of Azerbaijan on October 18. You are ours, as long as you are ours, life in the body; Live, live, long live o glorious Azerbaijan! Hope to see you in our new issue ...

Ahmet Yiğit YILDIRIM President of the Ülkü Ocakları Education and Culture Foundation October 2020 Issue: 201


Börteçine Karabay Lock Country: Azerbaijan 8 Cihat Burak Korkmaz Azerbaijan and Turkey: "two States a Nation" 17 Rümeysa ATASEVEN Humanity Historic Black Stain: Khojaly Genocide 24 Av. Mehmet Fatih Önsöz The Bleeding Wound of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh 34 Elnur Pasa Martyrs Mubariz Ibrahimov 44 Omer Burak Sert Azerbaijan National escalation Movement and Ebülfez Elcibey's Role 46

Okan Işık Islamic Army of the Caucasus and Conqueror: Nuri Pasha 58

Nehir Çelikkollu Foundation of the Azerbaijan Republic and Mehmet Emin Resulzade. 71 Deniz Güzelay Azerbaijan National Poet: 86 Rabia Aslıhan Turkmen An Enlightened Turkish Woman in the Political History of Azerbaijan: 92 Leader Hurşid Banu Natevan Gülşen SAKA The Place of Hüseyinzade Ali Turan in the 20th Century Azerbaijani Intel- 99 lectual History. Hilal Güner MOROĞLU Life and Literature of Bahtiyar Vahapzade 107 Perhaps for the first time in history, we nationalists have embarked on an unprecedented struggle. Our struggle is to get the best, the right and the most beautiful for the great Turkish nation at all costs. For our struggle, perhaps we will find few comrades of struggle that were previously well equipped in terms of ideals, cause and courage. But the important thing is not quantity, that is number, but quality, that is, work, movement. Our supporters are the old men who remain young spiritually and intellectually, the young men with mature and mature hearts and minds, the undefeated vital life force of the great Turkish state and the assurance and future youth of the Turkish nation. We do not think that those who have the sole purpose of keeping their current situation in their lives will join us. Rat- her than treacherous and evil-hearted ones, those who are lazy in interests in the survival of the current order mind and those who have will appear more. They are wrong. The fact that the struggle seems hopeless, on the contrary, increases the magnitude and sublimity of our work. We cherished our nation prosperous, strong, and we are committed to a great Turkey; we dedicate our- selves to the nation. And we are putting our heads on the road to Turkishness. Chieftain Alparslan Türkeş The attacks carried out by Armenia on the military units and positions of the friendly and brotherly country Azerbaijan, and civilian settlements, are hostile and mean the opening of a new bloody page. The aim of imperialism, Armenia's ambitions to settle and settle in the Turkish lands occupied, interrupted the goals of a fair and just solution to the Karabakh issue. The center of gravity of instability, primitiveness, occu- pation and invasion policies in the South Caucasus is the Yerevan administ- ration. Armenian aggression is against all humanitarian, conscientious and legal principles and principles. It is understood that the hostile centers, who are hostile to the Turkish nation, are constantly active from the Caucasus to the Middle East, from the Mediterranean to the Balkans in order to create a crisis and create chaos. At this stage, it is impossible to consider and eva- luate separately the villainous attack of Armenia from the shy plays played in the Mediterranean and the Aegean and the imperialist projects staged in Libya, Syria and Iraq. It is clear that Turkish enemies are on a bout of hostility in different geographies. Nationalist Movement Party, believes the two countries and will not retreat in the face of no force and aggressive in- tent historical and cultural solidarity and cooperation existing between one nation in embracing the future of Turkey-Azerbaijan. Karabakh is Turkish, it is a Turkish homeland. No one will this firm change and exclusive truth. Armenia, whose sole aim is hostility to Turks, and its hired armed elements are unlikely to hold on to the Turkish nation. We stand by Azerbaijan with our blood, our lives, our existence. I warn all the müstevlı foci again: Nobody should pay attention to the mistake of testing the patience of the Turkish nation. As a matter of fact, the results will be both sad and grave. Leader Devlet Bahçeli THE KEY COUNTRY OF THE CAUCASUS: AZERBAIJAN


Börteçine KARABAY

We want to examine the status of Azerbaijan as a key country, we first come across the word Caucasus and its region. The region called the Caucasus is the name given to the vast region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in the far southwest corner of the Former So- viet Union. These countries in the region are generally called the Cau- casian Countries. The Caucasus has an important place in the Eurasian strategy. Without the Caucasus, an important gap is revealed in Eurasia. Caucasia, which is shown in the geographical and geopolitical area of Eurasia, constitutes an important part of the Black Sea and Caspian basin. In this regard, the geographical area of the Caucasus in regional relations increases its geopolitical importance much more. It is defined as the region divided by the Caucasus Mountain Range into the North Caucasus and the Southern Caucasus, extending from the Don River mouth in the north, the Manic Crough and the Kuma mouth line to the and Plateau in the south. The same region can be expressed with the term Caucasus. The term Caucasus was first used by the natives of in 479. On the other hand, Lezgins, one of the people of Dagestan, called the Caucasus the "Mountain of Muscles". If we need to talk about the importance of

8 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Börteçine KARABAY the Caucasus in the world geography, environmental and climatic con- ditions should also be considered. Environmental Conditions. The Caucasus generally consists of mountain ranges running pa- rallel to each other. The region that covers the isthmus that separates the Black Sea from the Caspian Sea and extends to the Manic Chute Na in the north, includes the rugged Caucasus Mountains; the area to the south of it is known as Trans-Caucasus. The region can be examined by dividing it into three parts:

1) The Steppe Region in the North or the Caucasus Front: This sub-region includes the vast steppes to the north of the Great Caucasus Mountains. In fact, these plains, which are part of the Don steppes, have an important agricultural potential; The areas where grain cultivation is done take up a large area. 2) The Great Caucasus Mountains: This huge mass, which forms the backbone of the region, consists of various mountain ranges with heights above 5,000 meters in many places; The highest peaks are Elb- ruz, Dihatau, Koştantau, Shhara and Kazbek. The Caucasus Mountains form a solid wall that extends from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The Caucasus are similar to the Alpine-Himalayan mountain system of which they form a part in terms of structure and age; however, it is much higher than the Alps. On the Russian-Georgian border, Mount Elbrus is the highest point in Europe. 3) Transcaucasia: The broad Trans-Caucasian depression is loca- ted in the south of the Caucasus. The Volcanic Armenian Plateau oc- cupies the southern part of the Trans-Caucasus. Between the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range and the Armenian Plateau lie subtropical valleys and coastal plains inhabited by the majority of the population of the region. Land adjacent to the Trans-Caucasus, Turkey and

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 9 THE KEY COUNTRY OF THE CAUCASUS: AZERBAIJAN rose again in a rugged region of depression or generated little beyond the Caucasus. In this mountainous region, mountains, hills and deep valleys between them and flat plateaus in places dominate the geograp- hical view. The Caucasus Mountains, which dominate the physical geograp- hy of the region, are also rich in water resources. All of the important rivers of the region formed by Kuban, Kuma-Terek and Sulak in the north and Kura and Rioni rivers in the south take their resources from these mountains. The Caucasus is also important in the economic life of the region with its rich natural resources (coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, copper, molybdenum, manganese, natural gas and oil deposits; mineral waters, stones used as building materials and other minerals). they have a place [1]. The climatic conditions in the region vary depending entirely on the surface shapes. A very harsh continental climate prevails in the mountainous and rugged areas covering most of the Caucasus. The Great Caucasus Mountains also block polar air masses from the north. Thus, the marine effects of the Black Sea Between the mountains can easily be attached to the inner parts of the region along the grooves. As mentioned before, the Caspian Sea borders the east of the re- gion, the largest inland sea in the world in terms of surface area. The oil deposits (the continuation of Baku oil deposits in the sea) under this large inland sea, where intensive transportation and fishing activities are carried out, increase its economic importance for the countries with a coast. The Structure and General Characteristics of the Population Ac- cording to archaeological findings, the first cultural assets in the Cau- casus are between 16-13 BC. has been seen in the centuries. Over the following centuries, the region was invaded by many different tribes and kingdoms, from Cimmerians to Khazars, from Abkhaz to Oghuz

10 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Börteçine KARABAY

Turks. The Caucasian lands, which were included in the borders of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century, witnessed conflicts and invasions between Russia and Iran for years with the weakening of the empire since the 17th century (Özey; 1996-84). The countries of the region, which remained attached to the for almost a century, dec- lared their independence more recently with the dissolution of the union in 1991. The Caucasus, which is divided into three independent republi- cs - Azerbaijan, , Armenia - and 10 "Autonomous Republic" or "Autonomous Administration Unit" in terms of administration today, is a region with a population of approximately 27 million. The Key Country of the Caucasus is Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani lands are located in one of the oldest settlements in the world. As a result of the investigations made in the Azıh Cave in the Karabakh region in the southwest of the country, it was determined that this cave was used as a dwelling by people about 1 million years ago. The establishment of the first state on the territory of present-day Azerbaijan dates back to the 3rd century BC with the unification of the southern tribes. The country, which has a long history and chose Chris- tianity in the 4th century, converted to Islam with the invasion of Arabs from the middle of the 7th century. Various khanates such as Shirvan, Aran and Mughan, which were established under Arab rule, began to lose their power when the Turks began to replace the Iranians living in these lands from the 9th century on. With the arrival of the Seljuks in the early 11th century, the country was completely under the rule of the Turks. For a long time since then, it was the scene of domination stru- ggles between Turks and Mongols; In the 17th century, it was annexed to the Persian Empire. About two centuries later, Azerbaijan, which was attacked by the militarily strengthened Russians, was divided into two parts along the border, which is still valid today, with the Turkmenchay Treaty signed between Russia and Iran in 1828. According to this agre- ement, the part of the south of the Aras River, called Southern Azerbai-

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 11 THE KEY COUNTRY OF THE CAUCASUS: AZERBAIJAN jan, was within the borders of Iran, and northern Azerbaijan was within the borders of the Soviet Union. Although the landforms of Azerbaijan are quite diverse, they can be divided into four main parts: 1. Great Caucasus Region; The giant Caucasus Mountains, whi- ch form the backbone of the entire Trans Caucasus, form the northern border of Azerbaijan. Divided by very deep valleys, the Caucasus also contains the highest peaks of the country. The Great Caucasus Region also includes the Neogene Plateau Area located in the southeast of the Caucasus. Also Alazon-Eyriçay, Gusar Plain and Caspian Coastal Plain constitute other subsections within the Greater Caucasus. 2. Lesser Caucasus Region; Murat -Şahdağ- mountain mounta- inous areas of Karabakh, Karabakh volcanic plateau, this area covers the southeast part of the mountain and Berguşad Mugu mass, form the country's hilly areas adjacent to Turkey and Iran. 3. Talis Mountain System and Lankaran Plain; The highest point of the Talis Mountains, which extends for 100 km in the northwest-sout- heast direction in the south of the country, is Kuyumyurkvoy Hill at 2.477 m. 4. Kura-Aras (Kür-Aras) Plain; Located between mountainous areas and covering a wide area, this region of plains is divided into three morphological units as "mountain foothills", "plain plains" and "coastal plains". We need to examine Azerbaijan as a powerful and important country in the Caucasus in terms of underground resources, energy use and industry. In addition to its fertile soil, it is a very rich country in terms of underground resources. Underground Resources and Energy. While talking about the key country Azerbaijan, it is a favorite of the whole world, which is underground resources such as petroleum

12 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Börteçine KARABAY and natural gas, iron, aluminum, copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, marble, gold, silver, sulfur and lake-rock salts rich in the country. The Lesser Caucasus Region has important metal mines deposits. Because of its rich mines, this region is called "Azerbaijan Ural". In addition to these resources, its 4900 m installed power capacity and electricity generati- on is one of the biggest producers Caucasus in. The data on the oil and natural gas reserves of the country are dazzling. Known oil reserves in Azerbaijan, which are calculated to have oil reserves of 70% of its lands, are 5 billion tons (for comparison; Kuwait's oil reserves are 13 billion tons, Russia's 6.8 billion tons, Ni- geria's 2.8 billion tons) Natural gas reserves are 600 billion m3. Azer- baijan met half of the world's oil production in the early 20th century; Considering that it met 80% of the production of the former USSR du- ring the Second World War and took the first place (it is the third largest producer after the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan in later periods), the geostrategic importance of Azerbaijan is better understood. Baku and Caspian Sea oils rank first among world oil in terms of density and octane. Rich in high octane gasoline and oils, Azerbaijani oil has low sulfur, tar, paraffin and coke content in its composition; Because of these properties, it is easy to refine and transform into high quality products. Among the Azerbaijani oil, there is a special type of oil that is referred to as "heads" and is used as an important therapeutic agent in medicine. Energy Generation in Azerbaijan: Electricity in Azerbaijan is ma- inly Baku, Ali Bayramlı and provided by thermoelectric power plants inGanja. More than half of the electricity produced in the country is produced by these natural gas and diesel powered power plants. The thermoelectric power plant located in Ali Bayramlı is the most important of these, with its power of 1.2 million Kwt.


Hydroelectric power plants also have a share in Azerbaijan's ener- gy production. The country has a total of 5.5 million Kwt of hydro power reserves; However, the production is only 3 billion Kw / h. The largest hydroelectric power plants are the Mingeçevir, Varva- ra and Şemkir power plants built on the Kura River. During the const- ruction of the Mingachevir power plant, a 70 m high dam was establis- hed across the river and a dam with an area of 606 km2 emerged. This facility played an important role in the growth of Mingechevir, which is among the major cities of the country today. In addition to these, hydroelectric power plants were built on Aras, Terter and other rivers and electricity production in Azerbaijan has increased rapidly in the last 50 years. Industrial Activities: Azerbaijan, which has extremely rich natural resources, naturally petroleum-based heavy industry, chemistry, petrochemical, machinery manufacturing sectors form the basis of the industry. Most of the in- dustrial activities in Azerbaijan have been concentrated in ports such as Baku and Sumgait and cities Ganja located in the interior. In Azerbai- jan, which was decided to be an agricultural country in accordance with the central planning strategies, the basis of industrial activities was the light industry based on agriculture for many years. However, in recent years, importance has also been attached to heavy industry, and indust- ries based on oil and natural gas, as well as iron-steel and machinery industries have also developed. There are two oil refineries with a total power of 20 million tons and about 20 factories processing petroleum products in and around Baku alone. Today, Baku has great importance in this respect, while Sumgait has gained a pioneer in the chemical and petroleum industries. Azerbaijan's petrochemical facilities include factories producing plastics, various construction materials, fertilizers, and car tires, and

14 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Börteçine KARABAY these are mostly operating in Baku and Sumgait. provided. Azerbaijan was recognized as a specialized country in the for- mer Soviet Union with this industry branch and it sent 70% of its oil machinery to West Siberia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the North Caucasus. All of Azerbaijan's oil equipment producing facilities are located in Baku. Why is Azerbaijan a Key Country? In addition to being a bridge between Europe and Central Asia for Russia, the CaucasusRussia'sallowing Russia to land on the Black Sea, the Straits, the Mediterranean route and the Suez Canal due to its coastline on the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. is also a very important point for strategic interests in terms of geopolitical zone. Eurasia, which is the abbreviation of the names of Europe and Asia, is the landmass that starts from the Atlantic Ocean in the west and continues to the China Sea and the Pacific Ocean in the east. Brzezinski (former US National Security adviser), in his book The Great Chessboard, states that the biggest struggle will be held in Asia in the 21st century, "Eurasia is the chessboard on which the struggle for world domination is made." The Caucasus Region is an important place of action on this chessboard as it connects Europe to Asia and is a transit route. The Ca- ucasus is particularly important for three reasons: • Geostrategically, it is the gateway to Central Asia, • In terms of Central Asia, it is a gateway to Western markets, • Taken together with Central Asia as a whole, the region has significant oil and natural gas reserves. in the north west Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey to the south gates to the Turkic repub- lics and the eastern, it gives direction to history as a key country in the


Caucasus as ancient Turkish homeland for centuries. As Azerbaijan is Turkey also has become a national issue of Nagorno-Karabakh occu- pation abhorrent as the Khojaly massacre incident shows the powerful Turkish Union how important all the independent Turkish state should be in always fighting a nation with ambitions on these lands . Turks have made Caucasus a Turkish province since the Seljuks and preserved their sovereignty until today. Russia's desire to manage the Caucasus oil and natural gas in the north, at the same time the po- licy of landing in the warm seas with the corridor to be opened to the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean, Iran's claim on south Azer- baijan in the south and the Caucasus's quest to be an alternative route to the world Azerbaijan maintains its position as a key country in this land, where the eyes of the whole world within the framework of the plans of Armenia and Azerbaijan on the territory of Azerbaijan. REFERENCES [1] (Özey, 1996; Temel Britannica).

16 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Cihat Burak KORKMAZ


Cihat Burak KORKMAZ

AZERBAIJAN-TURKEY A mother of two sons, two branches of a tree he howled, this grand Azerbaijan-Turkey Our religion one, our languages we have month one, year we have a love is a one way to go Azerbaijan-Turkey I set up a home in the Motherland. the hearts drove home the main homeland, my homeland throws Azerbaijan-Turkey

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 17 AZERBAIJAN AND TURKEY: "TWO STATE A NATIONS"

Top of Words. Writing about Turkishness, the Turkic World and Turan has always been an endeavor that excites both the writer and the reader, stirring up like an enthusiastic river and giving deep dreams. When we look at the topic, we come across the fact that the most appropriate introduction should be with the simple, easy-to-understand and concise verses of the late Vahabzade. Again phrases penned after a journey that Vahabzade be made to Turkey is like telling the reunion of Laggard mother and son from years of each other: "my grandfather, from the mouth of my father and my uncle would not have fallen Turkey ever. I am now the country's dreams of going to Turkey I desire from my descendants. I got up early in the morning and shaved. I am going to a city, Is- tanbul, where I have longed for thirty-five years, that shakes my whole body when I mention its name from time to time, strength on my arm, put on my feet, and gives light to my eyes. My hope, the owner of the man whom I bowed to, forcibly taken away, the guardian of my honor, dignity and honor, my seeing eye, my arm that hits, my thinking brain, my helper, my support, my flag, my lost history, my past, my mother tongue, my honor are all in you. Looking through the camera window, the flashlight is flashing in the distance. Goodness! It is the first time I see Turkish light. My desires are burning in that light. O lantern, you are guiding the ship of a nation that has been an enemy throughout history. There is someone in that ship ready to give you life ”(Vahabzade, 2000: 263-265). An Overview of Recent History. Azerbaijan and Turkey, Turks, as the two major families of the Turkish nation for many years under the same quarry, have lived in the same house. However, as the founders of different states in the process of establishing a state, which is a characteristic feature of every Turkish tribe history scene with, they took place in the different names. Especi-

18 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Cihat Burak KORKMAZ ally the struggle between the Safavid State established in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 16th century and the Ottoman Empire necessitated a separation in the context of state policies. This divergence should be perceived only as a bureaucratic si- tuation. It should even be said that this situation was a struggle for the "Turkish World Sovereign Idea" of the two great Turkish states of the period. Because no historical source writes that the two Turkish tribes faced some religious and sectarian reasons. Our point of view at this point is to see Turkish history as a whole and express both Ottoman and Safavid Khans as the mighty Turkish Elders of their history. In the ensuing period, in the struggles between the Tsarist Russia and the Ot- toman Empire, Azerbaijan Turks, like other Muslim communities in the Caucasus, took sides with the Ottoman Empire. The relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey are Turks in the late 19th century, early 20th century in senior çıkmıştır.20 again. Earlier this century, from Otto- man to Republic of Turkey was established the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in North Azerbaijan. Due to the short life of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, there is not much relationship between these two states. Turkey and Azerbaijan in the territory of Turkey ideologically, Turkey Turkish territory of Azerbaijan, have been important steps in terms of contribution to ensuring the consolidation of the independen- ce and territorial integrity. Azerbaijan People's Republic of Bolsheviks continued after a while relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan also were occupied by Russia, but limited time and then was terminated. In these cases, the year it was founded the Republic of Turkey, we know from a large Turkish nationalists that in his own words, the Great Lea- der Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Azerbaijan expressed by the ambassador to Ankara is fixed with these words: "Azeri our own troubles troubles of Turkey and joy to be had like our own joy It makes us very happy that they fulfill their wishes and live freely and independently. Your statement that Azerbaijani Turks are ready to shed their blood on the

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 19 AZERBAIJAN AND TURKEY: "TWO STATE A NATIONS" way to the liberation of the Turks and the oppressed is a very valuable statement that increases the strength of the Turks and the oppressed against the invaders. The, who have voluntarily or unwillingly made fate partnerships with other political groups outside our present borders, in other hands, and whose unity of language, race and origin, close and distant history and situation of the Turkish communities moral affinity with us, is "a result of an event of history and a painful memory for the Turkish nati- on. However, the historical and scientific establishment of the Turkish nation never neglects the nobility and solidarity ”(Özkan, 2000: 81). Because Stalin's Russia was forbidden even to speak about Turkey at the beginning 1930.Even many intellectual Azerbaijani Turks in 1937- 1938 years, "Pan-Turkic" or "Pan-Turanism" Having stamps or execu- ted were either deported to Siberia or sent. Azerbaycan the Soviet Uni- on until 1991, which under Russian occupation Azerbaijan and Turkey societies Although the relations between them were not completely cut, they were very limited. In general, the basis of the relationship was the emotional bonds of the two great Turkish societies such as longing, longing and meeting. Since the independence of Azerbaijan in 1991, relations between the two communities have started to intensify again. During the struggle for independence of Azerbaijan, most aid is the most important example of leaving an indelible mark in the memory of a Turkish nationalist support gerçektir.b known to everyone he sees from Turkey; In 1992, it was the Baku Azadliq By Alparslan Turkes, the Last Head of the Turkic World, at the invitation of Azerbaijani Pre- sident Abulfez Elchibey, and which all over the world great Azadliq Rally inSquare, which was hosted has become popular the period of the Azerbaijan President who heeds the invitation to the period of the Republic of Turkey Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State of the Turkish world leader Devlet Bahceli visited Sage maintains its temperature in our memory.

20 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Cihat Burak KORKMAZ

Current Situation. October 18, 1991 in the Azerbaijani people have recognized the independence of Turkey in Azerbaijan on November 9, 1991 after a short time after they declared their independence, formed on 14 January 1992 the diplomatic relations, thus he showed his loyalty to Turkey and Azerbaijan as the first state to recognize the independence of Turkey in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan's Embassy in Turkey from August of 1992, the Consulate General which started operating in January of 1993 in Istanbul, has been allocated Consulate General in Kars on April 12, 2004.. Turkey's Embassy in Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan Consulate was opened in January of 1992. With between Azerbaijan and Turkey in political, economic relations and science, education, culture and ot- her areas of cooperation in the rising line develops. The two states are strategic partners. Noting the title of this partnership is formed under the following items: • A nation of Azerbaijan with Turkey, as two states are natural allies. • Emergence after the collapse of the Soviet Union and proper opportunity to benefit from the positive aspects of the globalization process in the world and to damage the negative aspects of Turkey and Azerbaijan is an objective necessity to consolidate their efforts. • The fact that Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources provides wide opportunities for the continuation and development of cooperati- on between the two sister countries. • The Great Silk Road is planned for the integration of expansion between East and West, Trans-Caspian pipeline, the Baku-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline, as was the 21st century's major projects in Azerbaijan-Turkey relations will bring you to a more qualified and more advanced stage. Consideration of the Turkish world increasingly factor in modern international politics is largely dependent on Turkey-Azerbaijan deepe-

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 21 AZERBAIJAN AND TURKEY: "TWO STATE A NATIONS" ning of strategic cooperation (Mesimov, 2001: 275-276). In addition to the title quoted above, will further strengthen ties between the two countries should be made with updates on the fol- lowing items: • Direct or indirect transfer to Azerbaijan of all levels of experien- ce in the field of education in Turkey. • Sharing the knowledge, experience and experience of the Tur- kish Armed Forces at every force level with the Azerbaijan Armed For- ces. • Transfer of power to the stakeholder institutions in Azerbaijan in Turkey's construction sector. • In a similar way, especially after the implementation of all the earth-shattering Covidien-19 outbreak of Turkey's successful health po- licy in Azerbaijan. Result. The great Turkish nation of two different families, with Azerbai- jan and Turkey, the geographical proximity of the neighborhood and its history in the context of dialect has been used in every period of close relationships. With the amendment made in 2001, the officialAzerbaijani Latin Alphabet and mandatory identity of the has increased the visual-readability proximity of the language symbols of the two countries. The political, economic and military developments in the world of the 21st century necessitate the development of these ties even more. Because the developments in our region show that nei- ghborly relations or border partnerships are not sufficient to act on the same plane. In this context, a companion and brother are needed to walk more confidently into the future. Because the phrase "First refîk bade'l-tarîk" in Turkish, that is, first comrade, then travel companion, must guide the two countries in

22 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Cihat Burak KORKMAZ every step to be taken together. Turan's goal, which is the great ideal of Turkish nationalists; It is an undeniable fact that we must take a step with the rising sun in Baku illuminating Ankara and cooling Istanbul with the wind blowing from the Caspian. References Mesimov, A. (2001). Azerbaijan-Turkeyin the Year of RelationsIndependence.21st Century Turkey Institute, Eurasia File - Azerbaijan Special Issue Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 274-285. Özkan, İ. (2000). Atatürk and the Turkish World. Air Force Magazine, 84-90. Vahabzade, B. (2000). Pages from Life. Istanbul: Selfie.




Hardan became yours, our Karabakh? Does his name love its owner? They do not give it wit but soil with they seal the blood and take it by force


Nagorno-Karabakh problem, XIX. It has survived until today as a continuation of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict that took place at the beginning of the century. The two-century-old problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia is essentially XVIII. It is an artificial problem created in the early century in line with Russia's policies regarding the region. Accordingly, XVIII. Since the 19th century, the demographic structure of the region has been turned upside down in line with the expansionist policies of Russia, and the region in question has been made problematic. Today,Armeniatogether with 20% of Azerbaijan's land, without any legal basis, is Nagorno-Karabakh, which is occupied by,one of the problems awaiting a solution in the agenda of the United Organization. With the claim of "Great Armenia", the region that was detached from Azerbaijan and occupied was de facto included within the borders of the Republic of Armenia.living in this region More than

24 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rümeysa ATASEVEN one million Azerbaijani Turkswere driven from their homelands. To- day, disputes in the Nagorno-Karabakh region are based on different reasons, geographically and historically, between the parties. For this reason, our study will primarily focus on the geographical and demographic characteristics of the region in order to determine the underlying causes of the conflict in the region in question. In addition, the historical background of the region and the dominant elements in the region will be discussed. After drawing a general framework about the region, XVIII. The processes that have dominated the region since the middle of the century will be discussed in terms of certain historical periods. In this way, any issue, which is a settlement and balance policy within Russia itself,the whole over the years by overcoming Azerbaijan and Armenia's answer will be sought for the question has become a re- gional problem that has been on the agenda of world. Geographically, the mountainous region extending from the Ta- man peninsula in the east of the Karabakh Black Sea to the Absheron peninsula in the west of the Caspian Sea is called the Caucasus. The east of the Caucasus is in the Asian continent and the west is in the European continent. On the other hand, Karabakh is located in the regi- on in the south east of the Caucasus mountains.both during the Soviet Union period and in previous periods Nagorno-Karabakh, which was accepted as a part of Azerbaijan in every aspect, constitutes about a quarter of the former Karabakh pro- vince. However, those who deal with the issue today call the region briefly as "Garabagh". Karabakh with an area of 4392 km2 is geographically in the wes- tern part of the Azerbaijan Republic; Kür is a place consisting of the mountainous region between the Aras Rivers and Gökçe Lake, which is within the borders of Armenia today, and the plains connected to this region. Until the occupation of the region by Armenia in the 1990s, the


Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region was completely surrounded by Azerbaijani territories and has no border with any other country. However, today it cannot be said that the economic situation of Kara- bakh is very good. The economy of the region, where the terrestrial climate is domi- nant, is based on a limited number of fruits, grains and livestock, and there are also small-scale industrial facilities in the region. Although the Karabakh region is economically limited, it has a geopolitical impor- tance that can control Armenia and Iran due to its geographical location. For this reason, the dispute over the region in question can be evaluated as historical and political based rather than economic. Pre-Turkmen- cay Treaty Garabagh XVIII. Towards the end of the century, the South Caucasus region was in a politically complicated situation. After the death of Nadir Shah Afshar in 1747, the central authority in the Cau- casus and Azerbaijan region weakened and the region was divided into khanates. During this period, nearly twenty khanates emerged only in Azerbaijan. Among the mentioned khanates, the most influential was the Karabakh Khanate, which was under the administration of Saraçlı tribes, one of the Turkish tribes. These khanates Safe until the Russian occupation of 1848 continued their existence with the balance policy between theState and the Ottoman Empire; they acted independently in their internal and external affairs. Neither during the Seljuk period and during the khanates, when the independence movement in the region began, there was no momentary or any political movement belonging to the in the region. This situation is considered as a sign that the Armenian population is small and dispersed in the region and that the Armenian population does not have an ethnic identity. For Russia, the Caucasus is seen as an important geography in terms of the policy of landing in the warm seas, as well as being a buffer zone to the Iranian and Ottoman borders. During the reign of Tsar Peter I (1722) , the Rus- sians descended on the Caspian coast and reached the Caucasus through

26 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rümeysa ATASEVEN the Shirvan Khanate. A force under the command of Köprülü Abdullah Pasha was sent to the Azerbaijani khanates, which demanded help from the Ottoman Empire in the face of the Russian advance, and the South Caucasus region was largely connected to the Ottoman Empire. However, with the annexation of Crimea to Russia as a result of the Ottoman-Russian War (1768-1774), the demographic structure in the Caucasus region began to change in favor of the Russians. The de- velopments that started with the annexation of Georgia by Russia in 1801 became a turning point in the spread of the Russians to the Cau- casus. According to this, Russia has laid the foundations of a colonial administration in the Caucasus by annexing Georgia to its territory. The Russian forces, which besieged Ganja fortress, entered the fortress in January 1804. The Ganja Khanate was conquered by the Russians with its land. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire, which was open to France and Egypt due to the issue and was dealing with the Serbian Revolt that emerged with the provocation of Russia, did not have the power to fight Russia, which wanted to expand its control area in the South Caucasus. The country most disturbed by Russia's spread to the Caucasus region was Iran, which has two thousand years of ties to the region. With the effect of this discomfort, in 1812, while Russia was fighting France in Europe, Iran attacked Russia. However, the Iranian forces, who were defeated in this attack, had to sign a peace treaty in Gulistan, Kara- bakh13 October 1813. According to this agreement, the khanates of Ganja, Karabakh, Sheki, Lankaran, Shamakhi, Baku, , Derbent in the Azerbaijani land located in the north of the Aras Stream were con- sidered to belong to Russia. Russia considered the Russian-Iranian war years of 1804-1813 and 1826-1828 and the periods that followed the- se years as an opportunity to change the demographic structure of the Caucasus. After the Turkmencay Treaty, the Karabakh Turkmenchay Treaty contained a provision that allowed the peoples of both Iran and Russia to migrate to wherever they wanted within a year. Russia, which

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 27 LAND SPOT OF HUMAN HISTORY: THETHE HOCALI GENOCIDE is trying to achieve population supremacy in Azerbaijan, evaluated the relevant provision of agreements with both Iran and the Ottoman Empi- re as an opportunity in this context. In this context, Russia encouraged Armenians, who were the subjects of Iran and Ottoman states, to migra- te to the Caucasus, based on the provisions of the agreement. For the purpose of encouragement, Armenians who migrated to the region were exempted from tax for 20 years with a law enacted in 1828, while public lands were allocated by the state to Armenians who migrated; Private land owned by the Muslim population was also purchased. The native "Muslim" population in the mountainous part of Karabakh was forced to migrate to other regions in cooperation with the Armenians. Russia received great support from the Armenian Clergy, who added a sacred atmosphere to the immigration event in implemen- ting and organizing these settlement policies. Turkey, as in the Cauca- sus in general, has tried to pursue a foreign policy that could create a regional peace and solution. Turkey OSCE Minsk23 group had recei- ved assurances towards recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh as an auto- nomous region within Azerbaijan of official status and requested not to be allowed to destroy the legitimacy of using violence. Meanwhile, Turkey, Armenia occupied the Azerbaijani towns and villages and the withdrawal from Lachin insisted on the matter. He had some meetings with Armenia to establish political relations. All Soviet republics and Turkey on the one hand is working with two tries to develop multila- teral relations on the other hand to be a party to the bilateral dispute between these countries. Nagorno-Karabakh problem, Turkey's Arme- nian origin to face the new security threats and the Soviet Union after the Caucasus and Central Asia in political, economic, their efforts to make cultural and military expansion has been a matter affecting seri- ously. In the post-Soviet period, changes in the interests of regional and non-regional states (especially Russia, Iran and the USA) place the Na- gorno-Karabakh problem at the focal point of the geopolitical struggle

28 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rümeysa ATASEVEN in a wide geography extending from the Caucasus and from there to Central Asia. TurkeyAzerbaijan declared its independence after being on the field of education, particularly in technical and cultural with the- se countries has entered relations into the effort to keep alive. This situation arises from the idea of saving Azerbaijan from Rus- sia's influence as well as the desire to improve bilateral relations. In January 1990, hot clashes took place between and Arme- nians. In this context, as a result of the Armenians opening fire on two Turkish settlements in the region on January 12, 1990, 12 people died and 22 people were captured by the Armenians. Carried out by the Ar- menians in Baku on 13 January 1990, an attack one Azerbaijani Turk was killed and one was seriously injured. Two Azerbaijanis were attacked with an ax, and one was killed and the other was seriously injured. As a result of this news reaching a large meeting held at that time, a counterattack was organized and a total of 34 people, mostly Armenians, died during this attack. The Mos- cow administration declared a state of emergency in Baku and many regions of Azerbaijan (including NSA), citing that the developments were dangerous. On January 20, 1990, Red Army units of 20,000 sol- diers attacked Baku from air, land and sea and instead of the Minister of Defense Yazov and the Minister of the Interior Who led the operati- on, several hundred people died and 700 were injured as a result of the operation. During this period, the Organization Committee was estab- lished in Azerbaijan to solve the Karabakh problem and V. Polyaniçko, who had an important position in the Azerbaijan Communist Party, was appointed as the chairman of this committee. Although the Organizati- on Committee tried to resolve the problem in the beginning, it lost its influence in the following process.was held on March 17, 1991 in order to ensure the continuity of the unity in the administrations of the USSR A dubious referendum. On August 19-21, 1991, there was a coup d'etat in Moscow. This coup made it inevitable for Azerbaijan to declare its

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 29 LAND SPOT OF HUMAN HISTORY: THETHE HOCALI GENOCIDE independence and resulted in a new presidential election in Armenia. During the negotiations held during Levon Ter Petrosyan's rule, a framework for a gradual solution was drawn with the Azerbaijani side. During the meetings, seven of which a significant portion of the drain of the occupiers of Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan reopening of the closed border with Armenia was on the agenda. After these deve- lopments, it was decided that the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh Auto- nomous Region should be a matter of discussion. Levon-Ter Petrosyan, the President of Armenia, was seen in a positive attitude with the Prog- ressive Solution Plan after the long peace negotiations. The positive attitude of the Armenian president increased the hopes for a solution. However, Levon-Ter Petrosyan had to take a step back under the pres- sure of the internal opposition and Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian gangs. Being unable to withstand the pressure of the uncompromising internal opposition and the Diaspora Armenians abroad, Petrosyan had to resign from the presidency. In a sense, Petrosyan's resignation meant returning to the head again in the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In 1991, while Azerbaijan took important steps towards independence, the Armenians of Karabakh declared themselves as the "Artsakh Armenian Republic". The Azerbaijani parliament reacted harshly on the grounds that such a situation was unconstitutional. As a result of the Armenians attacking the villages in the Shahumyan region, Yeltsin and the Presi- dent of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev attempted to solve the problem in the Caucasus city of Zheleznovodsk on September 24, 1991,two between the countries. According to this agreement, there will be a ceasefire, Armenia; It will accept that Karabakh belongs to Azerbai- jan, and some opportunities will be provided for the people of the regi- on to govern themselves. On 20 November 1991, theAzerbaijan to cea- sefire was not a helicopter with Russian and Kazakh observers invited to prove that the complied with, was dropped by the Armenians. This event prompted the Azerbaijani administration to take some measures.

30 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rümeysa ATASEVEN

The first of these measures is the closure of the railway that reaches Armenia. In addition, Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet abolished the current status of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region in its meeting on 26 November 1991 and connected the districts that formed it directly to Baku. However, this situation led to the lack of results from the peace negotiations. These developments reveal that Armenia and Azerbaijan are farther away than ever regarding the determination of the future status of Nagorno Karabakh. The Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which was established in 1992 to find a solution to the Karabakh problem, also did not get a concrete result for the solution of the problem. The different expectati- ons of the Azerbaijani and Armenian public votes are one of the impor- tant reasons for the problem not being resolved. In 1994, the US, Russia and France were appointed as OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. Belarus, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and the par- ties to the conflict with Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia, are the other members of the Minsk Group. Turkey's co-chairmanship in the Minsk Group supports Azerbaijan, Armenia opposed it. The Minsk Group has led the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan since 1992. The UN has also made many attempts to solve the problem. Today, while Baku maintains its determination on territorial integrity; Yerevan draws attention to the right of nations to self-determination. The mainstay of Azerbaijan's position is that Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan. In this context, Baku does not favor the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh administration to be a party to a solution. Result; The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict emerges as one of the most de- vastating regional wars after the Cold War, which started before the collapse of the Soviet Union and turned into an independent inter-state conflict after the dissolution of the union. During the war, 1 million


Azerbaijani citizens became refugees and 20% of Azerbaijani territory was occupied by Armenians. After the independence of Azerbaijan and Armenia and the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh expressing it- self as the "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic", Karabakh, which was the internal problem of the Soviet Union,has become an international prob- lem. The Nagorno-Karabakh problem is seen as an important prob- lem that prevents political stability, economic growth and realization of regional cooperation in the Caucasus. Turkey, its relations with the- se countries into adopting policies that are in compliance with good neighborly relations with Armenia's desire to put on a normal course. However, Armenia's basic principles of international law and UN Se- curity Council resolutions and to comply with Turkey, with the hostile attitude exhibited by the Armenian diaspora is guaranteed by the two countries' relations. In addition, Turkey, Armenia this attitude of our country hopes to reach the conclusion that creates obstacles in establis- hing diplomatic relations. The Karabakh problem is in a situation that threatens the security of the region in the center of the South Caucasus today as in the past. Although the problem seems to be an Azerbaija- ni-Armenian conflict, there is a high perception that there is a Christi- an-Muslim conflict at the root of the problem. Today, the parties gain by identifying their ideas with the regional interests of the global powers. On the other hand, the international public cannot fulfill the political initiative required to solve the problem. Trying to take advantage of this situation, Armenia has gradually shaped Nagorno-Karabakh as a state and brought it to the point of separation. Accordingly, the problem is moving towards a point that is not getting better for Azerbaijan. Loo- king at the statements of Azerbaijani leaders, it is clear that Azerbaija- nis will not fail to take steps that can be considered suicide. Therefore, a conflict area that can include the entire Caucasus seems inevitable. Will a solution-oriented agreement be reached in the Nagorno-Karabakh is-

32 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rümeysa ATASEVEN sue? As a result today's Azerbaijan-Turkey-ongoing between Armenia is nearly two centuries old with the name issue "Armenian Question" and "Karabakh conflict, particularly the Russians appear to be an arti- ficial problem created by the imperialist powers to be. In our opinion, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan will continue in a long-term ceasefire and occasional clashes. REFERENCES [1] (Gökçe, 1979:5). [2] (Aslanlı, 2001:393; Yalçınkaya, 2006:130) [3] (Yıldırım, Özönder, 1991:3).



Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ

Hardan became yours, our Karabakh? Does his name love its owner? They do not give it wit but soil with they seal the blood and take it by force Bahtiyar VAHAPZADE

Nagorno-Karabakh problem, XIX. It has survived until today as a continuation of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict that took place at the beginning of the century. The two-century-old problem between Azerbaijan and Armenia is essentially XVIII. It is an artificial problem created in the early century in line with Russia's policies regarding the region. Accordingly, XVIII. Since the 19th century, the demographic structure of the region has been turned upside down in line with the expansionist policies of Russia, and the region in question has been made problematic. Today,Armeniatogether with 20% of Azerbaijan's land, without any legal basis, is Nagorno-Karabakh, which is occupied by,one of the problems awaiting a solution in the agenda of the United Organization. With the claim of "Great Armenia", the region that was detached from Azerbaijan and occupied was de facto included within

34 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ the borders of the Republic of Armenia.living in this region More than one million Azerbaijani Turkswere driven from their homelands. To- day, disputes in the Nagorno-Karabakh region are based on different reasons, geographically and historically, between the parties. For this reason, our study will primarily focus on the geographical and demographic characteristics of the region in order to determine the underlying causes of the conflict in the region in question. In addition, the historical background of the region and the dominant elements in the region will be discussed. After drawing a general framework about the region, XVIII. The processes that have dominated the region since the middle of the century will be discussed in terms of certain historical periods. In this way, any issue, which is a settlement and balance policy within Russia itself,the whole over the years by overcoming Azerbaijan and Armenia's answer will be sought for the question has become a re- gional problem that has been on the agenda of world. Geographically, the mountainous region extending from the Ta- man peninsula in the east of the Karabakh Black Sea to the Absheron peninsula in the west of the Caspian Sea is called the Caucasus. The east of the Caucasus is in the Asian continent and the west is in the European continent. On the other hand, Karabakh is located in the regi- on in the south east of the Caucasus mountains.both during the Soviet Union period and in previous periods Nagorno-Karabakh, which was accepted as a part of Azerbaijan in every aspect, constitutes about a quarter of the former Karabakh pro- vince. However, those who deal with the issue today call the region briefly as "Garabagh". Karabakh with an area of 4392 km2 is geographically in the wes- tern part of the Azerbaijan Republic; Kür is a place consisting of the mountainous region between the Aras Rivers and Gökçe Lake, which is within the borders of Armenia today, and the plains connected to this

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 35 AZERBAIJAN'S BLEEDING WOUND, MOUNTAIN KARABAKH region. Until the occupation of the region by Armenia in the 1990s, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region was completely surrounded by Azerbaijani territories and has no border with any other country. However, today it cannot be said that the economic situation of Kara- bakh is very good. The economy of the region, where the terrestrial climate is domi- nant, is based on a limited number of fruits, grains and livestock, and there are also small-scale industrial facilities in the region. Although the Karabakh region is economically limited, it has a geopolitical impor- tance that can control Armenia and Iran due to its geographical location. For this reason, the dispute over the region in question can be evaluated as historical and political based rather than economic. Pre-Turkmen- cay Treaty Garabagh XVIII. Towards the end of the century, the South Caucasus region was in a politically complicated situation. After the death of Nadir Shah Afshar in 1747, the central authority in the Cau- casus and Azerbaijan region weakened and the region was divided into khanates. During this period, nearly twenty khanates emerged only in Azerbaijan. Among the mentioned khanates, the most influential was the Karabakh Khanate, which was under the administration of Saraçlı tribes, one of the Turkish tribes. These khanates Safe until the Russian occupation of 1848 continued their existence with the balance policy between theState and the Ottoman Empire; they acted independently in their internal and external affairs. Neither during the Seljuk period and during the khanates, when the independence movement in the region began, there was no momentary or any political movement belonging to the Armenians in the region. This situation is considered as a sign that the Armenian population is small and dispersed in the region and that the Armenian population does not have an ethnic identity. For Russia, the Caucasus is seen as an important geography in terms of the policy of landing in the warm seas, as well as being a buffer zone to the Iranian and Ottoman borders. During the reign of Tsar Peter I (1722) , the Rus-

36 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ sians descended on the Caspian coast and reached the Caucasus through the Shirvan Khanate. A force under the command of Köprülü Abdullah Pasha was sent to the Azerbaijani khanates, which demanded help from the Ottoman Empire in the face of the Russian advance, and the South Caucasus region was largely connected to the Ottoman Empire. However, with the annexation of Crimea to Russia as a result of the Ottoman-Russian War (1768-1774), the demographic structure in the Caucasus region began to change in favor of the Russians. The de- velopments that started with the annexation of Georgia by Russia in 1801 became a turning point in the spread of the Russians to the Cau- casus. According to this, Russia has laid the foundations of a colonial administration in the Caucasus by annexing Georgia to its territory. The Russian forces, which besieged Ganja fortress, entered the fortress in January 1804. The Ganja Khanate was conquered by the Russians with its land. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire, which was open to France and Egypt due to the issue and was dealing with the Serbian Revolt that emerged with the provocation of Russia, did not have the power to fight Russia, which wanted to expand its control area in the South Caucasus. The country most disturbed by Russia's spread to the Caucasus region was Iran, which has two thousand years of ties to the region. With the effect of this discomfort, in 1812, while Russia was fighting France in Europe, Iran attacked Russia. However, the Iranian forces, who were defeated in this attack, had to sign a peace treaty in Gulistan, Kara- bakh13 October 1813. According to this agreement, the khanates of Ganja, Karabakh, Sheki, Lankaran, Shamakhi, Baku, Quba, Derbent in the Azerbaijani land located in the north of the Aras Stream were con- sidered to belong to Russia. Russia considered the Russian-Iranian war years of 1804-1813 and 1826-1828 and the periods that followed the- se years as an opportunity to change the demographic structure of the Caucasus. After the Turkmencay Treaty, the Karabakh Turkmenchay Treaty contained a provision that allowed the peoples of both Iran and


Russia to migrate to wherever they wanted within a year. Russia, which is trying to achieve population supremacy in Azerbaijan, evaluated the relevant provision of agreements with both Iran and the Ottoman Empi- re as an opportunity in this context. In this context, Russia encouraged Armenians, who were the subjects of Iran and Ottoman states, to migra- te to the Caucasus, based on the provisions of the agreement. For the purpose of encouragement, Armenians who migrated to the region were exempted from tax for 20 years with a law enacted in 1828, while public lands were allocated by the state to Armenians who migrated; Private land owned by the Muslim population was also purchased. The native "Muslim" population in the mountainous part of Karabakh was forced to migrate to other regions in cooperation with the Armenians. Russia received great support from the Armenian Clergy, who added a sacred atmosphere to the immigration event in implemen- ting and organizing these settlement policies. Turkey, as in the Cauca- sus in general, has tried to pursue a foreign policy that could create a regional peace and solution. Turkey OSCE Minsk23 group had recei- ved assurances towards recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh as an auto- nomous region within Azerbaijan of official status and requested not to be allowed to destroy the legitimacy of using violence. Meanwhile, Turkey, Armenia occupied the Azerbaijani towns and villages and the withdrawal from Lachin insisted on the matter. He had some meetings with Armenia to establish political relations. All Soviet republics and Turkey on the one hand is working with two tries to develop multila- teral relations on the other hand to be a party to the bilateral dispute between these countries. Nagorno-Karabakh problem, Turkey's Arme- nian origin to face the new security threats and the Soviet Union after the Caucasus and Central Asia in political, economic, their efforts to make cultural and military expansion has been a matter affecting seri- ously. In the post-Soviet period, changes in the interests of regional and non-regional states (especially Russia, Iran and the USA) place the Na-

38 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ gorno-Karabakh problem at the focal point of the geopolitical struggle in a wide geography extending from the Caucasus and from there to Central Asia. TurkeyAzerbaijan declared its independence after being on the field of education, particularly in technical and cultural with the- se countries has entered relations into the effort to keep alive. This situation arises from the idea of saving Azerbaijan from Rus- sia's influence as well as the desire to improve bilateral relations. In January 1990, hot clashes took place between Azerbaijanis and Arme- nians. In this context, as a result of the Armenians opening fire on two Turkish settlements in the region on January 12, 1990, 12 people died and 22 people were captured by the Armenians. Carried out by the Ar- menians in Baku on 13 January 1990, an attack one Azerbaijani Turk was killed and one was seriously injured. Two Azerbaijanis were attacked with an ax, and one was killed and the other was seriously injured. As a result of this news reaching a large meeting held at that time, a counterattack was organized and a total of 34 people, mostly Armenians, died during this attack. The Mos- cow administration declared a state of emergency in Baku and many regions of Azerbaijan (including NSA), citing that the developments were dangerous. On January 20, 1990, Red Army units of 20,000 sol- diers attacked Baku from air, land and sea and instead of the Minister of Defense Yazov and the Minister of the Interior Who led the operati- on, several hundred people died and 700 were injured as a result of the operation. During this period, the Organization Committee was estab- lished in Azerbaijan to solve the Karabakh problem and V. Polyaniçko, who had an important position in the Azerbaijan Communist Party, was appointed as the chairman of this committee. Although the Organizati- on Committee tried to resolve the problem in the beginning, it lost its influence in the following process.was held on March 17, 1991 in order to ensure the continuity of the unity in the administrations of the USSR A dubious referendum. On August 19-21, 1991, there was a coup d'etat

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 39 AZERBAIJAN'S BLEEDING WOUND, MOUNTAIN KARABAKH in Moscow. This coup made it inevitable for Azerbaijan to declare its independence and resulted in a new presidential election in Armenia. During the negotiations held during Levon Ter Petrosyan's rule, a framework for a gradual solution was drawn with the Azerbaijani side. During the meetings, seven of which a significant portion of the drain of the occupiers of Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan reopening of the closed border with Armenia was on the agenda. After these deve- lopments, it was decided that the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh Auto- nomous Region should be a matter of discussion. Levon-Ter Petrosyan, the President of Armenia, was seen in a positive attitude with the Prog- ressive Solution Plan after the long peace negotiations. The positive attitude of the Armenian president increased the hopes for a solution. However, Levon-Ter Petrosyan had to take a step back under the pres- sure of the internal opposition and Nagorno-Karabakh Armenian gangs. Being unable to withstand the pressure of the uncompromising internal opposition and the Diaspora Armenians abroad, Petrosyan had to resign from the presidency. In a sense, Petrosyan's resignation meant returning to the head again in the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In 1991, while Azerbaijan took important steps towards independence, the Armenians of Karabakh declared themselves as the "Artsakh Armenian Republic". The Azerbaijani parliament reacted harshly on the grounds that such a situation was unconstitutional. As a result of the Armenians attacking the villages in the Shahumyan region, Yeltsin and the Presi- dent of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev attempted to solve the problem in the Caucasus city of Zheleznovodsk on September 24, 1991,two between the countries. According to this agreement, there will be a ceasefire, Armenia; It will accept that Karabakh belongs to Azerbai- jan, and some opportunities will be provided for the people of the regi- on to govern themselves. On 20 November 1991, theAzerbaijan to cea- sefire was not a helicopter with Russian and Kazakh observers invited to prove that the complied with, was dropped by the Armenians. This

40 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ event prompted the Azerbaijani administration to take some measures. The first of these measures is the closure of the railway that reaches Armenia. In addition, Azerbaijan Supreme Soviet abolished the current status of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region in its meeting on 26 November 1991 and connected the districts that formed it directly to Baku. However, this situation led to the lack of results from the peace negotiations. These developments reveal that Armenia and Azerbaijan are farther away than ever regarding the determination of the future status of Nagorno Karabakh. The Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which was established in 1992 to find a solution to the Karabakh problem, also did not get a concrete result for the solution of the problem. The different expectati- ons of the Azerbaijani and Armenian public votes are one of the impor- tant reasons for the problem not being resolved. In 1994, the US, Russia and France were appointed as OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. Belarus, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and the par- ties to the conflict with Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia, are the other members of the Minsk Group. Turkey's co-chairmanship in the Minsk Group supports Azerbaijan, Armenia opposed it. The Minsk Group has led the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan since 1992. The UN has also made many attempts to solve the problem. Today, while Baku maintains its determination on territorial integrity; Yerevan draws attention to the right of nations to self-determination. The mainstay of Azerbaijan's position is that Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan. In this context, Baku does not favor the so-called Nagorno-Karabakh administration to be a party to a solution. Result; The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict emerges as one of the most de- vastating regional wars after the Cold War, which started before the collapse of the Soviet Union and turned into an independent inter-state

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 41 AZERBAIJAN'S BLEEDING WOUND, MOUNTAIN KARABAKH conflict after the dissolution of the union. During the war, 1 million Azerbaijani citizens became refugees and 20% of Azerbaijani territory was occupied by Armenians. After the independence of Azerbaijan and Armenia and the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh expressing it- self as the "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic", Karabakh, which was the internal problem of the Soviet Union,has become an international prob- lem. The Nagorno-Karabakh problem is seen as an important prob- lem that prevents political stability, economic growth and realization of regional cooperation in the Caucasus. Turkey, its relations with the- se countries into adopting policies that are in compliance with good neighborly relations with Armenia's desire to put on a normal course. However, Armenia's basic principles of international law and UN Se- curity Council resolutions and to comply with Turkey, with the hostile attitude exhibited by the Armenian diaspora is guaranteed by the two countries' relations. In addition, Turkey, Armenia this attitude of our country hopes to reach the conclusion that creates obstacles in establis- hing diplomatic relations. The Karabakh problem is in a situation that threatens the security of the region in the center of the South Caucasus today as in the past. Although the problem seems to be an Azerbaija- ni-Armenian conflict, there is a high perception that there is a Christi- an-Muslim conflict at the root of the problem. Today, the parties gain by identifying their ideas with the regional interests of the global powers. On the other hand, the international public cannot fulfill the political initiative required to solve the problem. Trying to take advantage of this situation, Armenia has gradually shaped Nagorno-Karabakh as a state and brought it to the point of separation. Accordingly, the problem is moving towards a point that is not getting better for Azerbaijan. Loo- king at the statements of Azerbaijani leaders, it is clear that Azerbaija- nis will not fail to take steps that can be considered suicide. Therefore, a conflict area that can include the entire Caucasus seems inevitable. Will

42 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Av. Mehmet Fatih ÖNSÖZ a solution-oriented agreement be reached in the Nagorno-Karabakh is- sue? As a result today's Azerbaijan-Turkey-ongoing between Armenia is nearly two centuries old with the name issue "Armenian Question" and "Karabakh conflict, particularly the Russians appear to be an arti- ficial problem created by the imperialist powers to be. In our opinion, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan will continue in a long-term ceasefire and occasional clashes. REFERENCES [1] (Gökçe, 1979:5). [2] (Aslanlı, 2001:393; Yalçınkaya, 2006:130) [3] (Yıldırım, Özönder, 1991:3).



Elnur Paşa

There will be those who despise you, those who do not unders- tand you will be tomorrow as it is today. Don't mind them, I know you don't mind anyway. We do not dismiss those who do not understand, because they are not of us, but we are for you, we are with you, O brave who finished the unfinished business. But do not think everything is over, this fight will continue until the right of the innocent is delivered, until justice is served, if necessary, until the end. Our distant villages, like the village of Aliabad where you were born one day, will have your picture on all the houses and all the gates. But now he is waiting for us, suffering the sorrow of his contaminated land. Karabakh is angry with us, we are Mubarak. You awakened a sleepy soul, you took us to the past. You reminded our ancestors and reminded our people who fought in the 1st Karabakh war, who were martyrs and veterans who learned lessons from them. Refresh our soul We are blessed. You gave us such a slap in your martyrdom that we remembered our essence thanks to you. Good luck to you. We are blessed. Do you know what you remind us of? In fact, you reminded us that we have souls, not occupied lands, and the sense of unity we need for years. You saved our soul, our National Armyland will save our. You did the hard thing, Blessed. You have become the hope of our martyred mothers and fathers who buried their grief and tears. All the mothers of martyrs cried to the- ir children that day like your mother, Shamama, you were martyred and

44 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Elnur Paşa they were martyred again. Mothers cried to you, We are blessed. Ağa- kerim, who said I have three sons, one of which should be sacrificed to the Fatherland, was the language of all martyred fathers who took the pain of their father. By saying 'Don't cry to my martyr, be blessed', Ağakerim reminded us of the glory of the martyr father at the time of the ceasefire. May we be blessed. They did not see you playing at the toy wedding, you played for the first and last time at a wedding in your childhood, the air you played was the 'Azerbaijani Military' anthem: 'Donmez back, hey, don't come back, Azerbaijan Soldier'. He visited his family 14 days before his death. Maybe he wanted to be a secret halal, who knows. A sacrifice was sacrificed upon his arrival and distributed to those in need. Then he became a victim to his beloved Fatherland. May the victim be accepted, We are blessed. A few days before he was martyred, he frequently called his family, even changing his voice to his father to get accustomed to the news of his death. He even says that I am Mubarak's friend, your son went to the enemy, he went to war. He could not bear his father's groan, and then explained: 'My father is my Blessed, sorry, I joked'. How could his family know the last sentences of Mubarak, who said in the last phone call, "Do not skip your mother worship, pray a lot and distribute alms and marry the children ''. And a letter that remained after him, and a bit- ter memory: My dear father and mother. Don't feel sorry for me. I hope we will meet in heaven. Pray for me a lot. My heart no longer endures the hard days of our country. I have to do this for the sake of Allah. I will go on the dishonest people until I am martyred. If I am martyred, do not cry. On the contrary, rejoice for being honored to that office. Fulfill your worship of Allah fully. Give lots of charity. I have to do this as Seyid's grandson. God is great. Thanks to Vatan. We are your son Blessed. Halal your right. Born on February 7, 1988, Mubariz died on June 19, 2010. How happy you are to have such children. Have a good eye, Azerbaijan!



Ömer Burak SERT

Introduction. With the occupation of Azerbaijan1920, Azerbaijani Turks were subjected to many assimilation policies for seventy years. By targe- ting national identities, their history and identity were wanted to be forgotten, and at the same time, an intensive Russification activity was implemented as a state policy. At the same time, especially the intelle- ctuals were massacred so that a possible revolt was prevented. In the 1970s, in an environment where many things about Turkishness were forbidden and even two people were not able to come together and dis- cuss an issue about Turkishness, Abulfez Elcibey managed to gather the independence desire and belief of the Azerbaijan Turks under one roof. More precisely, thanks to his leadership qualities, the people na- turally gathered around Elcibey; It fought for a free and independent Azerbaijan. Elcibey, who made great efforts to keep the independent Azerbaijan, which was established after a difficult period of struggle and to ensure its future, took the result of this effort in a short time, but unfortunately, he was dismissed by a Russian-supported coup.that Hey- darwho took office it would not be wrong to say Aliyev did not follow the line Elcibey set.

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In the study, the process of Elcibey from birth to death will be examined in chronological order, and especially the activities carried out on independence starting from the university age will be examined. The activities of Elçibey, who preserved the national line he had in the past during his presidency, will be mentioned. 1. During his University Years Elcibey Ebulfez Elcibey was born on 24 June 1938 in Halil Yurdu plateau of Keleki Village in Nakhchivan. About Elcibey's middle scho- ol ages, his brother Almurat Bey said, "In those years, they called him" nation "in the school and in the village, nobody would call him Ebulfez, they would call him nation." used expressions. The reason why he was addressed in this way was undoubtedly because of the idea of nationa- lism that was taking shape in the world of mind in those years. So much so that, later on, Elchibey stated that his teachers at the secondary school in Ordubad had a great role in shaping his worldview.Azerbaijan State University,in 1957, in These years are of great importance for Elçibey, who started his education in the Department of Language and Literature of the Sarkşunaslik Faculty Terms of meeting the ideas of Mehmet Emin Resulzade and the formation of the idea of national inde- pendence in him. During the university period, they came together with their friends and held discussions on historical and political issues, and as a result, they were convinced that their nations were slaves and their countries were established. During this period, Elcibey and his friends decided to fight for national liberation and started to work for this in an amateur way. This Theme is activity of one of the most important steps that led Azerbaijan to independence on the path initiated by Resulzade. So much so that Azerbaijan will be a free and independent state when this movement expands further and brings together the masses around itself, creating great excitement and belief. After Elcibey's university graduation, he returned to Azerbaijan after a short period of translation in Moscow and Egypt and completed his doctoral dissertation entitled Tolunoğulları State in 1969.


After Elcibey's university graduation, he returned to Azerbaijan after a short period of translation in Moscow and Egypt and completed his doctoral dissertation entitled Tolunoğulları State in 1969. Subsequ- ently, he started teaching at the university. Considering his duty not as an ordinary profession, but as an important point that will train young people who will serve the struggle for independence, Elcibey carried out activities to raise national awareness among these students and to awaken the awareness of Turkishness. - He explained that it would be demolished in 1986 and that they should be ready for this situation and that they should seek to serve the nation when the need arises. Upon his refusal, his home was searched and he himself was arrested. During the search, many articles were found in his house. One of the striking ones among these writings is a part of Nihal Atsız's will to his son Yağmur: “My son Yağmur! Today, half of your age is okay, and I finished my own will. Earn my counsel in your ear. Be a good Turk! Communism is our enemy. Know this well! You see how many enemies we have. Get ready for battle! God bless you! " Elcibey was tried in the same court and sentenced to one year and six months in prison. Elcibey, who will spend the first six months of his sentence lying in KGB prisons, will complete his sentence by working in quarries for the remaining one year. Essentially, Elcibey could have been sentenced to ten years. This was the punishment for his "crime". However the Administration in Azerbaijan was afraid of Moscow and the occurrence of such an inde- pendence movement in Azerbaijan, the penalty was kept low because they didn't want it to be aware of. The words of the intelligence chief who conducted the investi- gation at that time about Elcibey are striking: “The damage this man, who seduced hundreds of students,his propaganda about Soviet Russia, regardless of the university, tea garden, cafeteria, street, street, on the Russian nation and the Soviet caused State, even if America spent mil- lions of dollars. . ” As can be understood from these words, the Soviet

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Union is aware of the "danger" created by Elcibey and will not hesitate to take all kinds of measures to eliminate this danger. Elcibey, who was released on 17 July 1976, wanted to return to the university, but this request was not accepted, but after a while he was able to find a job as an officer at the Institute of Manuscripts at the Academy of Sciences. Although he did not look very warm before,on September 28, 1979 he married Halime Hanım. From this marriage they will have two children named Çilenay and Erturgut. Now a critical period has entered for both Elchibey and Azerbaijan Turks. A handful of people who do not return from the path they believe despite the many threats and dangers they have overcome will eventually become larger crowds and as a result of this, after a difficult struggle for independence, a free and independent Azerbaijan will be built. 2. National Liberation Movement. The developments that took place with the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev to the Presidency of the Soviet Union are of great importan- ce for the fate of the independence movements. The perestroika policy that Gorbachev started to implement has resulted in a softening of the hardness of the state and, as a natural result, paved the way for indepen- dence movements. The first dissolution occurred in the Baltic countries and the na- tions established popular fronts in these countries to gain their inde- pendence.Although the first examples of popular fronts were encoun- tered in these countries, it was stated that these were an example for the Azerbaijani People's Front, but Elchibey partially rejected this idea. Speaking at the Manuscripts Institute of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences on September 12, 1989, Elchibey confirmed that the ideal of the popular front did not emerge from them for the first time and that it was present in many parts of the Soviet Union, but stated that they were not under the influence of the popular fronts established- befo re them.10 In fact, Azerbaijan The effects of the Garabagh incidents

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 49 THE NATIONAL LIBERTY MOVEMENT IN AZERBAIJAN AND THE ROLE OF EBULFEZ ELCİBEY in the occurrence of the liberation movement in Armenia's attack on Karabakh in order to acquire land caused indignation among the pe- ople and a national awakening. On 17 November 1987, approximately five hundred thousand people attended the protest rally organized by the Dormitory Student Union formerly known as Lenin, now known as Freedom Square, and the meeting continued uninterrupted for eighteen days. On the 5th of December, Soviet soldiers intervened harshly in the rally and even Elchibey was injured there. However, Elchibey and his friends were arrested, but this time the public's reaction was harsh and they were released with the intervention of Gorbachev, who was afraid of this reaction. After the meeting, the people wanted to establish a po- pular front. As a result of this high favor, the founding conference of the Azerbaijan People's Front (AHC) was held on July 16, 1989 and thus the Azerbaijan People's Front was established.11 Isa Gamber, one of the prominent figures of the Azat movement different forces establishment of the AHC, stated that it was of great importance to bring together into the has. The leader of the AHC, which was founded in order to act in a more systematic and planned manner, was the leader of the AHC, Ebulfez Elcibey, who was the name of the people around which the masses naturally gather. has been. In the announced program of the AHC, it is written that the main objectives are the establishment of an independent, evident, democratic Azerbaijan state. Apart from this, the establishment of a multi-party political system, transition to a free market economy, the right of personal property, the establishment of the national army, the resolution of the Karabakh issue in favor of Azer- baijan, and the resolution of the South Azerbaijan issue have also been included in the program. Because, in addition to ensuring independen- ce, clearing the occupied territories of Azerbaijan from the invaders and then ensuring the unification of North Azerbaijan and South Azerbaijan and establishing a united Azerbaijan is one of the biggest goals. When

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Azerbaijan declared its independence, it was stated that only a part of Azerbaijan was independent, and South Azerbaijan cannot be said to be fully independent unless it gained independence. He said that Gorbachev did not consent to democratization, and that they wanted to establish their own democracies.15 He saw inde- pendence and democracy side by side and explained their ways as fol- lows: “We have a way, that is democracy. History shows that there is something to keep the world alive and that is right and justice! We have united the democratic movement with the national independence mo- vement. According to him, we are suffering. The greatest desire of each nation is to obtain independence and establish its own state. The people of Azerbaijan are no exception from this aspect. The basis of our path was determined in 1918. This road is the path of Azerbaijani statehood, the path of independence and emancipation. Today, the honor of going on this path has given us the democratic forces of Azerbaijan”. The observation of the awakening of national consciousness in Azerbaijan and the longing for liberation of the Azerbaijan Turks to come together around the AHC and create a great power were followed by the Soviets and were met with discomfort. Some of those who participated in the meetings, meetings and activities since 17 November 1988 were arres- ted; A libel campaign was launched against AHC; some AHC members were dismissed and thus "precautions" were taken. However, this situa- tion in the eyes of the public resulted in higher faith and determination rather than fear, in other words, the Soviet plan was reversed. Seeing that its plans did not work, the Moscow administration resorted to har- sher ways. The Red Army, which entered Baku on January 20, 1990, committed terrible massacres in the city, in the event that is known as the 20 Yanvar Massacre in history. According to Marshal Dmitry Yazov, Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union, the Red Army entered Baku to eliminate the AHC. On January 21, the AHC summoned the Ali Soviet to an extraordinary meeting; At the meeting, it was decided to take the


Red Army out of the city and to establish a commission consisting of deputies to investigate the massacre. As a result of the subsequent investigations of the commission, it wasthat 131 people announced lost their lives, 744 people were injured, 841 people were arrested and 4 people were missing in the massacre. This massacre also prepared the end of the Communist Party. Even the members of the Communist Party did not remain silent and tore their party identity in front of the crowd in the Azatlik Square. 3. Attaining Independence. Muttalibov also supported the plan of the State Committee of Emergency on 19 August 1991 to make a revolution in Moscow and to overthrow Gorbachev, and then Muttalibov's difficulties with the supp- ression of the revolution led him to different pursuits. So much so that on August 23, in order to benefit Gorbachev, he suppressed and destroyed the AHC headquarters and battered many administrators. Thereupon, the public showed an intense reaction and Muttalibov had to take a step back. The name of the Communist Newspaper was changed to People's Newspaper and the name of Lenin Square to Freedom Square and the statue of Lenin was destroyed. Muttalibov was elected president with 98.5% of the votes as a result of the anti-democratic election held on 8 September 1991, but the AHC declared that it did not recognize this government. With the increasing pressure, Muttalibov had to declare the independence of Azerbaijan. Subjected to Russification policies and all kinds of persecution for seventy years, Azerbaijani Turks gained their independence on October 18, 1991. The national liberation movement that developed around the AHC, led by Abulfez Elcibey, was successful and Azerbaijani Turks gained their freedom. However, as we have mentioned before, it would not be correct to state that this is a complete independence as long as

52 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Ömer Burak SERT the South Azerbaijani Turks do not acquire their freedom. It was em- phasized that it was the continuation of the state established under the guidance of Mehmet Emin Resulzade on May 28, 1918, the tricolor flag and words of the national poet Ahmet Cavat, and the composition of Üzeyir Hacıbeyli was accepted as the national anthem on February 26, 1992. The massacre of Armenians in Khojaly with the help of Ar- menians caused a great reaction in Azerbaijan and Elcibey stated that the main cause of this incident was Ayaz Muttalibov. As a result of the demonstrations held on March 6, Muttalibov resigned and the people demonstrated a superior success in claiming both his emancipation and his country. On this issue, Elcibey advocated halting the negotiations and forming a coalition government. becomes possible. Muttalibov has resigned, but both Moscow and himself do not give up easily. The National Assembly, which convened on 14 May, concluded that Muttalibov's resignation was illegal and naturally not valid, and thus the way to return to Muttalibov was opened. However, in this case, Muttalibov was not accepted by the public and was subject to the severe reaction of the AHC. He could not show much resistance and this time he left Azerbaijan for sure. In the days after this develop- ment, the favor shown to Elchibey, both from the public, from the AHC and from the intellectuals, for the presidency continued increasingly. Poet Bahtiyar Vahapzade, in his letter addressed to Elchibey, said, "At the turning point of the history of Azerbaijan, it is a national duty to avoid your candidacy, and your candidacy is a national duty." used exp- ressions. He has adopted a high reputation in the face of unceasing Elc- hibey nomination bid and AHC presidential candidate olmuştur.seçi my present visit to Azerbaijan shortly before the Republic of Turkey Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel and the Nationalist Labor Party Chairman Başbuğumuz has had a significant impact Alparslan Turkes. Particu- larly, the participation of Alparslan Türkeş and Elcibey at the rally in Azatlık Square created great excitement and created a positive effect for


Elcibey before the election. One striking point in the election campaign is that it has been adopted in Azerbaijan,despite the fact that the Latin alphabet has not fully the texts on the posters written in Latin alphabet. Thus, it is gaining strength and the possibility of being prepared ban- ners in Turkey. On the posters mentioned there were the following sta- tements: "Our path is the path of national liberation and democracy."; "Giving voice to Ebulfez Elcibey."; "If we give a voice to Elcibey, there is hope for the future." Elcibey, who won the election held on June 7, 1992 with a big difference, became the first president elected by the Azerbaijani Turks with their free will after about seventy years. When he took the presi- dency, the country had many problems, primarily economy, military, social and bureaucratic. Therefore, he worked overtime to solve these problems and he was successful in many of them. The national policies he put forward became the way out of the bottleneck for Azerbaijan and ensured the gathering of the country in a short time. Undoubtedly, one of his most important actions during his tenure is theRussian Army from removal of theAzerbaijan. This task, which has become a chal- lenging issue, was solved thanks to Elcibey's determined stance. Apart from that, when Eljibey took office, the country was in a de facto state of war, which made the already bad economy even more difficult and difficult to get out of. Elcibey described this burden as follows: “We were fighting. We were spending unlimited on this side. Imagine how much money goes into the air every day of the war. It is not like that, it has gunpowder, grenades, cars, cannons, tanks. Let's say that with three tanks being hit, millions will be thrown into the sky in one day. ” Despite all the difficulties in the economy, Elcibey and his go- vernment did not compromise their promises and made a significant

54 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Ömer Burak SERT distance to bring the country to the flat. The legal foundations of the planned economic reforms have been established and the World Bank's support has been provided in dealing with economic problems; Instead of the ruble, Azerbaijan's national currency, Manat, was put into circulation; Turkish has been accepted as the official langua- ge; The Latin alphabet was adopted;Russia-oriented foreign policy has abandoned beenand steps have been taken to establish national educa- tion. During his tenure, he attached great importance to both ensuring freedoms and the establishment of democracy. So much so that British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher described Elcibey as "Caucasus the greatest democrat in the". A caricature against Elcibey, who portrayed the profile of a leader open to criticism, appeared in one of the newspa- pers and he said about this caricature: “Finally, a newspaper in Azerba- ijan made a caricature of the President. Let other political leaders and societies get used to it and accept it. " According to him, no democratic society can be established unless the press is free. The press should always be free and mobility should not be restricted by prohibitions. His sincere belief has never been interrupted and he always ruled by taking this into account. RESULT. Elcibey, who has not only thought about the liberation of Azerba- ijan since his youth, but also started to work personally, has a great role in this movement's attaining a more systematic character. Because the masses gathered around it were brought together within the body of the AHC and a struggle was fought for freedom. He properly preserved the flag he received from Resulzade. He endured many sufferings, endured tortures and showed the strength to overcome difficulties with his nation. In his own words, El- cibey, a man who was "beaten and cursed all his life", carried all this pain like a medal of honor on his chest. Azerbaijani Turks did not leave

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 55 THE NATIONAL LIBERTY MOVEMENT IN AZERBAIJAN AND THE ROLE OF EBULFEZ ELCİBEY him alone and showed the favor he deserved. However, Elcibey did not want to endanger his nation and stepped aside during the period of his expulsion. His actions in a year may have saved Azerbaijan's long ye- ars or set an example for the next rulers. The love and high respect for him in our country is not without reason. Because it is also a great love with Turkey, the Turkish nationalists. In addition, he had a great deal of love and admiration to see himself as a soldier of Atatürk. Also to be president, his first official visit to Turkey after being elected should not escape attention. The fact that Elcibey stated that the popular movement is still halfway and that it will develop and return to national emancipation is a distance and a legacy for the next generations. I think that the Azerbai- jani Turks will have to cling to this heritage with all their hands and set the path for Resulzade and Elcibey. REFERENCES AÇIKGÖZ Halil, Ebülfez Elçi Bey Azatlık ve Demokrasi, İstan- bul: Veli Yayınları, 1993. ADIGÜZEL Hüseyin, Özbekistan Birlik Halk Hareketi ve Azer- baycan Halk Cephesi, İstanbul: İnsan ve Demokrasi Vakfı, 2000. BİLGİN Taner, Bir Türk Beyi Ebulfez Elçibey, İstanbul: Babıali Kültür Yayıncılığı, 2016. CAFERSOY Nâzim, Elçibey Dönemi Azerbaycan Dış Politikası, Ankara: Avrasya Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2001. ER Turgut, Azadlıktan Tiranlığa [Sanki Stalin ve Beria Hortla- mıştı], Ankara: Tulpars Yayınları, 2016. GÜLER Uğur, Elçibey, İstanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat, 2006. HALİLOVA Hanım, Ebulfez Elçibey ile Bağımsızlığa Giden Yol,

56 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Ömer Burak SERT

İstanbul: Töre-Devlet Yayınları, 2012. KEMALOĞLU Şeyda ve KEMALOĞLU Muhammet, Elçibey’in Düşünceleri ve Kanun Devleti, Ankara: Berikan Yayınları, 2007. SAMEDBEYLİ Akil, Direnişten Bağımsızlığa Elçi Bey [İktidar- dan Devrilme Sebepleri ve Deviren Güçler], İstanbul: Doğu Kü- tüpha-nesi Yayınları, 2017. ŞİMŞİR Bilal, Azerbaycan’ın Yeniden Doğuş Sürecinde Türki- ye-Azerbaycan İlişkileri, Ankara: Bilgi Yayınevi, 2011. TAHİRZADE Adalet, Elçibey’le 13 Saat, İstanbul: Turan Kültür Vakfı, 2001.




Introduction. Due to the interregnum period experienced after the 1402 Ankara War and the trauma of this period to the newly established Ottoman state system, the Ottoman State always regarded the Turkish states in the east as a danger. When it is added to this in the definition of nations through the sect seen in the medieval and new ages, the blood brother of the states in the east has been ignored. The Ottomans had to fight some of their bloodiest battles against Turkish states such as Akkoyunlu and Safevi. As a result of the increasing nationalism thought after the French Revolution, it was understood that the idea of forming all the nations that were subjects of the Ottoman state was an empty dream, Islamism was tried, but it was understood that it would not come true with the revolts and betrayals of the Arabs. With the coming to power of the Party of Union and Progress, relations with other Turkish states, whose Turkism gained value, were developed. In the same period, a close friendship was established with the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which was also established in the Caucasus. The Geographical, religious and importance of Turkism and Turanism ideas in both geographies has rapidly increased as a result of the realization of cultural common values and intellectual unity.

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Azerbaijani politicians, who regarded the political and economic liberation of the Caucasian Turks as getting rid of Russian hegemony, adopted Ismail Gaspirali's understanding of "Unity in Language, Idea, Work". The work "Turkification, Islamization, Modernization" written by Ali Bey Hüseyinzade, who was born in Baku, one of the leading administrators of the Committee of Union and Progress, had a great impact in Azerbaijan. This effect has been so great that the flag used by the Azerbaijan Republic today consists of colors symbolizing these three ideas. Situation in the Caucasus Before the Caucasian Islamic Army. There are two communist structures in Russia, namely the Menshevik and the Bolshevik, before the Russian revolution in 1917. While these structures based on small intellectual differences were initially together, they tried to destroy each other over time. While Georgians occupied an important place in the Menshevik organization in Caucasia, Armenians had reached important points within the Bolshevik organization. This distinction is not a problem at first. Because while Georgians wanted Caucasia, Armenians were planning to establish a state in Eastern Anatolia. However, when the Ottoman Empire exiled the Armenians on the eastern front, their dreams of establishing a state in the region became a dream. When we arrived in 1917, there were Menshevik supporters Georgians, Bolshevik supporters Armenians and Muslim Turks who wanted independence alone in the Caucasus. After the Russian revolution, the Russian army in the region left 2/3 of their weapons to the Armenians and 1/3 to the Georgians. Turks living in the region were left without weapons and ownership. Caucasus attracts the attention of Russians because of Baku Oil. It was important to leave the post-revolution region from the Soviets. Therefore, the Bolshevik Bolshevik Stepan Shaumyan, of Armenian origin, was appointed as the district commissioner. The military base of the region was moved from to Baku.


He gathered the weapons of the Russian army that fled in the region and formed a Dashnak-Bolshevik armed force. He created a power alone in the region by arresting some of the soldiers in the region and killing some of them. However, Shaumyan, who saw that it was not possible to establish the Armenian State he wanted in this region because the population was predominantly Muslim Turks in the region, started a great genocide in March 1918. Although the exact number is not known, around 20 thousand of our brothers were martyred in this genocide that lasted for 4 days between 30 March and 2 April. The fact that this incident was heard in the Turkish world drew great reaction. During this period, the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, established by these three peoples in the region, did not last long. Four months after its establishment, when the Germans declared the patronage of Georgia, first Georgia and then the confederation disintegrated with the departure of the Armenians. Azerbaijani Turks also declared their independence with an announcement they published on 28 May 1918. Establishment of the Caucasian Islamic Army. Azerbaijani Turks did not enlist in the period when they were under Russian rule for about a century. For this reason, he started to lose his military qualifications and did not have the ability to use the technological weapons of the period. In addition to these, they did not have weapons to fight other regional rights. Aware of this situation, the founding leaders of Azerbaijan trusted their brothers, the Ottomans, who stood by their side as the only state they could take refuge in. The Republic of Azerbaijan, which was founded on 28 May 1918, signed a political and military cooperation agreement with the Ottoman Empire a few days later. In addition to financial aid, this agreement gave the newly established state the right to request aid from the Ottoman Empire for its military training. In addition, the 4th article of the agreement states that if Azerbaijan demands, it will o the not only provide training but also

60 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Okan IŞIK send weapons and armyOttoman state. Using this article, Azerbaijani President Mehmet Emin Resulzade requested help from the Ottoman State against the Armenian gangs in Baku. Mehmet Emin Rasulzade has explained the situation: "It is difficult to save the nation from a state that has only one choice: Turkey! That brother nation will come from the enemy's hand and save them. " This article was the rightful and legal basis of the Ottoman State in the process of establishing the Caucasian Islamic Army. With this article, the Azerbaijani government authorized the Ottoman state to stop the genocide and massacres in the Caucasus. The request for help from Azerbaijan came to a very bad time. It was clear that the Ottoman Empire, when the First World War would end, was defeated. The news of failure from the fronts reached Istanbul every day. In such a situation, the Ottomanrequest for help State, especially Enver Pasha, could not remain silent to the. It was difficult for the Ottoman state to assign an army directly, as it fought 7 dowels on 7 different fronts. For this reason, he thought of establishing an army of volunteers. As the commander of the army, he was first asked to Kazım Karabekir Pasha by encrypted letter. After the negative answer, Prince Ömer Faruk was considered, but the Azerbaijani delegation said: “Pasha, I want to speak with you clearly. We Caucasian Turks believe in two forces. God above, Enver below. I heard you have a pasha brother named Nuri. I beg you. Assign Nuri Pasha as the head of the military organization that will go to the Caucasus. Pasha, I see the Prince, whom you appointed the commander of the soldiers who will go to the Caucasus, drinking and dancing in the hall of the Pera Palace hotel every evening. They do not like such situations in the Caucasus. " Upon these words, Enver Pasha's brother Nuri Pasha (Killigil) was appointed as the army commander. Enver Pasha, by publishing 2 orders on June 7 and 9, unified the 3rd and 9th Armies andEastern Armies established theGroup. Ferik Vehip Pasha was appointed as the Commander of the Eastern Armies Group, Esat


Pasha was appointed as the Commander of the 3rd Army and Mirliva Yakup Şevki Pasha was appointed as the Commander of the 9th Army. The most important task of this new army was to support the Caucasian Islamic Army in all matters, and to provide weapons and personnel for the establishment and training of the Azerbaijan Army. It is planned that the majority of the army will consist of soldiers participating voluntarily among Caucasian Muslims. There would be a small number of soldiers who volunteered from Anatolia. While the army was established, it was avoided to use Ottoman and Turkish names in order not to attract Europe's reaction. For this reason, the name "Caucasian Islamic Army" was chosen as the name. The Caucasian Islamic Army, which was officially established with the instruction published by Enver Pasha on April 5, 1918, aimed to provide training and military support. Within this, Nuri Pasha determined the province of Ganja as the first center. Since Baku was occupied by the Soviets, Ganja was chosen as the capital of Azerbaijan. Nuri Pasha's arrival to Gence on 27 May was greeted with enthusiasm by the people. With the declaration of the independence of Azerbaijan on May 28 and the cooperation agreement signed with the Ottoman Empire, the existence of the Caucasian Islamic Armies became legitimate. Nuri Pasha could not find a military structure in Ganja as he hoped. Only 37 people applied for the first mobilization announcement. The Azerbaijan National Corps in Ganja was far from the military system and it was not possible to win a war with it. Nuri Pasha informed Enver Pasha and Vehip Pasha on this situation. The 5th Caucasus Division, consisting of 257 officers and 5575 soldiers, was placed under the command of Nuri Pasha. The Caucasian Islamic Army had its first conflicts with the Armenians in Ganja who did not want to surrender their weapons. However, the sovereignty in the province of Ganja was achieved without any problems. The Battle of Gökçay. The Caucasian Islamic army fought its first major war against

62 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Okan IŞIK the Bolshevik Russians. Fearing that the Turkish army would come to the region, the Bolshevik Baku leader Shaumyan asked the Soviets for help. Thereupon, on June 15, the Soviets sent an army of about 30 battalions to Ganja. Learning that the Bolshevik army was coming, the Caucasian Islamic Army first sent the 28th Turkish battalion as a reconnaissance unit. However, this union has been ambushed. The 29th Turkish battalion, who was sent to aid, had to retreat, suffering great losses as a result of the sudden attack of the Bolsheviks. This defeat caused great sorrow among the Azerbaijani Turks, who attributed all their hopes to the Ottoman Empire. The withdrawing army attacked again on 17 June, near Gökçay Town. As a result of the war that lasted for 13 days, the Bolshevik Russian / Armenian army withdrew with heavy casualties. The Battle of the Salyan. On June 26, a Bolshevik army consisting of around 2 thousand soldiers, 12 machine guns and 6 guns attacked the villages around the Kur River. Thereupon, the Caucasian Islamic Army sent an infantry division to the region. The war that started near Salyan Town on June 284 lasteddays. Turks lost 12 martyrs and 17 injured at the end of the war, while the enemy lost around 600. The victory of Gökçay and Salyan battles caused great joy for all Turks. The small number of Caucasian Islamic Army is trying to protect all Azerbaijan and has achieved successful results. Saving Aksu. After the Salyan War, the Bolsheviks, who were defended on the Kürtemir-Aksu line, had to be completely cleared from the region. For this reason, the Caucasian Islamic Army attacked. However, in this period,cholera epidemic in the region, extreme air temperatures and the clean water the result could not be achieved due to the problems such

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 63 CAUCASUS ISLAMIC ARMY AND BAKU FATİHİ: NURİ PAŞA as the lack of. The attack that started on the morning of July 6 was successful in a short time. Aksu survived the Armenian occupation. Taking Kürtemir. After Aksu, Kürtemir was the next. The detachment under the command of Hasan Bey attacked the Bolshevik army on 8 July. As a result of tough wars, ammunition shortage arose in the Caucasian Islamic Army. More than 28 thousand shells and 87 shells were expended. Ammunition wasn't the only problem. Communication problems arose between the headquarters and the army. There was no regular communication, and orders were delivered late. The Caucasian Islamic Army experienced the bloodiest battles here. Taking this place would open the road to Baku. Knowing this, the Bolsheviks and Armenians try to protect this place with all their might. However, this resistance lasted 6 days. Realizing that they could not hold on to the Caucasian Islamic Army any longer, the enemy unit had to withdraw. Saving Shamakhi. On July 19, the Turkish army attacked Shamakhi. The Bolshevik army could not withstand the attack from the west and south and had to withdraw in a short time. Knowing that the withdrawn soldiers took refuge in Baku, the Caucasian Islamic Army did not succeed, even though it started an extermination movement. After the capture of Shamakhi, 70 km distance remained between Baku and the Turkish army. The Conquest of Baku. Towards the end of July, fear was dominant among the Armenians in Baku. It was taken for granted that the Turks would attack very soon. They had despaired of the Bolsheviks. Some people even suggested that the British be invited to invade Baku. Lenin was definitely saying

64 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Okan IŞIK that if the British need to come to the city, they should be abandoned to the Turks. On July 31, as a result of theCaucasian Islamic Army, Shaumyan, who was afraid,a roll call of the jumped off ferry and tried to escape to the Soviets, but was caught by the Armenians and arrested. Instead, the Middle Caspian Dictatorship, which was made up of anti-Bolshevik Russians and Armenians, took power. Then the British were invited to the city. During this period in Baku there were Bolshevik Russians, Armenians, Mensheviks, Tsarist Russians, British, Germans and Turks who were local people. This was creating an atmosphere of complete confusion. Nuri Pasha, who knew this situation, thought that Baku could be taken even with a small number of soldiers. On the morning of August 5, Nuri Pasha attacked. The first attack was successful. The enemy retreated and established the 2nd line of Defense. However, the attack was left unfinished due to this lack of ammunition. Meanwhile, a British division entered the city. Although the British attacked on 6 August, they had to retreat in a short time. As a result of these attacks, the enemy troops lost around 2 thousand, while the loss of the Turks was 148 martyrs and 463 injured. Nuri Pasha, who did not get full results in the first attack, was more cautious this time. For this reason, the attack did not take place until September. Between September 1-10, the Caucasian Islamic Army carried out small attacks. During this period, 35 thousand people, including 5 thousand Armenians, 20 thousand Russians and 10 thousand British, protected the city, while the population of the Caucasian Islamic Army was 13 thousand. Nuri Pasha ordered the attack again at 1:00 am on September 14. 150 minutes after the attack order, the first line of defense was destroyed. At around 6 o'clock in the morning, the war was going on in the city and street fighting was taking place. Knowing that this situation would increase the casualties, Nuri Pasha withdrew the army. It was well known that the city would fall. Taking advantage of

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 65 CAUCASUS ISLAMIC ARMY AND BAKU FATİHİ: NURİ PAŞA this retreat, the British left the city by boarding ships. The Bolsheviks, who saw the British going, left the city by getting on ships. Only anti- Bolshevik Russians and Armenians remained in the city. Baku Conqueror Nuri Pasha. Nuri Pasha was born on May 05, 1890 in Istanbul. He received Nuri Pasha's primary and military secondary education in the city of Manastir. After living in Thessaloniki for a short time, his family moved to Istanbul. He attended Kuleli Military High School in 1903. He entered the military academy in 1906. He graduated as infantry lieutenant on August 26, 1909. He held various positions. In 1912 he went to Tripoli with his brother Enver Pasha. Firstly under the command of Enver Pasha in Derne, Benghazi and Tobruk regions with the rank of lieutenant; Later, under his uncle Halil Pasha (Kut), he fought against the Italians with local forces in Homs and Mısrata regions. He returned to Istanbul with the Ushi agreement. With the declaration of the First World War, he was sent back to Tripoli, considering his experience in the region. In order to show the importance given to the region by the Sultan, the rank and authorities of Mirlivalık, and then the rank and powers of Honorary Ferik, including carrying the aide's cordon, were given. He fought the Italians by establishing an army with local forces in the region. However, Italians could not be expelled from the region. He then attacked the British to support the Canal front. Although he could not achieve absolute victory in the wars, he was highly appreciated for the heavy casualties he inflicted on the British and Italians. As a result of his successful actions here, he was awarded by the German Emperor with the First Rank Iron Salip Medal, the Ottoman Gold Medal of Merit, the Gold Privilege Medal by the Sultan, the Order of the Osmani with the Swords from the Third Rank, the First Mecidi Order of the Swords. Nuri Pasha, who rooted the British and Italians with the local forces he formed in Tripoli, was assigned to the Caucasian Islamic Army established by Enver Pasha in 1918 to protect the Caucasian Turks.

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When he learned about this duty, he came to Istanbul from Tripoli, learned the details of the mission and then came to Mosul and then to Ganja. He established the Caucasian Islamic Army with the reinforcements given from the Ottoman Army and the forces formed from the local people. He started an offensive in the direction of Baku. As a result of the battles, Gökçay, Salyan, Aksu, Kürtemir and Şamahi were saved respectively. He captured Baku on 15 September. Mondoros came to Istanbul after the Armistice. Here he was arrested and handed over to the British. The British were imprisoned in Batumi. After escaping from Batumi prison, he came to and met with Kazım Karabekir Pasha. Then he went to Azerbaijan and went to Baku. He then returned to the Caucasus in December 1919. After he was defeated by the Bolsheviks in Karabakh in 1920, he crossed into Anatolia with a cavalry regiment and an artillery battery and joined the Corps of Kazım Karabekir Pasha. He first participated in the eastern front wars and then worked in the gun repair shops in Erzurum and Kars. After a while,to İnebolu with his relatives and then to the1921 he moved to Ankara. In particular, he followed the affairs of his brother Enver Pasha, who fought with the Soviet army, in Germany. He returned to Anatolia after Enver Pasha was martyred. He was awarded the Independence Medal for fighting on the Eastern Front. He retired on 04 December 1928 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He stayed in Ankara for a while and engaged in trade. Then he moved to Istanbul and established an ironware factory. Here he produced weapons and ammunition parts, as well as items such as iron flasks, iron rods, stoves. He bought the Metalware Factory in Sütlüce, where the gun, 81 mm. He produced mortars, ammunition, fuzes, aircraft bombs, and destruction molds. He sold the weapons produced during this period both to the Turkish army and to foreign states. He founded a mercury mine in Izmir.


Nuri Pasha is a firm Turkist while doing all these. Nuri Pasha, who had a meeting with the Germans while the Soviets were fighting, gave up after he could not agree with the Germans, although he offered to work for the independence of the Central Asian Turks like his brother Enver Pasha by establishing an army with Turkish soldiers captured in the Soviet army. After this date, the factory focused on business. It sold weapons and arsenals to numerous countries such as Egypt, Pakistan and Syria. On Wednesday, March 2, 1949, at around 16.50, his factory was destroyed by an explosion of unknown cause. Nuri Pasha's body could not be reached except for a few fragmented belongings and it was decided that he died. God rest the soul. REFERENCES. Altunsoy, Y. Caucasian Islamic Army and Baku Victory. Karatay Social Research Journal, (2), 42-91. Steel, MY (2020). TheIndependence Role of the Caucasian Islamic Army in theStruggle of Caucasian Muslims, Karabük UniversitySocial Institute ofSciences, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Karabük 2020 Dumangür, U. (2019)Caucasian IslamicOttoman and Western Press Azerbaijan Operation of theArmy in the(March 1918-August 1918), Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul. Ertürk, Y. (2010).Caucasian Islamic Army in Azerbaijan and Operation of theMountain Range. Journal of Turkish World Studies, (186). Güvenbaş, M.National Power of Azerbaijan Corps

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Role of the Caucasian Islamic Army in the.Military History Studies Journal of, 17 (31), 33-64. Heydarlı K. (2020). Turkish Caucasian Islamic Army and the Azerbaijan Perception of Nuri Pasha inPublic, Trakya University Social Sciences Institute of, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Edirne 2020 Karabekir, K. (2011). First World War Memories. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications. Karaköse, N. (2010). Military, Political and Weapons Industrialist with Nuri Pasha (Killigil), Dokuz Eylül University Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History Institute, Unpublished PhD Thesis, İzmir 2010 Mustafayev, B. (2013).Turkish-Islamic Army In The North Caucasus (Dagestan) Operation (Archive Documents Light – 1917–1919) / About The Operation Of TheAbout The Operation Of Turkish Islamic Army In The North Caucasus (Dagestan) (Under The Luminary Of Archive Documents – 1917–1919). Selcuk University Journal of the Faculty of Letters, (30), 17-40. Archive Documents Regarding the Relations Between Ottoman Empire and Azerbaijani Turkic Khanates Karabakh, Shusha, Nakhichevan, Baku, Ganja, Shirvan, Sheki, Revan, Kuba, Hoy, 1575-1918 Volume: 2, Turkish Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives Publications, Ankara, 1993 Sanic, A. Azerbaijan People's Republic and Caucasian Islamic Army. Gazi Academic Review, 3 (6), 255-257. Sarı, M. Caucasian Executive Directors' Travel to Istanbul and


Caucasus Front (1918) Caucasian Studies-Journal of Social Sciences, 75- 99. Smith, MG (2001). Anatomy Of A Rumor: Murder Scandal, The Party And Narratives Of The Russian Revolution In Baku, 1917--20. Journal Of Contemporary History, 36 (2), 211-240. Yildırır, S. The Operation of the Ottoman Army in Azerbaijan and Dagestan in the First World War-The Independence of Azerbaijan and Dagestan 1918. Journal of Military History Studies, 17 (31), 89-94.

70 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU



“A flag that rises once never lands again” Introduction. The notion of "independence", one of the cornerstones of Turkish nationalism, has undoubtedly blossomed in the minds of every Turk who has narrowed the lines to times. The “Turkish Independence” that every Turk devotes his life to, regardless of geography, from minds to hearts, from hearts to history, and the intellectual struggles for this cause will stand with the responsibility of young generations. "Inde- pendence" is the water of life for every nation. Even its shortcoming for a few years causes great wounds in the conscience of the nation and leaves deep sociological marks on the stage of history. The relation of the Turkish nation with the notion of “independence” is far beyond lite- rary and sociological analyzes, which should shoulder the burden of the world in every period and prolong the handkerchief of “mercy” to the tears of the oppressed even if it is not their own religion or nationality. In this context, the slogan of “freedom for the people, freedom for the nations” by Mehmet Emin Resulzade, the eternal traveler of the Great Turk, is a summary of Turkish philosophy. With the weakening of the Ottoman rule and the occupation of the Caucasus by the Russian and

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 71 THE FOUNDATION OF THE AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC AND MEHMET EMİN RESULZADE masha states for nearly a century, with the Russian Revolution of 1905, the fire of independence fell in the bosom of the nations oppressed by the Russians. However, as we have stated, the fire of independence in the head of the Turk has in fact never died out since the moment it was created. At this point, it would be more accurate to determine that the socio-eco- nomic situation caused by the 1905 Revolution brought the Turkish mo- vement to the field. This struggle for independence in Azerbaijan, under the leadership of Mehmet Emin Resulzade, gained momentum until the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and was victorious on 28 May 1918. Even though Azerbaijan was re-occupied by the Soviets shortly after it became free, the flag raised by Mehmet Emin Bey will never come down. Mehmet Emin Resulzade is one of the great personalities who came out of the bosom of the Turkish nation, made speech with the ink he made wudu from the fountain of science and gave direction to the mental evolution of the nation with the numerous magazines he publis- hed, including Füyuzat, İrşad, Terakki, Dirlik, Yoldaş. Mehmet Emin Resulzade's ideas are the only torch we will keep in our hands to preserve our independence. In order to better absorb these ideas, understand today and direct our future,the environment in which Resulzade lived, his family and the situation of Azerbaijan at that time it is necessary to analyze them. The Life of Mehmet Emin Resulzade and the Establishment of the Azerbaijan People's Republic Mehmet Emin Resulzade was born on the last day of January 1884 in the village of Novhan near Baku. His father is Hacı Molla and his mother is Ziynet Hanım. As his name suggests, he received his first religious and national education from his family as his father was a religious scholar and learned Arabic and Per- sian at a young age.

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After graduating from the Russian-Tatar school, which was the director of Sultan Mecit Ganizade, he went to Baku Technical School, but could not complete his education in this school due to the breadth of the world of imagination and his interest in literature, he could not stand the suffering of his nation and entered the political life to defend the rights of the Turks. In the same period, İsmail Bey was influenced by the usûl-i cedid movement initiated by Gaspıralı, he started to pay more attention to national issues and spend all his time thinking in order to regain the independence of his nation. In 1903 he founded the Azer- baijani Young Revolutionists Association in order to fight against the tyrannical Russian rule. Resulzade, the purpose of this association; “We created national feelings by being with young people. The introduction of Turkish, which was not taught in Russian schools at that time, to edu- cational institutions, the development of Turkish, to learn the works of local authors, to memorize the poems written against the Tsarist period and to share the printed copies with us occasionally under the conditi- ons of the printing press, the idea of freedom and independence, which will increasingly be adopted among the workers, we wanted to spread it ”. Undoubtedlyto describe with the words "... will be adopted increa- singly among the workers ..." , the national mefkûre movement, which he wants is related to the conditions of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. As he states in his work “Revolutionary Socialism and Democracy”, socialism denies that society is one and only and divides it into classes. The workers, emphasized by Resulzade in these words, are a part of society contrary to what socialism claims. The apostle is trying to overcome an ideology - socialism - that deceives the workers with various promises - until they come to power - that actually does not want to exploit the worker and create a party bourgeoisie, by raising the workers' awareness. The reason for his contact with Stalin in the future is no different. Mehmet Emin Bey has taken great steps towards gaining the in-

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 73 THE FOUNDATION OF THE AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC AND MEHMET EMİN RESULZADE dependence of the Turkish nation by making diplomatic moves, and when his life is examined, it will be clearly seen that Resulzade ne- ver compromised his Turkish nationalist identity. This Azerbaijani Young Revolutionaries Association, which he founded, has a secretly published newspaper named "Himmet". Mehmet Emin Bey described this newspaper as the "Newspaper of Caucasian Muslims". While the Bolshevik Revolution had not occurred in 1904, Stalin, who wanted to trick Muslim youth into his ranks, had talks with Resulzade. Resulzade adopted a very mild attitude in these meetings in order to add a new one to the suffering of his nation and to avoid any more obstacles in sprea- ding his ideas. Contrary to what was believed in these meetings, the so- cialists were never sincere, they were friendly towards the Muslims for the revolution they wanted to realize. Mehmet Emin Resulzade did not content himself with only this association (when he was 19 years old) in the years when the Azerbaijani Young Revolutionaries Association was active, and sent a congratulatory article to the Şark-i Rus newspaper published in Tbilisi for its new opening and distributed this newspaper, which he described as the "Turkish-Azerbaijan Newspaper". Resulzade wrote for a certain period of time in the "Turkish-Azerbaijan Newspa- per". The most striking of these articles is that "until when will we ac- cept our nation's troubles and staying behind?" is the article in which he criticizes the intellectuals (!) for not feeling any responsibility towards the nation.this At the end of the article, he demands that madrasas that will train religious scholars and schools that will teach usl-i cedid should be ope- ned. Just below this article, there is a muhamma in which he mentions the virtues of science. Mehmet Emin Resulzade started his business life as a typesetter in the Russian-language Kaspi newspaper in Baku. After experiencing this, he decided to become a journalist in order to explain his thoughts to his nation better, and published many magazines and newspapers

74 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU with names such as Hüseyinzade Ali Turan, Ahmet Ağaoğlu and Ne- riman Nerimanov. Mehmet Emin Resulzade did not give up writing when the magazines he published by the Russian government were clo- sed, he continued his publishing life by publishing new magazines and newspapers and always defended the rights of the Turk in these media organs. In this period, the Russian Revolution of 1905 took place, an- d,even though the revolution was unsuccessful this attempt caused gre- at fear and indignation around the government. As a result, publications were released and more books were published. As a result of the 1905 Revolution, when the "independence" consciousness grew stronger in other nations that were oppressed by the Russians, Resulzade's blessed pen had begun to reach many more pe- ople. Mehmet Emin Resulzade started to follow Iranian politics closely during this period and wrote in Iranian newspapers with the pseudonym "Nis". The reason why he was so interested in Iranian politics is that the Democratic Party of Iran opposed Tsarist Russia. Moreover,Resulzade's interest in Iranian politics solelyIranian government, since the Azerbai- jani Turks constitute a large part of the Iranian population it would be wrong to attribute to the attitude of the. With the change of the Russian prime minister in 1907, this "free" atmosphere deteriorated and the Russian government began to adopt a despotic approach again. When Resulzade faced the threat of arrest, he went to Iran via Reşd to avoid the Russian police's pursuit and to better observe the Turks in Iran, where he worked as a correspondent for the Terakki newspaper. Undoubtedly, this trip to Iran contributed intellectual structure of Resulzade to the. Resulzade's respect in Iran proved that the Turks lost their national identity despite the assimila- tion policy they faced. Mehmet Emin Resulzade, who dreamed of the unification of Southern and Northern Azerbaijan, which was separated by the Turkmençay Treaty, could not realize his dream, buy Turkish his path nationalists who followed will put an end to this longing. The front

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 75 THE FOUNDATION OF THE AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC AND MEHMET EMİN RESULZADE opened by the supporters of constitutionalism, which supported the Iran Democratic Party in Iran, against imperialism - and therefore to Russia - ended with the intervention of the tyrannical Russian government. As a result of the Russian military landing in Iran, thousands of mujahideen were killed and dozens of intellectuals were imprisoned. Resulzade was expelled from Iran with the threats and insistence of the Russian gover- nment. Resulzade, who came to Istanbul with his friends in Tehran, met with the leaders of the Committee of Union and Progress, especially Yusuf Akçura and Ziya Gökalp. The bravest men of the last century did not separate Azerbaijani Turkishness from Anatolian Turkishness and supported Resulzade. Later, in 1918, this support became concrete with the establishment of the Caucasian Islamic Army. The Unionists are at the key point for Azerbaijan to gain its independence. During his stay in Istanbul, Mehmet Emin Resulzade continued his participation in the activities of Turkish Hearths and his intellectual studies. He wrote articles about Iranian Turks in Türk Yurdu and publis- hed articles in Sırat-ı Müstakim, which was published with the support of Mehmet Akif Ersoy. In this way, the bond that was about to break between Anatolian Turkishness and Iranian Turkishness was strengthe- ned. The year provided the establishment of the Equity Party. Mehmet Emin Resulzade, who returned to Baku by benefiting from the general amnesty issued in Russia in 1913, became the head of the Musavat Party. Now he will continue to fight for the independence of Azerbaijan as the head of the Musavat Party. The title of president will undou- btedly make him stronger besides his Turkishness, which he defines as the most sacred title he defines with the words “I feel happy in this respect”. Because he has never used the party as a tool of personal am- bition. Articles about the linguistic consciousness written by Mehmet Emin Bey during this period aroused wide interest among the public. Waterfall magazine articles he wrote about the importance of language as a result of "Young Pens in Turkey 's doing, doing Resulzade in Azer-

76 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU baijan" has spread from ear to ear lyrics. During the 1st Cihan War, in 1914-1915, some of the Turks, who were persecuted by the Armenians in Eastern Anatolia, immigrated to Azerbaijan, and Mehmet Emin Re- sulzade organized an aid campaign for the people of Kars and Ardahan. He donated the income of the one-issue magazine he published under the name “Kardaş Kömeği” to this campaign. Turkey has supported organizations serving the Turks. (Bakû Cemiyyet-i Hayriyyesi helped us by showing maximum sacrifice.) Thus, thethat “TURKEY THAN”, which history strikes the Turk's face once fact HAS NO FRIEND BUT TURK again, was with great pain written in gold lines. Mehmet Emin Resulzade was the editor-in-chief of the İkbal ma- gazine in 1914, and in 1915 heAçık Söz newspaper as the publication organ of the Musavat Party founded. In 1917,on the grounds that he was operating against Russia Meh- met Emin Resulzade was imprisoned, and after a short while,the Bol- shevik when Revolution took place, he was released from prison the same determination forAzerbaijan and continued to work with the suc- cess of the movement. A Turkish using the Turkish language in the Tur- kish homeland strengthen national to criminalize the operation menu consciousness,the writ fear exploits of literature of the Russians now supposedly Azerbaijani independence movement to break the was employed by a maid waist.They could not end the which is the last stronghold of Turkishness, with Turkish nationalism,these mo- ves, on the contrary, theyTurkish nationalists increased the determina- tion of the fight. In 1917, the Caucasus Muslims convention was held. In this board, it was proposed that Russia attain a federative structure, and Mehmet Emin Resulzade published his ideas in booklets after this conven- tion and distributed it to the Muslims of Russia. In the same year İsmail


Gaspıralı , the Turkish Decentralization founded by Nesip Yusufbeyli, son-in-law of the Party, merged with the Equality Party. Decentralizati- on and federative structure are Turkish states though contrary to. These ideas are the Turkish state;dominates other nations he built hison the peace of, not on the tears, and that he had such a vision It is contrary to the fact that. Therefore Subjected Assimilation policies,being to, viola- ted their moral values and started the independence movement, more than Turkish hands that have establishing parties that make these ideas the goal there is nothing natural. Russia magazines and newspapers due to the assimilation policy it carried out use any adjectives other than Muslim and Tatar in had forbidden to, and this ban was harming Turkish spirituality andAzerba- ijan's independence delaying the awakening of national consciousness on the path of. Resulzade this situation could not stand any longer word “TURK” for the first time in Open word newspapers and used the. The- Azerbaijani Turks forgot because they did not use the word “TURK”, which Open Word newspaper published by Resulzade, hit the head of the nation like an arrow in the. It had existed in the hearts of Turks since time immemorial as if the fire of independence which was in the form of Resulzade. As a result, Russians, one of the greatest enemies of the Turkish nation, and their puppet Armenian revolutionaries30 March and 1 April 1918,subjected the Turks in Baku to a great genocide between 15,000 causing the martyrdom ofAzerbaijani Turks, moreover, this genocide was not limited to Baku. It also spread to the provinces.history During this genocide, which is known as the March genocide in, the Open Word newspaper office ofwas looted, destroyed and the printing press of the news- paper was burned. Research on the Marchgenocide has revealed their homeland for

78 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU expressing their nationality face of thousands of Turks who were mart- yred in a Garp civilization that remained silent in the. Russians who wanted to destroy the Turkish presence in the Caucasus After the March genocide, Mehmet Emin Resulzade help from the Ottoman State, whi- ch fought the enemy on ten fronts imposed by thesought, anda group of intellectuals, Enver Pasha and Sultan Mehmed under his leadership met with Reşat . The eternal representative of the Unionists, the victorious Chief of the Turks, Enver Pasha,great oriental civilization of the Ottoman Empire lost blood and ten, and did not Azerbaijani Turks alone, even though he witnessed that the fought on fronts leave founded the Caucasus Islamic Army with his military forces. The Caucasian Azerbaijani Turks, who strengthened from the existence of theIslamic Armyon May 28, gained, formed the "Azerbai- jan National Council"1918, and appointed as the chairman of the coun- cil Mehmet Emin Resulzade. This temporary establishment in Ganja government came when the Caucasian Islamic Army entered Baku on 15 September 1918 officially moving its headquarters there. After the state was officially established,AzerbaijanDecember 7, 1918 the flag that has risen once will never go down again” at the ope- ning of the Parliament on Mehmet Left the mark of an unforgettable phrase in our hearts by saying “ Emin Resulzade. Undoubtedly, Turkish state consciousness cannot be deceived by official names, It comes into being in every state the same way in. Alt- hough dozens of Turkish states established in the past follow each other chronologically with the same consciousness, the products of the same body limbs, the same mind.


In 1919, Resulzade By unanimous vote at the Equity Party Cong- ress was re-elected president. The foundation date of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic 28 May 1918 is considered to be. The first state to recognize it is the Ot- toman State. The Azerbaijani People's Republic All areas at the end of this struggle gained its independence. He had his own money, Azerbai- jani Manat, and freely livedTurkish identity. Azerbaijani Turks were no longer exiled in homeland,fighting there they drew their own destiny by and left behind the days of cruelty But unfortunately, this joy of Azerbaijani Turkishness very short lasted. 23 months later Azerbaijan was again occupied by Soviet Russia. During this occupation, when Mehmet Emin Resulzade and his friends were captured and imprisoned, the city had a great repercussion, and the Bolsheviks, who were afraid of the uprising of the people, had to make a statement. Hâttâ Neriman Nerimanov threatened the Bolshe- viks by saying, “If you touch the Resulzade's hair, I will not interfere.” Although it is said that Resulzade was released due to this fear that fell into the Bolsheviks and the disputes they had between them, Resulzade was released with the intervention of Stalin. After Resulzade was freed, Stalin took him to Moscow. Of course, the anti-Turkish murderer Stalin ensured the release of Resulzade because of his past affections. Stalin thought that by releasing Resulzade, he would pull him into his ranks, and aimed to sever him from the national cause. He also thought that he was preventing a possible independence movement by keeping him with him in Moscow. Mehmet Emin Resulzade, on the other hand, as an intellectual who never doubted his ideas and who had sworn to serve the Azerbaijani Turks until his death, refused the proposals of the mur- derer Stalin by offering various excuses, and thus frustrated his efforts. The reason he refused offers by making excuses is that the communists thought that he would harm his friends who were arrested with him and wanted to bring his friends to Moscow through Stalin. During this peri-

80 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU od, Mehmet Emin Resulzade teach Turkish and Persian at the Moscow Oriental Institute just to make a living accepted to. Mehmet Emin Resulzade is married to his uncle's daughter. They have four children. When he was released, he was al- lowed to meet with his family for an hour or two, then he was quickly brought to Moscow. This is the last time Mehmet Emin Resulzade saw his family. Because the communists, who could not finish Azerbaijani Turkishness and were angry with Resulzade, shot Resulzade's son at the age of 18 - in 1938. Resulzade's wife and other children were exiled to Kazakhstan and were martyred as a result of great persecution and torture. Only one son of Resulzade survived this disaster. Mehmet Emin Resulzade esca- ped from Moscow in 1922 with the support of the Musavat Party, which carried out its activities secretly in Baku, and then passed to Petersburg and then to Finland by sea. During his escape, Musa Carullah, one of the indestructible names of the Crimean Turkishness, helped him. Re- sulzade, then in history subsequently came to TurkeyFrance.After co- ming to Turkey Mehmet Emin Rasulzade 'to Turkey every month throu- gh January 75 TL is paid. In order to support the Turkish government to Azerbaijani Turks immigrated to Turkey intellectuals have paid this fee every month to him. Resulzade, who started publishing the Yeni Kaf- kasya Magazine in Istanbul in 1922, defended the rights of Azerbaijan, talked about the problems of Turkishness and gave information about Turkishness in this magazine. He directed heavy criticism of socialism and imperialism in places. Since the aim of the magazine is to spread Turkish nationalism, maintain the Azerbaijani independence movement and defend the rights of the Turkish nation, it is natural that foreign ideologies such as socialism-capitalism, one of the greatest enemies of the Turkish world and all humanity, refute their rotten and contradictory theses with some articles. Socialism imposes a single party, forces artists and intellectuals

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 81 THE FOUNDATION OF THE AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC AND MEHMET EMİN RESULZADE to be socialists, execution of intellectuals whose only crime (!) Is to keep the interests of the nation above the interests of the individual; are just a few of the lines in the black book of socialism. We can see that in every country it occupies, socialism creates a handful of unquestioning, commodified and non-ethereal thoughts in return for trying to destroy holy notions such as religion, nationality and taking what is right by materializing humanity. As the opposite of Western philosophy, the poor, who have beco- me the slaves of the tyrant socialist system, who claim that they resisted certain oppressions by destroying the state structure that is known as the source of happiness in Turkish philosophy and which is equal to the service of the people with the right to the right, have been captured by the devil within them that they should really resist. Resulzade indirectly explained these in Yeni Kafkasya magazine, saying that art, literature and truth will be destroyed in the socialist system; He mentioned that serving a holy ideal in the world as a requirement of human creation and opening his mind is contrary to the interests of the socialist part- y,Azerbaijan's and presented ideas for independence and development. Mehmet Emin Bey draws attention to himself with his writings. The journal was closed in 1927 on the pretext of the article he wrote simi- larly to these articles and published in the form of criticism under the name of "letter to Stalin". Soviet repression was closed as a result of these magazines published in Turkey. It is interesting that even today, socialists in the media have disregarded the "dishonorable" life styles that have been portrayed as worshiping the notion of "humanity" they violate, and the meaning of "honor" has been tarnished and all suffering has been made to forget. Forgetting is a disaster. The price we will pay as a result of forgetting these pains will be higher than the price we paid for carrying out the independence movement. Because to ignore the war we have faced against this distorted ideology that has never loved peop- le, it means that we will not be able to give a independence movement

82 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU again, and if the issue of "price" is brought up in this geography where we come with our fortune and our sword, we will become a creditor. At this point, our loss of our national identity would be the bankruptcy of the Turkish civilization that sheds light on every corner of the world and would cause unbreakable wounds in human history. History has shown that people are the only obstacles to your development, mentally, mate- rially and spiritually. To be deprived of nationality, to break away from the spirit of society and to fall into the depression of "modern man", to kill the belief in God within itself; this is the barrier itself. Mehmet Emin Resulzade published his book named “Siyavuşu of Our Century” in 1923 before Yeni Kafkasya magazine was closed. He wrote this book while he was hiding in Lahic after the occupation of Azerbaijan in 1920. In the bookSiyavuş'smentioned in Firdevsi's Şeh- nname , the similarities between struggle and the Azerbaijani indepen- dence movement are explained. The "martyrs who died on the path of Azerbaijani independence", to which Mehmet Emin Bey dedicated his work called The Politics of Our Century, are the witnesses of the nati- onal Azerbaijani cause. In 1924, with the initiative of Resulzade, Azer- baijan National Center, which was engaged in secret political activity, was established in Istanbul. Resulzade continued to publish journals and write articles during this period. Resulzade publishing life in Tur- key Soviets are quite uncomfortable. After the Soviet political and eco- nomic threat to Turkey, Mehmet Emin Bey was forced to go to Europe. Mehmet Emin after leaving Turkey in 1934 in Brussels, where the Na- tional Georgia and the North Caucasus to fight against the Soviets with the president "Caucasus Confederation" have established the. Meanwhile, due to the change of location of Mehmet Emin Bey, there are debates and differences between the Musavatis. As a result of these separations, a group that took a stand against Mehmet Emin Resulzade was formed.


Resulzade continued his political activities by moving to War- saw in 1934, and went to Berlin with the anti-communist leaders of the nations who moaned under Soviet persecution. Here he met with the Germans on the future of Azerbaijan with his friends, realized that the Nazis also intended to invade Azerbaijan and went to Bucharest in the autumn of 1942. Here Hamdullah Suphi Ambassador to Turkey will help him. Although Mehmet Emin Bey wanted to go to Switzerland after the Bolsheviks entered Bucharest in 1944, he could not obtain a visa and had to go to Freiburg. He returned to Ankara in 1947 through Ham- dullah Suphi. Hamdullah Suphi is an MP this term. TheMehmet Emin “cabinet decision” given by the Turkish government onBey's return to Ankara is also important. The Resulzade Azerbaijan Culture Association in Ankara at the initiative of the Azerbaijani National Center was established with the return to Turkey. In 1952, this association started publishing the ma- gazine "Azerbaijan". Resulzade is theAzerbaijan Cultural Association honorary president of and continued to lead the Azerbaijani cause by publishing articles in Azerbaijan magazine. Mehmet Emin Bey attended the jubilee organized for journalists by the Turkish Press Association in 1953 and attracted great attenti- on. The same year, his works were exhibited at an exhibition held for journalists who have completed their 50th year at the Eminönü Stu- dent Club. Azerbaijan Cultural Association organized a celebration for the 70th birthday of Mehmet Emin Resulzade and published the Janu- ary-February 1954 edition of the Azerbaijan magazine as "Resulzade Special Issue’’. Mehmet Emin Bey started to work at the National Lib- rary in Ankara after 1947, conducted scientific research on Azerbaijan and wrote the monograph of the great poet Genceli Nizami here.

84 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Nehir ÇELIKKOLLU

When the calendar leaves showed that dark day, he died at Anka- ra University Faculty of Medicine on March 6, 1955, due to diabetes, without seeing the independence of Azerbaijan, to which he devoted his life. Result. Great personalities they when the time comes to die for eternity migrate to the hearts of millions of people raised. Since short they are the architects of ideas that are tooof time, the every per- son they leave behind exist in the conscience of. Undoubtedly, Mehmet Emin Resulzade remembered with his struggles for the independence of Azerbaijan, and he will be will be every describes Turkishness as the eternal Turk in this way told to us inline that author of the. the expen- se of expressing his thoughts and liberating his nation and , who was exiled from his homeland, where he was ready to give his life atpen above all with mercy Mehmet Emin Resulzade Accepting the forces We remember. We always a generation that reads and writes at the tip of ink try to build their,who migrated to eternity and bodies are only soil and offer our eternal gratitude and gratitude to the monasteries of the mefkurawhose. YOU ARE OUR, CAN BE OUR BODY AS LONG; LIVE, LIVE, LONG LIVE AZERBAIJAN!




Literature is the most important transmitter and touchstone of the history and cultural values of nations. The main reason for this is that literature should be fed directly from the society. Every feature of so- ciety is kept alive and reflected through literature. In this case, it is clear that Turkish literature and Turkish literature are important. Beca- use Turkish literature is a cosmopolitan field that includes the Turkish nation's perspective on religion, historical habits, economic aspirations and programs. Therefore, it reflects the character of the Turkish nation well. The Turkish nation has a structure that knows itself closely and is aware of its characteristics. While there are different factors influencing the formation of this situation, one of these factors is the strong history of our literature. Turkish literary history "with wisdom with Yusuf Has Hacip saturated, found himself with Mahmut of Kaşgar, ancestry with Dede Korkut, came to the right with Yunus Emre, fell into deserts with , was enthusiastic with Köroğlu." In addition, Turkish literatu- re is not only restricted to Anatolia from Turkey Turkish occur. Every work that we describe as our geography of heart, where the Turkish name reaches and where Turkish footprints mature, is valuable for us.

86 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Deniz GÜZELAY

In the places we have mentioned, almost all of our kinsmen struggling for independence embraced literature and especially poetry and wanted to announce their just cause to the nation and other peoples. Therefore, the poems of the Turkish world are the works that his- tory has registered and witnessed. A few of our poets who grew up in various geographies are in a position to set an example in this matter. These poets touched upon important points of both history and lite- rature. Thanks to the art they perform, the meaning they attribute to their art, and most importantly, the purpose that this meaning serves, their names have been engraved in memory and reached the level they deserve. One of the examples to be given to the writers we mentioned is Ahmed Cevad. He is an esteemed person who devoted his art to the struggle for independence of Azerbaijan, lived and died for this cause. Therefore, his life and poems must be examined, taught to those who do not know, and shown as an example to our youth. 1. A LIFE LIVED FOR TURKISH AND INDEPENDENCE. It is not possible to reduce Ahmed Jawad's life enough to describe it with dates and simple words. However, it is possible to summarize his life with one sentence, which is the famous writer of Azerbaijan, the late Prof. Dr. As Yaşar Karayev states in his book Azerbaijan Lite- rature; "He was born like a poet, lived like a poet, and died like a poet." sentence. He was born on May 5, 1982 in the village of Şemkir in the vi- cinity of Ganja city of Azerbaijan. In his childhood, he has covered a great distance in education and experienced a development age that is directly proportional to the dignity of his family. His grandfather was a mullah and his father was a man who had read and written, so he was called a mullah; it was instrumental in their acceptance with the surname "Ahundzade". Ahmed Cevad, who spent the first period of his childhood in such an environment, lost his father when he was 6 years

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 87 AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL POET: AHMED CEVAD old. This is the part of his life that can be attributed as the first breaking point. After he lost his father, he moved to the city of Ganja, with his half-brothers. The change of location was a good experience for Ahmed Javad when it coincided with the age of self-improvement. Ahmed Javad was accused of being anti-revolutionary within the scope of Stalin's "great cleansing" purge, and he was "martyred" by being shot in accordance with the court decision. In 1955, the chief prosecutor of the USSR stated that all the charges brought against Ah- med Javad were unfounded and acquitted him after his death. His fa- mily, under KGB pressure, was able to escape from the dungeon only after 1950. After many years, Ahmed Cevad's reputation was restored, as was the case with other Turkish intellectuals. However, this situation did not correspond the USSR to the to the damage caused byTurkish world. The USSR killed Ahmed Cevad and intellectuals like him and inflicted deep wounds that took a lot from the Turkic World. 2. WORKS WRITTEN FOR TURKISH AND INDEPENDEN- CE. Ahmed Jawad's creativity has an important place in Turkey. Ah- mad Javad period followed closely like other intellectuals in Turkey. Turkey's social and cultural life has been too tight. Therefore, in poetry, in Turkey many political, social developments, it is possible to see the effects of the incident. During this period, because of what happened in Azerbaijan, a lot from Turkey was expected to come. This poem occur- ring in bilateral relations with Turkey in the light of culture has also inf- luenced his poetry. In his poemsTurkish nation, he praised the Turkish army by mentioning the greatness of the. The printed poetry books are: Run (Baku 1916), Wave (Baku 1919), For Independence (Istanbul 1928), Poems (Baku 1958), Çırpı- nırdı Karadeniz (Ankara 1990, hz. Servet Gürcan), Sen Ağlama Ben

88 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Deniz GÜZELAY

Ağlaram (Baku 1991) , The Voice Calling Right (Baku 1991), Selected Works I-II (Baku 1992), The Flag of Selam Türk / Ahmed Cevad's Life and Nail TAN Turkish Language 75 Poems (İzmir 1992, hz. İrfan Murat Yıldırım), Selected Works (Baku 2005). 2.1 It would flutter The Black Sea The The famous poem "Çırpında Karadeniz", which is sung like an anthem in our language, can be said to be a product of the actual reali- zation of these bilateral relations. The poem was written in Ganja on 15 November 1914. This period is the last years of the Ottoman Empire. In such a period of collapse, it is more courageous and meaningful to praise the Turkish flag.was at that time The poem, which wrote and embellished the dreams, was rewarded four years later: The Treaty of Batumi was signed between the Ottoman State and the new Caucasian states, including the Azerbaijan National Council, on June 8, 1918. In accordance with the "friendship and mutual aid" clause in the Batumi Treaty, the Ottoman State agreed to provide armed aid to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic if needed. In order to stop the massacres against the Muslim people in the Caucasus and to provide war aid to the Turks there, Mehmed Emin Resulzade, the President of the Azerbaijan Nati- onal Council, requested military aid from the Ottoman State based on this agreement. Upon this request, he cleared Göyçay, Salyan, Ağsu and Kürdemir fromCaucasus Islamic Army route, under the command of Enver Pasha's brother Nuri Pasha, and the Bolshevik troops and Arme- nian gangs on the saved Baku from enemy occupation on 15 September 1918. This heroic army, in memory of the great poet Ahmad Javad'son all the memory from the pen. engraved poured the following poem: the fluttering had Karadeniz


The lookup the Turkish flag I a saw the dead Oh fall could land on the facings sarsam arm Bible dizzy path of the storm and stop you since the road gave Turkey's flag We Caucasus, we We will add glory to Turkishness, the glorious Turkish flag hang Turan on the hand We Hang the Azerbaijani flag in Karabakh cross the

2.2 Susmaram. After the invasion of Azerbaijan by Russia in 1920, difficult times started for Ahmed Javad like all Azerbaijani people. For Ahmed Cevad, who did not only worry about the lands he was in from his childhood years and united all the Turkish lands in the geography of his heart, this occupation was literally "dire" after the hard situation of the Ottoman Empire, which he admired, and the persecution in the lands of Turkis- tan. The cultural genocide, economic problems experienced by the va- rious policies of the Russians, and the difficult conditions of the Turkish homelands in his heartland have worn him a lot.all these painful times At the end of, just before he was killed in 1937, he wrote the poem "silence ram". This poem is his last cry to the injustices that he endlessly strived and rebelled throughout his life. Men is a gulam, I am crushed under burden, my friend, I am a convict without joy, my confi- dant. They stamped, chained and bound to the prison, Snowy-icy hells have been my home. Do not stop, if you say hush, what a vatican thirst, I will be in the glory of the Depressions, the moans?

90 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Deniz GÜZELAY

Why am I silent, let me speak, I have a share in humanity, Menim is my homeland, this land that is plundered. Why am I silent, let me not speak, this land is Turkish homeland, Look who is in the homeland of the Oghuzes and elhans! In this world, make freedom over fame, forget about the infamy and the infamy! How can I be quiet, let me not speak, let me excuse you? What about love, homeland, and harda, people? Menma gulam my spot altun, my water is silver, solution-hungry, Works and our history engraved Ahmad Javad life with Azerbai- jan National Anthem in history as the author, the nation with the Black Sea was fluttering işlemiş vessels and has become a very embodiment case for anyone with Turkishness love. Turkish nationalism, for which he lived and died for the sake of it, is standing tall today and all over the Turkish world. Every Turkish nationalist works and strives with the faith and spirit in his poems. It is clear that we owe him a debt. In order to pay this debt, it is necessary to hang a Turkish flag first in Karabakh and then in our geography of love. REFERENCES Ahmet Yesevi University, Dictionary of Turkish Literature Na- mes /- teis.yesevi.edu.tr Ahmet CevatSalmanlı R. About the poet of Istiklal Ahmet Cevat / / Azerbaijan.- 2003. https: // literature and artacademy.com/sairler/detay/ahmet-ce- vad-semkir-hayati-ve-poems / 1174 AhmetCevat-https: // ahmet-cevathttps://yenidenergenekon.com. AhmetCevat Freedom and Heroism Poet: Ahmet Cevat- https: // reer- genekon.com https://antlasmalar.com/batum-antlasmasi



Rabia Aslıhan TÜRKMEN

Information on issues related to women in world history has been passed down to today with very limited amounts. The women's move- ments, which started to develop in the 18th century, finally started to develop and spread in the 19th century, followed by the increase in the studies on women, and the information about women came to light. With these studies, it has been observed that there are women who have remained in the depths of history and can play active, visible and vari- ous roles in political, social and cultural life in many societies. Azerbaijan has an important history among both Turkish and Muslim states in the context of women's visibility in political, social, cultural and economic matters. Considering the history of Azerbaijan, it is seen that women have an important cultural, artistic and military fields role and position in. Women of Azerbaijan, also called Amazon Women, have achieved great success by competing with men, especial- ly in matters of heroism and patriotism. Starting from Tomris, there are many important Turkish women such as Perixan Hanım, Sara Hatun, Tuti Bike, Govhar Aga and Hurşid Banu Natevan who have come to the fore with their leadership, ma- nagement and artist identities in Azerbaijani political and literary life.

92 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rabia Aslahan TÜRKME

They left important traces on their social and cultural life (Sipahi, Öz- soy, Khashimov, 2018: 19). These important Azerbaijani Turkish wo- men have greatly influenced the political, social and cultural structures of their countries and have managed to become an example and leader for the women of many communities. In the history of Azerbaijan, there are many achievements regar- ding important women. In this context, Aga Beyim Aga, Agabacı Gen- cebeyim, Fatma Hanım Kemine, Şehnikar Hanım, Kemerbeyi Şeyda Karabağı and many others are mentioned with gratitude. The place of Hurşid Banu Natevan among these women who are remembered with great heroism is very important (Zengin, et al. 2011: 33). The Life of Hurşid Banu Netevan An enlightened Turkish woman who has left deep traces in the social and cultural life of Azerbaijani history is a strong le- ader in typology. Khurshid Banu Natevan. Hurşid Banu Oghuz Turks in Azerbaijan, is called Natanan, one of the "Dürr-i Yekta", which means "one pearl" in the palace, and "Khan Kizi" among the people because he is a khan and granddaughter. Khurshid Banu Natevan was born on 15 August 1830 in Shusha, Garabagh.Karabakh from his father's side It is known that he was the grandson of Ibrahim Halil Khan, the well-known judge of, and Javad Khan, the judge of Ganja from his mother's side. With the guidance of the Hurşid Banu family, he studied religious and literary science from private teachers and took Arabic and Persian lessons. Hursidaunt Gevher Hanım Banu, who grew up with his, has trained well in many fields. Upon the death of his father, Meh- digulu, Khurshid Banu started to rule as the successor of the Karabakh Khanate, one of the biggest khanates of Azerbaijan (1845). While he- Karabakh Khanate was ruling the, he was married to General Dagestan- lı Hasay Khan Üsmiyev (1850), who was in the service of Russians in Tbilisi, where he went for various state affairs. After this very short marriage, Hurşid Banu, who left his wife, later joined his life with a sayyid from Karabakh (1960) (Yavuz, 2018:


396-397). There is a daughter and a son from her first marriage. From his second marriage, three sons and two daughters were born. His son Mehdigulu Han Vefa from his first wife and his daughter Hanbike, and his son Mirhesen Mir, from his second wife, are also poets like Hurşid Banu. Mehdigulu Han is one of the famous poets in the Caucasus (Ce- beci, 2019: 35). Khurshid Banu, who spent most of his life in Shusha, died on October 2, 1897 and was buried in a place called Imaret in Shusha (Yavuz, 2018: 396-397). Political Personality of Khurshid Banu Natevan The periods when Khurshid Banu Natevan was born and raised correspond to the difficult times of the Karabakh Dynasty. Karabakh Khanate judge Mehdigul Han's death on the Karabakh Khanate's heir as Khurshid said the head Banu, including the political strife of the other khanate one hand, the economic struggles while on the one hand is thus experiencing a challenging process. Khurshid Banu's management of the khanate and his efforts for his people are successful and important, although the conditions are unfavorable. Throughout his life and during his leadership, Hurşid Banu paid particular attention to his education life, helped spread the culture,socio-cultural activities supported and personally participated. However, he made special efforts for the cons- truction of buildings such as roads, bridges and schools for his people. It helped to meet the financial needs of Azerbaijani students studying in distant cities, and personally supported professional experts such as academics, poets and craftsmen. Even his benevolence has spread be- yond the borders of Karabakh to many regions of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. Khurshid Banu contributed to bringing drinking water to the city of Shusha by spending substantial budgets. In addition to this, he tried to meet the needs of the city such as fountains, baths, water tanks and coolers. He made efforts for the water channel plan. During his tenure in the Khanate, Khurshid Banu cared about the welfare of the people and fought especially for the protection of women and human rights. As a highly respected ruler, Khurshid Banu frequently met with the leaders of the period, had political meetings, and established friend-

94 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rabia Aslahan TÜRKME ly relations (Sipahi, Özsoy, Khashimov, 2018: 27-28). The Literary Per- sonality of Khurshid Banu Netevan Khurshid Banu protected poets and artists throughout his life and opened his mansion to them. He became the head of the society of poets called Meclis-i Üns, which was establis- hed in Karabakh. The said assembly consists of about thirty poets, and these poets met with other poetry groups of Azerbaijan and read poems. Thanks to this situation that spread to different cities and regions, po- ems were spread in Azerbaijan and new poets were raised. Hurşid Banu was included in this poetry tradition, but calligraphy, illumination and painting also engaged in. These handcrafted works of Hurşid Banu are preserved at the Azerbaijan Manuscripts Institute with an album called Gul Book. However, his needlework is in Azerbaijan State Fine Arts Museum (Yavuz, 2018: 397) Political and social conditions in which Khurshid Banu was involved, his first marriage was bad, and his son and his second husband suddenly their deaths left deep marks in his life. These reflected on his works with great sorrow, sorrow, longing and complaint. Khurshid Banu was recognized as the most famous rep- resentative, poet of the Fuzuli school of 19th century Azerbaijan. While lyricism drew attention in the ghazals he wrote, there was also a very nice sincerity and submissiveness. His works have an important place in . His poems were written by Azerbaijani poets. It is known that Hurşid Banu has written poems since 1850. But he did not gather them on a sofa . For this reason, his poems have not survived as a whole and many of them have been lost. His works, which can be found in both Arabic and Cyrillic , have been published many times. In fact, many of his poems some were composed by artists and most dis- tinguished Azerbaijani music constituted the examples of(Yavuz, 2018: 397). Instead of Conclusion Hurşid Banu Natavan Both her life and is a strong and enlightened Turkish woman who has inspired generations to come.


Despite many difficulties, Hurşid Banua successful manager and political and showed genuine leadership as literary personality. Growing up in the palace, an inn grandson, daughter of the inn, despite being a leader of the khanate beside the people was standing and acted together with the locals. Khurshid Banu Especially in the studies and policies,fields of education, are very important. During his leadership period, issues such as social policy and social justice carefully focused on, fed his leadership with his artistic personality and this provided services incontext. A leading intellectual Turkish woman,her image , who has painted very well despite the con- ditions of her age, has Hurşid Banu Natevan also become one of the symbolic figures in women's history . With a heroic stance, a fine and lofty heart, he himself well-many trained equipped infields, went out of mixed his mansion and with the public, opened his mansion to the public,to ensure social justice wor- ked, emphasized the importance and value of education and art, and it is very important leader.To be Hursid Banu Natevan, who has been very qualified, important messages to the next generations with his thoughts and actions gives.this valuable woman who will be an example and gu- ide for Turkish women Let's end the article in which we commemorate with her knees. Friends, know that in this world everyone is busy with a job, Some live at home (tied to the house), some are engaged in trade. Some early with beautiful crown,with precious sits on the throne Embellishedstones, some of the in playset foot on the gallows prison. Some are world devoted to the, some are hereafter love with the; Some of them az, some with naz and

96 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Rabia Aslahan TÜRKME

play with some with tar. Some seeking like Mecnun], some with Leyla (nm) distinction; Others play with the snake lying on the lover (busy). Some are joyful and happy,and some cry daynight; The sky also drunk plays with the crying sun. Footnotes. 1) In 1960, a statue was erected in Baku in the name of Hurşid Bânû. Many works have been written about him. The most important of these is Ilyas Efendiyev's drama named Hurşîd Bânû Nâtevan (1978). The work has been staged many times. The 2006 film «Xarı Bülbüllər» is an important production that depicts the life of Hurşidbanu Natevan. 2) - (2015), Hurşit Banu Netavan, p. 8

REFERENCES - (2015), Khurshid Banu Netav, the Turkish Outside TurkeyLite- rature and s Encyclopedia of(e-book), Ministry of Culture and Tourism, s.1-8 http: // ekitap.kulturturizm.gov.t /, Access Date : 09.09.2020 Akpınar Yavuz (2018), Hurşid Bânû Nâtevan, TDV Encyclopedia of Islam , 18th Vol. 396-397 Cebeci, Rumeysa, (2019),Azerbaijani Women Poetşidbanu Examination of Poems ofHur-Natevan in terms of Language, Sty- le and Content , (Unpublished Master's Thesis), Karabük University, Social Sciences University Sipahi, EB, Özsoy, Bahar., Khashimov., M ,. (2018),Azerbaijan A Pioneering Woman in: An Assessment on the Life, Artistic Personality and Leadership Feature of Xurşidbanu Natevan. Bit- lis Eren University Academic Projection Journal, p. 19-33, S: 3 Zengi̇ n, E, Eynalov, D, Bölek, Ö, Bölek, Ö. (2011).Azerbaijan.


Women and Business Life inIstanbul Journal of Sociological Stu- dies, 0 (34), 29-65. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/iusos- kon/ issue / 9518/118916

98 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Gülşen SAKA


Gülşen SAKA

“We are Caucasians. Demand autonomy, which is necessary to take care of the self-care administration of the inhabitants of the Cau- casus. We are Muslim. Consequently, ask and demand whatever is ne- cessary for our own religion, freedom of conscience. We are turk.our language Try to refrain from breaking down all kinds of barriers and walls that prevent the development of. " ALI TURAN Hüseyinzade, Professor, Author, Poet, Scientist, artist, intellectual and political figure, progressive standard-bearer of Turkism Turan route ... Hüseyinzade with a shining sun on Term Ali to recognize Turan first period of social-political with a bird's eye view it is necessary to look. The beginning of the 20th century be a period in which moder- nization movements accelerated among the Muslims of Tsarist Russia appears to. As a result of modernization, the declaration of will on the occupied identity was liberated, and the identity national reflex was reflected with a role undertaken by the intellectuals. This process has directed the society stuck in the identity pressure to the courage of identity with the perception created by the intellectuals. Among the intellectuals who were the flag bearers of the period,

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 99 THE PLACE OF HUSEYİNZADE ALI TURAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY AZERBAIJAN IDEA the thinker Ali Bey Hüseyinzade Turan, who had a great effort in the way of independence for the Turks who were trying to be de-identified in the region, was at the forefront of the nationalization process of the Turkic World that started in the 20th century. Ali Bey, who completed his life with many titles, was included in the Committee of Union and Progress and progressed his life by drawing a national route that encompassed the Turkic World. Of cour- se, the perception that Anatolia is a mihrab for the Turkic World is also valid for Ali Bey, in this context, it hasUnion and also filled the ranks ofProgress. Ali Bey is one of the first Turanists who directed Turkism to his life and determined his horizon as Turan. He was born in Salyan, Azerbaijan, lost his parents at an early age, and grew up in Tbilisi with his grandfather, a Caucasian sheikh. The ideas that will guide Ali brain life have been formed here. His love of Turkishness from his grandfather went to seek his natio- nal identity and he did his first education with his grandfather. During his high school education, he learned Russian, Arabic and Persian. He completed his secondary education in 1885 and went to Petersburg to pursue higher education. The awareness of Turkishness that Ali Bey had just met with his grandfather enabled him to attend the lessons of the Oriental Department as well as the Physics-Mathematics faculty lessons he entered here. Turkey is thinking about all the Turks Turkism homeland and arrived in Istanbul on behalf closely monitored. His ar- rival in Istanbul and his relationship with the Committee of Union and Progress were realized as a result of this journey and physical foundati- on. During the period when Ali Bey came to Istanbul, Russia's pressure on the Turks, which he occupied socially and politically, intensified. This situation further angered Ali Bey's national side and will, and inc- reased his work in this direction. He entered the Military Medicine and then wrote the Turan poem known as the first Turanian manifesto here and in this period. Ali Bey, who used his wrist for both pen and weapon

100 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Gülşen SAKA with the ongoing process, served on the front in the Turkish-Greek war of 1897. After the war, he transferred to as an associate professor Military Medicine. Since he was a member of the Committee of Union and Progress, he was searched by the police and went to Azerbai- jan. After Ali Bey went to Azerbaijan, Turkism activities intensified. He started to publish articles in Kaspi newspaper, which is the only Turkish newspaper in the region and is published in Russian in Baku. Although Kaspi is published in Russian, it is a national newspa- per. Since the identity printing of the period was effective on the lan- guage, the national perception was first tried to be given in a language that could be understood. With his article titled "Mektub-i Mahsus" in Baku, he explained that the Turkish communities shown as a different race with the name 'Tatar' are 'Turks'. In this articleYusuf Akçura's Th- ree Is also , a brief evaluation of Styles of Politics Made. Ali Bey advo- cates that Muslims and Turks should always love each other, and that they should live in unity and not fall into sectarian differences. In Yu- suf Akçura's statement, "Hüseyinzade Ali Bey is the first Turan among Muslim Turks." As he stated, Ali Bey has drawn a Turanian horizon for Turkism and exhibits a unitary will in this direction. The following lines serve as an example in this regard: "You are the people of Hungary, theour common origin of ancestors, Turan, we are in the religion, we are all Hakperestan, May it be possible to separate us from the Bible and the Quran. Ali BeyIsmail Gaspirali, who attributes him to Turanism Langu- age, formed the basis of Ziya Gökalp's idea of ''Turkification, Islami- zation, Islamization" with his thesis "Becoming Turkish, Islamizing, Europeanizing" after, "unity in idea, work".


This Thesis constitutes the cornerstone of Turkism in the Otto- man Empire, which reaches from typology to ideas. Ali Bey started to write articles with the signature of TURANI in 1892. He took the surname TURAN with the surname law; For the first time, the name TURAN gained official status and turned it into a surname. By 1910, Ali Bey left Azerbaijan and had to return to Istanbul. In 1926, he went to Baku for the last time for the Turcology Congress. Ali Bey also tried to clarify the concepts of 'People', 'Homeland', 'Ummah' and 'Nation', which were used abstractly by the intellectuals before him, and tried to interpret them in a certain scientific content. His: “I am a Turk, a Caucasian Turk, a Turkish Muslim, a Muslim per- son; So, I was born with these four titles, I have to live with these four titles. " The classification in the form is an indicator of this effort. (Sü- leymanlı, 2006: 88) The main factors in the formation of national identity such as spe- aking with mother tongue and writing in Azerbaijan were discussed du- ring the time of Tsarist Russia. Important names such as Ali Bey Hüse- yinzade, Ahmet Ağaoğlu, Hacı Zeynel Abidin and Hasan Bey Zerdabi are among those who struggle the greatest in the awareness of national identity. In the time of Tsarist Russia, many publications appeared in order to raise this awareness. The first newspaper published by Turks in Azerbaijan in their own language is Ekinci Newspaper. The newspaper was closed in 1877 and today it is celebrated as the National Press Day in Azerbaijan. Life Newspaper (1905-1906) was published with the headline "Daily, political, social, economic and literary". Life newspaper was published by Hacı Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. Its publishers are Ali Bey and Ahmet Ağaoğlu. It is one of the most impor-

102 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Gülşen SAKA tant publications published by Ali Bey. Its publication life lasted for 1 year and was published as a daily newspaper. The newspaper played an important role in recognizing the national identity of Turks and Mus- lims. National intellectuals of the period wrote in this newspaper. The main purpose of the newspaper is to create the awareness of Turkish- ness. The newspaper was published in Turkish and reached 365 issues in total. In this newspaper, his article titled “Which Sciences are Requ- ired for Us”, which is also important in terms of national identity, was published. Starting from the 4th issue of Hayat newspaper, "Who Are Turks and Who Are They?" has started to publish the series of articles named. This article of Ali Bey is one of the most important works in terms of its content and with the largest volume. The intellectuals of Hayat newspaper tried to instill the awareness of Turkishness and that not religion but the language spoken was more effective in forming national identity argued. Under the circumstances of that time, there's a way of life that tried to destroy the perception of old traditions that led to ignoran- ce and religion with publishers of Hayat newspaper who prevented the filling of superstitions and always defended the truth and articles with this awareness (Koç, 2018: 15). İrşad Gazette (1905-1908) was published by Ahmet Ağaoğlu.Ali Bey, Mithat Cevdet, Names such asAhmet Kemal are on the staff. The newspaper was“- Every daily, literary, political, scientific, economic and social is a Muslimin Turkish language published with the headline newspaper". “When we look at the general of the newspaper;national iden- tity, modernization, freedom, education problems, women's rights, the


Armenian issue,Russians Issues such as relations with the, and Iranian constitutional movements constitute the content of the newspaper. The- se issues dealt with in the newspaper shed light on today and maintain their importance today ”(Yıldırım, 2013: 152). İrşad newspaper handled the issues in a more literary style and differed from other media organs in this respect. The İrşad articles in the political, social, cultural, historical and literary life period are important for the. The topics covered in the newspaper today shed light on. The newspaper not only Azerbaijani Turks but Russia has an important pla- ce in the lives of also Turkish communities living in. Through İrşad, the problems of the Turks living here were expres- sed. Azerbaijan and Turkey have been published in Turkish in Turkish, it was used as a simple language. Füzuyat Magazine (1906-1907) After the closure of Hayat newspaper by the Russians,newspaper was published by Ali Bey Hüseyinzade and Hacı Zeynelabidin Tagıyev .Which started to be published as a weekly newspaper in Baku Füzuyat,,nation and na- tionalism in Azerbaijani Turks plays an important role in the emergence of. Magazine Azerbaijan - Turkey is a bridge between tasks. Füyûzat magazine was an anti-revolutionary Pan-Turkism, Pan- just like Hayat newspaper Islamic and cosmopolitan publication. Inmagazine, above and below every issue of the, there were articles making Islamic propagan- da, photos of 'holy places', Ottoman pashas, Ottoman writers and poets were published. Azerbaijani life was almost nonexistent. In the Life and editorial titledFüyûzat Tendency, the view of 'art for art' was realistic compared with literature (Garaşova: 8). Ali Bey, who adopted the concept of "art for art",this newspaper pioneered the national romanti-

104 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Gülşen SAKA cism movement in Azerbaijan with. The newspaper was published in Istanbul Turkish.written aga- inst Abdülhamit Upon an article, the newspaper wasby Tagıyev upon Abdülhamit's request closed. As a result;life devoted to Turan with a Turkic route Ali Bey Hüseyinzade who used hison the front and in the news- paper lines Turan,a torch for the Turks who were socially and politi- cally occupied became. The intellectual identity pouring the courage to display will has opened the doors of independence to Turkistan by. Against the Soviet regime, it had a great influence on the intellectual world of the Azerbaijani people. In 1940, he closed his eyes to this wor- ld. The first democratic state of the East form the ideological basis of the Azerbaijan People's Republic, name of Ali Bey Hüseyinzâde is cer- tainly the leading people who. Ali Bey has a great importance in 20th century Azerbaijani intellectual history. It has made a name for itself not only with the publications it publishes but also with all its activities. He played an active role in the establishment of Turkish Hearth and Turkish Dormitory the magazine. It is his testament to the Turkish nation, to whom he devoted his life, to cultivate generations, whose horizon is Turan, on the route that Hüseyinzade Ali Bey drew alongside and even at the forefront of the Turkist flag-bearers. With mercy and gratitude ... REFERENCES SÜLEYMANLI, Ebulfez (2006),Nationalization Process Azerbaijani Turks in the, Istanbul: Ötüken Publications KOÇ, Elif (2018),on Azerbaijani Press in the Tsarist Period A Study, Atatürk University Faculty of Letters Magazine, Issue: 60 YILDIRIM , İrfan Murat. (2013), ThePress MovementsAzerba- ijan


Beginning of in, International Journal of Turkish Literature Culture Education, Is- sue: 2 Garaşova, Sevil (2004), “XX. TheCentury Azerbaijani Intellec- tual History Place of Ali Bey Hüseyinzade in the 21st”. Selçuk University Turkish Journal ofStudies, 297-314.

106 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Hilal Güner GÜNDOĞDU


Hilal Güner GÜNDOĞDU

Bahtiyar Vahapzade, one of the greatest poets of our Turkish, was the voice of not only Azerbaijan but all Turks, a monument of charac- ter and freedom. Turkey and Azerbaijan brotherhood "A mother of two sons," Bakhtiar string of excavations in the memory Vahapza, always at the forefront of the Turkish concept of the survival of the national cons- ciousness in Azerbaijan has played a very important role in keeping. He has aroused great admiration in the whole Turkish world with his works he wrote with national feelings. Struggling for the Turkish world, Vahapzade has always taken it as a duty to keep the national identity and the Turkish concept ahead in his works. For example, in his poem “Men Türkem”; I do not know my wife, my generation, I am not Garışıq, my freedom from my solution. If you know who you are, you know your soul, I am Turk, son of a Turk from my first genius! art and culture who is proud of his Turkishness with his lines He appears before us as a man of,. Bahtiyar Vahapzade was born in Sheki in 1925, whose heart beats with the Turkish world and expresses his wish for all Turks to agree

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 107 LIFE AND LITERATURE SIDE OF BAHTİYAR VAHAPZADE. easily. Poet, "Homeland Native Nations and" his work in the "My Re- sume" section of his childhood Sheki is said: "Theall of Sheki mountains on four sides beached bonito, elm, linden are peanuts and forest. (...) Although my childhood was spent in forested mounta- ins, until today the mountain and forest have remained a secret for me. Because these forested mountains were the places of the fairy tales my grandmother and mother told. " (p.3) Bahtiyar Vahapzade was born at a time when the socialist system was trying to adopt itself by using all means. In these years, on the one hand, a very widespread ideological education and orientation, on the other hand, policies of pressure and intimidation were carried out (Buran, 2010). The Central Committee of the Communist Party adopted a decision on October 16, 1922, allowing opponents of the revolution to be arrested without trial and even shot; With this decision, a large number of people, especially intellectuals, religious leaders, opinion leaders and young people, were killed wit- hout question, without question or with false allegations. The Bolshe- viks, who promised to bring "Communist paradise", killed 50,000 pe- ople in Azerbaijan alone until the beginning of 1920 (Gasimov, 1999). Confronted with the harsh and brutal face of the Soviet administ- ration from an early age, Bahtiyar Vahapzade graduated from secon- dary school in Baku in 1942 and started the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University. In 1947, Vahapzade graduated from the university and started to graduate. He received the title of doctor of philology with the monograph on the life and creativity of the famous poet Samed Vurgun, which he completed in 1964. On the one hand, Vahapzade, who conducted scientific studies, also wrote literary works. His first poem the due to the Second World War were published in 1944, when extraordinary events took place inSoviet Union. (Buran, 2010)

108 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Hilal Güner GÜNDOĞDU

Vahapzade's first poem to be published, which has been interested in art and poetry since his early ages, is "Yaşıl Çemen, Ağaç Altı One Tundy Tea", which was very popular when published. Bahtiyar Vahapzade started literature in the 50's. These years, the Soviet regime II. It is the period of the breaking age after World War II. Vahapzade, who could not make his voice heard for a long time due to the conditions of the period when he started his art lifeAzerbaijan and therefore the, made his debut against the games played onTurkish nation with his poem "Gulistan". In the poem, where the disasters suf- fered by the Azerbaijani Turks divided into two, Iran and Russia, are expressed, there is anger over the tragedy in the fragmented lands. This poem, which aroused national feelings in 1962, branded Vahapzade as “nationalist” and was later dismissed from his university position (Ko- nur, 2018). Despite these negativities and the pressure of the Soviet regime, Vahapzade did not give up on the freedom struggle and smuggled many of his works on the troubles, troubles and disasters of the Azerbaijani people abroad and ensured the publication of these works. The Publi- cation of the works in the “My Biography” section of his work “Vatan Millet ve Anadili” explains the following: “I have published my verse story 'Gulistan' and many of my poems, which I wrote and kept during the Stalin period. My objection to the current dictatorial regime was not limited to these works alone. I often expressed my thoughts and feelings that gnaw my brain and bother me by going back to history or writing in the languages of other countries. " (p.16) Bahtiyar Vahapzade is a poet who took part in the "National Liberation" national liberati- on movement that started in the 1960s and wrote about Azerbaijan's freedom and freedom in his poems and works. As a linguist and poet who struggled to keep his native language pure and clean, he became a Turkmen great in the eyes of the public. The poet, who expressed his sorrow at the division of the Azerbaijani people divided into two parts

Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 109 LIFE AND LITERATURE SIDE OF BAHTİYAR VAHAPZADE. as Iran and the Soviet Union, was Azerbaijan National Freedom one the leaders of the movement. The freedom and longing for freedom of Azerbaijan and its people groaning in the claws of Russian and Persian imperialism are the main themes in their poems and writings. Vahapzade, better known for his poetry, also wrote poems, ar- ticles and theater works. For Vahapzade, poetry was not only texts in which emotions were expressed in an aesthetic form, but also a guiding tool in which ideas and philosophy were deeply processed. Since he is an artist who thinks with poetry, he often wrote poems as an article, review, critic (Buran, 2010). With his poems, plays, ar- ticles and speeches, Bahtiyar Vahapzadedefense of national conscious- ness, in the formation of the national army, in the struggle for national values, integrity, rights, justice, and freedom has always been ahead in the(Nerimanoğlu, 2011). Vahapzade worked as a scientist in various positions at the uni- versity from 1951 until his retirement in 1990. Due to his achievements as both poet and scientist, he was awarded various titles and awards. He was awarded the "Azerbaijan State Reward" in 1976, the "State Reward of the Soviet Union" in 1984, as well as the "Oktyabr Revolution", "Red Labor Flag" and the title of "Azerbaijani People's Poet". After the inde- pendence of Azerbaijan, he1995 for his services in the national struggle was awarded with the "Independence" medal in(Akpınar, 1999). Bahtiyar Vahapzade also took part in political life, in the Soviet period X. (1980-1985) and XI. Circuit (1985-1990) was a member of the Azerbaijan Parliament. After the independence of Azerbaijan, he was in the national parliament as a deputy until the end of his life (Ak- pınar, 1999). In his poems Bahtiyar Vahapzade, who wrote his works in order to awaken the public; He explained themes such as homeland, nation,

110 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Hilal Güner GÜNDOĞDU family, nature, language, longing for freedom with the strongest and deepest poems (Konur, 2018). When we look at Vahapzade's poems, the first theme that catches the eye is homeland loveVahapzade defines the love of homeland in many of his works as follows: “The love of home- land is the highest, the highest and the most sacred of human feelings” (Vahapzade, 1999). The mother tongue, which is considered as the individual and social place of existence, is a place that should not be abandoned by people who want to live and stay in the future. This space is like the eternity shield of the spirit of the nation with its abstract system and its concrete existence. No nation in this armor has joined the caravan of the notables of history. Having understood this very well, Vahapzade paid attention to the concept of mother tongue more than anything else and put emphasis on it despite all the pressures and adverse conditions (Buran, 2010). For the first time in aopener, we call it language-'mother tongue'. Our first classroom. Our first mahna, our mother will drink it with her own milk, in this language. This language - our soul, our equal, our soul, This language is our ehdi-peyman with each other. This language - that has introduced us to everything in this world. This language - is the our ancestors most precious heritage of, our eyes are only Qoruyub, and we give gifts to generations. The unity of form and meaning of his poems is the main feature of his poetics. During these years of heavy struggle, the pen of the poet became clearer in terms of literary-aesthetics and became more beau- tiful in terms of art. His lyrics started to express more subtle feelings and enriched Azerbaijani philosophical poetry. Bahtiyar Vahapzade is a master of words and style without repetition.


According to Kamil Veli Nerimanoğlu (2011): “The Bahtiyar Va- hapzade school of our Turkish, Dede Korkut, Yunus Emre, isgrows in the land of Fuzulî, a flower which is not only beautiful, delicacy, unique fragrance, but also unfairness, struggle, freedom, independence, it is the symbol of national identity. This school, which takes strength and power from Mehmet Akif, Sabir, Yurdakul, Yahya Kemal, Tevfik Fikret, and Cavit, has its own colors, embroidery, voice and aesthetics. It is no coinciden- ce that in every poem of Bahtiyar Vahapzade we read, we see him; We hear his own voice and intonation, we feel his heart palpitations. " In all these poems, Bahtiyar Vahapzade is of the opinion that in- dividuals and societies should have an identity around the values that come from their history, geography, beliefs and traditions. He argues that identity cannot be bespoke, it does not have to be as others en- vision it. It is possible to evaluate Vahapzade's art, especially his un- derstanding of poetry, as the reflections of the national identity and in- dependence struggles in Azerbaijan for centuries. As a matter of fact, the poet's words in his poem titled “Tezadlar”, in reference to the doc- tor friend Canvansır: “The corporeal pains of you physicians, and the Me'nevi pains are quite meaningful. His responsibility as an artist, first towards humanity and then towards his own people, is among the most important factors that shape his art (Türkmen, 2009). Despite the pressures he has faced, Bahtiyar Vahapzade does not cease to express social and political events, injustices and immoralities in society in a veiled or indirect manner in many of his poems. Chan- ging time and ground, as is often seen in oppressive regimes, it provi- des a great success in delivering what they really want to say, what is in their heart, to the public. As a matter of fact, the fact that the poetry books were published in a short time in the 1970-1980s despite the high circulation, shows that it provided the trust and appreciation of the pe- ople (Akpınar, 1999).

112 Ülkü Ocakları • October 2020 Hilal Güner GÜNDOĞDU

The light emitted by Bahtiyar Vahapzade, who has served the Turkish nation with about 40 poetry books, plays and scientific works he wrote in national feelings and thoughts in his 70 years of art life, has played an important role in keeping the national consciousness alive in the Azerbaijani lands that have been the scene of the struggle for inde- pendence for centuries (Turkmen , 2009). This kindness shown to him by the people is one of the biggest indicators of how much he can integrate with his people and how much he can translate to their feelings and thoughts. Vahapzade, one of the greatest names in Turkish Literature, is an artist who devoted his life to his nation and the freedom of his nation. When Bahtiyar Vahapzade passed away on February 13, 2009, he left many works behind and name inas a person whose heart beats with the Turkish world engraved in his literature. Bahtiyar Vahapzade is an ir- replaceable great poet, an ideal man who loves the Turkish world. Azerbaijan and Turkey Turkishness fuses together the world showing the way to the Turks a century, will live forever in our personality wise we have pride in their presence today. REFERENCES. Akpinar, Y. (1999). Vahabzade, Bahtiyar. Turkish Language and Literature Encyclopedia, 8. Buran, A. (2010). An Anti-Homosovyetikus: Bahtiyar Vahapza- de. Erdem, (57), 9-19. Gasimov, Jalal (1999), Yaddasın Berpa, Baku. Konur, E. (2018). Homeland Nation and Mother Tongue Poet Va- habzade. Literary Yâd and Art Academy ESA E MAGAZINE, 2 (5), 39-45.


Nerimanoğlu, KV (2011). Bahtiyar Page of Turkish Poetry. Tur- kish WorldLanguage and Literature Journal of, (31), 147-151. Turkmen, F. (2009). Bahtiyar Vahabzade (1925-2009). Journal of Turkish World Studies, 9 (1), 173-176. Vahabzade, B. (2000), Homeland Nation Mother Tongue. Anka- ra: Atatürk Cultural Center Publications

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