Baldy Mesa OHV Trails and Staging Area Prepared By
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BOTANY REPORT BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT/BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION and INVASIVE WEED RISK ASSESSMENT for Baldy Mesa OHV Trails and Staging Area Front Country Ranger District, San Bernardino National Forest Prepared by: _Debra Nelson__________ __08/15/2013_______ Debra Nelson, District Botanist Date Page 1 SUMMARY This report addresses the potential effects of the proposed actions of the Baldy Mesa OHV Trails Project on Threatened, Endangered, Sensitive, Watch list plant species that are known or likely to occur in the project area and general vegetation. It also serves as the Invasive Weed Risk Assessment. The project area is located in the Cajon Pass and Baldy Mesa area of the San Bernardino National Forest (Forest) on the Front Country Ranger District (District), north of California Highway 138, and near Interstate Highway 15 where it crosses the summit of Cajon Pass. The legal description for the project area is Township 3 North, Range 6 West, Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 23. Baldy Mesa is the District’s “hot spot” for Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use (Figure 1). Baldy Mesa is very popular for OHV use due to its isolation, terrain, and historic use. OHV use on Baldy Mesa includes four wheeled vehicle, quad, and dirt-bike use on 14.84 miles of National Forest System (NFS) roads 3N21 and 3N24.(Figure 1). A Travel Analysis Process (TAP) was completed for the Cajon Place of the San Bernardino National Forest, which includes the project area. The TAP analyzed the capacity of the existing road and motorized trail system and helps to identify some of the associated issues. From the TAP, recommendations were made based on the risks and benefits in the area. This process helped to inform the recreational use and management capability needs for this project. Federally-Listed Species and Critical Habitat: No currently-listed threatened or endangered plant species are known to occur within in the project area. There is also no designated Critical Habitat for plants within the project area or Modeled Habitat for any Federally listed plant species within the project boundary. Determination of effects: This is no known mapped modeled or occupied habitat within the project area, therefore no adverse effects are expected for T/E species and Section 7 Endangered Species Act consultation with the US Fish & Wildlife Service is not required. Forest Service Sensitive Species: The following Forest Service Sensitive species are known from within the Project Area: Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada Many occurrences of this species were found within the project area and adjacent. areas. Determination of effects: It is my determination that due to design criteria included in the proposed action, the implementation of the proposed action may affect individuals, but is not likely to result in a trend toward Federal listing or loss of viability for Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada (Table 1), or any other FS Sensitive plant species that may occur in the project area undetected. Page 2 SBNF Watch List Species: There are no known records and surveys conducted found no Forest Service Watch list plant species in the project area. No threat to the viability of any of the SBNF Watch list plants is expected from the proposed project. Summary of Determinations: Table 1 provides a summary of special status species known to occur in or adjacent to the project area or those with a high probability of occurrence. Table 3 and 4 of this document display all of the FS Watch list and Sensitive species considered in this evaluation. Management Indicator Species: No SBNF Management Indicator vascular plant species are known from the Project Area. Table 1. Summary of Effects Determinations for TESW Species Common Name Occurrence Information1 Determinations 2 Threatened & Endangered Plants None Forest Service Sensitive Plants Astragalus bernardinus P MAI Canbya candida P MAI Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi P MAI Chorizanthe xanti var. leucotheca P MAI Dienandra mohavensis P MAI Opuntia basilaris var. brachyclada Y MAI Orobanche valida supsp. valida P MAI Saltugilia latimeri P MAI SBNF Watch list Plants Calochortus plummerae P NA SBNF MIS Plants None 1Occurrence Codes: MH = Modeled habitat exists Y = Species is known to occur. P = Occurrence of the species is possible; suitable habitat exists and it is within the distribution of the species. H = Historic record. 2Determination Codes: NA = No affect expected NLAA = not likely to adversely affect for T/E species; MAI = may affect individuals but not likely to lead to a trend to Federal listing for Sensitive species. n/a =Not Applicable. Determinations are not made for Watch species – this is simply documentation of an occurrence. Page 3 TABLE of CONTENTS SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 2 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF FIGURES AND PHOTOS ................................................................................................. 5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED................................................................................... 6 PART I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 7 I-1 METHODS ...........................................................................................................................7 I-2 CURRENT MANAGEMENT DIRECTION ...................................................................................9 LMP “Place” Designations .............................................................................................................. 9 Special Area Designations ............................................................................................................ 10 LMP Land Use Zones ..................................................................................................................... 10 SBNF LMP Direction ...................................................................................................................... 10 National Goals .............................................................................................................................. 11 Compliance with Management Direction and Regulations .......................................................... 11 I-3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION ........................................................................... 11 I-3.1 Proposed Action ................................................................................................................... 11 I-3.2 Proposed Action –Design Criteria ........................................................................................ 12 I-4 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE .................................................................................................. 21 PART II: BOTANY REPORT........................................................................................................ 21 II-1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 21 II-2 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT – GENERAL ................................................................................ 21 II-2.1 Existing Environment - Vegetation ...................................................................................... 21 II-3 EFFECTS OF PROPOSED ACTION – GENERAL ....................................................................... 26 II-3.1 Levels of Impact Analyses ................................................................................................... 26 II-3.2 Impacts of Proposed Action – Plants................................................................................... 29 II-4 Impacts of No Action ........................................................................................................ 31 II-5 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS – SBNF WATCH LIST PLANTs .............. 32 II-5.1 Existing Environment and Potential Impacts to SBNF Watch list Plants – Proposed Action ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 II-5.2 SBNF Watch list Plants – No Action ..................................................................................... 34 PART III: BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF IMPACTS TO FOREST SERVICE SENSITIVE SPECIES .... 37 III-1 SENSITIVE PLANT SPECIES BASELINE CONDITIONS AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS .................... 37 III-1.1 Sensitive Plants – Baseline Conditions and Potential Impacts of Proposed Action ........... 37 III-1.2 Sensitive Plants – Potential Impacts of No Action ............................................................. 44 III-2 SUMMARY OF DETERMINATION OF EFFECTS –FS SENSITIVE PLANTS ................................. 44 PART IV: BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS TO THREATENED, ENDANGERED, PROPOSED, AND CANDIDATE SPECIES .................................................................................... 49 IV-1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 49 IV-2 CONSULTATIONS AND CONFERENCES TO DATE ................................................................ 49 IV-3 BASELINE CONDITIONS AND POTENTIAL EFFECTS FOR T/E SPECIES ................................... 50 IV-3.1 Baseline Conditions for T/E Plants and Potential Effects