AAMES Newsletter Vol. 2
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AAMES Newsletter AAMESNovember 2004 p a g e 1 NEWSLETTER A biannual publication of the Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section of ACRL/ALA November 2004 ISSN 1548-4343 Vol. 2, No.1 Message from the From the Editor Vice-Chair This has been a great year for AAMES executive committee is grate- The next two years will be critical for AAMES as we made history when ful to its outgoing Chair, Dr. R. N. AAMES. Terms for a number commit- Kay Raseroka, President of the In- Sharma, for his excellent contribu- tee leadership positions will be expir- ternational Federation of Library tion, leadership and encouragement ing; meanwhile active new member- Association (IFLA) and University provided during his term as Chair ship is down. I realize that everyone Librarian of the University of Bo- and Vice-Chair. During his tenure, is busy with other commitments, but tswana, Africa, was invited to speak there was a marked increase in the if AAMES is to thrive, members must at the annual meeting of ACRL’s AAMES membership, a newsletter volunteer their time. It is a simple fact, Asian, African and Middle Eastern was started, AAMES brochure was but difficult to manifest. If you are on Section (AAMES) in Orlando on released, and various programs/ac- a tenure, track I urge you to volunteer June 25, 2004. In the history of the tivities were initiated. Let us continue for AAMES committees. Professional American Library Association as the tradition to work cooperatively for involvement is important in a tenure well as ACRL, it was the first time the betterment and prestige of our dossier and AAMES is a great place to that a standing President of IFLA section. I shall appreciate and en- start small within a large organization addressed its membership at the courage our membership to forward like ACRL. I myself have gone from Annual conference at the AAMES me their contributions in the form of committee member, to webmaster, platform. Dr. Mohammed Aman of news, writ-up, and ideas for the next to Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. I’ve met the University of Wisconsin-Milwau- issue of our popular newsletter. so many wonderful people within kee, Professor Ching-Chih Chen of AAMES and ACRL. I’ve expanded the Graduate School of Library and Hope to see you all at the ALA Mid- my collection development knowledge, Information Science, Simmons Col- winter Meeting in January 2005 at met foreign language cataloguing lege, and Professor James Natsis of Boston, MA. experts, and begun to understand the the West Virginia State University difficulties facing Asian, African, and also delivered lectures on “Impact of Rajwant Chilana Middle-Eastern librarians. Technology on Library Collections Chair Publication Committee and Services in Asia, Africa, and and Editor, AAMES Newsletter Next year I want to poll our mem- Middle East.” [email protected] bers to see what types of goods and services they would like to see from AAMES. In order to do that we’ll AAMES New Chair, Contents need more active members, so please Vice-Chair, and Secretary consider volunteering today. We have an online form at http://www. Dr. Majed Kahader, Chair Message from Vice-Chair .......................1 ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl/acrlsec- Marshall University Libraries From the editor .......................................1 tions/aames/aamescommittee.htm Email: [email protected] or you can e-mail me directly at Term Expires: 06/30/2006 AAMES Program ....................................2 [email protected]. Consider dropping Committee Reports ..................................3 by the AAMES All-Committee meet- Cynthia Tysick, ing at ALA Midwinter to learn more Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Workshop Report .....................................5 about ways you can get involved. University at Buffalo Email: [email protected] Forthcoming conferences .......................5 Thank you, Term Expires: 06/30/2006 ACRL News .............................................6 Cynthia Tysick Vice-Chair/Chair-elect Doris J. Seely, Secretary Get involved .............................................7 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] p a g e 2 November 2004 AAMES Newsletter cal resources, including examples of two Asian countries, China and India, and their rich cultures. Chen emphasized that the time has ar- rived to share the information with others through technology rather than store it in the library in this digital age. Aman presented a paper on the “In- formation Technology and Library Systems in the Arab World.” In his view, the change in the troubled region has been rather slow due to a number of socio-economic, politi- cal, and technical factors. Aman also briefed the delegates on the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt and the progress this library has Anjana Bhatt, Professor Ching-Chih Chen, Dr. R.N. Sharma, made. Kay Raseroka-President (IFLA), Professor James Natsis, and Dr. Mohammed Aman Natsis spoke about a very successful AAMES Program at Technology (ICT) on Academic Li- partnership between the French- Orlando braries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with speaking National University of IFLA President at the AAMES/ Specific Reference to Botswana.” Benin (NUB) in West Africa, and ACRL Program-–A Report She gave an overview of ICT and the Drain-Jordan Library of West AAMES makes history (contrib- its application during the last 30 Virginia State University (WVSU). uted by Dr. R.N. Sharma, in the years and shared her concerns about He mentioned that despite the cul- C&RL News, September 2004, Vol. library budgets and their impact on tural and language barriers between 65, No. 8, pp. 431-32) libraries in Africa. the two nations, WVSU was able to help NUB introduce technology in History was made in Orlando, Other speakers who shared the stage the library and train their librarians when Kay Raseroka, President of were Mohammed Aman (University during their three-year partnership. the International Federation of Li- of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Ching- It was made possible with the help brary Association and Institutions Chih Chen (Graduate School of of a grant from the United Negro (IFLA), spoke at the meeting of Library and Information Science, College Fund and the United States ACRL’s Asian, African and Middle Simmons College), and James Natsis Agency for International Develop- Eastern Section (AAMES). It was (West Virginia State University). ment. the first time in the history of the ACRL that a standing IFLA Presi- Chen, presented an dent addressed its membership at overview of her proj- an ALA conference. It was certainly ect, “Global Memory a rare and a golden opportunity Net,” an internation- for conference delegates to hear al project supported the views of IFLA’s President and by the U.S. National other distinguished and interna- Science Foundation’s tionally recognized speakers. The International Digital theme of the meeting was “Impact Library Program. She of Technology on Library Collections discussed the poten- and Services in Asia, Africa, and tials and challenges Middle East.” of developing a portal to include valuable Raseroka (University of Botswana, images and videos of Africa) presented a paper on the “Im- the world’s cultures, Dr. R.N. Sharma, Chair-AAMES, Kay Raseroka-President (IFLA), pact of Information Communications heritage and histori- and Dr. Rajwant Chilana-Editor-AAMES Newsletter. AAMES Newsletter November 2004 p a g e 3 Committee Reports Bibliographer for Southern Asia 2) Integrating Resources Cataloging on “Maintaining South Asian Workshop on Tuesday, March 29, Anjana Bhatt, Chair - Program cultural patrimony with preser- 2005 (all day) at the University of Planning Committee, reported that vation surrogates in Chicago”. Chicago. Each of these two SCCTP AAMES is co-sponsoring a program workshops is independent of each oth- next year with the Rare Book and Asian Studies er; and those interested and eligible Manuscripts Section on “Collecting may wish to take either one or both World Cultures: African, Asian, CONSALD News - The Committee of these two workshops. The registra- Caribbean, and Native American on South Asian Libraries and Docu- tion fee payable to the Association for Cultural Materials in Chicago Insti- mentation (CONSALD) held their Asian Studies is $80 for the Electronic tutions”. This event will be held on meeting on October 14, 2004 at the Serials Cataloging Workshop, $85 for June 26, 2005 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm University of Wisconsin, Madison the Integrating Resources Cataloging at Chicago. to discuss several issues relating to Workshop, and $165 for attending library services. Wayne Hayes made both workshops. Those interested cur- Outline of the program- a presentation about PAIR- Portal to rent CEAL members in good standing Chicago institutions have amassed Asian Internet Resources- that offers (for CEAL membership information, extensive collections of culturally scholars, students and public more please see: http://www.sois.uwm.edu/ diverse collections representing than six thousand professionally jeong/ceal/CEALjealsubnpersonal. world cultures, including those from selected, cataloged and annotated on- htm) are welcome to fill out an on- the New World (Native American, line resources. Jerry Hall presented line registration form found at URL: Caribbean), Africa, and the Middle information about various activities http://www.library.yale.edu/easta- East. Librarians and professors from of the Digital South Asia Library sian/ksuzuki/05CEALCatWorkshop/ Northwestern University, Newberry (DSAL) project, and discussed the Registration.html#RForm Library, and University of Illinois at progress of digitization of language Chicago will discuss challenges in dictionaries. Information about CALA News - The Chinese American dealing with ethics and management the South Asian Union Catalogue Librarians Association (CALA) Men- of the collections, including possible (SAUC) was presented by Jim Nye torship Committee invites interested cultural appropriation, multifaceted of the University of Chicago. David librarians/students to participate use by native communities, and Magier of the Columbia University in the CALA Mentorship Program. challenges presented by linguistic stressed the need to have more South The program matches you with an diversity.