Uta von Ballenstedt: Naumburg &DWKHGUDO¶V0RVW Famous Statue of a Benefactor

The west choir of houses one of the artistic high points of medieval sculptural programs. Created in the mid 13th century by the workshop of the Naumburg Mas- ter, the cycle of benefactors is one of the best known works of early German Gothic art. Twelve life-sized stone figures monumentally memorialize eight high noblemen and four high noblewomen.

To this day, the cycle raises many questions with regard to its meaning and above all the deci- pherment of its rich symbolism. The twelve life-sized statues of benefactors display a realism and individual expressiveness unparalleled in that day. Their early Gothic ³Uealism´ and prominent presentation of laypersons in the west sanctuary make the Naumburg Master¶s sculptures singular in 13th century European art.

Above all, the statue of the benefactor Uta casts its spell on thousands of visitors every year. Majestically aristocratic and aloofly distant ± a female figure full of mystique. Her form and dis- tinctive facial features epitomized the image of the medieval noblewoman for generations. Many considered her ± and continue to consider her ± the most beautiful woman of the Ger- man Middle Ages.

Not much is known about Uta von Ballenstedt who was born around 1000. She was the daugh- ter of a Count of Ballenstedt and one of the forebears of the later Ascanian dynasty. Through her marriage with Ekkehard II, she became Margravine of Meissen and was included as such in the ensemble of benefactors in Naumburg. Her gravesite was located before the cross altar in Naumburg¶s first cathedral. Her portrait produced around the mid 13th century already inspired a multifaceted cult in the 19th century, which remains undiminished to this day. Depictions of her can be found in innumerable publications on art history, in paintings and on postcards.

One of her greatest admirers is the Italian historian and author Umberto Eco who further me- morialized her in his History of Beauty by setting her above all other female figures in the histo- ry of art: ³If you were to ask me with which woman in the history of art I would like to dine and spend the evening, Uta von Naumburg would be first.´

Pressemitteilung vom 20.02.2009