Michael Alan Anderson
MICHAEL ALAN ANDERSON manderson@esm.rochester.edu ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester o Assistant Professor of Musicology (Fall 2008 - ) EDUCATION University of Chicago, Ph.D., History and Theory of Music (2008) o Dissertation: “Symbols of Saints: Theology, Ritual and Kinship in Music for John the Baptist and St. Anne (1175-1563)” University of Chicago, M.A., History and Theory of Music (2004) PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS “Root, Branch, and Flower: Lineage and Fecundity in the Versified Offices for St. Anne,” in Humanity and the Natural World, ed. David Hawkes and Richard Newhauser, Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Brepols, 2012), forthcoming. “‘His Name Will Be Called John’: Reception and Symbolism in Obrecht’s Missa de Sancto Johanne Baptista,” Early Music (2011): 547-61. “Fire, Foliage, and Fury: Vestiges of Midsummer Ritual in Motets for John the Baptist,” Early Music History 30 (2011): 1-54. “Enhancing the Ave Maria in the Ars Antiqua,” Plainsong and Medieval Music 19 (2010): 35-65. “The Organization and Complexes of the Q 15 Hymn Cycle.” Studi musicali 35 (2006): 327-62. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Review of Christopher Page, The Christian West and its Singers: The First Thousand Years. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009, in American Choral Review 53 (2011): 9-11. Editor, “Observations on the Music of Obadiah the Proselyte, with Special Attention to the Problem of Clef Identification,” by Royal MacDonald [deceased], in Giovanni-Ovadiah da Oppido: proselito, viaggiatore e musicista dell’età normanna. Acts of the International Convention Oppido Lucano, 28-30 March, 2004, ed. Antonio De Rosa and Mauro Perani (Florence: La Giuntina, 2005), 197-205.
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