Wes Hildreth
Transcription: Grand Canyon Historical Society Interviewee: Wes Hildreth (WH), Jack Fulton (JF), Nancy Brown (NB), Diane Fulton (DF), Judy Fierstein (JYF), Gail Mahood (GM), Roger Brown (NB), Unknown (U?) Interviewer: Tom Martin (TM) Subject: With Nancy providing logistical support, Wes and Jack recount their thru-hike from Supai to the Hopi Salt Trail in 1968. Date of Interview: July 30, 2016 Method of Interview: At the home of Nancy and Roger Brown Transcriber: Anonymous Date of Transcription: March 9, 2020 Transcription Reviewers: Sue Priest, Tom Martin Keys: Grand Canyon thru-hike, Park Service, Edward Abbey, Apache Point route, Colin Fletcher, Harvey Butchart, Royal Arch, Jim Bailey TM: Today is July 30th, 2016. We're at the home of Nancy and Roger Brown in Livermore, California. This is an oral history interview, part of the Grand Canyon Historical Society Oral History Program. My name is Tom Martin. In the living room here, in this wonderful house on a hill that Roger and Nancy have, are Wes Hildreth and Gail Mahood, Jack and Diane Fulton, Judy Fierstein. I think what we'll do is we'll start with Nancy, we'll go around the room. If you can state your name, spell it out for me, and we'll just run around the room. NB: I'm Nancy Brown. RB: Yeah. Roger Brown. JF: Jack Fulton. WH: Wes Hildreth. GM: Gail Mahood. DF: Diane Fulton. JYF: Judy Fierstein. TM: Thank you. This interview is fascinating for a couple different things for the people in this room in that Nancy assisted Wes and Jack on a hike in Grand Canyon in 1968 from Supai to the Little Colorado River.
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