1384' THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 39 In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Rogers, Hugh Arthur, 87 Clinkard Avenue, Rotorua, NOTICE is hereby given that dividends are payable at my workman. B. 64/74. office on all proved claims in the under-mentioned estate: Rowley, Henry Byers, 7 Pukeko Street, Rotorua, con crete worker. B. 62/76. Paaka Joe Teoti, formerly of 30 Chesney Court, Inver Sale, Graham John, 18 Brents Road, Rotorua, builder. cargill, labourer, now of 254 Crinan Street, Invercargill, B. 12/75. first and final dividend of I 00 cents in the dollar. Sale, William Hall, 18 Brents Road, Rotorua, builder. W. E. OSMAND, Official Assignee. B. 29/74. Saunders, Barry Francis, 753 Main Road, Mount Maun Supreme Court, Invercargill. ganui, dredgehand. B. 37 /75. Snowden, William, 61 Bellingham Crescent, Rotorua, millhand. B. 4/75. IN BANKRUPTCY-IN THE SUPREME COURT AT Tapu, Kenneth Daniel, 18 Seymour Place, Tauranga, ROTORUA driver. B. 25 /74. Te Torno, Leonard Robert Puhanga, 61 Wallace Crescent, NOTICE is hereby given that statements of accounts in respect Rotorua, unemployed commercial cleaner. B. 60/75. of the under-mentioned estates together with the report of the Thomas, William Halsey, 121 Oregon Drive, Murupara, Audit Office thereon, have been duly filed in the above bush supervisor. B. 19/74. Court; and I hereby further give notice that at the sitting of the Court, to be held on Friday, the 19th day of May 1978, Dated at Hamilton, this 3rd day of May 1978. I intend to apply for an order releasing me from the admin A.
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